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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1905)
OSSCON DAILY 'JOURNAL. PORTLAND. AVSDNHSDAY EVENING, JULY tV 18C3. VICIO i iira is FAST FLMI3 AT Til F, AlORITES SCARCE DISTRICT CEiOT WEio lion rc:::i$ iekm HERE FOR RACE: AT IRUK1GT0N t - IM.Ison Club of British Columbia Sends , Strong Oarsmen, to ; v Compete on Friday, , ? tOCALROWINQ CLUB : WELL REPRESENTED Canoe and Rowing Regatta on Guild's Laka Friday and Saturday It At tracting Attention of Sportamea 7.. 7 From Far and Near,' f y: : Th Nelson club of Victoria. British Columbia, baa entered a rew (or tha llwla and Clark open regatta which .jtke place Friday afternoon on Guild's jlake at. tha exposition around.. Tha Nelson orew arrived In tha Otr raster 4day morning, and will oontlnua their training on tha Willamette. Th men ereport themselves In excellent condition ' band are confident that they will return fto British Columbia n possession of the - eoeauunu and Clark trophy cun. . Coach Murphy of tha Portland Row log olub will have several crewa en- 1 tared In the regatta.-' They hare been ".In active training foi noma tlma and Are now rowing- In Superb style. The Portland boys place great confidence In 7urphy abUltr as a coach and .say '. that ha has worked wonders with Who rew since taking chare at th Port land Rowing club. If .the -crew from , ' British Columbia oarry" away tha hon- , firs of the regatta It will be necessary for them to make record time or better. - Th cano raoea will be tha feature ' or the day on next Saturday. A large number of local boys have entered these , races ana expect to do great things with the peddle on that day. Some expert jnaian canoers are making arrange , menu to enter tha raoea on Saturday, - and say that they will show the -"Dale face" . tha real manner of paddling a Th raoea on both Friday and Satur day wlU be held in Guild s lake, lust .opposite tte Ufa aavlng station, and can tmsuy p seen from th Bridge of Na tions BIG KILLING AT ' . BRIGHTON BEACH (Jeers! Special Sarvtee.) " WW TOT. July 30 H played from to 1 to I to 1 at Brighton yesterday all over tha batting ring, and when he i won It la estimated that th bookmakers dropped over f SO, 000. Six furlongs Cinchona won. Vino aiecond. Remington third: time. 1:11. One mil and one-sixteenth An Re fvoir won. Geranium eeeond, Ion Royal exnira; time, i:tt 1-5. . . j. Six furlongs Roseben won, Israelite Hwoond, Rooador third; 'time,. 1: 1-8. i One mil and ona furlong The Southi Tier won. et. Valentin aecond. Palm .'(Tree third; Urn. 1:61 -$. . - Five and one half furlongs Water iCrsa won. Via second, .Lady Toddlngtoa third; time, 1:08 8-8. . On alia and on-slxtnUi Hunting don won. naner second, lau h 4hi. 'r' At St. lonta. 'j.-..'-'..-. St, Louis. July !. Delmar race re- Jkults: 1 Four and ona, half furlong Little Pat ' (won. Dr. Turner aecond. Desoto third; jfim, e;es s-or, FITS f urlona-a iRItter TT.nA nn . fticOrath aecond. Pint thlcd;lrae, 1:01. six xunonga jtoommat won, Jim -fTyrelleecond. Emma Meyer -third; time, B.:18. - . six Tunongs juoor won. Eleanor ttowara seoona, Mayor Johnson third; time, 1:16. .One mil Wlllowden Von, J. P. Jdayberry second. Midget f third; time, 1:41 1-5. One mil and "TO yards Marl tn won. Miss Ma Day second. Docile third; tlm. -. ' CHESTNUT MARE WINS Vv ' GROSSE POINT PURSE . ' : ' 1 , (Josraal Special fcnfo,,) ; -Detroit, Mich., July 2. Angle, a .. t-heatnut mar owned" by C, W. Morris of Cleveland, won tha Merchants' and Man ufacturers'. $16,000 purs at Gross point track yesterday afternoon. Tha aummary waa: . '-'.. l:l pace, purse 11.100, thre-lieat plan Red Bud won th aecond and third beats In 1:0714. :06. Hasel Banks won tha first heat In :10H High Seven. Wester, Robert Lee, Birdie Bodford Boy, Sally Pointer and Paul lso started. , 1:14 Uotr Merchants' - and Manufac turers, stake, purs $10,000,- three-heat plan Angle. . ch, m., by AxteU-Lena itivers (Saunders), won first and third heats in SiUH.'S:ll.' Challta W. won the second heat In :10H. Watson, Dan ube, Emma Hoyt, Get Away. Emily Iteher, BrIUlant Girl, Miss Inlaw and 1' (4.111a Jay" also started. I :0I trot, purs $1,500, three-heat plan ; Tom Axworthy won the first and sec ond beats In l:0T14, l:074. Dr. Strong wan tha third heat In :0. Direct View, Anglela, Maxlne, Tuna and 6nyder Mo- Oregor alao started. . t . , SPORTINQ GOSSIP. ' J : ; . ; - ' It was whispered about town thla morning, that th director of th Port land baseball club Judge McCredle, Benjamin a E)y and.Walter McCredle would hold a meeting thla evening to . (discuss currant affair of 'the assocla v 'lion.. , : ' . j.. ' .Secretary Agnew of th 8eattla club arrived here- laat evening from Baft , Frsnclsco and saya that the financial af ,. ralra of President Bert are in apple dumpling order. . , ',--.. ; . ;. . ' Ouy-A Miller led a Held of S entries at Chicago yesterday for the seventh an nual golf championship with a total of .- Bi7 atmker fof ts boles. Twenty-eight r clubs, from -Chlcaco to Denver on ths west, Pittsburg on th east and Nash Srlll oa th south, wer represented. . - e e -' . . - .. -- The Gentlemen of Philadelphia and tha Matylebon Cricket club of London 4lsyed yesterday at Philadelphia. Th latter won, ,, . Ml' ..' - "Kid" Lee of Havre, Mont, last' night v Mefeated "Brooklyn Tommy" Sullivan In " the sixth' round of what was . to have foeen a J0-round contest .,4 A lata .variety of wtrawberrlsdre flp In th Deschutes valley. ' ' v Mist Carstens agd Mrs. Cook Played Brilliant Tennie In ' the Women's Doubles Soma very fine tennta playing was tha result of ths aecond day of tha Ore gon stat tennis tournament-. Every kind, men's alnglea. Ladles' . singles, men's doubles, ladies doubles and mixed tennis were played and brought out some rery'dever and dean-work- ... 1 Takakl of Toklo made his aecond ap pearance and mad the aam good Im pression of the dsy before. He beat Scott (-1, 0-1. and his clever work made bias, a . f avortt with th crowd. Scott played a good game at that - Mrs. Cook and Miss Carstens beat Mis Sutherland and Mis8chafr, and th splendid work of Mrs. Cook and Miss Carstens excited some very favorable comment Both were uo to their gam. ' A good-laed crowd waa in attendance and waa well pleased with trie Dlavlnc. If anythlngTThterest is Increasing, and later Interest should result In a record- breaking . attendance, Tha refreshment table waa presided over by Mrs, J. K. Kollock. . , -. ' ' The results- of yesterday's matches wer as" followa: - . ' Men'a single Busch of San Francisco beat Roaenfeld, -. -0; Veness of Win lock beat Roaenfeld. 1-; Bhlvaa of Wlnlock beat Smith by default; Andrews beat Ladd, s-1, -; Takakl of Toklo beat Soott. -l; s-1; Bellinger beat Nunn, C-L -: Forbes beat Sargent 7-t, Men's doubles Roaenfeld and West beat Lead better and Kerr, 0-0, 6-1. Ladiea. singles Miss- Josephl best Miss Fox. -4, -l; Miss Fording- beat Miss King, t-7. 7-S. Ladles' double Mrs. Cook and Miss CaraUns 'neat Mtsw Sutherland and Miss Schaefer. 0-0, 0-1 ; tha Misses Ford jars, rfuugs ana jars, tuuej, -0. ".V-'.. '. Mixed doubles Goss and Miss Weld ler beat Lead better and Mrs. Raley, C-Q; PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE." 131 621 San FranelMe , IS "Si .Ml .u Uie ........ Portland 11 Seattle ............. 3 85: - Oak lan lis Ar Beataav . tJonraal BDedal Bervlee.) Los Angeles, July it. Baum was In fine form festrday and bad complete mastery of th situation,' "buffaloing" th Oaklandars at vry stage. Score: R. H. E. Los Anseles '...OflOOOlt 7 11 1 Oakland.. 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 ' Batteries Baum and Eager: Ho ran and Byrnes. Umpire Bray. , .;.--' Xeefe Soores Shntont. tV. Uooroal Special 8-cvtee.) . San Franc! ace, July 21. Keefe had tha 8eala faded yesterday and easily shut, warn ouw , ocore. . ... . - -. n H. E. Tacoma . .aIl t- I San Francisco ..0000000000 t t Batteries K.eere and Graham: Wll liamaand Shea. Umpire Perrlne. NATIONAL LEAGUE. f Won. Lost. tt ! 17 43 tt ' 0 " 01 PC. .700 .2t .61 .WO .628 .! .183 .201 New Tork . .......... 61 Pittsburg (S ' Chicago . . .......... 61 - Philadelphia . ...... 4s Cincinnati . '. ........ 47 St Louis . tt Boston . v ........... 10' Brooklyn i At Fhlladalphla. '' - i R. H.B. Chicago ..................... .1., 0 rniiaaeipma . , 1 iiatteries w icxer ana luing: uui- fleby, Nichols and Dooin, Umpire ohnston. '- 1 J' - " At' rmsbarf. : - ' B M W Pituburg . . .7 1 Boston......' ......1.0 1 Hatteries rninippi ana feita: wu- helm, Fraser and Moran. Umpire Ems lie. , . . " At Brooklyn. .. ' R. W. T5. Brooklyn . . '.. ...S t . 4 St Louis . ....................4 8 - n.,,...a Tl.. Brown, layior ana uraar. umm: u uay. At sTew Tork. '7 R. H. K. Cincinnati . . a 4 New Vorle . T 0 Batteries Harper, Chech, Phelpa and Schlel; Mathewson and Bowerman. Um pires Bauewlne and Klein. - . AMERICAN LEAGUE. . Won. f? Lost P.O. 2 .tit J3 .000 33 ..693 31 . .644 39 .t0 . 40 .481 13 .373 65 .12 Cleveland . . (.'nicago ........... 4S Philadelphia . . 44 piew xgra . Detroit . , Boston . . St Louis ... IT 40 87 11 27 Washington . . At Cleveland. R. H.E. 0 6 t .. 13 3 Buelow; Cleveland Washington ... Batteries Rhoades Hughes and Heydon. and ' At St. XVrala. - . .. . n it r Bt. Louis . .-..I...... 4 14 t New Tork . 1 ,.t . . .10 11 3 Batteries Peltv. Roth and 8 Orth, Grifflth, McGulre and Powers. - . At Onloaco. Oh I cam . J.3 '4 1 Philadelphia ........I 14 1 Batteries White,' Smith and Hart; Woddell and Schreck. SCHILLER'S BOWLERS DOWN THE EAGLES ! The "American Eagle bowling team only had four man last evening In their match with the Schlllera on th Port land alleys. Ths Schlllsrs had a full team and took all three games easily. The scores wer: Schlllera (1) t (8) Ave. Mackey 14 1S 148157 1-1 Armltag . ...... 173 1RJ 1 171 3-3 Moor. ..,,U...1I1 168 124 148 Re . ...i.....l38 184 - 184 173 1-8 Kruse . ., 216 202 173 1S4 2-8 Totals , . , ..837 188 104 Easiest ' (1 fit fl) Ave. Hague . ,,,.,.,,.147 144 -121 144 . ' llman ..117 311 171-rl9J 'bm ,..4 187 173171 1-1 Capen-. , si 73 -150 -f- 181 151 - Tolal ....... .700 881 tt Tha Clnros forfeited three games to th Golden Wests on th Oregon alleys. Toupee, Miss Provo, Arestollator . and Calculate Fail to De liver Goods to Talent SULLIVAN'S RIDING WAS NOT EFFECTIVE HeavUy Played First Choice Horses Do Not Even Press Their Op ponents for .Position Jockey Loague's Good Work Summary, Four heavily played favorites ran Ilk a lot of truck horses yesterday at Irvlngton track and wer beaten upside down. On two of th shortsst priced fa vorites of th day,Fraukle Sullivan waa up. Miss Provo was the hottest kind of a favorit. and tha .tip was well cir culated that unless she dropped dead, Mla Provo could not be beaten. Aa boon as the odd wer. posted there was a rush for th betting ring and until the barrier flew a steady . stream of money cam in on her. But alaa! and alack! Mia Provo got away'thlrd, and at the half rushed Into second place and lolled along leisurely until the stretch, when she waa displaced by Happy Chappy, who In turn passed A mora B. Miss Provo finished third, and it was aU oft with har backers. Graham gave Happy Chappy a Splendid ride. Powell gave Amors B. a good run for second money. .hut th last spurt of Happy' Chappy was too much for her and aha had to be con tent,, with . aecond - money. Sullivan's otnar.riaa on xoupee in tne zourtn race was not to tha liking of tha talent Tou pea waa a 8 to 3 proposition And a toa of coin waa deposited on his chances. Toupe got off fourth. At the half Toupee dropped Into atzth position, while H. Lr Frank and Mlsty's Pride war going like mad for home. - Frank was In front and Clark let him go for all there was In him. and he ruahed in 11k a ahot from a gun. with th Prld four lengths behind. Judge getting the how money and Toupee entirely eut -of it By thla tlma tha talent waa pretty well- upset and didn't know which way 10 curn lor a aura tning. In tha first race of tha dar Silver Heels, with Loagua up, ran a very pretty race, ueiung away seventn in a Held of 10, Loague quickly rushed his horse into second place,, and aa tha bunch entered Sliver Heela waa in front, and had no difficulty in winning. Btanaara Xlniening second and Sacred us third. . - jockey -Powell'a funnr businaaa an Cascade of Diamonds in th third race prevented Arestellator from running and came very nearly being disastrous. He crossed directly In front of Arestellator aa Loagua waa ' about to shoot him through,-and nearly aent tha letter's mount into tha infield. Tenordala. who finished first ran a beautiful- fans Powell's horse was placed last and Chief witt man got the show. Arestellator wa heavily played. ' Dlxelle surprised th native by cap turing th fifth race with a mil to Pare. Badly Used, with Frankl Sulli van fcp, carried plenty of money, hut th Dest uai s ranaia could do waa to push his mount Into tha place. Penance, at 10 to 1, getting tha abow. V. Dotterel, who captured th first race on- th opening. day. proved her worth one mor by winning th last event of tha day by a country block. Llbbls Candid waa thought to be her real con tender, but failed to make good, run ning fifth. Blu Ridge bolted at th barrier and was out of it. The starting yeeterday was perfect and an evidence of th crowd's appro elation was manifested in the mile race, when Starter Mulholland aent II horses away straight as a string, tha spectators applauding th feat. . Th summary: First raceSllver Heels. I to 1 (Loagua). 108, Drat; Standard, t to 1 (Alvarado), 102r aecond; Sacredua, T to 3 (Croaswalte). 103. third. Time. 1:154. KarabeL Th Millar, Caroburn, Indlna. Skip Me, Goldone, Ro of Hllo, finished In th order named. Second race Happy Chappy. I to 1 (Graham), 101. first; Arora B.I to 1 (I. Powell). 108. second: Miss Provo, T to 10 F. Sullivan), 108, third. Tims. 0:S5V4.. ' Agnsa Mack. Procrastinate, Seventy, lone, finished in th .order named. 1 , Third rae Tenordala, I to 2 (R. Butler), 113, first; Cascade of Dismonds, 4 to 1 (LPoweU), lit, second; Chief Wit man, 20 to 1 (O. MoLaughlln), 108, third. Time, 0:68. AreateUator, Queen la K, finished In the Order named. - Fourth race H. 8. Frank, 4 to 1 (T. Clark). 104, first; Mlstya Pride, 11 to t (Loague), 108. second; Judge. T to 1 (L Powell), " 102, third. Time. 1:13. Toupee,' Laldlaw, Sea Air, finished In the order named. Fifth race Dlxelle, 7 to 1 (B. Poww ell), 37, first:- Badly Used, t to 1 (F. Sullivan), 108, second; PenaVoe, 10 to I (Bock). 104, third. Tim. 1:434. Prestolus, Sheron, Calonlst. Et Paleano, Past Master. Henry Clay Rye, Foxy Grandpa, Lulu Long, finished In th or aer namea. . Sixth race Dotterel, 4 to I (Loague), lOf, first; Wistaria, It to 1 (H. Brown), 102, second; Holly Berrn to- 1 - (B, Powell). 108. third. Tim. 1:274. Mor. dent, Libbla Candid, Exapo, Blu Ridge, finished in the order .named. .. : PORTLAND PREPARED . . TO MEET SIWASHES . This afternoon Portland and Seattle will begin a week'a engagement at Recreation park, and judging from tha good showing that Seattle has been mak ing lately and from th speed and strength of her new men, this week's games should be the wsrinest kind of contest. Sine Seattle wss here before three new men have joined her ranks Frlck. an Inflelder) Hart an outfielder, and Harper, who will twirl. Ruse Hall and hla warriors arrived last evening and ar In good trim for th games ahead. - . Portland Is also In fin fettle for busi ness. The locals seem to have improved greatly within the past few days, so thst ndw it looks as If it wilt take a better team than th Slwashes to hurt tha chances of the McCredltes. Jones Is elated to do the pitching stunt todsy. If his arm has not the cunning of other days, Bert should sneak his gam away. MM W. 'V.' M I . Top Prlo for Xogs. (Seeelat Dleselek' Tk. Jwu-nLft Walla Walla, Wash.. July 3. The top price for hogs In th Walla Walla valley was reached yesterday . when local dealers offered farmers f cents a pound on font for . prime porkers. Sound wholesalers practically denuded the valley of hogs In th past four months, which I assigned a a reason for the bis advance. Local dealers ssy tha prjre hss not been so high In 10 years snd a further advance, thev ear. may oa eppectea. Mt. 'Tabor Barred by Law From ' Entering the School Limits , vof the City. ' . ; assssBSBaassBSBaasasaaaa MUST WAIT UNTIL NEXT: ft TAXPAYERS MEETING Legialativa Act Provides That Only . at Annual Session of Citizens In terested Can Action Be Taken Looking" to Change In Boundaries. t The saet sloe erOee of The Ibaraal la hi the etore 01 Mrs. I. W. MrKlnney, a JCaet sbsrrlaus stieeb Xelepheae Kaat 37ft. Th annexation of th Mount Tabor school dlstrlot to city dlstrlot No. 1 will not be' attempted for another year. Cltlsens favoring th annexation bad statements prepared for th action of th county board, had gained the consent of many of th dlatrtct's taxpayers, and war ready to present their case to- the board, when It waa discovered that tho state law provides that such action must b authorised by taxpayers of th dls trlot concerned, at their annual meeting. Th annual meeting of th Mount Tabor school district is held in June, and aa no special meeting can be called to act on the annexation Question, th mat ter must- a postponed for a year. not another 10 months? thsn. the pu- plla of district No. t will b forced to pay tuition at th high school, and th district will hav to mak Its own Im provement and levy It own school taxes. The matter will, however, not be dropped, but a persistent campaign will b carried on among th Interested tax payers with' the Idea Of having a united dlstrlot whsn th annual meeting la held next June. - Th north Mount Tabor cltlsens wel come this dslay, and express the hope that befor th June meeting they may be abl to secure a separation from th rest of th district, "go It alone," or b admitted into the city. ' These tax payers occupy th Strang position of being one with Mount Tabor proper a far a th school district is concerned, but of being in th oounty otherwise, ths recent annexation not not lnoludtng thla portion of district No. f in tho city bounds. Had ths district been made part or No. 1 north Mount Tabor taxpayers would hav been a part, of Portland but wojild hav been outald th limits aa far as' fir, polio, water and sewer servio wer conoemed. SAVED FROM DROWNING Constable Zemaa Bssouss Father aad oa From WUlaaaett. Constabl Keenan of tha aaat aid court and a board ' kept two people rrom drowning in th Mllwaukle swim mlng hole, though Keenan doe not poa aa a hero. Th son of Elmer Ooa- horn waa bathing in a pool where Johnr son ereek empties Into th Willamette. Suddenly Ji went underh and whaa he cam up yelled' for help. His father thougbt at ft rat he was merely playing, but when ha saw him go down for tb third time he concluded it waa aerloua, and jumped In to th reaou. Ths frightened boy clung so tightly to hl father's neck that both went down a ooupl of times, whan Mr. Keenan, armel with a board, went to their asalatano. Th plank waa pushed under th terrl. fled boy as h ross again, and he was persuaded to cling to It, and with ths help.-ef Kenan father and son were hauled tmU. In thla bbl several people hav been drowned in tb past few years. .-:- (... CLARKE HOME SOLD.. Talaabl Mount Tabor Property, 3bjs ohased by 9. M. Brown. Tb sightly tiom at Mt Tabor of L. W. Clarke of the firm of Woodard Clarke baa been aold to 3. H. Brown for 88.000. . This place contalna more than two aore on on of th finest locations of East Portland and th house is larg and well furnisbed. Mr. Brown waa formerly a cltlsen of Portland, but for the last five year baa been reel dent Of China, where h made a fortune In the lumber business. Arriving, thers prior to tne Boxer uprising with hardly a dollar of capital, Mr. Brown took ad vantage of the confusion of th tlm to lay th foundation of hla wealth. Some montns ago n returned to apend the rst of hi life In hi home city and since thst tlm has been looking for a home He will make material Improve. Were You Born I fpregon? If so, you should 'certainly ? be interested ini our little book ' ' - Lewis and Clark I ;It tells briefly and ptainly; ? the fascinating story of Lewis and Clark. S It Is a most timely book.!? Jlandsomely bound in cloth 2 159 paces mailed any where for THE U. K. GILL CO. I Booksellers and N4 .' Stationers. , THIRD AND ALDER Great Things at Little Prkes Q ueen All River 1- -: ,' ; .1 . Don't Miss . This Delightful Trip . ments la th Clark plaoa and will lay out th grounds aa a model ' country home. , . On his property adjoining tha Pretty man tract Mr. Clark baa mor than two acras, and yesterday stated hi-lnfeTi' tlon to build a valuable residence ther and to highly Improve th grounds.. Mr. Brown will move to hi new horn this week. Mr. Clarke and family hav taken a cottag at Seasld until th dos of summer. String ew Cable. ' A hundrad-wlr cabl has .been stretched by th Pacific States Tele phone company from the oentral eaat side district to Montavllla. Workmen hav been employed on this task for several weeks, and the job la almost finished. None of the present Wires has been interfered with, but gradually the party ltnea will be changed to main lines, and connected through the cable. It la expected that the cable wilt pro vide for the growth In the 'phone service through Sunnysld. Mt Tabor snd Mon tavllla for several yeara and at the same tlm enable th company to doJ awav witn all the party )in, iq H dlatrict Botton Xlfhway Oaaseg Aooldemt, Th rottenness of - the planking on Union avenue near East Oak street wss responsible for Ja runaway In whleb the driver was seriously Injured yesterday. Bert Campbell, while driving a delivery wagon, ran into a large hole in .the ele vated roadway near-Eaat Oak street, hls-l no rae took fright and sprsng forward and jerked the driver over the dashboard and to the pavement. Campbell waa brulaed from head to 'foot, his bands were nadly lacerated with th pin anlln- ters of th planking, and hla back waa avrly sprained, .- - - - . - ew Xlgb School anarted. Work has begun on tb eaat side high school. The contractor having; charge ox ins excavation nas a rorce or men moving the dirt where the big basement will b built. Th block 1 several feet higher than moat of th adjoining prop arty and the thousands of yarda of dirt which ar moved will b used to bring aojoming lots up to the grad. ELGIN TEAM DOES NOT : ' SHOW UP TQ FORM " " . i i i . . (Special tl.patcb to The Josrsal.)-t Elgin, Or, July 38. Th Elgin base ball team loat-th second gam of a series of four games to La Orands Sun day in one of the most uninteresting games ever played on the Elgin dia mond, by .a acore of 17 to T, An excur sion train was run from La Grande and a large crowd acoompanlid tha visitors. MoOucken waa in tha box for Elgin, and was off color and was batted freely in almost every inning and waa accorded ragged support. Let Grand presented a strong front and outclassed th local in vry department of the game. Hall garth being the only Elain man who piayed good ball. A return game will be played In La Grande next Sunday, by which time Elgin will present a stronger line-up. The westhsr was hot. the thermometer registering 100 In the snaaa, - . - HELENA POLICE ARREST COUPLE FROM MISSOURI ' (Special Dispatch to The JearsaLI Helena, Mont., .July 38.-At the re quest of th Wsyland, Missouri, authori ties, th local pollc have srreated Gab Wllford and Leot Gaines, on a tele grsphlo charge of abduction, whlls In tha aecond mesag they were described aa xugttives. Wllford admitted to Ser geant Bailey that ha was the man wanted, and furthermore that, ha was a married man, which - he assigned aa his reaaon for not marrying tb Gaines glrL Miss Gslne aaaerta she Is more thsn If years, old. whll th Missouri offi cial, aesorib ner as Being if. .Both are -.being held pending the arrival of Missouri officials. SENTENCED TO SIXTY- - DAYS ON CHAIN GANG (Special Dl. patch to The JaarsaU Coif ii, Wash.. July 38. Fred Smith. who waa arrested Saturday for fright ening women and children in the north nd of th town, waa arraigned before Justice Dollttle yesterday and given 80 days on the chain gang. Smith waa ths cause of a reign of terror in thai part of town. Crassd wltlT drink and armed with nlckel-platedmonkax. wrench,- which .every one thought was a revolver, he put th whole population in that part of th town to flight. . A wheelman's tool bag Isn't comnlete without a bottle of Dr. Thomas' Ecleo trio OIL Heals cuts, bruises, . stings, sprains. . Monarch over pain. ' FLY ON THE FLYER Every- Saturday Only $2.50 Two- Day Tickets, Portland-Seaald Flyer of th A. S C R. R. leavea Union depot every Saturday at 2:80 p. m. for Clatsop beach points direct Only four hours' rids.. No trans fers. .No delays.. No dust. . Sea. C- A. Stewart, agent, 348 Alder street, about tickets, official, information, time cards. etc. and ask for Clstsop beach souvenir. containing is Deautirut nair-tone Illus trations. Tlcksta sold at Union depot. Boats Is the T. J. Potter," fjlying between Portlarid and NortK (Long Beach, the popular beach resort of the North Pacific Coast. From Portland to the Pacific on this boat is a trip long to be -" remembered, Jtnd is seldom missed by the ; excursionist and visitor. The usual heat of a summer day is tempered by a gentle breeze freighted with the aroma of pine trees and seasoned with '' salt sea air, while the winding Columbia, with its grateful curves, reflects a radiant sky, green banks and forest-covered hills, . Particulars and O. R. & N. Summer Book by asking at Third and Washington Streets, Portland. . ' , ". : C. W. STINGER 1 5, r.;.'.:;,.Xr- Clf AT IRVI1N.QTON PARK TRACK POSITIYELV. Six Blr Evcnts-FIrt Race at .2:15 p. m. 'All . Cars Transfer at Second and Washington , . .'.! ' Streets for Track, "V. .j -, . w r . 7 : Admission. Including Grandstand, 50c OBSTRUCTIVE TACTICS . AGAINST GOVERNMENT (Joomal IpeeUI lervtes.) ' London, July 38. Th opposition to th government In the house of ; com mons Jed by John Redmond hss begun Its campaign making government busi ness imposslbls In the house. The op position managed to keep ' tha house In a stormy session until o'clock this morning compelling Premier Balfour to have eonstsnt recourse to closure as th only means of advancing' business. Government supporters warned by the recent disaster stood by Mr. Bslfour. And low prices make light weight clothing sell quickly so , come today ' " before your size is gone. 7 ''"" " Oittiig iifl; $6.50 Suits ...$4.00 $8.50 Suits ..J. .:...;.:.Lr.;$5.50 $12j00 Suits..:.. ;....,:$8w06 $15.00 Suits .....:...,.a$10.00 $17.50 Suits.....l ...;......$i2.50 - $2.50 Pants. $3.00 . PantsI.T .r-J$2.-40 . $3.50 Pants $2 8O- $4.00 Pants $3.20 - $4.50 pantsr::.:::;.$3:60 OC7 Tlrd St. iQctirzz CtcrU o C - n .-v f--" ) T r' TIc&tAgint O. A. AT. C. . ' ' ... t at 2:15 rain or: shine ; maintaining a majority In tb neighbor hood of 80. No less than tt bills were ' blocked yesterday, tha effect being to delay their operation for a whole year. . . ' Qa to Indian Tsrrrfcory. 1 (Special Dlspstck ts The JosrasL) Bakr City. Or.. July 38 Bev. J. T. Moore., pastor of th First Baptist church tn this city, will Isay her nest ' week for South McAlester, Indian Ter ritory, where he will tak up th work of general missionary for tb Baptist General .'association of India's Territory and Oklahoma. Rsv. Mr. Moore hss been pastor of ths church her for th laat 13 yeara. having come here In 1893. Hja successor baa not yet been chosen. v- $2.00 ) ' ' . if ... .' '