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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1905)
tiia t bsissdoir' daily jouuiaiP ?otlakd TiiursAY Lv...;i::3r )ULV " a . i j m -mi SALE IS DfiDE Unci Sam Treats Exhibitors at V the Fair In a Very Liberal - .r:v';'"" ':'. Manner. V't' ';,,'' . CUSTOM-HOUSE OFFICERS ' , KEEP RECORD OF IMPORTS Many Finn Take Advantage of Gov ernment's Policy and Display Goods : Which Will Pay No Tariff Until - They Art Sold., , .- : ' In the gallery ot the Agricultural building at the. fair grounds er offices occupied - by . cuotora-houe , official. whoa duty It la ta keep a record ot avery article - ot merchandise brought from foreign countries for sale and exhibition. The force la made up of alx men who, ' in . reality, are conducting the affaire of the port In very much the name man ner aa would the official In the largest cnstom-honM In the country. " - . v Up to and Including yesterday they had collected In the form ot tariff on gooda old at the fair JltOOO. , At tnte rate they will add In the neighborhood of tJ0.Mu to .Uncle JJam'a treaaury by the time the exposition closes in. October. Strictly speaking, the aubport is a large " bonded warehouse. . When shipments are mad the . eonalaneea ara treated - very liberally by the government. One rule. In particular, is tn force which will not ' , be found In any cuatom-hous In - the United States the owner of goods Is per mitted to open bis packages and place r. the wares: on display without the -pay- ment of duty, or being bothered In the - least by having to go through any red tape regulations. At aU other porta to . . duty must D paia oeiore uie oozes are broken.. vr. . Special Act of Ooagreaa This matter was brought about by a special act of congress In order to make It as easy aa possible for the foreign exhibitors to get their goods on display, It' la a sort of - reciprocity arrangement. . as the same plan was carried out toward ' this country In all of the world's fair In xrui w:iku wusmi e - w r . When the fair closes the exhibitors will . be given the option of paying" duty on their entries, exporting them, trans porting them tn bond or abandoning them ; to the government ' This latter course was pursued by a number of the foreign exhibitors at St. Louis, but only with articles so cheap that they would not hare been Justified in paying a tariff on . them. l. : "shipments and placing them on exhibition at the falFgTounaa.' so tney win not m under the necessity of paying duty on them, wnenever tney get an opportunity ' The greatest revenue has been received from people Who bare been following thle practice." It ta stated by those who .- have been keeping kt touch -with this 1U .11. wmiwm mrwtM ..... - - - - - line of business that the exhibits at the fair ground will be the means ot adding very materially to tn impuriauuna i this port In after years. -It la pointed out that many wares are on display which are not ordinarily. sent to this sec tion ef the United states and a, demand la likely, to be created for them. ' k Mn la CThsigs. ' The subport Is under the direct super- The deputy collector n charge on the - grouno. dvwc w , ia imq . jmuvijot, who was also detailed by the government jrrrnesyrsocaitthS rooming custom-house hast, been, transferred temporarily and la i deputy collector and " chief of Inspectors on the ground. In oector I. D. Borer has charge of the ' European and Inspector W. B. Ott of the Oriental building. Ellton ShaW Is mas- eenger. The appraiser's department la represented by General Owen Summers ' treasury department la 'also represented . by Special Agent In Change J. J. Crowley of Chicago and Assistant Special Em ployes Arthur r. ataner or ftuiadeipnia and Donald Wtlkle of Washington. Mr. Crowley has filled, a similar position for the government at all the International ' expositions held la the United 'States for the past X years. 'V:,'-' fcni iimria rnnwTY icf ..av riin fiivnnniv , - .-81 rftln OHIUnUHl A tt-nound Roral Chinook salmon frflmi In W. nf tre will ba airhlhltafl Baiuraay Ty tna uoiumoia- county people, On that day . a reception to the people . held at the Oregon building at 1 o'clock tha . afternoon.:, left arson Myers. t president of the state commission, will ' give tha address of welcome and the re- sDonaa- will be mil bv-Jude -T.-A Me- RrMt. if the Vtfth tiullrlal illatrlnt There will no vocal aoloa hr u um Cony era and Maude Watts, a piano solo if j jam mmrm cih li u nna m tmjiio auiv toy Miss Anna English. . I After the formal exercises the Co .larabta county commissioner will serve . Ice cream, punch and cake to all who wear tha badge which are to be given ' out from the booth ta thoae wha register ' as residents of that county. Tha booth will be attractively deco rated for the occasion, although now it ' ia on .of the finest in Agricultural Palace, lira I. W. -Taylor will ha a a. , 'companlst for the singers. - Cold cash may) give warm comfort' tnOMITOf iBUOAjraMnnrjST Multnomah Falls ' ; E v e r y t Day : ' F?or$i:oo . CM m VAST AJTS STJTBI.T TV- imaTZS Zm TXAlTlaV - JOS; KELLOGG : ." Passengers may alt beneath tha tumb - ling river fof an hour and a halt It's the grandest , rid in Worth America, and you har seen all the scenery on the Hvef " Tls gorge and Canyon. ' mountains and waterfalls,, monuments nf rock, beautiful grovee and splendid Und scape when you reach Multnomah KaJla. No other steamer lands at thla - moat fascinating spot. " Float leave font Of Salmon street at , l.s a, m,; return at :I0 p. m. . L' T Round Trip, $ 1 .00 i. acau saa. COY SAYS HE STOLE TO GET FOOD AND Pet May ward. 17 years of age. Is in tha cltv la 11. aa a result of efforta to obtain food for a family that h aayi was unable to secure employment, The boy tens a pitiful tale, whlah tn 'part has been verified by the detectives. He lives In Fulton Park with a motner, father and six sisters and a, brctner. They were unable to fin J work, h says, and food became' scare. Finally hun ger stared them In the race. ?ne mother and sisters cried. - - He and -tha llttl brother martea out to find food aomewher la the big city FAIR WILL ASSIST Sister State"" Already FeeU the v Beneficial Effect of the' 'Great Expoeitlon. MANAGERS MORE THAN Ti SATISFIED WITH SHOWING Great Excursion Arranged by Com mercial Bodies Will Coma From Denver to Take Part to' Celebration In Portland .in Angust,, In the Lewis and Clark exposition than our board of maigerrTiad"rasOnTo hop, said Secretary John T, Burns of the Colorado commission. . 7h registration on th books at Colo rado headquarters In th Mining and Agricultural buildings shows that In th past month th average attendance from Colorado has been better than M a day, and w have had aa many aa II Coloradoana registered in one day. To ma this seems interesting and aratlfvlna-. becaus at th time . the bill for aa appropriation for our repre sentation her was . before th legisla ture little or no Interest in the fair was shown by our state. In fact, after the appointment of our board of manager, and until w came to Portland to install th axhlblts, no on evinced a special lntereat in th outcome. Mow scarcely a day paasea that some influential Colo rado man does not axpreaa regret that .. , I l - .. .ltil Inntr IntA the propriation for a suitable coioraao hulldln. However, we Yew Coloradans are proud of our showing in agriculture and mining. , "Tou people of Oregon have bullded better than you knew In this great expo eitlon and you will feel th beneficial ef fectslurlng the next quarter of a cen tury In sv steadily Increasing aopulatlon and commercial . aacandency. ' You d serve It, for the exposition Is a practical and noaitlve demonstration of the prog reas and opportunity In this great north west. Before I located - In Cohered seven year, ago I believed that Colorado waa a great mining state witn a sirug allna- aarHcultural population. ' " Now know the greatness of our - wonderful stat and I am Spending my time In edu cating th people, ot ths tip to my beliefs. Before I earn to Portland my Ideas of this state end th eoaat country wa of a vast, undeveloped empire tnat might som day becomajrreajhrough population from the east A single day In the expoeltloa was a rsvelstlon that will laat alwaya. I believe that I was not slone In this general misunderstand ing of the conditions her. -Mr. Burns left Portland yesterday evening to takS charge of th arrange ments for the Colorado dav excursion. He la iBecretary of the Colorado Btate Commercial association, which has taken tha lead In th organisation or tn ex euralon to Portland. 1 Colorado day has ben set for August II, and through the Instrumentality of th Commercial asso ciation ' all chambers of commerce .in Colorado have appointed committees to assist in getting 100 people to come her on th evening of August II. In this connection th Cojoradoans are making great preparations to bring a large and active delegation to th Na tional Irrigation congress. V Governor McDonald baa appointed tt delegates, who have agreed to come on th Colo radojtpoctal to attend the congresa, and tha varioua. commercial organisations In tha atata ara aelectlng delegate who will attend th congress. Mr. Burns has requested th mayor -of all Colo rado cities to select aeiegatea to tn con areas and the Commercial association will lead tha fight In behalf of Denver aa th meeting place of the congress In 190. ' " V- ; . , ; , ALICE R0BBINS COLE ' CHARMS BIG AUDIENCE '... . : ;-. ' Allc Robbins Cole" ..concert .was easily th ' mualcal event of th late seasoa nnd her most sangutn admirers were aurprlaedand delighted with the treat received last nljrht at the White Temple. Miss Cole, who was formerly a Portland girl, lived for several years In Boston, wher she is a favorite in musical circle, and spent the lsst few year abroad in study. Her contralto la delightfully rich and mellow and still haa the clear ton of a lyrlo soprano. Patronising the event were: Mrs. W. C. Alvord. Mra. T .B. Wilcox. Mra. Helen Ladd-Corbett, Mra. Joseph N. Teal, Mra Edgar R Couraen, Mra A.' E. Rockay, Mra. C. E..S. Wood, Mrs. R. Lt Ollean. Mra. Zera Snow, Mn Frederick H. Pag. Mra. Sol Hlrsch. Mrs. Holt C Wilson, Miss Falling, Mra.- Ernest T. Tucken Mra. C. IT. Bee be, Mrs. Frederick Eggert, Mrs. Richard Koehler, Mra. -Walter r. Burrell. Mra. W. B. Ayer, Mrs. H. C. Wortman, Mra James Laldlaw, Mrs. J. Weslev Ijadd. - Mrs. John A. Bhepard. Mrs. C. J. Reed and Mra B. T. WU- Usms. . Those In charge of Mia Cole's con Warren K. Thomas, Mrs. Ralph VV'. Wil bur. Miss Clementina Wilson.1 Mrs. Daniel A. Schlndler, Mrs. John Koltock, Mrs. Fletcher Unn . and Mra William Ksterbrook Jones. j DAYLIGHT DOWN COLUMBIA On " T. J, Potter,'' Queen of River Boats Don't Miss It "T. J. Potter" sails for 'Astoria and North Beach as follows) , July 2t, :0 a. m.; July tt. :39 a. m.; July IT. 10:49 a. m.; July 21, 11:40 a. m.; July 1. 1:00 p. m. Don't fail to aee th lower Co lumbia from decks of this magnificent boat. Particulars and O. R. A N. sum mer book by klng C, W. Stinger, city L ticket agent. Third . and: Washington r . . l . . i . . COLORADO of Portland, wher hunger is practically unknown. .They found a hut. mhos owner was absent and thertook posses sion, v v '. J They 'filled saoks with food-ot all aorta, - and then helped themselves to varioua household articles. , A rasor.end a clock -were among their dlrooverlea, and th lads pawned them. ' - Detective Kerrigan and Snow bandied th case and thla mo rain a; arreated Pel. He confessed freely; told. wher he had pawned the articles, and , how -mulch ne securea on tun, DOUBLE CELEfiWI Oil SEPTEUBER : 9 Calif brnla and i Hob 7 Hoo Will C. Mab That Data NbtabU , TT7 In Fair' History.: T i - Callforniana will Celebrate the admis sion of their state to th union .Sep tember I, and on the same day begins the fourteenth annual concatenation of th Order of Hoo Hoo. The Callfornlant laat year at St. touts, aatonlahed the aat by giving away nv earioaas 01 rruu and wagontoads 4)1 wines... At th Lour Ulana Turctiaae exposition 40.000 pall fornlsna "registered at the statf build ing. Up to this time JO.000 . persons from, that ataU ha v attended tha-Iwi and Clkrk fair. No other state except ing Oregon has contributed so many yls- - Th Hoo Hoo ia composed of promi nent lumbermen, railroad and newapaper I men. and It is said that no secret or fra ternal order enjoys a livelier time than does the Hoo Hoo. ' It is estimated that the California people who went-to St 'Louis last year spent on 'an average t 1160 each for railway and. hotel far, so that not lesg than le.000.000 was expended by the en tire contingent, .California .admission day Is a great event of the year in the Golden State, and although there will have been many special days before that date, fh Cali fornia commissioners, purpose making a showing September- that wlll'placo their slat at th head ot th list at this exposition. - i- - Next Saturday will be Southern Cali fornia day, and will close the special week devoted to the towus Of that part of the atat. . .. . ' WORD AND FIELDS WERE f ONCE GREAT PLAYERS - With the exception of th selection of a field and the hour to "begin play, all arrangement for th baseball game between Sheriff Word and his deputies and County Clerk Fields and' his depu ties hsve been completed, and the gam will take place tomorrow.-. Effort are being made to secure Multnomah field and will, probably bl successful. The gams will probably begin at 4:10 o'clock. When It will end can be beat told on th following day. Sammy Vlgneux,' for merly' manager of the Portland league, team, has agreed to act aa umpire. J'her "Jm a great- deal of curiosity is to the sort of game Sheriff Word and Clerk Fields will play. Mr. Word says he was a greet player when h was a boy, and "Uncle" Anson wanted him for the . Chicago National league team. Deputy Sheriff "Dode" Parrot t. of -the great baseball family, say Mr. Fields also was a great player when he cramp declining offers to go on national teams at a big salary. :.- "He could run fastsr than any boy I have, .ever seen," said ' Mr. ParrotL "Twenty-seven years ago w played a gam on the lata Governor Thayer's property on Union avenue and East Ash streets. - There ; were no buildings .ex cept a few dwellings in that part of the city then. I whacked a long fly out to center field, and Frank went after It on a dead run, scrambled over a ditch, Jumped a slx-foo fence,- and caught th fly.aa he waa landing on th other side. I was on second bass when he took the ball, and maybe you think J - waan't mad.- ; - : ... : . v Th proceed of the game win be do nated to th Baby home.. -. . NORTHERN PACIFIC WILL SELL COAL IN PORTLAND The 'Northwestern Improvement com pany, which is the coal department of ths Northern Pacific Railway company, recently made an investigation of condition- in- Portland -and- Astoria with a lew to establishing at on of these point large -coal bunkers and entering the business of supplying coal to ships and local industries and for domestic consumption. The company has decided that this field -offers a favorable oppor tunity. '-' ' - " " r . Whether th Northwestern Improve ment, company will erect bunkers her or at Astoria la not announced. It Is said the coaling of ships could be don more advantageously at Astoria. - Ralph Jenkins, who has been put. in charge of the company's new office, la an experienced freight man. He will prob ably be succeeded in General Agent Morse's office by William' J. Leonard, rate clerk in the general freight, office. IIAIRUEALTII CAVED ma POC1- ra.v- Kopt Htm Utoiang Young TsooMada lot their IMattloae Denaerrrar! tberalnok old.Ula rlue Uilr dreminr for Be aad wnatea. Kot a tf TV Uratlrm.a At 40 T w crav. , frlMd Icet hi. tnb Wibm mr ielr sude kin ' aeir Ba sua Inok eld. l'mB Inf by kl xperlac I M Hay's nalrhealtW, 4 bit tlx eaw dirk brows kalr tkat I had at SI. Hold aif poaltlea, tkoafk yoanter Btee, wbaat only f.Blt wa gray kalr, have brea dlasiMd. I tbank yoa far mr aotltloa. R. B. OniMlwtnr. Lar Or. tnttle. droa-aiata. Take aotklag wltaeut alcnatare Pklla Uay Spee, Oo. r FreaSetpOr! Bis tn, ta 1 sny or muowin araa-gin and set (Me. battle llalrbealtk and t, eak Harfln Bo. a, bmkiim, totk nroue.l I lar Drlr Toe.t or sent br Pklle liar Mdleated, kotk forSOe.i I By nils ua; Newark, N. t., prepaid, fnr 0r. and thla adv. yrr eoas aot slea by dranlat wltaoat tola entire adr. aad too. gar HaUbeaita. Kaat.. Win AT V in II v- I v an ir i i4 Alf ,v V(Trm Ci iat-J 'fuW2r -TV" I V I I aW Vkal saw i . II TaY m. I BThaaa I atJaL I aaflV V If U I .1 WOOBABS.s ouin ft CO., ; ,' aad WaaUavtoa St. ,. ...-.-. 1 f - roarth THREE OFFICIALS WiDERIREW jr:"'''.".T?'... ... r''r-V'-''.'''r' St. Johns - City Attorney - Piles ,. Charges Against Men Not - Freeholders." COUNCILMAN, TREASURER , AND MARSHAL ACCUSED Special Hearing; Will Be Had Before ' Peers of Defendants, Two of Whom ; Will Fight Proceexlinga Their Of : flees Art' Declared Vacant'. """T' Tse aeet aide araaa of Ttia Xnaraal at la the store of Mr. F. W. MeKJaiMy, SM Swat klorrtaga tret. TtUpbooe JKut SIB. The St Johns council will la the near future alt in judgment on three of th town - official and l- will determine whether they ahall be ouated from of fice or not. City Attorney B. H. Oreen last night filed charge with th council agalnat Treasurer F. W. Valentine, Councilman C. D. EtTwards and Marahal Hanka. At the next regular meeting these - charges will b considered or a time for th trial will b set, th coun cil Deing tn court in such cases. . In every case - the charge mad ts that th defendant 1 no longer a free holder and having no property Interests Is prohibited . from... keeping .hi -off toe under the provlalons of the town char ter, which says that all officer .shall be freeholders.-. It I -understood -that Mr. Valentin will not conteet the case, but the other. Two. will present a star' merit ot their alda of the raae. CouatAl- man. Edwards' status tn th council has been the cadsaxf debet and aome hard feeling. The defense doubt If the aale of property Is a legal reason for declaring an of tic vacant; the - city- attorney thinks , it la, lnaamuch aa th charter by It wording makes it necessary for office-holder to! not only be freehold ers when elected or appointed ut dur ing th time they rsmaln ln office. Mr. Hanks haa since his appointment .as marahal secured property but It ia charged that he wa not eligible when chosen and . therefor his appointment ts Invalid even though he now be eligi ble ao far as property qualification go. Mr. Edward will oppos th endeavor to unseat him on the ground that he i regularly elected and qualified. that sine thst time he has neither don nor left undone any of th thing which are mentioned -m that section of th char ter dealing with the ouatmg or orrice- qualification In ita restriction of th franchise right of the individual ia un constitutional anyhow.- Efforts hav been mad to secure th withdrawal of Mr. Edwards from the council .since th sal of his property, but though the dove of peace waa ru mored to be in sight m several occa sion it always took to Its wings before Edwarda really resigned. At the coun cil meeting laat night Mayor King barred Mr. Edward from active partici pation In th deliberations of the body, and on what around tha mayor haa th power -to decide questions of law be fore trial will alio ba aiacrued hearing agalnat" Edwards comes up. SUBURB GROWS JTOO FAST. raatasnla Trafflo Crowds Car espite " Va of Many astraa. I 'ii-mHin. tn nfflrsrs nf . tha ,Pf r,1" A Consolidated Railway company the srrowth of th peninsula In the laat II months haa been greater than any por tion of the city. Just befor the con solidation last fall St Johns had hourly service. This did not. accommodate the place, ao a 40-mlnute service wa given. Then 'cam a 10-mlnut service with trailer, and then a to and SO-mlnute service, and finally a flat to-mtnuts ser vice all day. Month by month the de mands of th district hav Increased Just a llttl faatsr than th accommoda tions, and recently a 10-mlnut service was put on to Portsmouth with the Idea of relieving the local congestion be tween Piedmont and University Park. Thla has helped to a slight degree, but the cars generally ara carrying a double load, and from th superintendent's of fice come th statement that next week trailers will be added to the St. Johns cars In the hope of for a short time re lieving the situation. Mors people are carried every 10 minutes on the St. Johns line now .than were carried In an hour and a half IS montha -ago, and th rat of Increase is being sustained. OIL'TROUBLES THE WATERS. Coat of Orad Petroleum Make Zaat I . Side Swimmers .Wroth. . Th multitude that sought cleanli ness In the Willamette laat week found half an Inch of crude petroleum clinging to-their bathing suits and bodies when they emerged. The youthful popula tion of the east side, that haa forgot ten how to wear anything but a minia ture pair of trunks since warm weather arrived, did. not car particularly, but patrons of eaat side swimming rosorts and parties who toot outings up. th river for -the chance of a cold plunge, were not so complacent. - Owners of launohea and canoes found a thick- coat ing of dirty oil and greas on their craft, and the fire boat, which had been freshly scrubbed,- sported a black greasy hull that gavs the firemen, who had spent a day on a raft applying whale -oil soap, cold shivers. This oil, according to fire men, I, a source of danger as well as annoyance, for It coats '. piling, docks, wharves and boathouses, and when the liver goes down a torch la left behind that will water front for two mile one sheet ot flame should a care less smoker start a blase. ADVERTISING PAYS TOWN. Za Week Campaign of St Jehaa Brings . Oood mesultaw- - Ths advertising campaign of the newly Wganixtd-SCJohni-board oftrad'haa started "and between J5, 000 and 40.000 card have been distributed at th fair and through the city. In the suburbs nnd over th country telling the earth to keep Ita eye oa St Johns. Som of the car J bear the caption... "The beat In Oregon." while other eay-"All for a (-cent fare," but the reveree aid of all the cards says: "Keep your eye oa St Johns. The-great manufacturing cen ter of Oregon. Before leaving th city be sure and visit Sf,' Johns, Oregon. Cars leave Second and Alder streets. Portland, every 20 minutes.. Nine miles of beautiful scenery for I cents."- ; Though but a week has passed since the town began to systematically dis tribute these cards and other literature, there has already been a Urge Incrms In the number of vlfVoresnd buslno's men have been kept busy showing the - ' . i 1 r Given ATTay FrcD Our Beantlfol ,;7 Ante ;. , ,rrt to Er.rybody - v PurctiMlny our Teas " Coffees Spices China ;'t' Crockery Glassware Gixibr OHei '61 tlw5 Age CSstbss Coejposi otrt, kring at to say ot or store, ' Its vahrs it ,;.c' .$3.00 worti of Coejaoea . . ;towarl. settfas yoa ttr Talking f.IachlJie Free ij DC 'Boys,. Girls, and Toast Ladles -w tills 1$ Tour Chtnce -t ' ; Come and '8eje tjb) - (rest Icerlcti Irporilsf Ta C Sterexs Bvccywce J ? til Washington St, porti.nd. 121 Flrat street oruano, . ; Oregon City, Mala Street' Astoria, 71 Commercial 8U. sights' of the' , place ' to delegationa brought In by th cars. On of th things that has mads glad the hearts of th real estate man of th town ia that a good percentage of th visitors prove to b residents, purchasing lots and pre paring to build home oa them. In sev eral lnstancea men -who cam out with their fam 11 lea for a day'a Jaunt "nded by buying town, lota, pitching their tent and allowing their return transport ttof to go by, default while they cast their lot with1 St Johnav .. -. COLUMBIA. SEEKS PW PI LS, TJaiveralty Sand Agent Over Worth '-. wst la Search of Stadent. - Definite word concerning action taken for th improvement' to be mada-thla year at Columbia university will be had when- Michael A. Qulnlan,' president,- re turns from th general conference at Notre Dam. From advicea already re ceived It eems probable that the large dormitory promised more than a' year ago may hot be butH- for another season, though it is . understood that material Improvement -will be -mad- before th opening of th school year In ths present buildings What th attendance will be th. coming year I not definitely known, but ' It will . probably ' be considerably greater than it waa th paat year, as th university has several men la th rield visiting parents and enlisting their sym- Iriithlas in t - -- agent will leave this week for th sound and will pursue bis -quest for new ctu dents to th Canadian line.. . - To Arrange for ataoampment.' -1 Arrangements will be made, for the Oregon department & A. R... to take part ia the national encampment blch convenes this year in Denver. The- de partment council- of administration will meet Saturday morning with Adjutant J. X Wells and perfect plana for form ing a large delegation of Oregon vet erans to attend. - Officers of th depart ment and th following are member of the council: J. K. Lai tig, R. V. Pratt A. C Sloan, Portland; C A. William a, Oregon City; B..F. Chapman, Eugene. 'Harvest hands in demand In eaetoro Oregon, -v. . . . - - : To Read ZvcrytzZy ' V MglTiciAli; AxMessagetah mm .'-.- ,i 1 AND TALKING OFMIRR0RS. .we: reoffering at.the.aame. jPlateHand Mirror, regular value $1.50, for. .. ......... (Good Today and Friday Only) Woodard, Clarke TRAVELERS' REQUISITES. Ur, . J J W YOlTLlJ MAKE COME HERE FOR YOUR iliiiiiiii Summer i - V WE ARE CONSTANTLY WATCHING THE MARKET " AND , OFFER ONLY GOODS OF RECOGNIZED WORTIf 1 1- IF YOU WANT THE BEST COME TO Eaffumlfi Pcndktoir 311 Morrison St We Ha v SOU A01 not XATS.. ABSOLUTELY FREE . With No Strings Lm-vf- goimrttrsivaTiwar this S30jwiiiawt Ma Onakaokaaa abaalnaal fxa at our booth in th . , UNM Arts jgiining oa Mfwrs , - IS, ISO. On of thoae prise win- ' ner. you know, at th St. Xul -Iair. Call at our Bshlbtt or at r our sjtor for any information that . le required and inspect th ma- v chin. , - y s l!?r in ""f 7 STORES .IN A IX THE PRINCIPAL- CltlES OF THE WORLD. ' - - Concerts at the above address "day arid Thnreaayy at 4 p. aavr TO UTILIZE SANDY.; RIVER FOR POWER Th Sandy . River Eleetrlo company yeaterday completed its organisation by Incorporating. It holds water rights on th Sandy from, the mouth of Bull Run to th Baa Line bridge. ' Th Incorpo rators arr Elmer- B. Col well, c W. Pallett and S. B. Cobb, ' The capital stock ia fixed at II .000, and th com ;yv. ... Thla Message Hold It Up to the aAlvT K k vtVF V FOURTH AND WASHINGTON - r aJ NO MISTAKE IF. YOU Untevccr- .,;:-. ' Opp Postoffice. No' Branch Store. sou AOnrTS "CO: CT OZ.OT1 Attached Orand Pria Paris, ISOO. Soubta Oraad Prtae ajt, komla, XS04. mm ccLciicu pca?;oGaAPH co. "2 -OH (ST1 Washington street) ever. pany's purpose la to hold water righta and .surveys, acquired by C, W. Mill and others. Th incorporation 1 a part of a plan entered on more than a year -agt ' to develop water power In ttf Sandy river. 'It la said -that within tlr limlta described a 100-foot fall will ba secured a short distant above tb Base Line bridge, which wtU generate-11,00(1 horsepower. . . .' - t . . Piefeiied Soek Oaaae Osssa. Allan Lewis Best Brand. . Mirror. time a French Bevel Cftf- Oxv ' ' I i.