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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1905)
. r-- 4 In keeping socIhI or business engage-1 r ments caused bv nervous or slrk head ache, .or other pulns or aohea by those vha have learned the merits , of Dr. Kales' AntlPalrt Pills. , They almply take a. tablet when the symptoms ap pear, and they are quickly dispelled. , In i J fact ' Dr.' liilo9:-u't Anti-Pain Pills v ' J V '- - Mtzamaa Succeed In Reachlnj f th Tcp of Lofty Peak; En " v Rout to Rainier. 1 , Movement Inaugurated by Rufus WE'GDVE TCAPirxlG SIMPS P Jennings of California V;'" Delng Considered. . I w. will prevent, and also euro, all pains of I .1. every nature, and are absolutely harm less. The soothing influence upon the nerves and muscles, quiet and refresh ,S0w A ' A swen EUCSNE MAN 13 FIRST TO REACH THE CRATER IDEA 13 TO COMDINE r the Irritated conditions. - - Italy of feshlom. . gret a free WDTCil".EVEK;i ; :r COMMERCIAL BODIES "Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills always euro my headache, and the beauty of It is. it costs such a trine. - I am glad there of ear reakloa Sheet for Jaly. te such a remedy for people who must work, sick or well. Headaches never prevent mo from keeping ray engage ' Party Joined by General Stevena of Boaton Who Waa. Firat Man to . Makt Aacenaion Thirty-Fiva Yeara J . .' Ago-r-Paradiaa Baautiful Spot AU Representativea to Cpngreas From Different ' Sutes ' in . Weat and NorthWat Will Work aa a Unit tp ments. - , MRS. O. N QBIFFITH. Santa Ana. CaL Tho first package will benefit; If not, the druggist will return your money. .- upouua innr communities. II doses, 2J cents. Never sold in bulk, i . iC . . . . ... . ... ....... . . . . nr ' . s. , . ' 11 1 The 1ck.1 r. ,., ... ... ,,v-r. , t -. 1 o ... , ; , (PeUl Dtopetea Tbe loorneU .' i Camp : Uutmi, -Paradise .- Valley, . i Wash.. July 20. All tba Masamaa . are : now hare and ar buay making trip up the various peaka. '. One 1 of the first . arrivals at the camp waa General .Hasard Stevens of Boaton, who la regarded aa the hero of the party on account of , ' having made the firat aacent of jRalnler - , borne 16 yeara ago: A pretty waterfall near the enow- limit la atlll caUed Blulakln falla, after the Indian guide ' who accompanied the party. ' '' ; .A11 the. mountain olimbera are unant- , moue In the opinion that the walk or .- seven mUeo from Longmlce to Paradlae i, ia the moat beautiful - they have . -taken. The trail leads through pine ' 'forests along the Nlaqually river, pasa ' Ing many - beautiful . cataracts. - Above 'towers the Tatooah; mountains, dassllng ' white on - their summits. Flowers of innumerable colors are scattered roa4 , . caat throughout the region. Mount Rain ' v ler overshadows the camp, t . A. party of Masamaa, including Miss Agnes Plummer and Joseph. H. -Amey ; of Portland and W.i 8. Stokes and prank Hart of Astoria, haa sncceaef utly made ; the climb to Uagle. peak, . the bigheat -point in the Tatooah range, which rises . ,0 feet into the air. - The trail waa ' ' .very, steep-and is many portions brush c , had to be broken every step of the way, There were no serious accidents; though Profesaor Kingsbury of Beattle had a ' narrow escape, eliding several feet down ' an almost perpendicular precipice. S - Another party of Masamaa, In which 1 P. Sheldon, forestry expert, and R. i. L. GUean of Portland were Isadora, sue i cessfully climbed to the top of - the ' ' mountain .overlooking Kisqually glacier. , .One ef the photographers, accompanying - me party.aad a narrow- escape, losing . bis footing and falling quite a- distance , '-before rescued.-- - ' ' - - v ; ' -The first man 4o make the ascent of : the crater la Chester Washburn of Eu ' gene. He states that the climbing tiila year fa. comparatively easy, aa the,erev ' ices are full of aijowT ..' IV" . PIONEER IS STUNG TO DEATH BY HONEY BEES (Speetel ObpaM to Toe luunaLl Hlllaboro, Or.. July 30. David Camp " bell, pioneer,, is dead from the. e IT ecu of bee atlnga- received while removing ; noney rom a hive at .the home or J. M. . Greer. Campbell waa supposed to be an -expert at , handling noney bees. He . was -attacked on the forehead, face and temples by the In sect a and evidently fell , unconscious. ., Two physicians -were " caUed. but the man could not be aroused t rem upor. 1ft: Campbell was Txrn la -llllnola in 1144, and came to Oregon In mi. setuing with his father on the Campbell homestead, alx milea south of (Special DisBSteh ts Tss JoaraaL) Mammoth Hot Springs, Wyo., July 10. -An exciting drive of buffaloes is re ported from the interior of the Tenosr stone Park, a large number of bison es- raping from their reserve In the hill while quenching - their - thirst in the Gardner river. The park fence offered but little reaiatance to the burlv brut a a. who, one dfter another,' leaped over the obstruction. ;A hurry--calV to Fort Tellowstone brouf hb out o, detachment -of cavalry and , the,' troopers were .accorded an- ex- peridnco Which they will not. forget for 4 some time.. -A nwssssn l wwl- . this city. ... J. : - nniiaiTv ninff? Drill . ' ; 1 v APPOINTS DELEGATES . . 8peelal Dispatch Pendleton, ' Or, ' Judge H. J. . Bean te The tcmnmXl , July" iO.County yesterday morning . appointed delegates to Tepresent Pendle ton and. Umatilla, bounty .at the Transr MUalaslppt congress and the national Irrigation convention,! both of which meetlnga , wjll, be, held next month in : poruand. ,- Tha delegatea of the Trana-Mlssissippl congress are: m. 4. iJavis of Milton, w. J. Furnish of Pendleton. O, TA -Teel of Echo, W. a -doodman of Freewaur no -i. m. bawrey -of Pendleton. Hon. T. C. . Taylor, waa the only delegate ap ; pointed to 'represent the county at- the . siaiionai irrigation congreea. JUdmced Bate te Shasta. SprlagV. The southern Pacifla company haa piacea on saie at ite Portland offices rouna trip ticaets to Shasta Springs at i rate of I JOt . Beautiful, . Uluatrated pamphlets descriptive of this resort csn be secured, xrom any Southern Paclno agent. OSFORD (53 rn OLZOBBO ; tpHE .reduction of, a loilar a pair v on these Women's calf and kid Cuban heel tan Ox fords saves a dollar, for you you'd pay . $3.50 elsewhere. .' This sea sons smartest shoes- tomorrow nEPwirlavrMI 283-85 UOnilKON DT ! (Special Dhipetck Is Tea lowwU '. Butte. Mont.. July JO. Becrctarv J. O'Brien of the Butte Bualneaa Men's as sociation haa received a communication relative to the recent move Inaugurated by Rufus P. Jennings, executive officer of the' California promotion committee, which if successful will result In a com blnation of all of the commercial bodies of the northwest and tna coast looking ta tne aavancement 01 that eectlon. , One of the most important thlnaa eon templated la to have the representatives In. congress from the. different , state work In harmony, ao that delegatea from this section will -be s unit at Washing ton to support the needs of an Individual state. The proposition Is to take the matter up firat with the commercial bodies- of California. Montana, Idaho, Washing ton. Oregon and Nevada.. The Portland board-of trade haa indorsed the idea which-is to band the development Inter est with the commercial bodies and labor as one for the best results, keeping always the advancement, of the north weat in view, ? Aa regarda the pool 'off st teamen -in congress, the Jdeals that should Mon tana want government help of a certain kind. 'representativea from 'Other states would do their utmost to secure fot Montana Just what she wants. Tho Idea haafound favor with Butt business STAMPEDE OF BUFFALOES K , YELLOWSTONE PARK ...i' Ileutraal atraaMolavl laraVa San 'Antonio. Tx.. . July 20. A - mol laat nUht koliara 'aH thah ifAAteai atf m... ananomiaerriai mm gr.n- tt uu,u, j.u m Wen Bll erauy. . " ' - 'c .- - -,' . I town. 10 'milea from. her& and lynched Sam Green, a H-year-old negro, who attempted a criminal asaault Tues day night on the 4-year-old daughter of 1 WlUlam Karbaon, a German iarmr. ai tho mob could not break Into the call, the. leaders thrust their guns-through the openings of the steel walla and fired three shots. Tho negro sank to the floor dead and - the mob quietly dis persed. The negro had confessed his guilt to the sheriff.' 1" r V , ' . -v.. I mDnniCD'c iiidy uni nc i -FOUR MN FOR MURDER . ' (Bpedel Dkipatch te Tbe' joerael.) Cheballa, Wash, July 10. The cor oner's jury at Pe Ell has finished the Inoueat In the Bennett murder case and rendered a verdict charging George Gra beck. Jo . Kachiakal, Mike and John Ooella with' murder.- Paul Splhdle ia also held as an accomplice. - The oria oner were taken to tne county jail here Cavalry TroopertSent tBound up Bisons , ; Hav r Exciting ; VTime With Mad Brute. - t- were-, thrown from their- horses during tho excitement of the roundup, and were forced to scurry behind) trees for safety. aa the maddened buffaloes would charge piinaiy at, anytning in ineir painv - Uke a bull, tho buffalo wui Charge at i ' obatacle with ' . his - ayes on the ground, unablo to see ahead at tho time, and more, than one bison turned somer saults as1 tho result "ef colliding with trees In their, blind fury.'. It .required severs I hours of tho hardest kind of work on- tho part of troopers before the buffaloes were finally beaded back to tho park.-: ' PLANNING CHANGES IN UMATILLA COURTHOUSE ' - (SpeeUl pupetca-te The Josrsetn Pendleton. Or., July JO. C. E. Trout- man, architect,- la . working upon s plans for chances which miT be made In the Umatilla"" county i courthouse.,- Thesel plana at present are only In the lino of suggestions and will be submitted to tho county commissioners for approval. Thsy entail . alterations of , the circuit courtroom, a different arrangement of the staircases and several other minor Changes. . ; - ' V . It the plans - meet the approval., of he county court they will probably be adopted and the . contract - let for . the propoeed - Improvements. It fa under stood that tho suggestions will be sub mitted to tho court on Monday, July SL Sff-O-Soe, Qommaaas Saooess by sTaws- poAosavavsTnsina Proving that reliable business methods. aided by strong, publicity, need not fear competition. ' rn .Manin Advertising company , or Chicago, his Just secured the contract for advertising tho flaked wheat cereal, Egg-O-See.. This Is. the largest adver tising contract placed with any Chicago agency alnfce the Manln . company cured the N. Kt Fairbank company order six years ago. Tho success of Egg-O-See M a marvel ous commercial achievement. Two .years ago, during period of mad speculation In breakfaat-food eompanlea,'iMessrs. J. W. Csssldy and J. E. JLInlhan took hold of Egg-O-See.' not as a speculation, but because their 1 belief that when the breakfaat-food' bubble buret there would remain a demand for a whole wheat flaked food... '.'J A- They demanded the best California wheat; put in the. moat perfect ma chinery, devised an expensive, moisturo- proor package; aystfematlaed their fac tory so that tho human, band never touched the wheat while 'It - was being cleaned, finked, oobked and packed. They- established relations with the trade on the moat solid business basts. They have never Indulged In tho use of premiums - In any wsy, . depending en tirely on the merit of their roods. When all other festures of the bublneaa war established; they began to advertise sggresslvaly, persistently, confidently. ' EggO-Se hss displaced 10 per cent of the other wheat cereals. - Though It has sold for but 10 cents from the start. Ita quality- haa always .been Uniformly of the best' Ths appropriation of tloo.Ooe for advertising, through tho M ah In, Ad vertising company " r - evidence popularity.'-' v-.f.- . Of its ' ;-' i rtTO-Bonaf Coupons. In this Issue of The Journul w nub- llsh a coupon worth a possible. t gold pleos to every resder. Bondholders delight In rtlnnlngoff Interest; coupons, but In thin -'case one does not have to be bondholder to get the IS. Any reader of this paper can get It. 'Clip ths coupon from the ed- vertteement of the Great American Im porting Tea company, taka It to the local store and aid for full particulars. BLACkMAR'S FUNERAL i i .TO BE HELD SUNDAY ...... Ueorilal SeeeUI service.) ''-- r . - Chicago. July JO. rTbe ' remains1: of General W. W. Blackmar, late oommand- er-ln-chief of the Grand Army of tho Republic, arrived here this morning and j waa met by a delegation of Grand Army men. headed by General John ti .Smith, commander of tho department of Illi nois,, and escorted to Memorial ball In the public library, where' It laid In state for two-hours. - v.' ' ' Commander Billings and Rev. Edward A. Herton, chaplain of tho Grand Army post in Boston, to which General Black- mar belonged, will take- tna . oooy to Boston tomorrow, for burial, arriving there Friday- night. Saturday morning the body will be carried to the hall of hags in the state bouse at Boston, where it will lie in state. Tho funeral will be held Sunday afternoon from the Unitarian church. " . v, . NEGRO YOUTH LYNCHED- BY GERMANS IN TEXAS m Mil , - - -i Bunpi Summer goods w day should not overlook th house for theiseJ i -A a I your liking, both as to quallty and price. l?0c CREPE DE ALBATROSS 15cThts very pretty crepe finish dress goods in every color, light, dark and medium; whep sold for 20c they were good value. ,TwrDay ' Special yard.". ... , . . , . . ...... .' , . ,, . . 10 v $129 MOHAIR 67c This is the goods to weaf,: Iron' Frame lor a a e a ... a a t m m m a Monair- vipaca, oz incnes wide, in duck and navy, snirtwaist'suit it can t be beat; regular price $l.Zo, ! ....... 67c Two-Pay': Special, yard. , . . . 1 . 40c JAPANESE SILK 25cWe!have' this line of Japanese Silks in all colors; light and dark goods, that will wear ; . and wash ; regular price 40c. .-Twrx-Day Special, yard, , Lu v 75c BRILLIANTINE 48c Figured -Brilliantine, ,in liaVy, green and black, 38 inches wide, nice; crispy goods, warranted dustproof; they were never sold for less than, 75c AQ Two-Day Special, yard. . ,4uC $1.5QANCY SUITING 98c All wooi imported dress goods; in fancy, stripe and checks, 60 inches wide.'for a tailor suit they are the goods: when. sold for $1.50 ther were a ! AO bargain. ' Two-Day Special, yard. ... . . , . . . . OC fa. i : $2.00 TAFFETA SILK $1.19 This is a hummer in silks guaranteed Taffeta, in b!ack,only, 36 inches wide(- A , full oil boiled; a bargain at $2j Two-Day Special, yd. jap 1 ioraiied goelt Oaaaea v Allen s Lewis' Best Brsna. V'-i.-r-O.' Wot Merely Preaching We daily demonstrate to the public the advantages Ouruothing Deparlmeht Offers to its' patrons. We carry the best obtainable garments, our prices are al- ways-the lowest in consist- ' ency with quality, and give ; you the privilege to pay for v your ' selected - apparel irr small installments of 7T.: '" " ' mm .oo i :,yJii Weeir; r ;. --r 1-.., ,:. - ouiTrrnricco. itvni , AND IVASsX'STC?! "THE 8TORE WHERE YOUR - , CREDIT IS OO9D" - Welcome n. d. q; w.- ;,. 1 "Vyelcome : N. S. Q. W. m FunilsIiiRns Specials 40c UNION SUITS 25c Ladies sleeveless white ribbed Union Suits, umbrella style, lace; trimmed ; regular 9 & n , price 40c. .Two-Day Special . ; ; ';; . ; ; . . , ,'. . .'.".V .VaC 0 C 25c VESTS AND PANTS 19c Children's fine white ribbed : s a et- -' a I ' . a a H. . long sleeve vests and lace trimmed umbrella rants; never. sold for less than Zoc. Two-Uay Special, - ..-: ; garnient. i'.''i'.' ...... .'i't'. . . i'J: 85c HOSIERY 25c--Ladies fine lisle Hose, lace or embroid ered, in fancy or black, warranted fast -colors; the JCt price has always been 35c. Two-Day Special, pair. . V.LxJi 19c 20c CHILDREN'S . HOSE 12c Misses' and Children's Jlose, in fine ribbed, in- colors of tan., and. black warranted fast ; regular price 20c Two-Day Special, : ' FuFnlsliinfjs 75c: SHIRTS AND DRAWERS 45c Gents' Balbriggan Un - derwear, irtvpink blue and; Un, just ' the weight for now. ...We have them in "all sizes regular price 7S6i Two- A Day Special, garment. ;; ... . . .. rVWXHTV; 4uC 75c DRESS SHIRT 29c A full line of sizes and cotors. ia ' this i,fine Percale Dress Shirt, light and medium colors; ? they cost to mak.e. 75c. Two-Day Special, v ; ; 2flQ : 50c . NECKWEAR. 19c A large assortment of styles and 1 ' 'colors ,in Gents', All; Silk. Four-in-Hands, Tecks and Scarfs; ' '.the regular, price, was. 50c; .Two-Day Special, , r,, A ! each, ; . . . . . . , V. ........... .; ; ...... ....... U: . . . . lVC ) 15c GENTS SOX 8c Gents' Sox, in tan or black, fast col- 1 ; ors, double heel and toe; never sold for less than 15cx. O , Two-Day Special, pair.i. .......CC ' t Remnants AT HALF PRICE - ci) a AilKJ ALn j roLK.) e Odds ILnda AT HALF PRICE FurnisMnrj Specials $1.00 BEDSPREAD 73c Full double bed size, crochet spread . ready for use; never' sold for less than $1; . Two-Day H3r . Special,. each . . , ..... . . . ..,... 4 1 j-. . Ov .- .--r. i-,, -' " v - .-, ,M-r - :, V " ' : - , ;$2.00 BLANKET $U5 This is1 the. best shown in, Blankets . for the money, fiJl 12-4 size, in white, tan and gray; . they were a bargain at $2. .Two-Day Special, 1 v fl f . JC ' r. . ; . .V. . ...-i . . . ...... .....v.. ....... P1 oaVaJ pair. $1.50 COMFORT 98c Full size cambric covered quilted Com fort, pure white cotton filled; tney were .cheap at . OftT ; 7UV.: $1.50. Two-Day Special, each . , . .'. . ... ;.'.. 85e SHEETS 65c Good quality cotton Bed Sheet, 81 inches wide, 00 inches ( would cost you' wide, 00 inches long, torn and hemmed, the cotton -CCr tide. . 1 wo-uay bpecial, each ........ VU w pRearly-tdlfeiS 50c DRESSES 24c All of our Gingham and Percale Dresses, : irt sizes from 1 to 5 years, in dark and medium colors, that I neversoki for less than 50c. Two-Day Special, 7')AW each. .. .,.......;,.; . i... . ..... 75c DRESSES 38c Your choice of any of our 75c Dresses, in sizes from 1 to 5 years, made of German calico and Chambray gingham. Tw6-Day Special,. ...... .... : ; OuC $1.50 DRESSES 76c This is a very pretty assorted line of Gingham and Percale Dresses, in size from 1 to 14 years; ,' 1 H IVW , $2.00 DRESSES 98c Here is a line of Dresses, to 14 years, you buy lor less than the material cost, in Chambray or Ging ham, in stripe, plaid and plain ; at the regular price of fo $2 these were a bargain. Two-Day Special, each. .... . . . B6H1 BoHl IB5ff R77 111 . . -t. .. . . - . .