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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1905)
THIS OREGON DAILY JOUr.UAL. t PORTLAND, WZSDKr ISAV . EVt::::. Cr -JULY " . . - . . f ' 1 :i if 1 ' f- htmi at Ik postoftiee ef rortU. Or,, pre paper. 1 met; 4 to B eoe. CU' M . 44 '. .1 v.-;,' ' ' . f ..: ..- v'' nunoni. ."v- -I iFdltm-ral stomas,. ..v.... VtOo..... ..a wenwvaw inmnmn IIMIintnTl rUn4-B.ngsa.1a l-v.Ti'Kul , 154 Kim attest, Xurhj Yjlbua " "i imCURIH aUTXS. . . k nalliaa TN IJSIiy 0Twai, - " ,A , Toe Dally JounseL 1 Tr. n ll.ll Journal, erith BTlBday. I IT 1OT The Daily MVU1. O "". IN Ths Dally Iwnl, S awmtlw. ,..." Tba Dally Waal, with Sunday. 1 anon , The Nlly pet week, delivered. u oath.. M v.Tbe Dally ''"Smm!. kcaa)tt ........... Terms ay msua. any IcoraaL wit Busday. t S ally Journal, I .......... St! ally lowaat wttn Sunday, t asoetb. J" Terms ty Matt. , The Da! . Tb Ds: 1M vaiiy soaraai. who - , rw. l .1 a aanatha ! The Dally Journal, with Saaoay. awenth. 10 , Tb DaUy JouraeL moora.. 5 J ne JJBiiy goarnai, wiin nfi - To pally Joe raal. 1 laoota. ....... I S: W iSESl U. Ulaatratod. Ml warkat T- ark , port. yaac.......... .bVoVd V.' -XX bV"dAVb3. .r-ti anta an 1 , ttataa, aapr aroara aad maB boeavtabM la 1 imataa ataaapa. , TUT tOVMMAXm . O. Bas 1U. art la ad, rtr i - - i Tba' Yoaraal aa ha toaaat ! at CTltSon P.fffla Kw aMaoaairi lTt Dw ail Baaaataaatb trt; J, i . . m. .nil rsirtia aiiaata - -ANRAf OTTT-taa Jloy N-w ;. WlltNgAPOUt L J. . Eaaga. - tfWlrTOaKCITt Braotaoa'a. Oalna MVf; OrfAHA MllUrd Bobri. Wjw. todt tattoawry ooannaay. l L7Vr ..i1t 1 - ALT LAW CITT Kmyow Hotal Wawa rtitjl fcanwwBroa.. aa .- V : ... . . T. latt. ) OUT Bt-t. a w. w'i . . i -W . au jLraioa:. News ataaa. and 1008 market .atraoct uoia- I mltb Broa.. SMI Butter tree, ana Pre acta hotel) raster a. .oraar. 1-77 I In: M. Wbaatwy. axreaaoie l TTLE Ralaler Oeand Hews tasl W, le peaska. Hotel Brn new . oAr . v wian lone W. OrahaBl B Oa, TAPOMaT WASH Oantra! Kewa . aompaayi : YICTORTaTb. O TlclorU Book Btarloaery , eoenpaay. . - WXATHZB RETORT. tfil?-,J2ll nrhi? Idaba aa4 tHiVlt Bbamm, ww ugu niR, - A mwT.ll. EXT. Urn , A Tna temperatures 'la' tb north FaclBe state UI1 coatlDB ahor ,aorml. " Bootbera Ore eon. "her It la shout f defree ' cooler the yeaterday. - bbowery condition Brerall aenarally Vmt ' fh. aaatera atop af th Rooky mountain, whlb la the- aaatera Stat fair ..He eeweaibL arltb temiHersturss allahtly b row aurw- " . ' ., ... threatening weather tonight : snd 'Jr' I aaat f ti Caacao -aBiantrfwa. 1h 1 knrar Tba iMicaiiomv ar- vw icir 7 1 teanneraturaa STcrywaara ib . uie umw. w- cept aeai' tba coast. VARRIAOE xicniBU. Doaciaa A. Morrla. : Sarah Jan Shirley, JA. J wTeee I. Holman. nr. May E. Kramer. SO. - . u.Mh 9A UnMh fl. Kelter. 53. - . 7 '. ... . i. r TmIm M. Carltoa rf inim J llrma f.fV. H Ella Collin.- . ' - ; . mrun w a. fhnirh m Ca.. Wssb itigtoa bids'.,-cor. Fourth sad Waablnctoa sta. 'BIRTHS. W1MTI-Inrr H. to Mr. and Mrs. J. P. unt aret wm 2leTetli street, a daaahter. . ' EMhlERT July IT. to Mr. sod Mrs. i Jacob u H aon Wllllaana avenue, a'dsuarbtert . LEER July tX to Mr. aad Mr. Eugen Krto Leer. 1M Bt Sumner .treet; a aaugntar. . i(ir Jnle IT. to Mr. and Mr. WlUUm a,., aia arweneeutftk afreet, a daughter. . a-r.piJCTnM' Julr IT. to Mr. and Mr, John aiA Ttuneae el lee t. B daurhter. KRETZEH Jnly 13. to Mr. aad Mrs. Lewis Kretaer, BIS Columbia street, a son. , . OHt nly U. to Mr. snd Mrs. Charles Johai , 8B4 Ellsa atreet; a daughter. KINO-JulT XS. to Mr. and Mrs.' t. C Elliott ' King. 1500 Belmont a treet, OOVTABI0VB BtSBABTB, BLAKB luly SB, Irene Flak. Twenty-fomth treet. diphtheria, 401 North DXATKR. 1 JACKSON July tJ, Emma t. ' Jaekana. ve4 XT years. of-"PartUsd; caae. pctltoeltlB. Burial at Rrrarrlew cemetery. . : SHEA July BO. Thorn Shea, aged 81 years; -, st St. Vincent's hospital; eeaae, layacardltls, J Rurtal at Mount ("a I vary cemetery, -c vant T.i. a Uanla Karl, aa-ed 24 Tear. . at eOod Samartus bosplt!: caaee, heart dataas. Rurtal st TJtlca. New lork. . BITER TIEW CXKETEET. , Slngl tra Tea f 10. Family lots STS ta ' tl.Oia). Th only terns tw la Portland whlrk pernetnany malntslna snd carat for lota. Fat 'full Information apply to W, R. Mackewsta, ' ' Woraaatat block, ally. W. M. Ladd. arwaldaat. 1 The Edward Holmes TJnoertaktaf eompany. m faneral director aad ambalmsra, SSO Third " atreet, ' Phone SOT. ,. I. F. tinloy 4) Boa. faneral dliwctf n4 ' ambalmert, eeraar Third and Madlaoa atreet. ; OfSc f county ooconer. Taetpboaa suia a. Funeral wreath and cat flowers a specialty ' st Row City Oreanhouee. Twenty second aad . Eaat MucTWaoa. apa. cemetery. - " . BTZUDDTB TERaTXTt. . ANDERSON July XS, C. J. Anderson, cot tag-, block 48, PeBlncula; eott, tlSO . . . RATHER Jalr 25. Mrs. N. '.. Battier, wood- . f abed, Eaat Thlrteen'h' fvtweeu Skldmora snd --. - Vaaou streets; enat, ,tftO. 1 " ' WAIX.'H July 2t.. it U. WilrY cottage, eoracr i Eighteenth and Careoa treetai cost. eSOv. WKHT July J. W. L. Weat. cotage. comet Kant Thlrty-foarth tad Uartlsoa streetsi aost, si rain. TRIKK Inly to. to H, W. Fries, repair to two i dwelHng, Sixteenth between Hoyt sad UUsss v etreeta: coat, WOO. ADAIR Inly 25. Owens Adair, repairs to! ! dwelllag. Thirteen th beta-era Darl .gad Ferett streets; coat, Bioo. JfAOXEHSON July 25. A. Magneeaon, cettage, Monroe between Kir by and Borthwirk streets; , coat. Bl."u. SHAN AH AN July SB. Ml C. Sbanahan, Bars. . rlienth , Beat Mootawnkary atreet cml, Bd.iaai. . . ' ; REAL ZBTATI TEARS FZRS. ' A. Olyaa . ant wife to R. Collins, lot B. block M, Central AlMna R. P. Graham aad wife to T. Brown, )nta 54, Ml. rmcs si, reniaeuiar addition No., t ...,.. f W.' tjaaros to tatrs: A. CimpbcTl, parT ef art , Geeln Tract. 135 B. B. SteTco et al. to A. J. Petty. Vti Ilk II and IS. bew 1, Nortk' Falrfawn js,.,i.,e i i,X0 . W. Brown t M. A. yaa.tts 38 . ,iJ hanca UBreiarnrNi 400 TX K. lark et al. to A. Nebwja. scies beglawln at Inter aee una 01 center 11 n.- , ol county roes M wei- iisw . 1. (Aitttr Trscf ., , A. .kon to K. B. Clark, asm A. R. Mlddletoa to M. L. Beal. l' acre In tract D. Orertou park...... 435 1000 Bra. n. W. MMdletoa to M. L Real. W. W, VieLis'snd wlfVVo J.". rtork- taa bt 4. bbek IT. North AlMna ... R. bmlth wad aife te I. t. Maltou. , tMa s4 4, block 14. Colsmbla 'Height R I Men-fee and wife to H. R. tnescer. , lot IS. block S, stoIKdaJT Park addlttea It. E. Bteaaler et st. Ur M. Und. east , 40 feat lot 14, block 1L WlUlams $06 Avenu addltlna . .. ., ,s... ... t.aOB a . . . . . . . uk - uai rare iann cvimpaoy rw at. in . lata lb 28, InrlualT, klock f. Geuaral ' Cmaipauo'a adillUan ' ;. 0. 0. Wlllla and wtto U PbocnU Mnniur. II la mm mmrtlam Al. low B ' anip a aucia. rana a lui . a Bkarirr to o. O. Wlllla. aaai T.92J K. Huahlllbt lo D. 0. Ktwhltfht,' Ivt P. . ' hlurk . Brawi Trart tOO Barrrll lamtnMiit pamnanr to (Warily - KairtiLaa a Trnat rowiiauy. awtfe part ' U frartlonal lilork T. city 0.000 rv u. airrnrraua lo mmm. mnm o ana , , aad Bartk Vt lot , blark-M, Foar V addlikm ' 1 City to D. Bir, lot 1 aod 1- block .. Mardy Hliblasd " '1 Oxt yow tnaaranc and abatract to raal atat from tk TKW Oaaraia a Tnat aaa paay, Chamber of Comatara bolldlnc. I ' TBI OLDEST 1051 -mm r IM 0BCCOX Wlrb It contra! location. - anutbaaat Third and Oak atraot to which It will n mm ahatit Bptrmbcr 1), car from tka troBM Umlta of taa dty paaalnt It door; wltk In rrcalar lotrraat aad It oo4 tcord OX IS yaara. afconld attract tsoa wb wlab I un wbm of tkab? oarnlnta tor tutor aora EVEBT DOLLAR DBPOHlTBn WITH II 18 OC ABDKD BT ASCT8 OF 0V ONI U.ILU0M POLLABS. Om dollar aad vpward rwalrrd. Opaa yoar aooooat MOW. . Kcar put art tin tomorrow what boold b don today, . w ... . . . - PORTUWJ - TOUST COMPANY Of OREGON Third Street, Pboo MalLT 46S. .. iPrfaldant Vlea-Iraldnt .....Rocratary H. U P FITT1X av..... B. LKB PAGKT...... I J. O. COLT HA. Aaatarant Rreratary XOTTCX. KOTICB OF' STOCKHOLDERS atEETlriO-. Th anrraal aiatn( or tb stonaoiaar i " Cooar d'Abra DcTclopaioat Company, (n tba ateetloa at a Board af Dlraetor tor tb bbbIbc yaar. and for' th traoaacnoa oi aack othar baalD a atay ragularly com befor thaat. wlU b bald at tb offtc of th coaipany. room B01 to MM CBanoar oi Blare DaiiaiDf, jroruana, vroa. a aw t. WOa, at 10 o'clock a.. v JTT; EOBOr. holman. Sacratafj, Oooar 4 Ala a Dantopaiaat Ooav radian, urafoa. uiy i. ww. . -. Tn -.. ' MTM.KNNICM IS WMINQ BOOH. LOST ART) TOTnx ' FOUND A place to bst hair mat rated and returned aam .day. Pboa 47. . Portland Car led Hal factory. LOST lady's fold watrk at Oaks, wltb- Ini tial l:' L. H. rraaer rvnira aam 10 hiwhi office and reclT reward. LOST Lady's foM watch with enta slleer fob oa ipoaitioa (roonoa. avewara 10c rawra 10 police nMoguariara, SXL WARTTD TaTIIR WANTED t carpenter. fS; 1 saah snd door mackln. z.M and S3; I ram her jrrmoere, 13 ai: bnom-man. (1.261 edaerman. f.1: mill baada, SB to; trimmer-man. 2.W. wanner. 12.26: 4 backer. IZftOi 4 fallsra. as; vtMrs. - , 60 mill aa4 yardmen. 1 up; ao offlc fea, LI-MRERMEN'S LABOR BUREAU. tnSH Morriaoa at. Pbnua Black S04L AVTONI permanentlr employed and wrahlnf to materlall rlally Inrreaa their Income without ,.' occupation, , taltpboa ,Ea,U'JSl lot par. tlealar. . . ' liHUimi AND CONTR ACTORS. Reeeeel amd Second-hand analnaa. BultaM for loaa-tna or bolattna nurnoae. to b bad cheap, ror further Information apply to r. V. Kuettow, Astoria, ur. 110 PER day sad nice, clean tidy, genteel an. ploymeat ror twa or rare man: na oreoe wanted. Pacific Aeenor. S04 Btcarna bldn. "Slith anr Worrleon. Can at. W a. aCTT- MIDDI.B-AORD lady wtaibes alee. Twipectahl partner, anro ex pen ewe, is atari real aetata and mploymBt wrm;, rrpiy aooa, r Jouraal. - . " ' WANTBD Office man ta take Intereet ta astab llehed bamlbr; small .capital rwjuirad. t;au ma eentuai uhmi. , BARRETT'S DetactlT School Laat claaa -lot this ternx;. reduced rates, sui Alia 7 oiog WANTED Tesms to haul 1,000 cord of wood. Apply Pioneer rael uo.. rortiaaa. v KHt WARTZP jTRjLalJR WA'NTED -Stenographer; refined lady ta valley towa. four month' work, with kaowieag bookkeeping, accurate calculator, maat writ plain, neat head; light work, good board, aaat room furslabed private family; mast not I Xpert big salary! writs aad stat Beat la and writing, wl, care Journal. . LADIES DEPARTMENT. Hotel, reetaaraat, ffles, stora, bakery, htasdry a lanaiiyapsnwoaga aouciiew. BiNtltrl EMPLOTMBNT 0FTI0B. Bwayp w weeing w w., rwe. Jle cor, asTaaia aw. w a NT en A houaektr. by widow e eBllitrew: excellent term: IBB 1 lady bt la charge of the hone and la fact lady of tb bou; la nclghborlnc towa.. Addreas Li all, care journal. - . WANTED ISO - girts to maka eTeralla aad ahlrta; Inatmctlons gira to lneiperienceo. Apply Kaoatadtar Bros., Standard Fsctory No, X, car. East Taylor aaa ureua bts. WANTED A good worn a a cook for 10 to 11 , people, call or write macaay, usy rsrew, on . K. ov.ll. .. avaeea wvanteo, WANTED A good home for arood girl be. tereea II and IT; yoat maa and wife; light work. Call st B uoiaamita . ' a t w.KTKn niel tor boaanework. faarlly of ; three: Oermatsf f wedlsb ortfatrt CsU but irring si. WANTED Woman cook: soma suiiertetie abort oroere. irnng notei, aignieenia aaa Irring. - . . WANTED-Womaa or girl fee reoeral beoae- work 1 gooa wsgm. 01a -1 nirarwum aa. - . iOIRL to assist ta general bouee work , (nd car r child. Apply. 711 Brosawsy. . WANTED Ladles' clothe Ironera at Paclfl laundry, run and aiuw sis. WANTED Girl for light boueeworh. 1 Inqulrt 42B Tillamook at. TTtTATIOVt WANTED El ALB. SITUATION wanted ta elty by young maa ei , periencwai iw a. w www nwwaw . wv,m. 1 ' Addreea N 44. car ' JourBkL A BOT of IB "will work st reasonable wages st sny kind of work. . Annex waTOoimoT BOY IS years weald llke-poaltloa aa fne et aerana Boy. B l ware jearaai, - - BTTTJATIOVI WANTED TEVA1. XOl'NO woman wants dsy work, $1.40; S to B. Addreea K so, ear journal. WAVTED KALE ARB EXXALE EELF. WANTED leans' pwnpU te take coarse la abort band at Bookkeeping, oay ornigni; ouj graiKiatra are all employed; we placed BT pupils during May! wa will place you wbea competent. Bebnk-Walkr Bualnea ealietr. WANTED At once, a bright; energetic, pce- aentabia maa or worasa. a goes falser, ss take ap aa attract! prneoaltloa. lauolre T4t Chamber at uemmares, 1 l b. ! REPINED, nice-appearing ladlea or gantlemei ft- position ot truei; permanent, tall of addrraa HootlneU, 415 Aluky bUlg., Third snd MorTleen. HELP wanted and eapplted. mel at- fwmal, R. O. DRAKE. B"8V, Waahln itoa St. Clay 444. V- j -jBtTRMCT RESORTS. ' "' : COVNTRT CLCR INN, Hood Blear, Oregon; fln eab grove, good table, sprint water, . taenia, boating sa4 fishing; bow open. IrOR RENT Fnrnlabed cottage st Gssrhsrt , park for a Unimex season, ursariu auea. I -, Astern,. Or.c 4 , .... .. , '; - 1 XKrLOTMXrf ASUCES. pACiro coast employment AOSNCI at, Phaaa , UaTd lo 12M Kali J HANSEN'S EMPL0TMKNT orNCftV ya bibi. M rt. Baooad at. Pboa Mala IMS. PIONKIS EMPLOTMRNT CO Lbor -oatrBa. ora; aals tra t aipioyra. aia ISO MORRISON Colombia Rrrar En. atayi aklllad labor taralabcd. Pboa Mala . . - .... ,,,, . ii- WAJfTED--MiacrXLAB-EOTjB. WANTEtV&Mor apraylus aad wbltnrsablnf I tba only aaaollna conprtaaad air (praylod MIDI a tba uat. M. (. Morn O.. .J MUwaukla at. , Pboa Eaat MIT. WANTED v- Immediately, noneb seeond-haad raniiutrt tnv lama ow-rouna owi viuur nla; (nil .rain aiTa; contioMiuai. ao- dreaa H SA. Joureal. WA.NTK1I TO bay or teat cbaaa, bora. dreaa l 41, ca. Journal. " WAjrTED-401-rTs. 50 LADIKS and : totlrmea to lotrodue ud ell eeif-ligbtinc iBcaaoaavaat aa. ukbm; in. alapenaabl In arary -bane; doea away with matebca or aallahtvra. Tbey aell on dgbt. aus Waahliifloa. aur. Mactrealh at. AGENTS WANTED Ta aell oar aoaerto. hick arad anrawy etock; aw aad eompiet aol fit raralaked fro: eaab waaklyj writ a day for choice ,.f territory. Capital . City ki unary Co., Balaam. Orecoa. ARTICLE that I a food aelleri ealla Cor l.i coala agent Sue. marc bids.. S Itonat 4X0 Loaaioca' oi Liuaa- AGENTS wauled to sell tnrle of Old Orcfoa. Jon' Book B tor, JVI Aioer an.-- WASTED TO REbT. OVYNKHs AND AGENTS will find It to then - draotait ta liet intir Tacant nuoaca ana flats wltb oar Vnt Rental department. Our Tacant hotn directory ha becoui a recof nlaed tnatltutloa In Portland, biiadreda at teoaat belna weekly placed la . aultabht quarters. We make B chart wbtTr and owners ah on Id take adTantaia at thl etatce by callUif at our rental department nd flllluf la aa Information Blank." If yoa bar a Tacant boaae, phon th par tlcnUra and lear th reet to us. JV woa't allow It In remain long Idle. H. E. EDWARDS. HorsKFURNISHER, . free Beatal Department. . ' 1 -' 1S to IM "lrat BL , WANTED Boom, sad lata for fair rial tor oa weat ld: Uet your Tacant boaaaa with a It yoa want them rented; w ha cnatoowra for realdTBca sad buslaaM pro party oa want aid. ' ' ' HOB AN A TAOQARV IPS Blltb St. Wl fcST call arary day tot racant honaaa aa rurniinea Boaeeai ua yoaa property wiia aa: wa wlQ da th fast. .. Uobaa i Tassarb 107 Blltb at. WARTID REAL ESTATE. J WANTED ImaiedlatelT, 60 to 100 acres of land eultsole lor punting potsioea; er i let seed pnutoe to reepoaalhl parulee oa ah area. Addreaa N 45. car Journal, ot fall at 10S rroot St., Portland. . ( ' .' WANTED A lot ar boa aad lot weat of West arena; atate price ana location. , Auareea L 4a, Joaraal. - . LOT wanted: must be doae la elty: stst location and prl.w. Address V , JoamaC fOB RJjTT 1TTRRTBHXI) BOOMS, THE COZY. lee-lwS Beventh. corner of Taylor, 1 block from Hotel Portland, a niocaa rrom poatofflc. close to xeooere te-prlced reatau rantsT nleai aewly fnralahed "rooma al very reasonable rates snd speeUI rate to pertles ef 4 er mors. Csll and as tb plsee; will he pleased to show you ths rooms anyway.. Just ths place Cor tourists aad fair visitor. FURNISHED, noma In a Bae prtTste home aa Mount Tabor carllne, 10 minntee- jrioe. ear- rounded by elegant lawn and Oowef garde ne s olaee where yoa aaa rest after a hot dsy at the fair; bath and phones rate sua, T5e and 81; reserrstlons msde. - Address Mrs. Fisher, 186 Best Thirty-third, cor. Btlmoat, rnone acntc atHO. . rtittNMHED ROOMS Hake money . out ROOMB jMsks of year ours - menus, '-rue uowiaua, nret-eiaaa rsomlng-hotise. Twentieth and Waahlngton, eew aecommodata a few mere a-ueeta: brlrut -your frtenda aad receive 20 per cent ot tbelf bill; rate nor. Too aaa bi; ire hub, ires 'bus rrom oepot. COMMERCIAL HOTEL New building, eery. thing modern Throughout, , veauuiuiiy rur nlehed; room-Tight, sunny: plenty -of fresh sir: aocatloB convenient tor Miner noeineea fair; price reaaonabla. , 438 Waahlngloa FAIR Ttsltore Large, clean, airy rooms: bouse. keeplit room a: electric ugnt; everymmg mr-nlahed- reaaonahle. Flaher bolldlnar. Hussell tt Alblna, block from Mississippi STtnu. L car. Terms to permanent tenauta. . BOOMS. furutahrd and un furnished: aleassnt and quiet; take Woodstock car aaa get eri at Twenty-third snd Clinton, ws 8 blocks Boats. Mrs. Bartow, 755 Brooklyn; break - Isst 11 was tee, - -.- ( , .v - THE HAMANN, 188 N. 18th.. cor noyt Newry furalrbed room, ap; onnvetilent ncatjoa, ' 18 mlBBtea wslk to fair rroaada: Morrlsoa car st union depot direct to boaae. Phone 8470. NEWLY furnished rooma, reaaonahle, private femur, 1 Mock eaat. 1 Dlora norta or maia entrance to fair ground. 418 North Twenty. arth at. THE OA BLR Furnished rooms. Rgbt. airy, fea. sobsdis, with Brassiest; a car uses, aaai Twaety-eeTMth sad Taggart sta. THR ALDRRB One r larg. nicely furnished room; alee small eingie rooma, including bath. Phone Mala 1851. 808 Alder. Beat BUta. MARQT7AM H0U8R. 14BH Bth Room aa Bait or ninguil noueeaeeuBng roouse, aaw eiuiew. Beta, eseetiie ugnmt irnaateata, swnirs, rt-RNIHHED rooms BOe un. suitable for t or B persona. Tow vangaa St.. z bwcss rrom maia entrsnos ta expos 11 ion. rnon main a-tuu. HOTEL NORTHERN. Twelfth snd Marshals Nicely turn Is bed koueekeeplng-rooen rrom iv per meath aaa ap; tree phone ana aata. THR BEIXEVUR. S1SH Fourth St.. ear. SaU moo newly luralanea rooms ny tae oay at week; term reasonable, riooa Ton. LARGE front and ltd parlor suitable for large parries; mooers convenience; traaea. able. , 200 arifia at.f.cor. mauiaon,.'. NICELY furnished ' rooma for rent, B44 Slgth - between Jackson snd -JJncolu tts.; batk aa poena; sear ruin ax. caruns. . . LARGR room, new sad clcsn. private family : can nae , gas rsnge ir wanted; rent giv per mootb. 14 vrsna sve., nortn. ' NICE pleasant wanna,' one W two la room, 8fl per day; shady lawn, rree bath, phone; Al, 'blna car.- 811 Rodney ve. - . r NEWLY fnrntahed room la Drlvste reeldence gss, bth snd rhons, Csll TT8 Kearney st. Phons ,1'tcinc rat. . . Kirn , annnv front room, private residence 111 per month: with or wltheat breakfast. Phons Esst 8580, 1 PVRNISHED ronrns. 50c, Toe and 81 no. Twen tieth ant! waaningtoa. . uoa aaa.aoia nptns. Ths Uowiana. . , , 4RfWT pwrtor for grntlemsa 8f rpflnement whs wishes room aesr xas canter . city. 001 EeeretA aw- e : HERE t ths place; Ane rooms on block from car. 10 minute' rid. IBO East Thirty, - fourth .at. 1 - "i THR OLADBTONE 61Jl Saeler at., furnished rooms; Bauer new msnagemsnti price rea - sonskls. ' ' 1 TOPRIHTS' Booming Baresat room , In . parts of elty. 401 Tenth L . I'hos Mill 800B. B-frtfEI.Y -fnrntshed nsian oa csrllne: " . batk. DTcakUst.M desired. s61 Union are,, north, - GRAND ; Roomlng llouee, 45H North Third - rnrnlahed rooma l grnUemen; II 50 weeb,.up. CHEAPEST and best located room fa Portland. v 81 week and ap. Cllmsn. First and Aider sta, NICELY fnrntshed front room, near -carllse nee of bstb; 15 month. B47 Borthwlck. CLEAN, ttcwty fttrnlshet room. B0 to 744 per day. lot Norta Beventeenta at. 8 OIBTA rhar part 4-rnom fnrnlabed bouse. rent 8 escb.. " Foann, atter a. . . 1128 ROOMS, aetly faralabed. Meresth at. Phone Mala 4521). Kay BI THE CASTLE 872 Wasblngtoa St.! fsrulabed Fbon Mala 1070. FURNISHED rooms with kitchen. i L, near BUlceoth; 88v 881 Etsrstl H. E. 'EDWARDS. . ' ' H ', ! ouaefuralaher. . . '. ;, j RENTAL DKPAMTMBNT. ' ' Dwelllnga ef all kind and la all Prts of tb city ar luted wltb as. We bars the " Bioat oomplct directory of Taeaat houaea to " fown, sua If yo eoutemplats morlug It will , pay yea to rlalt our. rental department. W are ure te bars a place fur job. allowing Me 4 partUl Hat: - ' , . , WEST SIDE. - , 1 1 room, gaa, bath, central ,,....;...l"00 S nwiua, 4th at 10.U0 4,.MIll at J 5 8 rootua. Mill at Jf 00 5 roema, centrally located, gas bath.... 14.00 5-rsou cottage, bath, new ......... T. 15 w 'O-rooia eultage, Cor belt et ,.. 15.00 . 1 room, catitrsl, gaa, bath ..,.- W OO B rooma, gaa. bath electricity , j.00 5-roocn cottage, near fair ;1'") . 6-room cottage, Stb st , good eoadltloa. B4.00 B-rwHa Bat, modara, 5th st W.00 T-room houae, nice boms ', f-00 8-rooia houae. Mill al SB.on T-routa houae, gaa. hath 40.00 10-fopm beuse. tuodern 60.00 KAUT SIDE, , . . t-room boaae, Willamette ....,....... 8. 00 t rooms and slurs, sellable M butch- shop ,.1.4.....; 1B00 8-room house, Ysmblll at., feed coodl- tloa 14-00 room. 1 block from carllne 14 B-room cottage, good yard and shad . . , 18 0 ' B-room house, anodera. aaw 1H.U0 T-tuom bona, good yard. Hawthorn at, 20.00 B-roum houae, bath, gaa, electricity to. an T-room aouss. batk , ... 80.00 T-room house, bstb. Bth st ......... -"0 8-room eultage, bstb ..,,...,,.... 20.00 ' H room bouse, very flne, modera place .. 80.00 B-room bouse, modern, ckiee la 80.00 T-room bouee, bath, gas, aesr bcMga. . . . 80.00 T-room houae. furnace, modera .... . .... 85.00 : Note No' I lnformatloa regardlsf . tbeee houae ran be glveo OTr phone. U. K. EDWARDS...... J Houmfnralabar ,.. ... ua to 181 First St. , FOR RENT Aa entirely modera bouse; 1 block from tw car lines, urge bauiroom. tiieu; has' furnace, hot water beater, ws1 trsys, gss snd electric light! larpe lot. A. . Brush, 0" " KADDRRLY TRANSFBR-COMMICSION CO. Plan and furniture moved prompt ry ay es perleoced men. 110 N. Third a4. Mata 188. rOR KENT Modera , S-room boua oa Halsry snd Lsrrsbas au. ; akee -room cottag. cor. Adams snd Haasalo, loimlre 188 Fifth ati fa-ROOM, elegant new' bouee, close ta, modem. For particulars apply caw tiros., ana a.ast Morriaoa. - NK'ELT furalsnst bouse for teat; modera, Esst Grant St. Phone East litU. 42P 0NB 4-room flat, cor. East Ninth aad Belmont St.. 512.M, Phone Esst 11TU. FOB RIMT HOBBEKIEPIRB BOOMS. FOR R ENT Furnished hotamkMplDS-reetua ta best brick block oa east side; gaa raagee, bath, ate. 1 bo O-aaalenu; price moderate. ' Logan blk., lOBVi Union sto aor. Eaat Alder. Psoas Untoa S268. 1 LABOR new elegantly furslabed housekeeping rooms, salrsbla for large parties: gas range, running water. Ths Lowasdal. BOSVk Alder. FURNISHED Brat Boor, complete for house. keeping; batk. gss. large ml ai n earner St., cor. Beventecath. Take Broadway ear. fl PER WEEK Famished rooms, bobseksep. ing privileges. - o..- rigsvs, iwi ewnor. Pboue Hood 8S0. 4 Mulkey bldg. FOB RENT S furnished boassheeplng reama. with or without gaa, turn la; reat ei per mouth. BtW Harrleon st. FOR RENT 8 neatly furnished housekeeping- room la private house; will rarnisa a neon. Phone East BOOT. ... - THE LINDA VISTA, steely furnished bousekeep. Ing aaa rangis rooms reeaonaoie. i iuw. NEWLY fnrnlabed rooms for boueekeepln Market. - B0VSXS FOR RXjTT-rTrRRTTTjRB FOB SALE, FOR beat results oa - ; . W L ITL RJt, , Whether to bey or sell, ring ap Mala 4455, . . PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. . . all First at. ' , .- FOR SALE Furaltura ef 4-roora morning fceaaa. cam In: low rent; must no sou st once make off sr. Cafl at BOB Harraaoa St. .. 11 ROOMS nicely f arnlebed ; rent only 836; will aell - it at -roar wn price. .A am as a. a. H .V . 1 , rURXTTPRB ef aVrosm enttags Sal st a per ram; cot Lags mr reax, . gss. , -oiu a.aai Couch. . - - 1 . 8TB BUYS furalfttre of four -roosas; reat 110. van norinwesi eur. sorty-wsona aaa na Madlaoa. -".-, FURNITURE et a B-room bouss for sals, f Lv trulra at 441 Everett at.. Pboee rreat too. FURNITURE of 4-room bouee for falsi bouee for rent, as monthly. 04 roarta at. : BOOMS ABB B0 ARB,. YES we can arsmmmodata a few xsors tsble- hoarderst home cooking aaa sveryuiing are claas. Aster bouse, iMTsata aaa Msaiswii rhons Mala 8231. THE lindell New family hotel. Market, be tween Third and rourta. stssm Beat, easctrie light, porcelain pains, eiccouingry tow rates. THR IRV1N0 Elegant aseommesstlowa, a exortaust easrgea; oiuine-room la eon nectlen; prlees rlgbL Cor. 18th snd IrrLag, BOOMS wltk board for permane iaent U eooglag, Uaanta, reasons baa; arst-ciass Sixth St. Wl TOR BERT PRFURRISHEB BOOMS. UNFURNISHED rooms for rent ever Piedmont . (Irooer ya lor.- pi Ainswuria svs.. 1'Bons SHI OWI, FOB BERT CAMPS. ZTENSIVB absdy sad completely . errs sard camp ground: apace ror real ay wees er monta; xeeuyarw, write sor wiswuiassj. aw dress West Aeeaae Cemp Orousds, Mount Tabor atatloa, pertlSBd. FULLY furntsbed nouaekeenlng teats; nk-a absae treee; eome aaa Besa coni; roooerate rent, week or monta. lyewke and CUrk Camp, Mt. Tabor riaignta. rnone neon s,. BKTI.ANn. Portland Helrhta The beet knew ted ewmp -greanos ts u city; bud teat a hers river; 15 minutes' walk, ear S bsookai S3 ap. Mala twos. FOB BZBemCX-BMMS. nrnr-E-ROOM for rent. aough bldg. Apply elevator. 70B BXV STOBIS. FINE corner store, Tweatleth and Washing toa: large plate-glass windows; mke Bn location for tlrnggist. irtuaia , O. . Wod ward, 144 Stark st. STORE for rent, 25x100; modern brick; plat . gisss rront; Digs ceiling. , tiv near jsorri son St. , , FOR REMT rttor soi5t); ao arooary. Waetara Importing Co., IBB Fifth at. - FOB. BIRT rXATft NEW naodern- 8-eoom -Bete.- rnrtudlna steel an gas ranges: tlaleey end Lairabea, aaat . Inqulr arts lrrBe. - - - " TOR XVMTnaOXZXAMXOV. j FOR LEASE Upper Boer. TOxlOO, Morrlsoa near postofBce; modera, eleva tur, bests Ad drees O 46, car JonrnaL WANTED FTR fAJICLtX. Il.ono.nv WANTED, T per cent; good security, Aonress n es, cars ournau HOatTBTEAD HXLIRIaTnBITJtlRTB, . , ' ' HOMESTEAD. . - We can locate yoa ea a Brat-else hemesteed . Is tbs fsmous White Salmon fruit belt; good Belt, some Umber, spring water.- Dew't write, but corns It yoa wsat it. We cbsrg 1100 for locatloe. Address Walt Salmoa snd Co Whit Salmon, Wash. Seat for book. - ' fOB BALE SCRIP. FOREST REBEkVR SCRIP P0R BALE Ap- , ... mmjt ..Il mA S l.ulU,. ... tnweat price. E. P. ; at P. B. Klley, Btfi Charmner ef Commerce. , CERTIFIED scrip, Immediate delivery, Elce: timber landa bought and sold. . uwsll, 534 Xbamber oi Commerce. W. O. FOR SALS IN pwNDL. lON. 01iK)- ' I Ton reemieg-bewse, B4 seories, is Bsnrmmis. 14 beurooms farausked eooioletel asm miens, ie Beuroom rsrausaeei wm. rooma eonslst ef 18 beuraoms, parlor, hitch dining-room snd storeroom. 8 hatha, twseiav bseamesti Bret Boor heated kite seat. 8 by turn seel . kouan la new. B blocka from center at tltyt let 40x10 feet; electric llebted. Any one wtehUt; a boelaee ef this kind caanot do better thsa to In Tea tigs U this property. Will take 1.0o4 worU of Portland property, la part pay meat. Price 88,000; 84,500 cash, k a Is 1 ice ea time. Address Rlbora A Nowlla. Paadletos, Oa. rOR BALE Aa eatabMabed well paylot buel- aeas la a growing towa ot neutral uretroni 'will rent the preeeat building and anlarg to salt. .Hare la aa opportunity fat a bualnea maa to establish himself la s rauiaiy grow la town where succeee Is assured. IaUlre er write W, U. J., al Journal etnee. for particulars. B-Dwai 1 ,vna ta AalilAK r. FEBTlLs sou pure water, delightful climate 1 lead of alfalfa, apples and clover. For fall taformstloa address tb Columbia Bouinera Irrtgatloa Co., Be Wereestar blk- PwrUaad. 000 D corner confectionery and cigar -at and; rent reasonable) 4H miles rrom ronwnu; 2.800 popul Ing. . Jame la t loo: pour health rsssoa for sell. nabs m 1 Ariel ho, 5, Ore- goo. Take Mount Scott FARMS, whsst ant timber Isad. acreage, elty bmlueaa chance aad Inauraace. T0WN8END. MAXWELL A CO.. SBt Alder at, . Pbeae Mala ltXt. SACRIFICE If tsksa at ones; 8800 kantlVn a good paying restaurant, or will aell belt Interest cheap; splsndld fixture; three fur niebed room. . Call at tb Helena rasuuraat, 871 Fifth St. . . FOR BALE Restsarsnt and lunch eoontor, re ceipt from BIS to gas daily; siwaoy trnae, long lease, rent fU.50. . Including water; owner leaving dty. Call at ease 884 Rati Morrison st. A SNAP If tskra at 00 ot; aa old astsbllsbed restanrant, . diig . good Busiaeo. m goou mention; must aell oa account f sickness ot owners. Address At 4T, JuaraaL - BAVB some Tslusble fold mining property la jTaa whlca t wiu aen, er give uuerwi w Incorporate snd ssU atucjk aa percentage. Ad dreea M BT, JoaraaL- . A BARGAIN 84.200 will bay a bualnes comer hit 50x100 that will pay JO per cent auevs aU taie and InaursBCe. J. L Wells Co., 84 Grand are, . -. AN tavastmea ta anal, honestly haadled, la beau Ben or writs immsdlsteiy aeiore w sdvsaca. Glaat Coal Co., 811 Chamtxa of Commerce. , WANTBD Partner wltk 8160 for money-msk- lng proposition; - luveatlgate thl, tb per cent proBt and pleasant work. Call tn Fifth. au '-rr- --- 80,000100x100 GOOD bo rises property, brick. imnroremeBta, reatea aaia per mourn , maew re lucre see; a bbbu. dty. FOR aals a eschange, lota aoltabla for- a chicken ranch.. on John Day riesr, Aeunai price 850 each. Addreea P 41. cars ef Journal. FOR BALE Confectionery, cigars, light grocer-1 . lea, UTint-rooam, wita rarnitars; a Bargain Mt takes at ence, 881 Powell, corner store. FOB BALE Grocery store sad fixtures, eotng good beslneaa;' corner Lakm aad AUiaworis area, Pboiw East bat. Reat reaeoaable. FOR BALR Hotel doing a good business! must be sold at once; peine, su.uuu; Ban cash. , W. U. Beck. 807 Falling bldg. , OK- seronnt ef lee vine tba dry the will ll 80-roum bouee for f l.ouo, good tease aad cheap rent. Pboue Hood 88. . WHEN looking for a location. elthtaT dty roontry. csll oa lbs Northwest Land Ca, ti rf coontTT. Morrleua at, 211. $1,200 RESTAURANT, seats 82: Al furniture and location 1 asrgs traoe. r-aieawmi svewiiy Co.,- 812 Flue, - FOR SALE Sawmill with 18,000,006 feet of timber, close to rortiaaa, Aoarses ea, care Journal. -,- NEWSPAPER plant for aala ta a growing towa: well estsbiished ban nam, inquire a. is, a.., care JearasL - -- WANTED rrtner for food paying cash bwsi- aaa; eoou retjuireo, , Aaarses. n eu, care JoaraaL ,-, , RESTAURANT oornt, $150 National rash register gaMM lake every taiBg, asi Lpsnur. . $860 RESTAURANT, centrally lace ted, cbeai rent, sea as; fw te aw trim nsiiy. ' ei. PIbs at. ' . PARTNER wltb aboat $160 cash! big Bwaey. AOdrse a w, car earaai. FOB BALR Hotel' Scott barber -shop. Seven th aaa unrnaia. 1 , 1 . FOB Skit RIAL ESTATE. xewTseisleweiBwXw i DOUBLE Y0CR MONEY. $800 Over full tot with a cosy cottag. block from atoree. la Wood Lawn. $Too Full lot wltk a good new 8-room eot tage that cast orer $)0 to build; not 'over - t blocks from Woodlawa carllae; will rent any time for $10 er sis Per moatn, 81.400 40 acre. 14 la cultlratloa. eo fortable boaae ' and bara, good well of water at the kitchen door, a couple aprtnga out la the aside, id acree aeevy umber, balance creek bottom land DSstsrst It lovely country pjxtc aad a big snap for the money; -1 mile rrom etectrie car atatloa, to miles eat. $2 500 If like getting money from bomet gravel, living water, t very excellent snrtnse. email bouse, enlr 8VA Bit lee from hwelneea renter of the dty, 1 mile from atatloa. $2,5011 For aa up-to-dat, modern ly-eoulpped t-ecr poultry reaehl beaatifut cottige, good bara, 8 large poultry -bouses, choice fruit, loco haters, brooder. Implement aad tool; B minute' walk electric cere. -Yea'll never eee the beet until yoa see th THE DUNN-LAWRBNCR COMPANY. 18V rirst- st. $41800 16 PLATS, for, Teeth sat Taylor) ream peau moauiiy. . 2.000-t1 00x100 ati Beventh St. I rents $818 (toataiy. - - $12,000 TS feet aa Washlngtoa ett cheap- eat Was lag tos at, property oa the aurket. 810.VM 100x100 -ec. Third at. . RAHLSTROM AJ ATTERSON, --!r ,--- 146 M Foarth at.7 cor. Morrison. - 5XTR0 ELEGANTLY finished. tboroaghly modern B-room bones, just eompieteri; rrac ttonal lot oa Btenben at., near Ladd tract. bet. Beat Eleventh aad Twelfth eta.! splendid location, a car lines ea asm block, baa flre- plseat farnace, wash tray, paneled dining. room, bandsemely atalned woodwork, enam eled tiled kltebea and bathroom; will sell for mail eaab payment, balance Inatallmeata- it deerred; this la a splendid bom aad will appeal to good- taste; agent at bsasii after noon from till 8. W, L. Morgan, $18 Mc Kay bktg. -1 - - HOI'HB of T rooma, 4 finished, cement basement, lot. lOrTlfsV aear St, Jones. 81.000, 44 rseh. House of 4 moms. Ninth and Powsllj mtiTlslOO, e,vw. v 1 .mm, '- v e " , Pin lot. 75x100, $400, $28 cash, blBC t0 per mnoth; ea car line. , t ACRKM near Lents: ao gravel! very sightly; 8750, $60 rash, balance ea or be for 2 years, 8 per cent, : 80 acres, H mil from car liar, 14 hi eultt- ratton; fin crop; gx.nm, y, cash, CHARLE8UN A CO. (IB Altsky bhlg. - Phon West 841 tVt ACRRR Bond land bone. 100 fruit fn Wfberg' un:' old la bearing ant. of " mlaed Terletles! il.SftO. B-mom booee end 8 fall-ante la centtsl Twrl dence part Eaat Port Is ad: slegaut location; , - nrlce term. . 1 Corner lot aad 8 good cottages, close In, Easf Portland; rent IM; prh-s e,9uu; gooa invest ssent for fncecne. a Alee several half brts, doss In, , East Pert- CL'LVER. Pint St. . WILL bay yo t tot aad build houaea to aalt ta . -any pert of the dty. 9 so caan, piu.rej mentniy, geta a ew novo. - - loo caeh, - 12.50 monthly, get fe0 horn. ' 150 cash,' 15 04 monthly, get 1.11 bom. tnn cash, to Or) monthly, get 1.500 home. MO rash, 25.00 mosthly, get 1.000 heme. 6"0 cash. 86.00 monthly, gata 8.000 home. If vow are later ee ted wa ah a It as blessed to Beet yo an expense for plan and MUmtteas ROPT0N BUILDING CO., , . 128V Ftrat, cor. Alder. "-.- A - SNAP 8-room aJodera bouse, lot 80x125, tshle, fruit, roses, cut stone Peace aad (ten; butH for bom at wy-dowa price, e Wil Hem are., close to Rua 11 t. Sea owner. - $4.000 Oa Reventeeatki lncom $84 per month, j- :, ,, :- 830 v , ssu, at., reem.4. 1 ' WHY ' PAY HIGH RENTI k"U1 down, gill nee month.. DSW COtlSgO, HOxlOO feet. Laurelwoud sdd., assr tar. 1400. 100 down. 91B per nvsitbT new B-room bons. , lot 80x100, Koria Alblna add., Beat car. 8150, OREOOR ASSOCIATED BXCHANGB." 15514 Fourth at. .. , . stoool M. It ACRKB. -cl ( A)l cleared, rich land, k acree bssver dam (valoa laud), sea-his water, wlthla 8u0 feet of Oregon. City ras line, t wiles south ef Mltwaukte- euwlri he .iiKdlvliled Into lotB OT 1 acre tracts; price f.l.Ooo; easy lertus; would "gall on half for Bl.OOO. ' " - 1.. AMEHICAN INVESTMENT CO. Phone Mela oaKh- B2B FtlHng bulldtng. - POR SALE. ' ' ' ,.- B, 8, T, 8-room amuses built to ardor and sold oa the Installment plsn; priors from 1,000 to 88.000; .sleo equities la eereral ousea for aals or will exchange for vacasl lota; ales vacant- lata for aals at Searlsw, Long Beach snd Ttogsf Bb house far tent la Holiday Psrk add! Hob. WUUam O. Beck. 807, toe Falllut. . ' PORTLAND HEIGHTS. JIb- lota, Couiniandlng good view; 8450 each: Six lota, cemuisadlng good slew. 81,000 each. We believe tbeee ere the cheapest snd best . lots was the Heights or la the elty I all front, ing ea rsr Hue: essy terms. , , AMERICAN JNVEnTMENT Cf,.N k Phone Mala 8383. - - Xfit railing building. FINR modera koasaa ta HoUsdsy Psrk aaV dittos must be sold at 0004 owner leaving towa; also 10 Bne lot with osmeat sidewalk. . sewer la, improved atreet,' else Bull Rua water. For Information see William G. Beck. - No. BOT FaUlng bldg., or B. Mica. Twsaty. aeooad aad Wasco sta. ' , : FOR 8ALR A BMdern eormee brlch blosk. B atory and basameot, 4 storerooms. 40 coons . furnished: will sell all or a Derate at bed . rock prices! also 1 stsodern t-room reside ne. close to Russell ea wuusms sv. r- gooa Income property. "Ths islllng bldg. Icxialr ( WtJ, etocksJ rOR BALE New house, ale locatlo; will real at once for p per monta; nic rigni; also a lot ea L'sloa sve. very cheap; ivr a paying InTestmeot luveatlgate at oua. - Ad dress 1008 Esst Blxteeata St., Borth,- call from 8 to 8 p. am. POR BALR 10 sere chela Mad. It arils from Portland, uitabia tor a bomet eaaiiy lav proved, haady t B. B. aUttoa. boatlaadlng aad good toad: good aolL For particular addreaa A. R. FolksabetB. Bolbcsea, Or. 82.400 8 ACRES -well. Improved, all to. tss trait, fair DUiioings,. D iocs a rrom - car line, can be bought oa eery eaay term! las mediate posseaslon; will tsks part ta real astatawe Call 10TV Third at. CHOICE BUILDING LOCATIONS - . ; Kearney at,, aukuu; 1 -sot sea. smss, ---Eaat SKth St., KWxlOO; corner. $1,100. - v Nob H11L BOxlOO: a rare snap at $1,800. 80S Commercial bldg. SELLWOOD TOWNR1TB CO. 88 monthly pay ments will buy .yoa a fine lot in Portland prel Hell Toa or" et fleet sunuro. rnoae inma luu. "las Usrood car, get off at Tcnlne. - Bellwoud owaajt Co. - '- ' SALE BY OWNER 8 Improved mt. 8- lee. bara. trait, abrubbery. nowers. Innulre ea premise, 440 Twenty-sixth aad -Tillamook, north. Tsks lrvlngtoa car.- POR BALE New kouse, rental Tare $28. price eouo; part casn; bsisbcs .easy term; aa aa Investment or for s home, look this sp. C 80, car Journal. FOR SALE 2 best mta la Hsw. a- barrsln: 1 thorns a First hddltton. block from public school aad csrllne. - In qulr 136 Waeblngtoa sr.- - - . FOR SALE Piedmont lots, aesr car line; very L 2P 57 "r'r far.' ' Eighteenth cheap to aettie est a re ot c. H. Lee. lira. OWNER leering city -will eell IH seres aad smtu bouse at s-s price ox enjoining property. Address 411 Esst Thirty-fourth St. Phon Eaat Brno. 1 . BALE or less, lo-room bldg., ground BOx 100, ad joining Business seciion; rent Brings Dig infer eat oa money In rea ted; muat aelL BUB Darla. FOR SALE A room cottage, modera. lot fenced. fruit trees, a block rrom cart each er terms. P. J. Ryder. Monta villa. Pboaa Mala 8888. FOR SALE Modera suburban cottage, ease to car line, one socsuon, srouna tuvxiwu. O. w. p. Towusite i., la rtrst at. : A FEW lota for ssls ea eesp1 Isiaat assi sat , nns; gooa rssiuence awignoornoowuAswjeas. -r Jona sain, room a. an aura ex. FOR SALE 4-room hones, basement a jd fruit tree; and Bannytid ssa.Mt. xabJB-ear iiw; B550. Addrees k 01, rfoumai. . meat walk: rend locetnwi. ijoi , aear xeata at. Be owner, XeU Btara at. . FOR BALE or exchange, 11 H acre lmprsred. 1 H miles rrom Montamu csruae. jaquir ) owner. 414 Uelxooat. a trxriFXS Tsrxw. whb wtoisw, verw wnw Dusrui handy to csrllne; terms, rrsnk Maivia, gul x.omaurcii wiua. , t . . $1,680 New 5-room cottage aad t large km en, cor. Grsad ava. aad ah ret at. Be ewa, . k4 BhSTsr st. 1700 NEW 4-room heme, plastered, painted. DT1CB aasemsBs, ms stniw, wouuwwb.. room Bcou lo , ROB SALR ea ear Ualre Rue .841 acre rrull Sixth at, . East 8-ROOM bouee for sal er reat! bet wees Untoa and WllUama ares, inquirs V Maliory sre. aooti. . POR SALE 1 snd 8-acra tracta aesr carltna. , H mil from MIlwaukM postotnes. c.,B.. i)al- lard. ... 8-ROOM bouse, cheap for cosh. iBoulre L. B atemiogters, aloeemoat are,, moataTum ear, POR SALE Cheap, lota ra Lower ARrina sa tastailmeeie or caaa, -Inqulr 271 Market at. REAL BBTATI bought, sold and exchanged For bargain, see tyordoo, aoa fourth at. DESIRABLB realdences and lot, treat ar east aide. Apply forenoons e Tbira st. ATTRACTIVE homes, B snd S rooms; batk, gss. Bice shrabbery. 1082 rroot at. A MODERN 8-room boa for sale cheap. qnlr 40T 'n Tf',' t'i"i, ,n r axnr F0B".StB" MTIOIlJeAW0TaaV ""' , IB' MRS. . HOWE'S BI'LLBTIN Good atovewood clean and dry, , ready to cord, at 82.60 pet ' sard; eek and Br at rat rate; brick for sal cheap; express tot ' hire; bouee for real. ' Phone Unioa ITS er 14) East Dlvlaloa at. BILLIARD AND POOL tables lor real a tor saw oa eaay payments, TUB BBUNSWK.K-BALKE COLLENDBB CO. , . - 4B TSira st.. rortiaaa. JOB SALE Nearly new thresh er outnt; teixtB Advene eeperstor wltb osculating stacaeri 10-borre traction engine ; ready tor buslbses. 10H1 Esst aaimsa at. .- POST SALE Fine cams wagon, horse, bars atoee. ete.s will aell very eh can oa account of stcknav See It at northeast earner Uood Bad Porter grreete. Wl scant your Barns o 10 calling cards, prepat ala aad urt. 28. 850 bneluees car da, II. . Drawn A Scbmato, tSB Plrat, - Psrllaad, Or. W0VEN-WIRB ant apbeMtortt ' est, camp tore, hammock and camp furniture, la clBo Teat A Awning Co., 17 North, rroot. LAUNCH for tela, length "86 feet, 16 B. P. en gine, larg carrying opacity! pries Tary cheap. Address H 66, ear Joaraal. AUTOUOBILRX model W. Cadillac, detachahl tonne u, exceedingly good ennui tloa, cheap for caaa, Addreae r u, journal. . , . ANTIQUE Blabogany furniture, old brass, cop per. pewter clock! snd taouaaw asi w auu toa. - ' - ' ' TELEPHONE bracket gat trine. Pioneer Weat Mfg. Co., B. Bevaath. Phone Eaat 8108. FOR SALR Smith Premier typewriter, sttmnrt new, res eons hie. Addreea a , wtmrnsi. ONE nld-styl Koch barber -chsJr In rat -clam condition, resaousDl. n nerxu aiaua. FOR BALE SAVAGE RIFLE wltb complete enpplles.t csu or addreaa aija ueanm eiug. GfHlD rerrlgerator for ssle. - Inmitre of Mrs. Wm. Irh, 1701 Eaat llth. aellwooa. THE H. C. At.REE C0.-avvmd-hml machinery, . sawmill, etc. 848 Grand v. FOR SALECanarr-blrowi fln slrer. Eaat Lincoln at... Bellwoed car. FOR SALE Chgp, Eaat 514. , a good gocirt.' Pbon S OAS ttore aeirty SOB Jtfftrsoa St. . pew, $7.50 nth. Call f 1 f'iryt C C -JJlI BAUHA1" 4. A Hi- , r s level cea bote tern, t s-,.e t i 1 4 C- ,-r, daliy boat, rich Bail, timber, only T.e per sec. ; T.000.O.M) feet 6r,,er B. H. $1608.'. " lts scree, g.w e 1, level. 40 here altanst cleared, eo acr e t t, ans aw ale, creeav $ miles from b, ..; I1.Ua), terms. homestead r, .eout '104 acred smooth Usd, x ..ut $ aire cleared. T..Dartlallr Cleared, el. seine ewm.lwAee aaa. - Ily slaabed: logxiua-eamn. hulidlasat will n Mil for value ot lmprormata. 140 acre, rolling, excellent soil! 80 aerea creek bottom, th crop, 6 acres alaahad. sr chard, good t-room house, Lsrgs barn, other bulldlnaa, schaolhouss eu place, 1.000,000 test Br timber: $ miles from railroad snd bust, only $1,250. . . , , Numerous ether bargain. .JAMES J. OK BANE. . " VauooBTar. Wsah. - ' -: .. a 1111 1 BOW m thto for a aor bay? tra) acre S mile froia end of O. W. P. electric Hue. 148 acre la high atate at cultivation 1 ll-toota. 1 bouse, large barn, large tank sad windmill, all klBua ef outbulldmgsi fla a tea as fruit direr; SO aerea flu prune. 23" acres Terr fine apses on-hard, fence all aaw; let of running water; th toll la af the Tory best auslity. ' Peice only $50 per acre, jnet little more tbaa the cost ot Imsrovaweata. H 8, car of JonrnaL 10 ACRUH, 20 mile oat on B. P. R. B.t 5-roots , bouse, gnud bara and cblcksa bouse. gooaV water, ISO Boy si Ana cherry trees 11 years ski. a number ef apple and pear treee,, act art strawberries, 1 acre ta blackberries, . 1 acre la grapes; farming tool aad chicken, all goes 1 thl place will he sold la the next ' 10 days at a sacrifice. Call 1071b Third St. POR klA Frm 146 aerea, B mile' nortkwea$ et Forest Grove, B miles from Gales Creek, oa rural man ana mug route; bo acred under cultivation. 40 cra bottom, plenty of running water, $ dwellings, bara and ethet building, good orchard. Price 838 per acta, Oanrad Ttmmerraan, Galea Creak, Or. Wl 'ha tuat platted 180 acre m 6-acra ' , inoa as e, www w sww wees psecwe ex IBSll -1n Multnomah county: 11 mile saet of Port. una aaa ese ibsb i mils rrom o. w. P. electric line: .there te-ao rock er rravel!kthe price m $06 per acre, aa eery eaay term. ' 11 10.- WIW WS lUWUli TEN acre ea Powell Valley reat, S mils cut, lave lereL good land and May te clear, very 7iignx limner, no urge xumD, oory a aborl nietanc m u. w. r. eiectrw nn; price $50.0t per acre, ea Tory ssay term. Other tandV adjoining Mlllng at $100 t $185 par acre Address T SO, care JoaraaL FREE LAND IN OREGON and tba "Carey; jrngsnoa acx. - issea airect rrom state " Write today., Booklet ant ma free. B S 1.00c t us., xoi Aioer at., rorxi. or. 24-ACRI farm, some bottom, good orchard. spring Wster, goo barns, gooa Boas, n or mules, supplies, Eagle Creek atatloB. -enqalra Charles Wagner, 565 Lake St.. lty. . , ACRES and alee new hooss, good well and . outbuildings, 400 feet from O. W. P. eletw trie line, good land aod really cleared, aalj $760, K (Ml. care Journal, . .. FOR 'SALE Ranch. 208 sere, near MeMlaas . villa. Ot.: Ideal bop Una. , . E, Care. 10 Sixth, cigar a tor. . , , FOR southern Oregoa real estate, large ar amal . tracts: Diuard cuytoa, aoeeourg. ut. FARM for rent with eprtoa ef baying., C aMDOrfnefW B0rF WOal4l, mtn9t, JT0 UCKAR0E. BXCHAXGE :-.... ., -, , H4ii acre aond wheat land, arm aerea ml '. tlTatet. one-half "ta aummer fallow, 1 mil -from railroad lo Vorrow county; wITJ take- - small farm ta W illamette valley or Ports land property a part pay; price, $15 pet - acre. WIU exchange a fine Mater Waahlngtorl -Beet rrm 4 or a Brunei. -in- rnrtiane. wurta . from U1 ike), lo lia.QUL , What Sana - . 820 seres 75 screeu plow - aad- bay 41 acrear nssture-. SKafid ' houae. - barb. ro, out I' I bouee ; 45 sere, of beaver da mv prcnarOa stock, Implcmear. crop, 4n Klickitat county, . Washlngtoa. oa White Salmon. Will trsdB . lato a mrger wheat -farm; price $4,000. . . -M2B acres One of the choicest ant beef . - farm la tba Willamette valley, floe boned , .and fine bara, to Yamhill county: will trade, for eastern Oregon er Wash lotto wheat farm; pdee IJo.isxi. - . '" -Imrarored Portland property, rents bow $159 acr menlh! trade for a farm. . 58 acres Part rmptreved, boaae. bara; T . acre la' hop, running water, m 'mlledj ' from Orego City; Uade for Portland prep ; - Good ineoow-eroTNty,' cbotceat location, ea) , . . ..... . , e..m. aiofinrl V acres All choice kand, linpiused, tuodj ; buildings, nesr lireahaai; win iraes, ,or luiie land property and psy cash difference. 140 acres Fine timber en tide creek. Bast Goble; will trade for Portland er Vancouver; proierty. - . r. -; .. . ; ' 4nacrea weeBlaBat .aear una twa. ; wug :Jj irafm. . . . - . rire-mom aew. medera cottage, fa Woodj -. lawn; will exchange tor properly nesr ta aat) pay cash difference; 81 500. - - , ' Elgbl-room sew., modern bouee, cloM Iff on Best Mala tt.l tsks aom smsller proper tj -farther eot ss part psy. . ' - Two nice lot ta Tlbbett'4 addlttoa; tradaT ' Into a- ht uee. - ' . ' Tnreesood house, choV e-rttloa. aadj aome building bits ra pes-tUad: will trade slk ee a Itert for stock Of gaMtal awattmaBdlst ff'er hardware la aved Taller, towa- lo-raism elegant souse, a run aoie, hss . psrt psy ta smsller bouse er lots. - s to sere, choice lead, eaitlrateA. - ecrefl . bearing erchsrd. bone, bora, dryorl mil from Newbergt a nlc aome; trade for bomsl ria I'ortlaad; prefer la s seer Bennyslde, . 40 acres, sll choice land, 20 sere -which ta beaver. dam, IB acre cultivated j f bouee, bara, orchard, running stream water. goad outrange for etock. la pas good horses, E cows. 4 Toottg eattm. 8 bo 1 leugou. 1 buggy, nwiwec. take. pmw. cnlttrator an 4 all tresis: la Clsrk coantr. Whhigta: will trad for a bore la eoborbe af Portland, price for.pll. $2,000. '1 ' - : k-room modem bom, alee bar WOilOO, - Sound an nice, fine Watloei. trade for A rm er Improved acreage; 88.000 ... ... . - 10 acre choice land, near Odd fellow . bom; trad for Improved city property. ..- T icrea und nesr Jrvlngtoa; Wad1 tot improved city property. . ' Elegant moOcrn bome In Salem; will trad . : Into a good farm or Portland rmiperty tad, , pay rg caak dlffereace) what hsre yon . V We hw"mnygooa trades tP offer ee( , ahm lr Hat of farm and dty property for kasle. Be n before yo buy. , . HENKLE A BAKER, cTWX :- '' 21T Ablngtoa Bldg. TO EXCHANGE Hows snd.S tott' ' farm 1 a or mm iim ,w . - " acres aear Rlvcral.le. CallfornU. to for Portland property. . Room 211 AlUhf bldg. - EASTERN farm sad dty property to exebang for elty rest estste, rsncbes, mlua, timber - or merchandlae anrwhera In aorthwett. Dst latoa Broa., Matomanle, Wl. TO exchange for farm. Port lend resldenes psy Ing per cent on $4,000. H TO, csr Journal, FOB SALB TIMBER, TIMBER-LAND WANTBIV-1,000 to 8.408 cra dlaeent to Columbl river or other galtablB I ream.' B. B., car JoaraaL , . ' 180 ACRES yellow pine and fir, thro mill!) feet eceesslble, $1,200. I. Balnea, 82 8a Rafael St., Portland, Oregea. ' FOB SALR Two homestead ' rtHnouhhmest Clsltns; second growth 1 will seal cues p. R. P. NleWoo, Hotel Rhelapfala. - ' . . FOR aomektMds, timber -cutma and farmland m A, S. Mathews A Co.. Xll Morrlsoa L, B, srorxisBU W, r -. J 40 ACRES tlmber-Isnd. ' Yhmblll eoaaty, $200, Apply 880 Mississippi an. . rboaa Ualos) ' $452. . , - ' FOR HOMESTEADS, - timber claim ant taaiR apply to, lot Coxaaiorclai blk. - - CHOICI timber-claim aat homeatead. Toi Chamber of Commerce. , ' JOB RAIX B0R8IS AJTB CABJUASIS. GOOD teanw about 100 each, bsmees aat S - Stiidebskrr wagon; price $20. PbwB Union.. 48H8. ,- , , , . - - ' 1 FOR BALE A good urlrlral boreei. cheap, at Reel A Dvl' woodysrd, cor. Tsstn ana soen FOB SALE LrVMTOCRV FOR SALE Goot milch-row and a gentle te year old lev say bulL 1004 Milwaukee, Ball f - .-:.AJia.tTm. ' Raam-mmswaaaatm PROF. RICHARD MAX MEYER Portrait aat , - Issdscsp artist! lutrnetloa la ell palatlng. water color, etc., and drawing! art gallery' , eoaneeted wltb studio; ntctares for sal ant ' framing -to cder. 848 Alder at. Papaa 1848. , ARCamCTB. SAWMILLS designed end be lit: pUa and) estimate furnished.' G. B. Hatnlltos, 474 Mauanlu t., Portlasd, Of. rboadj 8fU B1M, v r 'V ,1