The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 27, 1905, Image 1

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    IVY-:-" 't-VvLS gd ncyyjD IN JOURNAL PRS
f i n.,i . . -1 r-r
i s v r s II
Journal Circuhticn
f'!) i iV V, K 'V
V Partly-cloudy, tonight and Friday
cooler; westerly winds: -..-
-. 'I
'VOL: IV. .NO U23 v V r, . ' ,v - ,:v.;::?;PO?TIin).-OREGON:THURSDAY : EVENING, JULY 27, -1003 FOURTEEN PACES.
1 ' I
:.-l-. . .AfyW"
O. R. A N. Enjoins Wallowa Val
t. ley JJne , From Crossing ,;C
: - Its Rout and Fences
' Its Tracksv ' " :
Vara..M It!... r.,a'A'RAt1artta
f Struggling for Right -of' Way 'and
,Take Indemnity Bond Cat May
Now Be Settled by the 'Courts of
7 Wallowa' County. t V''Uy
' (Special Dispatch (a The Joaraal) ,
ii Elgin, Or., -July 17. The O". R, VN.
-company yesterday served n Injunction
on J. W. Cook, promoter of the Wallowa
Valley Railroad company, - restraining
film from grading on their right of way.
Cook had a large force of men, with
pick, shovel and wheelbarrowa,-working
en the right of way he 'bad .secured
over the O. K. ft N.,i and the Injunction
Immediately stopped hie operations.
"f the ft. H t V m-ui ar.
rived yesterday, including Superintend.
ent Campbell, with a large force of men,
and- at noon today commenced fencing
the right of way over J,. W. Cook's sur
veys. A large party of surveyors and
engineers are also on the , scene- and
have commenced surveying a line down
the Grand Ronde river. They wUl es
tablish the permanent survey run cross
lines and set grade stakes, to the mouth
ef - the Wallowa : river. The ' fencing
h drew will fallow them up fencing the
entire line to that point. ;
" 'While the construction operations of
the Wallowa 1 Valley- RallroadVcnmpaitr
' have been stopped, ' they still have a
surveying party at work near the mouth
onhe" Wallowa river. Cook is going
right akeaa' glvta, warrairtjt dwd "f at
Jaiatevee IU Q, H, s jit, ftghewf-war.
ni declares he will have clear title to
a right of way into the Wallowa valley
within short time." , ,.. y i
.It is ejulte probable ' that the. entire
operations will be tied up In the courts
and the question "of .right of vway be
fought out-there.' 'At 'least 160 manure
now on the-Grand Ronde river, In the
employ ef theee two companies.'- '
A ravine resembling a box canyon,
the key to a railroad, right of way for
three quarters of a mile . on the road.
between Elgin and Wallowa, Is fighting
ground today for the forces or w. J.
Cook, presenting the Wallowa Valley
Railroad company, and force of engi
neers and right of way men sent out by
the Oregon Railroad Navigation com
pany, The-farmers' owning the lands
have given deeds to both contesting par
ties and have received' from each side
alike Indemnity bonds to protect them
fromlnJuTy"Ofr10sal(r" Ine subsequent
proceedings Jo settle ..toe Question of
priority of 'right - . . -
The O. RAN. has sued In the Wal
lowa bounty courts for a permanent In
Junction to compel Cook to vacate the
land' and to quiet title which that com
pany claims through Its deeds from the
fanners. Mr. Cook Is In Portland today
4Contlnued-n Page Three.)
iCity Retaij Lumber Company, Corporation -. Formed to" Keep Up
Prices of Material, Will Co"
i : ' Monday and Wood
The City ReUll Lumber company,-a
corporation formed some years ago by
oca! lumber mills to maintain uniform
rices In the city lumber trade, la going
o pieces, and will sink beneatn tne
are 'next Monday. All doubt in the
Inds of persons contemplating the
ullding of houses regarding the lower
rice of lumber In Portland nsxt fall
ill be dispelled by the news which
he Journal Is enabled to give today.
A general . cutting of -local retail
rices is Imminent ' The mills have
arge stocks of certain classes of house-
ullding lumber, and they are going to
mload. The entire- list, of house turn
er will come In for slaughter, and it la
Uld that prices will be reduced suffl-
lent on these ' grades of lumber - to
fiake it very " profitable for people to
ulld homes. Lumber - at present Is
omewhat higher than It was a year
go, . although it Is not generally re-
arded as excessive. Tne market for
Wholesale, and export trade la very
trong, and trade conditions are good.
t here le strong -demand - for - special
awed lumber, and the mills have been
nlng a heavy business in these grades,
'he . result Is that large stocks of
mailer stuff have accumulated In some
f the mlllyarda, and. these mills are
olng to get rid of them. , ,. .
The City Retail Lumber company Is
nmponed of the following firms: In-
han-Poulsen company, Eastern A West-
ra Lumber company, Portland Lumber
hmpany, Jones - Lumber company,
tandard Box Lumbar company and
'II wood Lumber company. The Dom
ination . has "maintained offices In the
nterbury building at Washington and
hlrd streets. In . charge of Manager
rancls. This corporation entered Into
contract. with acn of lta eopetltus&t
Congressman Williamson Spent
; Ten Days in Prlnevlll Just ,
.; Before Filings on Land; j
y, T!T:'tj Begarvs
Proaecutlon Scorea Important Poini
in Proving " Hia - Presence a There
"-With Bigge and Geknef-Searcb for
' Witnege Starr,; the Congreaaman'a
, .Nephew, Continues.. . :
In establishing the fact that Congress
man J. N. Williamson was. In Prtnevill
from" June J 5 to June 14, 1901, point
was scored' this morning for the prose
cution In. the conspiracy case ., on . trial
In, the federal court, which la regarded
by Dlstrlot- Attorney Heney ss of - great
Importance. .. ..... .
It la the contention of the govern
ment that the conspiracy, to auborn
perjured appllcaUona for tlmber.
was formed ' at Prlnevtlle in June - be
tween Williamson, Dr. Oesner . 'and
Marion R. Blgga. ..On the first trial of
the case Williamson at first dented that
he was In Prlnevllle In June, though he
afterward admitted when shown a hotel
register bearing his name under date of
June IS, that he i.ilght have been there
on that day. By the evidence presented
todsy It was clearly shown, that he was
there from June It to June 14.'. - - '
It was during Williamson's stay or
within a. day or two after he left that
Biggs and Oesner began negotiations
with numerous residents- of - Prlnevtlle
to induce them to take up timber Halms,
promising them that Oeaner would ad'
vance. the -money with whtah- te- make
final prooflyavas wllhln a- wegfc after
Wllliiminn'i danartiirn - wiin thm tn
nxraa gathering -efMliey-frilenTnr. a o-t
cators took place at the sheep shearing
plant of Williamson.' Oesner and the
latter renewed hla offer to lend: to each
jooatorthe money.; required' to secure
patent. It was at er about the time -of
Williamson's visit that Oesner consulted
Biggs as to the. legality of making such
Irtani ... . . - . ..-.-w 1
: tUl Kuatlm Brtars.
. ' A score of detectives, peace officers
and deputy marshals are scouring the
mountains In search,' of Ernest Htarr,
Congressman - Williamson's. ' nephew,
whom the prosecution desires to place on
the wltness-stsnd. He has not -yet been
found and as the government expects te
conclude Its case this afternoon It may
be. necessary to, dispense-with-Starr's
testimony.- Mr. Heney does not regard
hla testimony as vital, although it would
undoubtedly . strengthen the govern
ments case. , ..... -, '
. Starr left Portland last Wednesday
evening for -Eugene. From Eugene he
took the stage early Thursday morning
for McKensie's camp, where he remained
until 1 Saturday morning.- Apparently
word reached him then that he might
be wanted again aa a witness and he
struck Into the mountains... definite
trace of his subsequent movements has
been found. , f '' . .. - .
. Continued on Page Three,)
Out of Business on " ' .
Will Be Cheap, i " ,: M
stockholding mills, providing that ' If
should handle the retail lumber trade
and quote and " maintain prices for the
sale of lumber within the city. These
contracts expire by limitation next
Monday, July 11. . It has been found
Impossible to renew them.
. The cause Is given as a controversy
between two, of the stockholders 8. B.
Cobb of the Standard Box A Lumber
company, and President Jones of the
Jones Lumber company. Mr. Cobb !x
said to have stated that he should be
given the . same amount of stock that
the corporation lasued t Mr. Jones.
This was refused, and the disagreement
grew to such proportions, that it has
been Impossible to settle It ' The mill
contracts will not be renewed, and the
central office of the corporation will
probably be closed next week, as there
Is -nothing left for it to do. . . ; ..
. The Retail Lumber company, by at
tending to the ."local trade of all the
mills holding stock4n it has succeeded
In keeping retail prices of all sorts of
lumber on the same basis with whole
sale prices. These prices will be out
by" the mills their agree
ments expire. ' . , .' -
Rough dimension lumber common,
select and clear now, respectively, lie,
$17 and ft 4. will probably drop to the
basis of or lower. Rustle, now 114,
121 and 2. will go off from tl to $2.60.
Flooring, which Is selling -at the same
figures, - will be. considerably cheaper,
and the same thing will happen to cell
ing and -finishing lumber and all sorts
of small stuff for housebuilding. -The
fight may warm up. It la said. to. a de
gree that will send price much lower
than Is suggested, and make the coming
fall a memorable season Xo ttome
bulidsra - f. ; ... , . . K. . , . s ,
' - .', A V. " - -
.; . J" i; l .' ,:.i - ' .' 1'Y
) t ; .-' ' ' ' ' - ... -; .
Yellow jack Claims More Victims
in New Orleans Quaran-
tine Is Becoming More .
ifJirStrinieent. i
Five Hundred Men Busy Cleaning Up
'and Enforcing Hygienic lw Oil
jIa Put on -ToirpfAll'Ciaterrir to
KU1 Moaquitoa-r?twi.SVP.Brred
(Jo mil gpeclal aerrVe.t
New Orleans, Jurr J T. Several new
cases ' of .yellow - fever are unofficially
reported today, but no deaths. The
quarantine la becoming .more, stringent
and detention campa about- the city are
, ',.,', ?., r r. . .
Cotton Manipulators Will Not
Explain Their ' Part In ;
, Department Leak.
y.r . v."-'
iL' - tJosroal Special Bervlea.)
Washlngtua July 17. Two witnesses;
Frederick Peckham and Moses Haas, the
New, York .brokers,-aummned before
the grand jury In the Votton leak" in
vestigation, refused to answer questions
and will be cited to appear in court to.
morrow to show causa, why they should
not , be ' punished .for . contempt. ' Peck-,
ham, it is alleged, had a secret under
standing ..with Assistants Statistician
Holmes,, whereby 'he obtained advance
Information -of the' cotton- report., . I
' ' 1 ' ' .1 - .'" 4
t -. Shonte Arrives at sJunsw :
. I . l : (Joaraal Speelst Benias.) -,
- Colon, July -17. Steamer Mexico, with
President Shonte - and Chief engineer
Stevens of the can I commission arrived
Inst night.''-'The officials were met by
Governor .Magoon. who .fUW ,Jtam
Panama la special, trail , .
. I a i
i ' ' " I'" ' . 1 .1 I I s 7, V , ':. . . ; , -,'t -
" ' .(Continued on Page Three.) . .. 1 ft -rt ,,-. - j "-U: -I'i ' ' .i '
' 5 r isaTf Ii- , i .. ........ -
1 ifite?r;
i I M a) . afattw I Mt sSI fT" I fcsm Sal " iBI ..XX- k lk.7 Jtt MM i TM MW l 1 t, . -W J " "' m m sj ei SsSal BaaSJ
'II Ail w,Ndr TL-ABtlMSZXl hI yjws.Kr-n f,, AV -' :liy ' - . V.
I'K 7WMlaH VTiua I II AWKK -v. -r. ! - " t V
r 9r fcjr. rk; lAi ir:.?;M:- Xi!
a ' ' -x. aa.. j a r ,i. - . w
"' ' ----.;v;4:
e . (Journal gpeeUl Snrrlce.) i , e
e San Diego, July 17. The Chi- e
' cago, - flagship' of the Pacifio "
e ' squadron, with Admiral Goodrich :
e and his staff on board, arrived
in port this morning. The adw ' e
4 mlral Immediately appointed the
4- following board to Investigate ;
4 - the -Bennington explosion: I.leu e
4 ' tenant-Commander F. W, Bartlett, ,
4 chairman; Lieutenant-Commander
A. A. Halstead and Lieutenant . e
e B. C. Moody. The board will e
4 collect all possible Information
e and present It to" the board of "e
4 inquiry, which will be composed
e of three of the highest officers .
4 ' available. The sessions of the
4-board nfjnvestigatlon began to-
! y. - .-.
e ; The water has been pumped
out of the gunboat and she Is, e
4 again afloat on an even keel, and .
e will be towed to Mare Island for, e
e repairs after the inquiry. e
Photograph of ther'atarboard aide of
the gunboat Bennington, with a die
. gram of the ship's interior, showing
where the engine room and explod
ing boilers were located. ; , ' V
Imprisoned Deserter . Annoys
President's Famify by Send
z ing Sweet Missives. ; '
- (J oar sal SpecUl B.ttIm.)
New fork, July 17. The mysterious
quest of the secret ' service detective
sent by the president to Coventor's
Island was explained today1 when Pri
vate James' T. Jones, who hss been
serving a term of Imprisonment In Cas
tle William for desertion, was removed
on a special order and examined by a
board of lunacy. "' :; 1 : '-.
Although- great' secrecy . was main'
talned. It has been learned that Jones
has been sending love ' letters to Wise
Alice Roosevelt Atom the prison. ' The
ellmfx came when Jones sent a sharp
note to : Mrs. Rnowevelt, In which he
said she was standing between her step
daughter and himself. '
The letter was, received at Oyster Bay
last week and the president -Immediately
dtspetehed one 'of' hlsguard of secret
nervine Officers ' to-' Investigate.' The
detective has'been at Qovemor's Island
for -several days. Bat kept' his .mission
a secret,,; , .. , v-V.,i, iT '.''.;.
; ' C- Vettery Trnst brfnlsed?i' ; ' ' ' "'
East Liverpool, -O., Jnly 27. A pottery
trust is being - formed to Include-the
table' war and china trad of this coun
try.' with 140.000.004 capltaX - Thl city
is to-hi th headquarters. , , u""..,
I' ,, ..V.
Wealthy Men Organize Concern
to - Fights Standard s Oil . i
. Trust to a Finish.
Kansas and Texas Fields to : Be
Tapped fblonel , Cuffey . and the
Cudahys Financing Scheme to Give
. Battle to the Octopus, t
r J: ' ; 7 (Joaraal Specter Berries. :'
Pittsburg. Pa., July . 17. The an
nouncement is made in .this city that
desperate battle la to be waged between
the Independent oil companies and the
Standard Oil company. - A deal Js being
completed , whereby , the Independents
will f6rra a concern and light the , big
trust to eflnleh. Zt -',; '..,.
. Colonel -J. M. QurTey, the Democratic
politician and. olL king. Is. at the head
of the movement Interested", in It are
R. B.i W..L. and A.W. Melton, bank
ers, of this city, the, Cudahy ' Interests
of Omaha, sod the',. Enell . . Transport
company. ; , - .' ; Z.v-
One of the . first things to be done 'by
the new combine will be the construc
tion of a glgantiOj ptpe line , from the
Kansas oilfield to the-flulf. which will
tap the Texas olldeld. The Union Trust
company of thla city Is to be the finan
cial agent of the cencern and will float
the $7,000,000 bond Issue,. which Is to
be used to construct the pipe Una. The
latter will be 50 miles in length.
The , Independents sre assured of a
supply of 10,000 barrels of high-grade
oil dnlty. " This will be the making of
strong fight In that eeotlon against,
the Standard Oil Interests. . ;
:.' ! ,...,..;..,.'
' .' ,, . (Joarntl flnectsl Service.) ..'
Clvetand. Ohio, July :7. . Vnlted
States Judge Taylor this morning - up
held thi'legallty of the Chinese exclu
sion act. The decision, came In several
dRortatlon caseoj ' 'A;
Gambling at Track Will , Not ; Be
''S Interfered .With for Week ' !
ax Least. -
Alien ta lirvr e i vi inn iu
Cases in Police Court Against Presi
'dent Diamond of the Fair Associa
tion and a Number .of Bookmakers
moit w- ww - a ..'.' .
'Wiu fit neara on jwonaay. .
Whatever the decision of the
oourts, the selling of pools on races at
the- Irving-ton-track" will" continue for
the remainder' of the. week and probably
for some time afterward. - Further pro
ceedings in- the' mjuctt0nult' brought
In the circuit court by Mrs. ' Elisabeth
Ryan through -Captain " E. W. Spencer,
her agent and' attorney in '-fact, ' were
postponed this morning until Saturday
at 10 o'clock on motion of'- Attorney
Whitney - L. Boise, who - appeared as
counsel for the defense. No objection
to the -postponement was made by At
torney Henry B. McGinn and Richard
W.-' Montague,- who represent the com
plainant. " - - r.,-. , ; .
It was further agreed to poatpone un
til " Monday morning - argument on the
demurrer to be filed ht the nolle court
In the esses, of President Diamond of
the, Multnomah . Fair association and a
number of bookmakers. -
Presiding Judge Fraxer of the circuit
court" was prepared to hear argument
on the. Injunction) but Attorney Boise,
who will be assisted in conducting the
ease by Attorney Martin L. Pipes and
probably Judge Williams if It assumes
a serious phase, asked for further time
In which to -. make preparations, for
lesral battle...". .... - -.
"I went out to the race track yester
day," he said, i "and learned that Mr.
Diamond had not. been served with-a
copy of the complaint.'' On returning to
my office, I found a copy had beeA left
there by, counsel for the complainant
we need more time in which to invest!
gate thle matter."....i.,. :
Judge Fraser said the defense should
be given time tn which to make a proper
showing. - Attorney McGinn naked that
the defendants be required to show cause
why an injunction should not Issue at
11 o'clock tomorrow, but Attorney Pipes
Informed, the court that he would be
otherwise occupied at that time. Attor
ney Boise asked for a postponement
until Monday: after a brief discussion
Saturday morning was decided on aa the
time for argument ,. .' .
' "We-wlll have to secure a continuance
of the cases In the police court., then,"
said Attorney Montague, "aa I am to ap
pear for the city attorney at that time."
Neither .complainants nor defendants
sppeared In court and the sale of pools,
lt.--was agreed, should continue until
fir I adjudication of the queston. It Is
deemed Jlkely. In view of the rlrcum
stxnces, that an appeal will be taken to
' P l .P -lP
'l, ewswasnssameBwaawaensnBe a "
Widespread Conspiracy- Amon
v Crews of Warships In Black
:7 Sea' arid Artillerymen .
.' at Sevastopol. . '
Vanguard of Forty-Mile Front Now
- Eighty . Miles . From the ; Tumen
RivervKuaaia to Valiantly Defend
: Outer XJne of Defense at Vladl
7 voetofc Kaiser ' to -Aid Russia. -:
t. '
' ' Jearasl BpacUI Servtoe.) ' '
Sevastopol, July 17. A courtmartlal
of mutineers among the crew of the .
Pobledonostseff has revealed the fact
that a - widespread conspiracy existed
among sapors of the Black sea fleet and
artillerymen of the 'fortress Sebastopol.
tor demanding better conditions from
the csar. ' . : ':...'',' : . .
The-cqnap!raey " failed , because the
crew , of the Pot em kin acted . hastily.
The discovery of the conspiracy has re-",
suited Jsa the arrest of 1.506 sailors and
.-f-.ebTaiers who will be tried for treason, .
- a. aispaicn rrom Jtancnuria says tnat
the Japanese continue advancing along
the --40-mlle front 4n Korea, - The van-,
guard la .now -about' 10. miles trotrt -Tumen
river." The main force will con--centrate
at Kenxhen. The Japanese y
strength is estimated at 40.000. - -Military
critics predict that 'the Rus-
I siana will vigorously defend Kyong '
v.nuni id mo aouin , 01 lumen river. -The
town-Is regarded as the outer line)
of, defense of Vladivostok and the key '
to Poaalet bay. .
wsusaS -4JrssMra Volaad Wall
i'fU' aOavve ave. staat rxot.
i ) . ' (Joorsal Spatial asrvtee.) ' -V .
St, Petersburg. July J7. As an Immedi
ate result of the meeting of the kaiser'
and-the csar, two army corps' will be .
withdrawn from Poland. .Their arrival
at the front in September will give Gen
eral Ltnievltch a superiority over the
Japanese of 1(0,000 men. His numer
ical superiority today Is estimated at
70,000.. , .- v.,. , :--,..-. .:
This news makes the 'war party ex
ultant, and one paper says: ' "Not one
kopeck must be given Japan nor an Inch -of
territory, and not a mile of railroad.
There must be no Japanese protectorate '
over Korea." ..... ' . -.
The general' staff Is sure LlnlevUch
will begtir an attack shortly. ' He has
00,00 men and !,0 guns. ----- -; -
Japaaese Selxe Sakhalen Cable and Cfl
O metreat of Bnsslaa Oarrieos,
- ';: (Joaraat Special Berrlce.)
St Petersburg. July t7. A Japanese
battalion baa -lamded on the Siberian-
coast near Dekaatrles, a port formerly
called Alexandrovak70e miles north of
Vladivostok, and captured a. lighthouse.
The landing waa effected at a place
where the straits of Tartary: between
Bakhalen and the mainland, are nar
rowest.' and it la a move by the Japan
ese to prevent the escape of the. Rus
sian garrison at Bakhalen , across the
Dekaatrles Is the terminus - of the
onl y- cable- line -connect tn g the main-'
land) -with 'Bakhalen, and it la regarded
In many . quartera that the Japanese
are attempting to sets the mouth of
the Amur liver In order to dispatch an
army up that great waterway for the
purpose or threatening Russian
munlcations. The Japanese boatif could' S
tnus, remcn Heroin and assist la day at
tack on the fortress. .
Mikaae Wants a BilUoa BoHafa Sa4e
Blty, Vert Artkor aa Ka( karia. .
(Joaraal SpeeUl SerTiee.1
Washington. D. Cv, Julv I7.-1-II 1 re.
ported that Japan's peace term will .
approximately be an indemnity to cover r
the coat of the war to date iufc 1.-4 :
O0O.eee.000 the cession to Japan" of . '
Bakhalen, the transfer of the lease of
the Llao Tun peninsula. Including Port .,
Arthur, and of the railway as far as -Harbin,
the recognition of Japanese ;
predominating influence In Korea, end '
the return of Manohurta to China.. An
other subject the peace conference will .
neve to settle will be the dlspoeltlon of
Russian) ship now Interned In neutral
ports, which Japan will . undoubtedly
demand, and possibly toe neutralisation
of Vladivostok.
Japanese Savoy Call Tpon So
Amagiag foe Feaee eimfersaiis.
. . ijaaraai opwim
Oyster Bay, July J7-Baron Komara,
chief plenipotentiary foe- Japan to the
paac conference, ." visited . Preeilent
VZZ- 1. a,nm.ra hill thla aftae-
ninavTii, r --
noon accompanied by Mr. Takahtra. Jl .
anee minister, retumins rww in
, a .vinrk. Am soon a M. W
the chief Russian envoy, arrlvea t -also
be met formally by the fr
it is definitely announced t'
Ing that the first meetlne- r
Isn and Japanese pew
.k nlara August 0 en
(tower off Oyster Be",
will entertain the r
Instead Of at dli"
rangsoV ,