The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 26, 1905, Image 7

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"Ths Different Otcrc"
LCAp:,;a ciPAcwrrjT t:ci)c: cn the pacific cicp;
.?The Dayllght Cbcy.
It Pays to ASver 7Iiy
"WHITE'S SAYINGS" hit itthat a food
advertisement may belong to the union and
. yet work Sundays and overtime. - Now, an
advertisement, in order to be good must be
Jul ad will work while you1 sleep. Every
one knows the OLDS, WORTMAN A
KING ads. to be TRUTHFUL, thus RE-SULTFUL.-
In Sunday's papers we adver-'
tised a special half price sale of women's
ijnder-muslin. for Monday-a factory's lull
sample liner The story' was short and the
Space inconspicuous, but" the nut' was
"meaty,- filled with the meat of TRUTH,
and readers knew it. Monday morning at
8 .o'clock sharp the Undermuslin Salons
'were filled with eager buyers, at 10 a. m. or
ders were, received in the advertising depart
ment to "Cut out sale of sample undermus-
t lini, every garment sold" then what? did
we disappoint. latecomers t not by a long
shot 1 We filled the tables from our own1
stocks of the Same lines, and made the ad.
man's 'promise-' good.'T All" day b long: we
brought on armfula of dainty undermuslins
and filled the gaps made by the steady, out
pour to happy, satisfied customers.' "LOSE.
MONEY? Yes and no. .we lost a good
round sum on those undermuslins, but 'twas
a mighty good investment we , kept, our
word, kept faith with the public. Kept up
rtfcat CONFIDENCE" we started to build
nearly, thirty years ago. We shudder to '
think of the consequences of lying to the
people, and yet some stores do that every
day. A friend said thle other day: "It is not
difficult to tell the truth in an ad.; the dif
ficulty must be to tell the truth in -such an
attractive way that people will want to buy
the goods." Not a bit of IV friend the
plain tryth, without varnish or veneer is
best, it sticks out better and folk can see
it plainer. Telling the truth in our ads. and
always doing a 'little better than we prom
ise has made this PORTLAND'S GREAT-
EST STORE. ' Here's columns of truths
bout ceptionalr values r Arranged ; for
- Thursday at the Store : ' O;,- ' . v. - I "
.Children's Dresses d Baby
Bonnets Reduced
5 v
BkraoM etiww atom riM.
Children's White Dresses,
made of fine lawn and In
dia linon, in a great;, va
riety of s t y 1 e s; the
French long-waist effect
predominating.. All are
beautifully trimmed with
..dainty Valenciennes lace
and embroidery insertions
and-ed etn Ers'. Sires from-
years.. ... Weofier.
"... them to you, without' ex
ception at One Third off
, regular selling prices-.
' Our regular $1.50 value.
Special at, each, .$1.00
Our regular $1.75 value. Special at,
each ...... ....$1.17
Our' regular $2.25 value. Special at,
-, each ...... . .. . .$1.50
Our regular $2.50 value. Special at,
each... , c,. .....$ 1.63
Our regular $2.75 value. ; Special at, -
each... ... lfJ, . i
And so on, up to our $20 value. Spe- "
cially priced at, each ........ j . . . 9 13.34
Infants' Bonnets, here in white mull, either'
, plain or " elaborately trimmed with lace,
-:- ruche or .ribbon, dainty, and pretty? our
regular $1.65 to $2.25 values. Spe
cial Sale, Price, each. ;. . . ... . .97
An Ocean of Be witching Beauty in the
Parasol Exhibit
''.;' .. .
Tint tfoor, lrwy" Tkenmfhtmf, Imi Biff
For Balance of -Week You May Select at a
v ' Fourth Less Than Usual.
.Parasols fit to shelter queens from the in
trusive sun. Parasols that wilt shelter, many
a queenly American woman ere the end of
the week. Parasols for the races, for street
carrying for the fashionable parades along
.Exposition avenues, beautiful para.ol$rsure
"to- charm1: the army of shoppers that will
fill the store tomorrow. A wonderful ex
position exhibit that came here instead, and
sure ; to meet the view of -more eyes than
would see it elsewhere, even at the big fafr.
One of a kind models, beautiful conceptions
in white and fancy silks exquisitely trim
med, some in .artistically hand-painted ''ef
fects. Others Jn white linens. Carriage
parasols and parasols" to match every" con
ceivable shade of' gown. A -Wand' Choos
ing and no two alike. " Special prices," 75
to $5, i fourth off the regular values; t-.
Japanese Parasols for the beach and moun
tains, 25; v . - I :
810 -'t $10
Ssi I9 Tlhai's' Soiiir.e to
the Towini;
la Hi
v-v' V'-; Grand Salons Second Floor. ' "j ';"(,;-' " .
K -1- ..... .... .... , ........
VALUES TO $35.00-r-AT A CHOICE F0 $10.00
"Fprtune - favors 'the brave"-r-and the energetic. 'While J most - folk' were seeking the ;"high places" of
the cooling , sea breezes of Atlantic City, our tireless and cold blooded buver was 'traversing: the heated
pavements and turning garment sajesrooms inside out in New York ten days, ago, during the-fearfully.
heated period from which the denizens of that burg suffered. How well she succeeded in unearthing
;.waadrful values could not possibly be demonstrated better than by the grand lot of women's tailored
: Street 'suits sheJseht home. to uV by express andjvhicbwULb? offered atan almost "unbelieveable figure
tomorrow, Friday and Saturday. For three days we are enabled to offer, thro' an unprecedented turn of
fortune .in bur favor, a lot of the newest and Smartest styles in these suits, the product of a leading
kJ u: a -..... r :n: '' a - . - . i i .--. -
iuan.c , wiiv nu nuscu ma ocaun wiu wining u ianc ircmenaous ios iq cican up nis Bummer
stocic. adouc zw in slu, tLytty late ana lavpred style and material is included, in every
wanted coloring and stylish mixture. Plain tailored and trimmed effects. Jacket, Eton
and Bolero styles. Splendid for fall wear or for now. Splendid values -up to $35. - In
this matchless' sale for three days only at a choice for. ................ ..,,.....
Dainty White Suits for 'Shore and tWarmL
Afternoon Wear Reduced One-Qciarter
We ve a lot of new-arrivals in the Summer Salons of Whiter" Every
: Matchless Shoe Dcrgclr.i
, - in the Annex r
-z:. Sblth strMt Firat Flew v''i
This Shoe' Store draws a
line -. between'" 'shoe bar
gains and bargain shoes.
We don't have the lat
ter, bargain shoes are .
usually inferior stuff,
"made to sell." By shoe
bargains we - mean . good
shoes at less than you'd
-exoect to -a vr-Thesfr -
shoe bargains : . - ; . ; -J
Women's $2.50 Half Shoes $1.65.
Children's Coats Reduced a Half
We've a few too many Children's Coats in the stocks. .The query
comes: 7 "When is it better to take the lossnow or later?'' Th
answer must be TAKE " IT : WHEN - THE LOSS WILL - BE
LEAST. That's now. Jo, starting tomorrow, we shall effect a
drastic reduction of the stocks by deliberately chopping off a half
of the prices. Latest styles, coverts, serges, homespuns and man
nish mixed goods in tans, blues, reds, grays, checks and mixtures;
regular values to $16.50. Choose as; you may for three days,
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday they're. . v . . . . . .'. .HALF-PRICE
Women's House Wrapers, in newest styles, all colors and at
tractive patterns ; best $2 values, at . , ... ............... . . . . . 79e
woman needs at least one white frock for 'summer weaif and most
women like twp or more, allowing a change at will. Never has such
a white season been known before; perhaps the unprecedented
warm weather has something to' do with the cause; be that as it
may. It's "up to us" to provide for the effect.'; And, we've done it
generously. You select here from splendid assortments of all that's
newest and prettiest, in white or linen-dresses. ..The price range is
wide $4.50 to $500. You may1 choose for three days at exactly
Third Floor Sessions 10 a. m. to . 12 m.'
"'T' and I' to 4 p. m.
Given by an Expert Needlework. Teacher
j Second Floor Art Room Annex,--.
Tremendous Redactions on Handsome
Lace Curtains
A' remarkable sale of dainty, pretty Lace
Curtains, at prices sweepingly reduced is
rirrinsamsccasioirof "extrementeresrto-
housekeepers, roomings housemanagers and -hotel
folk. The sale holds out extraordinary
inducements to buyers who have a" place for '
a pair or more of Lace Curtains at. won
derful bargain prices. The most opportune '
chance yet offered this year to Portland
housekeepers to provide for their ' curtain
wants. The prices below furnish but hints
of the values, you can't begin to realize
what they really are until you reach the
: store tomorrow. " v . , ' v. , :
'We shall offer about. 300 Pairs pf. Real .
Brussels and Renaissance Lace Curtains
sampleswhich :areslightlymussed-from-rhandling
and snowing.
They are really matchless values at the.
Special Sale Prices at which we offer them.
, Real Brussels Lace Curtains. '
Our $-f.0O value. : Soecial at. pair.
Our $5:00 .value Special at, pairr;
Ouf " $5.50 value. , Speciarat, pairv
Our ' $8.00 value. Special at, pair. .
Our $6.50 value. Special at, pair. .
Our $7.00 value. Special at, pair..
Our $8.00 value. Special at, pair. .
Our . $9.t0 value.. Special at, pair.!.
Our $10.00' value. Special at, pair..
Our $12.50 value.
Our $14.00 value."
Our $17.50 value.
Our $20.00 value.
' Our $23.00 value.
Our $29.00 value.
Our $33.00 value.
Our $75.00 value.
-Soecial at. pair.
Special at, pair.
Special at, pair.
Special at, pair.
Soecial at. pair.
Special at, pair. 819.00
Special at, pair. 820.00
Soecial at. pair. 837.50
Our $90.00 valuer Special at, pair. 845.00
Renaissance Lace Curtains, All Hand-Made
y jand Very Handsome.
Our $7.50 value. Special at, pair : 855
Our $8.60 value. Special at, pair. $5.05
Our $9.50 value. Special at, pair 86,65
Our $11.00 value. Special at, pair. 87.75
Our $14.00 value. ( Special at, pair. 89.75
Our $15.00 value.. Special at, pair.8l0.50
Our $17.60 value. "Special at, pair.812.25
Pur $20.00 value. Special att pair. 814.00
Our $24.00 value. Special at pair. 816.00
Our $27.50 value. Special at. pair. 818415.
. Our $32.00 value. Special at, pair. 8215
Our $40.00 value. Special at, pair.$23.5
Sensational Silk Selling
Prices Torn Evenly in Two You Take
Two Yards of Silk Paying Us for But One!
OUR REGULAR ; $1. $1.25 AND $1.50
Every yard in veryatestf weaves, finishes
and colorings, Every yard the best for the
"money at regular prices that the .world's
best silk markets afford. Not a lot of rem-'
nahts, but our own matchless lines, selected
with consummate care and expert skills
Every yard must be sold this week, and the
half prices will surely do it in a hurry. Be
early, today for choicest selections.- $1.00.
.Silks for 50 -yard. $1-25 Silks for 63 :
yard. $1.50 Silks forJ75 yard. w - ' "
Summer Needs at Econom
'-r ic Prices
ImO-Vin Atrtf Tlrrt Slew.
Japanese Lanterns, for picnics, lawn parties
boating, etc., dozen, . . . . . . .,,60 and 75
Special Demonstration of the Hicks Dress
Shields. .These shields may be washed and
ironed as handily as a pocket handkerchief
without injury. :"
20c, 25c, 30c, 40c arid 50c
Brown's Celery Phosphate, a delicious ands
healthful beverage for summer. In pint
Totnes. at 35frQuarts7 65.
KSUVCFoodT tll tocockroachefrefT
can ................................15
Peterman's Discovery, will kill ,the bedbugs
and destroy their eggs. A permanent rid
dance of the pests is effected by its use.
One application will rid'the worst infested
bed permanently of the bugs and their
egg ...................15
"Buster Brown" Stockings
20c the Pair
Tint Tloo.
"RESOLVED," That if folks want the
"Buster -Brown" Stockings or are intending
to, buy stockings for "Buster's Sister" they
will do well 'to come here, for them, as we
sell them, at 20 the pair. DRAWING
BOOKS FREE. No red tape, no saving
of-xouponSr-but-thft-stockings-for 20c -straight,
one pair or a hundred pairs,' with
the reservation of NONETO DEALERS.
. , t "Yours truly. Bluster Brown."
Who Wants $1.50 Damask
Tablcclolhs for 98c?
Any one interested in the above query
will do well to ramble thro' the aisles
adjacent to the linen counters tomor
row: and note the people composing the
crowds sure to congregate, there. Per
haps some of them may be your neigh
bors. Don't let them get any the best
of you get your - share too of this
special offering. There's only a thou
sand, of them in .all, so we can't tell
just how long they will last. Superb
drawnwork figured . damask ' cloths
54x63 inches, a splendidly varied as
sortment from which to select. Best
$1.50 valuer in" the city. Special while
they last ata . ' ; .
Choice for &Sc
.i I 1 the ol
Send souvenirs of the fastest growing and.
healthiest city in America to your eastern
friends. The largest stocks in the city' to
choose, from are here, all at modest little
prices. Scattered through, every depart
ment, on every floor. -
Another Extraordinary
Millinery Sensation I
Mljo Slo , Seomd Sloof a . '
Ti aiscene - constantly
nery Store of ours. It's v
ner store'"dulI-lfi?
between-season time now.
something we don't know
anything-about, here in
"this all-year-'round shop
in the Annex off the spa
cious t Second Floon Our
large 8nd constantly in
creasing outlet for.milli-
' nery enables us to purchase extensive lines, .
and frequently permits us to take all an im
porter or a manufacturer has, 'providing the
price is right. "Last week our buyer, now
in New York, sent us a lot,of fine imported
novelty shapes he got "from an importer at
a big loss to him.Theyare JthejnosL
wantecTshapes for just now and come at a-
is so all out of proportion to" theT values.
The lot comprises Milans, fine Tuscans and
Neapolitan braids; values , to $10. Special
, for Thursday only, at a choice j Q
Auto Veils 'and Hat Drapes, in all the. fa
vored colorings and shades; CV
values to $1, for. ........ ... , . J) 1 0 l
Bargains in Women's Cool
- Summer Hosiery .
Daitttr Ntw Arrivals Coma to tfea Midaammtr Espo-
aiUoFlrt Floor Shops
Women's Cotton Hose 25c. '
Black gauze, medium weight
' "Maco" Cotton Hose. Spe-:
J cial at, the pair. .......25
.Women's Cotton Hose Pairs
$l.oor ': -
Fine Maco Cotton FuirFinjsh
ed. Gauie Hose, double sole,
; spliced "heels and toes, me
dium and heavy weight.
Special at, 3 pairs.. . 91.00
. Women's 50c Hose 35c.
. A "fine assortment of Women's
1 . Hose, in black lisle with lace
! boots, black all "lice ,lisle,
. : tan all lace lisle and tan with
lace boots other houses sell.
for 60c Our price, spe
; cial "at, the pair. ... ...35
' '
Women's fine black gauze, medium and
heavy weight, Cotton Hose, fine black
gauze and medium weight lisle, black all
" lace and lace boot lisle, all lace lisle, black
with embroidered boots, plain tan, all lace
rand lace boots." Special at, the V '
Women's Black Lisle Hose 75c. V
Fine black lisle, gauze and medium weight
'." Hose, all lace , and with lace boots.
Special at, the pair. . . . . . , . , , . . . .75
Women's Hose $1.C0 to $1.75. H ;
A largp assortment of the fine grade of lace
- and embroidered boots.
! Values from, the pair. .1.C0 to ri.75
Chocolate Tan Half Shoes, Gibson tie; regj
'Z ular.value$2.50SpedaL-.pair..lJl.C5-'
' Women's $2 Oxford Ties $1.48. V
Russet Tan Oxford Ties, turned sole -regular
Value $2. Special, pair. . .f 1.40
Women's $3.50 Half Shoes $3.43. '
Medium shade tan Russia Calf Half Shoes;,
regular4 value $3.60. Special, the
pair ......U.v...,. ,.,..,...2.40
, ' ; Women's $4 Half Shoes $3.95. h
Light shade Russia Calf Half Shoes;
: 'our best $4 valiie Special; pair $2X5
Women'a $&M Oxfor Ties $2.15: - ;
Dark shade Russia Calf Oxford Shoes, street
soles, military heels; regular value v -$3.50.
Special, the pair. . . . .$2.15
; Women's $4 Shoes $3.15. C4
High grade Russia Calf Shoes, Blucher cut,"
! the Pingr,ee Protection ; regular '
value $4. Special, the pair.. ..... $3.15
1 Women's $3.50 Shoes $3.89. -
tan la-"Gloria"-Shoes, Blucher cut, ail
; sizes regular value $3.80. Spe-'
cial, the palr....T4,..., $2.C0
' ' ; . MEN'S SHOES.
Men's $3.50 Shoes $2.50.
Men's Tan Russia Calf and Vici Kid Uce
"Shtoes, in both high and low cuts; reg
: ular value $3.50. r Special; the
rpair 1 . 777:T.r. ..... , , ...... .$2.50
v ; Men's $3.50 Shoes $3.89. ; .
Men's Patent Colt Lace and Button Shoes, ..
' high and low cuts; regular value '
$3.50. Special, the pair. ....... .$2.89
: v 4 Men's $5 Half Shoes $3.85. A-1
Men's Tan Button Half Shoes, "The Flors-1;
- heim"rreffuhir value ,$5i. Special,
the pair ;$3.CS!
z r tm- w t
- - .; , r x ooys a an jace aocs. .-
-Sizes 2yj : to 6 ; regular- value $2.75,
Special ...... .Sl.CO
5izes llf4 to 2; regular value $2.50.
. Special .......,....i.;......,$1.75
Sizes 9 to 11; regular value $2.25. r "
Special . : ; . . ............... . . .$1.50-
Boys' Tan Half Shoes at Reduced Prices.'
,7-. . v; ; MISSES' SHOES,
Misses'- Tan Lace Shoes, ' with ; low and
spring heels- . . .- . -. I
Sizes 11 to 2. Special at, the pair.$1.27
Sizes 8y to 11. Special at, the pair. $1.17
Sizes 5 to 8. Special at, the pair.'. . ; .07
Just received, a line of Women's . White "
Duck and White Canvas Half Shoes ; all
SizeS.'... ' .-' -'- : ' '-- - -.' '
Inyesting in Lots?
Corner lots are always preferable. Here's
five lots of beautiful embroideries we've
"cornered" at prices we'll let you in on to
morrow at the ground floor entrance. The
values are as great and as numerous as on
' the first day of the sale. Embroidery Shops
First Floor near. Fifth Street entrance.
. ;. ; Lot 1 .v-"' " v :t.
Cambric and Nainsook Embroideries 'and
fine Nainsook Insertions, from 2 to 6 inches
wide, m many pretty patterns; our 15c to
35c values.' Special Sale Price, the
yard ................ . . . . . . . . 10
' Lot 2'77;-:;:-;
30c and 40c Embroideries for 19c ' - ').
. Cambric and Jainsook-Embroideries and
'..Insertions, some in dainty patterns suitable
for baby s wear; others which are just the
thing 'for, underwear. These embroideries
are 2 to 10 inches in width and are our regu
lar 3dc and 40c Values.. Special Saje - '
Price, the yard. ................... .19
; " '.Lot-3' "
. 45c Embroideries for 23c. I . r
Fine Cambric Embroideries, from i 9 to 13
inches wide, suitable for Petticoat flounces
and other underwear trimmings; our regu-i
lar 45c value. Special Sale Price, the
yard 23
..: Lot.4- :
50c - and 75c Corset Cover Embroideries
" , J , for,-29c.. .," . - '
Corset Cover Embroideries; of esmbric,.
Swiss and nainsook, in beautiful designs ;
also 18-inch embroideries, which make
handsome flounces for petticoats; our 80c
to 73c values. Special Sale Price, the
'atd ...,.. ' 1 tr
--r Let. 3 ;r-r 7',:-- '
- $1.49 for Embroideries Worth
Wide 45-inch Embroidery Skirt Fkc-;i
!of nainsook or Swiss, handsore re
values to $3.50. Special Silt I ri r
the-ytrd )