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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1905)
T tL.I'i..-t(illlJJ 1 Or iSClifl; Two Railroad Companies Saak ; ' irij to cqulra Right of Way v V ' . Into Wallowa. ,.. v , '-fr-IANY. FARMERS Cjtt. Z'"; ; TO BOTH CONTESTANTS ffiach Agent Civet Bond Protect ; Seller From Action That May. Be ' . Brought by; Opponent" Result of Violation of Contract - (Baarlat ' Diana trh te tie iWaal.i , ; La Grand, Or. July tl. Elgin. Ore ' gon. It miles north of La Qrande, In the northern sirl . I'nlon county. -'la the . -center of attraction Just at present, so tar u railroad building la concerned. .The raaaon for air of which la that two railroad companies-are seeking to build 1 -over tha aama right of way, and Into th aama region. .About six weka ago Mr. Cook stepped off tba Elgin r and .before ha had been In. town many '.daya tha wis on began Mela via . lona of a railroad Into the Wallowa val . , lay. . Soon It became noleed' about that Mr. Cook had secured a right of way 'through many of the farm along the .'proposed route. " This Information be came known to the ofllciaia or. tna o. it ' 'A KV com ban v: ther were ImDreeaed with the fact that' something waa doing in tnia section or tha state, wnere may ' .'were auppoaed to have Brat rights. They Instituted a aulst . Investigation. ' '.-. , - Xaereaoe Hi atoanr. , ''-'- - This little attention on tba part of ' the--pioneer company nlyaerved to cause Mr. 'Cook to Increase his energy '. and ha proceeded to gather In rlgat-of-, - way contracts with great rapidity. The O. R. A N. company, aeelnr that affaire . were taking, a serious turn, developed some speed and dispatched their agents, ' armed "with .a check, book; to. purchase right of way. .The O. R. N. com ' . pany hot only paid cash for the right of ' . way, taking a deed for the lame, but - - furnished a . good and aufflclent bond. ; , binding tha company , to . protect the landowners against any action or- loaa """" which might be assessed agatnatthem by their failure to llreup to the agree ment mad with Mr- Cookiav "company. Mr.Cook. I seeing that he might be . ' placed at a disadvantage by this -plan . "of his old rival, changed his tactlca to conform .with. the new order of things, and made and delivered a similar bond, toindlng ' hie' company to- protect tha -- landowners aaalnat any action which jibe O. R. V N ' compaay . night , take . againet mem. - - - . .y Many 8U Tirle. ' ' -' -' A a result, more than one property owner has sold a right of way to both companlee and holds from each com- pany a bond protecting him against the other. , j ... ' . ", Mr. Cook's company is known ss tha , Wallowa Valley Railroad company, al though this Is thought by many to be - only another name for th Northern Pacific Railroad, company. . .Thla . Cook ; Stoutly denies, stating hi a company la backed by 7 New ". Jqrk mo'nej and that - there 'are mUUOna :ofdtlUrs packing Ilia oompany. - . ,i . r- Tba-O. R. !eV Hr-omclsle Trill not" ad tnft that they take his efforts seriously, - and, In turn . claim they are. th only - railroad, builder, and that they alone wlll build the toad to Enterprise and ' Joshph, Oregon, i While thla may be " true. Cook 1 th first to break the vlr - gin soli, a last Saturday lie arrived .with four men and two boys, with . picks and ahovela, and placing, them In , charge f an experienced foreman began grading. Mr. Cook states he has let v the - contract, for construction of ' ten ' miles of road and that contractors ex pect to begin work as soon aa they can get their outfits - together. When asked th names of tha contractore Mr.' ' Cook asked to b excused from giving r tba names of nrms. v - - - -i-r .:-'.,. m , :' , '; '.-;''.. la Agais Seat fait .,''",'-.M'!... . ; (8fcUl -DUpetck U The JoaraaLI Eugene, OrV. July 21. J. . A.. Pier," r,l who waa arrested, here a month ago for stealing soma barber tools at Roseburg, and who has Just completed a SS. daya' sentence for the crime, returned to Eu- .tf. gerr yesterday, and shortly after his arrival became drunk and disorderly. ,' He waa arrested and sentenced to serve tght day in. the city JalL ; . '. '.'-vpragoa Vldknlpm ' -.'! -. (Joarnal CpeeUI gerrle.) ; . , Annapolis, Md July . Robart W. ' Moon'ey of Oregon has been admitted aa midshipman. .. .. . COIIFOETABLE BAREFOOT FOE CHILDREN a - -r rrHE children will enjoy the If . comfort of theae Barefoot aiii' Sandaif. They permit freedom to the air and protect the feet from the burning treat. Every pair well made ef the belt material. Oak. eoleg, tan calf skin nppera, ; latest foot form lasts. Hisses' and child ran' algae 6 to Ssold all sum mer for $W0-on sale K tomorrow at . ; . . i'. .?&U Infants' Barefoot Baa-1 . . dale, slses 2 to 8, 60c J FULL All 233-85 UOIUlICOl? 0T V1. T '' .. ' . . V at V . .. -'t ' . . "-- .i - .. -. , . . . .-a , L.J.l: J -Across the way, who used to tun for ber car at 6:30 a. m., now Cleaves, the housed about 8 o'clock. .' You e T ,. she's skilled stenographer,? '"and -v, 4. -'Zi'Zi-J ' A Jcjrncl ". ,MVcnlAd ft found a pjace for ,her,where , the' hours of "work" are ' -, v PayCettcr. .-V.i SALEL1 HAN CHARGED WITH . OaOEKOUS assault Accused of Attempting to Kill X: Hi Wife, Who ' Cnuaes . i Hie Arrest, - " (SpeeUl Dtopatch te. Tea JoaraaL) Salem, Of..-July, tt. Harry . MUner of thla city waa arrested yesterday aft ernoon, upon tha charge, of assault wltn Intent to-kill, preferred agatnat htm by hta wife, Mr. MUner says that tMllner returned from Portland yesterday noon and In V ouarrel 'choked her.- thea say Ing that he would "finish her right, ther" he drew a knife from his pocket. Mrs, MUner says she wrenched the weapon from hla hand and escaped to a neighbor's bouse, where she was given protection- until the . officers oould be summoned. ' Milner waa taken Into cus tody and later his wife swore to a com plaint eratnat hlmT- TV, A 11V MlllWItt U.I, I ..111 W. i I, VI 1 1 V II J amo last October. - Tha Milne rs have two children a boy and a girl aged. respectively, I and I years. Mrs. MU ner dtd.aewlng to support the '-family. She aaya aha Anally threatened to leave him and thla caused th troubl which ended in the assault' CANADIAN OFFICERS, i-v SEIZE AMERICAN SHEEP Igperfal Dtesatcb te The lareaU Helena, Mont. July !. Two thou sand flva hundred head of aheep belong ing lp John McLaren of Havre, Montana, have been seised by Canadian- mounted police and are held ; for - double duty. McLaren sailed from New Tork'' for Europe' recently, but Is being, reprc aented by his brother. vine .duty amounta . to $1,100. - Owing . to better rang conditions jacroea the line sheep men .aca- presumed to let " (he '. stock stray beyond the international border. Tha pollra, learning this, have Increased the . fore and are preparing to make atlll further aelsureek- , BOY ALMOST BLEEDS ' TO DEATH FROM CUT (SpeeUl Plsaatcb t Ts JaarsaLt- -Eugene, Or July . Willie, tba 12-year-old aon -of T. D. Duckworth,: re aiding at Camp Creek,. II mil east of Eugene,-came near, bleeding to death yesterday. He waa catting wood on hie father's place when, la some man ner, the axe slipped and cut him on the arm Juat above the wrist, severing tha radial artery. He bled profusely before help arrived and waa vary weak from )o4a of blood by the time hla folka auc ceeded in etaunchtng the wound. - Tha boy. waa broughLto llugana to have th Injury dressed. . j .;. .. . .. JUNCTION CITY MAN 1 v MS SEEKING DIVORCE (lucUi PlweUa. te 9 JearaaL) Eugene, Or., July .2. J. M. and Jda Davis, a well-known Junction City cou ple, are th principal In a divorce case which has Just begun lit th Lan county circuit court - Tha husband . Is - the plaintiff and be alleges cruel and in human treatment la that hla wife, by her continued acta of lealousy, has ren dered his life burdensome and unhappy and has cauaed great embarrassment and humiliation.- They have two minor children, whom Davis" lawllllng.that hla wife" shall care' "for. . mailioea Work BerUa. ' ' (Specie! Dlesalt The Jeeraali Euaene. Or.. July H. Actual con struction hai begun-on the big steel railroad bridge across tha Willamette river at Springfield for tha Springfield- Henderson cut-oft branch. , . Cofferdams are being 'constructed by the crew of men under 8. C Freeland. who will hav charg of . the work. Sidetracks are also being - built to accommodate the tfara loaded with material for th bridge.:-., ' , "; -v"- ', ; . ' Improving BaUaaad Yard. . ; ' (Spedel Dapetch to The JearaaL) Albany, Or., July !. A force of sur veyors last evening began the work of surveying th localraUroad yard. No Information was ootamable a to th purpose, but . It is supposed that the work is tne Beginning or in improve m.nt, In the Tarda - that- have haan planned for . some time, ' A mile of switches, will be built and ; possibly change mad tn depot buUdlnga. COLUMBIA RIVER , v J' .,: V; : ; EXCURSIONS. Vary Low Rates Via the O.-R. N.. ' to Upper River Points. No visitor to Portland should mlse Viewing the matchless Columbia river scenery between Portland and - Th Dalles, aa eeen rrom.u. n. a n. trams. The Chios go-Portland special leavea the union station every morning at f:lt, giving a dayUght rid along tha Columbia,- atopplng four minute at th very foot of- Multnomah fall. Every mile of the trip there la something new and fascinating. It desired, he return trip may be mad by boat from Cascade locks or The Dalles. Vsry low rates thla aummer. Particulars and summer book by asking C W. Stinger, city ticket sgent O. It, N. Co, Third and Waah- lngton streeta. v ... gsaTVwffMfVatal aaBs Allea gt Lew la1 Beat Braas, (jEGBl! OD Disaster, M olten Lava and Floods Predicted by Evangelist Daniel the Second. V CONVERTS MOVING TO, . : v ESCAPE" DESTRUCTION 8wgrm of Yellow Jackets and . Day . Darkness to Precede Catastro phe, Says the Prophet, - and His ' Disciples Believe It Implicitly. , , (BpecUI Diapateb te Th JoaraaL Hood fllver. Or, July J. "Between the 17th of July and tha 10th day of August, the smoldering ' volcano of Mount Hood will break forth in erap tlon, sending showers of molten lava broadcast over -the land there shall also be flood of such magnitude that the whole of Hood River, vailey will be In undated, 1 and every mart, woman and child who remaine therein a hall be drowned." . ' - 1 i . Such la the prophecy uttered her the other evening by an Itinerant evangelist calling hlroaelf th -Second Daniel? and claiming to come from the Willamette valley. . The old man baa made a num ber of convert to hla weird . religion, and' 'many other. - fearing that the prophecy shall com true, have already made It an axous to absent themselves from tha town and valley, fearing the dire catastrophe prophesied for Thurs day of this week may actually . come U.i - ; - . ........ .J. .' The patriarch and several of hi Im mediate disciples . have - betaken --themr selves .to the top of Mount Defiance, west of the vslley.,, where they are In camp, and out of th reach of th dom ing flood. So thoroughly incensed were some of -th eltlsena of th town at tha teachlnga and raving of th old. man and hta trib that a collection of atale egga wa mad for a bombardment of hla meeting nous, but calmer countel prevailed, and ih hen fruit stored for use at another time. . ' . Preceding the fearful storm that la to break forth- on Mount- Hood thla coming week. It Is stated the air will be filled with swarms of yellow Jackets and othsr Insects,-and ther la to be a day of al most total darkness immediately before th flood. v :- y, " ' .. v YIELD OF SPRING GRAIN -LESSENED BY HOT SPELL (Special Dispatch te The Joarnal.) - Pendleton, Or., July 1 Bamples of spring wheat were brought Into Pendle ton yesterday to be tested, 'from the northeast portion of the county. Tbe test - showed the grain to weigh 69 pounds to th bushel, grading It aa No, 1 grain. - . - .. - ' It la reported that th averag yield of spring grain from that vicinity la about Xs bushel an acre, being a de ereaaa of about Ave bushels, caused by the hot winds.-. Thla damage, however, waa not cauaed by the last period of hot weather experienced hereslast week, but by on day a little over two -weens ago. before the grain waa aufflclently rip t be out or aangtK . - Harvest has now commenced In nearly every part of tha county,. , , MANY ANIMALS PERISH ' : ' FROM EFFECTS OF HEAT A HsMHBawatwaMaaa - t ' , ' ; (Special Dtapatc te The loaraaL) ' i Walla Walla. Wash.. July tC An in dication of tha ssvere heat that pre vailed in th harvest fields last week 1 seen in th number of horses that auo- 'curabed to tha high temperature. Fif teen animal a In one outfit belonging to C . V. Well man', war made ao ill that! they all died.- Other farmer report many animate killed by the terrific heat A sharp thunder atorm followed by .10 of an inch of rain occurred in Walla Walla yesterday, reducing the tempera-tor- uHy-degre. ' "V: GRANTS PASS VOTES ' -, BONDS FOR SEWERS (Special IHepateh to The fearaaL) - - - Oranta Pass, Or., July tl. Property owners In Oranta Pass voted Monday on bonding the city to the amount of 111,000 for two mora main sewers. A light .vote wss cast, but' the proposition! carried by a majority or II votes out of a total of 100. Bonds war voted for th asm purpose last fall but could not be floated because of a defect in advertising for bids fo tha bond. eyvsyowBttr''"'': '. "' - (Special ..Vtapateh e..lBe.Jraatt:-i-Elgln, Or., July SC. A. A. Marshall, U. S. deputy surveyor of Htllsboro, Oregon.- and a party have returned from a aurveying expedition down the Grand Ronde. river, w lie re they - traced and stsked out the old lines In several town ships In thst section. The trip, wss made down th Grand river In a boat and the party walked moat of the- dis tance to Elgin, on It return. - T 0raDd SWmd XarrerUag. - (SpecUl Dtsaateh U The Jearaat) ' ' Klaln. Or July II. Harvesting Is ost commencing. Several farmers will begin heading tnia weex ana in two weeks' tlm harvest will be In full blast OT. ,. Will 9fimiA M hllM .AM. age. while th sprlng-eown grain will not do so wall on account of th recent hot wethr.' - - .-, :,. Tan thousand demons gnawing awav at one'a vitals couldn't be much worse than the torturea of Itching piles. Tet there'a a cure. - Doan'e Ointment never falla. i - P - . . .. i ! 1 1 , '. ' '" naltfair Oamp More. ' (Special Dhipstea te The Joareatt ' Trouwlal. Or.. July . The fishing csmp of Richard Latourell has been moved from atotta ianuing. near Troutdsle, to LatourelL . Mr. Latourell ha a a number of men employed and has g boarding tent In tha csmp. ! . Races, Races, Races. nt-A 4tAt .H.nn A Mie on at Irvlngton Park race track. . Six or mor running racea every oay except Sunday.- Flrstrac starts at 1:11 p. m. iaa t Ki- hnr.M enteral SOil. Ail cars transfer at Second and Wash ington streets ror trsca. Admission t in cluding grsndstsnd) loc. . , , V grasses After Oetobe IS. . - No guesses- will be received by th Mellln' Food company sfter the cloe of the Lewi and Clark exposition, but up to the rlose you may guess every day and as msny time a nsy sa yen ilka. Ouea tha boya aad girls In the 0 num berd rictuses In the Mellln'a Food ex hibit. Agricultural -building. m -! ! a 'cngporeiam , auoojj iane'lv M vuu,u uv vu v .t) tuw v f; i wear, made for the comfdrt of the man who must dress well in spite of the t ' . ' " Ue afVir T lorrif medium an1 1arkr orava nraHominate. - UVb nHuuw,. - $9, $10r White , Vhitc COMPLETE DISPLAYS OF OFFICE COATS, DRIVING AND AUTO MOBILE DUSTERS, OUTINQ TROUSERS, ETC. v - C i "., "f '.-U . Greatest Clbthinsr House in t am m w - l - . - .. . - 1 I g aOTBI AXTO BBSOBTS. '''''"' i i I. I v 1 I - .. ll I I ABSOLUTELY A- With No Strings Attached f ' W are going to give away thla SSO.00 Slav Ools bl wraphopboa aseolntely fre Uborai Arte Baiuing a Aagusv . Is, 106. . On of those prise win-" nere, you Know, at the . .fcoaja rralr. Call at our Bzhiblt or at " - our wtor for any Information that la required and Inspect tha ma- ehlne. : " . Red - Xf'a aria, laoo. 1 L'Tlr ! iaa rrlB St. I jgt-' : . : X1, 1904. J L J STORES IN ALL TUB PRINCJPAI CITIES OF, THB WORLD. V r Concart at th abov address (171 Wsshlngton street) every Tae ay and Tkursday, , P. aa. v. ,; ; ,. -f IT DIDINT HURT . ' A BIT Is whtt they say ef ear Betaeds ef gnhig SeaUl work. W ae work tor people tram eat ef tbe efty ealefcly . te vmU any delay. Everything np te data. Opea analogs aad Snadaa. Hals S0. ,r - WISE BROS., Dentists The rail lag. ear. Third aad Waaetagtee. sa. t. . wtaa. THE Canadian Bank Capita! $8,700,000 Reserva $3,500,000 Portland Branch, 144 Waahlagtoa. E. A. WILD, Manager. . , Travelers letters of Credit Available tn all part of tha world - " - - . 111 branches In Canada and tha ' United States. Including: Ban Francisco. Seattle, Vlotorla, Van couver, Nanatmo, New Westmins ter, Dawson (Yukon). - , Drafts Issued on ".. '' any Branch Transfsrs of money to or from any part of Canada by. letter cf telegram. '"s-, ' ' ' A General Banklns: Business Transacted Profit i t i..n nrnva to too thst We can sell a HIGH ORADB PIANO for from 176 te 100 Isss than the same Instru ments wer old for befor w took- th aaency. It should convince -yon that w are making th RIGHT PRICK. . W ask but IS0O for tba asm make and atyle of piano .that waa sold fot 1425, ana only av jot iui mvi ur Ij75., - . - - Don't fall to see ua before buying, aa we are In position to save you money, and lota of it. DUNDORE PIANO CO. STEIN WAV DEALERS No. 3i WASHINGTON STREGT JOURNAL WANT ADS. -' ' saskiliM aalllAl a4aJa.f aMafaa of Commerce t . .i I 1 ! .1.. L MAMa..AAM nuut'tA IaaIv .1 .aaI Sa - ': i L a) m.wwii. ' - s T , . i SIWO, $15, 516.50 to v. a Hanncl 5 it Flannel Trousers, 1 -the Northwest. FREE I . . .. . . . . I gt our booth .. in Z " mXtiZYk PC0CGRAPfl CO. 22 tear to Star Tacatrc, MS-S7I VuMaftvifiT' A Difficult Proposition - Irr satisfying' hardware' vrantgta eaay of solution hare through the - diversity of our selection and the quality of our display. Prlrea. ' too, hav been carefully looked . after with the end tit view of - making your' buying her a money aaving propoaltlon also. , . AVERY & CO. ' aa Txzmo araaar, .j. Between ria aad! Ash. ALL FOR $1.00 Turkish Bath ; and good bed for the alght. all f or P. King's Baths Seventh and Wash ington ata. ' VI nest and largest baths ta tha elty. . Ther haa been and will be bo change In tha prices - bt Mlnera Water, Soda Water, Siphons. Byrups, ate.; tha 'r aama prlcea will be maintained ' , all re porta to tha eoatrary not withstanding. I STAR BOTTLING WORKS name Mala SSOS. U Pint ..V. . 4 $1.00 i -x-1- -Mr-' 1 i- $20 jv 111 11 xa a mmf m mm iwiii "z t. -m ;- . I v .. v NOTE--Just received by express this-morning, an elaborate line ;,of single and Double Breasted Blue Serge Suits of all qualities ' Delightful . Mount Hood Trip VERT' VISITOR t th)' . Lwia and Clark axpoat- tlon should tgk thla tha moat delightful of ail mountain tripe la America. ' Cloud Cap Ina. unlqu and" picturesque, T,00 feet .kbov sea. , lvI. at--ford splendid aooommodatlona. i Summit ' of mountain easily ' sccesstbls from thla point. Stages leave Hood River sta tion (fklly at :( a. m. and 12:1 p. m.. making connection' with O. R. N. tralna. Round trip ticket. - Including coach ing trip, on ale at O. R. A N. ticket office. Third and Wash ington streets. Portland. Par , ticulara about ratee at Cloud Cap Inn by writing; ... ; . . SJttXLXJs,'SCi Xaoa Blvav, Oregem. Bend f cent tn stsmps to A. I.' Craig, sO. Ps A.- - Oregon Railroad Navigation- wan---paay, Portland, ior . booklst . r telilpg about trip. Oppoatta ataia aatraaoe to Kawla aad Olark Sbrposttisa. Only sbsolutely fireproof hotel ' ad- Joining rrounda eaulDoed with eleotrle ii eleDhonlo and aoecial talephonto com- munloatlona for patron a. Uniformed porter and bellboy at alt hour . at guata' aarvto. . i; - 150 Degant Rooms : 7 Open for Guests ; BATSa SUM A BAT AJTS W.. W. H. LATTIN, General Manager. , '-r o. w. p. a- ar. oo. . v.- HotctEstacada stnatza azsoiT ov m aaxxs or THB OLAOXAXAS aiTXB. " - at hzlzs raoK poaTiAjro. ' Rates ear day.............. ....! so flalae sar week.. .....115.00 gperlal ticket, foeladla . roaod- trie. . tare sad dlaaat l.T Special ticket, lachMllag raaad trl fare.'' ene aisht'a Jodaiaa as. UrM nwele - I s.a ticxxt omca rraar ajtd auto its. ' L. B. MAKTIMBZ. Mgr: :M . . kstaoaba, oapaT,ti. PAX BATBS AT, THE COSMOS a. a. Oor. Peartli aad Morxlsoa Bta. Now under th same management a "The Calumet," centrally located. weU furnished. . " ' ,f On roori, one peraon.j.ASl.eOperday One room, two. persons... .ft. SO per day Family suites Sa.00 per dsy IViltoit Sprigs L'otel VilhoH Sfcae Leavea Oregon City, dally, except Sun day, at :! . m. Fare II. 0. Oregon City office next door to Oregon Water power Co.'a depot. -' Dr. B. B. WRIGHT fcumio niaf that . rwUavea aU paia ' la dental cara- tlona. , , aaavi waautartaai . aa - f aa For modern dentaK work. Warlo-r nowned apodal 1st a LowMt prloe eonalatent with flrtt-alaas .'. . 1 work, ..,. v , .si Oo to tha .',!''- NEW YORK DENTISTS saiiaas aaam WAaataAif set. Opea day and night, from S:!t a. !' - . aatll 1 a aa. . 'k Hotel Fairmount TEETH f "r-'t f ..." Dresser like . cut,' quartered oak ' finish, : French bevel platoglasv two top draw ers, swell ' front, the . best ?"Mtr '"Olfi Portland . . . . . . .V VJ ' Ses wladsw tlaplay aad asssstsatS V.salasreaa fas eaaagUSs nae-J il A 7EEI PAYS IT Chiffoniers, maple, oak and mahogany, square or shaped French bevel plate mirrors, swell . i top -drawers, .hand some drawer pulls, finished throughout in the best man ner. $15.75, . m ' $14.75, $13.25 v; ; (1 and. ........ ! SlAlTEEalPAHlT 7c ScH a Gnr Silver C6.s CrlczJ ? Silvcnvcrc ; Thoroughly artistic, ", with' the poppy, symbolic of Eastern art, used as a motif. This fine example of, the die cutter;, art while heavy, is neither bulky nor clumsy and is burnished entirely by hand. Guaranteed for ten years. ' The line 'embraces JIAWEHPAYSIT We want you to thoroughly imderstand . our system ' of open accounts. Youll find jt the most satisfactory .way to buy. The goods we offer are the equal and . in many cases -the superior, to those sold ? for cash -; by other houses. : We'll make pay ments so: small you'll not miss the money, and so easy you'll be glad you bought. m frost nut crr n c:: : mmmi fx:)T;:::::: 1 '.rrf'y) 1 $ I l - j "'f '