The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 20, 1905, Image 9

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Oii a
a SJi liiT
Registered 66
Great . Northern Said to Bt Be-
hind Columbia Rivr i, .
, Northern Company. '
. Owntra of Landi In Wctttrn Klicld
' ut County Object to Rotd Cutting
' Through Their Holdings and Ask
Big Price Per Acre. ; .
' ' (IpmUI Dtipatck U Th Iwul)
, Hood Rivr, Or., Julr tO.-I Jim Hill
.Aanaurerlnc to enter th heart of Har
riman'e territory , in. OraconT After
.' aparrinf (or aom time, th Columbia
Klver . Northern compabr, which iM
now paying eaah for right of wy
: down the north bank of the Columbia,
haa tipped It oft that Jim HU1 la behind
the move, end that It la to be a trana
continental line Into Portland that will
- five dtreot competition with the Oregon
Railroad Navigation, company 'from
aea to sea. o .
From Bend come th report that
President Helm rich of the Great South
env now building from v Th . Dal
. to -Dufur, . contemplate - :. extending
his road- to the .metropolis of
. northern Crook, and that the Great
Southern U a Jim Hill enterprise. ' A
locomotive engineer, after examining
the. new rolling stock of th Great
Southern, remarked: ' v V-
" "It that equipment dldnl eom from
the Great Northern shop I don't know
anything about auch matter. ' It cer
tainly la Great Northern, and the Great
Southern ' is a Jim Hill enterprise. 1
, tell you Jim Hill mean to com down
th Columbia river with the Northern
"Pacific, and be means to get Into Cen
tral Oregon." " . :.; ..
A. B. Upright, -rlghf of way man for
the Columbia River A Northern com
pany, has been at White Salmon all
week c toeing up on-th options mad
'sine: May I. Th old survey of th
Columbia Tallsy railroad has been fol
lowed snd a clear right of way has
been secured , out of Xennewick front
CaatI Rock to Major creek, this side
ef tyl. v-t.'a .
It 1 in th berry belt In western
Xlickltat county where dlfficQltlea are
encountered with th land-owner. Prom
. White Salmon to Vancouver there la a
clear, stretch. With the singls exception
of an 'Orchard in Clarke county. The
deed heve been nt to French A Co.
of Th Dell, and if th abstracts are
flawl, th money Is resdy.
i Settlement ' has been . mad 1 with e
number Of th Whit Salmon: berry.
-.. What Tea Oamaot Afford. '
- Tea ranmrA afford to e irltbon Dr. Hoar.'
O.rm.a Sra la th hoea if any ef yoer fan.
Ily hare aonannatl tnteeaff, or if aatarrha,
colila or emneblal aftaeUoa ara fraeoaat vtai.
tcra. Owmaa Srrti la a raoocnla aae rallahla
r.B4 for cooausintina aad th. taaat thina
ee aartk fnr the throat aad lance. It will
ttmiantly ehak en14a aad Ja aa lafalllble rm
tilT tot rroap. tmui Srrap WUI Imp the
relldrM hMlttay. Trial bottle. Me. Btf bottle,
alia anwaiau. : Oet Oreea's !,
Social Float cm
For the Best tady and Gentleman Waltzers in
C9mplete Change of Programme Tonight by
fi IVyf IT IVrf"T ? i
.i awwaww
Correapondenoe ot th Irrigon Irrigator.
Rabbltvlll, Morrow County, Or., July
II. W had a ho race her on, the
4th 'after I had writ my letter. Deacon
Hardup but f dollars that his nag Jumbo
oould beat major Falrplay's plug Nany
Ann for a half mil, and th deacon and
tft major put up their It buck Into
old man Bunko' handa, who wa to b
th empire. Well a big frrowd was out
and they started and tt was nip and
tuck for about a 14, of a mile when th
deacon hit Nanaey Ann a belt over th'
nos with hie whip; than th major hit
the deacon and they both tell out end
began to fit, and th crowd ruahed up
but . before they got there the major
hollered enuff and they said they'd call
thateadraw. Then they at Bunko for
the it, but h bad -spent it at the drag
tor for boose. You aught to aee Bunko
now. H 1 a sit for th deaoon and
th major took about 24 dollar worth
out of his hide.
. Our butcher ehop has Sold out to the
City Drug Store and the butcher has left
town. Our' druggist is bound to keep
everything touohln' on and appertaining
te the drug business.
Some chap wJkd into town laat Frt-'
day and' peddled -aom olrklera around
aayln' ha would deliver a temperance
lecture that night A big crowd turned
out, Th feller give, a dandy lecture.
Six or seven of our fellers alned tne
pledge. Pat Oilligan, who works on a
sheep ranch out Ion way, slned. Next
morning I -met - Pat-lnrth City " Drug
Store and .1 eay Pat what will you
takf Pat. says whiskey. He put about
four finger inside of hlaaelf and I aays
I thought you was a son of temperance
and he saya I am a son of. temperance
and. a good Templar and a teetotaler,
but I ain't a bigoted wan.
growers on a basts of $600 an acre; but
growera with holding of only four and
fir acre, realise that if the mad goes
through their property It will render
it practically unfit for farming, and in
asking tt.ooe an acre. B. C. Zetgler,
Whose four acre have netted him
slightly more than 11.809 each aeaaon
for the laat three years on berries and
tomatoes, and who haa a 11.000 rait.
dene on the line of the proposed road,
wants to sell outright for 17.800. C F.
Adams-wants 15,000.-.-A." R.-Rjrrkett
doesn't car whether the road la built
or not. and wants 115,000. ,
N. W. Bethel, the chief ancinsep arM
general manager, who has been St Whit
Salmon with Mr. Upright with cOrp
looking th survey over, and trying to
And a way around the expensive lands.
I nonoommltal, but It 1 understood
that In all cases where aettlementa can.
not b mad at a flgur th railroad
people deem fair and jut condemna
tion proceeding will b Inaugurated
c (Joarasl Ipse! el arris.)
Buffalo, N. TV. July to. Th annual
convention of tha National Llv Stock
xchafig began a three days aeaalon in
this city today, ' Delegate ware on hand
from Chicago,, Indianapolis, Cincinnati,
Hanaa uity, umana, Miiwauaee, Kt. Jo
seph and numerous other cities. During
the morning an Sxeeutlv aton of th
officials was held, the formal open aea.
alone of the' convention not beginning
until afternoon.
Tha aubjecta Slated for consideration
by the Convention Include th following:
Th advisability of requiring air sales
men to hold -memberships in the ex
- -t :
Aueust 27, the
About ten 10 -Sunday nit ws was
paasln' 81 Butterbovtom a and soms fel
ler had a atrangl holt on Si's oldest girl
rot th front gate. We didn't bust
it up. We uate to take that bolt one
our own lf. i, ,
Wa may have a wed din' in Rabbit
villa pretty soon. We mention no name
for ths maid is a any young thing and
might fly the track. She 'f eaaes up to
t out it is our opinyun.. b's got th
Aggers twisted , snd they ought to
read 41. . " .. . .
Thar waa lot of talk of sanding a
Rabbltvlllian down to Portland to -the
fair to adverty Rabbltvlll and tell th
people about our wonderful reaourcea
and advantages. So w had a big meet
ing and scraped together' 42 dollara ami
I cents: then th next thing was to
elect a man to apend tha money. Me
ana my rnena new I waa th only man
fltten to go for I have a soot of store
cloeth and can talk proper and can
make a brlte speech to a crowd. So
we voted. There waa 24 of sa there
and 14 votes was caat and when wa
counted 'em ther was on ' vote for
every feller present, showln' conclusive
every voter had voted for hilf. Bom
oeaided to glv th money back. It I
no ua workln' for such a town, where
everybody 1 so narrow and o Ignorant.
It la such man what keeps Rabbltvllle
from gettln' to the front -
It ain't none of our business as a
private eittsen but as th representative
of a great moral paper Ilk Th Irriga-
ior i wonia nx to ak how long oh
how long are we to set under th heel
of the tyrant and allow major Fairplay
to make ua go to the kitty for jack
and, which la not "fairplay" (goke) but
change where-ther anarate ttia .ii
atlon of commission charges among all
exchange; the advisability of doing
away with th traveling solicitor; th
advisability of giving th Interstate
commerce commission mor power; th
xpedtency of requiring all stockholders
ui corporation o noia mmbrhlp;
th establishment of a eommarelal eradlt
ystem. ' . , , .
' fWasaasaBBBeBaBBS f
(Special Dispatch t Tb JoqnaLt
Pendleton, Or.. July IS Th xpert,
employed by th county to. Inspect the
record and books at th courthouse are
till ngagd in xamlnlng ths. books
of the sheriff's offlc and It I not
P acted that they will hav their work
oompleted before a week or It day.
- In connection with th alleged short
age which was ths occasion It Is under
stood of th removal of C. P. Davis,
the chief deputy, by Sheriff Taylor, a
report waa circulated last venlng that
J. W. Smith f Athena is to be ap
pointed a uccesor to Mr. Davis.-
" C Ji A Orlm Vragadp ' '
I dally enacted, la thouaand of horn,
aa Death claims, in each on, another
victim of Coneumptlon or Pneumonia.
But when Cougha and Colds are prop,
erly treated, 'the tragedy le averted, T,
O. Huntley of Oaklandon. Indiana,
write: "Mr wife had the consumption,
snd three doctor gave her up. Finally
she took Dr. King s New Discovery for
Consumption. Coughs and Colds, which
cured her, and today ahe I wall and
strong." It killa th germ of all dl
eaeea. One doee rellevee. Guaranteed
Jt S0v and 11.00 by Skldmor Drug Ca
ll Third strb Jrlai bottle free, p
mm. mm wfb- MMM&m -- i
D'Urtano's Royal
Bf r.lAGNETISr.l
Geological Survey Experlrtiehtf
Ar Rapidly Progressing To
ward the Final Tests. .
The Magnetic Separator ' Is Given
the Duty of Further Cleaning and
Separating the Various Minerals
in the Black Sands, V
The' magnatlo separator te be uaed In
tha geological survey pavilion for final
separation of .minerals is being put In
working condition. Separation by means
of the four concentrating tables erected
Is well under way. On th. Utter It 1
th effort of the management to out out
the different minerals as cleanly aa pos
sible, after which funner separation Is
by magnetism. Magnetite, chromite, gar
net monoslt and quarts ar the llv
separations eff eeted by th magnetic
machine and th first products of these
mineral war displayed yesterday in
a remarkably elean atat. Th red garnet
was in sharp contrast to ths yellowish
monosite, while ths magnetite and ere
mite war easily distinguished when
placed apart. . .
It Is probable that hydraulto classify
ing will b tried later aa a primary
eparatlon, or possibly auxiliary to th
tables. Th tim and space conditions
will not permit of , experiment with
lulce concentration, which bad been
poken of by Dr. Day as a posslbl
method to be tried later,
Th flv or lx product taken from the
concentrating tables are. an intereatlng
tudy In th work that la posslbl by th
usual wet process. After carefully -regu
lating the feed and water and endeavor
ing to bold th sand delivered to s
reasonably uniform sis It is found that
from five to seven clearly defined mineral
sones ere outlined on th concentrating
table. - By arranging for th .to dis
charge In distinct receptacle, separation
of mineral having nearly tha aacae spe
elflo gravity Is found poaajble. -
Robert H. Richards, profeaeor of min
ing engineering and metallurgy In the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
ha been added to th force under Dr.
Day and this morning tb eminent au
thority from Massachusetts was-busy
with ths magnatlo separator, where the
finest work I to be don. - . ,
Th working plant for th survey la
nearly complete. A Hendy feeder baa
been placed slightly above the floor of
th pavilion, into which th sand I
dumped by barrows. This feeder die
charge Into a hopper - which supplies
an elevator snd this In turn discharge
Into a distributor - of th centrifugal
order, whloh divides th product vnUy
among th four concentrating table that
are being worked at preeent From the
distributor, In which eufflolast water I
added to mak th sand flow freely, tb
product I piped te th table. Sampling
f th various mineral sone takes place
each half hour, and the tailing ar aio
teat ad sjrltn equal regularity. Th result
ef this sampling Is net well known yet
a .as isas . j m i i r t
Our DeautifUl
Selected From the Aiidicncc. ;
Italian Band, All our Thermometers Yesterday
but wilt tie cai ef ullr-txtwflxtr End-nsea
la further adjustments and experiments.
Olaaa-TTp Psoas Yesnvtus.
F. J. Hard, manager of -th Vesuvius
mln. In Bohemia, brought a clean-up
from the t0-tamp mill on th property
for exhibit with the Lan county mln
ral dlaplay yesterday. Th mill has
been opened for the aummer run, and
the - management thought that while
placer nugget and coarse gold war be
ing sbowa. from, all part or Oregon,' l
would be wall to put a sample of bul
Hon from quarts out for Inspection.
Basel Modal Busy.
Superintendent Mollis Sumpter smel
ter model haa been blown In. and ex
cept when It "freeses up," which 6eurs
when water for the pump Is out off, la In
constant operation. Any one earing to
see how Oregon's pioneer smelting plant
gets tha gold out of baa ere will hav
an opportunity to do so by making
visit to th mfnerel xhiblt at th fair.
Sohasal Want Smelter.
(Special Olapateb to The JoaraaL)
Cottage Grove, Or., July 10. Bohemia
mining men ar working In concert for
th Interest of th camp. Th miners
see that a emelter la needed to market
tb large bodlea of ore, and have set out
to se what they can do In thia direction.
Biohes Ore aUported. '
(pedal Dtopatcft e Tae JoaraaL)
Cottage Orova, Or, July 10. It Is re
ported her that tha Oregon Securities
and Vesuvius mills ar handling better
ore than usual. Some of the ore at the
Oregon Securities la rich In gold, much
of whloh la vlalble to th aye.
(Joaraal Special lartlee.)
Chicago, July SO. Representatives of
Swedish singing societies throughout
th country sr gathered In Chicago to
tak part In th annual festival of th
American .Union of Swedish Singers.
Th festival open with a mammoth con-
cart tonight In th Auditorium. Ml
Anna Hellatrom, the famoua soprano of
the royal opera at Stockholm, will be
th principal soloist, while the choral
number of th program will be ren-
dered by grand chorus of several thou
sand voice recruited from oolatiea all
over th country. Another concert will
be given tomorrow night - The two fol
lowln dava will be riven over ta out
door feetlvltlea afRlverview park. Ar
riving train today brought many vis
itor from all direction, and the at
tendance promisee to b of record-
breaking proportions. Th Dakota.
Minnesota, Iowa and Wisconsin will b
especially well represented. .
.' . Scientist Meet ia Syracuse. . .
I Joaraal gpeelal Service.) .L
Syracuse, N. T.. July 10. The Ameri
can Association for th Advancement of
Science began a field meeting In this
city today, the sessions ta continue
through the remainder of the - week.
Geology and geography are the aubjects
selected for special consideration.
Thh h a better country to
Ilvo-io, becauseSchtaliog't Best
bin it :
Dancing Pavilion.
j ,".
Affetable Preparatlonlbf As
similating teroodandBe'uIa'
Promotes DigesdonJCbterfur
ness and Rest on tains neither
Opiijm.Morphin0 norKiacial.
fit lAtf't JS?w
Aperfecl Remedy f or ConsBna
non. Sour StonrJtDiaatioca
ness and Loss of Sleep.
FacSimtto Signature of
Is what tsr say of ear nwtbeds eT oli
! work. We week tor sn4 from
ft ef tte etty eelrkly je ae4 ear eelar.
fuTalM i?tSr. rf
WISE BROS., Dentists
Tae Vauiag, eK TkM aad Waaalar.
a. t. r. wna.
j, -
:.. i
ft I
second of the - S?
" ,
Por Infxnti emrl CM1 rrV
Th3 ICind You I!:va
. Wlivays DpL'3hr
' x At. 2:1
For Ovor
Thirtu Yoars
r. a
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. T