The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 22, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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    ivr-jL.Tiiir joe-con iJATLT jcjn::Ai; ' fostlaitd,- cATur..v ; zv:::::::cv -ju-" -
t - yt :;-
; William f Moor !, Gets T Terrible
Shock, Fall Fifty Feet and
Infantry and Artillery Attack En
Foreman Wilson Arrives at Baker
Flretartlnj From Kitchen Flue
j;r Completefy Destroyt
- Southern Hostelry. " ?
Prt!-isn; Cicrrtjuy Annpqnu
('-;Th Cottreu w::i Meet V
.trenched Troope on H'''
t Above. Exposition Site. '
City .With Details of Cor
. nucopia Trouble. :
V:,;t'V..v!:t.tMy Recover
'.y I
i -ew. "S o-ri- - -
. . ;. ? v. ii i i 1 1 ' 1 K .
V ., ,. V T: ..
A ' W,--. ,- ,.(' j-..; .y.
. Linemaa lor General Electric Com-
i pany Drops From Pole at Williams
! ' Avenue and Fremont Streets, n4
" Does Not jLaeV Consciousness
' f, ' " ' ' a1
ivy. ' ".' ' ? v-, ' V
. ! Six thousand , volts of 7 electricity
ruitd through the body of William
- Moor, a lineman In the employ of-the
Portland General Eleotrlo company, and
- he turned a complete somersault in a
.. ; fall xf it -feet.- struck .oa -hia. aide . and
' i broke ills rlrht arm .and lea. V . - '
Numbers Against Position and Heavy
Winchester Rifles "Play , Prominent1
Twenty .Thousand ', Damages Result
Celestial Empire Serves Notice That -,
thl' Son of Heaven' Must Be Con- 'f.
Gun Against Concealed Marksmen
Are , the '.-Conditions Militia and
Part la Clash. and Mors Trouble
Expected aBefor . Matter of Road
From Flames-City Is Now With
upt Railroad pr Hotel Accommo
; dationS t',' ' - ; j . ' ':;;-',
; Regulars Engaged Side' by Side..'
and Water Rights Is Adjusted.
Rossis anoVJspaa, ff "h
I Though badly burned; Moore did not
:loee consciousness,1 and did pat", utter
a moan of pain, i Though 91 men out
of io would have been killed by .the
u .experience through which he v passed.
Moore id said to stand an excellent
- chance of recovery. .,-- -. ,.
! It was shortly before. 1, o'clock .thla
afternoon when Moore ascended the pole,
. .at William- avenue and Fremont
' 'stret, with' ths Intention of making" a
'necessary, repair. ... He placed hts belt'
around the pole to hold him eel f In' post -i
tion. and waa about to' fasten the snsp
- when his arm came In contact with a
live wire In "such amanner as to form
a short circuit and S.OOS volts'-of .the
electrio fluid psssed through his body
an he fell. ' .. , ,". .-. - i
i. Persons who saw hlmjjrflji tarried htrt
to tho sidewalk, fie waa able to talk
' when Patrol Driver Oruber and Patrol-i
man . Burke arrived tn- reaponee to a
summons By telephones
Uw.r. I- .1.- 1 I
. LTr - r?"
, ambulanoa, ;
Only once on the trin -to ths hosnitat
did Moore "pesk. The he 6pened -his
eyes and asked -for a drink -of water.
which Wsa aivan him.
"Lhay.een gelUy men," L aald Tsrol
Driver Oruber, "but this fellow is sway
ahead of any person I fcver saw" before.
'He will live Just because of nerve and
sand that, and nothing else." .-,,
Before being taken to the-hospital the
, wounded man waa attended by Dr. Boyd.
At the hospital an examination ehowed
his right leg broken near the thigh, hia
right arm fractured -near the elbow, a
; round bnrn as large aa a dollar on hia
right side and t M bum on his left
forearm, where he tame In contact with
the wlro. ' t
. Moore live, at i7o Twelfth street and
nmm oven lookee on as one of the com-
wire, moai juiaoie ampvoyea.
;iie.:i vam
if i . I
.1 1 r.
Rudolph; t'Dodjw Alleged to Be
gtrirthrf ir-fary - 1 . 1
7 t
v (Jeerasl gaeeUl hnw i
.'' New Tork, July M. RudolDh 'TMn 1
United BUtes consuUr agent of Caracas,!
.venesuela. is declared to huva mAuiuI I
hs duties and to be working for his own I destroyed by Ire early yesterday atom
usinese interests under circumstances Ing. Only-meagre reports eould be ob
aimjlar to some of those eUlegd asalnat I talned owlna- to tha lnaa of tha talanhona
17.11. rltn"lf m,- D- 1 Church
" ' i; . iuuuwui I
r. " . "p "le-owners or the
'lJuTSSlSvtM nd P,t,r owners -of
ojriciai. time promoting that com I ..t,.iu - th.i....j
Pi7'i. AjTtilS-:
ldecor.4 .k . 1."" ,
hv v;;...,-T: -" Vr'
7'. : " wastro
company, but there Is Nothing wrong
Tsout tnat. My dutles.sllsw me to go I
jmo pnvsce enternrlsea ' M AnHmm l
the claims of the" lOTUn,..! I
TU consular egent are very much dif.ld,,nt w,r among those destroyed. The
rDi irom those of a. consul.
' WrnillMf-r-atri-
, vvtnmun i -tN i Hits
... jr ... .,
'J The
overnight- entries' for Monday's J
v i I
races at -Irvine-tan ratrair -
' ,' "f ' rac- aeven furlongs.', selling.
iV r. "P jcvermore.
iai. ei.e va, renancs.
f 2. . i6l, Magna Borgia. 101: Sits.
JMinie Bul-k, 103; let. Chsblis, M0J;
iS?-?"? eiISSS, Birdie P..
Second rsce, five and one-half fur.
ngs, selling, for 4.mmi --a .
. lo- iiti Twin . , . tl,nar,i
Jfjv ";'. bvdo". Sa.
JSl ' Dr' 8heprnn. 101:
' itan'aa lot P"' ; Con-
. , .!'. . . 1
.2151,1':': :A.7. " 'nrtaaea. selling,
f . . ".M31 " Ibean, 107; -S14.
i uatola .: Santee, 8: list. I
, r" '''""". 1U7: list, Bell,
VT1 SW'81phon Olrl. l4;- till.
i 1M"W' ' i-
L . I,D m. eelling e,
JAnlrad, ' 1011 . St0. Moltn. lflf lu
Jinglof,. 10S; .S687. Calculate, 94; si4tMsome time ago Glass A Prudhomme oom"
rt Master, 8; 810, Paul E. Jones! 1
$.-: - v " v ., ... ,
ruin race, one and one sixteenth and challenged the Nome Bare Lock
Smiles; selling 4-year-olda snd unMSi corapanyv agents for the Hlbbard-Rod-;Uert
Davis, 10$: 84 so, Kille d'Or. 10(- man-Ely safe, to open it burglariously
aMi3(, Poxy Orandpa, no; 8fi34, Moor' or wltl oxploslvee before the bankers,
107;. , Mr. Dingle, lBj (451), El at th same time agreeing, to operate
rvermcav jvn stza, xlDDIe Candid, MOO-I0
;S44. Capitol, 107.' : ' ';' V
nixtn race, one mile and 10 yards,
-jrimr-ins ana upsssj. Tea
balllta, !; I4I. Bessie Wllfley, .,7.
sf. The Lieutenant, lot: sues
tlantle Itarry, 104; 7). Dandle Belle.
107; i41. Follow Me, l4i.' , ;
'Apprentlro allowance.
i '.-.! i.. ...
- The chime '
kfven'Trtnlty choroh byf,ri?"l"fltak,n ,T nnUm and ens
w , la I half-ounce and ounce charaaa nitr.
miss itacnel -
has arrived, and Mr. Meheely- of the
V? 'ompany, will InsteU It
the coming week. -. ' -. i i-
Trolley Tripe Tesmorrow e O. 'jr.-' 9.
To-Oregon City and Canemah park,
"verlooklng the WlllameUe Palla a oooi
id ' pleasant spot, to spend Sunday.
-"'"" no evening. in-i
"v" ",,n" found trip, v cars with
rn trailers leave Plret and Alder
- ' ts On the Odd hour ami w, m - aa I
ii tea.
- - - I ;
,'''' ' :;V'" j'
sjS',1i.--, r, '-V i. - -
':f-'S X': ;,"Mra.DtD.i,
" 'Mrs. Emma Jackson, wife of D.' D.
I hospital, .died at ll:i o'clock this morn'
tng after an-lUnese dflWffwekkr-fcastl
r . . . . . , ,
performed. She did not rally from K as
I was hoped.' T , ' - ' ? ' "
Mrs. Jackson tree about -ST years oTd,
Entire Bueinets Section of Wash
1 Ington Village Destroyed by
Flames Friday.
v -
W Ho r' I
P"-ana iJ Jacayunnn onopsv iiSKncs
. ana osna uo up m smoK. i
(BateM INepateh -e Xhe JoeraaL)
:, CoUaa WVan, Julr ' -A.imost the
entire bnalnaaa nnrtlnn nt ihii.
and Western Union eff lees.. There were
surneo. I i ; , . .
The heaviest losers 'are -O Tv Wahl
carried a-Stock of $l,00d but saved
some of his goods. ' Klaveno had a etock
of IT.sOO. which was a total loss.
Two hotala thru ulonn. mr,A l.
bar shops, a blacksmith shop-owned by
?f5rle".'5? A0?
wTL -7 -LvJi ,..:"Z
States Senator Levi P. Ankeny le presl
only remaining business house le Hunt.
ley Bros., general merchandise, end the
Davis implement company, .. . , . i.
' It- Is .'reported -that . a. , man. named
Johnson grew despondent over .the loss
yesterday and committed .suicide. He
mmmm IntMMatMt n movnm fit tha hudtMil
property burned. . - ,' t
- . . v . i- ...... ,
It Took Place) In Broad' Daylight and
Occupied 67 Minutes of tbt Expert's
Precious Time.
The members ' of the Washington and
Oregon bankers" convention end visit-
suteswere very much In evidence on
the south- verandas of the American inn
yesterday afternoon. i the ? occasion be-
tng a demonstration Itr the way of open-
ing bank safes. A platform had. been
built in the pan space and on H were
pUced a No 60 Victor Manganese bank
safe that had been In use by the Salem
Bute bank-for about IS months, and a
No - Hlbbard-Rodman-Ely Manganese
safe that had been in use by the First
NiHmul hunk Pnlfif fnp liimMitlii
1'ook company, offered o furnish for a
test the Ne. 10 safe .without expense
tneir o. s sate, ana u tney xauea
t0 0Pn t and Injured the safe to pay
tha market price of the safe. The Not
ns Bare lack company -refused to
operate on the Vlotor and Victor pee-
vifuiiiiriiuu wvni on me rnooars-Rodman-Ely
safe, after the bankers had
examined both aafes and had securely
locked them with time locks ranelne.
Six or eight blows with a sledge made
n oiKnini in me morns ears and nitro
glycerin .,. could readily' be introduced.
any oi iu ' j ne total time of tha vnrk
1"!!,.'? L. "J"1. T,ry
I'Vh! AM
. . n. v v... ... iwib
(jesrsai saeeiai aervlas.l V ! I
Sidney. N. & W, July tlamee
Btanbury won the world's TiUUig
rhamwtmialila mm m . "
-- u-...svwnu V IWP
lengths. gUkes, 12.100. . ? r- .
' "' r . V H i f -' l
"V -. '.'v
wss a'most popular 'woman, -and waa
elected queen , of the first Woodman of
the World earntval held In this city
tiiies yeaia agu.' : Bhe Is survived
husband, who was county JaUsr for" sev"PowdrD7 a felut flank movement ny thai
erel yeara before receiving file present
appointment, and two sisters, Mrs. "Ella
WlUlams of this city and Mrs. Mary
Plank of Hutchinson, Kansas.-; -
Attorney for Open-All-Week Con-
; cesslonaires Said ; to Have '.
; Found Useful-Point' ' I
Rales of Corpof ation Are Subject to
tModificadon I by ' Commissioners
i -- I
-and Dfsputts-Afaio Ba Arbitrated
br State Officers. ..
A new potiit In the law creating the I
Lewis and Clark state Lfalr commission :.'-. ''. t Trsope Pass' ta lUview.
was discovered- by John V. Logan. oni..iats yeaUrday -afternoon 1.00 troops
of. the attorneys tor the applicants for paSS4 in review before President Goods
an order restraining the corporation and' Director of Works Buber of lbs ex-
from dosing the Trail on Sundays, and position officiary,. Eighteen companies
at hia request further . hearing of the of the Oregon National Guard and the
application for an Injunction waa. con- Tenth United States infantry , went
Unued until Monday morning. through fhs svolations of dress parade
.The point U in the second sentence on th, drtVeway in front ef the exhibit
of Section of the Jaw of ISO, . which buildings. At I .o'clock , .the . federal
.reads: The rules and regu- troops on Government island marched
-lationeof eald eorporation governing
' V . .. .. u . 4"" I
or omerwise aiiecung njm pnv-1
lieges and Interests of tha exhibitors or 1
ft Puo" ahall be axed or esub- tloned. eAT the left of the line of sol
Ushed by asld company, subject, how- dJery tnat extended from the Forestry
ever, to the modification of said com- building 'to Festival halL Major Mo-
miaaion j,uii. fumraiH.ra;, ana m oas
uiapuiv, oujn.-w w w rj
vurauuH iv 1 ivvvniw, nvivwij . ui i :
state ana stats treasurer, wnoss award
oa 'such question, made by the whole,
or a majority thereof, shall be binding
Mr. Logan told Judge Praier that
had called on Jefferson Myers, president
ef the state' commission, and Mr. Mjrera
had told him that he had never approved
of the Sunday closing order; in fact, had
disapproved of the closing of, the Trail
on Sundays. . - -
' At a hearing yesterday afternoon. Sec
retary Henry E. Heed of the fair cor
poration; JohnvA.JaVekefleld. director
of admissions . and . concessions. . and
Homer Davenport, proprietor ef the jpav.
en port farm, were called as witnesses by
the defense. Mr. Reed said that a reso
lution passed by the board of directors
in January. 1004, provided for Sunday
openings; Mr. 'Wakefield, that there was
DO ODjecuon 10 ins opening or me OOn- I
cesslons on Sunday, and that he had re- j Estlmatss based en the record at noon
fused the Concessionaires Permission talahnwad that .the nrunvl, wara rnnl
open Sundays because he had been dl-
rected to do so by President Goods of tonight, and only on -two previous days
the corporation; Mr. Davenport teetifled has the attendance reached such a fig
that the effect Of Sunday Closing WOUld I nr. Ortnln'A, dml.rinn, Mra
r1 th ,mp"'"n among the publlo
i,7, - . wurs
snd would injure the fair.
roninr rnnfi nnn"
Lats Democratio Candidat and
Grandson Rescued From s
Death In River. . . : .
' '" ' rjesraal Saerlat tarvlee.1 -Poaghkeepsle,
N. July SI Alton
B.' Parker, late Demooratia candidate
for president,' and his grandson,-Alton
parksr Hail, were rescued from drown-
ng off Esopus island, opposite the Par'
ker noma, toaay oy inward Frits,, a
photographer of thle city. -Young Hall
waa on Judge . Parker's back.
Tbe Judge was choked and unable to
swim in the swift current He called
for. help.. .Parker threw the lad off ant
the latter cank, but waa .brought to
ins surisoa ny . nis ana ootn were
neipea esnore and tne ooy resuscitated. I
.'; - i , i - ' ' 'i 1 . .- . v - ( i .
' fearaal. Sseelal Service.) ' ''." ' i '
' Jackson. Mlii, July Owing to the
presence of yellow, fever In Few Orleans.
Governor Hardman today ordered the
elty quarantined, r .
The rattle of musketry and the roar
or cannon wUl becln .this afternoon
shortly after 4 o'clock In the aham bat
tle at the exposition, when colonel o.
U. Oantenheia eommenoee his attack with
1.100 men against Major May's force of
IBS which will- be entrenched - on the
hillside overlooking 'the (rounds. -Major
May has four companies ol the Oregon
National guard, and the attacking- forces
will be three , battalions of . OregonJ
guardsmen nnoar command . ox jjieuien-ant-Colonel
Toran, stationed near ' the
Forestry building; companies I; and X
of the Tenth United States Infantry on
Government inland, under command-of
Captain Brown; First battery of field
artillery, commanded by Captain H. U.
Welch, - stationed across - the railroad
tfack at the entrance of the exposition,
and Troop X, Oregon National guard
supporting the battery and
commanded by Captain xakln.- . '. 1
Taaory of Battle.
The theory of the sham battle la to
dislodge Major Mara defensive forces.
The artillery will open lire from their
position oa the right, supporting the
movements of the troope, which are to
ba sent against the hillside position in
the following manner:
1 'X feint will, be made by the Tenth
iinraniry irom yovernmeni iiuuiu, iui-
I oaixery .ana - cavairy. wdui inia is in
I progress, the. real attack will develop
on xne ngni oi me aoiqnaiTmzoroes,
IwlU a flanking movement executed by
ins uurea paiaaiions one iniaury.
T The flanking movement will have as
purpose the complete envelopment
the hillside forces, so that, as the
goes on.' Major : May will have
ve himself by retreat or suffer
defeat The problem confronting Major
May. will be to prevent the flanking
movement, -while resisting the - attack
of the troops from Government island
and - tha ilre of JhsartUlery and the
cavalry, .. '
" Befeaders e.Be Oefeated. '
The Inevitable outcome, according to
judges of military tactics. Is that Major
May will be defeated, but - in accom
plishing the downfall of the hillside
forces, there wilt be really spectacular
warfare, with the , firing of I0,00t to
7S, 000 shots. - . t. ; - f "
' Persons who ' are ': on the exhibition
grounds will witness the aham batfl to
good advanUge. All the troops WUl be
in plain eight rrom various points on ue
grounds and the noise of the firing will
be audible all ever the city. , A more
Ideal spot for the shajn battle eou)dnot
'" h? topography lends
Itself te .the intrloeoles of warfare and
a late. play., military gsnlus . ..The
battle will continue from about 4 o'clock
to by 'which tmre It is expected that
Major May's man will have beens.aur
rounded by, the flanking' movement of
the three battalions and must surrender.
t th rsvlewtng ground and the bat-
taJloas of the Oregon Guard xam
through the gatee from their camp out
.11. ,k ..m..n. Th. ... ....
Donell Of the exposition guards was With
na reviewing officers.
Admissions Today Will Probably
, Ey esd All Figures Except
for FoUrth"aTrdC)sning. ;
The department of admissions expects
this ta be one of tha tilaAat three tfava
so far In the hlatorr of .tha axnealtton.
tor SA.000 by the time the lights so out
J9,800, and on the Fourth of July the
turnstiles registered l.70. The pres
' enoe of the Northwest Saengerbund with
its. thousands of visitors, and the sham
battle, - which begins at 4 o'clock thle
afternoon, . were two - attractions that
served to plaos today la the list of the
three biggest days of the exposition.
Up te 11:10 this forenoon -1,111 peo
ple had passed through tbe gates, which
Is' exceptionally large. The total 'ad
missions yesterday; were lO.iO. ...... ' . , .
. I .e
4 ' -'- No change' will be made In the ' e
e anti-box ordinance now being an
e -forced by Mayor Lane. , e
e At a . meeting of the liquor
e - Hoensa eommlttea of- the - olty -'4
e ' Oounoll this afternoon a resolu- :
w 7tlon was unanimously passed e
e : recommending to tne council that e
the amendment to the ordinance
S submitted by the liquor men dav4
e not pass.' Present ac the meet- .4
d 'Ing wepet Counollmen Vaughn, K e
S Grey, Annand and . Wallace. , e
S , Councilman Masters appeared as i
e) the meeting-closed, and stated - e
I wmm ...... o. . W
le is factory to him. - i - . , J . ; 4
e e
- ' M'-h"l BaUay Znjmred. v. '
1 Michael Bailey was Struck In the right
side by a stick snd internally Injured
while at work et tha Inmsn-poulsen mill
today. He la at the Good Samaritan
hospital wt, . , .
'if '. (Bbeetal J)topifch e The JewaaL)
Baker City. , Or J July It. Jos Wilson.
foreman of the Mayflower mine at Cor
nucopia, arrived from the Skene of the
trouble last night and states that only
two men were wounded In the fight
there, Laubeobelmer . and Paige. - His
story - le that- as- the-Mayflower men
were coming to camp rrom work Thurs-
aay night, they round' a- aitcn wmcn
Pierre Humbert of the Cornucopia ootn
pany had dug across the road and for-
badethem .to cross, Humbert mean
while standing In the ditch. The road
had been used for tbs last IS years by
the publlo, : and the Mayflower men
threw Humbert out and crossed. Next
morning as the "men of the Mayflower
were returning to work Humbert and his
men appeared armed with Winchesters
and opened fire. - - i
. The Mayflower men returned the fire.
Laubanheimer of tha Union Companion
was shot through the shoulder . and
bowels. Paige of the Mayflower was
Slightly wounded In the heeL The sheriff
ana surgeons tert tor . me scene '. last
night More trouble is expected. -;
. '-. ' Ooateading- Xntereste. ,
The contendlhg Interests In Cornu-
oopla district. St miles from this city.
are guided by Pierre Humbert, of the
Cornueonla Mines mf Oreirrtn eomnanv.
and Cfergs W. Boggs, of the Stsmpede
QoldMlalng oompanyT Thenforiner'la
from San Francisco, while .toe latter is
resident of Taooma, and. waa for a
period prominent in Washington politics.
Mr. -Humbert, with outside capital.
bought in the Judgments against the
Cornucopia mines which "were secured
against that property while It I was owned
by Joan &n geeries, the New xork
Sugar , magnate, and recently resumed
work. He has a force of about 40 to
(9 men, largely engaged In underground
exploration..'.. .
Mr. Boggs and hie associates acquired
the -Mayflower and No Good - groups.
which were turned - into the Stampede
company, ana since then naa-teen work
ing s force of is to to men. . This prop
erty is situated on Granite mountain, on
veins psrallel to and above the vein eye-
tarns ef tha Cornucopia, As the' Cornu
copia property consists of 1 patented
claims and a dosen or more that are not
patented, the claims forming a oontlnu
ous belt across the face ef the mountain
and well down toward the Tillage of
Cornucopia. Those reaching upper Iocs-.
tions nave been oroasmg cornucopia
ground for a good many years, and It
Is said to be thla road that la a part
of the dispute. ., j. u ., ;;-v.4vt..
' .-'-'.. -.'Maa Been idJav .r. - .,.,, i
The'' raterrlghtlnvlved are - In
Pine, creek, theimaln .stream o. the
camp. -Pour , or five yeara ago '"the
Cornucopia .company located this stream
for power purposes, taking out a ditch
above the ; village of Cornuoopla and
placing the generator about a mile and
half below the asm. . .There Is not
enough water,-with the present fall, to
furnlshr tbs Cornucopia mill, compressor
and yother machinery sufficient energy
during much of the yeer, snd Mr. Hum
bert recently commenced surreys to run
the ditch about 100 -est higher up the
t'HltMtMtt i
4- rW I I"!1 f' "JgX.
1 ' 1MRt, SNOOKS John. I
VI ..To . " ii 31) Ail- .ft., ii
r'Tlfl W U-O CU !L1 I f Ivlt' M l ' t
- garden., tee, I have bought a full set 6f qsrden
; T Ing tools, and. here le a let of sseds. Now, 1 want
f - you to sisrx rignt in to were: tomorrow morning.
It win saa moet neatnrui exeroiee for yen . after
you come from the effloe and before) breakfast, ' ; ,
T v . MR.- BNOOKSAIl I want you to do for tha 1
4 dollar la, eome tlma to-night you Jump my fenee and'
T steel theee Instruments ef torture--! mean those"
- gardening Instruments end eeed and do what you
please with them. I'll guarantee you against de
. . . tsctlon of proeooutlon. . .. . -. , ," r.. ., , . .
" (Sseetar DfeiBsteb U ne lasraaLt !
Drain. Or. July It. Fire starting at
I2:it O'clock today from the kitchen flue
of the Commercial hotel- caused a lose of
114,000, praotlealiy without insurance.
The town la now without hotel or rail
road aooonunodatlona. ' ; :
- Tha town hae no fire protection and
the flames spread rapidly. and within a
few minutes were beyond control. - The
eitlsens devoted their energy to saving
toe contents or the buildings, but the
bulk of the goods eaved were afterwards
destroyed,-.- ..; . ,-
The ConMnerclal' hotel, and tha Drain
hotel were two large buildings occupy
ing a block. A brlok fire wall had re
cently been erected between, the two
buildings, but It went like pasteboard.
' The roadmastar'a offloe ' and depot
were destroyed with the lumber . and
material to enlarge them, but cars on
the eidinga . were saved by a switch
engine. There was a strong wind blow
ing from the southwest and the flames
did . not spread south of the building
where they started. '.. ,
The ls-inon brick -wail and the . iron
roof and . abutters of the old Drain eV
Co., block stood the beet of the burn
ing hotel within a few feet and saved
the buildings In the lower part of .the
town where the - principal business
houses of the town are located. '
TJieargestroaoee follow: , Com-1
merclal hotel. 11.000; Hotel Drain,' IS,-
oooi depot, 11,000; roadmaster's office,
1100; Bledsoe warehouse snd eon tents.
too: unch barber shoo, ssooi two real-
denoia, 1100; Mrs. Wheldaa, millinery,
I40r- !. r 1 ' "' ' '-a ' i -
hill, giving him nearly-100 feet drop.
- The cornuoopla hae been praotlealiy
iaie tor two or three- years,- untu.Mr.
Humbert resumed work there' this cum
mer, and Jt is understood taat the May
flower owners have ' been - endeavoring
to acquire water rights in 'thla -earns
stream which Mr. numbort thougnt ooa-
riicted with his-own. itv -.- r'
T,; - ( , . i r. -- ,-. v -. ; - J
Georgs J. Walker, who "for the past
seven -years has been euperlatendent Of
the - city's fire alarm system, - has
tendered 'his? resignation to Fire Chief
Campbell to take effect as soon aa hia
euccessov can be appointed. -, t- -.
'My resignation is purely for business
reasons."- ha said. "I have been offered
a batter place. !- My tew poaJJina will be
with the National Automatld Fire Alarm
company, and. I wUl b located here."
Many-are of the opinion that Assistant
City .xaectrlclan- Fred . L. Gifford will
be select ed to take his place, Gifford
hae been the assistant to Walker dur
ing the past three years. Is aa expert
electrletan, and knows the eity'e needs
In his line most thoroughly, r . .
, - - 1 ' :
Woodburn Independent: ; Some grow
ers are feeling pretty -blue over the out
look, i while others claim that every
thing will turn out all right. - , -
Oepnickt. ISOS. ay Aairtns TisnisJ fiisiHia
I si a
am oolna te have
;: t muet get out of
. neve i aee wayi
Jirat as soon aa
. greuaa wionea persona wim jump sne renca as jtigns ,
' and steal them. .. - '.','"':
A MPta. SNOOKS-oehl Nobody In thle neighbor-.
v heed would ataal.
iirin Bivwrxw nw nn morning jv ny,
JOHN I ' Someone haa stolen tha gardening tools rnd
the eeetfe. ' -.,- ", '' " .'.,. v- .
MR.' SNOOK Well, whet did I tell you t It
would be the earns way with' the . vegetablea, too.
As muoh as I Uks gardening, ' I'm not going to
throw sway my good, honest toll for someone is
. --MM . k I
ewlna the rseulta,
; (Journal Snedal BerriM.l-
Oystsr Bar. July. SI. Praatdant
Aooeevelt and Secretary. Root, continued
their consultation thle morning. . Root
will probably remain ' until ' late ' thle '
afternoon. . The president took bis dally ;
exercise at oars and swimming thla
afternoon. . , . . . .
, Thle afternoon Secretary, Barnes an-7
nounced that the president baa decided
to call an extra session about Novem
ber 11; the exaot date la not settled.
The conference was over the protest"
received from China requesting her con
sent to the ratification, ox f he conclu
sions of the forthcoming peace confer
ence. The Chinese note as made nubile
reads as follows; t " .
"Having viewed with profound regret
the unfortunate Interruption of peaceful 1
relatione between Japan and Basal, the
.imperial, government, now learns - with
sinoera. gratlzioatlon! that "negotiations
are about to commeaoe tor the restora
tion of peace and , amity. But in the
present , conflict Chinese territory-, hae '
been made the theatre of military opera
tions. Therefore It Is hereby expressly ,
declared . that ne provision ' affecting
China, without the approval" of Chin
being, previously obtained.- which .the
treaty of .peace may- contain, will be
recognised as valid. ' : The diplomatic
repreeentatlvesof China In Japan and''
Russia have been instructed by tele-
graph to ocmmunlcats thla declaration -to
taa- governments ef Japan ana) Rus
sia, respectively." . :..- . -,'..-; -v,-' '
. . pro::qu;:ced
PertUad tJnloa Stoekrarda.' lair- MfJra.
stock jveeletst , '.' .-..., -..'(
- , --mat t , .'-Catrle- Saiin
Mlay ".,4. ... " :' ', M V'', SO0 '
week ao ......., : 18 '; i a'T ' U
Prerloas weak .'.. ,.. ;V-'''' '"' ,
Month April ....... ,J4 ' : IOS - SH
Tbe - weeksesi la cattle . is evea- bare en
aeaaeed thea ever, bet Drices are shewins as 1
eaaaaea; Hon are ia fl ceataad, with saees
t .a n omina. .
utnclal 1
I H.M . , . ' '
Heas Best eaetera Orrtoa, ' SS-X8; Mockers
saa vnina raw, aa.sucia.; si
stack are aaa fe4-
ra, m.sdi.oo.
Cattle Beet
eaatera Drama steara. BX.0OS1 -
S.SS; . light sad medium tears, z.Boas.eo; '
keet eews end heWers. S2.3Sea.S0: eld sad Maht
eowa, gjuooa.eO( etoeksBj sad ieaears, tXJSj
I JEheeBest fsney Sheep, S.00s.31f awes,1
rvasa aaa aeary, msitl. - - .
. fUHJKik ii tiiame rHMK. . 7
i ' ST
priy iue'' Wstvr "-f .v.', .';him. to i
Sea a-raaeleo-as a) xaeotrle ...... Si
uiani rowoer. . l.
CorasMrelal ....., 5', ,l
Bofar ....m. ......m... SS -.V'
Alaeka fackerf!
forais Wins '
PeelOe Coast :
tnrorala rrolt
inomea Soaar '
Oeeanle Steamahts ......,.. ft
Peanban gusar ............. 43
mtM I Ml Mill H 1 1 4 rj J
.a i i ii i all f .
.' viurK't "ST'.-;
i Telepaea M.M...10t. mVl -Borax..
.151 ,. . .
ie. .'it
ft SNOOKS (Heavenel I hate oardenlnd. 4
thle. somehow. "By Jove I- I be 1
but, my oear, wnat-e ino neer
.the vegetablea appear . above tha t
-l . . . . ....
la. N
not awcni 1 ' " i
'till " ' f t t ( Mill M J UA M M tMIIIHHIIII Milt t M)tUUIIIIUUUU I f