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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1905)
GRArS 269-271 f.IO.IRlSON lt,- t :X li Morning at Nine ; d'Clock r;y" . t. t . ... 1 , It is our purpose vto entirely close out; all Spring and Summer Clothing; regular Three-piece Suits and : the Two-piece Outing Suits no old' stock. ; Everything, as you know, is new of the present season's production. No reserve in Fancy Suits,' Also includes Blue Serges, all of the famous Chesterfield' (Clothes of which WE GUARANTEE FRONT OF COAT TO 3 RETAIN ' SHAPE 1 f :'- l:..;'S; .V ...''.!' Sale: on Men's Fine Underwear Sale oh Men's f ine Suits ALL $12.50 SUITS, ' p gQ ALL $15.00 SUITS C fli i C ALL' 20.00: SUITS," t- AA t sale.,,. 4 1 Sale on Hen Trousers All of the finest makes and chpicest terns-no reserve stock : All,$ioo Values..',.-'., ALL J $4.50 VALUES I ' v A3 pA ...,...V.. w;i ........ 4'U r : at Cottons, Llsles and Silks all go at the following price reductions : ." $2.00 VALUES PA at, Suit.'. ...-. . . .... ... ... . $1 OU : $2.50 VALUES " A ' $3.00 VALUES It f ,. s - . ' i at, Suir:.. .0 ; r ALL $5.00 VALUES ,$4.0Q VALUES - .- ,3 Aft at. Suit................... 4)t)UU $5.00 VALUES " AA i at, uit . . : ........ $4.UU $6.50 VALUES 'at. Suit $12.50 SILK a.Suit.'.,, X $5.00 VALUES ."dji AA ALL $8.00 VALUES C CA lues " S4 75 " i ..;??.y..V.;....i.;. $550. $18.00 SILK ) 5 CA - ALL $10.00 VALUES ; --M . .y at, Suit..,j .,..ii........)IOUU ; j. ' at ........ . , i ....... . O ... ... Salew HeiiliM Shirts Finest made Madras, Percales, Linens , and Silks, all go at the following great reductions: -' , :y 'Y"'"-'- - :$2.50 QRADESrTf QA; $3.00 QRADES - " . . 2 $3.50 GRADES ' y $2 65 $100 GRADES 7 - $Vhn .-;...', .i .......... . P( V ' v. y- -v Villoy J : 'f' 1 , .. . ''v-.'v ' v.y-.y yyy--. . ;.; yv: 4,-v'i - Come arid take advantage of a great opportunity to buy the 1 finest .Ready-forbear Apparel at a very low price, r No prices- liiiiicu up, au , nicy xixay uc uuwu wic umc. xxua is uic bturc ixiat- aocs- wnai IwravcrilseSraiWaVS ; GRAYTS- 269-271 MORRISON - K GRAVS 269-271 MORRISON . ... .. 1 mes oral to j BIGGEST SHIPS 'Channel From Portland to Sa . Maver Befora in Betttr Shap f. 'y'..' '"" Than Now. ' :: . y ' ' " . ' ' yy ' ; 'SOUNDINGS MADE ON BARS ' FROM HERE TO ASTORIA :;XredW Wffl Cohtinut. In ; WU- Umette and Columbia, Until Low , Water SUgt Civet Mora Depth Than Did High Water. : r.' With a JltUe drlclna the WUUm .tu arxl Columbia river will have l -channel St tttt deep at the low . wafer atag from Portland to the eea. The jrlvcr la In better condition thle aeeeon FAIR BULLETIN Nor 42 T ! July 28. 1905 vV- Aaeoelated rraternltle . North "acl no Regatta Tennle Santa , Barbara, Ban Lula Ob ftp. ' Yen-, tura and Paao Roblea. Pay.. , Our Chronographs yy''vand' Split Second Watches . re aelerted to meet . accurate time requtreoienta, and admlrere ef the racea will 4a well to ln apect them. , The loweet price pravalliag. ryi--- " t " -i , '' '? ' t - r " . . k. Ae&CeFcIdchhcfcer ComerTmrd and Weehlncton tta. i JWBtER. BILVERSMITHS.T DIAUONEX IMPORTERS. ' than ever before. . Heretofore the hlah eat etac haa been but 14 feet Bo spoke Captain Patt'eraon, a' river pilot, who. In 'Company with Captaina' Bailey,' Pease. Snow ind Emken, 're turned thla nornln; from a sounding expedition. , Surveys were made, on all hare between here anu Astoria. Next week, or Just, ae soon as they get an opportunity.' sounding will he made ef the bey from Astoria to - the bar. The atamr Wenona belonging to the Port of Portland wae uaed by th pi lot from which to conduct operations. "It . will not be neceaaary to do one third of the dredging tble aeason at the eeveral bars that had to be done la at year." continued the captain. have taken veeeel laden with freight through the bay neer the mouth of the river on a draft of tt feet, and so It Is evident that much work will not have te be done in that locality. A copy of the United States engineers' map wae received yesterday, which shows a very encouraging eondlton of affairs at the bar. From the data we .have secured and that given out by the government representatives it can safely be stated that the ship channel from Portland to the sea ie In far better ahap than ever before." ' Tomorrow the United State engineer will take the dredge Columbia down to WUlow bar and place her In operation. At the eballnweat point there, the chan nel la St feet deep and in two or three dare It will be given a depth of Zi feet. From that point the areata wui . oe moved to Henrlcl' bar to remove the aand and gravel which accumulated iiurin tha hlah water season. It la ex. Dlalned that this will be a small taaa. The dredce wlU be kept In commission et the other shoal placee until the river has a uniform depth of ZB feet. .., The enarlneers have also closed a con tract with the Port of PortUn for the usa of the dredae Portland ror opera tion between Vancouver and tha mouth of the Willamette river. .... She will be put to work the first of the month, and It Is said that atretch of water '.will alao he In good shape to accommodate tne largeat freighters; . ,.; TELEGRAPH SOON DUE. ' Steamer from Soaaa WtU e Kara Vest i week to Take a aUvet- Baa. v Cactatn V. B. Scott owner of the ateamer Talearaoh. has made arrange ments to dock his vessel at the foot of Oak street When contracting for the dock yeaterdey the captain stated that ha would have his atoemer hera rrora the eound the early part of next week, hut did not Impart the Information as to what route he had eeiectea for her. It la generally supposed that she will be placed In commiaslon as an excursion boat between Portland and Astoria. Preparation are atlU under way to get the steamer Telephone ready, to go. out on a local run, hut Just when she will make the first trip Is conjectural. It la aald that aha make the trial trip Jn a day or .two.- . , s ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Freight which was bedlf damaged In railroad wreck near Umatilla few day ago la being plaoed In the Alaska dock today. David B. Ogdeit asslatant United Bute engineer, ha returned from a trip ta Independence,,, where he in spected the government work and found everything to hi satisfaction. Ugntnouse tenaer , columbine is up from Astoria for a cargo of supplies for the depot at the mouth of the river. Captain Bdwerd and Fuller' are at Aetoria inspecting tne . steamer Netf- corta. ; . -v , , - ., - , schooaar ASaa A. -rsaenad - (ha Ha waiian Islands on Tuesday "from PorU land, with lumber.- Bark Star of Bengal sailed from San Francisco this morning for Portland. She Is tandar charter' to load lumber at the Portland mill for tha Bay City. BIDS. IN ON CANAL Smith ft ?eae Offer lowest BsUmate ea run satioa or oeiu worn. Smith at Jonea 'submitted the lowest bid, l4T,41, for the contract of doing the nret stretch of work on the gov ernment canal at Celllo. ' Joseph Paquet cams next with-a bid of tl.7l,H4 and ths Paclfle Construction company third with a propoaal of $1,117,177. There were 10 bide received and the amounta of them were footed up 'thla morning by the United Statee engineers' depart raent Tha proposals have been for warded to Washington and the chntraet will probably be awatded In a few days. Three designs known as A,"C and rubble wars drawn up on which tha contractor submitted the following figures: Inter national Contract company, 1411,111 and I447.I74.d0; no bid on the rubble design John . Klernan. Ittl.170. Ull.il7.IO and 1117.147.10; Burred Construction com pany. l4I.TtS, $1f.lSI and 1771.111 Joseph Paquet 1117.411. 1I41I4I and im.M; John Sweeney !371.7tfb 1408. and 140l.(; Robert Wakefield, 1361,- 0, 1341.1(6, no bid on rubble design Prendergaat A Clarkaon, 1361.(20, 1311,- 105 and 1164. lit; Smith Ac Jonea, $17. 104.10. 11(4.2(1.70 and 1161.151 70: Pa efflo Conatructton company, 31(7,6(7.60. 1147.(06 and 1441.106; Puget Bound Bridge - V-redg1nr "company 1141,140, yi,S8 ana no bid on rubbi design. , , MARINE" NOTES. " Astoria,' July 17. Arrived at 7 and left up at 10 a. m., steamer Roanoke. from Port ioe Angeles and coaat porta Arrived at 7:20 and left up at (:46 a m., steamer Newport from roast ports. Ban Francisco. July 17. Balled at m., steamer Aberdeen, from Portland. Balled at ( a. m.. American bark SUn of Bengal, for Portland. Sailed at 4 laat night steamer George Loomls, for Port' land. Arrived last night schooner Se quoia, from Columbia river. Makaweil. July 16. Arrived, schooner Allen A from Portland. Astoria, July 27. Condition of the bar at a. m., smooth: wind, south; weather. .cloudy, 1 . , - ' " .... u mw a ,v v. wm Steamer Alllanoe from .Eureka and Coo Bay. - - Maay Take Soaad Tear. , Local f officials of the Paclfle Coast Steamship company supplied 60 Port land people with transportation thie morning to Seattle, from which point they will embark on the ateamer City of Pueblo for a tour of the sound coun try. Including the tint from Portland the trip will extend over six days, each of the principal- cities being visited. These excursion will be given every week by tha Puget Sound and Alaeka excursion bureau. ,They have been ar ranged in oraar to givs lair visitor an opportunity to see the sound country before they return home. v, Aarelia Sighted Trieelor. . "While bound for Portland ' from San Francisco tha - officer of - tha steamer Aurella,' which reached here last night say they elghted the Norwegian steam ship Tricolor en Tuesday morning Just below Crescent City. On the nam day re veeeel was wrecked near Mendo cino. . The Aurella brought 200 tone of cement and 100 ton of general .cargo. AttTineventfurtrlp from the Bay City la reported. The eteemer brought It peeeengers. On the return voyage aba will take out a cargo ei lumbe-v1, . " EULA HOWARD PROVES y MASTERY OVER PIANO Mis Eula Upward delighted a large audience at the Audltorluna on the ex. position ground laat evening ' In piano recital, the equal 'of which ' ha & ' :"-,' I": .'"? -:- . . Miaa Eola Howard. -r been experienced by Portlanders on few oecaalon thla season. It Is matter of congratulation that Miss Howard is an Oregon girt She I native of Grant Pass, but received her musical education in San Francisco. She has been warmly praised by musi cal critic In that city, chiefly for her brilliant execution. . Thla la not to say, however, that Mlse Howard la without reeling. For a alrl of her year she ex. hlblted a remarkable conception of the maater and the frequent encorea forced upon her told eloquently of her power. " i"- SEEK TO END ERA . OF THE GRAVEL PIT Realdent of Woodlawa will be given relief from unaightly gravel pita by tha council. City Attorney McNery ha been Instructed to draw a resolution prohibit ing the disclnr of aravel for street Im provement In Precinct tf, which includes Woodlswn. Gravel may be dug for Street Improve ments In any other portion of the city and may be brought from outalde the limits. Bank gravel.' auch a Is found In Woodlawn, I considered better than river gravel for atreete and contractor hava dug many deep pita there. Jt 1 thought thet the phut-to-exclude con tractors from taking gravel from Pre cinct 6( will reault In atopplng moat ef the gravel excavation. The reeolution will be Introduced at the meeting Of the olty council next Wednesday. - POOLS SOLD (Continued. frOm Page One.) ' ' he supreme court In case a decision ad- verae to track Interests' I given by the court ' Judge Frssnr will probably take the matter under advisement and several daya may elapse after the argument on the Injunction before an opinion I given. Bookmaker and track men gathered on etreet corner laat night and dla- cuaaed the altuatlon. . It i ssld by them that Bookmaker, dekadav t Victoria, British Columbia, 'already has a 10 per cent' intereecjn the racing book, but demands a 10 par cent interest a h com promise. ' It is said he was offered more than that In order to cause the present agitation to cease, but. refused It and that the directors of -the association, angered by hi attitude, have sine re fused to compromise with him on any terms. . , . .Thome Greene ef the police com mlttee of the city executive board, of whom Mayor Lane aeked advice regard. Ing the clooing of .the poolrooms at the Irvlngton race track, haa agreed with City Attorney McNary that the city of ficiate have no authority under the law to prohibit bookmaklng and -poolaelllng within a race oourae, but that It 1 matter which would come within the Jurisdiction ef the etate offlclsls. Mayor Lane la atlU undecided what action he will take regarding the pool- rooma. The Multnomah .Fair association. In charg of the race meet, has been granted a license by the city to conduct the poolrooms which may stand in the way or any action being taken by the START SUIT AGAINST A HUNDRED-MERCHANTS Complaints wsre filed With the clerk of the municipal court this morning by City Licence Inspectors Hutchinson and MoEachern agalnat more than 100 mer chants who are two or more quarter de unquent in the payment of their city licensee .The., amount dua the city range rrom i to 140. ah nusiness men who are. In arrear hava been notified that unlesa they ap pear and ' pay up their 1 lean sea action 111 be taken agalnat them. The mer chants tame, first en the Hat and thla morning more than 100 complaint were nieo in justice Cameron' . court i A number of other merchant who are de. Unquent will have complaint ' lodged against them tomorrow. Action agslnst profsssional men who ' are - delinquent next taken. . Several thou aand dollar are due the city in beck occupation Use and the authorltlee desire to collect-thl amount before the end of the present quarter, MURDER IN FIRST DEGREE' THE CHARGE An information charging Louie Fer raris, whorkilled Carlo Bonando on July IL. with murder in the . first degree, wa filed in the state circuit court this afternoon by District Attorney Manning. The Information simply state the fecte ef the crime. ' In epeaklng of the Infor mation .thla .afternoon, .Albert B. .Fer rer a, attorney for Ferraris, said his client maintain that h killed Bonando In self-defense. "We will try the- case out" said Mr. Ferrers -"We have some witnesses who were not examined by the stste and we shell show that Bonando was fol lowing Ferrari down' the etreet with a rawn knife and with intent to kill. We shall show that Ferrari Implored Bonando not ta kill him. and he ahot only when he saw that his life wae In danger Ferraris would not plead guilty even to a charge of aaeault and battery In order to escape Ufa Impris onment or hanging." . ; ' . Vewaaeya meat ember JmAge Free sr. A beautiful bouquet we presented to Circuit Judge Frassr, as Judge of the juvenile . court- this morning by the newsboys of . Portland. --Twenty-two boys contributed to the purchase of the flowers snd the presentation was made by Otto P. Pre, chairman of tha gath ering ... v k f' .'. i . 1 '?? WT execfrr ImitatM V surface ta bo ms aaiu aa proa II ' by ntMrnbanag t mm NEW ERA (WvooiiTloors In Cans Spread ttwai aei roar eM lloort wtta good brath, and have n an n daai racaptlos : room, dlnltHvraem. kail or parlor. etaral wood nnjah, tough, tta and 4arablg4 vi Vano Sk!n Lac TJ line vaoda. no mattor how old fho stained. Tta only article mad that roqolros oca gooa Taaain. avoio cuaappoiotma nf o ask lor Davtoa' Vorno Stain Lac.; x ' ' '." i t;''" e r hjM Mw ea Vena mm Acm wbJh Lead 6 Coe Versa, Detroit, Mks,, a - i '. S I . 1 I I ' . , . . ' FOB aVtXB BTT," ' . . , , I 1 . 1 V NEW ERA PAINT & VARNISH CO. 1 1 5 ,mm t '208-210- Front St, sieeaeasai i. AT. THE, THEATRES. " Comedy at Marquam. 1 The versatile Uennaa comedians. Kolb sad Dill, and tbelr eon pin T of 40 peo)e will M tha atuaetloa at the Marquam Orand tbeete, ea Marrleaa etreet betweea aittk .sse Barents treats, st S:JO o'clock tnalshl. eontlaains every slsht this week, with aperlel price matinee Bataraey. . The evaeleal eooiedr par kMqaa "I. 0. U." la Ike bill tble week. Comedy, fun. eatrhy sinew sad pretty stria preaoauuate. repuiar prtcee prevau. . r- , Naughty Authony" Drawi Crowd. "Nenchty Aatheay" Is drswla but crowds ta tne Beleece nteatre, an toe week a boaiaeaa M likely te eellpea that t aay alaoe tba taeetre was takea aader the Beleeca nenesement. The pleca abeande la lanshehle ettnatloa and srorea good eveaiag'e eatertaniBMnt. V Tho Star't Vaudevilla. Jeaalass O'Bries. Mann aad fraaks are tke stela attraction at tke star aa aee eeea lu Ceaey'a Alley. O'Brlea ta good ea tke ena- eertlaa and hteaa aad Prinks are soed elnsere. The Aaderenne are asien the sxwt talested rhlldrea on the stese. . The Halle. Qulnlas snd Hewera, Cherle Pettereoa. Joseph Beaaer aad the Btaroecope complete tae sill. ' . . , ' Cecil Hobion Charm AIL . Ceeele Hnoeka. eae "of the SMst attractive women Is vaudeville, Is elnsieg at tha Oread. The Hererknrss warble Tyroleea sonss snd Pred Psrltna elnge ''We re Still Prtesde." Caetellet and RsU. afartla aad Martlae. tb Deeomee and etkera give aa entertainment wttk- eat a slagle Daw. The Urine la alwai eool. , . eM. .... - " " - -yf - At tho Baker.". '' .-V : There la an Interesting Mil at tke ' Baker thai week and the feature la . K. Kmrnrtt, the eelehrared etnrer and aetne. 'Ted tic. esns sad the wonderfsl trick - dot Teddy are asntber feature et the ntrm bllLatealey and Carlyle kevs s eaenedy sketch and Larry Buttoe ka aaalcal art . . , . "In Tonnegaeo, - ' ' : .. ,f At tke In "tS'Teimeeeee" Is awkiag s hit tble week., It teeckea a swvil tkat all WUdrea should Iters. Tbere le a daily. SUU. see st t:to s'enck. especially foe women snd children, Thomas W. Ray la pictured ballade -sad the Lyrlacope entertain betwees seta. -''J V Health Of floor Xa4 t Walt, . f W. Beutelspacher, deputy health' of-. fleer, who desired ta go Inelde the Lewis and Clark exposition ground yesterday on official business, wae refused admla slon unless he paid the reguisr admla. slon fee of 60 cents The men at the gate would not recognise the health officer' badge, although ho told thern ... that he wa on hi way to lnveetlgate a ' case or oipntneria, H waa held at the gatee for nearly an hour until word finally came from D. C Freeman, see retnryto the president who notified the gat tenders to allow the health officer to pee Inelde the ground. , . - , ! "; -v : , Award Oommlttee dompleeed. " . . The executive committee of. award for the exposition has been completed by the appointment of George H. Wllllema ohalrman. . Theodore B. wiinn chairman, M. B. Hardt secreUry and H. w. uoone ana M. B. posch. This com mittee will hleo eerve aa an aboeai board and superior Jury. There, will be com mittees of awards In the different di visions, but tbs general committee of awerds will be the court of laat appeal. In all cases of dispute over the decision by the subordinate committee a. . - r v Race, Races, Races." - The 1101 season of bla- events now on et Irvlngton Park race track. Six or more running race every day ' except Sunday. First race start at 1:16 p. m. 00 thoroughbred horses entered o. . Alt crs traaafer at Beoond and Wash ington atreete for track. - Admission (In cluding grandstand) tec - - ' . edeed Betea to gfcaate. atpriag-a. ' , Ths Southern Psclflo leompany ha pUced on sale at. Its Portland of floss round trip .ticket to Shasta Springe at a rate ef 110. Beautiful, llluetrated pamphleta descriptive of this resort can be eeoured front any South arm Paeifla aanv.v- l... ft 4 A '). '.eJr-- ' J ' ' ' y 1 .v.' ' "a--..