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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1905)
r:rrnz ohegon'- daily -jour.: jau portlanda tiiuisav r. mii nuasiis,.p ejenew sjiii ' ' f 1 . V . - i V. nf v ri -W lf . Ill I i ' . ; AMERICA.. 'J ' V " 1 ' v ' J - ' . - v , 1 r . L- JA ' : -. , A; . , a J-y -V V rp r ;' r-P-' . v ' " i . - 1 - w" "'; e. - i . i v V British Attendance Today Fully Equals That of Other Session 'orMeetTng. ! AFTERNOON PROGRAM ; OPENS WITH READING y r- ; Professor Kemp, Joaquin aMQler, Rer. 1 Roland D. Grant and Mrs. Florence ' Kelly Prove ' Drawing Cards and Large Crowds Applaud Carter, r pUGIl ENTIIUSIASm - 8pmUI Otopateh t tU learaaL)' ' .' OUdatOB Park, Or..' Julr JO. The at . , tanduic so far today equals that of . yeaterdar, and It la bains- augmented by v ovary lnoomlns train. .; Profeaaor Kemp opened tho afternoon program with a readlns' which brought everybody Into tha auditorium on tlra and bald them ' :l there. . -' ' . '. j Dr. Roland DL Grant le sivlns hie leo ; ittura, "Job'e Wife Vindicated,", and te holding a fine, appraciattre audlenoa, ('It la remamberad by old Chautauquana that at the flrat aaaembly, 11 yeara ago. Dr. Grant gave 'Ouacftaa f If t aiid beef! ..--addraaaa of tbe three daya'-program . ' and hla ringing words of patrlotlam will .. never be forgotten. t ' The ball game today will be between ' the T.ltCi. and Chemawe. and Carter ' .the magician will giro an entirely new program In the evening, i , ' f ' ; ' . ., ' 'r' :' ala Say. Tegterdajr. . .'Vv Chautauqua ran "three; ring attrao- , ,-i tlona all day yeaterday, giving the full- - '. eat program. - The morning, was apant ;wlth the usual claes work, a notable ( feature of which la the large number i of people that come up to attend these .. classes on the morning tralne, who are ;vlaltors fa. Portland. - Yesterday were '.' found regis t red Mra. Boklage. St. Paul. ' i Mlnneeota; Mrs. H. Pltaalmonda, Wal " 'halla. North Dakota.; lire. Matt Skeen. - ,. Mineral Wells, Taxaa; Mrs. H. & Smith, Northampton, Masaachuaetts; Bae Rick--"' , tu, Orlando, Florida; Mra. J. C Nelson, vPhlllpsburg, .Montana; Waldo . Canlleld, '. Kansas City; Mrs. Alice Appleby, Mount : . , union, renneytranie. , . ,,,:. -., Handler's classes in American literature ' ' in tnt sruaT or ro. tm emuM were . ' . made to see in the small output of - wild and weird and. too often the ghostly f in nis prosa taiee. , epeciat attenuon For practical use there - are no' half lined suits -r equal to our. fancy. chev lojts. They are beautifully tail ored and will retain the shape through the hardeat service. . In gray ef fects at $14. In plaids and figures at ?S.G5. Prices That Are of Interest to - " t; All Men 50c Hose, now $1.23 Shirts, now . . . . 35 . , , , 85 $3.50 Trousers, now ...$3.35 $7.50 ' Panama Hatt . . , . $5.00 Summer. Suits on the retiring list. We retire them at almost ;.:;HaifPrice":L $12 arid $15 Suits at. ; $8.65 $18 and $20 Suits at . $14.00 Sunply our. way of redacing stock and your easy way to ; ; t take the profit. IxiotiCiiOTHinsO arrerytalas. for. Mea aad Boys. , teaVlw Taird. Veeg KoeriM. ' 4 ' Four-Masted Bark TMstls Kow Discharging was glnen to the Ules "A Descent Intq the Maelstrom," "The Fall ofthe Houee of Usher" and the poems "For Annie," "The Raven" and "The Belle." Miss Gertrude Johnson of Willamette nnlver. alty, whegara much etudy to Interpret Poe. read finely from "Tha Gold Bug." Tomorrow special interest will be In' the study of American historians. , ' The scheduled hourly concert was cut short by half an hour, that the lion. which had been unexpectedly trapped, might be displayed to ' tha admiring audience, and when Joaquin Miller ap peared upon the platform as the bright tauqua luminaries,, the large audience brake Into a atorm of applauae and ap plauded on and on Tor every point the poet . made, or every . pose he .struck; "The Beauty of Everything" waa the theme of which he sang, and several of hie favorite poems were recited . with dramatic effect ' '. - , i, ' Mrs. Florence Kelly, executive sere- tary of the National Consumer leag"&,- gave the lecture of the afternoon . on "Our Child Workers.' She took . ex ception to the assertion of the poet that "there waa nothing ugly in the world," and, thought that if he .could leave hie mountain home and go into some of the tenement dl striate of our large cities and eee little children- working in" cel lars, reeking with filth and dlaeaae. he would And some decidedly ugly things in this world. Mrs. Kely turned the attention of the audience for a moment to conditions . In Oregon, saying that while no such conditions yet obtained In Portland or the state, aa elsewhere, ehe had , aeon smaller boya carrying messages In Portland than she over saw la New. York, and ehe bad seen a beau tlful girl under 1 serving Ira craaaa at 11 pt'toV and! found the girl would have several miles tej rde alone after th store was closed" to reach her home. The messenger service, tor araall boya. she condemned in no uncertain terms, v. , Tendered m Beoeptioa. - . At the close of tha program the o ffl- cers of the State Federation of Women's Clubs tendered Mrs.- Kelly a reoeptlon at their headquarters, where they served Iced fruit punch' and, cakes. Several hundred embraced the opportunity of meeting jdra. Keuy personally. - - , carter, the magician, aeiignted a large crowd In the evening with his sleight -of band performance, cabinet work and all around good tricks. , . The dally program for Friday follows: 7 to I o'olock Physical, culture, la diea. professor O. Miller Babbltt. I to Physloalioulture, Juniors, Pro fessor O. Miller Banoitt. , v to 10 Junior Bible etudy. Rev. How ard n. Hmitn. - ,- to IS English literature. Dr.' B. 3. Hoadiey. ; t to 10 Elocution, Profeaaor Everett Kempr; W- i,-T ' 7 to- i 0 Nature study, Professor Al bert R. Sweetaer. Id to il United States history,' Pro- 10 to 11 Musical department. Profes sor Frederick W. Goodrich.'- 10 to 11 W. C T. U. institute, tucls t ax on Addlton, elate president. 1 11 to ii Dotnestio science. Miss Lil lian Tingle. .. ; . . 11 to 11 Bible study. Dr. W. C Sher man. ' ' t ' ... 1 p. ox Parsons' orchestra. S p. m. Reading, Everett Kemp: solo: lecture, "Snakea In Paradise, Res.' Ro land Dwight Grant, D. D. "i "" - p. m. BaaeoalL BralBSrd Maroons VS. Vsnoouver. ; . 7 p. m. Parsons' orchestrs,...:. ....... p. m. Solo, Miss Mary Alverta Morses lecture, "Gladstone," .. by . Dr. Frank Wakely Gunsaulua, president of Armour institute of technology, Cblcago. Columbia river ; - EXCURSIONS. Very Low Rates VU the O. & U. to Upper River Points.. ' , v No visitor to PortlandT should ml as viewing tha matchless Columbia river scenery : between Portland and The Dalles, aa seen from O. R. at N. trains. Tha Chici go-Portland special leavea the union etatlon every morning et :ll. giving a daylight' ride elong the Colum bia, atopplng four minutes at tha very foot of Multnomah falla, - Every mil of the trip there la eomethlng new and fascinating. If desired, the return trip may ' be made by boat from Cascade lacks -or The Dalles. Very low rates this aummer. Particulars and summer book by ashing C W. Stinger, city ticket agent, O. R. N. Co., Third and Wash Ingtoa streets, v ' s '' ,' American 1 disabled by head-sea ,.".'. -,. ' 1 - - ' - -.:'. (Journal Special Serrtae.) Port Itarford. Cel., July 20. While steaming 10 miles off the coast yester day morning the Monitor - Wyoming struck a strong headsea and broke a propeller, blade and -starboard ' ' shaft Ehe reached the harbor at midnight and her eommmander wired to San Fran cisco for a tug. . -- - - .vr" Oyster Boards XUegaX - - V Opelii DtepVtdi te Tee leersaL) , . Olympia, Wash, July JO. The "-su- prome oourt has handed down a decision that declares illegal the county board of oyster land commissioners appointed by the governor under the provisions of an act passed In The decision affects particularly ,. Pacific and '! Thurston counties. . - - -- . ' 4 V.t a Cargo Here YOUNG GIRL IS GORED TO DEATH BY MAD BULL ' (Joaraal Special Service.) l Livingston, Monti July to. An- In furiated bull gored to death the 11-year- old daughter of George A. Buffer, one of the wealthiest stockmen of Montana, today. The child entered a, corral for the purpose of driving some cows into tha pasture, when the bull -charged and filnioned her against the fence, repeated y goring the child through the Stomach, the long horns going almost 1 through the child a body. She waa shockingly mutilated and died almoat Immediately, The bull had to be shot before. - the child could be taken from the corral. THROWS NITRIC ACID r . 1 UPON TEAM OF HORSES V(8peeUl Dispatch te Toe JoarsaL) Walla Walla.. Wash, July 10. The Identity of "Jack, the Add Thrower" re mains a profound mystery despite the fact that the police have been furnished with a fairly good description of ths man and have kept a cloaa watch J or tha fellow. Reports of damaged cloth ing BtlU continue te pour in. The fel low - changed hie tactrca lata Tuesday night by spraying a team left standing In the . street The horses, maddened with pain, screamed In agony and nearly rot tnr from a half doxen men at tracted to the scene. Traces of nitric acid were found on the horses' bodies after they-had bean quieted down. BAKER DAY AT FAIR . - i-IQJEJaiGJ)CCASIOW (Special Die petes te Tee Joaraal.) ; Baker City, July 10. People are pre paring m this county to make ' Baker City day At tha-fair' a great . occasion, They have not only ' secured a special train but .have employed -Pullmans for the trip. Tne county will practically be depopulated on-Baker a day at Portland. People returning from the Lewis end Clark fair from the interior who stop over at Baker, in order to take convey ance to, their homes, report the fair a great success. They say that aU of their people will go. , The universal verdict In eastern Oregon is that ths lair is a greet succeaa. . . 1 in 1 1 1 1 ' ' ,Tr'""elrohiia Oats Salary. ''' (Special. IS spates. frLJhe. JaeyaaLl Olympia, Wash, July 10. State Audi tor Clausen has honored a warrant Is sued in favor ofiHarry Falrohlld, one of the-ratiway 1 eummlBsiuneraV for hla salary from Suns of thla year. At flrat the -auditor refused . to cash ' the warrant, but was advised by the attorney-general yesterday that lfwoulJ J5e legal for him to do so, as Mr. Fair child was entitled to pay from the date of his appointment. . Given Away, Free TBveryfcody r Them AH Our BeaaUfol AmericaiL Taliing llacliine c Free to KTrybody ' , Pnrehtsin'p our .1; ' Teas' 'Coffees ; Spices Crockery Glassware Greatest Offer of tlie Age Clip this Coopoa out, lerirqt k to any of. osnr stores. "; lv lu vsloa Is- $5.00 worth of fCotrpotta " towers ssttLae; yoa the . Talking Machine Free ec O Boy, Girls, and Toud Ladles ' . this Is Your Chance :, ! ;- ( Com$ and 8e fJa .' Great imerlcu l&ptihiht CeT ! . Stores Crsrjrwlisra ' s 111 Washington St: and 221 first - 8t,. Portland. , - -- . '.Oregon City, Main Street!J,', .Astoria, 171 Commercial 6 1 o trip Hla-tKa U-l-TWOWAYS EAST. BY -WATERS - - . -The Northern Steamship Co.Svill operate steamship Korth-West'' between Duluth and Buffalo- and steamship "North-Land' between Chi cago and Buffalo, calling; at Intermediate points of interest Return rail tickets good for this water route on slight additional payment ,v ., , ---nuitoPBUir ok Aaterleaa 'pUa lecleaea' ; ' S. S....1orth.LaBS" leaves Chleaao SttaroarS -j"'' ' ; , -.-c',-"1I;,--'A . ..a.... Norta-WeM" Icetef DolutW Teders '','.. 1 "'' tm faU sertleelaiB apply at write '.te H. PICKSOK, a P. el, 1, lit M St. Fertiaifti Or. gai;;;ot secure damages ;. M DEATH OF I'lfE i No Recourse Against Wrongful Acts of Another Says Washington Court . ' - (Special Mipatcfc te The SouraaL) -Olympia, Wash- July 10. Damages for the death of a wife through the wrongful acte of another cannot be re covered by the eurvtvlng husband, ac cording to a decision banded down by the aupreme court yeaterday in the ease of Christian Johnson against Seattle lectrle eotnpany on hla own behalf and as guardian of his son, Merinus John son, for damages for the. peath of hie wife, who -waa killed ia a etreetcar ac cident in Seattle. . i ?!.- In the eaae of Thomas William a, ex ecutor of the will of William Teeter, others, appellants, appealed from Sno homish county, Judgment of lower court in making order reviving an .old Judg ment, la affirmed. ... ... In the case of the atate against Angus J. McPhall. convicted of killing Fred Aldereon at Derringten, and P. H. Nel son Of King county, convicted of living openly with a woman not hla wife, the supreme court affirmed judgments of eonvlotlon la both cases. . Minnie and C W. ' - Wappenateln against , the city -of Aberdeen! lower court -affirmed. . ;-- ' . Marlon - & Peterson againet . James Sloes , and others, anneal from Klne- oountyt lower- court reversed. - ' W. H- Harris and others against the city of Tacoma; lower court sustained. Robert, Mack againet John Mack, ap peal from Spokane county; court orders dismissal set aside and Judgment en tered In favor of plaintiff for one third of the mining stock. . . - .' i . . . The oourt refused - te take Jurisdic tion In the case of TUlle Baaaett va J.- A.tFraaer, Justice of the peace for leaa .than Jd. r" v. i . BIG BUILDING BOO i J - IS-0rV7rFAIRVIEW (Ipeetel Mspatoh-U TSe JnarmaLt Fhlrview, Or July 10. Thla aeason a record ia being made ae the greatest building boom In thla vicinity that has been' known in years. O. O- Dolph baa already taken., poeseas) on of his fine nine-room bouse, T. J. Crate and W, W. Ashcrsft are enjoying their neat cot tages in West KairvleWr while WUlisrd EUUon baa a modern up-to-date resi dence well along, north of the railroad track. - Nepoleon Davis la having a fine barn built on his. ranch east Of town and Btlllon at Crea are erecting a largo barn for A. I Turner on hie farm weet of Falrvlew, Additions to houses and painting of buildings and fencea have been done , until - the entire - aspect - is chsnged. v - - f '- WILL DIVIDE SURPLUS ; AMONG CONTRIBUTORS , (Bpeetal Plapetek te Toe Jeematl ..' Eugene, Or., July 10. The committee of business men that had, charge of the Fourth of July celebration here has made a publio report of receipts and as- pendltures.and find a surplus of Illtr.Tl over and above all disbursements. Thla will be divided pro rata among the per sons wno auDacrioea to tne celebration fund. Each subscriber will receive SO per cent of bis donation. The total re ceipts from all sources were 11.XSI.7I end tha disbursements 11,031.04'. This IS the first time In the history of the city that there has been a surplus of funds sfter a celebration. Thla year's event waa conceded to be tha beat and most largely attended in many years. -- ; - PRESIDENT OF LOTTERY C : ARRESTED IN SPOKANE t , (Special Dispatch te The Joersal.) i . Spokane, July 10. Henry I Haunt manager of the Pfelster bowling alleys. was arreeted here last evening. by fed eral authorities charged with using the United States mans In running a lottery while president ef the Montana Mining. Loan 4 Investment company of Butte. Mr. Haupt chargee that hie street waa due, to. persecution and states that he haa notning to-rear. . ,. ' . Fraud - order was recently put into! uueci r uainst me . nonwii mining. Loan V Investment company of Butte. wnicn ia cnargea witn neing a get-rlch-qulclc swindle, advertising ownership of valuable mines which, are declared do not esist. 1 ' . - -. - i -., .-. RAILRdAD COMMISSION TO HOLD PUBLIC MEETINGS ' ft,., V, . . H.. . . tnimvw, vbici w i HI irorHL Olympia, Wash.,' July J0 Beginning August the railroad commission will begin holding publio . meetings east of the mountains. - Meetings will be held st Spokane, Walla Walla. Dayton, Col fax and all othesheavy shipping pointa The pabllc 'wilt LB welcome at tese meetings. . Before returning to Olympia members of the commission will attend the ' National , Association of - Railroad Commissioners at Deedwood. South Da kota. . : -t . r. a - herUr BeoUaes. ' , ' , - (Spectel Dispatch te The Joareatt Boise, Idaho, July. 10. Sheriff Havlrd haa refused to resign in reply te the ul timatum presented by the county com missioners, that he pay over hie shortage and resign, with the alternative ef crimi nal proceedings being Instituted te- oust him. He announces that he wtlVflght, the esse. Ouster proceedings will be be gun arlthln a day or two. ; v ; : ' ' aMKicAM rLAi. , - -, r, : rrT" an ktmsm ea eaatlckeC. '.' ' EUGENE FIGURING ON V - .WATER AND LIGHT PLANT ii . A. -K- - .,-v-t'-C . " (Sperlal Dlapetofe to n JoaraeL) -' Eugene, Or.. July 10. The city coun-' ell haa engaged Frank C Kelsay, a con struction engineer of Salt Lake City, to furnish- estimates on the cost of build ing an alectrlo plant and a waterworks plant to be owned by the city, the voters having declared for municipal owner ship ft the election a year age last April. The city bae filed on the waters ef the McKensle river for power for en electric plsnt and has made preliminary surveys for the power canal, eta it is thought that municipal ownership of the two mentioned nubile utilities will be sn assured fact within two er three rears. -.''-VT " ": - ;.'v, '',. PREDICTS BANNER YEAR - - FOR FISHING INpUSTRY ' "X: ' 1 W i.--, j (Special Msseteh to The JearaeM - Olympia. Waah-i July 10. State Fish Commissioner Kershaw . states that - he rhas received reports which lead him to make the prediction that thla will be the banner year of the fishing Industry on the Columbia. He bellevee that the value of the output will be greatly la esoeaa ef that of 104 and will probably eseead tl.00.000 for the Washington side or tha river. ' .". . ' - , If not, avail yourself of our pah - payment . plan giring you the privilege to pay a fraction of the amount ; at time of purchase ui$ the balance In small installments of; 4- Do not 'deny jrourself : the tlomfort of a Summer Suit. .Wash Vest,; Trousers, Hat or Shoes.' v;.'i, u:K-iCy-y? illflli TENTH AND .ATASZIXGTCni " THE STORE WHERE YOUR a; .: f credit, is oooo r- For modern dental work. Werld-re - i , - Downed specialist r . ' Lowest prices consistent with art t-elaaa t .Oo t the ';-.. .; "i ' - NEW.A YORK pENTlSTS POVBTX AJT9 KOBmXBtW STS. v Open day and night, from 1:10 a, ea, 1 v . . antll f p. m. Sf FO F.LE3 1 fTTOHls i Pi n. ttmt -tore utem Itoaintfl '-hi . j -.-4, fwuuf or jmcvueis, , . inii illi TEETH Here is the trirrsin center cf Fcrtfznd. , I!:re c;i j-olir wants be surrei at the c:rt rricci evtr tr.-rra Li C:u ; bij city. . r.sai thefollowirOi . -, fcr yc'r-;!vti thv rm .T'Ti c r; ' And take advantage of our nececritits ty -'piroj.'ycuri' i selves with evervthinj you wiU require in tts Lr.;j ideated " .'.!.. !.;,.';:-': f. for. the next twelve ninths. v--' Heavy Cotton Crash '!".. ; , ' 31c ; Toweling, yard....,......f3v 'tadlea Belts. "-'-M- c -.each ....... ...,lw Men's' Suspend- 'n ?X' Or ers - . ....... 4, , ...-.... . "Children's Heavy Ribbed '' lie. , Hose, pair .V4..4SV Ladles' Short CoSte, in black, grey Lhdlee Duck vo.',';"!':-', -1 'rV - fiklrts .v, , Children's Brown and ' ' Tc r Mlscd Coetat ill graae,,;-'' ll-mch Black and Colored " ir : .Cashmere, yard ......... " Ladlee Percale and Wash V' 10c v Waists 'Ssfsty 'Pins; V;;r-. Jlr paper .......M...........9 Hair" "''(.' -:y::yi"S: Ic Neu . . . . :n Jirses,'. ISls "..;'A7V''"' 5C eaoh ....................... T Unbleached Linen Crash, . 7fi ysrd P.nrtKi Sanehmsn Twill -2. '- 20c ,-' O verehlrts ................ I CTgdren s Fancy Lace r Ladles 1-4 Coats, tight tan, brown Jrnie.,i,;".......,w2 TXadTeeTTteLaw"SThirt. - waists; L6 grade. .'Cnrllns 4:-r,''-'-.v v'. '. J r Irons .,...,..' iB,Tow?:.d-v:;i;-ic -oddLot . ,; . . iv - Corsets,1.. ........... ... t Men's Black .Waist - -'' ' )c .;. pveralls Mirrors,0 , ' - : r'V" 'v lf J. each v.. ........ Olngtiaim '-v. t - ';'' IfJc . ( Aprons ,.........,....,,., lu JtJnbleached Bath Towels. '.- Qt ,A targe else ,,.,,.-. Men'e Fleece Lined Heavy Jp . Ribbed Underwear ...... I BosJHeary-Cotton Ladleo Jereev Ribbed Hlf , Sleeveless Vesta .."V - ll-lnch Bleached Muslin, v,-- yard . ..... Boy's Percale) . 4 ,' ' .& WlUtl . . . - . -TnfsntV-tSexr rXrtiaa-Vnlosx f"'"- tilfrr' , Suits I: .-feet Window,- -i - : Yfp Sbadee ...... ... Box Hair'. Y-i . i" ' .wLAlJL pins , 10-inch Unbleached A'il Muslin, yard ......."3' ' Men'e Ribbed Summer - ' - lr . . Underwear, Seml-Poreelaln Pitchers, - , Q decorated Gray Cotton BUnksts, .- ' 20c pair'-. v.v........ . Men's Colored Dress' ' 4 10c B.hirts ...... ,,. .4. ' -Children's Wool -V'- JfU ' Dresses ..,...............'06 sc 0-inch Black Noveltr . "JOr1 t .Mohair.. rtnl.r.u..nM,7V. Men'e Canton Flannel - Y. 1 J e r Undershirts .............. V6. Bosjtroncled 'r' , i ' 7 ' Ladles' Outing trrVl Kimonos yv ladles' Black Cotton . Hoee pair -...,..., ww . Hooks and Eyes, I papers ' ' ', tr for ....... V.,,..I Children's Cotton Ribbed IfV Underwear ....... ..,..,.;vw : Baby ;-K ; : f ..';; --' Sc ' Men's Doubls Faos f if t Mackintoshes .,....,. Lsrtles Black Silk ' . . AC Mitts ........ i.. ......... UV Children's Long Coats (a Brown x and blue; llf.00 - j fl y grade ww l-tnch Duck Bureau " "'VV' 10 Scarf , . ....... . . . . ... r. Pencils IT-inch Unbleaebed Canton :' tL - Flannel, yard ............ .yw -Men'e Ott V :' tf 'M ; Coats ,i,W'W Ladles' Rainy Day Skirts; ? : 17.00 grade ..,,.., .,..'? 'eather : Stitch '.,n -,'A J;,..V Jl-. . Braid, belt .4C . gpaehtel -. 'A-?. i - Ooyliee .,..,.....,....,,,"' "Thimblee,.;,':-;'..''V'i S'i'l e .. each ...... v. .Turkey Red Table Da- ;v' .'- IfL . ' mask, (1 inches, yard.,;.-l7V Men's Fedora 39c . . HaU ..................... Tseke.' ber ''" C': '.. S1 ?;Js ic paper.. ........... :.:7c Suitings, yard ....1.. ...... - Men's Colored Dreee C . 27c , Shlrte ........ ,t,.., Ladlee Parcels - V I , Mfi Wrappers V,....'..w Ssfsty Pins, per- ..: ' 'J a : . doaen ....,....... Ladlee Long Sleeve - . . IJ RlbbedVssU , folding r "'. , ;'i fir , Mirrors ,.v. ...t. t - ' Remnants of Dress Goods, Table Linens, Lawns,' Shirtings, Flannelettes, Odds and Ends of Towels, Napkins,"' Furnish- ; ing Goods, Notionsall to be sacrificed, during the 'next : '- few days.-1:'.' ':.?'.: ': ' 1. Z Ci L.J L 1 ; ri:r Ar - - : Wash RafS, ;'-y; . 5. ,; - sach ........,' Men'e Heavy . VWW.V. ................. WW taee Curtains, I l-t 'A 7- yards long, pair .,yy Boy's Suspend-'? ' :V ' 4 610 e e-e '-- Ve r( t m & r Ladleo' Umbrella Panta,' , ijle ' . laoe trimmed I3V ', XT-inch Lawns, dark and .light colore, yard ,JV Fancy Strips " -' ' ' .81c - .Ticking, yard-,'. k..u31' ."Men'e Four-th-Hands and ' ttr . JTecka f.t..,,Yv Meroerised Linings nUU ( tr ... ends), yard ,,...j!)t.j....'f 'Comforters,.' 'food',' '" .V r"Jc . patterns ......i..,,wv Heavy German Callcoa, . ; 7c : . II Inches wide , .......... . Ladles' Fancy Hoea:x V - iOc ,;. 1q. grade, pair.. ...!.... ' Men's Blue and Red, " " ' ' jfc." , , Handkerchief e ............. Curtain 1 ' . '' ', : ... Scrim, yard, i . . . . . .v. , . , .. Sc I Chlldren'e Wool Fleeced l)cJ I Sleeping Oermente 'TH IT-inch Apron : ? v ' 34c l pingham, yard .wj v : Men's Heavy Fleeced ' Underwear ..4..,.. ,' ."" Heavy 'Cheviot : f file ' . Shirtings, yard ....,.,.,.3W tadtee Jncy Llole .'t; 20c' , Hose, 0o grads...........' Children's Percale : ' . .' :. 10c Dreeses ,,....,.f7y : tt-inch' Figured - y:'' fir -; Lawns, yard 3' Children's Cejnelihair 'T Under-: t . wear; lOe. . , -..'..,. 2SC grade . I ... ...... ...... .. 10-Inch rWoo Check Sultlriss; .- ti n grade; V, :,,-.' JlXe f ' yard Gibraltar Psrcales, ' . : ;.y kp yard ...... .." swia?.f. ;K;iA"r .:A' 19c. . . c) weatere .,.....,., rn . f yard ,.....-....,...... T' tl-inch Flfured Lawns, j ;', Jig , yard . , .. 4. 1 ....,....... S TThllSreB'F Lawn , .... xV-l! . Bonnets rt. tixmr. -,. , A-".'.-'3cTS Hsndsrchiefs ..,.......a..w wj I Torcnon ace ?, -u . r , yam . ,,,,, .w 'Odd' Lot Ladiss ,' '. '" .' QV Capes. ........... ..!.. ,; r Double Width, Drees tr I0r . Plaids, y ard' . . . . . . . .r Fancy Silk Ribbon,' ; ,. V v 6 . 4 Inchee wide, yard - "Elaetlc. ';' Sc rawl .,.............,....-- Udles Open Bttiv ltlc , Hose, pair ....,...,......,3 All Veillnge te close, - , x ' , yard,..,..r............w' 7Teasle Down FTsnnelf ;3'T7grr l-Io grade, yard , . t w Chlldren'e Side Elastics, , . e pair f ,. 1.-4. tf. . "lT-lnch Black Sateen, ' ' fir ; yard ......i. .,,--..'.-rj.i. JwT' -Xnntbss Cottonr S -' f 1 Jc for ...., ........ .,... i BleaeheB Huck Towels, v V ' 8f large else, each.........-..."' ken's Blsck Sos; II 1-Je ; ' ftc grade, pal ...,...,.. Odd Let Men's Collars,' : i c each ...... .,.........;..., Wire Hair Plns, - -V' bo Full Sse Cmfortej I1.1S ; Colored Wool ,- r' - -r' lc. Francr Braids, r:.'v-. Ic . yard ....... ...,. ......."' . Boy's Wool , oweavers Fancy Silk e t e e si 1 a Ribbon, v ,0 -:.... 2c" ym,t. ,,,....,.. ---------- .Totiet n'-''-'vV.i.;'.:''.:.' ir . Soap ..,,,....,... v i-4 Turkey. Red 'Table . ? iOc . Covers I... Bleached Table Damaek, , . J0g yard .,....... m . .' .Xadlee Black 0otton V; RC . Gloves., pair ........ 4 .. . . . . Firemen's - 7: 10c 1 Suspendere ............... tr 45-Inch Smyrna V;- I 7J?? . - , .... . Rugs ,.,.!..' Men's Colored Drees ; -. t - :, Lsdles" t " S--v' iJc . .. OaiterS, pair . . . w Shoe Lacesv t pairs ; i'.'..:- : ec' for yvj Toilet S,oep, per, '.V' 4 cake " ,Boya suits, iuo v trcs t a e 4 e e ft e 4 t a Woolen '. .'' ?." '' '; 10r 19c 10c 21c V Hoods ', ...... ..... Children's Muslin . . ..'",' Ific Corset Covers. I la : grade Wire Broil- ' : ' " 7fi ar ......I'' Black Sateen-" '.. .'..;'" :. 2Qc , . Skirts ....... .... i, ." tadlea' Short v . 0c Jackets 1..... Ladlee' Drees ' . . 7.1c . Sklrte . .P.... tIM' Men'e Canvae . -7 , , ai. ' Gloves, pair .?..;.. OW, u,.iv ; crrr txxz zj.