The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 22, 1905, Image 7

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3.30336 ! Eact Morrison St.
Portland; Ore.
-v'iwo u;szr: Ao H'Fcr
tin by the Atkherit!. -. "
Cir In C:r.:truetJR3 th ''-
11 licaWe -
Condemned Man Afraii to Call At
- tention to Hia Case' Lett vthe Sett'
Every; Diatrict' Peciliaritlea '"i'liust
Be Studied and Overcome and No
'? Reaaon .Why Oregon Should Not
aaaaB' - g-.
' .''..f. i.
: tence Be 1 Carried Out Relative
I .. ,S.i.
Seek" to" Secure Hi Freedom. '
Be Good FielX
.. ... , ' ill . - ... ... v.
'':.' ' " (JowmI peU! Barries.
Chicago, July 22. Twenty three yeara
,. ax John Gales was sentenced to be
hanged on a certain day. Ndw he Is
foun4 practically . urie4 ally in the
Jollet penitentiary,, the oldest prisoner
In point of eervitude that, that lnstltu
,. tion shelter. Lone aince haa th law
. - loat -Ha ' power to enforce -the erlglnnl
mandate, ao hi release la asked by bis
, aisier on nabeas corpus proceedings.
The mystery la unexnlalnable from
"the recorde of the court and not to' be
solved through the prisoner. ' - It : ana
come to Judge Kersten, who haa been
asxea 10 Brant a hearing on tna pointa
involved. The puasle le how toe mnr-
derer eluded . the gallows, how ha
-. reached the penitentiary, and why' he
Vwa then loat to Identity through these
ung yeara. - , . -
Galea him eel f doea not know why he
was .not put to death., He heard his
- deafh-MieRtence read, ' and hia Ufa waa
to. bo forfeited ton March- 14, 1181. - He
watched the daya paaa and waa then
'.suddenly whisked - oat of the Cook
- county Jail and hurried to the peaitea
. tiary. .
' For veara alnca ha haa been fearful
that If an error had' been made the exe
cution would be held , when hie Identity
.waa discovered.-. Now - an opportunity
ror ireedora haa come lb rough toe ais-
t the law holda trim only oa
faded death warrant. Ion etnee void.
: Galea on November 18, "1181, hurled
an ii at the head of John William
IleaaelL a farmer living- , near Wood-
Stock, WHO aim .Instantly. ..
'' '.y'V'ooerael apsetal terries.): CifJ
4V. Newport, - B. 1' Jal - I J. Newport
V ., witnessed the moat novel wedding of
i the present season, today .when-Mlea
tlretta R. Pomeroy. daughter of Ura.
. C. C Pomeroy became the . wife of
.'Philip A. Clark of New York. The eerS'
' tnony, which took pl--e at 'the Fomeroy
reaielenee In- Ocean dnve-wae termed a
' hunt affair, and all the feneste came In
" 'V their rldtn costumes. . . .i .
. " The bride la kaown ae one of the moat
(prpmlnenr'. women -cross -country riders
in tne country ana nae miaaea no oppor-
. tunlty to follow the hounde at Newport.
': Mr. Clark la well known eoclally and haa
spent the aummera here for a number of
yeara. .- . ;: , ,.,. . , ..v .
1 :
-.1 n?- .; S ' '('
Without -., ualn medicine.' r I have
practiced for a good many yeara and
have cured bundreda of' people. And
during all my yeara of praetlce. I
have aerer .-eed any medicines : ; .
artdlclne will not cure' diaeaee, but
my methods jrlll, ' ' ' v. r" c
"X treat all klnda pf dlaeaae and am
.very aueceaaful in making curea.
If yon are aitk 1 shall be glad to
have you come to my office and see
-what can do'"feryou.v , t.
' -1 . will make examlnatlona free of
eharg tor aattrt time only.- i
-v:'V; v. ..;',( - r
Jlcr 12 IcrajYccrs
"Dear DoVtor: 1 had been elck 1 J
yeare with aathma, heart and atom
ach troublea;. alao had a large tumor
In my aide.' Had an unusually se
vere attack end wna not at Arirt able
to go to your office for' treatment.
Waa In bed. alck for four weeka be
fore 'beginning treatment at your
parlors. During thla time I was
nuralng . myaelf under - your dlreo.
lions. I waa finally able to-visit you
regularly.. and,- after aevsn weeks'
treatment . am. restored to i perfect
health." J
: 17 Beech Street, Portland, Oregon,
)' ' VATVSOPATX. ' V . "
"V " -Boome 0- Xwla Bldg.
.,' '- . faeae Kala ala. -'. .-.
.Office Moure 9 to 12, 1 to I.
flat, to 13. Open Monday at 1:80.
R. I Qriscom, who makee a epeelalty
or hydrauiie and dredge mining engl
neerlpg. wlah headquartera In Callfprnla,
aid while dlacuaalng the future of
Oregon aa dredge dlatrlet that many
eondltlona had to be etudled. He did
net doubt that there . would be large
areaa of dredge ground proved In thla
state, but warned operatore tr proceed
with care, and to adapt their machines
to - local conditions of the auriferous
- "You cannot take Feather- river and
Foleom .' ae absolute typea," eald 'Mr.
Orlscom. while examining the California
mineral exhibit at the fair, t "There le
not a. diatrict In the world but has Its
peculiarities. What la a auoceea at one
point, mail' not be -effective at another.
It la necessary for, the dredge engineer
to overcome local eondltlona, and to do
thla. he must erudy. them carefully;
and- have the Ingentoue adaptlveneaa to
maater i new dlf f loultlee.
"Thla is not Intended aa a dlsoour-
aaina statement, but to auakaat care.
There are few. better dredge propositions
In the world than that found at OrovUle,
on. the Feather river. The alluvium
there la a loose gravel with few aerloue
bowlders,-the gold la fine and amalga
mate perfectly, and the bedrock la soft
and so even that it la cleaned with
high degree of auooese. There la alao
average for a dredge to handle conveni
ently. Foleom. on tne American rtver,
aeeme to have almost aa many favora
ble eondltlona. . ' - '-
-There are many other -placee . in
California where dredges are operated
or have been built), which offer greater
difficulties- The bedrock la often a ae
rloua ami peculiar propoaitloth A dredge
that cleane bedrock at oroviua. ana op
erates with perfect success, may prove
incapable of doing the fame work eh
another bedrock. A : more - compact
vravel la often found, than haa been
worked at Orovtlle. If eo, the digging
apparatua may have to be modified, at
least atrengthned,-and there may alao
have te be devices for Breaking up me
tenanted around after it la delivered
tote, the - dlnlna apparatua, Bpwiaera
are more frequent disturbing elamente
than the condition of 'bedrock. Orovtlle
has few bowlders, scarcely any that In
terfere with the work of a dredge. A
dredge, manager whakjlnda considerable
bowlders must devtee ways and means
for bandllna them. If he- continue euc
oeaaful work. Theee often put great
atreea on the digging engine, injure ma
bucket Hps and block, the carrying, ca
naeltv of .the bucket chain. Buck ob-
wmrtlnns are not Inaurmountable. how-
Foar Xiseesse esmrsd aTearty giilllem lis
v 8peclal Dtapatea te The JearaaL? '
Pendleton, Or July 11. One of the
best known cltisens of thla place. Mayor
W F, Matlock, confirms the reports
from Nome about ' the richness of the
strike on what la known aa the Portland
bench. Thla strike la pronoenced -the
richest; for Its. Mac that haa ever been
made In ' the northern country; aome
of the pans of earth taken from the
workings opened there have been as
tounding. Owing to the fact that opera
tions have been rather limited, the full
scope of the new discovery la not known.
Mayor Matlock says that this tract,
which has been gone over by prospectors
sin" the first rush, waa not known to
carry much gold. Four men secured a
lease to ' prospect' the ground, and .en
tered the rich gravel In tble work. Under
the conditions of the lease, they could
work only four men for a limited time,
hence the production has not been near
ly ao great aa It would have been with
full latitude for development and min
ing. The four men have secured $7e,
e already. k - '; , .
Mr. Matlock and hia eon bonded' their
Nome property for 4.eoo, receiving
110.06a down, and he any a that work la
not. being done there thla year by. any
one. The eondltlona of mining In the
appe district a are eald to be faa-orable.
(SpecUl Dtseetca Tke JoarsaLl
. Chohalls, Waah.. July 11. The Rosen
thal coal mine at thla place haa been
leased for. another five years by Miller
Brothers of ChehaJla, ' who have been
j :i.. ' ' "
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The OinlV Exclusively 1 Vehicle Hou in thef Northwest
1 -
operating It for aomejtirae." They have
an option of another frve years after the
new lease expire The mine la on the
bill in the heart of the eity The tun
nel goes In from the Coal creek elde,
and la almost through the hill to the,
mala line of the Northern Pactflo, In
the north end of town. It la the Inten
tion of Miller Brothers to open the tun
nel from the west and put -In big bttnk
verlfJtha lnTTOttv'gestHgjifmerie
is iiavAtjMi to the work.
I believe that xne areage iieia is rmnldlV. . I eee no reason should not. Take your
state., for lnatance. v xou nava res.i
placer depoaita, which have been, mined
successfully by hydraulic means. There
la every reason for believing that aome
of the gold deposited" in the bade, avail
hi. for" hydraulic work has bean
washed on down " lnte deeper ground.
Whr ft la imnoealble to operate hr
draullcally except with the hydraulic ele
vator, and thla ta not aiwaya possiDi
because of the water supply. It often
vmira also, that good gravel la to be
had. but there 1 no water xor nyarauuc
work. Theae eondltlona are tne natural
Acid for the dredge. In. realising on
them It will be necessary te adapt the
dredge to Oregon eondltlona. '. .
I understand you nava nao '
failures of dredge enterprweo in inn
state. -Thla 'ahould not discourage fur
ther, work along that .line, i ne areage
felled because thay were not adapted to
the work. I admit that aome eondltlona
exist which cannotN be ..overcome. at
least With mechanics no lannar aa-
vanced than at preaent. i ut aucp are
raw. Alt that la necessary is 10
hat nur . around carries, the diffi
culties yoa must maater, and-then act
about the- work Intelligently. If you mUtakea. they will be ooetly.
If you win, jrou will have one of the
heat neVlna- mining propositions of the
country, end which can be made aa reg
ular ae the production of avnoat xa-
vored-farro.---.-v-'-"r-"rn r
Mr. ortacom says tne areagmg 1 nous
try will experience Immense- growth.
Some of the best engineering talent of
h. MMst .la devoted to extension of the
Uns of oneration. Proapectlng has
been reduced" to a remarkable science,
and is not expensive, compered with the
coat of knowing lode properties. -After
the proapectlng le completed, there la no
cause xor isiiurw. . y, -
. . . .. . .. - i: i .i-
hlDolna buatneee; In this 'Way the 1n
dustry will be developed en a .mucn
larcer scale than ever before and- a
number of men will be employed.
j OpemlBt am Ol KUa. -,, A
" (fperUI rnsgeteh te The ' JoaraaL) - V
Helena. Mont.. July 11. Assurance Is
given that the Iron Mountain properties,
whioh - were among - the . most f amoua
of" the state in early days, are to be re
opened, v These have been developed to
the 1.78 level, and proauoaa wait wnen
worked, by the former' management. - It
to the purpose to drive a deep tunnel
to unwater the mine. -;' . ',''"'v .'- r'
li'r.1? j"-. i ;";-'.
(SpeeUl Mspetck te The tarsal.) 1
Pendleton.' Or.. July 41. It la learned
that "Boeton, Kid," leader of the gang
which broke Jail here last Monday, and
one of those who eoceped, ta a profes
sional crook who Is wanted by the police
In Pooatella- ' -' ''".'.' ..-'
Boeton Kid" la the man - wno at
tempted to- pawn the aultlng to a local
pawnbroker in the afternoon before the
gang waa arreated. ' '. -,: ' C
-A. reward has been' offered by the
Pocatello police for hi arrest. ":
wrere. Family Planie. T
, . I. IBpwiW View vm .
Corveuie, or., July ii. rne u roves
family is tioldlnr a picnic at Oak creek.J
Among, tnose taxing me , ouiing . era
Meadamea Groves.- C -D. - Thompson,
Ines Wilson and -Walter Wiles, Misses
Edna and X,fUle Orovea, Gladys Horning
and Em'l Horning. - . , , . . i
' rraxrta City Water Ryi
(Jearaal pselsl errtea.V'
Baker Ctty,-,Or.. July 11. Arrange
ments ' ware completed today. In - this
city whereby a new water system is
to be put in at Prairie City. -A Ta
coma concern. wa given the contract.
TuMihrn Crcv am
Mwmmta wj niuin so it- to eleaaae scalp,
tsetaaiiy anvMl easerag, kUle germs, stops kali
tslllaa, praswtM growth er thick, Isstnas aals
" the rich eslor and aeaaty oi yeata. Cse
Mimna wna osnas soap, IB .
Km&a Tom looUzj Yotmj
tasaa Kis twtsi - - as.... . .
a -ww v-i'-vw sviwv, wi isi , - a mmm inajs
emkest Pkue Hay wpeeUiUes Co. suraatara. .
FitD Zzzi C,'::r xfaD?
iga (Ms, take te say ef fcflowlng dragglare id
;V ;BIT-'.:.;; :.
Is what taeyaay ef ear Bttrhoas et antsg
Cental work. We ae work for people froa
eat ef be elty qalekly te avoid any aelar.
Everrrblsg ap te date. Open evealaga.aad
aadaye, - Mala foaft, , - . -
The raulag, ear. Skirt sad Wesalagtea,
IJjjrAWTragl J
Barbed Win, Wire and Lawn Penclag,
Fouitry netting; sta. '
- -tr"
PORTLANDJ'inE,&-inorj4'0?.!S -
f, ' , ; o3 FLANDERS ST.. Near TfclrJ
Phone) Main aooo
XMl nsooSftOveIIy
pjp EIDaddep dGseaco nsoil toyond Who '.
dir-GuiisdlOcOinie.' .. No mcOcOno can dlo cc
strengthens: theiurinarylorris,
orates v the whole system! : - i i
TV0 OIZEG COo end 01.00
Pasitd St.M cad Cranl Eft Extrt:!itlzj Feb) '
' A. H. Thurnee, Mgr. Tills Creek Coal Co., Buffalo, 0.twrlta
MIhy beta ainktedwitb' kidney aod bladder troabl for reara,e
Ing gravel or atone with excruciating pains. Other medicine on!y
1 gtvereUef. After taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURB the reiuM was
Liarprlfing.'ZAfew dose tarted the brick dust, like An atones, ate '
, and now I have no sain acroas my kidney and I feel Ilk a now bib.
FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE na done me I1.00Q worth of good."
. . Ko Othtr Rcstiy Cm Ctstptri Ur.i II : ,
: ,' , '. - Tbo. XT. Carter, of Aahboro, N. C, had Kidney Trostl as
no bottle of FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE effected a perfect cure, aal
be says there 1 no remedy that aria compara witn It. , , ,.
r,.: 'l-' C--. -I I ;.:.'
SCLD a nECC"IK:ED nv r
'res seep ant glvea br dretglst wlthoet thla
eatlre ad, aad too. for Balrbtelta, 7"""
nslso teosaM tHiMiniaai
WOOBiU, Oabjcx ti aoH remrtk
aad waaaJaerteev aNa.
i. ...... ..M,,..a
. And othcrwarcs n proportion. We are closing but a veryjarge stock of Graniteware at remarkable reductions
.from' ordinary prices, and selling r '.;! 'V v-I i '::" v -t Vvf 1 : V ? ,' -: ' ?'- .'"
' Sad Irons at only $1;00 per Set
ojlo JI0, ;EC
Phone Main 1382
I - : .... . .
j , . : -I'