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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1905)
? f i i i;w ., i I w i i i- v-i i 'w i i -- i ir-i ;.tj ii i rr : i i i ri , . i - . t aiv in ii ii v ii i iv -1 k i i i iv . iv' ii i i i v- .i aim y . v i t r w w; - - .. - Admission nine ip ninir i WML; iu iuuii PefinK Information That the Bonanza w nat nign 1 ' ' '; Grada Rock." ' w AL tCEISER PROVES THAT f ;'1 MINING IS NOT ALL LUCK f ..v . ... . ' f While ppenlnt New Ore Retenrei :J Minegement ' la Repirin( Forty Stamp Mill and 'Putting Sinking jn Plant in Worldng Shape 'i . ' . . : ., . . V - (SpUI THapatrk ts Tk VownaLI-,. " "Otiutr, Or., July SI. No doubt r falatna In the mind of the publlo h.ra bout that Albert G.l.r . h. atruck hllh-trada ore In the Bonanaa mine. There have ben minr rnmora to the j, . l'9 a well balanced firm that can keep the. QUALITY of its goods, up all the time and the PRICE down, v , . ''Today these specials in Men's wear: $1.00 Underwear fori . . . ,75 75c Negligee Shirts for...45( Washable Ties Mor...,.50e $J.M SurnroeTVests for 91.25 $7.50 Manama Hits for f 5.00 $9.00 Outing Suits for $4.85 50c Underwear for. . . . . .30e It's simply our way of in ducing stock and your easy way to take tht profit. IflOllGLOTHinsO averytkla for .Mm 'aa Store. ' .tee-iea nu, area ateariaoa. . - Wbo-will.Sins Solos and Duets in conjunction . with-D'Urbanos .-Royal -Italian Band. FREE ATTRACTIONS ! v W jNUUXM - runuarcn SATURDAY, AUG. 5 rThe Woodmen THE ROAD-Pain's Wonderful Spectacle "Dast Days of Grand Dramatic Festival Always take the O. :-. to Grounds 1 Oc Children 5c v ; eft teal a," and hla. operation of to II lam pa for the paat month gave" the- beat corroboration that could be had for the tnlnlnr man. More definite Information la now aiven out that there la alx feet of unuaually rich or In ' the first or eoond shaft level, where the new man. acer ha been drifting parallel to the old or ahoot from which several nun' ored thousand dollars was taken under the Thactier realm. .A. portion of the face in the drift ha rich' ahlpplnrr rock, and in recent wtork the Shoot ha Improved in a retnarkabl manner. - Thv effect of Mr. Oelaer work at in iwntnu na oeen remarKaoie on ine district. Befor he came, thla. the deep eat, mln In Oreaon, was pomted to as an abandoned property, and the rerleo tlon on the state s -mineral; resources when deep work was undertaken could not be overcome. The Bonanaa'a main shaft has m vertical depth of 1.100 feet when Maaaa-ea . iJLr--Tbacaer eua- pended work, he besan dlamantllns; the plant, and actually blew out on battery of stamp 4n the 40-atamp mill that he mlcht aecuT the trinina eum obtain. able for th Junk.. Jt ha been nece ary to reconstruct a portion ' of tha plant, - but 'While - prosecuting develop ment work Mr. Qela.r has been devoting much energy -to putting both th mill nd sinking ' plant In good condition. H will Boon hare the entire property in working ahape, and meanwhile : la developing ore that la equal to that of the old days when the Bonam stood, at the head of the producing Hat. Tbl or depoalt occur in consider able fracture onj - It- I only by thor ough croaaeutting and careful develop ment ot many ore bodies, which eem to be mere streak, that th shoot ar all revealed. It I found that the. former manager" did ' llttl "exploratory work further than ' to alnk on th shoot that had been opened when he took. charge, and the ' success of Mr. Oelser Is due to Ills better, conception of th or oc currence and willingness to risk develop. ment for new ahoot. i It I locally be lieved that th full 40 .stamp will be In commission soon, when eastern Ore gon will have one of th best exsmple given th public of tha importance of management in the quest for nature's treasured precious metals. ENLARGING HOC AN MILL' Oreat Idaho riant Is Promised Oapaolty , of Tkonsaaa Toms Bally. , -tSlMl.l PiatMtch to Tk. eorMl.t - Elk City, Idaho, July SI. Operations at th big Hogan mine, near her, under tha management of William J Hogan, grow in magnitude and the. company continue to Improve and enlarge th crashing and Uachlng plant. . Th . ex act capacity of the plant la not made public, but It la asserted that 'thla mill will be handling 1.000 tone dally before the management finishes the Improve ments being prosecuted steadily. The Hogarrhat Idaho's cost record, "this be Ing attained while '. operating -with a SO-stamp mill and breaking down or by means of a glory hole.- With the greater mill, which leachea a heavy proportion of the valuea. It la believed that the low figure previously attained, slightly more than 70 cent 'a ton. for mining and milling, may be rurther reduced. WONEER ORE ENGINE. - Copper Xlag' Traction OutfH at Che ' welak, WMdk. SVeady for th Bond. . Th management, of th Copper King Mining company,-operating at CheweUh; Washington. , Is Installing a traction engine wth or cars for delivering or from th mln to th railway station, The cars will handle about 10 ton a trip, and It la th purposs of the manage ment I to , max two trips flauy, giving IK 0"GON DAILY ". JOUE!:.U PC2TtAl.T). VEDNSSDAY ' EV:n::3. JULY tV THE LOUISIANA NIGHTINGALE OF THE FRENCH OPERA CO. WEEKLYFOR i:rrMrana r ireworKS ; -uispiay... ;i Jfnze juancmg. r jxjjja x Appearance W. P. CS. Ry. Cos . I ' I haul I not long end no doubt is ex pressed a to th capacity of tha trac tlon engine to make th trip Indicated, By mean of thla engine It will be poa slble for the management to dispense with a large number of team and th coat of delivering th or wUl be greatly reduced. J .... - This 1 1 ths 1 pioneer traction outfit for th northen Washington country for or hauling, and none ha been uaed for thla purposs in Oregon, i Th future or road enginea, as demonstrated in California, Nevada "and Mexico, has great promise, and owing to th fact that tha north weat la poorly supplied with railways, it 1 expected that n- glnea will find great favor her. The work to be don by th Copper King will be studied closely, and th success at tained there is sur to hav a marked bearing upon road haulag In Oregon and Washington. - Manufaeturere claim - that-, by . means of traction engine, under Ordinary con ditions, th haul of or may b mad at a coat or 10 to ll cent a ton per mil. which 1 about half th coat for team haulage. : ... - -. . .... . .. --.m. , Another Waldo SMIL . - (special Dispatch te The Joaraal.) Grants Pass. Or., July SI. Th ec ond bl drilling outfit for dradae tiros pectlng to be ssnt into the Illinois basin country Is furnishing local people th beat vldnce of th fact that California men ar her to do heavy work. Th drlU - la to be delivered In th Vicinity of Waldo, 'and la aald to be for th properties - of Colonel Tr Wsln-Morgan Draper and assoclstes, who hsve been working on drill In that vicinity for .varai mourns. ,. . ,. , folk at Applegat. ' (gpectal Dispatch to The Jcmraat.) Applegat. Or., July Sl C. B. Hawkins haa made a) strik two and a half mllss from Applegat.; HI ledg is from four to six feet wide, and two feet on th foot wall I said to be rich. Mr. Hawkins tries to keep bis strik a secret, but it became known and several prospectors nave arrived to stake claims. aiotel Bobbed-a Medford. (Joaraal gpeel.l Service. I ' Medford, Or., July SI. A highwayman yesterday morning hold up William Murphy," night clerk in Reddy's Nash hoteL and at th point of . a rsvolvsr compelled him to turn over th money In th .drawer, after which he mad hi eacap. 1 ', m aa i OhUese Boycott TtghaliW (Journal Rpeelal Berrlee.) v. -: Shsnghal.. July , SI. Agents of- all American firms' hav been ordered to leave their employer by . th Chinas guilds, a atep that will practically close th American trading, companies. ' Ths stevedores' guild Is refusing to discharge from A merles n-vesseli . i ... ... Sound busirrcss practice -is as important, , here, as' the wealth of nature. ! : " : Schilling's Best is the basis ofitTin . Usirafeaalsr - !:-- at your grocer's and money, back.' , - " ALL ; PATRONS of the World Grand Gala: Day of Sporting Events, i ON cars, they are truly Inhabitants of Porto Rico Pe- . tition Congress for Amend ments in Foraker Law. WOULD HAVE GOVERNOR - "APPOINT ALL OFFICIALS Organization oTa' Senate Rquettd, With Same Privileges aa Houae 1 To Have Federal Officer! Form No Part of Executive Council. (Joaraal Special Serrlee.1 - Ban Juan, Porto Rico, July 16. Dele gate representing II out of II munici palities of Porto Rico, comprising both political parties, memorialised th Dresi dent and congress last night with view to bring about radical changss In ths government of tha Island, ..Tb memorial recite that thia 1 th eev nth anniversary of th American . In vasion of Porto Rico and that ths power tin rests with th executive council. whose members ar appointed y Presi dent KoosevelL "These heads of departments." It says, "arrive her knowing nothing of th language, custom 'or need of the country, and II hour after disembark Ing take i their seats in the executive council and determine th fat of th Uland.";- ';-:',: The memorial calls for no change In ths composition of th houae of dele. gates, which consists of It . member sleeted by th people, but demand th following amendment to th Foraker law: . First Th organisation of an Insular senate, to be composed of two senator ach from seven districts, In plac of th exeouuv council. , Second -That th proposed senat and house poasesa ths sam privileges granted to the house,. under th Foraker Jaw. - . , . Third-rThat th secretary of Porto Rico, the attormryegeneral, th treas urer, th auditor, th commissioner of education and th commissioner Of ths Interior continue In tnelr present of fices under the present titles, but that they form no part of ths executive council. , . . r , .Fourth That th off irlala- namd be appointed by th governor with th con Bent of the Insular senat and not by the president of th United States. The convention - also adopted a pet I tlon .for presentation to th 'Insular legislature for th protection of th municipalities and th granting to them of autonomy. - To Wind Tp Aaaooada. -(Journal Bpeelal Service.) S Butte, Mont., July SI.Th Anaconda company, on of th early corporation organised by th 1st Mareua Paly, and out Of which th present Anaconda com pany of th Amalgamated Coppsr com pany sraa formed, served notlc today that It had lowered It capital stock from ll.OOI.OO to 1100,001 preparatory to closing up th affairs of th com pany. - " ; . ,' ;, ; ' .. " W Ba Bail MW Salllllllaall I I is nFMAimFn .-saar . Bar BailSSS SI S Bar BraaaS .1 FROM NOW ONr TOMORROW. ' umukku vy tvxuis&JJA x-,v; at a j&k - oi i wo nunarea Pompeii AT AN clean and beautiful. ENTERTAINS THE OHIO CAPITALISTS Govtmor Herrick and Party In spect Oregon Irrigation , ' and Resources. ' (Ipedal Dispatch te TW SearsaL) Albany, Or., July 21. Governor My' ron T. Herrick and party, consisting of 'Ohio capitalists, who hav spent ths past two wseks in th neighborhood of Bend Inspecting th property of th Deschutes irrigation at Power company, arrived in thla city laat evening, . They drove from Bhanlko to Madras. . Going by automobll to Band, they spent a week In that section fishing, camping and Inspecting tha system of irrigation canals. . Last Sunday morning they started for th Willamette valley by team, and at 4 o'clock yesterday after noon arrived at Labanon, where their prlvat car met them and brought them to this city, wher th night was apeat. On their arrival her th party was presented with a basket of rose and a flna basket of fruits, th beat to be ob tained in th local market, th gift of th Albany Commercial club. At 7:10 o'clock Dr. M. H. Elite, president .of th Commercial club, with carriages, called for th party and drov it over th city and to point of interest near by, and finally wound up at th Alco club, where a number of business msnof-4.h -olty mst th distlnguishsd visitors. Hsr an hour was pleasantly spent In an in formal recaption. Th visitor left Al bany thla morning for Portland. ' . Governor Herrick xpreased hi pleas ura at tk reception accorded him in thl FARMERS DISCUSS LAND LEASES WITH INDIANS (Ppetlal DUpateh te Tae JoersaLI ' Pendleton, Or., July II. A meeting of farmers who hav leases on Indian landa was held at ths Agency School Sunday afternoon with R, . Valentine, special Inspector of Indian affairs. Th ques tion of lssses was discussed and a gen eral understanding . wss arrived at be tween the persons concerned. A few In dlana took part In th discussion. Bo far aa tha matter of leases is concerned. sffalra on tha reservation now seem to b Btifaetoriiyajutd. Inspector Valentine will remain for a week or ten days before h return to Washington. . During hi, official visit h has been Investigating th ruction between the Indian agent and tha clerk at th agency. Humors Cured with ' Harris. Soas. . BklaKealth (olntmrst) and SfclaKMlth Taalatel A pnaltlr. estf .prady rare fnr evrr Itching, bsmlns, Mly, Slowllns. rrnatMl. pimply and blotchy hamnr, with loaa ef-halr. Prodans clear, brllllsst, heallta and pure, rkh, red 'blood. ' t , , CKlNHEALTf-t . Treatm ent 7 Sc. M.. . esaatats ef Bsrflsa Bess, eaptle: aklaHaeltk (olnt.l Baedleetea, astt. 1. U... to kill luriia. kaal th. akHt, sod akisReslth Tablets, St., to ll kemnf garsM. All rn(sl.tb Karflna Bms it ke OonpUxlss, fVa? plat via,,. radaaae. roushnaea. rkaflns. chapplnc, rmifh has1a. .Nothing will give iH-h a aeaedy nti tie., I eakaa. see, Mn4 poataa. PW tr taMpla. and beak. In t PRTtO HAV fr)., NKWakK, N. i. WOODAkO. CLaSKB . cj,, tmttk gad., n'aabkigtoa 11. K.X; aweaisn dingers. : EARLY DATE, FARE 5 CENTS. KEEPS OPEN UNTIL ONE .v. O'CLOCK A. RL- . j reEiiaiiiii Were given Highest Award at the - v ' World's Fair- ; : m Would not give any more ling, attract more attention, : W. ' :':'' . than Set in Studs, Pins, ta ton B Brooches3ardrops,I;dckets;Etc.;Et6. 3 Gents Shirt " Studs, " a very neat and popular else; If a genuine dia mond' It would eoat you about 1126 or 1160. This answers all purpose at one-thirtieth of A et that cost. Our J) I nil special prto... VleUV Tiffany Entraremnt Ring: exact duplicate of Tlffai any- Encasement Ring: beautiful atone. Ti set in goia-ruiea mount Inge. - Per this da f" A great Bpeelal sal. OUR GUARANTEE W guarantee each and every stons to retain it brllllanoy forever, and h mounting to - give Perfect satisfaction, era Diamonds sr a natural crystal found (1 In Peru, South Amer-, lea; tney win stana all acids, best, alkali, to.; In fact, they prop or Screw Earring, beautiful, brilliant evenly matched atones, either I or i karats In slse: set In gold filled Tiffany mountings: an be washed and cleaned Ilk ordinary diamonds, and so heerly , do thsy ro s.mbl them that ex perts' hav been de ceived. seem o oe 1260. our prlc. .. , . t, , PEWPOAPvNimCQ. OPEN EVENIINQS 132 Third Street, between : .. satisfaction, be more spark- or produce more .pleasure a' :. i . 7 Rings,; Hat Pins, Gentlemen' aolld gold filled Belcher Ring, set with a I-kerat Peru Dia mond; worth - f c,4aJ.9;..!fr... 53.50 MAIL OROEK ' Jf you llv out of town and cannot call at tar tore, you can cut out th picture of th article you want; tf a rlnv aend also bf finger, mall to ua with amount In cur rency or money or der, and the , article selected will be sent postaga 'prepaid, and if not as represented, your money will be refunded. -J7o C O. D. sent. , wonn :s4.oo Washington and Alder as mm