. at W . it ii toxjaara , Blaeco.",.,..,.,,..,.,, 'Prlaoaar of Im".t "I. O. D. .';.."Torwtea 'A Terrible wo ......a,.... ,r ......... ..... .., ....vaaoovi'ie ' , eewee'-. ,ntnui ' . ars you coma away? ' Subscribers' of The Journal who go away . (or a Mk or longer may have the - papr , stopped at their residence snd . Bent to ajiy-address by mall at' the regulsr rates, and collection w!U be mad by regular carrier after return to- thl city, axeept - at - Long - Beach and Seaside, ' where Tha Journal ha a a regular of -Uwaco, Washington, haa f cnarga ox to journal on iong i Beach and. Lewis 4b Co. of Sea-'; ' aide have charge of Tha Journal '- on - Seaside or- - Clatsop beach. . : Delivery will be made at thee . 'two polnta at regular subscript . tioa ratea. Give your ohange " ef . addreaa to your , carrier or . , Fhona Main 100 and prompt at '. . tentlon will bo given all orders, The II Sunflav exaurelon 6 tt Cu- . cad Locke and return on the faateat of - all the Willamette and Columbia ' river ateamers, tha Charlea R. Ppencer, start- t.A Ing from, tha foot t Washington street ' at I a. m. and returning about p. . J affords one of tha moat delightful aleamboat rldea In tha world. There le no other trip on earth enshrined In-so ;.".much grandeur and wealth of canary. , The steamer passes through constant panorama of mountain and glena, sata- - ract and canyon a, hill end dale, mighty forests and rolling ' prnlriea. flshwheels In. operation and the wonderful-Cascade Jocks, built at an expense of I4.00e.000 'and II yeare' constant effort. Tourieta ; come thousands of miles -to view tha entrancing beauties of - the Columbia : between Portland and the looks. ' a' peclaltyVnltnomarr falls, B0 feet, and all thla matchless beauty may be seen tomorrow- at an- expense tor tu kx cellent. meals served on board. 10 cents. It- - j v . Special-- Agent J. A. Crowley- of tha treaaunr department has sent to Wsah- , Ington a report on the foreign exhlblta .. 1 -at the erpoaltlon la which ha appraises - tha goods at tbair value la the eountrlea - 'whence - they- cams. . On thie basis. . liberality having - been ahown the ex ' hlbltore, the' several foreign nations vi : represented here are - said to have: - Japan.' I1J.T6S; Italy, $14,1711 -British r'colpnlea,! .1; Holland. 11,411:: Oer- . .many.,.U: Austria, - 11,471; India, '13.79; Hungary, 11.410; Franeo. W.BIO.-.'-"! -Turkey,' -'- Sweden. ... 110. Beeidea J ' these are immsnsa quantltlea of for i ', : eigtt goods owned by persons who. have . - coma hero to exhibit and sell. . 4 4 , .'I', Ths Jewish ' (Thsrltr Problem' " 1 discussed, last night at Temple Beth V Israel .by Julian Mack. Judge of the Chicago JovenUe court and preeldent of V the , National Conference - of Jewlati ! .-j Oharl.iM! NatVien Mlnr. nresiderrt of the New York Bute , Conference o f i Charltlea and CorreoUon; and vloe-preeJ-- dent of tha United Hebrew Chart tiea of .. New Tork. and. Dr. I K. rrankel, anart t raf of the Vntied Hebrew Charities of 1 New Y": The condition of animator . ' tunta class of Hebrews- who have coma tffr-thhr cuuiitiy aeekthyrellglouafTee r "of tha meeting that every well-to-do . ' Jew should asslat ona or mora of hla - fellow-countrymen. , ".''' -""V ' The Eureka- cadeta will give a free " " en tertalnment in tha Auditorium Tues !: V- day' evening. : Whan they marched Into v - Portland last Thursday they bora a baa- iter saying We hiked 1 mllea," and ; during that long march they gave nu ' meroua antertainraenta to defray thels - ' expense. .. la ther California ' building1 on the- exposition grounds they have . been giving antartalmnanta. , . . . .- . Don't 'forget to clip tha coupon from 'JTbe Sunday Journal, which entltlea you to a free admieaidn to "Darkneaa and -Dawn." ona of the beet attractions on " , tha Trail. - Thla coupon la good on Mon i '.day, Tuaaday and Wednesday . of the V' coming week. - Tho regular admlaaion price la It cents,-but coupon tomorrow admlta you absolutely free. Don't for v'et to lip tha coupon.. - '; ( ..l , A gee tha 6aa at Beaeldei-A delightful " trip to old ocean, only four hours ride v., from Portland. Take a dip tn tho briny ' deep. . Trains leave tha union dev-ot dally at t a. m. -For information apply I to Mr. C A. gtawart, agent, lit Alder gtraat. - Phona Mam tot. 4 , .. , ., Seeing la believing. I know it la hard -v to believe that you can get good planoa f or' tilt- and up. 'But I hsve got tha goods to prove lt-And ytu can- buy i - '.them on easy .term at that A. W, --" Merer. 7 1-Sixth atreet near Oak. .JV. v- , - Tha Utah concentrator was in opera--' tlon for two hours yesterday to ahow - tha method by which minerals are ex- :. tractad from orea and several hundred ' persona witnessed tho demonstration.-, f ' Prices that are right! work thai is ' -" right: delivery of ordera right an time. Try- It we'll - make- - good Alvtn 8. Hawk Co.k Printer. 17 Third street, , Ours are tha only launches landing at tha Oaks. Launches for charter. Favor- Ita Boating company, upper aide Morri v son atreat Bridge., Tel., Mala t40X ' t Cafe des Gourmets is the beat 40 'i coffee on the market; three pounda for .151. Call Capital Coffee company, lit - Ankeny street Phono :Wit ; 'Vj., f-; Itn!ghti aeaslon of. the Katlbnal : Conference of Charities and Correction - concluded tha lid annual - convention. ' whjoh la considered to have been on of -the most, satisfactory in ita history. COW EASE r, kJ ' rue way to htt it oh. y ; ' Contain Nothing Injuriou. ' V ., 4 .:'-:, ;Venr Euy to Aoprf. "".topi THi run rsov im ' t Cinile or karara. (Wa give M ar eeat anre xllk .Ba snt trnMstHl with live. Tby fMl In' papi as ee knmt. imty aita tor ltair a enara ttawe Jieart, 1 gailoe. Mill erdere 114. - . BtrTtX.JJ.' " . J. strxtxs, i ' Rw4a, pneltry.SaiieWfe and fWtinewe. M Trent ltrt. arar TirW. fortlaad, .0. j.. Paeae Mala MO , ',, 'x AC 4 s t. : r - - -.". rxre J v a . , "'n.a.U -La.illij, .-. ... . .' ' - t'M ' - ". ' T" .. . v CUyrccktt, fu;?y Pt cf Fair ' Cominy, U Run Ovr r FOR THZ DEPARTED i4 ' SbArp-Eyed Coyota Will Tiii'tht Terrier's Place,' Though :Ht Can't ' Soon Fill the Voi4 Left by Demiae 7 of JoyUl Rocket. . ..; ' W-; . His name Wa Skyrocket, hla breed was fox-terrier, and hla friends ware legion. He was scarcely, more than a pyppy. and it waa the awkwardness that coma to dogs aa well aa human being in tha adolescent period that caused hla death. ... ; Skyrocket's death occurred yesterday. But he died while on duty, for it was In responding to an alarm of fire that the accident occurred that resulted -In bis tragio and. Skyrocket was tha mascot of tha Lewis and Clark fir station, tha net of all tha- firemen, and tha friend of every man and woman who has vlalted ine moae xira elation.. . , Ha waa a weak-eyed, oow-ieggea ntue puppy when a big fireman, found him wandering about down town and brought him to tho fair jrrounds. That was four months ago and alnoa that time ha has endeared himself to firemen on tha foroe and to every ona who visited tha station. When the alarm Bounded be knew Juat what it meant and waa Inetantly in front of tha horaea, barking and, adding to the clamor of the alarm. As the'horaea thundered out of tha station Into tha road bo ran ahead, still barking wildly. Yesterday tha drrvif waa . forced to make a sharp turn and Skyrocket failed to see how close the hoi sea were. They were almost upon him whan ha did dis cover it, and it waa then that hla pappy awkwardneaa Jed him , beneath their heavy hoofa. v v A ' ' V - -' : One blow from' the' heavy Iron 'shoe sent him whirling in front of the wagon and a great wheel passed over hla body before the driver could check the horses, To succeed the lata Skyrocket In their affections, the fireman have secured a young . coyote, j which haa beea named "Major." , One of tha traveling ahow people that arrived at th exposition found him when, ha was vary; young In tha Snake river region In eastern Ore gon and brought him to this city. Later he became the property of Lieutenant Ed McDonald of tha axaosltion firs ata tlon. and has takenthe place of Sky rocket, - Ho la not aa popular1 aaiwaa tha dog because ha - rebuff a a great- many advance that era. made. However, his number of friends Is rapidly Increasing. The" general session was In ehargd ot tho committee on visiting nurses. Miss Jane Elisabeth Hitchcock presided and read a paper on - "The Field of tho Visiting Nurse-" Mlsa Luey B. Fisher of San Franelsoo spoke on Tne visit ing Nurse as aa -Economlo Factor." Miss- Una Rogers of New Tork read a paper on "Tha muree In tha Public Schools." .Tha- convention will be hold Thi. two 'enmnanlea" of tha Tenth United BUtes Infantry, stationed at tha exposition, have dally drilla and parades which are proving interesting to visitors. Every morning except Saturday and Sunday from I to II o'clock there Is a drill la front of tha government build' ing-. under. command of Captain John B. Oowen, and a parade at tha aama place at 11 a clock and guard mount av ll:x On Saturday at f o'clock a. m. there will bo Inspection and on Satur day aad Sunday . at :4t a. mv guard . ..w I . . i' I '"Every suit in the house IH. ' We are till turning out thosa One, up-to-date aulte- for IIS. Tbeeo are absolutely tha aama as others charge $11 and $40. We do not ask you to take our word for thla, but Investigate- and sea for yourself. Coma in and look our stock over. Visiters always, welcome, and not urged to buy. Remember tha price. any, salt In the house,' $21: any pants. 17.10: no- mora, no icsav unique tail oring Co..-147 Washington street, near Seventh. '.street. '; -; "" .''' Bj.Hvn., m ' th avfwtaltlofi . has m mtnit - of . moniyL men from the northwest states. Delegations are . here from uregon, . .-waaningvwn, Idaho and Montana, who will bo enter iii.itt t 7 aviock at tha Amer ican Inn.- Tha Portland Clearing House association Is to no mo nosa ana um bankers -will enjoy after dinner speeches in addition W ID eiaore annii, Thar-T will be a meeting of the Travel ers'Aid- association , at headquarters. iasu flixth street, at l ocioca atonaay. Bualneaa of the greatest ImporUnca is to be tranaacted, and It Is urged that every one having the good of tha aaao Clatlon at heart , will be present , Hoof taintlng -Columbia Paint com Main 1411. 70 rirat atreeL Moss and fircDroof nalnt for wood. tin. and trott Hoof painting a spectalty. - - Wa arc stlU selling 'our lilt eye- ciaases for IL Consultation free, and every pair guaranteed. Metsger a) Co, 111 Sixth Street. i ; i, ;' ; Cedar park.' Dancing every Sunday afternoon and . evening, VT Prise wait Lata cars.-r'-,vr;'T-v ;'V; ;,''-r .. . S ' f jmmmma ... -r. .. r" 7.-.-'-" Launchae to fair- grounds front efty landing. Stark street,' every 1 minutes. wanted Shirt finisher - and ' ladies elothee ironers, .' Vnloa LaAindry Co. Street bannera made and hnng. Fos- ter Klelaer, Fifth and Everett. . Dr. Amoa. surgeon. Dek-pm building. ! Qrogon City Rlvor Trips. The popular outing xor . i ' --families, picnickers and "" ' leaver Taylor street 1:10, 1:19: 11:10 ' a.' m.: - ' " V-"' 'i 1 1:10, 1:10 I p. m. Round trip II eanta, I : ' Ctaromont Tavorn ;G. " On ' the Willamette Launch Fox leaves foot Morrison St, Merrill's boat house, to Claremont. It, II t. au, t, 4 1:10, 1:1 1 p. tn. Returning from Clare mont, y a. m.; 1. I. t. 7:10. 11:10 p. m. i Mllwauklo Country Club: K ' Eastern and Seattle rrcea. . Take Salt wood and Oregon City cars at First snd Alder. .. I ; A - - ' - - ; Hotel Hamilton, San Francisco's new. est hoteL Staasa heat and telephone la each room. Centrally located. Rates, II and upward, ill Ellis street - . i L-. t L i lawya.J le ii,M::itiifli: Mr. Mask. Cay Portland Has ' Grown, but Rural Districts -;V Nsed Population . - 13 ACTING A3 HOST TO A PARTY OF PENNSyLVANIANS, Notable Democrats '- Sa ' the Dis closares.of ' Or&ft ( in PhiUdelphls j.Will Give .Their Psrtv. Thousands of Votes This Year. ; '-: A'' party of II people; ' guests of Mr. and Mrs.- J. K. Hall t Rldgway, Penn sylvania, and Mr. t and Mrs. P. pray rived Tuesday In the private oar ."Twl. light."' and will leave tomorrow ' night for tha aaat via Seattle and tha Cana dian Paciflo. , . , 1 1- V --. ' , "I have no- intention of making any Investments, although If I were looking for opportunltlea X would undoubtedly come to the Paolflo northwest for them said Mr; Hall, banker, lumberman and oil operator. i "The wealth of thla coun try aeema ta me to be In Its timber, but your lumbermen have their - troubles. They lack a market, and they are paying high freight rates to sell their product aaat.. - It Is a long haul to pull a carload of lumber from Portland to Chicago or New Tork. and costs money to do it. If you had pepulatioa and local market for your iow grades of lumber you would be all right.- Tha high grade lumber can be shipped to New Tork and sold at a profit." .. Mr. Mack thought Oregon a delightful country. He said be could not Imagine why people would settle on the dreary Plains and semi-arid regions between the' Missouri river i jmtthacaacads mountains when ther could coma on to the Paolflo coast and,- find a stats like Oregon, ' Unequal distribution " of the population impressed him unfavorably Ha aald: : r --rr : "The city of Portland bar grown, btf the rural districts have not got tha pop ulation they should have. The people do not All up the state aad develop Its natural resources. . Tha soil - la, I am told, extrembly prolific. . and 1 rewards the tiller with immense crops." Mr. Msek is editor of tho Democratic Watchman at Bellefonte, and Is an ex- senator and present secretary of the state Democratic committee In Pennsyl vania, v Mr. Hall Is an ex-congressman and chairman of the Democ ratio .-. -stats committee. - Some years ago - ha pur chased a large tract ' of' Pennsylvania land covered with hemlock timber to supply a sawmill In which ha was In tereated. After the timber was cut the land was found to be- underlaid - with coal, and below that they struck oil. Mr. Hall was made a very rich man by thee dlBcovariea. ' ,. . - - '- v Tha Hall-Meek party includes the fol lowing persona: Mr. and Mra Hall. Mr, and Mra. Meek. Mlsa oeneviev tuui. LrleT HalL Mlsa McCraa. Chicago: Mr. and Mra. Anderson Given, Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Flak. New Tork; Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Stackpole, St, Marya, Pennsylvania; r Mra. Schrara. Rldgway,, Peiiiisyrvantar AtttD Williams. Kidg- wky, Pennsylvania; D. S. Phelps, ham ton. New Tork. t- .- . ' ;. The Pennsylvanlana say" the recent overturning of tha political machine at Philadelphia by Mayor Weaver and bis cltlsen committees will make-a differ ence of 100.000- rotes in favor of tho Democ ratio state ticket at tha next elec tion, by accessions of Republicans snd by sncouraglng .Democrats to go to tha polls.. '-- -j COUNTY WILL INSURE y . BRIDGES AND FERRIES '- When plans and specifications for tha repairs to the Mkdlson street bridge' are prepared by County Surveyor Rlchmond, tha county court will conalder tha mat tar of Inaurlng the bridges and ferries; Marina . Inaurance will be secured . for the -ferrlas and fire Insurance for tha bridgea. . .. . "" - Judge Webstar suggested tbe Idea te ax-Juda-a Cake, who aald be had thought of tha matter after ' tho- Standard Oil fire, which destroyed tha aaat approach ot tha Madison street bridge in 1101. The burning of tbs Madison street bridge caused a big loss to tha county. Tha aaat approach waa wall repaired, but since 'then tha west spana have be- some mora or less dilapidated throogh the passage of the heavy" oil wagons. Judxa Webeter says that under- the specifications Mr. Richmond Is prepar ing the flecking wiu noia aa long as the piers will last. . . , . . '.. 1 FLY ON THE FLYER Every Saturlajr--Onljr 2.50 Two- Day Tickets. ' -' " ; Portland-Seaside Flyer of tho A. eV C. R. R. leaves Union depot every Saturday at 1:10 p. m. for Clatsop beach points direct. Only four hours' rids. No- trans fers. No -delays. No dust. .See C, A. Stewart, agent, 14 Alder street, about tickets, official Information, time cards. etOs and ask for Clatsop beech souvenir, containing 10 beautiful half-tone Illus trations. Tickets sold at Union depot. : 'Allen Lewis' Beat Brand.- .."Darlincss - Tjast Sunday's Journal 'coupon .admitted you r- FREE v . "" t ' To "The Land of the Midnight Bun," and It was -auch a suoceas that arrangements have . . been made with : V -" ' Daariai to admit on" July 14,,. 11 and It . the , holders, of .. -,( ., t v" Coupons Cut Fro SlTCDArS JOOAL ; Get next Sunday's Journal,' cut out the coupon and it wtal admit . you. Thla attraction ia one of the beat on the Trail and no ona should miss seeing It. The regu Jar price of admlaaion la It cents, bat nest Sunday's Journal coupon admlta yoa free.,-' f - -:-- r ' 11. ' :D Me mm mJ VUtlVlW Splendid Concert "t Ctlrs to Un , boundad Enthusiasm Thou- : r . . - -santla of Pooploys- - SAENCERDUND'3 PROGRAM BEST EVER HEARD HERE . J., V- Beatrice Barlow-Dierke and Bernardo . ' Begue Cain Honors st Music Feast That, Will Be Notable fat Northwest . History. -; , '- n .;; ; ; - Portland la Indebted to a good many Impresarios for ths cultivation of her musical taata, but the fulleat share of gratitude . must be poured- out on tho Saengarbund, - which - made- possible the axoellent concert of last night ta- the Auditorium' at tha exposition grounds. Few things in mualo are more inspir ing than a mala chorus whan tha chor isters are robust Germans ; and when you gather 10 of them, give ' them a symphony orchestra and a subject such such aa Handel's' "Largo," you are get ting about aa much enjoyment 'as the world of harmony has to give; 8a It was last' night. Charlea Dlerka and Louis. Dammasch - swung their batons alternately, and an ' tmmene wave of song echoed and reechoed as It bounded through, tha white palaces - and serosa tha landscape. It was a gjorloue af fair this - Saengarbund -. - ooncert and thanks to tha patriotism ef tha Father land. It waa heard by as many people as could crowd their way Into the Audi torium, at 11 apiece. . To Paul Wessln gr, the president, and hla able assist ants, no end of credit la due for tha complete success of the event. ' It la doubtful If a larger, and better mala - chorus waa aver heard In the northwest They sang with wonderful volume and yet tha work waa admira bly shaded. Each German put hla spirit Into the exquisite . . sentiment ef the dainty aongs be heard at home, or threw back his ahouldare . with the pride of Blamarek and ahouted , the ', ponderous pralsea of some native hero, My knowiedffe of the German tongue is limited extremely limited but I don't believe there waa a man, woman ' or child ia the Auditorium laat night who failed to catch the spirit of tha choria ter. It ia sounds rather than -sentiment that makea these festivals su preme, aa proved In my Individual ease. Among tho favorite numbers last night, Koschat's "Verlasaen, Verlaasen." and Its companion - place, Kremser's "Altnelderlandlscheg Volkslled." aeemed eaally to lead. ; They are exquisite mel odlea and were executed, as delicately ss a woman i handlaa real Valenciennes. But ths great "Largo," with orchestral accompaniment a moat excellent or oheatra. too wa thrilling to th last note. There was no number. In fact the-tha audience would not have heard repeated. ) ' ' ; . ' V" ' Beatrice Barlow-Dierke excelled her- aelf at tha plane. She played tha beau tiful transcrlDtlon Of tha "Blue Danube" and was tumultuoualy applauded, aa aha was In her second number. ."Walkuren mtt " i- - ..The ovation of the night wa won by trnarda Re rue. the stalwart baritone of Liberatl'a band, who sang tha famil iar and -often downtrodden prologue to "II Pagllacci" with , spienaia aramaua force and received a double encore on his -"Toreador" song from 'tJartnen." Begue's vote la large, round and full of warmth. ir the pudiio reaiisea was treata Tie glvae : dally '".there . ouTd be more people arounu aw n.fiM tha onanlna of the concert. iu delivered a few "Jollies" to ths Germane,: afterward aaaurlng them In aU seriousness that the city was at their disposal. -" "' . -There wlU be 'another Saengeround concert tomorrow afternoon. ! Tur opportunity. , ;: . kaub wonnaa, SCANDINAVIANS TO HAVE NOTABLE DAY AT FAIR a.xir,.vi. will eelebrata at the fair I on July 10. ' Elaborate arrangements ara Kbelng made for ths exercleea. - Seattle, T eco ma, Spokane ana nan x nntmu .iu and large delegattona. ' " A patriotlo demonstration will be held .v.. .ftnnn. tn festival halL at M .11 ma..w. . which Rev. C J. Renhard. Governor ChamberUln. Profeaaor J. N. Klldahl. Professor Kriatlan Anker. Profeaaor Kr- . DhiiKi4 mnA atfrad Hal In will make addresses, and appropriate mualo will be rendered. -. ; k . ' ,,. -- la-Jba evening a grand concert will be - whi.h ain1n aAnlatlea from Tacoma, Seattle, San Prandsgo and Fortlana win renoer aiwun - Rev. Carl J. Renhard la president of ,v. Amw- rvT- n. T. Trommald. vice D reel- dent; Waldemar Baton, secretary, and O. Orill, treurr. otner memoera 01 the rommlttee of arrangements are Os- - n..iui AnlMW Johnson. W. Ander son. M. Martinson. Carl Stoeckel," It M. Hansonr Rev. i- at. nervig, J. as. "is lam, Qaatav Anderson,! Samuel- Holm and C m. Hlt.s-.--.-.,; .'.;.-; ,.'; MR. BURBANK SAYS THESE ' ARE HIS BEST (PLUMS . t iiihM Rurbank. ' the ' agricultural wlsard, has on exhibition In the Cali fornia building at tha exposition hla new hybrid plum. It Is tha reault of graft ing two plums of widely different char acter, of a golden red color, full, round and meaty, and almost as large, as an apple. - ' - ..""':; .. ' . . ' ' What Mr.. Burbank -thinks of thl I shown In a letter from . Santa Rosa, California. '-; - . ':- " '' -' "Thla Is. I think." hs writes, taking all Its superior oualltlea into considera tion, tha beat plum . which I have yet produced." There are It of them and they will be known aa tha Santa Rosa plum. . SACRED CONCERTS AT trV : . THE FAIR SUNDAY The feature ef the exposition tomor. row will be the Saengarbund eonoert al I o'clock in tha Auditorium, which will be open and free to alL The order of event for the day will be as follows: : 10 a m. Gates open.- . . . ll m. Exhibit buildings open; govern ment exhibit snd Trail remain cloaed. 1:10 n. m. - Sacred concert 1 by Line rati band, bandatand. Gray boule vard. ;-..v- . I p. m, Sacred concert, Nord Paciflo Saengerbund, Audttorium. p. m. Exhibit bulldlnga eloae. . I p. -m. Orand concert, Llbaratl's bend, Orsy Koulevsrd.' - . . u I p. m. Grand electrical Illumination. 11 p. n. Uatt close; ground dar, , con Streets, Portland.. ' ''" ' : -V;' '''V C: b u. v3 Don't Hiss This Trip Greet Day ct Taykr SUlclhcdlstto xoao'a- st B. soT," k-ifce Glory ei 5?tr ,v.' Ties p. v-n. aC av Btxui. , . ' el: ef. California Subject, f rDon't fall to hear Dr DUle. He r: Is a great preacher. ' i TvUSlSTS CIVITB) '1 .s ' .. flUlaf.-IBfcaiVvuasi. ly..S Bvurgette Skort, Pastor, T TEI.IPEROE CAUSE TO BE : : KEPRESEHTED . v Great Congress of Prohibition- ' Ists and . Similar; Organiza Vi tiona to Meet Hare. ' : The tamperaaoa aongresa. In connee tlon-wtttrthe Lewis nff TJlar falrTTor which tha Prohibitionists and similar organisations have been planning for some months. ' promises - to -be a far- reaching attraction. All parte of the United State will be well representee, and delegates will come from .. New Zealand and other distant landa. The Sates assigned to the organise ttons that expect to take part are as follows) Tuesday, September II, Inde pendent Order of Good Templars, aad Woman's Prohibition Club of America; Wednesday, Anti-Saloon , League of America; Thursday. Intercollegiate Pro hibition .Oratorical association; Friday,' National Prohibition alliance; Saturday, Women's Christian Tamperaaoa union. Each organisation will prepare Ita own program on which will appear Its ableat speakers. All organisation will Join In a grand final meet.ng September 14 to bo addressed by Clinton M. Howard of Rochester. New Tork. t Ths Intercollegiate oratorical associa tion will hold conferences on tbe morn ing and afternoon of September 11, and In the evening will take place the Inter state oratorical contest, la which repre sentatives from th colleges of Cali fornia, Orfcgon, Washington, and ' Idaho will taaa part. ' . - Tha Women s - Christian Temperance union will have as ons of tha great features of their day a demonstration by tha children ot the city and vicinity. In which it ta expected that not leaa than 1.000 will take part. The program for thla event will be rendered at tha Audi torium on the. fair grounds. ., Jt .. HOW TO GET. LAND IN " THEUINTAff RESERVATION ', Tha Denver It Rio Grande haa laauad a pamphlet describing tha method of opening tho Uintah Indian reservation to settlement, and giving . information for prospective aettlsra Homestead- era must register - at urane junction. Colorado, Vernal, Price or Provo, Utah, between - August 1 and 12. All appli cants excepting ex-soldiers or sailors must appear- in person. A public draw ing will be held at Provo, commencing August IT. at which' time tha numbers of alt registered applicants will be pub licly drawn and certificates lasued in their turn. Pinal entry will begin on August II, at tha Vernal office. - Each applicant on registering and receiving hla number will be allowed to enter the reservation and. select hla land, but no settlements can be mad until .after the drawing. Tbe only coat of , entry la the uaual feea under the homestead lawa. Upon making final proof, after Ave . years realdence on the .land, tha aettler will be required to pay tha gov-, ernment l.tl an acre. .,,'. WE WAP .Good, markers- and -distrib uters. ,'Good ironers, ' for good , work. 'v.', :.r.;jL-T WE PAY . Good ' wages. Have godd electricians and; have good comfortable lace to, work. UNION LAUNDRY -Second and Columbia r.Vv.-; Main SC8 c... - ' .'. r -'.-.-'v. a. i : HOULD not miss ieeing the beauties of the Lower Colum bia River from the decks of the T. J. Potter," queen of river boats. Historic in interest and peerless in tne ilcturesque beauty of its surroundings, the mighty Co-' umbia River, with a flow at times of over 1,600,000 " . . ' . -, cubic feet of water every second greater 1 than the Mississippi or Satat Lawrence? ever attains fed by the everlasting snowfields and glaciers, gracefully winds its way through the Pa cific Northwest, growings In size until at a point fifteen miles above . Its mouth It reaches tho remarkable width of seventeen miles. At North (Long) Beach the bathing Is unsurpassable. Go down on the "Potter" and take a dip in the Pacific ocean.- Particulars and O. R. ft N. Summer , Book by asking at Third and Washington ,: , , , ; . C W. . City AMViMMMWr. Ayg)f0njn TtjJlwA 1 PUaettus Grand ll.wUUC O. Batllg. Prev' Msrrlsaa Street batassa ftk aad tta. tkx eoouai tkzaxu 1, xowv. . Vsalgkt at t-M e'Ckwk. Popular Prlcea, TBaUTAXOUS eiBMAM OOMSOIaJla, - sots AX9 BXIX. " . ,,'- i srteinB" lei Oe, Ua r ';"(; " coukot run Mcara :: :v . " 40 KOPUI IH TBS OOatPAHT 40 i 0 OOOD-LOOKINa CHORUS OIRLS est Sew StlHag for "I. O. D." Meat Weak. Belasco Theatre eS?hi flwnaerly OehuaMa raeetre) Mth sat Weak, THS COOLEST THSATBS IS FOSTLaKD. . . .-..aXITa. ON ALL BIDES. .. , 0':6"'tt-l O H T '.';-'., "' t-v htATtHES SUHOAT. . j' C-tv.v V THE PRISONER (0F ZEIiOA . AKTHOlfT HorB'S POPCLaB kOafaXCS, ' PRICES Xlgkt, U ts Tie. MaUaees, X ts sOa HEX! WEEK "KAUOHTr AllTHOKt. ' . KARA ft 00. TKE riSTT!0e, R0.001 AhO iiTf. XRATI . AV 9 RTmuAS SilfiU. 1 ' r ara. 0fcyH rortter. XaTB XAROaoORS. ..---C':-'-n....1 asriaatoa. 10 ants. Svaalaaa. eare aad aoUdara, ' rasamd easts ea tower oar. SO snta. Bex seats, St aests. wmt r. roia to. - . lAyATETTE-tAMOBT TROTTTa 4 ; etJUIROr AMD RUSSELL. v- ; - ..la aarciA. ...;. 1 K t jn. tred FORnrToa. THE SRARDiaOOyE.. days and baUoara, laaii a.eata ea knras Soar, SO eaats. sea saav, . IX Wf ChTI prTJTfJ StP JJM .llBa, ww .ee . j-m n a ee V A TaTaR ass wnsi veil m mszm urn ruuw $71 to tl00 m than th aunt Instru- 1 a. .1 aA SLaa4Aeaaa wasaw lftAB tKa rntnii wwrv spuju iwr wivej v 9 wLdTvnCy II SinOUia cunTincw v viAaa,, w w miklnai th RIGHT PRlCC. - . ' W auk but 100 for thm -vm mh ind Btylm ot pltno that wt W for 420. ana vwj i4vv vi sv.vi Lr .T-'- J V.aeA-. V,nrMi .1 iK)n . TSUI l HS ktsiavsw araj eaves wo ar tn poaitioa to mto 70a monr, and lots ot it ; ' ; DUHDORE PIAKO CO. STEOAY DEALERS Jr- No. 33 WASHINQTON STREET KEW XETHOD OF BUYi::S CITY SUPPLIES Hereafter 7 rircnaaea VVill Be Mad . Under Eya- of Mem ar bar of Executive Board. ". - Hereafter all elty supplies win be bought under the personal supervlaion of ths chairman of the exeoutiv board committee which haa coargo of the oe partmant making the purchase. Here tofore the heads, of the departments were given permission. ... to , buy - what the thauaht waa necessary. Th plan . will take considerable re sponsibility off th. shoulders off tha heada ot the departmenta and create a larger amount of work for the executive committee. . Mas rieiachner called attention to the rAff Kill im Inmin vn atatlnnMt at theatrea during performances, accord ing to tha olty ordinance. Chief Camp bell atated thai he waa unable to apara one and two man from each company to attend tneatrea. every afternoon and evenings - that an ordinance to compel the theatrea to employ men over whom th fire department ehould have Juried lo tion, to attend each performance, had been dlacuaaed by tha city council with out action. The matter, waa referred to tha flr committee for further invee tigatton.; ,: . .,.!-. The board paaaea a resolution requ- Ing tha city council to appropriate iH to aaatat in entertaining tha fire chiefs of tho Paciflo narthweat when they meet In thla city In. annual convention .. In September. . , . . ' . Allaa ft Lswla Lest araae. Kb Week Owapaay Rr ' a mm .- .: . . ...... j- ' , J' U L L STINGER i; TieM Jlgmnt O.K. 4 At. Co. - -AMV! B ASE.B ALL I ! Beareatloa Park,7 Seta t .-.. - Taagka PORTLAND r?:'VaVi;v , Paly ! S3," aBstastv. Admission ltd. Grandstand. lee. vhuaren. ic - tadiea, SB. Grandstand free, except Bundaya -and holidays,. Ladles' jiay I ii day, -t : nmndstinrl ata't im gt'r tt Wooderd. Clarke. Si Co.'. ,; THE DAIIE1X Xkird aad Tambin. . . .Kaatteg ft Plooo, atgra. . . TBI TERES RlTe, BURUU04 CO.' -WHXT tZITERT. RAT ITBRAnl, . the n,Tnr sepvldas. ,-,( tAROSE, BATriETD A0 OAUSS. - ., , iovuia pi(m)va. , . "" BAKER'S ORCittaiaA. ' Theatre alwsja cool saS eamfortabla. r fnrnaacM eallr at l:90 T:S0 and . aa. A4 ailBlee TEN CE3TS te say erat except sexae. DarknessdDa7ii HEAVEN and HELL ? WHICH ? Iks UNIQUE TRAIL FKATURS LEWIS AND CLARK OBSERVE. TORY AMD CJtFR -,- v xrtiart) aJuaRT. ' " : ' rertlasd BalrktB ear as4 get eft it BawtbenM Terrace, eee block treat ear Use. Me ellaiblag. Elactrte elavslor. : See BMaUfsl effort at sowerral aiorchXrht frosi ts ef tower. Too eta eat a dainty laac walla vtowlag the. BMet stagalflerat acoaorr la ABMrlea. 0ea f a. av aa . as, Aaauo eJaa ia easts. ......... GRAND GERMAN VETERAN PICNIC ROUSE'S PARtI SATVaOAT ART) SUTTBAT. ffflT SB ART) tt - - - Take rtral Street Car. . Tt The .Lncl of the Midnight Gun Moat aeaatlfal ef Utb-o ocaaBlesI aeat BfodoetloBa ever ettoaiptadv N. X. Bor- xaa VRXmxa ArrRAva-ioa-oos xa- .... .., . TRAIL. v. BLAEIES RROa. CONCERT RVKRT RTQHT. t-ta BiTRlttrmv;. $1.00 ALL FOR $ic:; Tur:;t:: "' ; V'DCU.,.,,!' and 'send bed foe the night, an f oe tu , Seventh and Waatx ' tngton Sta. fines! ' aad largest hatha te th city. , , nODERTCVOSE r',S20 Boylstoo Street ".'. - r v BOSTON, MASS, PAINTINGS Portland Accdsniy AS tMaUMK ASS CLAMICAX SOX0CU "rm br tti 't) for .ae oot.fa anllse. Offtoe keA el tho sfiarloale aai VMtloa, fro- a. . U .. at ecodai7. aoraar of TDIrtiili.,a4 UarrUue atreat. Far eataloreo, eotfnee r Portland Ac&dzzr.y PnHlao4. Oroaoo. J All For l"1'). I 1 I bed. for a l i 'A-