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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1905)
!r::z :oxon ;i).".ily :jour-:JAUi:ror.TU,.i,-D. wmd:: VsT A IT 3'PliJ FOR THEV DEfiEEOflYTIIYLinLE-DEfiS FOR PRESIDEL'SY Twnty-Eight Boy? Co to Sa Man Who Broke Deadlock ahdl North and 'South End Retorts TcT Cloce Out the Baci of Bacama ' Illinois' Covarnor, ; ., in Una for Place,' "With Bad Records. Claim ;V$.$Ws)Wfo Vacation. y : Attention of Police. DEffl 1 J (I " it I (IDS CEING WATCHED BROTHER'S . TEARS.' MAKE: COURT, REVERSE ITSELF Lad Xnresta ... Hit ' Carfare - and let ; Cream Money in Huge Watermelon Cfor Jude Fraier. . but, W01 Not .. Hae to Walk Home. Twentyelgnt ' toys whose parents . ' '. n nnahla to ds expenses of their sura I mer vacation will be sest to Beavlew. , KVesb-, .Thursday morning an will remain . . , - . . . - i . i JiMflHiw W t Ha V 'Juvenile court " Aheparir-llie-lwye f will be looked after by Mr. end Mrs. W. : X Nlsley, who have been conducting- the encampments of the Boys' brigade for " Ike pact five years. With thro helpers they will leave foe the park tomorrow ; morning, and will net op the tente, er "range the tablei and beds - and ha ve -rvthlu-; in - readiness for the boys Mvfcjhit thv rr!v ; ; . txrhiia th turn are In camp they will .' - i iiallrhtful feast, for the ' ' large mercantile houses end meat pack ing eompanlea have contributed -liber-.; nr . their-, entertainment;., others :'',- .imi.tHl tents for their Shelter. ' - When they return a second group of J J or- 10 will be sent down, and about It ' will be cared for this enmrner. .' bout 9 epplicante for the trip ap- '. Speared before Judge rraser yester- . dsy. All underwent, physical esamlna-t'- tione by bounty. Physlotan Geary and tils saalMart. P- Mninipk: One of Jhe ' irat lads to take the' examination waa irunk Wont i -Chinese.-aged 11 years. , who was Immediately chosen mascot of , the eomoany. The second ooy ro nin ths examination earn wtth a "big wa termelon, which he wished 'to present ' to Judge Fraser. His mother bad given ' ' tin 1 cents for care fare and Ice Cream. hot -.Instead of '-riding from me . nome, three miles away, or- buying Ice cream, ' the boy Invested his assets in a water melon. -The 'bey and .the watermelon - - were - presented to the- Judge, andtbe vo'un aster did not have toy walk home. ' Of the other boys several, were broth- , " ere. 'and the younger ones passed tne examination first. They did not wish te fro-to tne seaside wunoui weir eiaer '. brothers and at. their request Judge f Fraser permitted -them to go togethen -.v-fMTlumtt the Archbishop -In behalf of Portland Web Pressmen's . union. Not 17, and Mra. P. 'J. Ford, wife bf Patrick J. Ford, deceased, we wish to publicly express sincere appreciation and esteem for the ktnd consolation and benevolent action -on the part of Most , Rev, Alexander Christie, archbishop of the diocese of Oregon, and his associates in the assistance' rendered in the burial of -the deceased husband and - brother. Such action exemplifies true -Christianity,, the real brotherhood of mtn.'-- - - -'. . H. A. KINO, President. e s - , 8. KJAER. Secretary. ' Many people who are neglecting symptoms of kidney trouble, hoping. "it will wear away", are drifting towards Bright's Disease, which is kidney trouble in one of ' its worst forms. ; z .uj, , ., ; etops trregularitiesTT strengthens the urinary organs and builds up the worn-out. tissues of the kicf ; neys so they will perform their functions properly.-Healthy kid ; neys strain out the impurities V from the blood - as it p a s s e s . .through them. Diseasecl kidneys ' do not, and the poisonous waste r matter is carried by the circulation to every part of the body, causing dizziness, backache, stomach V trouble,' sluggish Jiver, irregular . Jheart action, etc; ; - - 1 . If you have any signs of Kidney or Bladder trouble commence tak ing FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will cure a slight dii . order in a few days and prevent a fatal malady.' It is pleasant to ' take and benefits the whole system. How to Hnd Out. . Yon can easily determine if your kid neys are out of order by setting aside fur 24 botira a bottle of the arrae passed cpon ariiinf. If upon examination It ' is cloudy or milky or has a brick-dust . sedimaift or email particlea float about in it, your kidney are diseased, and FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE should be - taken at once jVV1"-' ' : ' -r e. B. Berfteea Taatlflew Attae . .'; '. .' ' Fear Tear. . -"" ' ; . ' ttasertssefcrt'itoCestef,tr,eTlhe! a boat tour resra sso I wrote you staling that : I had bro entirely eared of a severe kids trouble syu king leea thaa two botuea at IXMejt k It entirely stopped toe dticK' . dual aedlmaoiSBd pain sod jmpKSBof aldne dlMSM iliumiMMl. I era slad to ssr Wl I are nevr had a 1 mora of any r urass srvip. tmi danns the four years thst have elapsed. end I sai evidently eoVed to tay cured, and heartily rrceinineod Puieyw Kidney Ore a , see stfffertng from kidsey er bladder trouble. Two tVlsee. 9e aM 1CX , . axartlly rrceinineBd Puieyw KKIoey cr te eat I I Ul .1 V-e 1 I IXJ I n7nf-rArnr3nn I 1 1 1 1 1 1 s i i II i i II M l m ' ' .rmj)& m u fa .- n U hi d HE IS AN IDEAUST AND , i v PRACTICAL POLITICIAN Editbr Davia of :- Springfield Pare High Tribute to the AbUity of the Official Who la Uniting, Republican ;Tactioia.V;;ifh "4'VT:-'. "Qoyerner teneen of Illinois, who will shortly visit'. Portland, may be the can didate of that state for the presidency n 10.- said J. McCann Deris, editor of the Evening News of Springfield, -JU1-nots, whu Is visiting the exposition fut a few days. Mr. Iavls pays the lewls and Clark fair the Compliment of say ing that in many respecte It le the wort satisfactory of ell that have been held. and. over the beauties, of the location be grows enthusiastic.- -J-- - tlr. Davis ie-on of the authorities of the nation on Lincoln memorabilia. He has lived for many years in Springfield, which was the home of Uncoln, and, was an associate of Miss IdA Tarbell. -who 10 years ago published a biography of the- martyr president.' which is one of the .best ever printed. ' Mr. Davis him self four years ego published "Abraham Uncolbw-His-Book," which, was a fac simile of Lincoln's ecrapbook. . Last year he wrote a history of the dead lock - In ' Illinois over the Republican, nomination for governor, . which lasted from May 11 -4o' June - S, calling It "Breaking the Deadlock." Of Oovernor Den sen, nominated and elected se e suit -of the celebrated .convention, . Mr. Davis holds a high opinion. . , " , Beaeea's Two Bides.. . . "He m a big man," said Mr. Davie; "large enough to- All the chair of the highest office In the- country.- He -may be said to be-of the Roosevelt type In principle, elthough differing much rn the methods he employs. He found the Republican party torn by dissensions and 'is trying to bring the factions to gether. : I think he will succeed. ,; A United ' Btates , senatorial campaign le beginning, which .' la likely to send Shelby M. ' Cullom to the higher houss at Washtngon for another. . term. I don't believe Oovernor Deneen Will per mit himself to be drawn Into the fight. but will keep free from l 0flU"g""g liiancea tnetrwouid weaken him for the herculean task of uniting bis party In Illinois. . . - jjeneen is a man of iron will,', un-' wavering principle and safe methods. He le the Ideal type of the practical politician, honest in his Intentions and yet able to handle men and accomplish things. He le an admirable example of the Idealist In politics,, who known how to put Into effect the fine principles he holds. - He thus is two men wrapped in one the man of theory and" the man of action and almost always right In either oapaelty. : - ; .-- . ,-, t -. ' OovexBO May Be rrertdeat. , -While X believe Dsneen le not i tempting to build up a machine In 1111- npls to gln BupportfotL aim self for the 4 presidency, -it -seems to be the general i understanding that, with Mr. Roosevslt refusing to run again, -the presidency must come to the-, west la 190S, and In that event IlUhola will be in the way secure the nomination, if it cam to that state Deneen would likely be the Mr. Davie has studied the man of the Pacific coast j states sud reaches the conclusion thst people here do not real ise the possibilities , that are before them..' . - . If you have accomplished so much with so little of your territory devel oped," said he, "certainly thle will be a wonderful region when railroads shall have - penetrated ' the - Interior country ana lis latent resources neve- been ex. 10 plotted.".- '- '-.,.. -j ..'.-' i . i REIGHT 0FFICEST0- REMAIN IN PORTLAND To the eurprlse of everv man In tha Portland general freight offices of the Northern Pacific, the company announces that the department will not be moved Tacoma, and that the men mav re main here. Traffic Manager J. a. Wood worth has telegraphed thla information 8.' O. Fulton, who la further notified that his successor here will be F. H. Fogarty of Chicago. . - Mr. Fogartys appointment Is effective August 1 and he will arrive early next week. He Is regarded ae one of tht best freight, traffic, men In .the service of. -the- road -and- hae been kept at Chicago,- the roost Important eastern point, originating freight shipments. His as signment to Portlsnd indicates the grow- ng importance of thla point, which the company regards as the actual Pacific eoest -terminus -of the system. r " " The only change In organisation of the Northern Pacific's freight traffle depart ment Is the creation of a western freight sgency at Tacoma, to which office Henry Blakely Is. appointed. Men In ths freight department and freight claim offices In Portland are much gratified at the an nouncement that they are nor to be re moved to Tacomau The news Is also received with much pleasure by the busi ness intereete of this city.. NIVERSITY MAN, COWBOY 'AND NEWSPAPER EDITOR 4 II. Frank Collins, buxlness manager of the Butte Evening News, who hss been In Portlsnd w week, left yeeter day tor the sound. He baa charge of a party of 10 Montana young women, whom, he is taking In the special car "Wenaohee" for a tour of the northwest. Including British Columbls, as ths result of a newspaper voting contest. . - "The mayor of Butte, John MacOin nls, in neither Republican nor Democrat, nor 8oclsllat.H said Mr. Collins. "He wss elected On a plain anti-trust ticket In the Jast to years Mscainnls has-been successively elected from alderman to leglRlator, and he Is billed for higher distinction. He Is the antithesis of Helnxe quick, diplomatic and artful, while Helnse Is slow, outspoken and never enthusiastic. MscOlnnls was a clerk. Today he Is almost a millionaire. During Helnse't absence in Europe he Is ths brains of the entire trust-fighting machine. The News hag for its editor a Dublin university Irishmen, R. R. Kil foy, who . previous.! to . his - newspaper debut, rode Montane ranges ae a cowboy ! yera. -: t : -v". . -" alvation Arsay Wedding. Thie. evening at the new BalvsUon Army.hall, Ite Fourth street. Brigadier tfervune, me provincial officer, will offi ciate at. hia first wedding in Portland SMALL SALOONS WORSE . THAN BIO DANCE HALLS i-r These Have Not Before Baca Under i Scrutiny and It' la Charged That They Purchased Protection .While Attention Waa Paid to Others.; . Acting under instructions from-Mayor Lane. ' strict ' supervision Is being ikept over a number of "Joints" in the city by Chief of Police Orltsmacher. Numerous complaints -have been made relative to these places to -the pasVend it hae been com monly reported for months that they were receiving protection. Among these place ere, the Thletle.'lhe Badger, the Nonpareil, and the Fashion saloons end Tony Arneud's place In the north-end. and De Martini's and other saloons on First street In the district which baa come to be entitled the "south end."-.- ."..'.'. " ' ; ' . As a matter of feet the-polloeht known for monthe . (hat ' conditions In the "south end", were far worse. than .in the' north end.' About a month ago -a man : complained that ' he had been drugged ' and robbed in De Martlet's place end Informed the police that the proprietor himself had Induced him to meet the woman accused" of stealing bis money after he had been drugged. - Daisy MendenhalU a girl who' hae served two or three sentences in the city prison, reoently admitted . to Ser geant Hogoboora that she had saved I man from being given "knockout drops' In a saloon at First and Madison, streets and -had returned to him a t 100 bill which had been taken from him. The girl -said it was a common practice te give men "knockout drops" In this dive. Women of bad reputation thickly In habit thla part of the city, the, "lodging nooses- in the vicinity being filled with them. Many minor crimes have been re ported by men Induced to visit -rooms by 'these women. rThe police hsve also made a number of arrests of men and women addicted to the opium habit, who have rooms in the district.-.' "-'-. . While these smaller dives Jn the north and south ends have flourished the larger reeorte have been kept under the nmeiignt ae a "blind." It is said that pnjX-tS70 o three complaints tigvebeeB made against the Paris house In months past, though It has always been held up -by the police ae the great source of evil, , while robberies, brawls, cutting scrapes and pocketploklngs -have often been reported" from "Liverpool Lis'e" dive at Second and Devia streets. CITY EMPLOYES MUST HAVE GOOD CHARACTER A ' plan will be: suggested at Its next that will greatly assist , the meeting municipal civil serrloe - commission In determining - the character of the men who make applcatlon for positions. Here tofore each applicant bad to secure the' o o o o o o o o o o: o 0 O O O o; THE PIUCE it within thirty d y i essary a discount yf t- wmmmmmimmmm ' :'' mmmmammmammmammmmmmmmimmmmmmmm I' ' v ' ejrMHBjsjtsleaea, ff ' '''" M" An OAS RANGES can be purchased either for ilHiilliiiliSil ..p.. t A '.rfiSs :.'.,::!. MAY "BE USED FROM THE HOUR: 0 BIRTH Physicians.' nurses, rharmacists. ard cherhists throughout the world endorse uuuoira &oap because-or its delicate. - medicinal,' emollient. sanative, and antiseptic properties derived from -Coticura, the great. Skin Cure, united wiUrthnKK?st of cleansiog ingedients and most refreshing of fiowerv odors. ;& For preserving, purifying, and . beauti fying the skiny as. well 'as for all the purposes of the toilet and bath,' Cutkura Soap, assisted by1 Cuti cura Oiotbent, the great ' Skin Cure, is priceless. ' - Guaranteed absolutely pur e, and may be used from the hour of birth. - ir:'1' Tv Sm. la eae at ess sii , . Witliant mm4 TM Sms Sit Sto. hw Draf S Ckmm. On, SoM VroML, BxMa. fim, Bw . 0 C I Ball- affidavit of two reliable clUxena ' as to good character,, but thla Is thought .to be lnsuffleient, as applicants eecured af fidavits - of men In public -office - who courted; publlo favor. : ' "' ' ' , ynder the new Plan questions relating to the personal knowledge of . the as- pllcant will be eent to each. individual who recommends a person for a. position. The questions refer to the associates of the applicant, whether he gambles or Is addicted to drink, ble Integrity anil netner ine eiuaen wouiatroai tne ap pllcant In his own business. ' :-;-- Allen At Lewis Best Brand. we make you a discount twenty per cent is made. , . X.k i.ll -i' . " lam (as , - . , t n s - w FIFTH AND YAMHILL- STS. Sp When You See Itljn Our Ad MOY Daldno Dreed - s . ."From thirty-five to forty-five minatea, according to ; the size of the loaf, are usually rcqnircd for baking , ' t bread.'. It : should be - placed in a very hot loven. r ' . - . ..... ? T ... When the loaves V begin V Jt -V. it. . " 1 '.' --""''J. burner, or reduce' tne v A single-oven 'ranges should be cut down one-half. J, "About five minutes before. the bread is done, turn off fee:gaS'lTom -the : oven; .there'-will be ' sufficient hedt . retained to ; finish ' t t TNCTAT I If If 'Thia -is, forvthe"" purchase price we will "set up. ready for : use, which : '"r 11 1 1 riljiili . if I includes a run 1 of forty feet of pipe! On a cash sale or if you pay for l of ten per : cent (Where a fuel stub Is Already in the kitchen and no pipe is nec- . -LET qSTBLL YOU ABOUT IT. '.? ''fJ iSL-l Tl'fi cash or.nionthly payments,! which can be made when paying We Have marked them ; at the fol lowing reductions ;..r'.--,rr $2.95 yaluea'now;.- values $3.95 values $5.00 values v.' $6.00 values values : 1' in the Gcs Rcnoe j ...,.'.-. -.- K -2: to brown, turn out one -. ... -a . . M 4 flame oi Dotn. .Burners in,: baking. Bread- should be baked in .tin pans." :.r: w. j: iJ-.V- as no w ; . -0 2;1 S rid?v:03;as nowr 03.95 now$2.3S It Sd THIRD AND STS. '-t-J - your gas bvQL A Q .i - - m ', ''?V''K.'-'- :'r -ae ewvai Brag oessi mna wm umii two omoers in marTiaae pastas m be. nwifwumuii win ve eerveOja