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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1905)
. A, I Li OOMS Of - . - - . . Xemons, Oranges and peaches " ? From California to Supply ,Frult Demand, ; f CANNED MEATS VERY FIRM I:! " WITH A TEN-CENT RISE Cantaloupe Art Very Few but To- natoes Keep Up ,Wlth the Demand N ChanieTn. Poultry Price and .t Pront Street Butter la the Sanaa. . '!.:v.-. r . '. t-''""' -'" i rrnt street, Jaiy 36. featerea of mm Jural wkoieeale market teaay mi Laminthaul ' . i ' Bantu relief trl la (Ifht. ... tarluad ot peecbes and oreBgeg U Th can of neleas receive. . ('ntskjupeaare few. ' -Slackeerries becoming plentiful. -Unm applae i tor.lga. aawkata. Cscaariiere ar eeBiBxm. Tomato fleaMBS -is Ureea Cora 4b better grade. Plasty ef arm.' potatoes. - :;, Ne eaansa to. noaltrr. '.V- rroat atraat butter unrbanged. Kaoagh egge for oemaad, , fie euultaera Oregee cblaooae. Baad eat ef. awrfcat. i- Caaaea ateats mf Brow ' v. " ' taasaat davs'sre these hr the eMBanaalne . ' atk. la many , thins they have fur aala the annolr la aa areat aa tka esraaad; ..ethers, the daauad la freetet thaa the eop. .Dir. la. other aara It ae baea a "laaat ar ' famine" eaaaa. wltk tka frost atraat aealere wise she aearset.weB all te overftowta witM a proeact o( tka kack gsrdea ar tna aonp, asi I In people felt like eatiag; . , wkaa tka aurkat Wall bar of t too tttsga of tbla aartk, everyone f art a kmgtag t faaat. Bt tka tkouaanda of arpoattloa Tlaltora kara , bara tka awana of katpinf tka bow tm. Tka fruit aaarkat la lookloa BD toda. Ball road tilelala who xaatan! autad that tka carwaa at oaaaaaa wbkb -wmm . bjr alow fralcbt b Pnrtkud from tka Oaacaot dtt ana wauM aot raaea aara aotii mw that tha fralt aaaa ba laealrra today " Ula Italy plaaaa taka kotloa.) Ubmbb did not to ap tbla noralnc aa waa aapactad, kat If tha ary ray 01 out aoi aa o awm war to a nattavlu of ratBdrooa tbla fmlt Wll koao anlu oo tha aa arada. A carload o( tba yallow iktrataaaBcarra waa raealrad tkla awninc. bnt It laatad alck. Xaoach araacra h i kh NMliai fraaa Call forsla tbla atorolna. aa alas waa a car of DMcbaa from tha aama anmaMaiwaaltB. And - ' )aat to tblDk It takaa 10 earloada of awlnna daily to auDDlr tka Partlaad asarkat. Tka Hum city la vary far aortk of tha klaaoa and ' Dlxoa Una. too. ' Tba aoaded 10 BMloa card wara an loaded aarlT. Blackbrrrlaa ara - , eoatlat qalu plontlfaL tha Proat atraat ptica balac Be par pound. . WalU Loadoa aad Boa too . twoola are onlorinc Orraoa aaplea with tbalr - fcreatfirt fctyoa rartltnd folk - ara- -barteg to ba aatlaflrd wltk tba Cantorala fralt atitb tooa af from 1.3 to 4l.1t jf boa, Tatataklaa Ara riakl'"'- ,. Tka Dallaa la faralabtna tba local aurtet . with caeaaibara la craat abaadanco. Tboy ara beta aald front BOe to Tie par bei Toautoaa ara atlll vary proaiiBaBt la tna aunoa or ua hotal-aioa aad boaaekaapara and tba daaiand ta ataadr at Toe to II. par box. la of a nark bettor era da tbla atoralna tbaa It baa baea for arrrral daya, Tba prlxa ranc -V frao l to fl.Bd par aark. Tba raealpta of aaw . potatoaa ara aary Beery wltk prlcee T5a ' per . inn. Oaa dollar and tan eeata to 11.23 are tba , price Barkinaa . aaaa aa earn aacka. Caa't ti all tka cantaloapaa aia waata that la. It one'a wanta arc larca. Tfeay are "atlrlaf from U!l1Uamu.V. ..- '-.'t-Nlir aat-Mwfa-ia, -tna aupplr andtt draiapd la tba lnral 'poaltry -narktt atlU raa band fa hand. Tbt market baa aot baea flatted, nor baa It been tlcht In tha lire fratkar Una. , Eat' ut aa : pirntirai aa -preaoane. . t'ommlaatoa man atlll- aay tkat they cannot ralao an batter, an did tba creamery aiea tha . '-draf of tba wek. - Tka Front atreat-idoalerB aay tbat a freat deal of butter la osmtnf la , aaa mat mere m ao anaauai rnaa to boy. Tba warm weather baa played karoo wltk ; tba aoutkara Orecoa flak tkat bara baea eeeklng - mi torai amaraot. la aiatea (Dec at waat , two toaa of flak aklpped to Partlaad from , enu there Oracoa polaU tba drat mt the week kad ta be dumped. Cklaeoka wara . tba flak received from the eeata, hut bow tka demand . . for tbla food la anpplied treat towne alone tha . Columbia. Mbad are eat. of the market -ao fai ' -aa the anpply (nee. altheark once la awhile - a atray one la allpned fata tbo market, other aa and ahan tab ara aa of yore.., .Tbo' BrloaJ Canned meata are rery Ira, wltk d 10e rlaa r Today'a wholeaala duoUtlona, aa rerlaed, . . - araia. Tlear aad read yt B t AT Coatraeta, 1006 New elab and red. . nominal; rlub and bard red. TSat aoft rod. T8c: bhieetcm. hXc; ealley. HO Me. JkKLtV: leed. tXAOO; rollad, 50) brew. wyWbola. VB Mi (racked. $2AM per ton. r. nr l . yrw -.aa-fte 0AT8 No. 1 white, IMMWi any. ' FLOUR Eaiter Utokou rataata $4 na d.M; atraiahta. S.TB; ex porta. aAkOQAKAi allay. 44.10; trakam, a. (pl-OO! 10a7 ! I rye. 50a. HI. in: balea. aS.TS wiiiei", ew.w, mmi ha, flnuirr. excuu: eltr. 121.00; chop. 18.00. ' W' . HAT Timothy. . Willamette Talley, fear. 1 JJ5"'.,.L"- z;r : jzr'".,vzr' araia, fM.VV, Hii V..wa ; - Bttor, Zrtl aad realtrjr. U. BUTTER I" AT Sweet, die; eonr. laa " BUTTEB City craamary beat, 824aei aemeid r' f?!J": -mm ?a?L "" a21"! t! EiiOH No. 1 freak Oregon, candled. tSeiSe: nrandled, 1J1-: aaatern. atc. ' ',. CHEEMB New rull cream, twin. ' lici ,VMin America. J8lHc; Cheddar, lie." ' POlXTRX Chlckena, Billed. 13c ami lb! youag. loo era. laHe draaaad, Xeaa. Waat and Xldaa. ' BOPS Contract, loos. Ua( 1BUA crop, ITa .-ia tea- enotoei teciie - rr - nrimoa aad WOOL 190 clip, -Vaner, aoeree tomadlam. 4Hassci Boa. de; aaatora Oretoe, uiu, 4c per to : i per in; nroiiera, IHc per lb; fry: par lb; ducka, 4.00ia.M par doai Bene per lt; turkere. i;lo per ibi d. 9023a per lb; aqaaba, M.00 per doa. r . - kinHiiaLVnmi.l .tnati. HEKPBKINs abearlnc. l50.i alkw m.1 lS?i?2lf!"2di?" W wool; nirae-uii aiaea. no, 1. ja It aad BD. .lttlH per lb; dry kin. Ma. I, (to It Iba a I ted krdea, eieera,' anand, 00 Iba or ever tvTa wlb wool. on. each, SBcdtll. r ' , - rratta aad Tor Teeotaklee. .' rOTATOES oreooo, B0r,J.00; rar lata. TOO l9 Va cm,,,Ii. )ac , awaat. OMION8 New California red. It OOaTI f1 OallforBia yellow lStarera. lTSl.iot WaUi Walla. B1.1B; farMo, O10a per l5 l "-f!!B8H KClT Applea. aaw Cwtoa. ! pl.TB, oreof-e, late ValenclM. M.ooaa ms baaaaaa. Be lb; leawna. choice. J.(o box: .fancy, " 00 per hoi: llmaa, W ex lea a, 0e per - : plBeapplea. v M.2S; . aprlcotm. TBafMe; -prackoa.-ToejMepiBBia, TBflWa per crate: , raaprorrlra. tl.TB par crate of M beree; centa. , loapae. . a.T56I.OO crate; tocaBberrlea, l.fa crate or S4 boxeoi watermelotie, Mreil.tS cwt- t-m,1 r-""- VI(IKnHl.iavtknilM. II m a. carrata, $l.00jl f per rack; Beets, ft. ,1 fl pet aack; Orefon radlakea, SBo par ai.ootl rauoaaet' urefna, l.xs per cwt; treen rr'r'.. v.'1;? 2iiaim; (ff1.9fl: atrlaa been. ttBet eaelirLkaVaa. n tt MOO per crate: rboharb. lUa tier lb! boree- 'rarflah. 12c per lb! artlchokee, 40MMIe. per eet hotbouae lettneo, B0I7ne: bead lettnee, Ike per doa frean enloaa, lDQUUc per doe i aplnach, "Be per lb; (reen onrn, fl.or1Al.5a per aark; peae, - p-r Hi; eoeombara, B0TBc per koi; celery, II I Pr 4Va. ERlka axrr AODlaa. araporatod. taf i. , !"!:'. "P ' ouub. aoaaa, aaTr; lp. IB to M the, Set aonod. 10 to 14 tba. a Hei-calf, eoned, nader 10 Iba iHII llc-rao horaebidea, aalted, eerk, H.ei!Tll: dry ,ek, Il .i0djl.60, cola bldaa VX ,.0tZ 1 anat . aklna. aommoa. each, iaatia., A ' eiinsoiiLED . ffiLL STREET Markets " Maintained " the Even . Tenor of Their ; Way ' : ..' Throughout Day. . ; ONLY ACTIVITY BEINQ IN " . ; ERIE AND STEEL ISSUES Rumors That Railroad's Second Pre; f erred Would Be Put on Four. Per Cent Basis Caused Many to Part With Coin for the Shares. ( " (furnished hr OTerbeck. tarr A Ceoke Co.) New . York, July a Tke aiarket showed aitreme dulliieaa aaata today, tbo only activity being-. 4m tke - ateel Md Erie hwaea.- Priroa wara Well maintained, kowerer, tkroock tba aeaaloa aad tho c koala showed tracUooal (Slue aecr mat Blsht'a flf area. - ' y Tka Erie etoaka were bonbt hearfly OO rumor tbat tha second areferrad would bo put aa a a par cent nana. Todar a aracui Block market i ' Storka Open. Close. Amalgamated Oopper-Co M 4 Atchleoa, commoa MB - !J Atchison, preferrad ... !...,.... ,.12 - ri44 Americas Kusar, common ....... .lHK1 TV XI Amerlcaa Smelter, commoa v .118(4 110i americaa ameiter, prererrea .. iieh iv Baltimore A Ohio, cobbm .......lia 111 Brooklya Rapid Tranalt 874 ' H Canadlaa Plcloc. ooramon 1bi Cbleaaa, Mllwaukaa A Ht. Paal,...17 TTHT4 Erie. eommoB .... ............ 4HU 47 1 llllnole Central 184 imi UHiwmia naskniie . ..14.1v, i4sys Metranollten ktreet Mall war ..120V4 lxd ManhatUa Railway .- .. ' 10BVI Meiicaa Central Railway '4 tlth Mlsaoorl ParlBO TV BTX new lors v enirai . . . . . . ..ui.a. 1 Norfolk A West era, commoa it.... M M Fenaayhranm Railway .v. 141 "141 Proole'a-HaalUaht A Coke Oa 1044 104 PreaaeaV Steel Car, aommoa SH Reading, commoa Ilil'i V'i Reedlngi Brat preferred 04V. ' V44 Rock lalaod, commoa 80 Rock lalaod. preferred IB 4 ' TA' Rout hers Railway, commoa ........ 324 .' Kt Soatbara Paclac 4V4 ' Tenoeaaea Coal A Iron 88 KftJ union raciDr, roanBSOB ee t'nloo Paclac, preferred United Statea Steel Company, cam. S3 as 8 1'nlted Btatea Bteel Company, pfd..l(H14 ; 1024 per lb; apricots. tUAlse per lb; aacka. Ha ner lb mee: awacbaa. neaue oer : aoara. - tor lbs prance. Italian. V4044a ear ' Ibi French. BHA4HC per lb; firs. California black. BaHOUa nor Ibi California white. oer Ibi plume, pitted. aar lb: dates, at) Men. 6a par lb; farda. fl.BO par IB-lb bos. ' ' K foeariaa. Vats. Zta. SDOAR Sack baala Cuba. SO fro WWttoTwrtla 15.40; fralt graaaUted. M.0 dry aranalatad,; coal. A. BO-oO; boat granDUtao. sbjw; eatrm v. ee.oo, soMesi ia ee. eeieww. B4.d0: bblo llkv U bbla 2.1c. bokoa BOa adTaaca oa aack baala. kme Ue par swt (or aaaa, IB I days: maple. I4alSe par lb, LllOSEY 14alfle.ij lUKKEK Package hrsnda. E1A.TD. SALT riaa Balaa. Ba, as, 4a. Ba. 10a. ll.SOt tSDie. aairy. ooa. SU.UO: 100a.' ported LlremooL But. 117.00: . 100a. sMB-iOi Xtim, lld.OOt extra fine. bbla. as. Ba. 10a. B4.B0eS.3O; balk. S70 lbs. B4.004i4.00; sacks. Boa. aoaaoa. SALT Coarse Half groand. 100a. par too. J7.uo: ooa, per ton, ST.BO; UTerpooi lame rock 1S.B0 Be toai fiu-lb rock. 17.00: 100s. Bd.TB. (Abors prlcas apolr to ealee ot Iraa tbaa car lota. Car lots at special prices euWect to Iinctnatlonal. v ' GRAIN RAdM Taletttta.-TU. - - RICH Imoerlal J a nan. No. 1: Sc! Mo. f- BHe: Nam Urkeas bead. ai AJas. d4ei Cre ale. 814c. BRANS Small white. BVCMUe: large white. Her pmk. OB4a; kajma.,dc; Llmaa. .a; Meiicaa reds. . . MtVTM Peanota.-TUtM -Tnmbos. BHc par lb: raw. aatlOa nor lb: roasted. : cornaante. BftaaaOa pea Aox walnots. 14fflfl"per lb; ptoe nota. loatuvM par lt: hickory aota. tue par nt chee tests, eastern, lfidlloc per lb: Bra all an ta, 10c par in: nibrrta. istTinc par 10: necaae, 1411 Be: alaxmda. 18tlBo par la. . ' YaJakJ. Oaaf Oils,: Zta.'. '' Pure ifaalla, 14c: atandard. UU lal. lOtle: lisle breed alaal. fi tie. COAL OIL Pearl or Aatral Cases. SOUs nor gai: water white, ma bblo, im par gai: wooden, lie per gai; headlight. 170-dea. eases. ay.c per al. .. . ullOUNt LSeev evsee. Ae oer Ball I ma bbta. ano per gait a torse, easas. SWd pec gall nva ottm, 10a per gal. BENZINIV ane.aee sail troe kbTbHTf3E-?L" esses. Sao ao gal: waodea bbls. gov p,, t,i iroa bhla, 80a per gaL . WB1TB I.BAO Toa lota. TVia per Ibi 600-lb I4NSESO OIL Pare raw. In bbla, BTa par gai cases, tx pa gai; genaioa keuie boiioo, caaaa.- TOe per gal: boat, aoa per gall ground cake, car lota, 830.00 par tear kme tbaa car ets. 880.00 per toa. Meata, risk aad ProTialeee. - rREMR MEAT IVaat atr Ht Beta per Tb: pork, block. TVte oer lb; Backer, 7 We per lb: bolls. se per lb: cows. se per lb: mot tea. H07ua per u: Jambs wltb peiBs, e woe par u; reel, aitrs, idimc; oral nary. 4iflUe per lb: poor, like oer lb. HAM8. BACON. ITO.m Portland neck riscall bams, 10 to 14 lbs. 18He per lb: 14 ta Id lbs. ise per 10! IS to loa. laiAc aer In: cottar. Bo per lb; breakfast bacoa. 14 a Ilea pat lb; Blcnlc. Be per K; recolsr anort clears, an. smoked, lOa per lb; amoked, 11 Me per U clear kacka, sosmofced, lOe per . lb; smoked, . 10H Bar jo; ubiob giotta, 10 10 IS in. anamoBsa. a per lbt smoked Pa nor lb: clear bellies, in. smoked, lie per Ibi aatoked. Ua pet Ibi skoal, dars. 8U0 per lb. ixjcaLi urd-Kettle mar, 10. loe per lb: Be. 10W aar a: 60-lb tina..staa ear lb! ataam rendered. 10a. 8S,e per lb; Be. pet 10; tone. ae per 10: ous. osta per lev. CANNED SALMON Columbia rtrer. l ib tail. 11.85: S ib talis. 82 BO; fancy, l ib flats. 12.00; 4-lb faacr flam. 81 : fancy 14b eram. 88.78: Alaska, taiht, pink, saBtBOai red, 81 AO; nominal 8. talL 88.00. Tim Rook and. Td par lbt flowed. 8 aar id; naiinot. oe per lb: craba, bi.oo per Ooat ftnped baa. 1114 per U: catfish, T per lb; aalmon, cblnook. 8H per tbt ateelbeada, TH per lb: aockeya. BWe aer lb: herrlns. Bo aer lb: aotea. ee per re: annmna, 100 per Ibi perch, Be per lb: ahad. ec oer lh: roe ah ad. fie ner Ibi abed roe. BOe per lb: black cod. Te par lbt allrer smalt. Be par lb; lobsters. 15c: fresh mackerel. Be per lb: crawfish, an pet dost Uoaadera, Be ir in; smrBOtici. l per IB. OYSTER.. Shoalwater bar. oar eal aaee. par sack. 83. TB. CLAMS Hard "khalL take hM. M.ABI eeaoe elama. 83.00 peg bog. .,.,, . ; A BOSY FKS OPENING . AT STOCKYARDS : Hofi;, Catth and Sheep Arrive by tjie Hundred&wLamb Market j - Is Quite Quieter " Portland trakm Stwkrarda. Inly M. Stock receipts ware aa foUowa: ' . P7oa cetle that. Today .....811 857 T78 i attie are atiu struggling along with a weak market, bat ho sad sheep are quite eteady. Lam he are quiet. - . orrictal price lh llreatork: . 1 "WaWeWe"Bw) 'aaww""lT 4jrlHW)ll". lkl(1lallBFarkfl and bin fata. fB.Boas.TB; Blockers sad feed ers. 84.8ilj)4.Ba Cattle Beat aaatern Oregon steers. 8.1001 t.tfit ' llrtit aad medlnm steer. BXBOata.oo: beet caw and belfers. 81S53.BO: oM and Hght eowa. 8l.Wiei.00: atockera aad teedeea. 8178; paUa, 81.60. s."n"ri?U,,,cT 8 00413.25: ewea, t3.7At.OO; aprtog lamna. 4A4UC. Calrea Good real, IM) to a00 poanda, . Be: roagh and bjciry, 3408V4c. . . ' atoai rwTjrR nr cxicaoo. " ' Cbteago, J rrrw. LiTtatorV ralpra:'5 j. ... Hnea f'attle' Bl. Chlraae ..... ........ .1(1 (poo 14. vm ia.0011 a ansae city, !JUU Bono jo.aia) lo.oJ Omaha 10 0O0 4 0(0 I.M Hog opened etmag. Be higher: IBofl left erer. The hog recotpte a year are were ll.ono, Prlcee: Mlied, 85.dil4T8.06.' gnod. B.StB.00: reaah. 88 kowS to; Mhi. Bo ooet 10. -, . vaitm airong ra lor tignor. Bbeep are weak, '.-' ttaatsad Bterllae. NrwTark. Jole a. ai.elt.. aa - . - . aia a, mw- , t:: c zzn daily jcur.::At,. fi; Mia Several Great Grain Experts Think Year's Crop Will Be . v' Average One. ; . : :' NORTHWEST TERRITORY IS FAIR AND CLOUDY JODAY Rust Rumors From Various Sections ' Cause the Market to Be Nervous " ' . Corn" Country Chat la' of Dtlight- ful Sort Rained, at Concordia. (raralabed by Orerbeck, Starr A Cooke Co.) Chicago, July SB. Logan A Bryaa aay 1 tbo opinion of some of tha big mea A Bryan aay: it tha big aiea tbat alii have tba fcrerage crop of wheat tbla year. There ara maay reporta of rust that are ciaimod by otaera to pa rat oer wira. wnica causes aaura or leoa excitement. These reporta ara always followed by denials. ' The weather coodltlnna la tbo jtortbweet hare baea mora favorable the - last two or three dare, - Tb weather, ef coarse, la tba controlling factor at Ibe moment..' There waa a alight falling off for the cash markets yesterday. The weather map shows traces ef moisture at -botk - Wllllstna and Huron, otherwise tba northwest la fair and ckiody, with a faror. able temperature. The winter wheat country showa scattered molanire. throughout Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas. There waa a beary rain fall at Coocordla, Kansas, and traces ot aaolatdre la Oklahoma. The conditions in tna norta. waat from a weather etaaduotnt ara eery faror. able. Newa from tbat section hi atlll coo Dieting, but the fact tbat ruat iba appeared troda to keen tba trade aerroua and unset tled, mat it spread aad repeat tb arm ef last year. Tke cora belt looks favorable, by tke weather aiap. . The apecnlatire mark' is favorable, futures ara halting. The July ebowe , eoB- gestion: , Today'a offlclsl market 1a part: V , , WHEAT. . ' Open. , Close. July ...... .. ,, ,8T ,1 -?WH oepiemoer ....... Dacembrr .......... .... ... v . CORN. Old Mr Old September Old Dectmbrr , , .. ; ' OATS. . July September ................... December - . . MESS PORK. .felt .81 mm ' ,49 .' .8114' .29 . S'H) .88 ' .".SOW .311 H Jaiy a a . Jal.ayo 13 0TH l.OB mm ekja uctoeoc ............. 1S.V7 18.00 HOP-LICE ARE DYluG VERY RAPIDLY. tiOl'ADAYr saag pa AS - at ... m a - a a rnii wets ot- wooaown nmKef JThat the Oregon Yield Will ' Be Very Large.- ",' It la ry, rery hot weather that does not help some on, ine uregon nopgrowaia sx amssta those who smile broadly when, they are- in formed that the weather hi warm. Tbo bet aua rsrs are killing tbo boo lice. Than toe sialic. "The lie are disappearing very ranxiir treat the bop acids." aald l'bll Nela et Woodbura thht . morning, "aad tba prosper ta for a . eery good crop are bright. But the grower wha held ea to their yiaio"rbea nope were ormg tog from SI . ta 83c appear ta hare the blues lust now. whan IS ta lac are offered them. "TBere la one ism inac ears Beear reaarni lately tbat ma tee roe JlwnWlA m noma of the repnrti that purport te eome frees 1 literal rtrer la wnirn -re m statea mat tna nop field o( the Uofclea Stat will only prodnce rrom ao,uuo to ev.uuu oeiee vtm aeeaom. new, I bar Joat rerelred a letter from aa old friend ef mine who M a big grower la that eaate and wba heepa a very cloae tab on the bop sitnatkitw Ma Informs me tbat a cou serve tlvar estlmst of tbo bop crop for tb comlo sea sen win eemiy be TO.uwo mm, a spits ut all tha beer eeowls that are helnat Bttered." - 'How many bales win uregon producer- was sake Mr. new. ' .. 'Well, a little bard To at ate inet tbla minute. bat I think tbat 110,000 balea of hope .for thle atats's lwOS Sgurea la aot far from what It wUl be." I OXIOAwO CASH WKXAT. Chicago, July 3d. Cash wheat Id. 7o- t red. new . sl 8 .sit No. 8 red. saw NBI4" .HTt4 No. 3 bard, aew , o. S bard, new o, 1 BortberB . .1 1.13 LIB No. S northern . Ko. 9 spring jj. 1 "0 .80 , !. ' . chioaso eainf OAS, xora.' .... " mM. Chicago, July W. Oraia ear lota: - Tare. Grade. bt. Wheat ...3.1-1 , 6 Corn 8(10 ; , 340 Oata ..151 Demand for care a roar ago: Cbleaan. Ta: SUUBOBpOIIB, 4; AVIUIS, WS. . Ohlcage Chicago, July so, Today'a clearaaees: Cera, t.OU0 1 baskets; eats, l.UuO baahcia; wheat aad Boar, ST.ouO barrels. 1 Uvarpeel araia Close. UvernooL J air 34. ('lose: Wbest Sen. tember. Be tA. anekaagedi December, 6s t-ora jeptmaT, as luujg, . a,a lower. . .aTartkweat Cars. ... . '........ : CMcage. July 3d. Northegstera rerelnta ail noes polls, suS ears; Dulatk, S ears. , '. Hew Ysrb Sgar. . .,. New Tork. July 3, Refined an ears aa. changed; raws, ateady but nncbangad: beel augarr easier; Jnly and Aaguat, 11. -1'-,' TOaT01AK eCTTOfe WtOOKM. ' San Francisco. July SS. Tooonah stocks r. BViai viwae. Rid. Bid. I .18 .18 . .id ' .14 .SNA Montana S3 T Midway 1.B0 Wile Kendall .... McNamara .... .80 (whtmala Mt ... Jumbo Jumh. Bxtea ,7 Black Butte .... Silver rick .... Ooldea. Anchor.. Ray O'Brlea ... Too. Ohio 1 Belmont lit North Star 83 Heecue 1 ...... a " Uold Monntaln.. .13 Too, Nev. (A).. . .i; .10 PA .("IS .83 .38 - .88 .UA Toa. Eitea ... a.".. Red Too " OoldfteM .88 O. Bnll frog Ssndstorm . ... Sandstorm, Ex.. loeoHinnneia s Loa Star ...... Adam ......... Mohawk ....... .IBS Horn estate Cask Boy. Jim Butler 1 toiroos STOCK CSAX0XS. - - ee nw. a . 1 . sarkat waa as followo it 1 1. a: Anaconda advanced 1, Baltimore A Onto ad. vanced U. Canadlaa Pacific adVadced 1. Chess peaks A Ohio advanced U. St. Paul ad vanced Denver prererren anrhanged. Rrla advanced M,, Rrw first declined U. Illinois CentrsI declined la. Ixmlavllle A Naahvlll advaaced , Meiicaa Central unchanged. New York Central advanced W. Ontario. A Waat era declined North American advaaced 4s, Northern raclflc declined M, Reading advanced 41. Reading ftrst advanced 4, Rock laiand declined Southern Pacific advanced U, Southern Rallwav advanced 44. Steel advaareil M. wanaan oeciinao oartAVB bavx STATtarart rVarbi. j .......9BM.10 84 74.833.18 Bala acre '. LivsTpool Cettea Opaahag. Lrvsranolr July f rtnra tm enttorl are afeadr. I point Klslier. Boots are etead at A points higher from yesterday's close. - . 1 1. . 1 .... Seeing -Portland In and Out 100 mile for II. almost tha entire system of tba W. P. Ry. Co, to Oregon City, tha Eagle creek Talley, upper Clackamas river. tio' hours' lay-over- gt Eatacads., where dinner mar be had at (ha hotel. Excursion ear leave First snd 'Aide streets dally cpt BOndsjr, at Mt a. m.; retarns 4 p. m. j AT BELT rcr.TLAWD. WEDNESDAY EVENING. cve::;::::t ttiTtiiEs fg - i:,;;:t:i trm Horses and Weights for - Events :, to Be Run Thurs- :-;;-;;:t;,;;.day.;-.-v'v,;A;,;; a.-. - . . wirsi race, six. fudorigs, 4-year-eld and upward 8888, Eva McQlnnlsa, 100; 3878, Badly Used, J07 8858, Sequel, 100; (881, Ralvo, 107; 1802, BUIcate, lot; 8172, iau E. Jonae, 102,- 1810, Billy Taylor, 13; 1640. Pearlstone, 105. - ' V Second race, six furlongs, selling, 4-year-olds and upward 7848, Salto, 107; 8JI), Alias Raphael, 10O; 7812, Black Cloud. 10l; 864, Burdock, 187; I875, Ooldone, 110; 8875, Rose of HUo, 10S; 8678. Theron, 102. 8141, Caadala. 10J; 8876, lone, 101; 1648, Headwater, 107; 1683, Snyder, 107. ' TMrd race, six furlongs, selling. 4-year-olds and upward S610. Oold Finder, 112; (I860), Great Mogul, 10; 8620, Sir Christopher. 112; 8670, Abydoe. 107; '(1615), Mr. Robson. 106; 8604. Sweet Tooth. IIS; 8648, Step. Around, 110; 8670, Cameletta. 105. ' Fourth race, six furlongs sailing, 4-yearolda and upward 8448, Jdet lakable, 107;' 8676, Procrastinate, 104; 8880. Holly Berry. 102; (8581). Dollla Welthoff. 107; (652, Profitable, 10j 8611 Prince Magnet, 102; 8(61. You You, 107. -, - J , Fifth, race five and s half furlonga, spe cial welghta, 8-year-olda and upward 8667, Billy' Mahan. 102; 8678, Judge, 104; 8678. Lmldlaw 100; 8263, David Boland, 101; 8878, Sea Air, 84; (8661X. Lurene, 108; 8684. Peter J, 3. Blxth race, one mile selling, (-year-olda and upward 8502, . Dorado, 87: 8662, Iras, 10U (8675). Silver Heels, 106; (682, Max Bee, 4; 8886.' The Lieuten ant, 106; (862, Jardin d Paris. (2; 8674, OenUe Harry, 106; (6(0, Moderate, .!. HOT WEATHER ENDS r . TONIGHT SAYS PBOPHET Beginning tonight cooler weather In this district la promised by the weather nan. During tha paat eight days tha maximum temperatures at Portland have been (6, (8. 83, 83, 31, 81, 86 and (7 degrees. A glance at the records this morning showed that ' this is not un- uaually hot weather for July, three pe riods having exceeded tt In temaeaatura and covering a longer stretch. In July, 1888. . there were seven days having temperature of -more than 80 degrees each, a number of them. running up to 86 1 degrees. It will be noted that during tha preeent hot apall only two days showed a temperature of more than 30 degreea, of which (1 waa tha highest.' In July, 1(96, there waa a hot wave extending over longer period I KIIU Alw 1 11B It JF UO. J m Willi em tvuir9ittuis sdovw-uu e mariL- juiy.-iT.- snowafr a similar record. BULLS TOSS MAN LIKE A BALL BETWEEN THEM eaaasaa. (Jearaal Speelsl Be tike.) ' Willows. Cal., July 11-W. A. Ch la- holm. . prominent dairyman -of this county, narrowly escaped death last evening. . Ha was walking around his cattle corrals at his ranch at East Willows and started to -climb - a -low fence . between two pens, in each of which, waa a thoroughbred bull, whea- one rtf the anlmalg t tar god him. JH waa thrown over ; the fence and the other bull mad a ruah for Mm. He managed to wet back on tho fence and was being buffeted from one aide to tha other" by tha Infuriated buns when neighbor's boy happened along wit a two dogs and frightened the bulla away long enough to allow Chlaholm to crawl out of danger.- He Is now badly bruised, his skin, being torn from his body In large pate beg.. building And loan- : LEAGUE IN SESSION (Joaraal Special Sat ilea.) New York. July 26. Several hundred delegates filled tha assembly rooms of tha- Murray Hill hotel this morning when the -thirteenth annual convention of the United States League of Local Building and Loan associations was called to order by A. I Outhell of Bhelbyvllle, Indiana, president of the organisation. ' The delegates come from aa far south ss Louisiana and Texas and as far west as Colorado. Every paper on tha pro gram for the entire seaalon will bo pre sented by the writer. The Indications are that Ibe attendance at the seaalon will equal. If it does not exceed, that at sny previous meeting. EQUITABLE DIRECTORS NAME MORTON PRESIDENT (Joe real Special tervlea.) ' T " -New Tork, July 26. At a meeting of th board of directors of tha Equitable today tho resignations of Jama W. Alexander and Nevada H. Stranahan. directors, were accepted, and Chairman Morton waa elected prealdent Chang's In the laws were dlaouaaed but the reo- ommendationa ar not announced. The directors will meet again tomorrow. ACID EXPLODES CAUSING BIG FIRE AT CONNELL ; (Special Tils pate te Tba Joaraal., Spokane, July 26. Fire which broke out In th offlo of Dr. Gallagher at Connell lata yesterday afternoon en tlrely destroyed two thirds of the busi ness district of tha . town, entailing a losa estimated at 175.000.- Th f Ire waa stnrted by an explosion of a bottle of acid, and gained considerable headway before It waa discovered Wong Boo, a Chinese restaurant keeper, , waa badly burned, but will recover. ifatheBabjr You may be thinking "of us ' tag an artificial food for your baby. Try Mellin's Food ; it is a proper food suited to the baby's condition. It is not a medicine but a true food.' Let ' us send you a sample to try, V'JT4 u lafaata Fee, wale a. receive the Craai rrla. he EsasMtilea, St. Leaie, e4. lUg. ' or tkaa gu ate!. . iT ' MaXLlN'S FOOD CO BOSTON, MASSa, ' Picnic S2CC33 LTsre ; 'And let us impress upon you : the fact that; there is not a store in . ther city ' that can supply' your i wants as can this, store." , Ko matter what "you want for picnic lunches, if it is inftlU. market it's hereand quite often only to be found at Portland's Great." . est"' Grocery. Perhaps no"' r first; c&ssfstore in the count ' tty pves 'the -service we do.' FOUR DELIVERIES a day to your homenorth and j ; south of Washington street. ' Two in the morning1, 9 :3p ' ' and" 11 o'clock;; two in the afternpon, "2:30. and 4:30 , o'clock. ' The wagons leave the store ' at these hours. ' Your order t must be ia 2T ' minutes before time of leav - ing.i Who - could '-vvish for ? better service? ':, F.Dr?sser ' Portland's Greatest Grocery. ', - th and WashingtonSts. East 15th and Broadway Sts. s Seaside. Or' :,. -:t Best Creamery Butter K50c' and 55c J Dairy ....... 354 and AO 4 j strlotly Freah- Ranch Egga, 2 doa.,4S Picnic Ham. per lb. ..64 Cottage Ham, per lb ....Il6 Best BuSar-Cured Ham, per lb.... 14 Chickens 16 and 17 Cents Remember Saturday Is Chicken Day. ; La Grande Creamery 264 Yamhill St. V 1 fc "K'liVM NO PAIN NO PAIN 1NICE TEETH We are ths-dlacovarara and erlglnat. rs of th oair ! lh oalr reliable and aclentlflo aval -m nt Pa I nlesa Dentiatrv. wa eg tract, crown, fill and clean or treat teeth absolutely- without pain and guarantee all work for flf teen years. Our work is th best, our prices me jowssi eon Sl stent with flrst-claes work. K ANAM INATION FREB. Our plates ar unde tec table from - th natural teeth and ar guaranteed to fit. FILLINGS ...... BO 7S4 end OOLD CROWNS 83.69 t f 1.O0 B.OO BRID09 WORK S3.00 to SS.OO 5.O0 FULL SET NATURAL TEETH. Opaai fog amslaaa aartU s oloali Boston Painless Dentists SlVi (storrlsoa St, Oyp. Met, a nan aa riara. , . .HOURS (:80 a. m. to f p. ra, . 8us say, s:io a. m. 10 p. m. CATHOLIC DAY VILL DRAW : VERY LARGE CROWD Next Sunday Rev. Thomas Sher ,.man Will Preach In Fair , Auditorium. Twenty thousand communicants of th Roman Catholic church ar ex pected to . visit th exposition Sunday, which has been designated aa Catholle day. Rev. Father Thomaa Ewlng Sher man, th celebrated Jesuit prieet, son of General W. T. Sherman. and nephew ef John Sherman, will preach th after. noon sermon In tho Auditorium, when 4 choir recruited from all th-Portland churches will sing. - His grace. Arch blahop Christie, la actively Interested In tb arrangements and will endeavor to make th day on which will Indl cat th strength of th membership of his church In this region. If th ex pectations as to attendunc ar realised next Sunday will record th largest number of admissions of any Sunday sine th rair openea. . rather Sherman is on of th most celebrated Romanist clergyman In th United Btatea H la an accomplished pulpit orator and Is recognised as one of the ablest exponents of tb Romanist faith. Th program to b rendered la the afternoon in tb Auditorium la as follows: . t. ,' ' Gloria, from "Mess Solnnelt Gou nod), by combined chorus of th Cath olio church " choirs of Portland: con trait solo, "Thar la a Green Hill Far Away" (Charles Gounod), by, Mrs. Walter Reed; lecture, by Rev. Thomas Sherman. 8. J.; Easter Canticle, "Haeo Dies," by T, Dominic, O. 8. B.; solo, quartet and doubl mixed chorua, solo ists, Mrs. Walter Reed. Mtaa Louise HarwaerJ.-Wr Belcher, TJora J.'Zan. h. C. Zan; A. T. Ba4d win, organist: Rev. F. Dominic,-O; 8. B., director. - WOMEN WITH HATCHETS ! RAID KANSAS SALOON -.. , . ,., . (Jowrsal Spialal Sarvle.) , . Clay Center, Kan., July 2. Eight prominent temperanc. women rglded a joint at East Industry, owned by John Peterson, laat night. They broke open barrels of whiskey and smashed several cases of bear, wrecking th saloon com. pletely. Ooat of Martta THAL (Sseelal Plapate ta Tae Jaawaat.) ... Pndleton.'Or.: July tt. On ef th most expensive trial held In this county for y Mrs was tbst of Grovr Martin. convicted of mAnslaughUr for Ut kill- JULY 3, 1ECJ. w-' . y '' ' a-aaaesas.SiaeeeSSSSSWasssssssaaasassSsSsaart-aiisillJIII x i.J- l -'A il A U ... I I s I 1 1 m 4 i sA bW BaW mm - J , . The greatest Investment since the shares of tha Cell T! phone were offered to the, public at $1 and afterward, tzil t $1.600. ' ; ...::;--:...::.v r r , - Slace electricity harnessed eelectrlclty has beoom sack an Va ; portant factor in the universe, many projects. commeretsUisingv , trtral invantlona, hava been-placed n th market. Non have lot ' money. Millions have been made by th fortunate hoi dare of Atlaali came stock, Kmson Kiectric snarca General Klectrlc Com ompe-ny. . J3eU toaa: It la worth 'Moat wonderful ef 'electrical th rudimentary and experimental than eight Marconi stations - in three in Alaska, working uninterruptedly two hundred, miles ever . , mountalna The Pacific -Coast,- th waat Indie and the Phlllpptn : lalanda ar soon to hav Maroonl atatlona. ' NewepaperaT The' world over ' . have adopted, th system to facilitate -water-front eorregpondene. Th latest American cup race Shamrock III ye. Columbia, waa , reported .to New tork by wireleaa. It practical utility la warfare ', has been demonstrated in th Boer war and during th areaeat Japaaw -.. Russia conflict..- .. . - , . i i ; ., ,.v ,.. ; - . -. . . It is only a question of a short time before Marconi Stations . will girt the globe the great ocean liners acting . as con necting Units. t :- ' : iy;: r-. The' 18 Atlantlo cables coat (100,000,(60 A Marconf oiailon ooS 8100,000. Twanty-elght wireleaa atatlona at a eoat of $2,800,000 wUl , be able to compete at every point with th 14 axlatlng cable. Nate the dlffereno io eoet of equipment and malntenaaoa. . TbA Jttlaritio . cable will In time give way to' the wlrelaes ayatom.. Th-old Un telegraph eompanlaa wUl be unable-to compete with th euts In trans- - mlaalon chargea wt)ich tha Marconi Company will bring about, ,-r ,:, The stock of the British irfarconl .Company waa put out at ' $9 a certificate and has since sold on the London Stock t change at $22, an advance of 3f0 per cent. . '.'i ' ',: , K HT MoClur."' rnibllahert B. Rolllne Mors, " of Mors ' ' C, " bankerai Boaton, and Hon. W. Griggs, former United State AtVrnar ; General, arc among the prominent men who sr director 0 rj. 4t,. Will viwmm ,.i.i.rii vvairwi Nov; Is the Bear In mind that it Is yet to be recorded whew aa letrfoaJ enterprlae loat Its investors' money. In every rase th rerurna bav -been fabuloua. ' Marconi Becurltlae wUls. do for you what Bell . Tel- . fthon. Atlantic" Cable, etc., hav' don. for other. If you, wait water) . nveatla-attna Marconi Securities' vry hour will loa . veal nvonav. Write ua, or If poaslbl call at of th prsnt sric. ., , ... ,... 503-4-5 Columbia Building, Portland, Oregon. FRED K Southwestern Securities .503-4-0 Columbia Buildings Portlarid, Oregon: Gentlemen Please send possible information concerning the Marconi Wireless .Telegraph Company of America. V; , ; '; , ;. NAME . . a . V. . a ee . a a . .'a. . . t . . , . . V. a, e-:k .. ADDRESS .......... .....irryt.T.....,. , For. convenience of our patrons office will be open evenings on Saturdays and Mondays. ' -."l.'.fV . ... We Knoiv . is the greatest remedy for made. ' ..y - : :, : . , - -:.. v , 7 , ..''- -v The problem is to make you know it. t , We know it will help you from the first dose, and cure. you if its use is persisted in for a abort time; ; , .. : , ; The problem is to make you know it. 1 .V '. - Therefore, in order to indoca sufTerera from dyspepsia . to give Chase's Dyspepsia Cure a fair trial we uktbem' -'' to go to any druggist and get a bottle. If after threa ' days trial you are not satisfied that it is what jro " want," go to"the" druggist and1 get yonr money back 7 wttnout question or argument. 50c. tnd $1.00 Per IkttW .t y 1 v V THE CHASX MFC. CO.. raWBU3.GHt, ft Y.l . . . . ' - . , ... i ; saemawra ajnioago vaaaxv, mrwoai, oottost, stocxs asn . . ,', 102 Third Street McKay Building. Portland. Or. wa o a tmiorx.T cois3aicar airrrrca Continuous Markets by Private Wir. , : . TUtoa, bankers, and United State Ing of Oi'N. Preston near Freewalar eev. oral months m'n. Fees of witneee be. for the gran! lurv and the cl"'! ourt, f a ef J trvie f t- ' ooror' - . , . Ir t ano otner enterpnaea, auon as me. iTalepbon want "ling . At (1 Invention has long alne gon paet stagea. There ar now a lea active operation on the Atlantic i V e)ui.i,vat , v.-r . 'f v -- i V' A- lime: to Invecl our offloa today and take aAvantAg v ,.r , . . , .., - GROVES, MGR. Company, . , ;' A -, me by return. mairtaltestrH If: dyspepsia or indigestion r Vl. ,i,V C3 xiomra n a raws - ' . Quirk Servte. T auooaa i 4 .... w.-Lef. ;,v ... ..... . .,