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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1905)
i - tiur.:JLiL iui 1GGEPT PLACE mm RE I'iCTIjS DIE Fu;,iL:,i) i FROn FEVER AT Si DIEGO Qy Rait and by. Boat Increasing Thousands Are Pouring Into , ; Fair City Every Day, ;. ACOMMODATIONS BEING : ' , INCREASED FOR.tRAFFIC He Declines to Leave the Rail-. -. ' rdad for Potlon on the, -;' ; , Federal Bench. - 'v Yillow' Jack Claims " Two.1 More Victim In New Orleans--; Fifty Cases Treated. STRINGENT MEASURE? iTO STAMP OUT. DISEASE Sailor and Japanese Wardroom Boy Dead From Injuries Re :' ceived In Oisasteri' TALK WITH HARmMAN Y .. DECIDED HIM IN ACTIOM Emoluments of Practice t Too Greet to AUow Rim to Take Bellinger's -- Place, to Which acBrlde, ' Bean' "''snd Others Aspire. " "S'T TO RAISE BENNINGTON AND REPAIR DAMAGES New Stejuners and Eztri TrairtB Be , lng Added to" , Equipment of All ' Lines 'Centering ' Hers Flow of -Travel Homeward Also Befinning. Affected Region Jbj Old French 1 Quarter : Near the '' Market Cam- paign .Waged Agit - the : Moo culto Quarantine Eatabliehed. ' Officer Report That Nona , of the Plates Art Sprang and No Holes Found Ship Will Be Towed ' to Mars Island Navy Yard.,. , ; I i. if' 11 .'1 f - v m . " - . 1 I -i T " tf- J'otwtt Special Sarvke.) 0 L P.'! i 7Nw Orleans. La- July tl Two more death xf yellow fevrticuuiied tqUay; making a, total of for the pwwnt iwnidemlo. la all told there have been tl0 c, and there are 60 case under (treatment at the present time. .The Tlrat death occurred July 1J. r vX:imrcpfJalLtte,oaUh -; horUle and those of the United. gjates Uarla hospital aervlce la ' blng hN Today. . Stringent hyglento measure are being taken and portion of the elty af reet ed quarantined. . Detention atationt have , been established at all railroad "last outside of the city and the utmost (precaution 1a "being "used to prerent the trpread of the dlaease and to stamp It ut :,s .s - George B. Young of the United State Marine hospital aervloe ' today ' took charge of the Inspection of trains. Co- ktperating with him are the olty and rtate, authorities of Ixrolirtan ana Mi alaslppt. His headquarters are at Jack- won. -. The mosquito 'ordinance' passed ' yea !terdy by the oouncll Is being enforced today and larg-e numbers , of men -are busy screening over cisterns pools of water and all places where It la poaalble (for mosqultos to brood. The swamp near the elty are betas; treated aa they were la Cuba a few years ago and quan tities of petroleum faUl to mosquito ijarvae Is being poured Into the waters. , - But Jlttl concern ex lata among the jeltisena of the city, who are eonfldent 'that th . authorities will effectually I tamp- out the disease before' It ha at tained any greet headway. With on exception all of the eases so fai re i ported are la-the old French quarter, i near th French market.. ,- J WOW TRUST INCREASED ' COST OF. WHITE PAPER i (Joaraal Special Barvta.) Bt Paul, Minn.. July . -In the In prestlg --puny dication or tha General riper eom- . nun before Srjaolal Exunlnar Tvler. id ivolnted by the United States court. A. 'C Weiss of th DulUth Evening Herald. Cond Hamlin of the St Paul Pioneer Free and W. J. Murphy of the Mlnne polls Tribune testified that th cost of paper had been advanced -enarmoualy by ith trust and. that It la impossible to do , business on aa equitable basis. They 'testified "that none, of the Independent frallls operating in the- northwest were M sufficient capacity to afford security 'for m U supply Is say pltshlg eem ipany. ' ,' Luclen Swift of the Minneapolis Jour- x and tieorae Taonpion or the St. Paul Dispatch testllled that th eost of paper had Increaaed from 2S to BO per cent sine th organlsatloa of th Gen ieral Paper company. . The investigation closed and adjournment was taken until ;falL The government will apply to th circuit court for an 'order compelling ithe directors of th trust to answer questions. , x , ' u,-.r -j-, - ". ." .' , i ,;. ALiEGED STAGE ROBBER ; : u ARRESTED IN IDAHO " (Bpaeial tHspatet te The JraraaL) ". Bolae." Idaho. July (.Deputy fnlted .. States Marshal Bryon today brought In : John Gldoon. arrested on a" charge of holding up the ,Meadows-Warren stage ' and robbing th registered mail, securing i -1108 la-money' and cold duat -valued et .. SL100. . - The robber was masked asd . compelled the; drlTer ' to-eut ' upen the (sacks and bnd over th registered mall i -i no arrest is in roauii oc ui wont on tha part of Mall Contractor Kralgbaum, who trailed the robber two weeks. TWELVE BODIES FOUND 1 - , IN HUMBLE OIL FIELDS " ' i - Uoaraal Bpedal Servlee.) .Houston, Texas, July SC. Th latest reports from the Humble Oil fields ear 'that 11 bodies bav been recovered from ;the fir which destroyed th oil tank 'Sanday. and all were so badly burnt to be ynrecTignlmhlft. : It la xlairoed 1 that from It to II men ar still misa 1 lng and It is feared they alao perished. ; SERIOUSLY INJURED '" v WHILE BLASTING. STUMPS ' , ' tflDarlal Siapateh t Ta' JoraaL ' -" Hood Blvsr, Or.. July IS. While . blaktlng stumps for Mike Thornton et .'. Underwood yesterday, a plec of wood atruck Bert Jewett in the face, dentroy ! lng hi eye and tearing open his head. H is In th hospital here, with' slight chances of recovery, - He resides in Ore- ' ton City.- - -- CLERK RESIGNS FROM., i ; " BUREAU OF STATISTICS (Joaraal Bpeelal Swrlc.)' Washington. July 2. Hecretary Wil son announces this afternoon that the resignation of Mrs. Bertha B. Burch. clerk of the bureau of statistics and until recently lu the private office of BUtlatkHaa Hrde, has been received and accepted. . ; v , HAGUE COMMITTEE TO V OFFER PJNZEf OR PLANS "Tp;v. (jwara.1 Bpecial Berrlce.1 ) Th Hague. July 11. The governing . committee of Th Hague tribunal, ap- pointed to carry out' Andrew Carnegie's scheme I for tha erection of a peace pal- aee. haa decided to offer a prise of $60, ' eoo with elk entailer prises for. the best - plana proposed, for the' building. . SENTENCED TO PRISON ' F0R PRIZEFIGHTING - . Joeri ul SpaeUf Swviea.l V"T "Montreal, July tl. Jack Walsh and Jim McBronks war today given' three months tn ll for priseflghltng. 'Thin la th. first conviction for. the offense ana ail vioiatora will receive like treat m-t la he future. ' , .- . '. (Joaraal BpscUl Sarvto. v '. San Diego, July li Two more o- tlma -of th Bennington - disaster. were moved from the hospital to th morgue thla morning. They wer Ward B. Ken- ndy-e Alllanc Nebraska.' and - a Takato, a Japanes wardroom ooy. tb former died late yeaterday afternoon; the latter at 4 o'clock thla morning. Thl-Bke -the dead Kennedy's - brother arrived yesterday afternoon, but too late to find, htm alive. Th Japanese boy gav up lata yeaterday, saying) '1 am all done; pleas sand body back te Nippon. Bansai. ixip pon!" . ' ' ; '.' ' . Paymaster1 Clark Melius and P. N le mon ar In a vary aarloua condition. Knslgn Jaffa, executive offloer of. the submarine service on thla coast, who Is superintending th lnapeotlon of th hull of th Bannlngtoa and la charge of th divers examining the damage under wa ter, today reported that none of the plate wer sprung and do holea found. H say that the ship could be 'towed out today if necessary. , Arrangements ar being made br the nary- department to sand th remain of Bailors killed to homes of friends and relative whenever auch action Is requested. Congress haa made provla lona for auch cases. NO HOLES FOUND. Siren BtopoH That Stall riattag Xs Xa- ' tact and STo beaka tola. (Jearaal BpeeUl Barvlea.) v Waahlngton. July 16. report has been received from Constructor Evana at San Diego stating that th Banning ton ean be raised and repaired. No leaka hay been found la th hull plat ing and that th list to starboard la due to th shirting -Tb boners. Th Ben nlngton will be towed to Mar Island and repaired. , . - -.c" ACCUSED OF PASSING " : : . WORTHLESS CHECK (Bpedal Dispatch to Th Jotfraalj ' Balem. Or- July II. A. A. Cunning ham, handwriting expert,' testified be fore th stat land board yesterday that signatures to 7 applications for tb purcbas of stat sohool land aggre gating 11.00 acres war rorgerlos writ ten by H. H. Turner. The applications purported to have been . made .before Turner aa notary public,- and Turner la allegej to nave signed, t,h iwna '. J' anegeq to nave signeq tn namea or r'c- uiiuus persons lu in .appucaiiuna ano then, certified that th person named had appaaiwd before him and worn to the facta aet forth. Ih contest arosa when John D Lalttre, a Mlnneapoll banker,, applied for -deeds to th - land which th tat board refused. De Lalt tre testified that h had purchased th certificate from A. T. Kelllher at Min neapolis In 1100, and that he wa an Innocent holder and entitled to protec tion. Argumf nte upon th ess will be made at the regular meeting of the board In August. - MAYOR M'CLELLAN IS INDORSED BY TAMMANY '...-'.. ' . ,':.V (Joaraal Spsdal Bervtca.t . New Tork, July 11. Pursuant to the call of Leader Charles F. Murphy the members of the general committee of Tammany Hal met at the wigwam and took the first steps In the mayoralty campaign of this fall.--. As wae xped the keynot of tha proceeding, was an enthusiastic indorsement of Mayor Mo Clellan for a aeoond term. .. In , resolu tion Intended aa a reply to the Invita tion of the Citisen' unloa to loin in' a movement to non-partlsanlse the munici pal government, th Tammany organisa tion pointed to th record in office of Mayor McClellan, holding hie adminis tration up as a model of non-partisan-ship and making the assertion that Mo Clellan has been mora nonpartisan In his conduct of public affairs than either Mayor Low or Mayor Strong... - ITALIAN ACCUSED OF. T"SH00TING TWO WEN ' (Special Dispatch te Tae Journal.) v ' Roseburg, Or.,' July 2t. Tha trial of Antonio- Bruno, aa Italian section-hand was. postponed by Justice Long today. 'Bruno Tn accused of , shooting two com rades, VJcenao Palella- and two com vello, at Green's station, Monday night. Monday Bruno was discharged from the employ of th railroad. Being unpopular among his ' associates! he evidently thought they had something to do with his trouble, and started back In tha evening to the camp, On- arriving at the camp i and having a gun In his hand, he was attacked by tha workmen. Firing hia gun three times before 'he was overpowered, he shot Palella in the leg and another bullet scratched Sea velle's left leg on th Inside. His coun trymen brought him to th sheriff. ACCUSED OF FORGING v l v SEVENTY-FIVE CLAIMS , ;- ,.' i . (Special tnspateh to The Joaraal.) Dallas,. Or., Uuly . !. J. W. Gilpin, formerly of Dallaa, who soma time aso -pasaedV a worthless check at McDonald's confectionery store in Dallas to the amount of 160. ws caught in Salem laatweeli by. Sheriff Culver ot -Marlon county and- was handed over to M. A. Ford, deputy sheriff of Polk county,, and la now tn ths Polk eounty Jail. His pre liminary, hearing was .before Justice Holman and he was bound over to ap pear before the December lerm of th circuit court under 1600 ball. He was unable to give bonds. . Gilpin signed his nsme to a check for tit drswn on John Snyder on the Inde pendent Nstlonal bank. The check was teturned to McDonald as worthless. j. ) Tramp Commits Suicide. ' ? (Special IHipatrk te The lowest. f. "" Roseburg, Or., July !. Atf unidenti fied tramp blew his head off last night bout 11 o'clock with a shotgun at the Deer Creek bridge. He bought the gun and cartrldgee yesterday at a store here. Two tramps found his body this Ihorning. . . Concordia OTD"EII"0F THE WORLD TO KEET AT FAIR Great Celebration Planned In Which Visitors From Abroad , ' Will Take Part. ' Woodmen of th, World are making preparations " for a grand ' Lewis . and Clark celebration which will be attended by , prominent "woodchoppers" from far whole state,, and J many visitors from all over the country. The featlvltle will begin Thuraday, Auguat I, and con tinue through Sunday, fraternal cour- teatea will be extended to visitors from afar, ' - - A grand flag parade through the prin cipal etreeU will be the featur of open ing day, and wll be followed by class initiation at the W. O. W. hall In th Selllng-Htrsch building and on Sixth and Waahlngton streets. Friday exercises will be held st tha exposition grounds with addresses by President Goods for the exposition officiate. Governor unam berlaln for the state, snd Mayor Lane for the olty. Prise drills will be Inter esting events of the afternoon and evening. ' Saturday wilt be given over to sports, at the Oaks, and Sunday to an excursion downth Willamette and up the Columbia. ' - : Officers for th celebratloBTaf T. JT Hammer, president; C. C. Bradley, sec retary: ' J, W. Booth, treasurer. . As sisting In th' arrangements are the member of the general committee se lected from th local camps aa-follows: Webfoot camp No. It A. U Barbur, C. A. Klliott, D. H. Newbury. . . Portland camp ho. iot a. w. Bchmala. A. M. Brown, F. A. Snow. AlMna,ramp No. Ill J. van zante. Dr. P. A. Rose. John Stephen.. ' Prcaoect camp No. -140 J. J. Jen nings. J. H. Bush, a. Johnson. ' ' ' George' Washington . camp. No., Ill H. A. Fredericks, P, Helna, H. -W?g- Prosperity csroP No.-19 C X BraoV I . " nT ri rjnaris I I T rinrk i - - .ia-T 3 Ham. mr. B Heymond.'. 8L,Wslkftr. Rosa City camp No. ; lie., r. Rnotha M. B. Thompson. MonUvUIa camp ; N George if mint Tabor eamo No. lit -C B. Nelson. . ' '"' .' 1 . Other committees are the program John Van Zante. J. J. Jennings. A. u. Barbur, X. M Brown and C. C. Bradley, win and means C A. Elliott. Dr. P. A. Reea. J. H. Busb, H. A. Fredericks, it u Dimonit J W. Boothe, C. B. Nelson. H. F. Clarke and H. U Bearla. SPECIAL POLICEMEN' MUST YIELD THEIR STARS rVntsin of Police Moore wae In etructed yesterday afternoon by Chief Grltxmacher to notify all epecial police men who reported for duty that their commissions had expired, and that they must apply at once for reappointment If they desired to keep their stare. - In making application they are required to tell the district eovred end to nanVe their list of patrons, ah win .-oe al lowed to retain 'their authority for a few daye In Order to gtve tnem sum plent time to tire par their application. "Also notify sal othr apeclal police men that jwt - know who hold com mission! from a former administration that their term , of office ha expired," reads the order, -and that they must not wear any police authority or uniform and must turn In all city property that they have Ja their possession. SET ASIDE DAY FOR v ' v v WORKINGMEN AT FAIR 'l MM fc ' August t haa been set aside by the fair management for the worklngmen of Portland and Oregon, when the ad mission will be reduced to 16 oents for adults and 10 cents for children tinder l yarsof age. The exposition offi ciate arranged this dsy because many worklngmen have not had an opportu nity to see the fair exoeptlng in the evening, when the government exhibit I cloned, and on Sunday, when only a part of th . exhibit are open. It-1a hoped th worklngmen will take apeclal Interest In this day and that their em ployers will concede a holiday. . SPECIAL DISPLAY AT ; -V , FAjR THIS EVENING .Tonight the display of fireworks will be worth seeing at the exposition. They begin at t o'clock and will exceed In beauty thoee shown any .previous night The display last Saturday night wss th best that had been seen up to that time, and thoee for tonight are to be cvea bet ter. All day the expert operators have been busy preparing for th exhibition and the people who attend the exposi tion will be rewarded . with something mors' brilliant than anything ever . wit nessed'ln Portland. ' ., . J . ' , -"".si. i: i , ; r-- - Xa-ene ktaa Ukea St. John. - '- . George A. Dyson, a Kugene business man. haa purchased ground 60 by 101 ft at. the eorner . of Ivanhoe etreet and Broadway, St. John, and will build a three or four-story brick structure for stores and offices. Plans are being drawn tor Architect W. W.-Ooodrlch. for a building to cost about z,ow. . . r -'T'.'strlksre SUetta;.'7 j "S. ' , (Jearaal Special Service.) . , Belgrade. July 2J. Striking electrical workers ere rioting today and no tram ears are moving. .The secretary of the Belgian legation was Injured during tb .noting, -''.. -: . ',''..'.' . Club's New Home Wbidden A LeurlB, PLOT TO KILL SULTAN r- AMILITARY CONSPIRACY (Joursal Special Service.) Prague, - July . It. An ' eye- e witness of , th- attempt to as sassinate th sultan at Constanti nople says 'that ' immediately after the explosion he saw- a number of Turkish officer rush at th ' sultan' carriage with word drawn. 'They wer beaten back .by Albanian bodyguard. Thla lend color to th report that, th plot to kill th sultan originated in a military . con spiracy. Mayor Announces That . Tax ; payers ;' Shall Get Money's T Worth In Improvements. CONTRACTORS-MUST, " v FOLLOW SPECIFICATIONS Chief Executive Does Not Believe Moitis Street Work le Up to Proper Standard nd Incidentally Tells What His Policy Will Bt., 'I have only on policy regarding street Improvemqenta, and people might as weir know; It now.a . later." said Mayor Lane today, "In all th. depart ffienls ' ortr whfcn"XavrT!Ohiror,TJi BpeclflcaUoaa for city : work-will have to be followed In every Instance; the Inspection will have to b mad car lully and accurately 'with th intent to give aU a 'aquare deal.' Property own er will receive a dollar's worth of work for every dollar paid for Improve ments. Th contractor will also J justly treated. . -What I have Mid will be tha' rigid rule" during my admlnistratlpp. and there will-be I no exceptions, if it is within my power to ipreveht-them. - J aay thla without malloe1 te anybody.' The above statement was given by th mayor .In explanation of a criticism he made regarding -th Improvement of Morris , etreet between William and Union avenue, before th meeting of th atreet Committee of th city txecu tlv board yeardayi jl atated that he had visited th street and that the con tractor wa doing a very poor job. " He had secured a copy of the specification which were prepared during ex -City Engineer Elliott's term of office and after - examining them arrived at ' the conclusion that they were very looeely drawn. He alio said Inspector George F. Bodman waa doing a poor Job of inspecting, for lsrgs boulders wer be lng mixed with th finer gravel and that the result would b a poor street ' City Engineer : Wanser stated today that, the plans and specifications . for th work had been prepared before he took charge of the office and the con tract let accordingly; that all he could do would be to force the contractor to comply with the' specifications, which he stated he wae doing, -rrrbemin-ovement tsnon!nrehea: aaid he, "but 'after' It la I am of th opinion .that the pavement will b a good on. Th top layer ha not been put on th street et all. I will go out and Investigate the condltione today. The street committee adopted a rule that : hereafter . no - mora, extensions of tlms on street Improvements would be considered unfess filed to daya before the time on the contract expired. In case contractors do not comply with their agreement they will be fined at the rate of IS a day during their de linquency. ' . . . i ' . - A large number of contractor delln quent with their work appeared before the committer and were excused from paying fines.' .. . . ... i ROBERT L. GERRY NEW i ' v PATRON OF THE TURF '- Uoaraal Bpedal Berries.) New Tork. July .?. Ilc-bert L. 0rryr son of Commodor T. Gerry, Is th lat est patron of the turf. He Is the proud owner of the steeplechaser horse Jo. His advent on the turf was a secret Gerry had contemplated auch a ,mav for a long time, but aa hie father op posed It he put it oft from time to time; The commodore expressed ht , opinion se, strongly that Robert thought It beat to hid ni ownership under th nam Of "Fauguer stable.'!- In connection with Gerry's advent on the turf a report spread today that. Al fred G wynne Vanderbllt would become his partner. ' FAIR ATTENDANCE IS " . ; SUSTAINING RECORD e e e e - The attendance at the exposi tlon thla forenoon wa 7.491, al though there was no special event for the entire day The , total art m lesions yesterday were 17,- f -.- v.- . ) -'v- - ', - . eeeeeeeeeeeeee VALUE RECEIVED IS LANE'S WTO Architects. BODY F0U:;D FLOATING v TUALATKI RIVER Seventeen Pounds of Iron Fas. - tened . to Neck of - Drowned Man. s : ' (Bpeelal Dlapeteb t Tb Joaraal.) ' '. Hillaboro. Or.. July I Th body of an urldentlfled man was found 160 yarde from Taylor -bridge, -one -rmlle -from Tlgardville, . thla eounty, oa Tueeday afternoon at 6:80 o'clock. The body was In the water, out from the shore, float ing down stream. R. jO.- Edwards saw th- body from a diets he and notified other parties, who Investigated. Coroner Brown of HllisborOi accompanied. by Dr. Frank Bailey, drove-to Tlgardville. The coroner1 a Jury summoned consisted ox John Tlgard, Charlea Schamberg, A. Hahnen, R. 8. Townaend, -Thoma Sav age and Charlea Detts. - The deceased bad affixed IT pounds of old iron around hi neck strung on a wire. The Iron waa twofold axes, a plow Jointer ''hnd two Bradley plow share. The doctor - atated death wa caused by drowning, aa th lungs war filled with water, and that- h had been In -th water at least 10 day. . ' There 'waa nothing on th body to Identify hlra and th only thing found In th porhata waa. an old red bandanj handkerchief. - He .- wore a dark , ault. leather boot and red etrlped shirt. He had not been aeen In that section be fore, waa about to yeara eld and smooth shaven. Ther wer no mark of vio lence on th body, . which waa badly decomposed, and waa buried tn the Pot- ter-e field today. ... v . ; ' Thla morning'' a verdict wa rendered by th Jury "that, th deceaaer bad come to hi death by drowning in the Tualatin river and that the death was ausd by himself.", - V ' ' MRS. BERT LACY SHOOTS ; HERSELF WITH A RIFLE ' . . a. . .... - (Bpeelsl niessu to Th JonreaLI . r- rrCbirvainsTTh'.Tiny-!. Mrs. Bert Lacy, wife of a wall known citizen, and daughter of William Collins, committed suicide last evening by shooting her self with a ll-callbre target rifle, while In bad at her home. . She wa found a few hour later by her husband on hi return home. The coroner's Jury re turned a verdict In s coo rdance. with the facts. - Mrs. Lacy waa years of age and no reason' Is knowa for the deed. Her husband left her at noon, and she waa cheerful as, usual. She had been married seven years and her wedded Ufa was a happy one. In- company with her husband ah had Just returned from a trip, to th Portland exposition and cistern Oregonr ; .;'.. - HALF MILLION SAVED - --IN EQUITABLE SALARIES , ' i (lograsl Bpeelsl Serrtcs.) New Tork, July M Chairman Morton thla afternoon announced a cut In salaries and a, reduction 1n fore, and ether econ omies which will result in an annual saving of SdQO.000. It Is said that the financial statement of the society's af faire for the first six months of the year Is very satisfactory. The new office of chairman of the board of directors wJJtLoffered. There are times when a few be abolished.' The question of abolishing pension waa referred to a special com mittee. TWO GIRLS NARROWLY -ESCAPE BEING -DROWNED ' (Bpeelal Diapetch to Th JoarnsL) . Newport, Wash., Judy 8. Stella Boggs and Edna Harding bad a narrow escape from death by drowning, while bathing In Dep' creek yeaterday. ... They were riding a log and drifting when they fell off and found themselves in deep water with a swift current. Both immediately sank but were rescued, after they had gone down the second time, by Mr. Boggs, who Is a good swimmer. . , ' EXAMINE OVERCHARGES ON REFRIGERATOR CARS ' ".: ' ' v'7v-' .. ' (Joornsl - Bpeelal Berries. . , KansarClty, Mo., Jul H. Tn Inter state commerce commission, F. M. Cock roll president, today btgan an Investiga tion of, the - complalnta of excessive charges on shipments in refrigerator cars. H. M. Steele of Springfield, Mo., was th first witness. ; , 1 BUBONIC PLAGUE ON , ; : ISTHMUS OF PANAMA - ,' ; "A .i ., !- . - i' (Joaraal Bpeelsl Bervtes.t Washington, D. C, July 2. A death from bubonla plague-Is- reported - from Panama. Labeca wharf,, where the death occurred, -has been quarantined. .-Weather SB Ooole. t (Special Dlapetek te Tbe Jesnall ' Colfax, Wash., July 2t. Th weather contlnne cooL ' - Yesterday afternoon ther wer light shower in th Vicinity of Pullman and Mosoow. which is more favorable for ripening th grain. Farm er are rapidly recovering from the fear occasioned -by the recent hot wave ITaxaeroaa forest riree. ' -'-"(gpsctst Dtrnstch te The Jeras,.r - - Baker City, Or., July The reports reaching Baker City ar to th effect that numerous forest fires are raging In th mountains between thla place end Canyon City, Owing1' to ' th - slight growth of underbrush the' fires are not doing much damage. - j - - The movement of lasaenger trafflo to Portland over th p. B. A N.. th North ern Paclflo and th Southern Pacific which during the last week broke all records of Paclflo northwest travel, 1 slowly lnorsaslng, and, official of rail road, and steamship line ar exerting themselves to provide facilities for th accommodation of their patron. Train ar running tn a many as four section, and additional steamer ar being put Into aervloa between thla city and San San Francisco, ' , ' -. Th featur of travel thle week la the fact that It 1 becomlpg equalised In all directions. Th Influx of visitors at first fevaNrhelmeff Incoming trains, and only on certain trains were the demands so great the capaolty waa exceeded. This week there Is a stronger tide of out going travel. The Southern Paclflo for the last two days' has - been hauling aleeplng-cars deadhead from the south to supply accommodation for vral large partlea desiring to leave Portland for southern , California point.. Th Southern -Paclflo ,ia running thre s,nd four sections Jj avery train. These sec tions eomprla 10. car each, Flv are etandard and tourist sleeper, and th other five are baggage care and coaches. -. - Bl. a. Sk Si ST. TrateL ... " Th O. R. N. 1 handling th enorm ous travel 'over Ira lln with compara tive a Extra Motion of vry train are put on to meet dally requirement, and while train ar frequently late there, 1 no complaint en that -Boor o long aa th people have adequate eccora modatlon nrout. - Beginning th latter part of thie week a tourist sleeper will b run regularly between Salt Lake and Portland on train No. S.Land eastward oa train No. I. Thle will complete a complement of tourlat sleepers running run every "O. R. - N. passenger train. At th. company a elty ticket office th ILcigt:coumrhaJtjenJegteBd1 and th fore Increased from flv to nln men. The accounting clerks have been taken out, and all the-room given,' over to th ticket salesman.' , At th union station th - Pullman company ' will within a few daya open a separata Pull man ticket, of flee and tbie office will work- in harmony with tha up-towa ticket offices. - Heretofore the railroad ticket office at the union station has handled Pullman tickets. The new ar rangement will greatly Increase the con veniences of securing Pullman reserva tions by the publle. ; - ' , ( . - Water Business Heavy Also. There Is a heavy Inorease In business oa thewater line of the O. R. N. A-hew system of handling tickets on the boat a bat ween Portia n4 and Seaeld hepeta adopted and-will ga itato o. fect tomorrow. - Tickets . on the Potter will b taken up when peopl go aboard th boat, te avoid annoyance to passen ger in .having to remain In one place until the purser goes through and eol lecta the tickets. Returning from Sea side and Ilwaco It ls,lmpraotlcble.-wlth-lo th limited time between arrival of th beach train and th departure of th boats, to handle ticket In the usual manner. .Commencing next Sunday the company will, have men on the trainat Seaside, wjth stateroom keys and' all passengers who have reserved bertha on the boats will exchange their steamer tickets for stateroom -keys, f that on going aboard .Jh boat tbey may pro ceed direct . to their etateroom. Tha system Is th ram that la In vogue on th Fall River line between New York and Boston and has proven success- : Kaay Com ream Soaaki ' "'The Northern Pacific Is now running eight regular sections from Sesttle to Portland dally, and In addition there are extra trains nearly every day. Bom daya ther ar two to flv extra train. .. . -,. -"We have all th equipment w need and ther Is no complaint about our en-Ice.'' said A. t. Charlton. "W ar running aa many extra sections as are necessary to ake car of th buainesa peopl ar left at a station, but not enough to warrant making up another section or a train. Two more ateamere secured by , the Portland-San Francisco Steamship com pany' will relieve the heavy pressure of business caused by- the al of more exoorsron ticket at eaatern points thsn could be accepted for passage on Harrt- man lino boats st this point. 'The com-vj pany has already started the steamer Valencia, which left last nighfloaded to filer capacity, ISO passengers, for - Salt Francisco. Tha steamer City ef Topeka will arrive, here, from the aound next week. She 1 due from Alaska August 1. at Seattle, and will be brought to Portland immediately and placed In the Ban Francisco on - a . traffic arrange ment with the Paclflo-Coast Steamship company, owners of the boat Th busi ness will be handled . entirely through the office 6c-tbe Portland-San Fran ciscni -company at this point' Tha. City of Topeka will carry 111 first class and 50 second clasa passengers. She la com manded by Captain Cann. The acces sion of these two boats give this line four steamers, the Columbia, St. Paul, Valencia and City of Topeka, with a to tal carrying capaolty of nearly 1,0 passengers, t - ' . . -''7 HISTORIC SCHOOLS SOON PASS AWAY 1 4 V- The first of Multnomah's Old-fash ioned country schoolhouses, In which many of the .pioneer sons and, daughter of th rftt"reeeivedytheireducatioii, will soon pass Into-history. At Linn ton, Holbrook and district No. I neat modern school building are being erected and will be ready for occupancy by the time the fall terra opens. . The old historical structure, .with- their rough finish and moss-covered roofs, will be raxed or used as etoreroom. lnta school 'district is also build ing a . four-room ' addition and an ae sembly hall to the school house, which will be finished within a few weeks. At Arista a new echool building I badly needed, but the taxpayers are divided regarding the matter. . Superintendent R, TV Roblnaon atated today, that he wa of th opinion that most of th country- eohool would open before September tt, the date of open ing the ctty schools. He thought. Sep tember too lata, a It will extend the eohool year- to July t. -, , - . ,- : W. W.' Cotton.' the local attorney: for the Harrlman railway Interest, ha de clined the nomination of the president for district, federal Juds; of Oregon. --Judg"W. . IX Fanton reoerveu a tale gram te' this, effect today, which came aa a eurprls to some who were follow ing, ths eaae, and later Colonel Crooks general manager of th O. B. eV ; N. ofj flee Verified the story. : - : ';.- .! Since Mr. Cotton went east and called on the president, there have been many rumor to tb effect that a declination ws poeslbl. 7';', 4lf' . It .waa known Oiaf IdrrCottotr called oa the had official of the Harrlmas system, and It . wae fairly wH eateb llahed that he had received a better of fer lit 'that ' oompany. - Th announce? ment today' that he had declined, the Judgeship la taken to confirm the report of the promotion. ,' "; ,- .'- 'r. Thle declination revive tb "original conteat which waa waged here for aev eral weeks prior to tha proffer "to Mr. Cotton.' Among the most prominent con testant upoa whom next choice Is ex pected to fall ar Supreme' Justlc R. 8. Been and Circuit Judge T. A. McBride. .The information wee ' not generally 'circulated until th. af teraoon, and- theS waa not believed by -many friend of Mt, Cotton.' - . -'7' .-. ''-. DUSTY BOYS THRONG 1 CITY'S PUBLIC BATHS .Th. attendance of the boy at-th publle baths haa been- unusually large ' thle year,- said Edward Holman. the promoter of publlo bath' for' children, thle morning. "The boy- and gin have patronised the baths regularly, and they , seem to enjoy th ewlm In th river - -where there I no danger whatever -of drowning. The houra aet for th free baths for the boys are from to 11 every morning and from 1:14 to very afternoon exoeptlng Saturday when they can lake the water from 1:10 to i p. m. We shall heep th houae open . until the beginning of the September term of schooh- Boys would Ilk to, swim In September, but w do not wiB to keep the bouse open aa en Inducement ' for theas. to play 'hookey' from, school. Tbr ar reailay -f orgtrls end women, and there are also hour for men and women, when fee are charged. . MINING COMPANY WILL : ' ; , SUE COUNTY OURT .', '.': . ; .. , . . J. , -' (Bpeelal XMspatck te The JaaraaLI ' Baker City, July . The Cornucopta , Mlnee company will shortly begin ac- . tlon egainst the Baker eounty court for a recent act wherein the cdurt-declared ' certain roads constructed by that com pany for thelr-prlvate use to be publlo hlghwsys. The "notion of the county court In opening these, roads to the pub lie la declared entirely unwarranted by th ownera and they aay an attempt will be made la the near' future . to recover their right la the lest 11 yesre the company haa constructed $70,00 worth -of good roads tn the Cornucopia mtn- . lng district, some at a coat of $4,000 te the mile. "- - '. 7 74 CASPARY SAYS HE SOLD . . TICKETS FOR CAtfILL ; t. th. .f the ticket srslners be fore Police judg Cameron thla after noon, H. O. Caapary tea tl fled that he had aold railway ticket only aa agent for QeoTg A. Cahlll. He ald that Ca hlll fled the city et the time tha arrest wer made. Other wltne corrobo rated his staAsraant. - ' .' . Th nolle court docket 1 so crowded on account of the acalpera' cases .that . for tha first, time In year a session ot court will b held tonight - - PRFPARING TO OPEN V v i UINTAH RESERVATION ..' " " . . (Joaraal Special Berrhse.) . Waahlngton, July II.' Commlaaloner Richard of tb general land office end 20 clerk left thl morning for the Uintah reservation1 In UUh to prepare for the great ruah Incident to the open In of the reservation'- to settlement. September 1. Registration jwill begin August 1, and the distribution will be by lottery., 7 ; , ;j -. CONNELL GIRL TAKES -V - 7 LAUDANUM AND DIES " (Bpeelsl Uapatck to The jeamLt : Connell, Wash., July SI. Mia Chic It Love, the 11-year-old daughter of J. B, Love, who live four mile south of -here, died last night from th effect of a do - of - laudunum. - Th' family , be-. lleve It wa taken with aulcidal intent, ae 15 minutes before her death she In formed her sleterwhat she had done. ,." ,' '- Beatrice Swla Xela. - -- Beatrice Lewis was held to the granj Jury In .'a. - $7t0 .bond. by-FollcaJudge. Cameron today on the charge of ahoot-- r lng Grace IIIIL The women are ne- . greases and live at Fifth and Everett streets. Qraoe Hill wa held as 4 wtf nesa under $280 bonds. . 77,1 - - - - ' , BABBaBnBMMMpMaaBBaBJwaBBB '. : . acre. Stardla Xajared. . -. u-. w u.niis - aed 14 year.' a realdent of San Francisco, California, ' fll last ' evening while -walking dowa ' ' .u- . . . iMriintf n the' bandstand at -. the xpoeltion -and ausUlned a fracture of the rlgnt wnsu .on. wm-ith , treatment at the emergency hospital. -, Sty. Weld Lose SHS win. '-' sviwanf Weld.' New Tork sttnr. ney, who- le vlaltlng the fair, reported to the poiic mis siiwnoun mat m aia vsluad at 1KB had baen stolen" from hi room In lodglng-houe at 7 Htt Sixth atreet . r --, ,