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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1905)
t . " .. , " Third rioor. We kave under enf?enet an evpert ettr of flaaa, All klnda of entraviag don a any gl. article, to order, while you wait Lawn and Clark deaigna and asottoea , an craved en tumblera, pttchere, ate. Call and btaa work. v Oat an Official Quid . It ma km you fa miliar wuh the Fair, and locatao everything in the grounde at -a glaaee. It aelle everywhere fof Si etnU, but we furnlah It for canta, Thla warWith avary purchase of 11.00 or ever wa give a ticket whioh, when preeeated at tha Qulde. Headquarters. 1a rood for 10 oanta on the. purenaae,or the Of-esl Expo. elUon Guide. . , ,: ... - ' J 'Ttn?' v2 ; sfrrr,Ti rn nnW? Bzttizs'i czzd ell Your tins l;lL, r'. -i.'UTil LXlVCJt L L J. 31 xJ -'t?o to IV'czd boost! .Tira i,.3.c,;y- mei i.-.p if cvcnzzzizriy.iz cizus,r Lcrrsst sicca cr souvenirs i jn c; or cert cn every f. ccr. jye're nsician to exacit c-jrnczs city" end the Northwest, ts. well as the LyLlzirllutlssthzzzzzjYezlrs ctzzizllezt pozz&tz cczt. Select here from bis assortments at WCtCklST Send youttrlends town acre or ExDosltlonl littlest prices. mm "WASHINGTON, FIFTH AND SIXTH STS. WELCOME. VISITORS - THISSTORE CLOSES AT 6 P. M. '". ', '. ' " ? ! ' Second rioor' Annt i. " TV?" T"'So CUSHION TOFS. ? v Art alrooat endleaa variety ef Cu ' linen, eraah and othar art a u vt plain backa. Theee pillow oi t a . ' with oonvantlonal and oriental d v, whan mado up make try handso eevera;' valuea to (So In tha lot , 1 j Economy Bale- price, eaeh i V ' " Embroidery Lcsscr.3 frcI Given by an Expert Needlework Teat" , - Second Floor Art : Rooma Annex. U f i. 'Lff ce Cocking SchtxJ ' i Third rvoor Beaalon 10 a. m-'to Urn. .. ., . . ..:T ,and X to 4 p. m. - '. .- A Snap-StiOt of . a. Store Full of Remarkable One-Day Specials" for Friday. Selling .. -1 . IIHATJT1X A SIO LOT T WANTS, Alt AT '' Hera'a a Hat of trifle that the want of la liable to create eome. larva treublea. - Thlnra on naeda at home and to take away, on JSumroer. trlpa.' It eoeter leaa to take .them tomorcow. . . ... .,-v. 'y, SPECIAIi- FOR FRIOAT ONX.Y IK THK BAZAAR - . i : SHOPS FIK8T VbOOlV ' . ' f--;'1 -''1 Tv o WHISK BROOMS,' I7& i'V':i:':1i; ' ' Fine white bone handle Whtak S rooma; regular value V J So. . Special, each ...17 "VVi -.'f lOo OLTCXRINB SOAP, - 7o ' larte bar clear traneparent Qlyoerlne Toilet Soap; ... regular iralue 10c Special .........,.....,.,.T ' THREBJ ROLli o TOILET ' PAPER, 10a Tine Toilet Paper. xtra quality, 0-oa. rolla: regular yalua Ba.Special .,..,.3 roUa 10e) : ." I0o SHAVTNO MIRROR, . r ' - Eztra heayy baval glaaa Toll at or Sharing Vlrror. oaael back, aluminum framaa; regular value lOo. 1 Special, each, 39? - . 7 BOX tSa WRITINO PAPER, ' 10a, ' ; . A apeeial lot of plain Writing Paper, In boxea, wlth- ' 1 envelopea to match, aaaorted tlnta: rearular value O 10. Speetol.. boa: t .n.,.M..j..;.v...n.;.aor' PACKAGE WAXED PAPER. 0" "T aKMtetoraed ' fcawoav - ' ' 10 PACKAGE ENVELOPES.-? " Cream wove Envelope, aqua re ahapea. S tu. paok age; regular value to. paelal i....'.yrn,s : - fo RECEIPT BOOKS, io.:,' ' V Receipt Booka of 10 leavea, atlff bound eovera; rea , ttlar value le. Special, each..........,...f,.,.B4 - ,' (0o DRESS SHIELDS. Mo.. .. :; Detachable Oms, Zouave Dreaa and Coreet Shlelda; t regular value too. Special, pair ........... .S8e) .. . SPOOL DARNIKO COTTOK. to. - , Beat quality Darning Cotton, black, white and tan. -Special at, spool ..,.,.,.........,.,..aa1 - ; : BOX t So HAIR PIKS, ISO. ' -7 V ' a Shell horn Hair Plna. one doaen In box. aaaorted , atylea; regular value SSe, Special ,15e) 10- TOILET PINS,' Sd. Wares More Sensctioncl Priced ; Reductions ; ? TO LIGHTEN THE LOADS BORNE BY THE SHELVES AND COUNTERS IN THE DRESS GOODS STORES. . ;;'... .V.......... ." -iri.'.a : a vb.--. l';it: r f ', aguu Annex r xni r ioor. ...i: : The nrlpM" ar ' tallrra tVi . faKrira lerifyV their; words. :B etter ihare .these I tnatcniess vaioestomorrow or- Saturday. : ColorcdDressOoodsSpedal N FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY j4 2,850 yards' 8Wnch AJl 'i Wool -Volies- Heather, Mixed Suitings, in a full color as-, sortment ; our regular 60c values. Spe i da! only. yard. . ; . . i .Y.V .... ....... . ,38c) 52-inch Imported "English Mohair Sicilians "Just the thing' for shirtwaist suits , and coast wear, all wanted colors in the assort- ' ment ; unequaled -L 85c rvalue. Special for Friday and Saturday onlyjjrar d . , . t . . 59fr NOVELTY S0ITSILKS AT HALF V Wanted Black Dress Goods specially Priced 'for Friday and saturday's special selling Large cube Toilet Plna. black and aaaorted oolorej ;i regular value IfieJ, Special ...... v. ........ .54 YOU'LL STRIKE A "LEAD' TO A MINI: --;---BARaAINS TOMORROW IN THE r.; ; or JeVvelry and Leather Goods 'el Shoos :"uXv4-a;' West. Annex riret Floor. - f if:- A NOVELTT IN SPECIAL BALES. Choose Frorcf the Entire List at : Jtem--r-'y, clai : .v" ;vT" ', I So BEAD NECK CHAINS. l:-:.v.;,;r;,;' Olrla Bead Neck'Chalne in araethyet garnet amber - araerald and whUe;- our retnlar Ho valuea. Spa-" vconoray nut me, each ...,..,.......lSa So HAT PINS., llo. An aaaortmant of pretty Hat. Plna,-wlh pearl end--r turquotae topa, head deaigna In roae gold flnlaht' alao a variety of deaigna with' the popular peacock , eye aeta; valuea1 In the ahowlng to Bc Special - Economy Sale Price, each ,194 : . v ISO HEART CHARMS FOR lie. " v ' . Sterling allver Heart Charma, long ehaln pendanta afhd coin holdera; valuea te ISo.: Special Economy ' ; Sale Price, each ....... ..i ................. 10 ; f So COLLAR BUTTON SETS, 116. t Collar Button Seta, 4 buttone to et? our regular tSe i 'value. Spectal Economy Sale Price, the eet.,19a)'. Economy Sale off Leether Goods at 19c '"fv.v V First FlooiwWeat Aanes.-'.V'V'"'' ' A ' ' ' v,' 26o ' JEWEL POCKETS,' llaVv':";;-' A let of chamola Jewel Pocketa, 'nicely made from flrat quality, aoft chamola; our 15o , value. - Special JK oo no my sale Price, each ...... .19 Card Caaea, made of good quality leather r valuea up. to SOc Special Economy Sale Price, each ..l9t' 'c' ' ' SSo LEATHER BELTS,. lie.'.'--' A line of Lad lea' Leather Belte, good atylea, valuea , , uj to Ho, . Special Economy Sale Prloa, eai.lOw . ;;.''' ;;:,;- bxtba SFBCLtx, In -the Muslin Underwear CORSET COVERS ANTV PETTICOATS ARE RE- ' , DUCED IN PRICE , FOR FRIDAT ''vi,'' v " V: ;' a. , ; bconomx salb.-. . . '-'J? v,'Annex--Secotid Floor."'-)'' ',' ' ' EVERT MCBtlN' UNDEROARMENT IN ' THE ' , - ROUSE IS RADICALLY REDUCED.. . .' WOMEN'S IV CORSET COVERS, llo. ' . LedleaV.fJne nalnaook Coraet Covera, trimmed With ' three cluetere of fine tucka, alx tucka to the' v ciuater, and four rowa of Valmolennea laoe; v alao beading, Valenclennea lace and draw ribbon at ' neck and arroholea; our regular 11.00' value. pe dal Economy Bale Prloa, eaoh ......,. B9 WOMEN'S II.TI PETTICOATS FOR ll.IT. - ."'" Pattleoata- of light auramer-wleght , meroerlaed Prla de Sole, In black and colore; made In a variety of . oiriereni aryiee. . i ney nave ina appearance and rueu or aiiK eni wtar wen; our. II.7S value. -eirJ. Economy Bali Price, each i.. ..........civ 44-inch Imported English BlackBriHian- h rich silk liiiisli; unccruilca at our" "regular price of 60c per yard Special for rrviay ana saiuraay oniy, yara. . ....of 52-inch Imported English Black Linen ' Warp Sicilian warranted v fast: color 'and splendid wearing' grade; our regular 85c quality.! Special for Friday and1 Saturday ' The Great Linen Sale THAT ' FILLS THE SOUTH AISLES FULL OF , BUTERS DAILT AND HOURLT 28 STRENGTH- ' ENED -TOMORROW BT A TEAM - OF " -: s.-''' 'TAR ATTRACTIONS JN ,j 'l-V fine Tat!e Nspkins end Pretty Summer r . -. "Wash Stuff-i'i;vv! 7 for Hot Vesther. Frcks and .Wsists $l.l INSTEAD OF llil FOR TABLE NAPKINS. 2S0 doaen Table Napklna, made of heavy bleached . , linen. In aaaorted patterna; aplandld for hotel and -", reataurant uae aa they wear eo well; our LTI "a value. - Special Economy Sale Pftcej the - ( dofon .,..'.. ..'.91,29 , i ONLT llo FOR lOo PERSIAN MULLS. 1 1,000 yarde of white allk flnlah Pe'ralan Mulla ao ; much uaed for walata and dreeaea; out lo value. Special Economy SaU Prloa, tha yard. ...... ;19a A LTVELT. SALE OF TabltSTWare at Half; Price WILL KEEP THTNOS MOVTNO BRISKLTi TO . MORROW IN THE THIRD FLOOR - , v'.-V . :.. HOUSEKEEPERS' SHOPS . ,.: -a - ' Better let a few of the hOueehoId dutlea lay ever, lor a day, or poatpont atn engagement elaawhere, rather than -mlaa thla - chance to eecure Juat tha eeded piece of Tableware you want te fill an empty ; niche In oupboard or bn aldeboard, at liU VSUAXi FBI OB.- Special Friday only, - j. t.r Bowref regular value ,r 11.10. Special, each.'..$4.60 Bowie; regular value IMS. Special, eaoh... 94.98 Bowlai regular value 111.00. Special, each. ,.96.00 ' Water Bottlea regular valua 7.lo. ; Special, , aach . ..,...... 93, T5 vrar sviuhi ioui.r ,wya tv.vv. . iwm, v 1 eaoh '.',i. ..,.. .v.. Tumblera; regular value . II.SI. Special, doa.. Tumblera; regular' value 11. SO. Special, doa.. Tumblera; regular value 111.11. Special, doa.9 ?-Ot. ntcner j. regular vaiue if. . opeciaj, . each . I. ........ r......$9.K0. in. tall Comport; regular value $11.00. Special, ' each .......... h ................... '. . 95.60 Footed Bewlj regular value fl.00. Special, eaoh . .U .$4.50 l-lnch Vaae; regular value II.SO. , Special , , ' ach" . :...fl.T5. 1-Inch Vaae: regular value I4.S0. Special, eaoh .. ...... i... .93.29 . 10-lnck Vaae; regular value K.I0. Special. 94.00 94.76 98.25 iO.50 ach. Oil Juge; regular value M Sft. . Special, each.. 92.36 Oil Juge; regular value IS.S0. Special, each. .92.75 -Honey Jara; regular valua 1 1. SO., Special. eaoh .92,75 Individual Almbnd Dlehea; regular value' fll.oo. Special, doaen . .99.00 Pin Tray a; regular value $1 10. Special, eaoh. 1 11.15 Bon Bone; regular valua 11.10. ' Special, each, 1 11.75 Ollvea; regular value I4.S0. Special, eaoh,.,.) 12.25 . Ollvea; regular value IS.1S. Special, each.,,.i 12.63 Ollvea; regular value 11.00. Special, each. ,..93.00 Spoon Trayai regular value 14 00. , t. Special. - each v ,...,......... $2.00 Spoon Tray ; regular value II.SO. Special each . .........U.. ...93.75 Spoon Traya; regular valua f LSI. ' Special, each 93.25 Bpogn Traya; regular . value M.OO. ' Special. '' fAOs) iiUi'ttu ojp e . w't'a Waeaeae P4eSO Spoon Holder; regular value 111!. Special, - each'. .........i 9S.OO Handled Spoon Holdera) regular vekie 11.71. Spe cial, aaeh. . . . . . i - f 3.S3 flay IN THE SPACIOUS SALONS OF DRESS 2d Floor ' v SECOND' DAY' OF THE GREAT - THREE-DAY SAIE OF SILK SHIRTWAIST ,, SUITS, SILK SHIRTWAISTS, COVERT JACKETS AND; LINEN SKIRTS. I , VALUES TO H NEW SILK SI32T.YAIST SUITS FC3 $19.85 VALUES TO H2.5I U my TAN CCVE2T COATS AT HALF PS1CE-$15 SILK WAIST SrTOU AT ; ; r fiiJ-ritw ixvENxms. mm and cclcsex at iui Cxtra Opeclcl cr frtday Deautltcl $45Co Even r ? ng Costqe 0eclal at.u;,;-.:;...;;.'.,.-.:;:.....i: Alt cast Tulv sellinr records in the Weat aooarel salons are beinsr smashed to smithereens. Our policy of CONSTANT ACTION,"" : : v . V : has never, before been so productive of continued activity on the part of our "public. jAnd constant activity pays, pays us and pays 'you. Now while most stores are suffering from inertia; this house i ts forging ahead, beating all records and smashing all precedents. 'Continuous activity, on the tro continually ourselves and keeping' everything around us moving. Stocks must march to quick-steps. ' here unceasingly. No letups, it don't pay to relax for a momenti' and we don't relax." Now, putting this thing to 'a forced march; and then turning to that; as full of snap and action as a young bull pup." We've turned the. price-cutter. loose all over the Ready-to-' Don Section. ! He has used. the pruning knife recklessly all over; and now those who have waited for SPECIAL SALES OF SU- . PERB EVENING COSTUMES have their turn. In addition to the advertised values of the great three-day sale, as mentioned mimm j:-': . XfT " A'fi '(.''sit 1 fZ& " AM;.:' '-y-f i: lm r, ( Wi. -.xzi y - A Double Barreled Sole in "Dijou" Millinery Salons Annexe-Second Floor, : . atd S 'a:'"'' t a aa ' .a ' a- . a ' ' . Maying nay wnue tne sun shines,, thats what the man in the millinery store is do ing while the chief is away , in the New York market , Getting ride of ; the stocks regardless of what things cost or sell for. It seems like reckless selling; but evidently "there's method in his madness" and it's up to us to obey orders and report ito you what's aoing. .tomorrow we snail sell or the many" society events that take the attention of Portland's These beautiful creatibns are of crepe de chine, peau de soie, pea de cygne and rich taffetas a color range which embraces all he leading shades and colorings including blues, in light and dark. pearl-grays, champagnes, plain black, white, browns, pinics ana vellow or eolden 'shades- Dainty 'and elaborate trimmings of laces and embroideries.' All skirts have taffeta drops. . The values rep resented Include those up to-$45. AH go in at one price. but for one day only FRIDAYat. . , .j...-.t. . . . i i, in light and dark, EM ACTUAL VALUCft IN &TYLI5H, NEW SUMMED 0UIT5 UP TO $S0.S0 Friday only tomorrow you may, choose from about 200 Suits, all splendidly tailored, every "one the production of this season; materials of etamine, serge, cheviot and hom,espuns; a full color line, embracing black, blues, grays, tans and the extremely popular and stylish! black and white shepherd checks. . .Jiton ana Djouse styles,, or very latest authoritative de sign. This is absolutely , the greatest Suitjralue we have offered his season, and we ad vise, every woman within shopping distance 6f the store to profit from t ; -- i . ; :yt " ; ANOTHER GREAT -SALE OF "WOMEN'S HOUSE WRAPPERS FRIDAY ; yVomen's $2.00 Percale House Wrappers at 89c A monster purchase from leading eastern manufacturer, t Pretty percale roaterials, fn gray, reds black and white, blue andwhite, red and white, etc. Fetching floral and conventional designs,-narrow and wide collars", bishop sleeves, flounce styles, QOv and prettily trimmed in braids and embroideries; values to $2. - Friday only for.... OVv ANOTHCn WONDERFUL 6ALC0fW0MEN'6PCCtTY ft niCTWAIOTft Vli;.v;",!r-VALlJC5 TO e3e73 CilOOoC rca 70 Another-of ? thoseextraOTdinatdistribUtions of beautiful Summer Shirtwaists, at a ridicu-' lously low price. ; An opportunity for women to provide a liberal supply of the always-in-demand Shirtwaists at a price that does; not represent the first actual colt of ma teriaJ. Dainty, pretty VVaists, 01 splendid wearing, handsome percales, lawns and richly - mer cerized fabrics; n plain white,' blues,; pinks, grays, tans and charming mixed stuffs ; values up to $3.75. ' Also a line of Women's Mannish Negligee Shirts,, in linens and HTOv fancy! ginghams, same values.; Special Friday only, a...., fQ ; HEftD&D AND ( PMCTTT ACCESSORIES FOR ; Dainty Women's Gowning f. ? :, !!" at ecokomt PRicstv ,;J; ;. v lira lTloor--Woinan't Furnlfhlns Shopa.' ; v.' ISO AND TSo OliOVES-. Ilo.- i Lfale Glovea (or ladlea. In white,, black, gray, mode; good quality and durable; ourtMe and TSa valuea. ; . Special Economy Sale Price, 'the palr.........49t " v ISo FOR ISO AND Mo' WASH BELTS. ' Pretty Waah Balta, in white withcolored dotaf our ISa and SSe .valuea. Special eonqjnu3e.le Prloa. r each . 15a '' TSo TO lOo DRESDEN RIBBONS TOR ISo, ' ' 1 Beautiful Dreadan Rlbbona. 1 tnchee wide, la all colore and deaigna; much uaed. (or gicdlea, trim - mlnga and eo on; our regular TSo to Vo valuea. Special Economy Sale Bxloa, tha yard. .. . .. .4Bd ' ' - ISo WASH RIBBONS tX)R lTo ' Dainty Waah Rlbbona (or au!ninr wear. In all ahadea .. embroidered dote, -4 InehoVwida: our SSo value. ( Special Economy Sale Price, theyard ... ...,J4 . . tSo AND SSe PERSIAN BANDS, lOo. Paralan Banda In different deaigna. uaed tzten . alvely for trimming: our SSo and ISO valuea., Spe- , clal .Economy Sale Price, the yard-.,.,......'.104 . A HANDSOME SHOWING OP ALL OVER LACES ; .. .' :i. . IN 'CREAM VENISfl. . ... , For Friday wa offer then to you at Juat halt their value 4 hue . Our 11.00 value. . Special Economy Sale Prion, the - f yard . L....KD4 Our 41.S0 valua. Special Economy Sale Price, the ; yard . Our ItOO Value., Special Economy Sale Price, the ' yard , I... 91.00 . lie HANDKERCHIEFS, llo. ,-" ' Lovely Swlae Handkerchlefa, either hemattUhed or ' aca Hoped edgea, -daintily embroidered; our regular , S0o value.. Special Economy Sale Price, eaah.gSe) , ' . ; SUCH BARGAINS AS FRIDAT BRINOS ' The Underwear and Hosiery Aisles Will:be thronged ' ' : FtRST FLOOR."" V"' , .. '7''7 The warmer daya bring oul the perdplratlon but thafa healthful- all one needa la a plentiful aapply , of Underwear and plenty of hoalery ehangee auah ' aa the Knitwear Alalea afford. The Mldaummer Salea have sot brought better bargaina than thoae told o( here. ; .-i.-.-' i . -,. ., , ' vv,''. :;v women's lie vests; 10& . , ''. Women'a white cotton v aleeveloaa ' Veata, neatly , trimmed, extra aiaea T, I and ; well worth .regulat price of lie. Special Economy Sale Price, . 'each .......... ..v...... ..........10e WOMEN'S I1.TS UNION SUITS, 11.11. . ,. Women'a "Merode" Union Sutta of allk and cotton. - with long or ahort aleevea, or alaevaleaa. and either ; knee and ankle length; our 11.78 value. Special "' Economy Sale Price, the autt .............91.19 ' -.,' WOMEN'S SSo HOSE. Ito. , . Women'a 'black cotton Hoae. with flnlahed foot,' double eoie and fanoy embroidered anklee; Our tie ' value. , Special Economy Sale Price, the pair.. 934) v. '. CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR AND HOSE. , ( Chtldren'a merode Veata and Panta, veata long or ' ; . ahort aleevea and panta, either- knee er ankle length , - f Siaee 1 te 4; our llo value. Special at. tha garment .,...,.., r, .... .CS1 laae I to I; our ISo value. Special av tv - garment .........................,.,.'..-.-- CHILDREN'S ISe H0S3. 1" . Children'! fine ribbed black cotton r . . lahrd foot lleen apllced heel, f - to SSe. Special Economy (a: ; FASHIONABLY TRIMMED. In the first lot of trimmed Chambray Sail ors ire tbnnt 20A hate in 1 and newest blocks, blues and srreens. pret tily trimmed with dainty rosettes of white mull, very trig, trim and jaunty for wear these summer, days with the pretty shirt waists and frocks. Special fot 4, y A g the day only for....i..V.....e4) I " In the second lot are included replicas of those black trimmed.Turbans that had such a tremendous sale a week ago. We've a plenty for all this" time. " Spe-JJ ' vCsl cial for the day only, at. . . , . .ej) 1 .U" ""S'JSfJaBBBBBjSSaBawBjaaaBajaBjaa A Trcde Tempting ;Trio c7 Summer Home Comforts ATLES SENED PRICES FOR FRIDAT SELLINO. , Fourth rioor Btoree. . IMS HAMMOCKS FOB l.Sl. Canvae weave Hammocka In plalda and atrlpea. with ' pillow, concealed apreader and valance, large alae; . our IMS vlue.. Special Economy Bale Price, teach;. '.....-.913 . HM COUCH COVERS FOR i IJ.IS, -Heavy Tapeatry Couch Covera. In hand noma Oriental deaigna; our' 11.00 value. Special Economy Sale Price, each 92.CJ r tt.SO RUGS FOR tl.lS. . Beat wool velvet Ruga, else 17 by SI Inchea; p!en rr did -value at IS.SOt Special-Economy Bale Prlre," , each . .....91.CJ Be in Our Men's Storey To- morrow Sure-r-Ecrly ' The earlier the better; but be aura and be there to ahare In a hoat of the eort of barnlna that hv made the "Haberdaaherle" famoua. Tou know the place Juat tnalde the Sixth atreet entrance a ahort turn to right, and you're right amongat the emarteat lot of Men'a Wear In town. - A plenty of bargaina theae daya example . . , tl.00 WASH TIES. tSo. ." ,i A M 'Waah Stock Tiea'for Men and Women, In white and colore; regular value 11.00. ' Special. . eaeh .....;.. ...... w...... ...... ..y..aSa ISo WASH FOUR-IN-HANDS. lOo. A line of Waah Four-tn-Handa, in dota and email flgurea; regular value SSe.. Special, eaeh r..10d 10O WASH MIDOETS. So. . : A line of Waah Mldto, in dota and email figure , effecta; reaviar value loo. Special. each.,...,9at ;; : "MEN'S 11.00 UNDERWEAR. ' llo. .-,.; A line of Me'a pure white Hale Underahlrta and Drawere. In aplendid light aummer weight; our beat 11.00 valo. Spectal. aaeh 69V ' - . MEN'S tSo SOX. ISo, Men'a black lace Hale Sox; beat tie value, Special at, the. pair , ....19 ' MEN'S 11. SO -SHIRTS. 7Se. Tkras etyle of Mea'a Shlrta, white tucked and faney . Madraa. with 1 pair cuff a and woven Madraa. In .;. light dota. alrtpee and dark effecta. with euffa at tached; regular value tl-SO. Special. each...T9e : .: STIRRINO REDUCTIONS IN . .. end Jackets fcr the i Wcq Tot3 IN THE ABT-TO"MIS SHOP SECOND FLOOR. 11.00 I ATI son 11.10. Chtldren'a fine Hate, m- w? l aUk erown and mull .rim. trimmed with 1 ' rlhln They are white. ll-kt " J '"" " - are very dainty e v er i ladlee; our r- f 'ie. t tale Prtoe, r--i ci:.t" C:.r."vin'o J. ' ' rery, t I r , ' -' r