The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 20, 1905, Image 5

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    , TonsxT't Ainr$xxxtt.
Varqnam . '', .
' toiooa.., ..
Lrrle .....
fcmpire... ..
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t.rrfnd ..... .....
.. "t. o. tr."
. "Prime t of EcDda'
., "borgUru'
"'A Terrible Tulo
v. ubscrlbers ofw Th . Journal.
who. o away for. a wsek or
longer may . have -the pa par
stopped tit thetr raaldenca and
aant-lo any. ddraaa fcr -matt at --
tna regular rates, and collection
will be mad by regular earrler
e ' after ratiira to the city, except ;
at . Long j Beach and -Seaside, 7 d
where Tha JjmrnkThas ,a regular
carrier delivarr. Albert Olson e
of Uwaoo, Washington.' haa
charge of Tha 'Journal on Long ' d
Baacb and Lewla at Co. of Bear
aid have-charge of Tabs Journal s
on ; Bee side or Clatsop , peach.
Delivery will be made at thaao 4
two . potato at rerular eubscrin-
e Uon rataa. - Give . your , change s
, f address to your ' carrier or s)
Phone Malar 104 and prompt av
' ' taction will be given all orders.
4 ,
A clubhouse,' tlx tennla courta and three
vr bowling alleys, all to ooat about
- will ba embraced la tha naw home of tha
. Irvlngtoct Tennis club, now under eon-
structlon. ' Tha clubhouaa -la located on
ground 100x300 feat, on Thompson be
"; - tween . East Twenty-first, and - Twenty
.second streets. ' Tha building will ba ttx
; 100 feat. me atory high and a portlou
- of Aha root will bo fitted for aeata with
'.. an. awning. Tha bouaa will; contain a
reeeption-coom and arauaamerrfhall Cx
feet, a caretaker -room, a kitchen,
... dressing-rooms, lockers and ' ahower
baths and will bare a wide veranda run-
' Ping tha entire length of the north aide.
.. Tha Irvlngton Tennis dub now numbers
bout ISA members and Is growing rapialy
' Its officers are: - President. . Walter A.
' Ooaa; vice-president. A. B. MoAlpIn; eeo-
w - retary, T. J, Relay; treasurers ttwhert A.
" Brown. Tbese. with V. 8. Hardy, Karl
:i;V.. Lively, fcdward Morae and W.." K.
. Bcott, oomprisa tha directory. - Mr.' Boott
Is chairman, of the house and grounds
"V Tha Portland General Electric com
- Vnri new tnortgaga, filed yesterday in
the omce of the bounty cierg, pronoea
' for Immediate . tasoanca - of 14,000.004
bonds, and later disposition of $0,000,000
v-mora as need Tor the money ariaea
purchasing additional ' properties - or
: ; building plants. - The company will use
".11(00,000 immediately f or k refunding
outstanding bonda of higher ratea of In
t . tares, and : aomathing - over f 1,000,000
' will be used for paying other indebted'
tiesa. 1 Tha new bond Issue la subscribed
by Boston land New Tork banka The
' mortgage la mada in favor of tha United
( . flute Mortgage' Trust company -of
'.;.. Near Tork. J. ... r-r;,
- An enjoyable) aanokar was given at the
': Drew - house, . 1U Second street, last
night, by , local union ISO, Cooks' and
'. Walters alliance. In the early part of
the evening President Oram of the State
, , Federation of Labor oocapied the chair,
r. and after his departure Oeale Downea, a
member af tha aillanee. presided. . Many
, members of other unions were present,
. ahort speeches were made by Meaarf.
.' dram. Parsons, Leto. Qurr, Grossman
was rendered.
Wheat atallca feet. I Inches high and
' oeeTiiy neaaea were nrougat to 1 ne
Journal yesterday by Rev. David Wolfe,
' paator of Boring Methodlat Episcopal
. ' church, who raised' the wheat on the
' FlUpa trick farm, six miles southeast of
- - Oreaham. Had the roots been preserved
' and measured tha bunch of wheat would
have been 1 feet in length. "It la one
of tha most powerful arguments I over
knew ot In support of the claim of Ore
' gon'i jpeat, fertility,' said the grower.' v
The Northern TaclfTo'aTwln City Ex-
- press," leaving ' - Portland laat night at
. ,lt:lS o'clock narrowly escaped wracking
" ' ttear Bcappooaa. " Tha wrecker nlaoed a
place ot steel rait weighing about TOO
' pounds acroaa tha track at a point where
. there is a down grade, two miles weaa-of
" ' Soappooee. The pilot. OT the - engine
t ' caught tha ran. bent it double, and-car-.'
rled It about 100 yards before the en
'v glneer could atop the train. . . uK -:
At Oregon. City the Southern Pacific
.'Is constructing an underground crossing
on Third street and an overhead cross
. ' ing at another point. These are tha firat
, v crdsalnga other than surface to- be built
' In that city. The company la making
various Improvements to cost about 120,
; - 000,in return for a perpetual franchise in
-.certain ,atraat ; .".-.-
Bee tha Be at Seaside -A dalightfo!
trip to old ocean, only four hours' ride
'from Portland. Tako a dip in the briny
, deep i Tralna leave the union . depot
1". dally at a. m. For information apply
W t Miv-Cr-Ar-etewarti-agen,-lt Aider
,U atraet; Phone Main 0l, rs..
? August 1 the' Northern Pactfile will re
' duce the rata on. cement lp minimum
I carloads of tO.OOg pounds, Portland to
Spokane, from im present rate of 10 IS centa a hundred pounds.
"' 8ult for 'dlvorce -haa been begun by
Elsie Btrelck againat Ferdinand Strelck
on the' ground of desertion, beginning In
.- ' June,- looi, They wete married In Port
'., land in Beptembr, l0t. ';-r. -y
' P. tk McKensia haa becuii suit In the
; atate circuit court against the Southern
Oregon Mining Development company
fop-11.300 for money loaned and services
performed, -'
Louis Bchleaalnger, a spiritualist phy
sician, aged M years, waa found guilty
yesteMsy afternoon , la the police court
, by Judge Cameron and fined , Vt for
praottclng without - a license. He was
also fined IK for . assaulting Emily
KEW, nobbt goods. -V
Ifjwett, Crtiloy O Co.
S4S Washington SO0t
q (irriGE
Recently EJfctsd Cishop-Coad-.
1 jijtor DtSines tSe Honor '
v: Offered In Oreson. ' '
Controvert That-Raged -Owetr-HU
, Pooitioo . Toward High, and Low
Church Element! Believed to B
' Cauyo o Declination .
Rev. Frederick E. J. Lloyd, D. D.f whe
was elected blshop-ooadlutor for the
Protestant; Episcopal diocese of Oregon,
win not accept tna oiiice. xie . ww
graphed to Portland pastors that he had
mailed a, letter to this effect to tue
standing committee of the dlpceee, of
which Rev. George B. Van Waters, D.
D.. rector of the at David's church, la
chairman. . - His . action surprised ths
members of tha Episcopal church here.
Immediately after his election, at tha
recent diocesan convention. Rev. Dr.. A.
A. Morrison of Trinity church and four
other . pastors signed a protest against
It, setting, forth that Dr. Lloyd .waa a
high churchman and that he had been
presented to the convention In a nomi
nating speech by Dr. Van Waters aa a
graduate of Oxford. These Impressions,
from aubseguent statements, . appeared
tor have been created . under misappre
hension; a counter protest was signed
by many clergymen and lay delegates to
the convention, and thla was followed
by a withdrawal of the protest and tha
assertion that Dr. - Lloyd waa satisfac
tory ,ta tha protestanta. , .;:
' Vfcanarht e" Waa ettld-."'''' ; " '
. This was presumed to have settled tbJe
controversy and it waa announced that
nothing further remained to prevent the
induction of Dr. Lloyd with ..the cordial
support of all the clergy. His letter.
which la addressed to Dr. Van Waters,'
explalna hla position, but .the exact
nature of 11a content la hot known and
will not ba until it haa been received.
It waa hoped by .churchmen that tha
controversy over the high and low sec
tions would ' be allayed by the with
drawal of the' protest and tha acceptance
of Dr. Lloyd by- those who signed It.
Dr. Lloyd himself stated that he "won id
not be labeled." and that ha held to the
American interpretation of tha prayer
book. He dld not daaa himself with
either tha high or low churchmen, and
aaid he was a minister' to all church
men alike. '. a . "' . ' ; 1 ' N
The differences are not peculiar to
thla state, but have more or leae con
vulsed the Protestant Episcopal church
throughout tha United States, while in
England tha : Church of England haa
been torn Into bitterly warring factions.
Tha liberal or broad churchmen contend
that tha high church element la retroac
tive and that ita disposition 1s to revort
to.tbe.eutWard forma of papacy. Efforts
to . assuage tha feelings of bitterness
wherever the controversy has broken out
have been' almost uniformly futile, and
In some portlona of tha United States
tha reault baa been that either one or
the othert of tha sections has ' gained al-
lmo at complete mas tary-of -the eweatH
The ect!oB that will be taken must
awltrth meetlnr of tha standing com
mittee of-the diocese, .of which Dr. Van
Waters is chairman and which will con-
alder the letter "of Dr. 'Lloyd When It
shall have been: received. It is not.
known whether or not a special election
win oe neia or . me cnoice or a coaa
u tor . await the 1001 regular diocesan
convention. . Prior to formal action on
Dr. -Lloyd's letter of i withdraws! the
committee will make no announcements.
Heverln. who charged him with striking
her because she demandsd the return of
$10 she had given him when his medl
cine failed to benefit her. The defense of
tha old man waa that he accepted no fees
and that the money waa a gift. , v
. James White. Tor many years with tha
Ladd At Tllton bank of thla city, haa been
promoted -and given a place In the Ta
coma branch. Mr. White haa been re
garded aa one of the most trusted and
faithful employes of the bank, and hla
multitude of friends rejoice over the
merited advancement. , He - and Mrs.
White will leave thla evening for their
future .home.
"Tot. Ban Francisco.'' Tha . elegant
eteel ateamahlp Redondo sella direct
on Saturday," July tl. p. ra. Cabin, tit:
steerage, 48; meals and berth included.
C. H. Thompson, agent. 111 Third street
Dr. K. ' A. J. Mackenile left on tha
steamer' Jefferson with the., excursion
arranged by him for the American
Medical association' lor Alaska and will
return about August L . - - -
J.Tha ilmeda. Consolidated Mines "com
pany haa been Incorporated ty O. M.
Crouch, R, C. Kinney and '- John F.
Wlckham. , The capital atock is llt.000,-
000. .'?. - V'.",. '.N-r. ft,,, ;
Prices" that are right; work that Is
right; delivery of orders right on time.
Try Itwe'll make good. Alvln 8.
Hawk A Co., Printers, 14? Third street;
Something going on. ' If' you 'wish to
share Sin th benefit minf others Am
rived through "Meyer's piano sale, attend
to It now. 14 sixth street neat Oak.- 4
f ' ... . ...
Ours are the only launches landing at
tha Oaka. Launches for charter. Favor
ite Boating company, upper slds Morri
son street bridge.,, Tel. Jaaln (401 .
Roof painting Columbia Paint eonvJ
pany, Main 1418, 70 -First street. Moss
and fireproof paint for wood, tin and
iron. Root painting a specialty.
Wa are atill selling our tl.SO . aye-
glasses for tLX Consultation free, and
every pair guaranteed, Hetsger Co
111 Sixth ptreec . .-: ';( 5 ,,.-., .
We clean and press your clothes and
ahina your ahoea for $1.00 per month.
Unique Tailoring vo lr Waahlngton.
Main $1. , : .!..,?
Public Stenographer Stenographic
work of all klnda at short notloe. 117
Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 784.
Moffett Hot Springs! $1.$0 day; $8
and $10 week; bathsHo. Take Regula
tor line, - - .
Lsunchea to fair grounds from city
landing. Stark street, every 1$ minutes.
Cloth signs foi- special sales, on shori
notice. Foster Kleleer, phone Ex. $S.
Wanted Shirt flnlahere and ladles
clothes Ironera.. 'Union Laundry Co.
. i
Hotel Hamilton, Ban Francisco's new
est hotel, steam heat and telephone in
each. room. Centrally located. -Rataa,
$1 and upwards. 11$ XUUa street. ,
.... . '.'.
1 1 r
t - --
Are you one of the many that wa overcharged for your
t pectaclea at the exposition? Were you told that you had a
cataract coming on one eye? Would you like to learn some
thing to your pecuniary advantage?. Send your name and
address to P., O. Box 205, Portland, Oregon,.' . . ; , .
mil pits sou.vCE of
mi mm
Council Learn That Woodlawn
Does Not Want Yawning
v-'r. Holes Duo; Deeper. "T
Councilman A. N. Wills resoliitlon In
reopen gravel pita' within tha city limits
brought forth a atrong protest from
Councilman Vaughn of the tenth ward
in tha city council yesterday; An ordi
nance, which prohibited the use of bank
gravel in all street Improvements waa
paaaed at tha request of residents of
Woodlawn, where yawning pita were
dug by contractors, and contractors have
complained that they could not secure
gravel for their work other than that
purchased from the , gravel and. aand
trust and ' for which they hadto pay
an excessive price. -. They assert, too,
that tha river gravel doea not make aa
satisfactory ' Improvement , aa . . bank
gravel.'.. - .... , r
Aa aoonvaa wiiur resolution waa read
Councilman Vaughn secured recognition
from the mayor and made an earnest
plea In behalf of the residents of Wood
lawn, who are oppoaed to tha gravel ptu
la that -vicinity, . --
Tha matter -was laid on the table until
tha next meeting of the council and tha
gravel pita will be Investigated by the
membera. ' "' ;
The council - did ' not approve of
the recommendations of tha license com
mittee to grant a blanket license to the
Oaks for 1100 a quarter exclusive of the
saloon licenaa and the matter waa re
referred to the committee. Councilman
Sharkey thought, the Oake. -company
should pay the full amount prescribed
by the general ordinances.
" An brdinanoe was passed - changing
ths number of members on the license
oommlttee from three to five,' aewer and
drainage - from five to seven, streets
from five - to seven, 'ways and meana
from three to five and liquor license
from live to aeven. . .', ., 1 ,.r .
T ' -' ' i : : -I.:,'-:? ' "j
Edna -. Brown,: whose color is black,
ia the possessor of 'a black and tan pup.
which haa the Raffle Instinct and haa
been well trained. A abort time ago;
It Is said, Millie Gray, jwhoe hue 1s
also CDony, .acme juana's .nusnana, ana
la- returu.j;(ln,spup stole Millie's
pocketbook. ; ".'.- . -'.,.".
The women live in a lodging-house
oa Fifth street, between Everett and
Flanders, next door to the Lake Charles
hotel. , -Millie went to police headquar
ters : and excitedly . declared that aha
had - dropped ' her purse, contain
ing about $10,, and that "that there
LI 1. . A , .... M TP A n
grabbed it and carried it to her." .
JDetectlva Snow waa detailed to make
an investigation. 'Ha found 'Edna in
bed. . She-did not deign to rise. '
"Tou'll find dat purae undatt da bed,
Mlstah Bnow," ahe said. "Mah pup
toted It there and I hain't laid a hand
on It. But I won't give it to dat low
down black trash, "cause aha stole -my
husband. - She's no good,' and I'll, make
her ache yet": ' - : n
' Detective Snow' returned the purse to
Millie Gray.' Edna Brown ia aald to be
atill mlnua a husband. Tha black and
tan pup remains unharmed. The police,
however, expect more trouble because
of the husband, who weighs too much,
for tha pup to Retrieve for hla mlstreaa,
Captain of Police Moore waa Informed
last night by. Mrs. R. Dufour, .aged 45
years, that hohdluma have been causing
her a, great 'deal of annoyance. .. She
stated that ehortly after I o'clock yes
terday afternoon a lira - waa . kindled
against the aide, of her cabin and that
on: hearing tha crackling of the flames
aha hurried out, and after hard work
managed to extinguish the- flsmest-r1.-
- Mrs. Duf our says she haa o enemies,
and knowa of no reason why anybody
should wish to barm her. iome time
ego a boulder crashed down-the hill at
the end of" Sixth street and tore a cor
ner off her cabin. . Whether tbia waa an
accident or not Is unknown. - Hoodlums,
she declares, have ' frequently ( tossed
rocks on her roof from the bluff above
and have killed her chickens. 4 "j
The police will make an Investigation,
and if they find the fir to have been the
work of hoodlums will endeavor to bring
the guilty persons to Justice. -
. wut Speak ea Afrioan Mission.
v Willis . R. Hotchklas of the Friends'
church, who haa Just returned from a
slk years' service in Africa, will speak
at the White Temple . tonight. Mr.
Hotchklss haa been wonderfully success
ful in Intrnduelnar Industrial and- sari
cultural pursuits in hts field and soon
returns there wth more helpers for his No Non
sense AboutThis
' If your linen' is aent to us it la
washed in our woof-proteotlnsr
- washers the kind that doea not
rub the life out of the fabric
and all such delicate garments aa
collars and cuffs are poltahed with
our ateam-heated pollahers. aad
these do not weaken the fiber of
tha goods aa do those made hot
by gaa. Steam heat doesn't burn;
all others do. . Ws have the only
ateam-heated polishers in Oregon.
, noon ajtd ooLumu. .
' , .'- Ttt Main 818. ' , "
Santa Clara County Has; Unique
Way of. Proving Value ,
.' ;' x of the Fruit.
'Santa Clara county, California,, the
land of the prune, has devised an unique
method of advertising that ectlon at
the Lewis and Clark exposition. . People
think of prunes aa a very common food,
but visitors at , the ' Santa Clara booth
in tha Agricultural .building have been
shown that dosens of the moat tempting
dishes can ba made from tha fruit.
Mrs. George E. Hyde, wife of a prom
inent prune orchardlst of San Jose, and
her aon C. B. Hyde, have charge of the
demonstration room. Mrs. Hyde la an
excellent cook and every day makes half
a dosen different dlahee from prunes
which ' she serves to - -yisltors. Fre
quenUy as many at (00 a day teat the
delicacies and all , are aurprlsed - that
prunes can be cooked Into such tempt
ing aisneaw vf.
. Not only la the fruit served to visitors
but to each la given a small sample box
of-pruaea and a book containing 100 Tr
more reoelpts - for cooking the fruit
There are 1,600,000 prune trees in full
bearing In Santa Clara county. ' ; .. '
A unique exhibit at the exposition la
a model concentrating mill displayed In
tha Utah' building and installed at the
expense of $T,800. It is a complete con
centrating plant and - Illustrates every
step in thla Important mining operation.
The mill will make ita initial run to
morrow afternoon at 1 o'clock and wiU
be In operation dally. y'
Large quantities of Utah gold, silver,
copper and lead ores . will be run
through thla mill for the entertainment
and Instruction of visitors, and after the
exposition closes it will be Installed in
tha Utah State School of Mines. Robert
H. Bradford. Ph. D., la . director, of
Utah'a mining exhibit and Spencer
uawson is. manager of tha building.
,a " i 1 1 i i i .
"Mayor R. P. Morris of Bait Lake City
la visiting ' the exposition as toe
guest of Spencer Clawaon, manager of
the Utah buUdlag. Mr. Morris Is promi
nent In Utah, polltlca and a member of
the Mormon church. Without question
he will be reelected next fall. Although
tha - city administration ia busily en
gaged with the Issuance-of $1,000,000
worth of . water bonds, the mayor could
not resist the magnetlo "qualities of ths
Lewis and Clark show- He will remain,
la the city for several days. , , ...
Salvation Army's JTsw SaU,
Tha Balvatlon Army corps - No. ' ,
which for years had ita hall at 188 Firat
street, haa moved to ItO 'Fourth street.
Special services have been arranged for
next Saturday evening, when Rev. Mr.
McComb, the street preacher, will eonT
duct a aong and praise service.- Sunday
at 8 and $ p. tn. Major and Mrs. Fynn
will conduct tHeir farewell meeting, and
Wednesday, July It, a "hallelujah wed
ding" will take place.
7 ' :' Jewish Charity problem. :
Several abort addresses will ba given
tomorrow evening in the courae of the
service on "The Jewish Charity Prob
lem." The speakers are to be Julian
Mack, president of the National Confer
ence of Jewish Charities and Correc
tion and judge of the juvenile court of
Chicago; Nathan Bljur, president of the
New -Tork Conference of Charities and
Correction, and Dr. L. TC Frankel, man
ager of tha United Hebrew Charitiea of
NewYork. Services begin at $ o'clock,
Bound Trip Only M Oents, .
To Gladetone park,-only $0 minutes'
rids from Portland. Willamette Valley
Chautauqua association . in session.
First-class musical and oratorical talent
and a beautiful spot for a day'f recrea
tion. . Restaurants and all conveniences.
Southern Paciflo trains leave East Wash
ington street depot 7:45. 8:40, t:$0. 11:80
a. m.;-11:85, 1:1$. 8:80, 8:80, 4:88, $:2S.
$:0(, :$0, 7:15, $:$0 p. m. Lsst car leavea
Gladstone for East Waahlngton street
at 10:8$ p. m. For further information
call telephone East $87. ' , r . :
- N Lectnraa'oa tdeal Woman.
Jane Brewatsr la hero from Chicago
and will give a course of lectures on
"Tha Idesl Woman" In tha lecture room
of the Unitarian church, beginning Tues
day - morning - at 10:80 o'clock. -. Miss
Brewster approaches tha ideal woman
from many standpoints mental, physi
cal, social; how she ahould be governed
at home, aa well aa away from home,
treating the subject In complete detail.
The lecture ia free and the ladles) are
cordially Invited, so that all "types of
women" stay be there. .
r Woodmen Celebration tn AagaaX
A Last night Neighbors A. T. Barbur. C
C Bradley, J. J. Jennings add State Or
ganiser Day of Portland made a frater
nal visit to Vsncouvsr camp. The neigh
bora in Washington are coming In full
force to take part in the Woodmen of the
World day at the fair and help to make
the celebration of August 8 to t one long
to .remembered.
- - i - . . "
y Milwaukls Country Club. ,
Eastern and Seattle races.' Take Bell-
wood and Oregon City ears at Firat aad
Alder. , , . ' , ' '.- . ..
' Tha Right - Rev. Bishop David it.
Moore expects to leave Portland abort-
lr to superintend the t various eon-
f erencea of which he haa charge. He
will preach next Sunday evening at the
Epworth M. E. church, on the corner of
Twenty-third and Irving streets. .
. , ; - - ' '
PiofsMSd Stock Oaaaed 41 soda.
Alien Lewis' Beat Brand, . "
James Alva Robinsoii Traveled
. Forty Thousand Miles and
Never Paid a Penny. :
v ;. . -
HU8dck-It Notched With Four
:'. Trips Vtlm : New York to San
iPrancJgca uid Other Long Distance
Within tha last two yeara James
Alva Robinson, aged lt. Jiaa traveled
40.004 miles and never paid a, cent, for
transportation. , Hla itinerary includes
four tripe-from New Tork to San Fran
cisco and return, three from New Tork
to Chicago and return, two from Chicago
to .New Orleans nd Mobile and thence
tfi New Tork by way of St. Louis, and
one to Portland from New Tork. :
In addition to these long - distance
trips the lad haa- made many compara
tively shorter trips, though they fre
quently covered much' territory. . When
taken to the station this morning by
Patrolman Kllgore. who took him into
custody near tha fair grounds, be aald
he had been in every large qtty in the
oountry. . ,. i j
Robinson ia exceedingly bright.'" la an
aooompllshed . speller and remembers
dates with, astonishing facility. . He was
sent before the Juvenile court -with
Thorpe White, aged 1$ yeara, arrested
by Patrolman Oelsner. White's mother
lives at Central la, Washington; and he
says that ahe left him there without a
cent and told him to get work, wbsn
she- returned to Centrilla.
"My parents are dead,' , aald young
Robinson. - "I have been living with a
coachman " named ' Palmer at . West
Seventy-fifth atreet - and Amsterdam
avenue. New Tork City. He gave me a
homa aftar I had - made, two trips to
San Francisco; on the second I went to
New T ork-.byway of Phoenix. Arliona.
I. usually ride the "blind baggage or in
the Baker heaters on the trains. I havs
been traveling two years,- and in that
time I guess I have traveled about 40,-
000 milea. - ' . v v '
. "When I left here my intention was
to go - to Ban Francisco. There .1
usually 1 get work for a short ' time
around the Inglealde racetrack. I have
a . friend there named Nolan Pfcrsioo,
who runs a restaurant at 71$ pcean ave
nue, and I' stay with 'him. . . ..
"For a while before, coming here I
worked in a restaurant at Baker . City
for A. C. - Brlnkman. Another boy,
named Oula Roderiquea, a Spanish fel
low, who has been ' dubbed . 'Pinole,'
started out from Buffalo with me on
my laat trip. . I guess he Is out at the
fair-grounde. We traveled on the New
Tork Central, the Michigan 4b Lake
Shone,- the Rock Island, the Union Pa
ciflo and tha Oregon Short Line on this
.trip. --. '
"Tesy I'll be glad to get a position
and go to work. , I'm tired of traveling
for a while. Mr. Hawley, la going to
fix ma up all right" . , .
Thaboy. had tobacco -and cigarette
papers, which were taken from him. Ha
also earned a piece pr aoap, outam
BorToor "mantle' ever uaedOi-Xven't-liadtiae-tO"Waelr-up
he explained, "because tha 'cop grabbed'
me right after I got here." ' .r
r- - ' ---- -
r nanf mucin at the exposition tomorv
row will Include . tha following con
certs: ' v- ' V ' .' A
By Da Caprlo's Administration band:
Morning program ! March, "Across the
Missouri" (Bond); overture, "Pique
Dame" tSuppe); "Moonlight Serenade"
(Moret); "Musical Critic's - Dream"
(Dix) ; waits, "The Flower of Italy"
(Steffano); selection, "The Wizard of
the Nile" (Herbert); Indian Intermesao,
"Ramona1 ( Johnson J; march, "Chinese
Wax March", (Mlchaello). -r .
Afternoon , program: .Overture, i The
Count of 'Easex" (Mercedantt); . Walts,
"Symposia" (Bendlx); "Reminiscences
of Scotland" (Godfrey (a) gavotte,
"Fair Maid of Seville" (Cstbulka): (b)
reverie, "The Wayside Chspel" (Wil
son); selection, "Robert II - Dlavolo"
(Meyerbeer); fantasia, "Musical Scenes
from Swltserland" (Langey); "Csarda's
Laat iLove" (Braham); march. "Salute
to BtLoula" (Da Caprio).
By Sherman Institute Indian band.
Transportation building, 1:80 p. m.:
March. 'Mound City Belle" (Hurd)j
overture! "Ivanhoe" (Hael);. Chilean
danoe, "Afanana" (Missud); -selection
from "The Storks'" (Chopin) i waits,
"Return of Love" (Snider); echottlsche,
"The - Birds and the ' Brook" iStuls);
"Mbjerere," f from !llTrovatare'
TVerdDf musical fantasy, "Woodland"
(Luders). - t-u. . " . ' ; .
Illinois building, 4:10 . p. m.:
March. "In Bait Costums" (Roelker);
overture. .."Morning, Noon and Night'
(Suppe) ; "Spanish Wedding Serenade"
(Sllva); selection. "Chimes of Nor
mandy" (Planquette): cornet solo,, "The
Holy City" (Adams); waits. "MllltaIre"H
(Waldteufel); selection from "The Mas
cot" (Audran)t "Medley of Old 'Time
Melodies" (Arr. Moses). -
, By the United States Fourth Cavalry
band. Government terrace: Morning pro
gram: March, "Gloria" (Lossy); over
ture, "Isabella" ' (Suppe); selection,
"Babette" (Herbert); valse, "Mllltalre"
(Waldteufel) i entr'acte, "Fewltchlng
Beauty" (Lauendeau); medley 'over
ture, "The Star" (0Hare); "Patrlotio
Arra." - 1
, Afternoon (8 o'clock): March, "The
Jersey Carnival' (Lleberreld); overture,
"Paragraph III" (Suppe); - selection,
Wang" r(Merse); valse, "Romsntlque
(Tobanl); characteristic, "Babtllage"
(Glllet); medley overture, "The Climax"
(O'Hare); "The Star-Spangled Banner."
' Snaday ekool Work ere. ' , . . '
' The Sunday school evangelist J. P.
Conder, : will conduct an tnatltute for
Sunday school workers In tha Taber
nacle Central Christian church, begin
ning this evening. .
C few TcrCirJ ccr-
C'Wiwaa e)i"S Yg3 i-e) aCtr tt
VCrtsa. ZZ tl tJCwIaV JtaasJI
Children's Department'
Entire Second Floor.
, Pretty babies shoes, new- p
lest;8tyles 50c . pair, -
"Sorosis" and V
irn. " c. ,-.
BseraaUon Park, tetk aad
. Tantrh. fta. .. f.
s '.'r-- -vs.;:. -.rXi
July It to S3. Xnoroatva. '
Xdmlaslon $Sc" Orandatand,
I So. Children. ISO.
Ladles, Sao. Grandstand free, except
Sundays and holidays. Ladles' day, Fri
days... .... ,,v -. ....'' '
Grandstand seats on sale at Woodard,
Clarke Co-'a. - . -
Grand'; I llvail w a Heiiig, rree.
'' Morrtaoa Street berwees th sad Its.
' - Phooe Main 868. T
Ertry Klgkt TblaWerk Wltk s SpeeUl-Prlce
Matinee Eatarday. " .
Is the Herry ktaaloal OssMdrarleHe. :
"I. O. U:"
--,..'",' '. COMIDT MCSIO-XTW.
i'..";..''-;J' 10 PRINCIPALS H ' .
' POPtTLAS PRICES Matinee, SB, At and $0
eeou; Msht St. SB, to aad 1$ cents. .
Seats Are Wew S 111m Bay Them .Early.
(rormerly CehtstMa Theatre) 14tk aad Weak,
tth Week
Bteoh . -",
PRICES Night IS te TSe, Matlaees, IS to SOs.
; . & T A. RT, -
-' , v- SARA ar 00.
. R0800E AND SIMS.
; HATDEV. v'..- :'
HE. JOSEPH BOirNXR. , ; . ' .
Oeseral adralMloa, 10 eests.. Evenings, Sae
daya and boudara, reserved seats ea lower
Boer, SO seats. . Bos seels, SS cents. -
..; . LTHX.ORADlSCOE..-'.------i--4)eoeral
adinlMloa. 1U eeola. E renins. 8s a
daya and halidara, reserved aeats oa lower Soar,
20 eeate. Box aeata, 20 rents.
Tklrd aad Tamhlll . . . . Keating A Hood, Mgi
Theatre alwaje cool a4 eoeafortable. ; Per
forsMBcee daily at 0, T:80 lad p. si. AS.
leeloa TEN CENTS to any seat except boxes.
- Keattag ft mood, lEgm. - '
r r A8MISJI0H -vt J' ,;'r' .' .
lOo To Any Smat lOo
Darkness and Dawn
v HEAVEN and HELL : t
,TOr MD CMFB ; - "
Take PertUad Half kts ear sad get eft at
Hawtbme Terrace, ooe klock troaa ear lias.
No cllmblBf. Eleetrie elevatoe.
tn aeautlral ettect et svwerrnl seerebHskt
trem tor ot tower. Yoe eea eel a safety lunrh
while vlewisg the BMet Basalttceat scwoerr
la ASMrlee, Opea S a. at. to B. aw AaaUs
aloa 10 coots.
The Land of ;
the Midnight .Sun
Moot keastlfor or eleHre-Beefean1eai eeenle
prodoettone ever atteniptee- n. X. Herald,
. TRAIL.. , -
' 141 ta BURNSIDB. .
Dr. D. C.
t h I
Where you; intend to z -spend
your vacation, t ";
you go at all we would 1
to show you. our line ci
The variety is immense, the
prices are low and our terms
arC so easy that ' you will
hardly feel thpendi4uiMJ
You can . pay : for anything
you 'may select: in this line
at' the, rate, of .". ';
- Fine
i For a present of any kind
what la there more suitable or
appropriate than something In
silverware? It haa long been
a custom to give knives, forks,
spoons, etc;, for wedding and
anniversary present. There's
nothing more appropriate, and
anything in silverware always
pleases the recipient. Wa have
an Immense variety of thla
roods and can please the most
faetldloua. - Our prices you'll
And to your liking, as well aa
your purchase.
Special Bargains
- Men's and BoW Straw " and cSraeB
Hats at one half price of their -value.
, Canvass Shoes $1.00, $1.$S and $!..
'Outing Suite, worth $11.00. for $$.00-
$7.$0 and $$.$0.
Light color and weights? Pants) f 1.10,
$1.00 and $3. $0, worth double that price,
Balbrlggan Underwear $So ' aad $0v ,
worth Tte and $1.00- .
' Big sale on Ladies' and Misses Tan
Oxfords, $1.15 up to $1.4$. ruU $$.$
values. . . j.-- .-.-'' i
Do not miss thla opportunity, aa It i
bat' temporary sale. . ;.,'.,.- ' -.
Ootv first sad TamMll aad Oo. Talrd .
Portland Academy
fits bora ' and ' strls tnr eaetera aad wearers
eoUegM. oniee boura of tbe prtadeals earlag
vaeatios, treat I k a. to U s, II IM
aradefay, eoraer et Talrtrenrk aad Hacriaua
streets, . Bot -eataJogaa, address ,
.H Portland Academy ' ' ;
Wtiand. Orero
With every $$ 0 purchase Or
eeriee we will give It pouade ef
Trult Sugsr for ..... AAA
New York Oroemry
, : SUrreatk aad Htorrlsea tt v
m r.:::.'
1. IfellS : ;
Snil Cc2S r
I '".'"' leeeeeaoejoaeoXi7 ..-
t, v