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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1905)
-TII3 OREGON . . DAILY JOUR1IALV- POHTtAND. THURSDAY -CVS?INO, JULY-7rU.- 38113: DEFEAT : LOCAL IIE Titzpatrick Had thsj Indian Sign : on McCredie'i Men and -.Their Sun Was Set. . . PACOB ATZ PERFORMS IN CLEVER FASHION Seattle Players Touched Up ' Bert Jones Every; Time When- Hita Wera Needed and ;Had No Dif - ficnlty in Scoring Talliea. - Settle i; Portland 0. " ' Batterlee- Fltspatrlck and Blanken Ship; Jonea and McLean! . The way the Brattle Siwashes had or banding it to the Oianta yeaterday at - Recreation par"was c shame and a star One Fltspatrlck,, (Frenchman) waa the ' party to blame.- At that hla work on the alab waa not 80 remarkable, (or at no stage of the same waa he particularly J effective. It waa the gilt-edged aupport rendered him by hla team-mates that won the game. Fits ta a big etalwart and If It) wera not that the world of . baseball Would be robbed of a very food nan In tha bos and the fear that the Tana would commit murder on the per son of the one who did It, some , one - -might pick. Fltgjip andXoiit.Jilm.aa an other man who might prove a match for the- retired -xhampion - . heavyweight. . itt t rles. The attendance waa not large, but those whojrer there were of the thirty-third degree kind, and one time la the fifth Inning when Jonea- put a not -drive along the" foul line at third and the only-onllest umpire, Mr. Slate Davis, called a foul ball, there were mutterinre that made aome of theee la the grandstand remember the mob be fore tha fail, of tha Baetlle. But Slate waa there wth hla death-defy big pose and belligerent gleam of eye and thoaa of the players who wanted, to start something Imagined they saw hla Ave Bngera pointed at them, meaning a Brie. It waa an off day for the oianta. They batted rings around themselves, but couldn't get the' ball where the - Slwaehea i- were not camping. Jonea hit Kane In the Mr, In tha third Inning and It Bounded like aome one had- been ' dropped with a aandbag. But Kane waa in good condition can't kill him any- " wayr-and all t hi feet . the bldw had waa to slacken "hla" time' getting" to the Initial Back- Tha moat sensational work Of the game 'Waa done by Ats. In the eighth he made a hard run and a pickup of McLean's throw' to second and tagged .Houta. retiring tha aide. There were moments of suspense In the seventh. . Seattle batted everything Jn Jones' category of twirls and twlata and made four base hits.: McCredle got one on the elbow In the sixth -and It waa the bench for him, as the abock waa a bad-one. Catea -ranlhe bases for him. In the , ninth Kane made a pretty bunt and beat . It to third. The Siwashes had a hard trip from Loa Angelea. and put- up a Ana game considering. , The .. official soors Is: :;'' ,. , . - '' - PORTLAND. V- AB. R.H. PO. A. E. At!, as.'" . -- McCredier 4 0.1 k 10 rfc- Fleming. If. 4, 1 t Householder, ef. ..... S . 0 0 S 0 0 Van Buren. lb, 9 B 1! J McLean, c .....A.4 0,0 Z- 0 fates. 3b I 0 ISO 0 a . s Jonea, p. . .. .. '. . - .;. a '-a Totals so a a it 11 0 SEATTLE. . ; . ' " - ' ( AB. R. H. PO. A. E. -Walters, rf, 4 I S 0 0 0 Kane. SB. ........... 4 O 'l 1' 0 ' blankenshlp, c .,.. S 0 1 S 10 Hart. cf. v 0 SO Frary. lb. 4 0 1J ' 1 Houta, If. 4 OSS 0,0 McHale. Zh. 4 S S 1 S 0 R. Hall. as. ......... 4 . i- Si 1 0 J-ltxpatrick, p. 4- 0 1' I 4-0 .-Totals . ...'........IS 4 14 XT 17 1 ,-.-. -.-X SCORE ,BT INNING8. - - 'it X S 4 I T I ' tjeattl J ll 10000SOO 4 Hlta . .. S S 0 0 1 1.4 1 S 14 :t'-t''" -. i-a uiu a 0 1 0 a 0 a t SUMMARY . . Struck out By Fltspatrlck, 1. Bases tm ball a Off Fltspatrlck. 1. Two-base hits McHale, Catea, Left on bases Portland, : Seattle, . Sacrifice hit Walters. Stolen bases Van Buren, Catea. McHale. lilt by pitched balls Kane, McCredla. Wild pitch Fltspat rlck. - Flrat base on error Portland. I. Time of game One hour and 46 mln lites. Umpire Davis. BOXERS' FRIENDS ARE : FULL OF CONFIDENCE ' Interest In tha bout between ' Tom - Vreeey- and yotmr Kern a, which - Is ..bc4eduled for Friday evening at Van . oeover, is becoming greater every Bay. A ' feature about thla mill Is that the friends of both the participants In the go are equally confident ; . -., Kerns friends point with satisfaction to hla record which presents an aim oat unbroken atring of victories. They claim aleo that he la faster and stronger than Traoey, end that ls youth gives him a ..great advantage over his opponent In the matter of endurance. . Tracey'a frlenda, whllethy admit that Kerne" Is no mean opponent,' but ' must be figured with seriously, cannot or at least- will not admit that- lie ia Tom's superior. They recall the1 two battles with Tommy Ryan, one of eight, the other of nine rounds, his threi fights with the Barbadoea wonder, Joe Wolrott, nd his flght with the equally redoubta ' ble. Jos Cans. They recall his SO-round go with Myaterioua Billy Smith, the then welter-weight champion c-r the world. --. On the whole' It would seem that th men are very evenly matched and the lovers ef the boxing game are congrat SCakea hat light aad flnfy. gttop lacata lastMtly. COOING-1. GOING!. GONE III. BarsJaaie WTU Bare It, NEWDRO'S Dorrr blamz yovr iouior Mr tsetse nasjil thsw assren te sear stisss wimaiiW m Hiss Wlr aeetrae--. Par ansr ear thsr ess eesety sad sttrserirram isefli T the ts sis Tel ef frxt Ml ef sUrktly kale esaM ee4. If rear mirrmt essid sik it MM stead wtfk yea M Hirptilll WU1 Bare It. I wlta yea M 'ssre 1 lea. .... . lead Mc ttsatss. Is alflCItt Cb teat. I, tifnk, M kk., far uaiok . srtt )swMLs. irtii ulating themselves that they are going to aee a lively mill. 80 far as tha principals themaelvea are concerned both are 'reticent. Each la willing to admit that he has a worthy opponent. While neither ta - boasting, each feels confident of carrying off the laurels, and privately aaaures his- friends that he la aura to win. Both are trained to tha hoar and nt to enter the ring at any time. .1 . . Since Monday neither haa don any heavywork.- Tracey haa confined him self to the road and light gymnastls work, . while Kerns haa been playlug handball. 1 Arrangements has been made to keep the ferry open until sfter the close of tha conteat ao that the vlsltora from Portland will be sure of a return 'to the city. . . There will be two preliminaries of four rounds each and also a wrestling match. " " WHAT THE TROTTERS AND RUNNERS ARE DOING 1 1 ' : (Jearaal Bpsclal Berries.) Detroit, July S7.t-Grand circuit race resulta: nace. nurse Sl.COQ. three-heal plan Maud Keswick won the flrat and third heats in S:1S4, S:0; Bolivar won tna second heat In S:0H- Blat-k Patchen. Charlie Patch. Major WiUon, Interocean. Refeana. 1 Tommy- Burna, -Kea mgniin gale and Billy A. alao stsrted. v S:04 pace, puree ei.euv. miwumi in Locanda won the first snd secona heats In S:0, S.0S; King uirect won the third heat In S:0t. Nathan Strauss also started. - ' " 1:11 trot, nurse Sl.BOtJ. tnree-neat pian Laddie Mao won three straight heata In S:0H, S:0SH. 1:11. v Mack Mac. Major. Greer, ; Gold Dust Maid, John Caldwell, Flaah -Lightning and Gold Standard also started. At Urightoa Beach. New Tork, July 17. Brighton Beach race reaulta: Six furlongs Aeronaut won. . Lady Amelia second. Tea Cress third; time. 1:11 J-S. ' w - - f - " 8teplechass, about two mllea Nitrate won Dick ' Jloberta aecond. Paul Aker third; time. 4:14. - On - mtle snd one- sixteenth Kuorw wan. Jetsam aecond, Novena third; time, 1:4 i-. ;. , - M The Undergraduate stakes, five and one half furlongs Muffins won. Quorum second. Listless third; tlms. 1:07 S-l. Arkllta finished nrat, but waa .disquali fied for fouling.- v. One mile and .four ruriongs Aiwin won. iBt Bellane second, Eugenia Burch third; tlme,'l:iS S-l.' ' ' ' six furlonss Phidias won. Red Eye second. Veronese -third; time, 1:15 , 'Villi ZMis. St.! Louis, July it. Delmar rac re sult: Four and on hair furlongs tiaaanne won, , Pirate's Dream second, Boirtta third; time, :7. Six furlongs Jake wara won. iucian aecond. Frank Bill third; time, 1:1 S-0. Five and one half furlongs Topsy Robinson won. Charlatan secondly Kls third; time, 1:10. ' One mlle and 70 yards, handicap Taby Tosa won, Baravlan second. Msrlln third; time. 1:47 S-. Seven furlongs Dr. Hrt won, Lst Fustus second. Jsdo third; time. 1:30. On mile end ons eighth Eclectic won. Bullfinch second. Lady Freeknlght third; time, 1:68. - PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. tICBsV- Tacnma 131 TffSi 7S AM .41K1 .T .437 .415 Haa rrserlsce .... IS 16 15 IS 8 Us AsceMs ... .. PortUni .. Oaklsnd 7... 'SI 10 Til -I 0 SMttleL.... t 7 Lest .. WV9 DZ! IS Ml Ml -. ' Osoat Oraham Waa It. (Joareal BpacUl Barrlee-t ' ' Loa Angeles, July 17. Oakland won yeaterday from Los Angeles by a soors of 4 to 1. - Score: n ti r Los-Anrelea . 1 0 0 111 0 0 1 1 Oakland. ......06101010 t S O Batteries Toser. SDles and Eaaer: Graham, Byrnea and Stanley, Umpire Brar, ,. , k 1 Oama.- (Joaraal BpecUl Barries.) San Francisco, July ' 27. Ths Tigers were taken Into camp by a score of 1 to 0. The Ion run was made In th fifth, when, with the baser full. Graham made a balk to forced la a run. Score: . R. H. E. Ban Francisco ..0 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 1 4 1 Tacoma . . ..... .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00. .4 S Batteries Wbalen and Wilson: Brown and Graham. Umpire Perrina.- Dava Holly vs. Btevs CTroehy. . (Joaraal Bseeial Bsrvtas.) ' Reading. Pa- July 17. Dave Holly of Philadelphia and Steve Crosby of Louisville are alated for a 10-round bout here tonight before th Eureka Athletic club. Holly la a decided favorite . In what betting la being done on tha re sult , This Is due to the fact that he knocked out Crosby on the occasion of their previous meeting and alncs that time also put up a hard -light' against Joe WalcotL "'.- , . - Oa the righting- Calendar. (Joaraal Special Berries.)-1 Detroit. July 17. Tha Greater Detroit Athletic club of Del ray haa arranged a promising card for Its boxing show to night. - In the star event of the evening Otto Selloff of Chicago and Harry Cobb or Detroit will mix It up In a lo-round bout, 116 pounds. - t . eiete Aanex Oas. , . (Ipsdsl Dispatch ts The JosrsaL) Salem. July ST. The first of a series of baseball games between the Bankers. Capitals and Merchants was played here yesterday and was won by the Bankers. Score 11 to 7. .. The teama will pity two games each week for five weeks.' Tse Late fee XsrsltUu. Herpicide year aetr aet She eMsMaaa.- tt eaa be esse. nta Newbre'e Hsrs4et4e wkleh kills -! last tsasiBj eau, brittle sad lestsitMS M, saw 4saearf sad fsniag 1 aair. . ismr sse gra sa tke hair's ssrsral hsttar sad sbvsasses will MarrsUsa rssalta. Aa etoalsMe hak s, TENNIS TOURNAMENT ; -RUNS MERRILY ON Pyles of Seattle made hla flrat appear ance yeeterday at the Oregon state ten nis tournament and beat Letter In two sets. 0-1. 0-1. The Japanese, Tskakl, of Toklo, ' demonstrated hla superiority by winning again, thla - time ' defeating Veneaa In two sets, tyS, . All the matches scheduled In ths men's doubles were played off. 1 , - Tha schedule is now well advanced and tha playing has materially Improved. In most of the eventa the semi-finals have been reached. Only th very beat players are now left, and tha final wind up of tha tournament ahould produce some fast and clsver tennis playing. Yesterday's results were: Gentlemen's Doubles Pyles beat Letter. 4-1.-4-1; Off ford beat Forbea, 7-5. 0-0; Wlrkerahahi beat Andrews, 4-1. 1-1; Oosa beat McAlpln (default) Bellinger, beat Shlvea, 0-4, 7-; Oosa beat Rohr, 4-1. f-S; Takakl beat Veneaa, 0-1. 0-4. Mens Doubles Goss snd McAlpln beat Durham and Morse. 4-4, 0-S; Herd man and Ewlng beat Webb and Gl fiord. -4, 0-4; Takakl and Gilbert beat Shires and Veness, .'.-!, 4-1; Bellinger and Wlckeraham beat Smith and Andrews. 0-4, 0-4. Ladies' Singles Miss Sutherland beat Miss Debavola, 6-1. 4-0, 7-4; Miss Heltshu beat Mlsa Robertson, 1-1, (-1. Ladies' Doubles Mrs. Baldwin and Miss Robertson beat Miss Fording and partner, (default); Mlaa Heltshu and Miss Joseph! beat th Misses Fox, (-1, 0-0. . . r'- -. Mixed Doubles Wlckeraham and Mrs. Judge beat Kerr and.Mre. King. 0-7, t-S. Consolation Letter beat -Webb, 0-S. 4; Weat beat Nunn. 4-4. 4-: Prince beat Wilder, 4-1. 0-4; fehlves' beat Gil bert.' -7, 0-7: Sargent .beat Ladd (de fault). , - - Mrs. R. A. Letter r resided over the refreshment- table yeeteVde yr fihe was ssststed by Miss Gladys Weldler, Miss Sears. Miss Kate Foster; Miss Katherlne Arnold. Miss Alice Neal and Miss Ida Klstner. - Today Mrs. J. F. Ewlng will preside. and will be assisted by the- following young ladlea: Miss VIda Nichols, Miss Mildred Nichols. Miss Caroline Kemm. Mlss.Alta Smith, Miss Barker sid Miss aiico stareer. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Won, P.C. .718 .45 .B84 .675 .621 .344 .330 .2t New Tork T.i . . V. . Chicago . . .', rnuadeiphia Cincinnati , Bt. Loula . 4..., Hoston , , Brooklyn SO 24 1 . . 01 , ! AS Bostoa. , R. H. E. Pittsburg ....8 11 S Boston S 7 S Batteries Hildebrand and Pelts: Wil lie and. Moran. - - ... , ; AS PhUadelpaia.- B, H. E. ... 0 1 Chicago . '. ynnaqeipnia . jsjio-q Batteries Briars. . RaulBacK and Kling; Nichola and Abbott. - '. -At Brooklym. - Brooklyn 0 IP 4 St. I jiuls . . . 1 1 1 Batteries Scanlon and Bercen: Eaa4-back cer. ana uraay. - - ... . At Sfw Tork. R. H.E. Cincinnati.'. ................. .6 is 4 New York 1 t S Batteries Ewlng and Bchlei: Ames. jacuinnuy ana sresnanan. . , . - AMERICAN LEAGUE. ' Won., Lost. uieveiana ....... ee Chicago . . 49. fntianeipnia , .its - NewYork, . r.. S7 ' Detroit ... 41, Boston . . SS St. Louis St . Washington, . . ...... 24 - I , . At Chicago. . R. Chicago-. . ....... . ......... .1 Philadelphia . . .S Batteries -Owen and 8ulllvan; Coak ley, Henley, Bchreck and Barton. At Olevelaad.' First aame . R. H. E. Cleveland . . .................1 S Washington .. S 7 S Batterlee Hess and Buelow; rattan and Heyaon. second same k. m. k. Cleveland . . .i.i;r.rTV77r.Ti7 11 10 Washlns-ton . r- v! 1 0 S Batterlea Bernnard ana Bemis: won and Klttreage. At Detroit. First gams R. H. E. Detroit .3 10 S Boston 8 IS 1 Batteries Donovan, 1)0 ran and Drill: Toung, Tannenill and cnger. - Second aame - R. H. E. Detroit . ..T..4 4 Boaton 0 I 1 Batterlee Kiiuan ana Drill; uimeteaa and Armbruster. INTEREST GROWS IN :THE AQUATIC EVENTS Entries for fns squatlo sports to be held Friday and Baturday on Guild' lake, at the Lewis and Clark exposition, are now completed. Great interest cen- tera In th sculling race between E. Oloss of th Portland Rowing club and Alex Pap of th Dolphin club. San Francisco. Tha four-oar match between th Portlands and the Nelsons of .Vic toria, B. C, promises to create all klnda of excitement Th Portlands, due to th coaching of D. J. Murphy, are row ing In championship form. Following Is the summary of events: Friday Junior single, George Luders and E. B. Harley, Portland Rowing club, Senior single,- E. O. Gloss, Portland Rowing club; Alex Pape, Dolphin chib. San Francisco; William Patton, Portland Rowing club. Junior doubles, E. B. Har ley, stroke, and George Luders, bow, Portland Rowing club. vs. C. Marshall, stroke, and J. Rosenfeld, biw, Portland Rowing club. - Lapatreak fours. A. R. Stringer bow, E. Orth No. S, A. Peterson No. S, A. Pfaender atroke, vs. A. E. Allen bow-, AT-S. AHen No. 8. W. T. Allen No. S, A. A. Allen, stroke. Saturday Senior doubles,- PortUnd Rowing club: R.. Lamberaon bow, and N. M. Montgomery atroke, vs. P. Bmld bow, and E. O. Oloss stroke. FOur-oar, Portland Rowing club Preston Smith bow, Charles Duncan NA 1, T. Zimmerman No. S, Paul Smld stroke, E. B. Harley substitute, vs. Nel- eon olub cf -Vk-torla, B. Tr-H.)lshap' bow, R. Sharp No. 2. A. Blahop No. S, F. Nott stroke. , V . . t Canoe races Singles, E Frank, Mult nomah club; E. Lamberaon, Portland Rowing club; E. Frohman. Multnomah club; Roy Klrkley,. Portland Rowing club, - Doubles: E. Frank and K. I Am ber son vs. E. Frohman and R. ' Lam person, . Upset race: W. Morton. E. Lamberson, Roy Klrkley Tilting race: Roy Klrkley, E. Frohman. W. Morton, Races will begin at S n. m.. Just op- poalta 4 he ut eaavlng stat ion, T he officials, are? . ... Referee, It W. Kerrigan; starter, F. J. Lonergan; timers, 'W, Haywar.J, i,.J. Murphy. W. B. Fechhelmer; judges cif turn. IL 1L Hoyt. O. M. Babbitt, F.IK. Wstklns; Judges of finish-Percy fUow- 11, Lb C. Hart, B. Luders, X. P.C SU ,S4 12 .406 14 .686 SI .644 40 .604 41 .481 II ' .171 64 .11 H. E. S 0 a s GOOD DAY FOR THE F Four j of the Heaviest Played Horses Romp Home With the Coin at Irvington. s' I. POWELL GIVES PETER J. ' A MISERABLE RIDE Beat Played Horse o( tha Da Was Handled Badly and Finished Sec ond Instead of First Many of the Talent njoy Prosperity. Th favorites' faithful followers had their Inning at Irvington track yeater day afternoon and partially made . Up for a few losses sustained on Tuesday, through a mixture of circumstances and bad riding. Th only real mlscue on th entire card yesterday was th mis erable ride given Peter J. by I. Powell In the fourth race. Peter J. waa the rloeat favirit elnoe the opening of th meeting and ha was flayed from Harlem - to th river Styx, across th sands of Sahara, through distant landa and meadowa, o'er snow-clad plains and sea, yet th rid Ivy Powell gave him waa of auch a violet hue that even Peter J. himself smarted with Indigna tion aa he passed under th wire, beaten lengtir and--iialfr-Peter j: ahould have aklpped home a winner by Ave lengtha had Powell don any urging at all, but that stupid youngster wasn't so stupid as he appeared, and aat mo tlonless on his mount, westing a guilty look, as Sterling Towers galloped by with League up. Of course, League rode th beat race of th bunch and de served everything he got, but there la a feeling away down In th hearts of th backers of Peter J. and others that had Powell used his whip at all he could have won th rac. Th book gav even money on th firld against Peter J., birt th lump that Powell's-ride dropped would make a email mountain of gold. But, then, mlatakea often bap- pen in tha beat regulated families. In th first race of tha day B. Powell rode Seventy, the favorite, and put up such s, splendid exhibition of riding that he came In last Annie Burk ia owned by Wallace Whltemor and la an Oregon-bred mar. Graham got her away fourth and her backera got at little wor ried when ah dropped back to sixth place at th halt. Thla move of Gra ham a was tha only thing to be done, as hs had to go around the bunch, lie rated her well, however, and In th be ginning of the home atretch ah moved up quickly and, thnKh tha. nil denied her, aha galloped In a head In front of Ere Yeaterday. Lady Klspar was ths whole show In the second rac. She opened at even money and he price remained the sam throughout th heavy betting rush to Notwithstanding the hard travel. League put up a great ride on Mabel Batea and captured place money, Light of Day getting th Show. "-T Hlrtle waa th goods In ths . third rac at I to S and waa well backed. B. Powell waa up and couldn't help win ning. Th start waa good land for a time Nullah got buay, even ahovlng her nose in front of Hlrtle for a second at, the three quartera, but Powell-let his horse down and It waa all over but th shouting- . . - ', ; iw i-i -. Bessie Welfy was th proper thing la. the flfth race, and th start waa the prettiest ever. Judge Mulholland got the seven 'horses straight as th barrier Itself, : directly In front -of th stand, and as th string flew, seven noses shot away in a rush. At th quarter Bessie was in front and made a holy show of her field, galloping home eight lengths to the good, with Fill d'Or second and Hogarth, at t to 1 to show, third.. CrlgU made good again In,; th last race and after a - tempeatuoua Journey won by a half length . from Iaabelllta and The Pride, The: first looked close on. sccount of the way. In which Iaa belllta, waa bearing out toward the Judges' stand, and only those at . the wire could tell th result, Th aum- mary was: !: s -,r : i Flrs race Annie Burk. 4 to 1 (Gra ham VIft.-'irst; Ere Yesterday, 16 to 1 (Boxeman), 10S, seoond; Indins, to 1 (Loague). 107, third. Tim, 1:1. Tramway, Corslcana, Tart, Garry Owen, Rice Chief, Seventy- finished In th or der named. , ' Second race Lady Klspar. even (W. Smith). 101, flrat; Mabel Bates. S to (League), 101. second; Light of Day, S to.l (B. Powell). , third. Time, 1:1814. Jardln da Paris. Macene, Max Bee, Brigetta, Annie Darling finished in the order named. Third race Hlrtle, to 6 (B. Powell), 111. first; Nullah. 4 to 1 (Wright), 117, aecond; Dr. Sherman, I to 1 (Graham), 124," thirds Tfm, 1 :08 . Nanon, Dan dle Belle, J. H. Bennett, Vinci, Sugden finished in the order named. Fourth race Sterling Towera, S to 1 (Loague). 102. first; Peter J., S to (S. Powell). 105, second; Bountiful, SO to 1 (E. Lang). 09. third. Tims. 1:11 Yellowstone. Susie Christian. Bill Short, COMFORTING VORDS Many a Portland House hold Will Find . 1 ThemSo. V To have th patna .and aches of a bad back removed; to be entirely free from annoying, dangerous urinary disorders Is enough to make any kidney sufferer grateful. To tell how this great Change can bahroughtabout will prove com- forting to hundreds of Portland read ers. - Mrs. A. Hill, residing at 25 FfTst street, Portland, Oregon, saya: "I suf fered considerable for a year or more from aching pains in my back, extend ing down through the loins and In th region of th kidneys. . I had to be careful In doing any work about the house which required stooping or lift-lng,.for- if I moved - suddenly I used to suffer sever twinges of pain in my back. I used plasters and several remedies, Hut found little relief until I got Doana Kidney Pills. They helped me from th first and finally cured ma" For sal by all dealers. Price 10 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, N. I. sol agents for th United States. ' Remember th nam IXAN"S and take no other. 1 ; 1 ,. , Golden ' Light finished in th order named. Fifth, race Beasla Wei fly. to I (J Clark), 101, flrat; FUle fd'Or, ' ' to S (Hobart), 107, second; Hogarth. St to 1 (B. French). 109, third. - Time, 1:41H Amrad. Mooi Dundreary, Capable fin ished ta the order named. . Sixth race Crlgli. S to 4 (T,, Sulli van). 1U( first;. Iaabelllta. 4 to 1 Powell). 97.- aecond: The Pride. '10 to 1 (F, Sullivan), 101. -thlrd:-Time. li4J. LIbble Candid. Harry Beck. The Lieu, tenant finished la the order named. SPORTING GOSSIP. There will be two ball games at Recreation park next Sunday, the first st 10:10 a. m. and the second at the customary hour In the afternoon. This plan waa decided upon last night at a meeting of the, directors of the club. The contesting tesms will be Seattle and Portland., .Already Portland baa alx postponed games with Seattle and thla will be a good opportunity to play off one of them, aa Portland will be unable to play her on Monday as th team leavea for San Francisco Sunday night Ths gamss this week should be rip snorters as Seattle la trying to emerge from th cellar and Portland ta ex tremely anxious to float into third -or perhaps spcopd place. If all goes welL- --7 '-. ' Th new man secured by ths Siwashes have strengthened the team consider ably. The (fans were glad to see little Johnny Kan again in th gam. , He did soma good pla-ylng. - -Li p- " . ' J- - , . Another of the new men ta Jim Hart He played a very even game snd great thlnga are promised when he geta used to the surroundings.'- Frick and Harper, the 'latter a catcher, are also , with the team, having met it here. Thla addition of new men to the, aggregation makes LS cattle a. team-to be reckoned with dur- j Ing the second half. . They finish the first half In tha basement but to Judge by th work of yeaterday the end of ths aeaaon will ahow th standing of Seattle as well up toward th top of th per centage column. , Ats and Hall botH'took som hard chances ' st short, and although - both made a coudI of fumbles thev were not charged with' errors on account of th hard chance. ... 1 e ' ' Alex Chalmers will captain the Stan ford football team this year. Chalmers Is the only eligible msn for th place, as all the .others on last year's team hava either . graduated . or have - announced their intentlona of not returning. 1 . e e .,.-,.:' Kolb and Dill, the laughmakers, will play ths Irvington track Jockeya next 8unday. Slats Davla haa volunteered hla services as umpire. The actor men should give th Jockeys a handicap on account of the weight Davla aaya he will fine the Jockeya their horses If ths little fellows get obstreperous. - The, Cherry .Circle athletes will lesvs Chicago, tonight -for this city and will compete In the A. A. II. events .. , . 0olf la Chioagt.- (Jearaal BpedaUBarrlce.1 ,-. Chicago. July 27. Only five - golfer from out of town are now left In th weatern championship tournament. Only the atrongeat players are- left and yea terday Miller, the Detroit medalist, wei defeated by Blake of Chicago. Th vic tory was a surprise, aa Miller was con sidered tha beat player. .. A KeUly and WaataJm Draw. . (Joaraal 8 pedal Berries.) ' Great Falls, Mont.. July 27. Tommy Reilly of Seattle and Terry M us tain of Omaha last . night fought 20 rounds to a draw. Reilly had the better of the milling up to ths laat round, when he tame up In a choking condition, due to a hasty swallow of water. ' ANOTHER BRIDGE MAY SPAN THE WILLAMETTE . Governor Names Committee to Comply With Resolution of " . Last Legislature. (Special Dispatch ts The JnaraaLt 7 Salem. Or., July 27. In pursuance to tha provisions .of house concurrent reso lution No. tt, passed st ths laat session of the legislature. Governor Chamber lain yesterday afternoon appointed Sen ator C W. Nottingham and Represen tative S. B. Linthlcum of Multnomah county-and Representative J. N. Bram hall of Clackamaa county a committee to examine Into the cost, feasibility, etc.. of the construction by Multnomah and Clackamaa cquntlea of a bridge across th Willamette river at a point near the town of Mllwaukle. Thla reso lution being local In character and there for not published in the general laws, had been overlooked by th governor, but he recalled It yesterday, looked it up and acted In accordance with its pro visions. . Th text of th resolution is as fol lows: "That a commission of three, two from the house and on from th sen ate, be sppolnted by the governor to exsmlne Into the cost, feasibility snd ad visability of ths construction by the counties of Clackamas and Multnomah of a bridge across the Willamette river from a point in Multnomah county on or near what la known aa the White Houae property to a point acroas the river In the county of Clackamas, and to report upon the same at tha next session of the legislature. And that aald commissioners shall serve without componsation and shall Incur no -ex pense whatever for the. state In Said matter." -s MRS. CHURCH CHOSEN MATRON OF DORMITORY (Special Dispatch te The Joareal.) Eugene, Or., . July 27.- Mrs. . 8. C. Church of San - Francisco has been chosen ss matron of tha University of Oregon dormitory for th year 1 SOS-OS The matter of the appointment of matron haa been pending for som time. and the- committee which had it. In charge has Just - agreed upon . Mrs. Church. She Is a womsn of experience In the conducting of college boarding and rooming houses and Is highly rec- HMIss fctha Williams, who has been matron since the, death of. her mother last fall, will open the dormitory In September and conduct It until th ar rival of Mrs. Church in October. ' W. SS. O. Observes Anniversary. -. - (Special Dtasateh te The JearssLI Eugene, Or., July 27. The 22d an niversary of ths Women's . Relief corps wss appropriately observed by J. W. Oeary corps of this city last evening. The meeting took th form of a social gathering, th O. A. R. and kindred or ganisations being the guests of the corps. A literary program of much merit waa rendered and refreshment were served,- - -' 2fifii4 snseii Oaaaea oes. ,,Alla Lawla Bast Brass. ' RSDAG ACCEPTS COLluITTEE PLAf J Both Houses of- Swedish Par liament Adopt Report Re garding Separation. KAISER WOULD PLACE GERMAN IP0N THRONE Object of Conference Between, Ger. man and Russian Ruler Stated to Ba -Warning of Hohenxollern as King of Norway ? j . '; (Joaraal Special Service.) Stockholm, July 27. Both houses of the Swedish parliament today formally approved of the report of tna special committee appointed to deal with the crista between Sweden and Norway, which consists of a rejection of ths govsrnment bill and provided for the consideration of separation only after a popular vote had been taken on the sub ject In Norwsy. . Ths feeling Is growing in Sweden thst ths nation ought to exert itself to th utmost not to give up tha union aa the differences between the two nations are ao Insignificant. that they can be easily overcome, - that, a new- union .must d formed with th Norwegian, founded on the" Interior Independence of both coun trlea. but -on tha principle, that tha two nations must be as on agalnat th world, which woultl necessitate a com mon king, a common department of foreign affairs, of commerce and navl gatlon. of war and of navy. - It la stated upon good, authority that the object of the conference -between th csar and th kaiser wss to secure the consent of. Russia. 16 the accession ' of one .of the Hohenxollern princes to the Norwegian throne. Aa compensation the kalaer la declared to have auggeated that Russia be ceded that strip of Nor way thst separatee Finland- from th Arctic ocean, thus giving Russia an open aeanort. In a published interview King Oscar reiterates hla determination never to allow a Bernadott prince to ocenpy th Norwegian throne unleaa Sweden asks it. Th klnav-further stated that the action of the Swediss riksdag-today emphasises the only terms on which Sweden la will ing to recognise the disaoiuation or tne union and that the demande represent the minimum Sweden can accept In sst laf action of th blow Norway , has dealt her national honor.. - 1 . "If Norwav rejects these proposals, said King Oscar, "and my people feel tht Bararien raw ha avenged onlv-bv war. I shall have no alternative except reluctantly to sanction their sovereign will. Mr fervent prayer ia that complications- msy not - arise, for that would ba a blow more crushing than that which I have already suffered."- ASKED HER SOU FOR BREAD AND" WAS ARRESTED ., MsasjsaliMsaassassasasssa . Millionaire's) ; Secretary Repri. manded for .Causing . His V, Mother Imprisonment, (Joaraal Special Bervle.) - New Tork. July 27 James E. Foy. private secretary to Charles E. Oatss, son of the -Chicago millionaire; caused the a treat of bis mother, Mrs. Florence Foye, In front of th Waldorf-Astoria hotel, when she stopped him aa he was hurrying from luncheon, and begged him to glv her money for food. - A po liceman took her to the west sld court, where,Maglstrate Wahle was sitting. Toung Foys, when bis case waa called. stepped f orwsrd. . - . ; ' "This woman." ho began Stop." ordered th magistrate. That Is th wsy to address a woman of ths street. It is not the wsy to addreas vour mother." Foye aald bis mother' bad twice threetened to shoot him unless h gavs her SB00. - Th magistral ordered th complaint anlnat Mrs. Foys dismissed. "If I am shot, who is responsible 7" asked tha vounf man. "Qet out of here at one. Leave thla room." ordered the magistrate. . Foye hurried from ttie courthouse and hla mother followed. LIGHTSHIP IS BLAMED - FOR TRICOLOR'S WRECK ' (Journal Special Service.) . Eureka, Cel., July 17. The Nor wegian steamer Tricolor la still aground at Can Mendocino, broadslds to the wsves snd despite th fact that breakers are pounding over her th yessel is still Intacta. Captain Wold attributes the loss of the shlD to the lightship atatloned off ths Mendocino coast, which he ssys gavs no warning until the -Tricolor struck. H stated that the lightship was In acttvs when he passed her. V. BLIND GIRL WRITES: x v MERITORIOUS VERSE (Joaraal Special Berries.! ' - Chicago. July 27. A 11-year-old blind girl at tha Geneva training school- Rosa October -Bishop sent there when shs wss found starving by ths sheriff of Peoria county In a hut where her sistsr lived with negro, ber, mother being dead, la showing -great 'talent for verse. When aha cams to th school aha could neither read nor write, and now In spite of almost total blindness, can do both well, and- has written dosens of hymns, and other efforts at versifica tion, which show decided merit. SIC. SICHEL BL CO, Ofl Third Street, y - . BastribaSsra MIWofOM I l fi" HavamaCigars- v CM SALS ' KTERT VTHSRC i firr rr. :n n n p-r Q a u,ri . v 1 i '..1 1 1 j FPJfMY;50i2 Combined length of bars 20 feat. Place ths frame In position, with the bars downward, and lower tha bars to th lowest adjustment. Raise and spread th bars and ths . rack la than rsady for use. At thla level the clothes may. be placed on the bars with tha great- - eat ease, after which it can be ele vated to a position pear ths cell- . Ing, where the clothes will quickly dry In ths warm air and at th aam time be out of th way. . This s don by simply taking hold of ths f rams and puahtng up ward. It may also, be lowered by -slightly raising tha lower end of the frame and allowing It to slid to the desired level. There are : no fastsnlngs of any kind to ba " opened or closed, yet it is Impos sible for It ever to slip or slide - after it la one aet. Tha barsMua dropped flat on the wall when "not, In uaa by almply raising the wlr! . brae. Mad to sell for 11.10, but we make a 'special of them tomor row at (Juat a sampls of ths bargalnsv in . the Furniture Department. THE STOKE VBEat YOUt CIEDIT IS COOS OUTFITTING CO Ml WASHINGTON STREET SL Louis Medical and Surgical Dispensary Sstaalisaa 1ST0. - - - "" OUR PATICinS CUB BEST ADVOUTB Theassads la Portland snd all erse tkie 1 west eaa testify te ear great aad sasnsiplsd GONORRHOEA EftSTEBK .lA -A - - " Msy be attended with the grsvest eonpneation U aecleeted or mtproperly trested. We sire a I speelfle treatoieat aralch earaa gakkly, safely aad painlessly. , SYPHILIS : Is asetaer aeaalred dlsssss. the rsvsssa e( which whea hllr eeeelnBea ae sea ess SereViped ae pea eaa Oaserlba. When H (bows br skis ernDtfoee er bt la noath er throat Ita aorrers are already begaa. We safely sad thoroochly core yea, sag so Mineral sotsoaa are emploea. VaJUCXXLE AND HYDROCELE ' We treat aad care, aet br the eld nralrai srscedare. bat by s pain lees ssethod solelr oar ews. We likewise will curs jos ssd ssre roe -the safferins sssoelsted with lferrms SehUity. Lest Maakood. Tsinntssnr. Beennaiaiihess. aTas- tarsal gmtsslesa, Vrematare Paellas. Leas ef aieaiery, aaergy aaa aaimos m ue enssMs time It eaa be doae, aa we lasare yea a safe and posture .core. consuiunon juid mmm mi Write far Bysu)teia BlaskaaABeek if Te vessel vau, Offlse Ktmi S a. sa as a as.! BaBaara. - 1 b II ealy., St Louis ' Medical and : , : . 7X Surgical " ; 'y-;;- Oer. Beeead aad Tans 01 Streets, 2ertlaaa, Or, Just a Hinote, Please Do you real Iss the vast Importance of a thorough commercial training? If so, why do you delay In sending your son or daughter to our up-to-date business college? We offer complete courses la. Bookkeeping and Stenography. Behnke-Walker Business College flzth aaa norrtsoa Sts., rortUnd, Or. . . Open ail th year, day and , night ' Call or aend for catalogue. ALL FOR $1.00 Turkish Bath il and good bed tot th night all for tx . King's Baths Seventh and Wuh, 1 - Ingtoa Bts, Flneat and largest hatha is tha slt Disp $1.00 LJ 1 7