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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1905)
Z17 D-ILY JOUI.. J,11, 1 LAI ID, TIIUniDAY EVENING. JULY ST, 1SC3. T CLAXXVOTAXT AXT VAUttT. O'H Waeiuns:toei eL. en Bth. i . "I" tail your full oitn, whom end . whta torn will Barry and what you called - for wltbout asking QHtstloa, Boan, 9 to .,B dally and Sundays. Special reeds nee, BOe. - Buo, . BOe Boe ooe Sue BOa Duo 60 TPSY SENOBTA, -4.,.. ' Qee Of elslrvuyante. She fiwutM to .. read every Incident of jour Ufa, peat, preeeat ; - and future, rbnaa 821 Ausky bid., IMS Mar- . a.iura. . MADAMS 'JOHNSTON Clairvoyant, . palmlet, - card reader) I air facta reliable end la ,' , Portent oa (II affair of real 11 fw Beading , ftiin. aa B..nt. . n.k AJMkV LUCY,, clairvoyant, medium;' readings , tnr. oc tnie wek. Clifton bouse. ZP3 lt at CXIAXIXO, AXD STUVO. .TIWKi HUH CLEAN INO A .DTS t Werke Baat equipped plant la tae altri rharaical work rk ereclalty. " Call aa pause Mais itaa. usaeas cleaned tree. V M aa, PORTLAND STEAM CLEAMNO DYKING ; Worka; practical batter la connection: feather , boaa ana plumes cleaned and curled by aa a . part. aourta. mono nay tue. , r CLOTHES cleaned ant pressed 11 pa moatb. . yuuiue 'jaiioring wo., Bel w iumwa aw . W. T.PBNKR, profaaalooal dyer and cleaner. euo eerieraoa at. ruoue at sin sais. - CAArn-CLiAinjro. HAT! vaor trall rloaoad; ra cloaa paparod , ana palataa waiw; aauaracuoa (saranuaa prreoa roaaoaaoioi roiaroacaa. . mm ' CARPETS claaaad .oa ha Soorj wo ralao M aaat. raoaa day--wm ma oaoxnairaiiam. f . BUNTIR tara aarpat and aattraaa ,. ciaanar. BOO Jaffaraon. Pboao naia aia. f ; -r -AnTXa Airs smbm; V. J. AUTHORS aad R. U. WOOD, earpentar " aad balldanj tapairlraj and Jobbing: atoro V i ana ornoo iinw oaiib wxn aa vonsnai ' ' 'Mala Ban, - ... -.- . CALti JOHN A UELTON . fnr ofnro. atnro- 1 ' a r V Bh Bttnraa or rorpoatac work. abob Maia, bi, Bbop-3ne Oilaan. - -. CATES. -i SRICKSOICal RE8TATJRANT bforcbant'a rosea 11 a. m. to IS a. B. t badar-aow naoacaaaat. Boaar-aow Baoa(aoBt. aacoad aad Buraalda - v. a,wana, proa. -irnE 0ITICS--S8B Waahloctoa at. - Pboaa VUla - - TT1.- Sabnot Ttfaao. : , ' "" OISAKS AVS TOBACCO. X8BERO-OUNST CO --, - i . Ulatrlbatara of - . . .. - nNl CIO AM. ' ' ' ' 1 Portlaad, Orofoa. catzwt ooimiAOTOKs. CBAR. H. CARTER CO., ramaol eon tract ora. . i . B4 Kaat TwaoUatb ft. Pboa Baat 187B, ' All work snareotaad. ' , '. IW rowr faat ara out of ardor, ro to Dr. Warlay , Bn)aaUa. Barontb aad Stark, .tbo foot apo- lauat. mono Hue! via. SEBTISTS. Xir CHURCHMAN. dentUt, 2. bfaraoaBI . bldff., Slxtb and Uoarlaoa. Pbono tlaiainu. SOS AVO HOESI HOSPITAL. O. B. UltOWJ. t. y w .D.C.M. Pot. borao Va- , plUI.2T Bttrnalda.PbOBaa: MatoaOeo; tM'aa. SBISSXAXTBO. SHIRTWAISTS, wool of waab allk. aiada. for . . S1.2S; ablrtwalat aulta, IS.B0. , 4BA JCaaf Mar - . kai. Pboao Eaat 2ai- , DRESSMAKIKQ tbroo-h doll aaaaoa Bw aalt. S6T. t'nioa ava., aaaf Uawtborao aia. LEISTEtt'S Ladlaa' Tallorinc oollrrf: aa ebt to BMasara. ABaky ball 400. 1 aoa Morriaoa DREBHalAKlNa Mtrtctlf a daalx-aa. . 4SB CUT at. to datat lataat t ' ' IXlXgAtWOBJCS. JVORTHWEST BLBCTRICAL BNOINEERINO . ,- Compan. SOS Stark at., PoHlaad. O. K. for tarjrtbinc to Ua aloetrtcal Uaa. ' Pboaa '. Mala .mk.U.-.u i -:;,-,--: FACiriO Elactlia Co. Eostaoora, aoerraptera, rapalrara. alaclrto' wlrln(, auppllas. 04 Plrat, . cor. Stark, llala SB. BU H. Tata, mgt. J'MTEIM ELECT RICAti WORKS SI RUU at. , Pboao Mala ldM. i : HOTELS. THI BILLXVUE 0 nawlr raratabad ,a aulta ar ataala, t 111 to Boartb. aaa. . Salawa. Taram raaaoaablo. Mala 104S, ' ,. IHB Llndrll botal, Harktt batweaa Tblrd aad '. Vourtb, Portland; antlraly aaas Europaaa ' '- and AaMrlcaa plan. Boo to 1 2 par dar. "JOTEL. Pradlotea. Pandlato. W. A. Brows, HOTEL Portlaad. Aawrloaa plan: IS. S par day. ..HOTEL SI Oaorgo, Pandlatoat laadlas hotat, BELTEDERBt Borooraa plaatdtb aad Aldor sta. :..nrB3rrrr;i tactoeub. OREGON rarnltor bfanofaatarlBf Companr Manor aetarars oi faraltaro . far tha trada, . PortUad. Or. x . FURNITURE nannfactnrlni and apaclal ordara. 4 Raranaky'a furnltoro factory. STO Proot at. IXBVACXS. XiOYNTON warm-air fornacaa aara fool. J. C. Bayar rnraaea aoo Barnno. aiaia aoi OB0C1BI. WADHAMS CO., - wbolraalo vracara, maoo farrorrra and aoBsilaatos, archaata. Poartb , and Oak ata.r - ALLEN A LEWIS, commlaaloa and prodaro mar rbants. front and Darla ata., Portland. Or. HOTIL, BXSTArkAXT. ABlf CAXP SUHOXS. 'HOTEL, . RESTAURANT AND CAMP RANGES Crtbbea A Briton A Co., SaTaataantb and Tpab ata.,. larraat atock botal. raataorant, t raaip raniaa, gaaollaa atoiaa and nfrlara tora la tbo city. ' . - BAIB ABT9 SCALP SPECIALIST. J. t. BORO, aiaaafactarar of kama batr roUa, - era. 1 43S Eaat Nlatb. Pboo Baat S3U1. HABDWAKE. - Portland- Hardwra' 'Ca. aolldta ooportnnlty ta . - aonta prgf. I Ho lat at., cor A Mar. Main 1S84. ' tBSUEAHCX. LAMBERT. WHITMEB A CO. Ptro Inmranca , and faal aotata, naccoaaora to Arthur Wllaoa "' A Ca.t ortleaa, waat aid. 107-1US Sharlock ' bids.. Main 1008: aaat atda drpt., dt4 Kaal ' Aldar (Citlaana' bank), Baat dtl. -" ) ISAAC L. WHITE, Sra laaaraaea. 800 Dakaat :. bld(. . . . v s JAS. Met. WOOD, amplorara' Hablllty sad In. dividual acetdrat avraty bonds at all klada. Phono 47. SOS McKay bids. - - . II. P. BARTEI.S COMPANY lira Iranraat 44S Sharloek bid a;. Orawoa Pboao Clay BM. BT II I II' II Ill II ,1 II I i IW II I LOCKOUT. Ba'cWNBrSlV TOW N B part loekaniltb aad VlCfsTSV rvy ir S ' KW aaaail aaa ' irif ' Clay SSSt alfbt pboao. Mala 88A. SET StMnf. rMt-lroa bratlns. i. H. Rtckard aoa, Sod Paortk at. Pkona Rood 1TR3. ; wruoAL, .SECOND-HAND aaoalral laatranMata of all. . . blnda at lowaat arlrva, eaak at InatallaMata, PUbar Muala Co.. 180 Tklrd at, 'LKKRONB BAc; -piano, (altar . banjo, aiandolla, , Tlolla. S41H rtrat at., aor. Mala. Mra. MarUa. Mala 1811. MA0HITI0 XIALIVS. MRS. L. H. HART traata all dtaaaata. atoaiarl troohla. naraonaoaaa and functional woaknaaa. ' CoaawUatioa fraa. i,vit park, aor. Jttiaraoa. :xt 10 LOAX. - TP! ITtt LOAM CO. - Any salaried ai. o.u. niMUMT, fas get a his avte, wluraut mortgage . Month. ". Week. !'l.0O Rseey te OS tu IA r Be.0 a 8.8 o.OO Repay te ue I 5 or 8i.3 ar il.88 .4.00 kve pay ta I 4.00 or M-UO ar .00 FlVa par coal nana;; Wl bat Id Tost baaM or man you BaMier oa yvur property) memoir oaanoota: lavaatlaatat onaa Katurdar lna. Kooaia la-lT Labbo bld.. Waab. MONEY ta loan, aalarlcd poop la, taanMtara.-atc, , wltboat aaeurlty; aaar iayauota: largvat , bualoaai In M urlnelpal cltl.a Tvlatta, U3 Abluf Lua bids, rtxuia Malu B4BT. , MONEY TO LOAN oa raal paraooai aad sol. lataral aaeurlty apoclal attanUoa to cbattal Biortfagaa; aotaa bousbt. O. W. Pallat, 804-B B'autoa bldr.. 84 fclitb at HIGHLY roapcctabU plaea wbara ladlaa and Santa ess borrow sioaay oa diaswado and Jwelry. ColUtaral Loas Bank. ' Ham Waab UfWs at. Pbono BUck Tl. IB LOANS and apward oa ail kinds of aaeurlty . or to aalarlad paoplo oa tbalr n-.U! lowaat rata) mo publicity, no daUr. 118 Abliajtoa bid. (Pboaa Bad lia. CHATTEL loans' la amonnta rang Inf froaa fJC ' to 16.000; roomlna-bouaaa a aoaelalty. Naw Bra Loan Trual Co., KOSblnstoa tlOt- WB auka all kinds of ksna on aood acearlty . st lowaat rataoj peelal attontioa. (Uao to ' eaataai aaaoa. 1H Morriaoa ac uumHm ar lowaat raias sa rural rora, piaaaoi any aaeurlty aotaa purchaaad.' Eaatara Loss J of Boas, 448 Bbarloek bids. ' MONEY TO LOAN la Utf ft aaull anoaata on suoa aocuniyi lowaat ra taa, nuuaaa w. Back. SOT ralUas bids. . , ' .-'', ; LOANS oa furniture, pianos, otbor aacsritlaa. , lowaat rates. B. -W. Kins, 'oo ar do Waab- lna-ton bids. Mala 8100. : THB CRESCENT LOAN COMPAN Y Salary kwaa. rroai tbrss to ala Bioatuai oonnaaniiai. .817 Orasoalaa., MONEY TO LOAN oa Clarkaaaaa eoaaty Undo. X. P. aad P. B. Bllay, 80S Cbambar ot Coax PORTLAND BEAL EST ATS LOANS. S AND S . par cost. Wav. Desbolm, Xlft FaUlos alas. MONEY TO LOAN, par eaat, Nortbnp Kins, S10-S11 CoBBMrdal klk. - TO LOAN S500 ta 15,000 bp CbsrlsSi'HIrsUl, Third at., room .- KOTABT TUmlJQ. f MOTABY PUBLIC Papr carefully prepared -raoa aamHaf-wariw mvaiDM, fsua ia awarad to any part of tbo city. Jos. la Meiratb. S4Bfe Morriaoa at., room is. nirnzju. . tHTN7ERBEBa A BADEMACHBB. aanltaxy . piuBibsra. 84 Pburtb at. Botb POX A CO.. eanttary plumbsra. S1L Second bat. Mais sad Salmon, Oresoa Pboas Mala SOOl. OSTEOPATHS. DBS. OTIN A MABEL AKIN, 403-4 Macleay bids. Pboo Clay T78. Conaultatton free. QTttAIXS. BOSS OP THB ROAD OVERALLS bad aw . ebaalcs' ekothlns; anion ma da. Ksuatadtst Broa.. aBafaeturers.. PortlaBd, Or. rxlXTIHO! HO. " ' f nnaw.a1naJ,BwiaLna najna and Stark' ata.. BIBHONO A. CO. Front and Stark' ata.. prlnt ; Inc. lttbosrapblns, blank books aad of oca supplies; work dona oa tlma: moat complete printing oinee in ins waat... mala i ANDERSON A Dt'Sl WAY COMPANY, brlatlnff. UtbofTapblns, biaak books, '(rasas ataia n. SOS Aldar st. nrBLXO AOCOTHTAHT. B. H. S. MULDER, expert aceouBUnt room 441 Sherlock bide ; books opened, adjusted and aadlted; booka krpt for amall eoBcerna; nv da rat a chartaa; Irat-elaaa refereneea. Mala SBdl. iPLATIHw. THB OREGON PLATING WORKS, 41 Waab. Ingtoa at. - Pboas tan. Pollsblas. pUtlas aad laequeelnf. ' TAINTS, OEt ABO LABS, P. B. BEACH A CO. Tba Ploaaer Paint Co. I windowlaaa sad 'slaslas. . 1M rirst st, Pboas 1S84. ' BA8MUS8EN A CO Jobbers, palnta. e saab and doors. Second mai Taylor, sIL (Uaa. . JKVBBXX STAMPS. r. v. aiaar wukivo, ane uiit a... pui Mala 710: rubber auaipa aaa la. ataaclla. bas SSe. trade ebecka; eead for oatalosua. xoorarw. TIN JROOriNG, sutterlnr, repalrlBai and (eaeraJ Jobbing. 1. Loatll. SIS Jelferaoa St. son. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO.- and Nortbrup ata.. Portlaad. Or. SOVTXHIBB. , THE MORGAN CO., 108 ta IIS Second it, third . Boor. , " Manufactnrera and jobbers of t LEWIS AND CLARK SOUVENIRS. Bootba aad atreet atanda fitted out sooipleta. STOBAftB, TXAXirXX AH9 HAuXXHS. SAFES,' pianos and fanltars anored. sacked ready for ablpolnf and ablpped; all work guaranteed; large, S-otory. brick. Ore-proof war? bouse for atorage. office US Vlrat st, C. M. Olaeo. Pbone Mala C47. C O. PICK, stars 8S Pint at., betweea Stark and Oak ata., phone BOB; pianos and furniture - moved and packed for etilpplnr: soussedlnus brick warehouse, front and Clay ata. - OREGON TRA N8PER CO., W Nnrtk ' Stktk. Pboas Mala SO. Hoary hauling aad atorage. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY Na. 00 W," IngtoB at. Pbono Main sal - STREET PA TIB 8. WABRBN CoMtrocttoa Co., atreet peeing, a! de ws Iks aad crosswalks. T1S Oregoulaa bids. THB Trinidad Asphalt Paelot Co. sf Portlaad. Office Bob Worceatar blk. - SATIS. PIE BOLD Mataraseas Sa fee Tire and burglar proof; jail and prison work: lockouts opened. b.Tls. d Tblrd at. ' SIOBPAIVTXBS. QOLD SIGNS, window lettering. Cloth banaera. economical electric signs and eigne of all - kinds made quickly. Knatar A Klelaar, Fifth ana sraratt. I'none. sienange odo. STIXOOBAPHXR. " PUBUO 8TKNOOBAPHER Stsaographle work of all kinds at abort notice. 817 Chamber of Commerce, Phone Main 784, ixti 8H0W0ASES AHD FJXT' 8HOWCAREII o seery dcaortptloo; bank, be and atoro Sxtares made to order. . The Laths Manufacturing Co., Portland. 1 TOWIt . ITTTPLT. CLEAN TOWBLS DAILY Comb, break, snap, tl per month. Lawrence Broa.' Towel Supply Co., Fourth and Coach. . Pboas 438. VIOLINS. I. A. WESCO. elolln-makrr and repairers work Best elsas. SB Bneeell bldg., 4th aad Morriaoa. trriwxjTxxs. TOST TYPEWBTTER HEAIXJCABTERS Hi FourU Street. . Wa rent, repair, sail, eickange typswrltara All supplies for all machines. . Standard machines 2S and up to 1108. Do yea want a atenographaf or typlatl wa Bare net or soon appucasia. Pbons Bli lack ZX71. WALLPAPER. MORGAN WAIXPAPEB CO.. 184-IM St., bet. Xambiu aad Taylor, rortiaad. ' Its' AX HALT PoailajiA tbcsi oo-rr oi obaoob. HO 109 VUikU ST. Tba OMaat Traat Company la Orocoa, BkaOI'RCKS OVfci 1,000,0V0. " Oaoaral Bauklnf Bualnaaa CondueUd. Sartnca Lapoalta Kaoalvad. Tlma eorUflratra laaoed. aaw crrtlSeataa at dapoalt, payabla apoa 10 days' call. SO days' call or 80 dars eaU wltb lutarast at , tVk and par cant par annaav raapactlTSly.CaU or CA Jor bonk of llhiatratloos. BENJVI. COH KM. .....,, Praaldaat H. L, PITTK'K..., ..Tlco-Prasldaal B. LIB PAGET. Sooratary J. . GOLTBA. ....AaslaUat Bssratasp u Brrifl tAT BATtOBAt BABsX OP SvSTLAVD. 0BE00M. HOXTHWXST COB. TaiBD ABD OAX ITS. Traaaasta a Soaaral. Bsakias' BualnoM. - DBA ITS ISaUKU , Arallabla fa AU Cltlaa of tbo Do Hod Stats aad 'Karoos, UoogkoaaT aad MaalU. COLLXCTXOVS M ADB OH PATOBABLB TIB MS Praaldcnt ....J. C A1NSW0BTH W. B. AYER TK-o Proaldaut ..B. LEA BABNES Caablar B. W. SCHMEKB Aaalatant Caablar.. ...A, M. WRIGHT Aaalataat Caablar 77. W. A. MOLT FLXSZ NATIONAL BANK OP POBTLAJIO, - OXXOOH. Dealgnated Oepoaltory and Financial Ageal sf Ua United Its tea. . Preeldent .....A, L. MTUX Caablar:... ...J. W. KKWK1RK AaalaUst Caablar ...W. C. ALVORD Second Aaalatant Caablar P. STBVBNf Lat tars , sf Credit Issued Arallabla la Europe v and tba. Eastern St a tea. Sight Eicbango and Telegraphle Tranafert sold on New York. Boston, Cblcegor St. Isaola, 8t. Paul, Omaba, ' San Francises aad the principal potnta la the Northwest. - Bight and time bills draws In San-a to suit a ' LoBdou. Paris, Berlin, Fraokfort-la-tbs. Main, - Hongkong. Yokohama, Copenbagaa, Chrlattaala. Stockholm,. St. . Patsraburs. Mae sow, Eerlcb, Honolulu. Oollectlona Made oa Favorable Tarsal. , - M' XXGHAVT8' NATIONAL BANK. PORTLAND. 0XK0OX. J. FRANK WATSON. ...., ...Prseldeat K. u. Durham. Tlee-rTeeiacsi B. W. HOYT. Caahlsr GBOHOB W. HOYT Aaalatant Casblar Trsaaasis a Osasral Baakiag Buslaaas. Drafta aad Letters ot Credit leaned. Available . to All Parts of tbo World. Collactlona a Specialty. . . ,. ' ' . LAUD TILTON, BAHKXXS. . (XaUUiabed ia IBM.) ' . Transacts a General' Basking Bualnaaa. Collections ana da at all points SB favorable farms. Letters of credit Issued available la Europe and all points.. In the United 'States, . Sight: - Ekcbangs and Talearepble Transfers sold on New York. Waahlng ton. Chicago, St, Louie," Denver, Omaba, Ban Fraaclaea . aad Montana and Brltlab Colambla. Exchange eold oa London, Paris, Berlin, Frank fort, Hongkong, Xokobama, . Manila sad Honolulu. ' SECTXXITT SAVTNOS A TBUST COMPAHT. 888 Morriaoa St.. Portland. Or. Transacts a Oeneral Baakiag Bualaaie. SAVTXOS DKPAXTMXXT. Intereat Allowed oa Tims and Bavkags DsposlH. Acta as Truatee foe Beta tea. Drafts and Letters of Credit Available) ta All farts worio. 0. P. ADAMS.. ..Presldeat L. A. LEWIS .....Flrat Vlcs-Prealdaat A. L. Mll.IJt.. ..Beeoad Vles-Praaldest B. Q. JLBITZ. Becrstsry OEO. P. RUSSELL... ....... AaeUUBt Beeretarf M OXBIS BROS. A CKXISTXNSXH. -. 188ft Pint St., Portlaad, Or. Offer Gllt-Kflge Inveatmenra la Manlctpal aad ' Railroad Bonds. Writs se Call. - MORTQAQB LOANS Oa Portlaad Baal Estate at Lowest Sates, Trtlee Insured. Abstracts Furnished , TITLE GUARANTEE A TBTJST CO, .' Bees a, Chambar of Gee at area. . H TO FIND GOLD One of the Richest :Mines Ever Discovered ih IVfexicb located" - ,by E. J. Kimbalf. ' ; ; FOLLOW ABORIGINES ' - TO LARGE BODY OF ORE When Natives Had Taken' Rock, Prospector Locates Mine Which ,' Runs Over Thousand - Dollars . a Ton Ledge Is Wide and Deep. ' . (Journal Special Berries., ! "' ' CrlppU Crak, CoU,euly 17. Ona of tha richest mines ' stst - dlsooversd In Msxtco has been located by SV J. Kim ball, formerly a well-known miner here Kimball is' one of the pioneers of the Cripple Creek district, Jut after the blx lire went to Mexico and. settled in Ouanajuato. ' " Por several years Indians have Bold rich ore ,to the Guanajuato haciendas, and although Americans attempted to follow them to the place where they secured it, no one was ever successful. Kimball. however, with hired Mosoa, tracked the Indiana, folio wins; the trail after nlf htfall, and resting; quietly out of slxht In the daytime. He tracked them to the rich ore body, -watched them aather up several hundred pqunds ot the precious metal, and when they had gone be placed menumenta and took up S. Claim. .Two weekav aco Jie returned, carrying- 600 pounds of ore that aver, are more than 11,800 a ton. . The ore body ia several hundred feet Wide, 40 feet deep and already thou sands of tons of ore ara la sight, - . BICYCLE THIEVES KEEP ,. SALEM POLICE BUSY .A , (Special Dispatch to lWjoareaLt - Salem. Or., July 2T. It is believed that an organlaed sang: ' of bicycle thieves Is operating- in Balem' and Uiat the stolen wheels are belns; ehlppeJ to some distant point for alteration and disposal. From 15 to ZO bicycles have mysteriously disappeared' In this city during the paat few months and - the thefts are becoming more frequent as time advances. Wheels are taken from racks on the' business streets almost nightly and often in broad daylight. A number have also been stolen from the porches of residences, where they had been left by the owners for the night, Although the officers have kept a cloae watch, they have been unable to ob tain the slightest clue which might lead to the apprehension of the guilty par? ties.... . ' '.'- .i. , ' , i i. , Attachment ProedUBA-s. ' -(Spatial Dlapateb e Pendleton, Or., July J7. Attachment proceedings were commenced this after noon asalnat F. C. Nolf by the Ixjwman sV Hanford Printing company of Seattle and the Indiana Scale Truck company. The former seeks to collect 888. 84, , said to be due them for merchandise, while the latter has a claim of !2S, also for merchandise. -. , -, " v , . ;" OambleP soiled Xa Quarrel. (Special Dispatch to-The Jaoiaai.1 .... . Welner. Idaho, July 7. rred Morris, B gambler, was killed by J. W. Young, another, gambler, yesterday at Warren mining camp, 1 miles rrora here, as the result of a. quarrel over a woman. Morris- Wns--a well-known- baseball player. Young surrendered t5 the au thorities at GrangevlUe. alleging self defense. ; ff. V . -,. rt - GKED INDIANS gli:.;d LiT. RAINIER lil DLOOuEllS Women in Party of Mountaineers Discard ' All Unnecessary Wearing tApparel. f -' " SIERRA CLUB RETURrin ,i : . FROM TRIP TO CRATER Thlrr-Fiv Maxamas Start for Peak Divided Into Four Companies proposal to ' Orgsniis a National Club at Yellowstone Next Year. . - (Special Cla patch to The JoaraaL, Paradise Valley. Wash.. July 7. The Matamas are expected to return from thety- aaoent of Mount Rainier today. They" were the" lAat "otT the mountaln ellmbers to leave camp and passed the Blerrans at Camp Muir as the latter were returning. . The party headed by General 8tevens has returned from Us climb to thai sum mit, which was madd by a new trail much eaaler thaa tha old. Oeneral Stevens says that there was less steam In the crater than when he made bis first ascent Si years ago. .. ' Of the 10 glacier which radiate from the center of Mount! Rainier, the Nla quail y is 'most interesting. It winds through Its valley for eight miles, look ing from ,a distance like A real river. Professor Le Conte of Berkeley Snds that this glacier .moves at the rat of one half Inch an hour, or a little more than on foot a day,. The measurement Was taken just above the anout of the flaolrj:. v -j. . . - : Olabs to Oomblaa. ' ' President C. G. Fay of Tufts college Is the head of the Appalachian club and also- th American Alplrie dub. The Appalachian Is the oldest., of American mountain clubs and - was founded . In 1171 by aclentlflo men and now has a membership of 1,100. President Roose velt and Professor Fay ar th only Americans who . belong to an English Alpln club. The- American Alpine club numbers among -Its members Oeneral Greeley, Lieutenant and Mrs. Peary and Prince Lulgl d'Abrusal of Italy. . He climbed Mount SL Ellas. t - , '' Te offlclala of these various moun tain, clubs ar considering a plan for a general meeting of all clubs In th Yel lowstone park next summer, when on great organisation will be formed. Women Wki Blooaers. ... Monday 60 Blerrans started ' fbr Rainier, spending th night at Camp Mulr. Th female members of v the party,' In order to facilitate their climbs, have discarded all superfluous garments aod now appear In 'bloomers and shirt waists. As the men wear veil similar to those of th women, the two sexes look alike at a casual glance. ' ; Th Kiser party has returned after successful' ' ascent' They encountered but little difficulty until within 1.008 feet of th summit, when they were con fronted by a cliff of Tock beyond whioh no progress was possible and had to re trace their steps to th old route. I - There were If people. In th party ot Masamas who registered for the xlimh, divided Into four companies A, B, Cand D-"-wlth the following named captains: MXB. -holev'--HIJooin1,; E. - D. - Shel don, and Mr. Forsyth. Each eompsny has a rear guard - and 1 th men . and women, alternate rn th line. Sit other Masamas accompanied them aa far as Csmp Mulr. . , ' WAIVES EXAMINATION--- AND IS PLACED IN JAIL (Special Dlapateb te Tka Journal)- ': Salem, Or July- 17. Harry Milner, who was arrested In this city on Tues day at the instance of his wife, and charged with the crime of assault wltb Intent-to kill, yesterday waived exam ination In th Justice court and was bound over to the circuit court under 1500 bonds. He was unable to furnish th required bond and was locked up In the Marlon county JalLUnlea he sue coeds In giving ball ha will be required to 11 In jail until-October,- when th next regular, term of th circuit court convenes. ' ruaeral of X. XL Bathbas, . (Special Dlapateb te Tba Journal. I Falrvlew, Or July 17 The bnr(al of J. H. Rathbun, who died at Monta vllla on Sunday, took plac at th Pow ell cemetery on Tueaday. Mr. Rath bun was laid to rest by th graves of four of his children. This cemstsry is clos to his first hom In Orsgon, whr he had lived a number of years before moving to Montavtlla, and where he established th flrat dairy In this part of th country. . Many ot fats old neigh, bora paid their trlbut .to his memory by being present at the Interment. rir Destroys Bay. (Special Dispatch t Tba jearnal) Pendleton. Or., July 17. A fir at tiowden station near th stale line yes terday afternoon destroyed over 100 tons of timothy and alfalfa hay belonging to William Alexander, a prominent farmer of the . Lowden district. Farm hands, had Just finished hauling the hay from the fields and stacking It. oaaaery xir at The Sails. ' (Speelsl Otspatck to Tba JoarasLi Th Lai lea. Or, July 17. Seilfert Brothers' cannery at their plant east of this city was burned : yesterday 'after noon, the Are spreading to th mess house and - blacksmith shop.- - Sparks from a passing engine are supposed to have started the blase. Th loss will be in th vicinity of 18,000. Crops at troldendale, - (Special Dispatch The Journal.) ' Ooldendale.. Wash.. July 17. Harvest ing Is In full blast in Klickitat county. Headers are operating In all parts of the valley, and the farmers unite In saying this will . be the banner crop of many years. I IsAypolnted Oaardiaaw . '. isnaalal DlaBetrB to Tka Jearaakt (rxravArl' Tie.- Julf ITIurs Jsmrs A. Fee has been appointed by tii- county clerk a guardian of .William Stuucls, and in tne future win navo cnargi ei th luller's buslness affairs. , ; FLY ON THE FLYER Every Saturday . Only- 2J0 Two v Day Ticketa.'" Portland-Seaside Flyer of the A. 'sTjC. I.JCR- leaves Union depot every. Saturday at s:iv P m. tor uaiwp oeacn points direct ' Only four hours' rid. No trans fers. No delays. No duet. Se C A. Stewart, agent, .141 Alder street, about tickets.-official Information, tlm Cards, b., and sak for.Clatsop beach souvenir, containing 10 beautiful half-ton illus trations. Tlcktg sold at Union depot, , . W treat s usees sf nil y all arrival aer- vous aad ebronlo dlseaaas of man: alsoj blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat trnuhlaa. Wa aura ' SYPHILIS y ievlt tMMta HHSMnrvi. ftev atae aurad forw ever, la 10 to 18 days. - W remor STRICTURE, without operation or pain. In 1 day. We atop drains,' the resolt ef self - abuaa. immediately. - We caa reator th exual vigor of any man under tl by means ef local treatment peculiar to urfslvea. . t ' .. "' 'Wo Curb Qonorrhoca ' r- Jn a JWeek-- - ' Th dootora of this Institute ar all rsgulsr graduatas. have had many years' experlencs, have been known ln-er Portland for II years, have a reputation f to maintain, and will undertake no casor . . unless certain cure can do enootea. We guarantee a care In every case w tindertake er charge no fee. consulta tion free. Letter confidential Instruc tive book FOR MEN mailed Ires la elain wraDoer. an We cur th worst cases ot pile In tw or three treatments, without opera tion. Cur guaranteed. . . , , . If you cannot call at office, writ for Orflos hours, t te I and t to I. DR. W. NORTON DAVIST& CO: Offices In Van Noy Hotel. 12 M Thlr d Street. Corner Pin. Portias. Or. 8CHLBY,fi.PALM - Taken by V Prof. Irant Chesterfield Daring Grant Chesterfield' visit to Omaha ftv rsara are this eummer the noted palmist read tba palm sf Admiral Sctaley at a public reception In tba preeears of hundreds of people who bad lathered at the courthouse to ebake bande with tbo hero of Santlaco. frafeaanr Chesterfield talked for folly IB mtautee oa the admiral's palm.. ' ' "You will see how deeply the 11 nee are accentuated," ears Professor Chesterfield, I a&DUIBAL' SCHLEY'S PALM, polntbur te tbo Imprint. "I dictated no leas than Bins sheets of typewritten aratter." Since Ckeeterfatld'a arrival bare snores and arores of predictions made by him have sine corns to paaa. Klerks of teatlmonlale to Hie effect are piled emon hla aiaiilel, t'sawile ef people dally crowd bia parlore at S24 Tblrd atreet to consult btra en all affaire of life, ble fee belnr net SB centa for a life readlns. Be cause of tbo Biimemas encasements mads by bis secretary. , Professor Chesterfield i will be oblUred to remala ta rortiaad another week. . on. Gu:nrs B100D !?'HERYE T01IIC A TABLXT TO TAXB AT MBATj TIsfB. ' aoutMee (he Bleed and Mervee 11 rsptacea the la - Vew) Bluan, Overwork er DtalctlefV.'' . To talm flu aed Xtreef tm, ( set ef. re Hmmoe rreeHesaa rrosv ssy vm J Create Aarve feres. . Tolmitroutktlmr U Stom Dlti Sptllm, To 0es Hmltk gess, re Ires f 7ffara, To Makillr Actlm. U Cere eyases 01 am. To aavoee Line Seats. re)aeCeer. fe Core Oeseesea - 4a(aee4Ws' Commtlooi tJOS. 0L0 SY MU06ISTS, OR BY 8111. ON RiCEIPf ' OMICa7B.AB0Jr4B0XUIZ. oa. BosAsrxo oo. rxiLBnxi.rBiA. xa: Scotfs Santal-Pejsin Cspsalss A POSITIVE CURE Vor Tnflaei-aetlos eeOetarrlief I be Bladoer and Dl Kid. Is. 10 call ae mi. t.-aree ckly sad parmaaentir the worst nd lees. ao matter of bow Ions taodlns. .Aba taodlns. A baoiateiy barm lean. Sold b drosaiata. rnoe, or ay aau, f uai pud, lUsTl boxaa. THE SANTAL-PEPSI3I COL Bellebaaf alse. Osa. by Weedard. Clarke Os. sur.E cur.E fo piles TrTCHIafO Xnae prodaeaaoterere eBdaaeaeltoblnai IraJa foeaa. aa wall aa suiavd. aiaedina oe aost-sdinsl IPUeoareoured b. Or. oaantto'alleMorndrl susuaeoins. Anaorne insure, see a saveeaa ay 1 ease, 1S. late abaal year osaxo. ruleda, Pal rir Baskrays Tintoer. - --(Special Drsoatch te Tbo 4oajraaL Northport, Wash.. July J7.--On th reservation-north of here a forest fir Is raging and It Is feared much timber will to destroyed. It bas now burnt a triangle to th top of Saddle mountain And If - It continues up to the Sheep creek benches there will be a great loss of all kind of timber. ' Many settlers have only recently obtained patents for their holdings and much fear la felt among them, as th land 1 only, valu able for Its timber. - -1 'T;' jrined for SMatinr. . (Special Dlapateb te Tba JoaraaL) ' folfax. Wash, July 27. Justlc D06 llttle fined W. A. Jones, A section fore man, and Thomas Boyle, who was work ing under him, 140 and coats each for fighting.- They both became drunk by partaking too freely, of beer while working on the section near Diamond. Jones got 'much th worst Of th deal, but as he seemed to be the aggressor, the luetic thought ' a Ilk sentence would be abont right. . ' - A nay Worm Appears. ' (Special Dispatch fa Tba Josrnbl.) ' Falrvlew, Or. July 17. There I some fear that this part of the country is to hav another visitation from the army worm, which wrought such destruction to vegetation a few years ago, when they appeared like a vaet army, attack ing .vegetables, doing especial damage to the more tender one a 80 far this year they hav em Only In smalT num bers. TI"Up the V ... .. ' f( ft1': . to Sale Xo CASCADE LOCKS AND RETURN Regulator Line Steamer "BAILEY GATZEtir 1 IriavM foot of Aldef street daily SiXO bv bb. rttuu SCO p. aa. ' 1 , . : f. 5 kc 7". queatlon blank. Bom treatment BV Ls. I -A f- Sundays and holidays. 10 to 11 C. OEEHWO The Great Chinese Doctor Formerly JM Alder : Third. . located at at., corner Have Moved Te " the Tsrfe brick building at S. X. cornet of First and Morriaoa -eta.' - -- " Entrance) , First Strwe ' Dr. 0. See We, the Oreat Chtneee Doctor, la well known aad famoas tbrougboBt tba U. B. because kta wonderful and marvelous cores bava baaa haralriMl hrnadcaat thrOUChoOt the lensth and breedtb of this country. Ue treaU any and all dlaeaaee wltb powerful Chinese rmiis. karfca. barla. karba and veeetablee that are entirely anknowa to aalcal adsnce 1b this country, and through the see of these barm Wee remedies he guarantees so ears eatarrs, aatama. teas troubles, rneumatlsm. acrrouaoesa. etomacb, liver, kidney, female troubles and all private Tie ramoas ooeror nres witno iue aia ef tha knife, wltboat Bains oolaona er drag a. Handreds of testlmoulaa 00 lie at bis afooaa. Call aod see him. Charges mooalte. -OOVSTLTATIOaf-FXXX. Pattenta sat of the city write for blanks and circular. Inclose ee etamp, Addreee The 0. See Ws Chin aaa Medicine Co., ISSVb 1st Sb, ear. Morrison, rertiaaa, or, -Plaaaa mention this paper. . - , Mlalarestsn and aboedd kaow . - anonl toe wonosrral MAIVEL wMrlkM Sorsv I Ike new TirM arrsara, Jmlrr- Iton. Bass Bar. Urn year araasM fee , If be eannoiaarolv tb MABtVBa. aooantBO outer, but aend stamp for ' llloairatad hook n.liiL ft , full narueulan and 1irartiona la valuAnie to isnn uable to Isrliaa. MARVBI, CO., . B. SSd ST.. IIW tORk. B SALB BT WOODABOTCn FOB OLABXB A- OO. aUTLXOAB AD 8TIAKB0AT TTJIX TAXLXS. North Pacific S. S. Co.'s , Stfamshlp : - ' 8,400 TOaTS ;" Sails from Columbia Dock No. 1 for SAN FRANCISCO AND LOS ANOELES. calling at EUREKA enroute, , aVATuaVOAT, aTTJIiT 8, fj. .SB. ; , Ill TTJaVDAT, ATJO. II. 8 P, BV TUsUDAT, ATJO). SS, S P. Ticket Offlc 151 Washington St. "XL. YOtTMO. Adreat. S - DAYS ON ' CT PUQET SOUND O ; "The Medlteiraaeaa ef the PadBe." ' XTJOIT SOtJXD BXTTISK OOLVMXIA. , $23.75 Pays for 8 days' round trie to TACOMA, SB ATTLR. RVEBETT. BBLL1NOHAM. WASH.! VANCOUVER. BRITISH COLUMBIA. ete. Leaving Portland every Sftb day, "Brat -cuss transports tlon. sseaM and bertha Included. The palatial erean-smng ateemablpa t MA TH. LA. yi KK.v. ciTv.or piebla. For tlrkcta and full Information apply Pa cific Coast Iteamahlp Co.. 28 Waehlnstoa at., booth Mfrs. and Liberal Arts bldg.. Fair amende; - Paget Sound . A Alaska Eicarstoa Biu-eari. Ooodnougk bldg., ' Bth and Yamhill ata., Portland, . -COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY Spencer Line Fast Steamer. CRas. It Spencer ' Dally round trip to The Dellee from Washington street dock at Tab, except Friday and Sun day. :..., A Swtbserland ef Ajaefloa. ' ' '.tornt Xs4-alfloaa Bosasry la ths SUNDAY EXCURSIONS ' to th four-million dollar. , Cascade Locks and Retain Leaving foot of Washington strset - at a. nx, arriving horn at , $ 9. m. ..-I- - Bound Trip TlcKets lfl.00 Telephone Main 1411, . -. XL W. BFXXfOXaV, Oeneral--Mcaagerr Portland, - Or." Coll!lil)!a,, y so Late la ' ' vj.t AoweVaya si, V 1 MSlls - af AMA ViWSr!! t "eaessjer AA3iX"v v. aa-atoecoirvoolent, oWT "ssaTll-aV eia tsesasarSal AaTateajwBaay ws .. aw 3 Trains to the East Daily I Tkronak Pnllmaa ataadanl aA arairiaa alaaoi Ing -cars dally w Omaha, Chicago, 8pokan toarlat alertilngara dally to Kauaaa Ci.ri througb Fttllmaa toertat aleenlneara tfnereow elly eondoctedr weekly to Chicago. Reeliaiag cbalreare laeat free) to the East dally. ' tJWIOW DBPOT.-. Leevee. Arrivwa. CHICAGO-PORTLAND - . - ; SPECIAL. 8:18 a.m. l:Hp.a, Fer tba Baat via Boat-Dally. ... Dally, instoa. ' '-;-- U I n. ' SPOKANB XLVKR. -k ; r."-' For Kastcra Waablng. too. Walla Welle. Lew- S JB p; sr. tm S. am, Hton, Coeur d'Alene Dally, . Dally, and 'Oreat Kortbara - POlBtSL, . ' . . . ATLAHTIO BXPBF.S8. 8:18 p.m. T:1B a. SS. For the Baat via Baat- Dally. - DallK lngton. ' '. ' . Cohrmbl Biver INelaiea. FOR ASTORIA aad way points, connecting wltb' atmr. for ' Ilwaco and i :O0 p. Bv Dally. Abont 8:00 p. an. ex. Sasday. , Sunday. North Beach, atmr. Hae-j "a tnrday. aaaa. Aaast. ooek. 10:80 p. as. T. J. Potter for Astoria and North Beach aa followa: Jalr SA a. bli Jolr SB. 8:10 a. m. I July 27, 10:40 a. m.( July 28. 11:40 a. BL amy m, 1 p. m. TamklU Biver Beat. FOB DATTOW. Oresoa City aad Yamhill elveri Tkm a. Sf. l:Maa Dally. as. aoaday. points, atmre. Bath and uaiu , joaday. Moooe. Ash -at. dock. (Water permitting.) X. Snake Xlver Bouts. FOR LBWI8TON, Ida., end .way points from It! parte, Wash., stairs. Spokane aad Lowletoa. 4:00 a. bv Dally as. Be tarda. Abont ' 8:00 p. SB. Dally, ei. Friday. TICKET OFFICB. Third and Waahtngtsa. Tek ,, . nbon Main TIJ. . ; C. W. oTINGEB, City Ticket Aeet, A. la CRAIO, Oeneral Fasoeng-er AfenL ' EASTvu SOUTH Leaves. TJNIOR DBPOT. 0VBBLAKD BXPBBSS. Trains, for Baleaa, Roae burg, Ashland. Sacra mento, Ogdea, Ban Fraa ewco, Stocktoa, Lea As- e8;80n.ks. 7J8B.SV mattm, hi rns leans snd the Beat, Monlns train aerta at Woodhurn dally eicopt Saaday e8:80 B. . wltb Vela bar Bat Angel. Silver tea Browne vllle. Spring field, Weadllng aad Natron. . Kusens psssengse eon 8:00 p. m. T:8t) a. av necu at Woodbura with 10:88 s.8 bit. Ansel and surer tea local ' ' Corvallis paaaiagsr. gbrrldaa pasaeng-e. BrSp.a. 8.2B a.m. 4:B0p. m DeiljT Fertlaad-Oswege SaVarbea Bervlos aaat TamsJH SieiaioB. ... "Tlepor foot of Jeffemoa street. fava Portland dally for Oawego T BO a. m. t 11:60, B. d.00, 8.80. 8:00, :US, T:eff, 10. 1 p. m. Dally (except Snaday). 1:80, 8:80. 8.85. 10 23 a. m.; d.00, 11 :B0 p. aa. Saaday esiy. 8:0 a. aw Returning from Oewege, arrree Pertland dally -8:80 a. m.; 16o. 8:08. 4:BS, 8:tB. TJI BBS. 11:10 P. m. Dolly (eicept Saaday). 8:88, T:, 8:80. 10:10, 11:4S . m. Kacept Moaday, lJd points dally 4:U0 p. Bs. . Arrive Pert- Und wao a. as. - The Independsecs-Moaniontb Motor - Use operates dally to Monmontb aad Alrlle, eom aectlng vrltb Sowtbera Pact Be eompany'a tracks " st Dallaa and iBdepeadrsre. F1ratlaaa far from Portland te Sacramento and Ban Francises 120, berths n; eecoad claae fare 118, seeond-elaas berths BJ BO. Tlckata to Eastern potnta aad Xiuepa Saw 'ana a. China. Honeluls sad Aaatrslls. ... City Ticket Office corner Third aad Waah ingtna streeta. Phoa Mala TlXr 0. W. BTINOBB. W. B. COMA ft. City Ticket Agent. ' Pen. Psaa. A root. -TIME CARD . TRAINS; Rortlandi DAILT. DHION DBPOT. Depart. I Arrfea, Yellowatone Psrk-Ksn-1 aaa Clty-St. Louie Spe ,1,1 (ue Ckehalla. Can trails. Oljrmpla. (Iraya Harbor, "too in aeno, la coma, Seattle, Spokane SJSS.SB. 4-Mf.l ljewiaion, ou&w, our Insa. Denver. Omaha. Kenans City. SL Loulal aad eoutneaat. !orth Coast Limited, electric lighted, for Ta eema. Brattle. Spxkane. 1:00 a. BV 440 p. sb. T4SS.I '. ! Butte, Mlnneapoila, SL pain aaa tne aaat. Puget Sound Limited, for Chehalla. Centra Ha Tacems and Bssttle 101 . sw oaly. . Twin City Xi re l as. for Taeoma, rVettla, Spo-j kane. ' Beleoa, Butte, Yellowstone Park. Mla- ll:4p.8B. SlWa. SV. rtea polls, St, Paul aadl the East. A. D. CHARLTON. '. Aaalatant Oeneral Passenger Agent. '" ABB Morriaoa at., cor. Tblrd, . Portlend, Oregoa. Astoria & Columbia . River Railroad Co. I jeeves. VMION DPOT. 8:00 a. I Dally. S;S0B. I ' For Way gera Rainier, ftatakanle. Weatport. 11.80 a. 1 Dally. (ilftoa. Astoria. Wae-I ronton, KlavaL Mam' mewl. Fort . Ueerhart Park, SeeaMe, Astoria and bVaahere. V Kiprees dally. " Atturla Eiprees, ' T:flOa.i IIDaliy.. 8 :40 p. Bh Bet tar dee. I. C. MA TO. .'' . . 0. F. asd P. A., Astotla, Or. C. A. STEWART, rnmmerrlal Aeetit. MS Aide , T. atreet. Phone Mln rtokst OBl IBsT Tklrd St. Xaoa I 0 Trn wao n 1 1 nen tail Tralnat U&Wy faot Tir.r Mi.. - A- -J - - t t a-1 i . - I?iJ"'tl 1 IQIoct j sl- 1 laajl yitra laMi - I Arrives. 1