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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1905)
- - ' l-u . v. ,. . - - ' ". THE - OREGON DAILY 'OURNAli PORTLAND. SATURDAY : ZVZUUlQi JULY t U-l I . KILL DOUAUDO . - This Question the On - Police V 1 Must Determine in tnvtttigat ing Italian's Death. tWO TOTALLY DIVERSE; - ' : L ACCOUNTS ARE GIVEN t; tltn Charged With Crime Sayt He " Had to Shoot or B Cut Down 1 It Stories ol Family Scandal Are De -. ' nied as Leading to Shooting. . - v. 't Carlo Bonanlo. aged w" 'ho " Allied at o'clock last night ' at ."V fourth and Sheridan streets by iTuigl ? Jrerraris. a fad 14, who la a prisoner ia " "- Iha city Jail awaiting" trial on tha charge ' aif murder.--Both ara Italians, and tha ' trouble was DroclDltated by a neighbor- , ),oo4 quarrel, arising. It la said, from remarks- and actions dlroctad -toward ; : k atatar of Ferraris, i. Bonando lived with bla three brothera v"'.kt M Sixth street la a residence im- ' j raediately adjoining hla home lived Fer- .. rtria anil bla family. Including bid ela- t. XTntTl thraa weeka ago relations . of extreme oordlallty bad axlatad be- ..." 'tween., tha two amlllee. .', . . n It "la laimd that thraa .weeka ego , ' Bonando met-a atatar of Xerrarla at Ma bona and Jrttamptvd, to aaaault hei Fer- . rarla U -aH to Bava Heard ot tne al terant and. aoinc to tha placa raacuad v hla atatar. Bonando'a brothera and t rteada vlcoroualr deny tha atatcment i oaaaao'a AHaa Tbraata, , Ill feellnt : haa axltedA alnca that tVnlr and Bonando la aatd to hav made ' t rtauent threaia aralnat' tha Ufa of hla " OOemy. Farrarta . went Into a aaloon ' s Hoar 1a"homa ahortly after-1 o'clock laat night and while there Bonando en . tared. Fernrria left Immediately, he aaya, . and . went into uia noma. am clalma that Bona ado followed him there and ealllna; him to the door aemanoea i that fee ftKht. He. returned Inta the house, be naya. and locked the door. . r A. rfhort time later Farrarte went tlowa jFoub .atraet Oa reaching ,- Sharldaa -atreet he encountered Bonando, .' and the duarre! waa renewed. Bonando flonrlabed a knife and tha other, la or der to avoid trouble, walked away. Bo- - nando followed, frienda of Ferrarla , claim, and held tha kniie In a threaten- , Ina" manners j- ' s t ..,j...,.i.i.,.s BaiptiM Bevatraa la Baemy. ...Farrarla-turnedjiuddenlr and opened fire with a revolver. He flred alx tlmea, . Ave abot taklna effect In hla vlctlm'a . body. Bonando fell upon the aldewalk . and waa removed to-St Vlncenfo hoa- pital. whore ba expired at 1 -a'clock tWa . aaornlna. ' 'h : ' ' :" , -Aa adon' aa Bonando " fail, v Ferrarla ' ajected tha empty ahella from bla re ' volver. haatlly pat It Into bla pocket ' and ran' town the atreet. A orowd that bad been attracted by the ahootlnf save , chaae. At Third and Bherldan atreeta t. be waa captured by Robert Church, of r th;: local lramlftatlon office, "H at 1 ; tempted to reload hla revolver a Church aelaed him, hut waa prevented. He waa ' held antll tba arrival of a detail of off!- .ceravwliea-lia.aA.remoyad-lo.aha-xity - jaii. , -. . : ' ; , r - 'v ' eU-Befemaa tba Vlaa,; - ' Tha afflceta hava made aa thorough - an lnveatlgatioa aa poaalbla, 'but do not - commit themaelvea on. tba aelf-defenae . . . . - theory. . Attorney Ar B. Ferrara haa been '. retained by tha defenee. Ha vlalted '.y' Ferrarla la hla ceU In tba city Jail thla '; . morning. '. Ferrarla la tha only Italian '; from a nortbera province of hla native . country who haa aver been arreated In thla city. Itallana from tha northern V provlncee are aald to be peaceably In-' cllned and refrain from participation In a -vendettaa. He ia.a PledmOntae and V amlgranta from Piedmont are cnnaldered peaceable cltlaena .. "I did It becauae I Had to." ha aald. - made me do It. and I wouldn't havi , Jkilled him Jor tha world." a. nt"" Ferrarla wept copioualy In the JaiL - He - profeaeed Intimate - frlendahlp for - ,th man" he had killed and deplored the circumstance of hla death Wtterly.-- -r 'John Bonando, a brother of the man ."who waa killed, denlea the etatemente : made by Ferrarla, bla frienda and at torney. He declares that hla brother J . r:,waal unarmed, and made no attempt at :'realatanoe.' . . .-..'i ..-''..,,..-.. .:,." ; ; Aaotbea ttory of haotiar'' T- admit that thertbad baav-treubU . , . . jand Ul-feeliag between the two famlllea ;;.Xor two or three weeka," ha aald, "but ,.tha atatementa that have been made to . , the effect that my brother drank and . - that he deliberately eat about to aurt . . thla are falav He never drank and ; Ue alwaya avoided trouble, . f ..! have talked with, a Miaiber of !l!a.thr "d n0 effort to eauad trouble. Hit nr say inai nv waa standing on the f toorner when' Ferraria 'approached him .'.and aald aomethlng .to him In Italian. Jdy brother laughed, evidently thinking It waa. a Jaay - . nWbetl Ferrarla" walked up to him, be ; Tainted -gun at my brother. He raised ;hla haada and laughed. Ferrarla ahot .once. The ball evldentfy mlsaed, or "'relaa ray brother did not yet realise hla (danger, for he aald. Why. don't yoo jaheot agalnr then laughed. "Ferrarla deliberately opened flra and J I t LxZZxs, Lawia ' :IS A r.lURDEREROR DID HE IN SELFr DEFENSE? 1 A I .a i in .'. A.'. , ahot 'three'tlmeav inflicting .wounda that oauaed 'my brother' a death a ahort time later. There waa no trouble about hla alater, ' aa haa been etated. That la absolutely, falae,- and the-only trouble wa aver had waa a Quarrel that started the whole, thing, Coroner Ftnley wlll noid an' inquest thla- attarnoon. -. , DEAD NUMBER FIFTYSIX (Continued from Page.Qna) W. W. Werthen. V . : -) It la believed that tha Bennington la damaged beyond repair.' -iter atari' le in deep water and -haa been alowly alnk- Ins In anlta of numnlna- one rations. The band -pumpa have, been reinforced byf ateam pumpa and five -englnea,- but without avail, and at high tide thla morning tha water, waa up to the decks and tha captaln'e cabin flooded a foot deep. i i i'. : ; Captain. Toring la ef the oplnloajuial no-great .hole baa been ' made In the shlp'a aide,-but that the explosion has sprung all the platee and tha water is coming In through, the seams. The hospital ahlp Iria and the tug Fortune are axnected here tomorrow xrom autre Is land. Captain JPrake ana a corpa or naval phyalclana are also expeciea io aaorjrow. .,' .,y ,..., ,ti.ujJ, IN POOR CONDITION. ; Waabiactos AnthortUaa Admit Baaalar- - toa'a Boilers Were lm BaeUSbapa- v -, ' (Joarsal gpeetal gervlea.1 1 ' Washington; July lx.--Tha bureau of steam engineering, aaya thatwone or tha reporta of the condiuon or ine Bennlnaton a bollera indicated that the bollera were uaaafe, although,. It la ad mitted that the reporta atatea mat tno bollera generally, arera In' poor eondl Uont"' " - Acting BecreUry of the Navy Dariing baa wired ReajdrolraL.Ooodjclclu..comT mending tha Paclflo atatlon. Informing him of tha dlaaatar to tha Bennington and Instructing him In connection there with. . Goodrich la expected at Puget sound at any moment, when ha will communicate with tha department It la expected that Ooodrich wlU appoint a board of inquiry after a conference With tha Washington aothorltlea, FATALLY INJURED BY- BEER KEG AT PASCO "rapectet tHapatek te The tarsal 1' . : 1 Paeco, Waah July tt. An unidenti fied man who haa been repairing aewlng machinea here la lying at death'a door In tha ahade of the Icehouae of the Northern Paclflo with. hla skuircrackad. He waa Bitting in tha shade. when aa IUllan rolled a beer keg down the long gangplank, striking the man on tba top of the head. .The attending phyaleiao aaya be cannot recover. ;, . j PRESIDENT OF SMELTER v - TRUST DEAD AT OMAHA tarsal -BwetsT "Ufwm.l " Omaha, Neb., July J. E. W. Nash, president of tha amelter trust, died this mornlrt- Ha waa stricken with paralysis May IX. He la aurvlved by a wife, aoa and four daughters; Naah leaves an aetata valued at several millions. He waa prominently Identified with amelting and refining operations for many yeara and. before the formation of the trpat 1 wee principal owner of -the Omaha and Great Falls smelters. WRIGHT AND WARDE. ' : DEFEATED BYDOHERTYS (tarsal (to-lal Ow!,.) ," 1 London. July II. R. r. and w t. Doherty, the English defenders of the Davis cup, defeated Wright and Wards, the American challengers, in the doubles at wtmbiaaon today, ' x . w'" -- n il. f "' x and clark Ptlr, at NijlitPhanogra'ph, ; .- ' . ' - ' i :i;EI7 EVIDENCE PhC:i3ED (Continued from Page One.) malned in . Prineville from June II to June 14, yet ha could not remember, on the former trial, that ha waa there.- - ! Mral WlUlamaoa'a Olalm. ..: ', The fact that immediately after teav Ing Prineville Williamson went to The Oalloa,' where hla wife at once filed a timber; claim adjoining tha clalma Of Duncan and other entrymen -located by Oeanai, waa emphasised ay Heney aa a at rona; circumstance againat the' con gressman. - By means or a plat the" proeeoutlag attorney explained to Hie Jurora the lo cation -of the timber clalma involved la me case ana nowea now wiuiamaoa and Oesner expeoted ' te aeoura protec tion for their aheep range by buying and leaaing aurrouadlng lands. He told the atory of the negotiations with Duncan, Beard, Jonea ana the others who riled timber claims, of the arrangement that Oeaner should lend them the money with which to prove up, of the Interviews with Biggs and WUliamaon. He de clared that It waa lmpoeslble that Bigga ahould not have known tha purpose of the conspiracy and that WUliamaon Waa involved in it. If we make out a case as strong aa this that I have stated to you," aald Heney in conclusion, "we want a verdict of guilty at your hande, if we do not do it., we do not wish you to convict these defendants." Judge Bennett then - addressed the Jury In behalf of tha defense. He dwelt at length-on tha good character of all or the defendants, and then gave a. brief history of the war-between the cattle men and tha sheep ralsersv- Tha former had established deadlines which were conatantly qhangfd. and' aheep .which atrayea Deyona ine ..oeaa lines wn. slaughtered.. ' . ', 1 ' While tha war waa at Ita height the timber erase arose and men came from the east by caajoads to take up timber landa. ' It occurred to Oeaner, aald Judge 'Bennett, that if hla neighbors and frienda would file on the landa in tha vicinity of hla aheep range It would be a good thing for him. He could lease or purchaae from them and he could afford .'to Tend them the money with which to prove up. . rather than to bavei atrangere and outsiders file on tba lapda. . y , . Bays Tmraata Were 17 Bed. Judge Bennelt-COmmonted sharply bn the met node employed by Ibe KovernH ment to aecura Ita evidence. Special Agent Neuhausen - had - been sent to Prineville to Interview, wltnessea whose statements were taken, down In short hand, Afterward ' when the wttneases earns to Portland lheseetatemeate "were atuok In their face and they were told to, awear to them." ' Covert threats of Indictment and proaecutlon were uaed, aald the attorney, by Burnt and Neuhausen, to influence the testimony of wltnessea ' As to tha new evidence in the posses sion of" the government showing that Williamson waa 4a Prineville, from, June IS to June. 24,' Judge" Bennett said: We wanted thla ease postponed ao that wa could go ap . there and look it up, but w,e were nor allotted to do It. We will Investigate It as I well "as we can and if Mr. Williamson , finds that he waa there at that time, he will come frankly and tell you ao. He haa noth ing t6 conceal. He ia entirely frank and candid and haa nothing to - keep back. Mr.1 "Heney makea a great deal of thla matter but It la of no lm: portance. When you hear Mr. William son you will believe that be aoeaka the exact truth and that ha would apeak tha exact truth even If' ba knew- It would " ' Aa' Boas t fcawye. f ' " Of Biggs, the attorney declared that he waa ao honest that thee bad never been a stain on, hla reputation, "even though he la a lawyer." ' . - Williamson's - career- waa briefly sketched and Judge Bennett concluded: "In an evil day an unlucky day for hlnv he waa elected to congress. And now harried and hounded' by these de tectives, hurried from one trial ta an other without time to get hla breath, he la harried like a rabbit before the dogs. The Jury wss then placed la . the custody of the marshal -with Instruc tions ta keep them closely secluded, and court adjourned until Monday morning, when tha presentation of testimony will 'V -'- - ' 1 ' ' i i '"v CROWDS ARE LARGER '-"(Continued front "Page" OneTI Every railroad office had almllar stories to telL The Burlington la bring Ing many special ear partiea from' the middle west, the Milwsukee, the North western, the Great 'Northern and others are starting hundreds of people toward Portland. Tha -Southern.-Paeiila -4s run ning ail the extra sections it requires to handle the immense travel California Is sending to the fair.. California la aur prlalng every One with the outpouring of Ita people to tha exposition. - It is said ahe la. rurnlahlng the largest num br of people any atate ia Bending to the fair, and that they have only begun earning. xne -greatest crowds here during the Trans-MlsslBBlpplJui4,nl-b.rln,t-m,,ny 1" tlm to.1 would ehoke .ti gresi and the national Irrigation con- greaa Valam bervleea at aanyalda. ' The pulpit of . Bunnyslde Methodist Episcopal church will, be filled Sunday morning and evening by ministers from abroad. Dr. W. W, Van Orsdel of Great Falla, Montana, will alng. There will ba a union ear vice In the evening at ( o'clock when Friends and Methodists will gather ta hear tha Rev. Willis Hotchklsa tell the atory of hla life In Ainca. . , .,; ... '-4. if; i MiMMjMi .fcat .i"...r 1 1 iii i by Kiaer PhotogrgphJc Comptny. ' - , . a WHITE SLAVE OF NEW YORK, HELD' FOR MURDER,' EXPOSES TnE SYSTEi.I 1 3J K7 I . .- B . . Mil III I I IM I Is 1 IHi . ' ; I . i jThe Latest Photograph of Bertha Clalche. . (tarsal gpedal Bervlca.) New York. July I J. Notwithstanding that the coroner's Jury haa committed J Bertha Br-Clateh"erthe"-whlt-lBva't charged with killing Em 11 Gerdron, to the tombs without ball, there is a strong publle sentiment in favor of tha . ac cused woman. Beven of tha Jurora de clared that the girl acted ln self-defense, Gerdron enticed the wlrl to America from France and drove har into the atreeta -toern a" living for him. Speaking of the murder. Bertha Clalche Ssldl - - - --r v. "Knowing that I may die within a few montha for killing Emll, I km hap pier today than I have been for five yeara. - For the first time I am free. He will never bother me any more and I am glad. He beat me end' waa never kind to me and when I did not go out andTeat me. and 'many timea told me that h would kill me if I ever bad him arrested. "When he rushed at me on the atreet, when I had him arrested, and cried that he wauld kill me and aald that I was as good as dead right then. I knew he meant what he aald and then I . shot him. If I had not done that ha would have killed roe aa Boon as ha gdt out of tba police atatlon." . ,.t Bad Befarloae yatesa. . For killing Berdron, Bertha ClaioJie may suffer tha extreme penalty of the ldw. but her martyrdom will" have the' effect of bringing about such a re. vulslon against tha system of slavery of which she was. a victim that It will be no longer possible In NewJorkCttrj HOT WEATHER DAMAGES ' GRAIN IN WASHINGTON ,.',- (Special Dlepateb'te The taraeH ' - Colfax. Wash., July IJ.The intense heat la burnlnr and shrinking tha late apring wheat Tha fall, wheat is pretty well out of danger, but It la hastening harvest, and when tha grain la a little green it will be shrank. .;The loss to the farmers by the hot weather "TA thla sec tion cannot be estimated, but is very great. - . WORKMEN BURIED IN . - BURNING BUILDING " " , -. . : (tarsal RpecUl Beeelee.) "" , " CumbeHsnd. Md., July II. The Mary land' company's building collapsed to day, billing a number Of msn at work, and the riilns. are now In flames. ; . Tragedy ia Salt take.1 ' (tarail gpeelal Ber rice.) '." Bait Lake City. . July tl Fred ' W. Nutting, a-switchman, was fatally In jured by a pistol shot In his room last night and-.'dled on being -taken to the hosoltal. Mrs. Daniel 3. Qtilnn. wife nf a yard foreman, who waa In the rm wnen tne ahot waa fired, has been placed under arreat. . . r . ... - m.. -'.- i' y- I f . I and t'cadeta'' of the. Gerdron type Will be forced to leave New Tork. Thla pretty little French girl haa ba eeme tha-center- of- deepest - and most profound Interest in New. Totk., Her revelations show that tha white alaves of New York are In thralla of a bondage more hopeless than that of thb blacks in the south before the civil war. Notn Ing can more forcibly illustrate the In famoua brutality and cruelty of the ays tern than the calmness and resignation with which thla young woman facea the death which may be her punishment and she looks forward to her execution as but the price of freedom. A fund; la being collected for her defense, ; - OU'i Sad' Btatory. - In the meantime Bertha Clalche la the most interesting prisoner the Tombs haa held within Ita wall alnca Nan Fatter son waa an inmata. She is mere child In manner, notwithstanding the life ahe haa led. ' Now but II years of age, ahe Waa but It 'When-aha waa. lured Into bondage by Gerdron. ' In appearance aha is a typical French girl, with deep black eyes set far apart, a mass of waving black halrland a trace of the sparkling vivacity of youth. The life was so repulsive that long berore aha killed her persecutor she had many times contemplated, killing her self., several times she tried to escape, but on each occasion Gerdron's friends told where she was hiding and hla great Hats were driven into her tender face and she waa beaten until ahe cowered abjectly at hla feet. At last. In terror of ber life, aha cried out to the police for- protection. She ' ahowed them her brulsea and told them that Gerdron had ,iilLciieu iv Kit. iiri. ill.; iiivu to rcaaaure her by "arresting him." Than Gerdron threatened that wnen he waa reteaaed he would kill tier.- She be' lleved that there was only one releiee for her six years of tyranny and ahe ahot to kill. 7mm a - The quantity of tha food taken Is not tha messure of ita nourishment. Tha quality ia what counts. Many babies take large quantttiee of food and get a - email amount of nourishment. Mel lin'e Food babies take a email quan. tity of food and get a Urgt amount of nourishment. Send for our book ."MeJUn'eFood Babies," - Hetlla'e reed Is the 0 N L T tafaats MXLiuf l FOOD CO, BOSTON, MAIS. - - . v f, ' - ' - i '. ' a . '"- ' ' at With Royal : Bakihg Ppwdcthcrc is ?.: Xp'fno mixing with the hands, no sweat of r the brow.- Pcfectclcanlincss, greatest ; facility, sweet, clean healthful : j r H-J..I j.-Jii.jt '. Full instmctionf in the ' t witlv Royal -BaBnTPowdcrr Gratia to-any addrcsa v OYAtaAioMABowDtBclMWiujaaicr.iiBWv Vf : - ; HALF MILLION DAMAGE ; BY MISSOURI FLOODS - ' . (Jearaal Special aervles.) , Poplin. Mo.. July ai. One death and tsoe.oeo damagea ta ore pa and llveetock bava already been cauaed by Ooode in tha vicinity of LowelL on the Spring river. . Tba bridge of tha St. Louie dt Ban Francisco railroad baa been under-J mined and la expected to. go out any moment, while the wagon bridge haa been waahed away. Calvin Buddy or Carthage waa 'dfowned. - . ' ,.. .' I.C- I ' ! I I I ' SULTAN ESCAPES DEATH : AT .HANDS OF ASSASSIN (Jeamal gpeelal arvtee.) ' CoaBtantlaopla. July II. It ta reported that during -the eelemllk yaeUrday a bomb waa exploded in the courtyard ef the moaqus - near the sultsn, Several members "orthe aulun's auite were In jured but the monarch himself ' escaped. At least 10 were killed and 40 wounded by tbe explosion. The pbliee believe the bomb throwing ia the reault of an Armenian plot Nona of tha per- petratora haa been detected. TACOMA SHERIFF STOPS,: v BOXING AND GAMBLING . ffpeelal iHesetek' te The taraaLt i ' ' Tacoma, .Waah., July J I. Sheriff Denbolm haa notified sporting clubs that they will not be allowed to put oa any more amateur boxing eontesta in Ta coma. Ha haa also Informed tha elty authorities that gambling' axlata with in tha city limits and -that aomethlng must ba dona to atop It If nothing ia dona ' by . tha " city authoritiee he will blmaelf take action. - .. - I . f .k '.M'fl. -i ' ; Be liealthy, ."buoyant, clastic in -Spirit,' body - and mind ,' Yon ' can't if you are constipated. Cure that ; disease.,.:'-;:.' . ! .' ; .,hr, : '') ; . !'':;;T,;;f;;; '.tLwGot Gmstipation r-Chase iti-j'i .l.,:""'";:;" -v als on xac jcuiargy ana -V : Beware the Daily Pill Habit I - ; y.'-' Take the famoua remedy .THAT CURES . . CKase's : : CoElstipatioia - "fm mmM ttt$ tkmtU swf A BSOLUTELY FREE With No Strings Attached ' Wa are going to give away this $30.00 Bias Oolaa. bla xaphophoaa abaplately free at our booth In the uaenu ana sluuaisg 'oa Aagmsa la, laod. . One of those prise win- ' , Tiers, you know, at the an. Ijoala ralst Call at our Bmblblt or at eur Btoaa for any Information that Is required and Inspect tha ma chine. .X .... , . .: ' ; . ..... saa v. L STORES IN ALU THB PIWNCIPAI, CITIES OF THB WORLD, '' Conrerls'st he above Address (171 Washington street) every" Taea. day and Tkaraday, at 4 p. m. . . .. . , i.- -. . . , Royal Baker and Pastry Xook"; BALFOUR DECIDES TO J . DISSOLVE PARLIAMENT . . - (tarsal Special Berriae.) Liondon, July IJ.The psrllamentary e rials haa assumed a serious aspect and it la now understood that Premier Bal four baa definitely decided ta remain In office until ha and of the aeealon. and to dissolve parliament in October. ' An authoritative atatement will ba made Monday, when the house will take action on the motion to censure Balfour, Fat Folks. . "' I have reduoed my' weight (I pounds, bust nine Inches, walat eight lnehae aad hips nine Inches in a ahort time by a guaranteed, harmleae remedy, without exereisa or starving. .1 want to tail you all about It -Enclose stamp and ad dreaa. Mrs. Charlotte Woodward, Ore gon City, Or. . : ,v ... .;".... Paw Bandjred BMa roUayTrt f o Oae .- ; Boilasw . ' . Through Portland's suburbs, Multno mah and Clackamae eountlea. ' Special care leave O. W. P. waiting-room. First and Alder streets, dally except Bunday, at : a. m., return 4 p, m..: ', - BUasst Batag to haaa Bpilaca. ' The "Southern -Partflo company -has placed on aala at Ha Portland offices' round trip tlcketa to Bhssta Springs at a Tata of 110. Beautiful, llluatrated pamphlata descriptive of this reeort can ' ba aaoured from any Southern Pacing ' agent . ' ,.' , . . . '-"-. Mm Thumb Onwhad. : (Special Dlspatea te Tbe JeafBal Eugene, Or., July !. Orville Waller. . assistant amalmagator at tha Lucky Boy ' mine in the Blue river district, lost bla right thumb yesterday, it was crushed .under' a stamp- In tha mill and -had to ba amputated.- t" r(a:,r r. oe auvc i , pthH, f ttnf. JW Ornggtittm read Prise Barta, Itoa, Bauble eiaad Briae St. ' . 'orae" . . 'A ) ccLi::riA pc:"cs2Ara co. ji tax leer te Sur Tketttv, V& tl VuhiitieaSt