The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 26, 1905, Page 10, Image 10

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    ....-. . ' ..
--. ; ..v, , ' .. ;- . . . ' , . y. ' r.J-l
r ' i ship topieges HOMES
j x Norwegian gCollier Tricolor Run ,',.,,.-,. - " J
r'H I V' ; ' - VAgroundat Cap. Mendiclno J RENT .RATES,
I ; - .and It Deserted. ;. s; , , ;,; ; .... . . .- ' ;
vv V 'i - -- I , ;,, ...... . i ,, ii, ,, ,T--7:.'-V
V..-". -'? . iiV v COAST TOO DANGEROUS I... ;Vr.:v . 7 H
V i' H' t - -TO ATTEMPT A RESCUE -; rj." ; ' ,
l. ; .; , ' ."Y Cww'of.Twty-SevenTkto'Lif W-'
. , J : Boata and Ar Pkke4 Up by TI " - :
m M'' "';v? V." Rwigem-Captain Lost, Reckoning . , ' 1 N -
' tl ' in DenM Fog Vewel a New One. ;,,"':.,, . .v. : .-v '.
' aine Rwln of Btrlc. Nebmk.
lnodriroilirii-rooTTliw or corn
In U UauttUU count oxhibit In Agri
cultural palaca today, and aaid . to Va
C. Bowman, who la In ehara:
i . "Do you mean to tell roa that corn
1 waa g-rown In aaatarn OraaonT"
Mr. Bowman assured tha resident of
tha areat eorn aUta tbat tha buim arew
- tMx-n?nIi!l. "iHI
- precnatad nltroganou. aotla of UmatlUa
. county; and tnt rapiaiy ina crop waa
bacomlna an Important element in that
, county' a production of wealth. :
: ut," protested " Mr. Rswlina, "corn
' arowa only where tha nlghta are warm,
and your aectlon nearly alwaya baa cool
; Blah ta" - n -. - ...
Therefrom deTeloped a discussion of
' tha poaaibllltUa of growln corn Mn
Oreaon. which itu all aecUona boasts
5 that aa 'aoon as tha' sun aoea down.
I tha atmosphere cools rapidly and makea
" tha jilghU dallabtfully raf tar
tha, warn summer, days. i
e - j-WhUa I have been mt taa fair, -aald
If r. Bowman. T hava been asked . so
of Umatilla oounty'a aarlcultural prod
ucts that I have taken tha trouble to
Better Element Bitterly Opposed
to Measure Railroaded . ,
THrough Council, i
If rtt , la ' Vetoed Belief .Expreaaed
- That Liquor Intereata'wfll Not Be
Able to Mutter Votea Enough, to
Paaa It.' . v
Mayor lAna has taken . no action on
'the amended box ordinance which' was
railroaded through tha city" council. Mon
day by tha liquor interests Tha meas-
tire was sent to his office yesterday, but
be stated that be bad not had tha time
to consider it
Tha anti-saloon element and better
class of cltlsena are much opposed to
the new ordinance, as it will throw open
ail boxea in saloons and restaurants
containing lie square feet or over.
O. P. M. Jamison. John Bain and Mil
ler Murdock, representing tha Municipal
association, visited tha mayor yeater
day and dlacueeeed tha altuatlon. Peo
ple 'or prominence arc lending their In
fluence to defeat tha '- liquor interests
in their attempte to open wide tha city
again. Not only arc they working to
. influence tha mayor to veto thewrd!
nance but .they are striving to induce
several - members of tha city council
- .. SECOND .
' Unitarian Chapel, Seventh J
. and Yamhill Streets
,; Thursday, 2:30
itv- a :
II 1 11'" llh
rJCdiiLwv 111 si
Scijecl: COMKS ;
The art of proper corseting will be most convincingly
demonstrated with the FRONT LACED CORSET "
' .: . on living models.
J . '1 T' 1 . i IJoonal ipUI Srk) ' .....f
: . ( f Eureka.1 Cat. July . Th unknown
ii. ? fV " rportd yaaUrdajr around of f
lndulra Into tna aclenca of their cultlva
tlonj ; Retarding corn this . Is what I
bay learned: '" ;
' Serelopmeat of Corn Crop. '
"When aarlcultura beaan to develop
In eastern Oreaon. after tha first ataaea
of settlement when, livestock ; framing
was the only resource of tha aetterj
wheat and, barley : were thought tQjpg
th inrnrrcaTdlon. . It waa
argued that tha nights were to cool to
raise corn and some other grama which
are produced in profusion. ' .
However, .Tom Kirk, a, veteran
Athena farmer, experimented with corn.
Ha planted a small . field ol it and at
flret secured very poor raturna. Ha re
tained seed from the corn he rslsed and
planted it again. Tha process of adap
tatlon waa .kept up . for aevaral yaara.
probably 19 or It. until he was raising
a very good1 quality of . tha cereal and
others took It up. . Of late years Sev
an. 1 (.arlnada of corn are ahlpped every
year from VtnatlllaV county, althouah it
waa against tha protest of Ma. neigh
bora hst- Mria rk-began - tha -cultiva
tion of tha crop.-, .. t,-.v.----..-'
"Now wa hava corns talks 14 feat high
is volt to auatatn -the mayors veto.
They have told tha councilman that they
cannot afford to - cast thalr votee to
throw open' tha boxea in tha saloons
and -restauranta and invite, vice to run
riot under their pro taction. .
Councilman Vaughn. Masters, wins
and Wallace are openly opposed to tha
measure, .but three, additional votea
will have to be secured to sustain tha
mayor's, action, should hs veto the bllL
It. has-been stated by. one opponent of
tha ordinance that hs was of tha opin
ion that 'it would not .be carried over,
the mayor's veto. He baaed this belief
on tha knowledge . that , several coun
cilman did . not fully understand what
tha ordinance meant when they. voted
for It Monday.
While assisting in discharging' cargo
from tha steamer Bertha last month at
Latooah Island. Alaska,' John Mobarg
lost his right arm by a piece of neavy
timber falling on It. He paaaed through
Portland yesterday on tha way to Ban
Francisco to Interview the company's of
ficers, who desire to reach a settlement
with him. -
Moberg's arm was operated . on six
times - hv as many surgeons.
L Bach of the northern physicians who
examined it decided to saw on a por
lion of the Injured member, -
r eBBaBaBawaKaaaBaasaaHBaaaaBBaaewaBBM-aBWBBBssawaasnB ' a
Additional laa senger a-ankis en oath Paolfle
netwaen ' PorMand and Forest Grove.
Commencing July It, the Southen Pa-
nrin will, in addition to its preeeni
schedule, put on a new train to leave
YnwMt - Orova 11:10 D. m.: Cornellua,
nm Ilillsboro. lf.ili Reedvllle. 12:67;
Reaverton. 1:07 o. m. Arrive Portland
i:te o. m. Returning,, leave Portland
m 4K n m Beaverton. 11:J: Reedvllle,
n il: Hillsboro. 11:51: Cornellua, 11:01
a, m. Arrive Foreet Grove lt:05 a, m,
' Women love a clear, healthyMmr.lex-
lon. Pure blood maxea it. . nuraoc
Blood Blttere makea pure blood.
p. m.
- el"
Photorgsph by Klaer Photographlo Company.
and O. R. Ballou of Milton, Umauua
county, last year .raiaad oorn. 17 feat
high, the ears averaging It inches lona
of tha beat yellow, red and white dent
varieties.. '
Boll Xarived by tha Com. f
' "Now we cannot claim that our corn
Is quite as fine as that which you raUe
in Nebraska. But it ia good enough to
met" ' r ry - rw
and because it revives tha aoll ' after
cropa hava .been raised which exhauat
the nitrogen depoalted there.
,Wa have ' proved that eorn of this
sort is worth 'cultivation for. Its own
value aa a food, and . the ' process of
adaptation la being carried . on by many
farmers , in eastern Oregon . who are
evolving a variety of 'corn that will be
fore long attain a growth approximat
ing that which has made Nebraska fa-
moua." . ' u '
. . Os B, Ballou. O. W. Huntley.. W.. P.
Johnson and .R. . E. Oroeaching ahow
aamplea of Umatilla county eorn, and in
the exhibits of - Jackson county and
other western Oregon countlea proof la
tar ibe-found ""That " aimilar -results are
achieved there that have been secured in
Cmatlla, .county,
Famous Leader Hat Fin Band
Which Will Present Cap- -
Ital Programs. ,
Dierke'a band, under the direction of
Charles Dierke, , begins Its - four -weeks'
engagement at tha Lewis and Clark ex
position tomorrow r afternoon at 1
o'clock, when a splendid program will
be rendered in the main bandstand on
Ofay's boulevard. Mr, DJerke has en
gaged Bernard Be rue and Mrs. Begue
as vocal aololsts. who met with such
flattering aueceaa with Liberates band.
Other soloists in the organisation, which
has been gathered from all parts of the
country, are Ewald Btols, trombone;
W 11 helm Toe ret er, clarinet; Tom Val-
erga, cornet; B. Klota, euphonium, and
H. Hauaer, xylophoaa. ' . The programs
for tomorow afternoon and night f ol
low: ,. '
i Afternoon ,i
Overt u re "Robespierre" . . . . . LJ tol f f
Introduction and bridal procession
from "Lohengrin", . . Wagner
"Blue Danube Strauss
'Pagllacd"- Leoncavallo
"Wadding March? . . Mendeiaaohn
"An gel us" Massenet
"Qotterdammerung" , Wagner
'Carmen" March Blset
"Tannhauaer" Overture Wagner
Ballet "Egypt lenne" Luglnl
Duet from "Mlgnon" ..A. Thomas
'Lohengrin" Wagner
'Peer Oynt urleg
Parsifal" Wagner
Aria from "L'Afrlcaln". Meyerbeer
Scenes Picturesque Maaaenet
be Caprlo's Administration band will
play the following concerts at the fair
tomorrow: ,
Morning program
March "Tankee Girl" Holiman
Overture "Nebuchadnesaar". ... . Verdi
Intermesso "Salome" ....... Lorraine
Walts "Symposia" Bendlx
Selection "Wlasrd of the Nile"...
, ... I , . . . . Herbert
Caorleoio "Pasquinade" . i .Oottachalk
Dance "Manana Chilean Dance"...
. , Mlasud
"Noisy Bill". . .............. . .Loabey
Afternoon program-
Overture "Morning, Noon and Night"
'. Buppe
Walts "The Firat Violin"..-.....-. Witt
Paraphrase "Lorelei" .......... Claua
Fsntaala "Dla-Walkura" . ... . ... Wagner
Intermesso "Cavallerla Rustlcana"
....-....... ,... Maacagni
Rsrltons solo "Rocked in the Cradle
of the Dp" .Roliinson
Bis?. De Caprlo. -
Msrch "The Circus Parade". "..." Paul
On "T. J.'. Potter," .Queen . of, Rirer
T. 3. Potter sella for, Astoria and
North Beach as follows: July it, 00
a. m.; July it, t:tt a. m.; July 17. 10:40
a. m.; July tl, 11:40 a. m.: July I. 1:00
p. m. Don't fall to see the lower Co
lumbia from decks of this magnificent
boat.- Particulars and O. R. N. sum
mer book by asking C.-W. Stinger, city
ticket agent. Third and Washington
streets,' Portland.
Hearasl aDecial atrrke.)
Eureka.1 Cat. July SI. The unknown
vessel reported yesterday as aaround off
Cape Mendocino proves to be the Norwe
gian collier Tricolor, bound from Bsjlah
Columbia to Ban Fanlaco. Her craw
of S7 men. waa saved and were brought
to this city. .' .
The veseel was under the command
of Captain B. Wold, who loat hla reck
onlnr in the fog. and believed that the
veasel was safe "up - to the time, aha
atruck the rock. Boats were lowered
with the crew, who were rescued by the
tua Rane-er. Tha ateamer Ilea, broad
side to the. beach and - Is fast being
pounded to pieces on ' the rocks. The
Tricolor is valued at 1200,000. Bhe is
of J.I60 tons burden and la owned by
W. Wilhelmaen, one of tha largest ship
ownera of Norway, and waa under char
ter to the Western Fuel company., Bha
left victoria vuiy is, -...
The vessel struck lust before dawn.
and help was telephoned for from Eu
reka by those who sighted the ship from
shore. . The coaat la rocky and lagged.
and it was impossible to land in the surf.
Heavy seaa broke over the atranded ves
sel, compelling the crew to lower the
boats and start for the lightship, but
before they reached her they, were
picked up by the Ranger. . , -
Captain Wold waa t vry well ae.
qualnted with the run, aa the Tricolor
had "only been a few montha on the
coaat. The vessel Is a comparatively, new
one, being built last year. Cape Men
docino, is considered the moat dangerous
promontory on the Pacific coast. It is
too dangerous for any ateamer to run
near the wrack, ao that-no attempt will
be made' to pull her off the rocks.
(gsseial PisFStea te The fmiiiul.) '
- Pendleton. Or.. July 18. Mrs. It. M.
Oivina, living two mllea .below Mlltdn.
died laat evening from the effects of
burns received by her clothing catching
on Are on Bunday evening.
'It was lata In the evening and aha
overturned a lamp she had Just lighted.
With great presence of mind she at
tempted to save the houae by carrying
the lamp out of doors, but before she
reached the door with the lamp it ex
ploded and threw the fire 411 over , her
clothes. .
She .was about 60 years, of 'age snd
leaves a large family of growa children.
'r-f " -. '
(Bpeelal Dlspatak te Tke JoerasLt
Olympla. Wash., July . Ail of the
four shingle mills in this olty have
signed an agreement to employ compe
tent men in their mills, whether they
belong to- the union or not, snd to sub
mlt sll differences to the stste labor
commissioner for settlement The menu.
factures reserve the privilege of die
charging all incompetent men, If they
see nt, regardless or the union.
Mew Corporation.
1 (Special Dtepatcfe te The JoaraaL)
Olympla. Waah.. July !. Art idea of
incorporation were filed aa fellows to
day! , ' :
The bhort Line Development Con
alniAttfla MimnAnv. 0nltl
company. Capltat--tock
' Object, to build railroads Jn
The North Taklroa Valley Railway
company, headquarters at rxortn xakima.
la lnoorpo rated by George Donald and
M. H. Orover. Its capital stock ia
. Tha axiultable Securities company of
Ban Francisco fllel articles snd notice
m . , . . . . ' m n . . i . . . ,
U I mi .ippvuiuDwi ui raui v. nui yuj
of Beattle as state agent.
A certificate from Illinois has been
Hied showing tnat the corporation rorra
erly known' as Tsylor A - Parotte has
changed its name to Parotte, xteals
Qulllauto camp No. 11,111. Modern
Woodmen of America, filed articles
under the fraternal organisation, law,
The Eolacopal Educational institution
at Spokane, of which Bishop L. H. Wells
is the head, has been incorporated as the
Houston school.
.' Still So at S Oiaade. , ,
, (Speelsl Dtspetcs te The JoarnsL)"
La Grande. Or.. July . The
weather -still continues, with a little
raise in the thermometer almost dally,
Bunday reported as being the hottest tit
the season, reaching 100 degrees in the
shade. Some grain flelda are beginning
to show the effects and tna neat i
causing tha grain to ripen aomewhat
faster and earlier than usual. The straw
wtll not be so long as the average In
yeara past, but it Is thought that the
hesda of tha rrsln are aa well filled and
rao far as well matured as usual,
Te atepeir Reformatory. .- T"
(Sseelal Dlsseteh te Tke leanaLl
Olympla. Wash., July St. The board
of control will purchase the tnAterlAl
snd have the repairs made on the State
Reform school at Chehalla by the. male
lnmatea. The Institution waa recently
badly damaged-by .fire. - The work will
be done under the direction of the head
carpenter employed at the school.--.
. 1 i ,
srarglars at OUtekaala, i
(IpecliI Dltpstcs te las JeareaL)
' aatakanle. Or- July !. While Mr,
and Mrs. Bunco of . this place-were -attending
church Sunday night - some , one
entered their dwelling and turned every
thing upside down in a search for
money. The old couple had taken the
money they had with them,- which was
something leas than 1100.' . ''
O. B. a sr. Surveyor Leave. -(Setal
Dispatch Tke -JesrasLI
Falrvtew, Or., July 10. The sur-
veyors for the O. R. N. railroad left
Monday xvenlng for eastern Oregon,
Their work here was -to make the pre.
llmlnsry survey for the proposed branch
freight line from Troutdale to St. Johna
'' " 1
. Tire at Warren Station.
(Speetel thspateh to Tks JtanrsaL). '
Pendletont Or., July J Plre de
trnyed the residence of -Duncan Mo-
Donald, near Warren station. Monday,
Nothing was saved. The origin of the
conflagratloajs unknown
There is nothing that so
cltlienas the owning of hla home. It makea him feel
greater Interest In hla community, his county, hla
state,' his country because he owns some of It him- .
aelf. .v ', - . ; . ',' ''.
' Several years ago we began - experimenting in the""
way Of liberal terms to homebuyera. and . we are. con-
vlnced we haveeet the pace that will ultimately atop,
long-time renting, because we bare demonstrated that-.
we ean aaU at aotaal rent rates, and eften less. Ths :
increased salea. the greater hope, of the buyer to pay
out, and the smaller pec cent of failures has made it
possible to make the terms. ' ...
.'. . . - 'i , ..
'..The Is teat anS oaa of the best tracts put on the mar
ket at these terms, contains every, poaslble Induce--
. mentifor suburban homeseekers. 'Lots are sailing faat
:rto a very desirable clasa of people.- A dosen or more t
dwellings will be under way aa soon aa material can
. . " . be delivered and plans completed. ": .
' Ooxne out .at oaoej look over, this tract and talk to
'..""'our a sent. . .
203 Falling Building " Phon Main 2129
City Office Opn Evening t
From 168 Tifth Street to 329 Washington Street
, " Our new store in the Imperial Hotel -Handsomest store in
the city;' where we have a mammoth stock of everything in
; . the line -bf -r; .-. . .
f -Greatest atoci4hw-Ncth
-' . ."' athe lowest in the city.
329 WASHINGTON ST, Imperial Hotel Building.
V Former Premises for Rent- Inquire at New Store. .
" ' Fun at tha Marqoam.. '
rh mmiI, tmrleaaoe. "I. O. C."
will be the attrsetioa at the Marqusm OraM
theatre, a Musrtoea eteeet eetweea Blitb aiwi
aevestb streets, toalsbt aad every allit this
wMS,wltk a epeetsl laflan aeiaiesy. -.Tee
Oersua eoaMdlsas, - Kolb and Dill, aad their
eicelleot compter are drawlag large crowds.
I - ------ . II .
"Naughty Anthony" Draws. ,
"Ksofhty Aatboay." which the Belasee eoai-
pinj s prsseauoa tnia wsea. arww
Isrge sadleaos hut evealag aad promises jo
ttrset Bore boslBees stsb thaa its predecesm',
the popalar "Prlsooer ef Eeads." Whstenr ehw
sisy be ssld about tble rrenchy crest km. It
eleverly acted, and the risque situations are
s adroitly handled that tae saocsea neuns
(Ives wsy before the demand apoa the rrih
Mlltlea. ; Taratea." sa adaptatloa of the eele
brttsd opera, will fallow the present bill.
-The Star's Good Show;--r -
Jennings O'Brlea. Msaa and Franks, the Star
trio, la "Casey's Alley." tb anoerson.
clever ehlldrea, - are the Star'a featona tlile
week. Charlea Pm Hereon Is heard In a . asm-
ber of wlttx stories, aaa toe nsiis bsts s soon
epeelslty. "She Wslts by the weep Bine nes"
to the song, and smoslng ptetanm by the Star
aseope oomplete the bill. - '
At the Baker. , ,
J. K. Emmett Is the festare of the Baker's
fine Mil this week snd presents a sketch that
to received with applaaee. The ehiflng nf
Mr. Bmawtt, who to a soot of the lets mts
Emmett, to ewepttonsuy imm snn cmnpam tctj
favorably with tbat ef the fetber. The ether
sets srs above the sTerage. Tbete la a dally
nstlaoe at :0 e'elork.
Cool Theatre, Good BilVr
- At 'the cool Oraad theatre a ,festnre bill Is
belna shows this week. Csatellet snd. Well.
Msrrtne and lisrtlne. the Herschorns sad the
Paeomss srs sll clever ia their lines Tha belled to "We're StUl Friends." The
Orsndlseope ftasbee a film oa ThrtotUa Mar
tyrs." j . "( i r ' '
:;. ' . "Xb Tennessee." . . ' V
' "la Teeneaeee" ties, made s ' bit at the
trrte- A ooojhera d.rhey bee the comedy role,
snd Klla Wlleoa and Tbomes H. Claras have the
le.dlns roles snd si.he the most of theat.
Mstlaee dally St 1:80 o'clock. "
Miss L Kula -Howard, a distinguished
youna planlate at Grants Pass, will plky
a. recital at the Auditorium on the ex
position grounds this erenlna. bealnnlng
at I o'clock. Many of her friends and
admirers front outside point will at
tend, and it is expected that a large
quota of tha exposition patrons will also
be present. . Miss Howard has bees
studying - in - San Francisco . for- three
years and la regarded as a very pronila.
Ing artiste. Her program tonight will
be as follows, consisting of Chopin musio
exclusively: i . .
1 (a) Impromptu, O flat, op. It; (b)
Nocturne, B minor, op. t,. No. I;.(c)
Ballade, F minor, op. I. I (a) Scherse.
E minor, op. (b) Masurka, B minor,
op. It. No. tl, (ei Valae. A. flat. op. M.
No. (; Bolero, op It.' a (a) Impromptu,
A flat. op. St: (b) Berceuse, op.7; (c)
Tarantelle op. it- ' .
belpa. a man to be "a good -
St. Louis Medical and
Established 1170.-
TVmuoa In Portland and all over the nortb-
west see testify to ear great and aDassaipM
1 v
May be attended with the gravest aomptlettloM
If neglected or improperly treated. We have a
epeeifle treatment which cares quickly, ssfely
snd painlessly, 1 '
Lis another acquired disease,' fhe rarages ef
whlrh- when roily aerewpea no pea caa oeecriiM.
When It shows by akla erupt tons or by
In . moatb or throat its - hurmra are already
began. We safely and tborouchly ears yoa, and
no mineral poisons are employee. .,
We treat and sore, sot by the eld snrgleal
procsdnre, bnt by a palnleaa. method solely our
owa. We likewise will euro yns and save rna
the snTYeMng saenrlated with Vereeus Debility,
Tt atsaheod. Imsotene. Bnermataerheea. aToo.
tarsal Emissions, Premature peeline, Loss of
Memory, anergy aad Ainklues la tbo brlefeat
time It ran be done, and we Insure yoa a ssfe
and soaitiTe cure., ."
Write for Symptom Blank aad Beak if Tea
Oaanot Call.
Offloe Hcniai ( a. nt. te ( p. m. Saadaya,
IS w s eaiy. . , .- X . .
St Louis
- - Medical and : r 1
Surgical ; r '
Oer. Ssooad aad TamhUl
Pertiaad, Of.
Te ZmTeatiaTata an taaatwaeei i
aoaraai BpeeUI Serelee.)
Chicago, July . A big convention of
policyholders i for ' the j purpose of de
mandlnc en Investigation of the affairs
bf every life insurance, company In the
country baa been called ny tne iroqunis
club of Chicago,' which has taken the
Initial step toward starting a natlontl
movement i . .
Treated '.jh-
Lc;v:j h g-;i Fc:r
Sarronndlag and Aajobjlaf
Gateways' from camp groundi ,
Into park.. Seats, tables, swings,
lagoons and shade in this most
beautiful park in Portland. Ten
minutes' walk from the buslnesi
district on west side. Twenty
minutes to the World's Fail
Grounds by car. Live at home in -Portland
and avoid the heavn ...
xest anel-f inconvenienve of th
crowded lodging house and res- 1
taurant. There will be an at- '.'
tendant in charge of the Tentec
City day and night.., Free tele-
phone .connections in his office,
The famous Bull Run water piped
on the tract free. Toilet arrange
ments and sanitary appliances lo
cated convenient to alL Garbage
will be removed daily at.expensa
of the company. All avenues and
alleys will be kept clean and, free
from.rubbisn. - You must reserve
tent space for time of your visit I
Send us your, reservation: now. -
that we may be able to take care
of you when you come. ' Remit us
$7, which wiu pay your first two
1 ..Ji.u .r '
wmu i cut mui i(uv ui uu,u
pancy at $2,50 per week thereaf
ter. You can reserve for any two
weeks during the fair period. The
first to register will have choice of
space. Mail all remittances ' ta
G. Y. HARRY. SccretaryTreasurri',
11S Beeend Bt Portlaad. Oa,
'. - Phone Main tit.-
Or any of the following agenta of eur
Herbert L GUI e Woodburn
Howard a Scott Albany
Hurley a Taylor.,..- Independence
Hon. N. Whealdon....5.... .The Dalles.
A. H. Blender.... 7.. Myrtle Point
Aug. Huckensteln. .Salens. ,
aridw vvii.crB. .yurvBiiia
Campbell Fuller............. ".Dallas
Btitt A Aaplnwall Brooks
Visitors; Attention!;
- Wouldn't it be a good plan to Invest
a few dollars In Portland real eatate for
a possible future borne or aa a apecu
latlonT - .
Ia the choicest : residence property on
the East Bide. Te see is to buy. Lots
now offered frqm .. .
3200 and Upward
On liberal terms. ' We would be pleased
to drive you out to see this pam-iiKe
section, of beautiful homes at your con
venience on application to 1
gasflatloes JwcelTtd yesterday. la anawar .
to oar iprlae offer: - . .
'Realthy Homes; Verona ' Best."
Grow, Vernon. Grow." .
"Investment Monre'e Vernon Addition. " . .
Ooo't Scratch Vernon thtt." . , v
"View Vernon. You'll InTet.y , ,' . .
"View Olymplea From Vernon." . .
: Vernoa, the New Paradise."
Vernoo the Beantlfnl."
"All Aboard for Vernon. ' ,
'Vernont Yea. Vernon, " ; '
"Stay With Vernoa." '
-"Vlek Vernon at Once."
..'.Vernoa Is tke Place.!' -- ' V
Have yon aeea Vernon? If you want to -
bnlfd a borne don't fall te see Vernoa, be. .
fore baying a nt. It la only SO mlnatee'
car ride from tlte heart of- toe elty, H -yoo
' Vernoa. Vernoa will ' do the reat; yna
uirAMt,..f.we elaei neeauao-the-"1ots
are anlit ehea'oee and on better terma tbaa say 1
others la tbeclty ef the same elaaa. . .,
Moore Investment Co.
1HH STZTX ST.. YHOWS JtaX la.' ,.
Oregon Co-Operative
Home Association
Will bar roe a borne or pay off rent meets aye
snd give yoa a long term ot yeara la which to
repay your loan.
Only Four Per Cent Interest Cbarged
Ke security recnlred the onlywayfora
wage-earner to secure a tome.
For fall particulars call at V L
165J Fourth StVeet
Corner Morrlooa. Room IT. - . '
See Us for Your Home
We have aome beautiful suburban
cottages that range from 1700 to 11,000.
Our plan ia for you to pay fi per
month. These bargaina cannot oa au
plicated. . Call snd see us.
.'''' , rnnxavm,
aj122? Grand Ave. iioom Id. - -
. aaa wsxxjams aTssnrs.,
; " -- Ptaoae aaat 1TBS. .. V ' '
Has ssveral rare opportunities .to home-seekersv-M
Houses and lots for sale in
irvington andHolladay Park'Afldltlona
Lot on Marshall avenue, between . 1 StM
and 10th streets. .
. B. . DAX.T, 2!S Falling" Bldg.
, . ' ; . I ,.
o cpiceiv o
&iJitt$y. flrvtsiriivor,
Cmrtst rri. Cni5CfvilU trktx