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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1905)
-1. Uthe ' '6iqW-pailyv: jsunriAi;-"'.- poutlamp TiiurrAy zvzzxzq; july r'ijll ' ! -t, JEIICIIITS IlilVE DAY AT FAIR . , . Portland Business, Men Spend Y-Pay e Exposition and Die- - , v cuss Thel? Problems. " : " --I'SV' v vitUSTICE TO CHINESE IS J ' ? 1 CHIEF-TOPIC OF DAY i:jZMh:;w-'' ;", - TpVvV D. Wheebrigbt Says Other Aliens - r Backet by Congress Havt Op '""J pressed Orientals kid That Coast Interesta" Demand a New Program '.,' ' M The attendance it thsexposi- , " i tion up to 11:10 this 'forenoon e , - vss S.01I, which Indicatee an tx- t e eeptionally henry attendanoe for (a) - e . the day. . The beat U not so op- e ' e presalve aa yeeterday. . The total , e admiaaloaa yesterday were . 1J, : Merchants day" at the fair was not 4 a well attended as had been hoped lor by Its promoters in - the chamber of commerce. President W. D, Wheel ' -right. In his remarks at a luncheon, which waa the social feature of the day, at the American Inn. took occasion to axpresa regret at tha lack -of Intaraat Iahown.v Ha eald: ." ' "By reason of tha many who have 'stayed away from thla meeting, I am .tha mora appreciative of tha kindness of those who have coma here to -take part In this simple function. And I as sure yon that tha pleaaure which I take In It la equal to tha aggregate of all of yaura. It may aeam atrange that tha executive bead of a commercial-body , should dwell upon failures of non-com-.merolal projects Instead of congratuiat ;.lng TOUontts aaeceaaeajnftjlnajf - worlTmora consonant with Ita name and ' t which work aoma think that tour ef . t orta abould ba limited. But tha suc cesses will take care of -r themselves, , while X make a plaa not la restraint of , trade,' sot for restriction of commerce, ' ; but for lass narrowneaa and a larger , .and mora generous Ufa, of whloh com , merclallsm shall bo tha means and not ..tha and."- v '-. ,v . c Tha luncheon waa attended by about ' S00 gueeta The openinf address waa ..'given by President Wheelright. Ha ' v discussed briefly the work of tha chara . ber, and than took up tha Chinese boy , ' oott question, whloh ho discussed at eon . , slderable length. Ha quoted Cheater , Holoomb. former secrets ry of tha Amer . ican legation at Peking, wha aald: ' , . "Tha policy of thla government from tha outset of tha agitation of tha la Ibor question upon tha Paclflc coast has i 'bean vnatateamanllke and unworthy a ' srreat nation. Because other alias la , borerf within our borders raised a hot ' and cry againat tha Chinese, guilty of ' no fault but that . of - industry, and atlrred up rlota and mobs againat tham, wa proceeded, to discriminate againat f tham, and to ozoluda from tha prlvl- legea of thla country; not tha leaders ' mad perpetrators of violence hnd dlaor dor, but the victims of Jt ' JVMIe wt hava welcomed, sheltered and admitted to-tlia pillle,ga of c1tlaenshlp"pe6plea of avary other nationality, among whom ' war to ba ' found - almost exclusively , tha disturbers of- tha peaoe againat the. Chlneaa. wa have punished rather than protected tha inoffensive aufferera. It. ' goea without saying that statesman . ahlp such .as that requlrea radical re vision." j- .; ,- ; ' Mr. Whaclrlght aald the Chinese, by ; commercial tapiiaala. would discrimi nate againat A assrlcan cotton- plantera . and factories, and againat tha textile rabrice of New England and tha build - era of machinery in tha middle west, and that it behooves tha people of tha : Paoiflo ooaat to put -themselves right on the question, -both In principle and policy, before they are' driven to It. by ' tha overwhelming santimant of tha na- ' tloa aa a result of an awakened publle M i conaolanca, aa well aa by. oonaidcratlon -f eommerclaliam. ' r , , - : " Rev. A. A. Morrison spoke on "Modern Business Ethics," and gave hla idaaa of tha relationship between tha counting room and tha Christian religion.. H. W. : Ooode and Judga' Williams responded to ' toasts. Tha Administration band fur- ' - nlshed music. After the lluncheoinhf-j merchaata and a number of out-ot-towa gueets accompanying them, devoted tha - Afternoon to aeaing tha fair. , WHERE TO DINE. ' Alt the delicacies of tha aeaaoa; prl , ; ata apartments for Indies and fantlllea. . :(Btrooe s Restaurant, 2!s Washington. Fair BuUetin N6.--36 : - . July 21, 1905 M Charities and Correttlons Conven tion; Clam ma Et Kappa Conven tion: Rwlmmlng end Hiving Con teats: North Pacific 8aengerbund; Rawllnga and Green River Day. ( Leather a Traveling . Requisites Tha lasting quality of leather and 'particular workmanship are the features So much so that you'll consider tha attractive price paid 'for a purchase well spent. Jt$i Shopping Bags In all tha wanted shapes end' slzea. ' Also many new ones. 8eal or aaa cow leathera. Heavy , mountings, beautifully lined. '' 1 In Leather Cases Toilet sets or ehavlng and toilet sets combined. Very compact and roavanlentlt arranged, containing ail necessary articles... Satchels v fAteat models alligator or sea Cow, nathera Heavy ateel eonetructed frames. Interior well lined,. con taining ebony toilet artlclea . hU Suit CksesV:::':"; TTltW or without fittings, made In ' a superb manner. ' ',!.' , yi: Ae&CFddeBheimer oea. Tkbf aat wasuagvss- tnm. u jrwrum'k -: silversmiths. H PIAMONO IMPORTERS.. . ' M THIS IS THE 17AYFAIR LO! " (Continued, from, Page One.) A committee oa credentials waa ap pointed, conalatlna of Coman of Col fax. Schrani of BDokane, McBroom of Spokane, Unnlela of Vancouver and CUna of North Yakima. . . Bee re tar y p. C. . Kauffman read 'hi annual report, ahowliig an increase in tha membership of 5,' whloh made tha representation In the assoclatloa per cent of all tha banking" housea In the atata. . ,- -7 - v ? . ' - Heports were received from tha treas urer, tha . executive i council, . the pro tective committee and the committee on revision of th by-lawa, which prao tlcallv roncluded tha bualneaa meeting. . Tha paper of tha forenoon waa reao by W. U Adams, president oi tne rirei Natlonsl bank of -1 log u lam. entitled" "Tha Banker's Relation ta tha Lumber man." Mr. Adama recited that 19 years N. H. Latimer. ago, when ha waa young in the bualneaa. he bad Tn oiipieasefl witn na siaie raenf of aoertaln man that ha would rather hava wheat than logs aa security for a loan. But ha bad not changed his mind In that time. Logs, ha urged. could not ba burnt up If put in water; neither could they ba eaten or killed by drouth. ' Continuing, he aald: "I ahould say that when a loggar'a ac count. Involving advances, ls offered' to a bank. , tha linkers experience and training ahould be such as ta enable him to Judge confidently of tha final outcome or tna proposition. - iKtggera Are OpUmlsta. .v.r-.,.: "Tha logger-la almoat invariably an optimist. ; I hava. never known but one exception. ' For the sake of doing busi ness he will take long chances, it ae- volves upon - the banker to ba able to Judga fon himself, because If he ia back ing a losing proposition ha discovers. when ha decides auddeniy to quit, tnat ho la face to face with a atrlng of la bor Hen that ha must take care of In order to protect hla mortgage. ' ' T"Few of na now fully appreciate the hralue and Importance of thla great 'crop of timber which has been bequeathed to ua br tha bountiful hand of nature, When our forests -are gOBjethey . can never be restored. They are the great- eat asset which tha state! now possesses. Present and future prosperity depend, , Jja Charles I. Eltinge. no small measure, upon" the extent or tha accumulated wealth Into which our forest products are converted. Their removsl without profit to the laborer, tha logger, the mtllmsn. the banker and the, timber-owner, will mean an actual loss which ran never he recouped. .- It is gratifying to know that a few o our well-informed . and public-spirited cltl sena are taking the Initiative in a move ment "for fire protection, and agtlnst.tbo present wasteful methods of logging snd manufacture." , , ", ' , After appointing committees on reso-i lutions and nominations, the convention adjourned Until 2:J0 p. m. Thla after noon the following program waa taken up: Report of committee - on .reden-i tlaln: addresa, Walker Hill, president Mechanics' American National bank, St. Ixula and ex-prealdent American Bunk era' association; addresa N. B. Coffman, president Coffman. Dobaon A Co, Che halls: address. J. H. Cameron, vice- president Hamilton National bank. Chi cane; address,--It-. W lbb,Poinc coast agent American Bursty company. Practical ouestlone for dlacusslon': Hhall National Banks Loan on Real F.state," "IS the Insurance of Deposits Practical or Advlssblet" Taxation Af fectlng Banks,' "Non-Negotiable BUls of lading." "Non-NegoUable Voucher Checks." "Shall Wa Have a State Law Regulating Iivkr' "Advanced Educa tion or Bank neras, vara or , j imo Locka". . , The program foe tomorrow morning will be-a follows; .t - , invocatlm, Rev. Edgar F. Hill., pastor First Presbyterian church. Portland; call of counties; report of delegates to tha thirtieth annual convention of the American Bankers' association, held In New York; Heptemher. 1904; Miles- C. Moore, president Baker-Boy er National bank, Walla Wallet M. F. Bakua. presi dent Wsshlngton National bank, Seattle; A., r. Albertson, vice-president National Bank ' or commerce, Tecomar address "Automobile Banking," - Benjamin C Wright. Sea Francisco; address, "Inter- eat en Deposits," E- Shorrork, president Northwest Trust A Baft Deposit Com pany,. Seattle: reports of committees, first resolutions; second, nominations: lection of officers; location of next con vention;' aelectlnn of four delegates and alternate to the next annual conven tion of the American? Bankers' aaeocta tlnn to beheld-in .Washington. D. C. next October; announcements. ! 1 J i' v A novel entertainment has been pro- TtcrcArcaFcv; : ' Portland -Alifrtlir ,: Who 4 BOt, advertise la The Journal. Te Journal's family of V , mora tka 1CJ.CC0 Recurs 'if: ia Oregon will favor THE. JOURNAL by 'naklnj; r : ' not of It : '-. v- J INTERESTS Council's Action on New. Box Ordinance Not What Was . v Expected. . ? : SENT TO COMMITTEE THAT WAS OPPOSE0 TO IT Members of the Body In" JPavor' of Amended : Measure Call - Special Meeting to' Act 'on l on Next Monday. 17. i'S The liquor interests wera much aur- prtaed yesterday ai tha dlapoaal made or the bo ordinance by 4 the city council. They had drafted tha ordinance, and felt confident that the rules of tha council would be suspended end the measure psaaed; Instead. Coun cilman Grey, on whom- tney oouniea ior support, moved, immediately after Ha IntroducUon, to refer it to tha liquor 11 cense committee, where it will undoubt edly receive severe treatment. . ' After the meeting Mayor Lane was re quested by members of the city council to call k soecial session next Monday af ternoon ta eonalder tha ordinance, but he refused to grant tha request, etatlng that if the members desired tne meeting mey could taaue the call themselves. Eight members nt the council ' Immediately acted and Jhe notices are being served on the members byxtne city iuuiwr tooay. Tha Honor license oommlttee la in aea- aion thla afternoon and the ordinance la peine; muruui j f. ,, The liquor men realise that there ta very little hope for anyrellef from the present atrfhgent regulations. The ma jority of tha committee favora a well rerulated town and the enforcement of all the ordlnancea, and are willing to give the present box measure a gooa teoi before making any raaicai cnangee in h. IN0ICTENT IS. UNDEa FIRE MConUnued from' Page One:), regarded aa surplusage. Judge Do Haven replied that under such an Interpreta tion It might be difficult to get into evt rtenoe the afflda vita on which the gov ernment largely relies to establish Ita case, and Mr. Heney eonoedad the force Of the -suggestion. ' f . . i. Judge Plpea presented orteny some further objections to ttie validity Of the indictment and tha queatlon waa finally taken under advisement until tomorrow morning.-Mr. Heney remarked after ad journment: '''-" 'If the indictment naa merely enargea generally a conspiracy to defraud - the government of public landa It would have been sufficient But because it sets forth that aa the meana for' tha ao comnllshment of the conspiracy tha de fendants used certain affldavlta on file in the Oregon City land office, the ques tion arises whether - the Indictment ahould not have stated what land theae . v '- SCra. Oolaia Satlsflea. . ; Judgment in the case " of Jessie L. Ooldle againat William Gold la. a con cessionaire at tha exposition, waa aat la- fled thla morning when Ooldte's attorney paid $1,000, tha amount of the verdict returned againat mm, ana costs, into the stste circuit court- Mrs. Ooldle for IIS AOS. 8he had been married to and divorced from uoidle when hey were realdenta of Chicago, and ahe al leged that he had promised to remarry her- Instead, he went to nt. Louis, ob tained -a concession at tha Louisiana xt)sltloff and -married another; The couple came to Portland and Mrs. Ooldle No. 1 .xonowea mem, .oegsn sun or breach ' of ' promise and obtained Judg ment for the amount paid toaay. . vlded for the visiting bankers of Wash ington and' Oregon. At the American Inn tomorrow afternoon, a safe will be securely. -: locked - and aolentlflcally cracked", by eastern experts.- u ne ex hlbltton-ror teat.- wllL be free, to -an comera It win use Place oeiweeo o'clock and I o'clock. r r KESTGRS3 GRAY HI All R to YcatCfel Gdzr. Rid besea trembled wits dsadreff a tng time. After als ess bottle of Balrkealtb 1 foea4 Ike Sasdrag aaae end aif kslr, wklck wee twthlrda aray (I in 4S years oMf restored te lu satsral sutmrn eolor-O. RICH MAN, La Omeee, Wla" UalrhMlth qslckly erlnae beek youthful eolot te gray fcalr, ao Batter saw kti It kas bees graf er whit. Posltlveqr removes d draff, kills tke gerai sad stops hair falllns. Does sot stats akla it linee. Ailed by HAaFIKA SOAP asd Skta. bealtk, it soetlwe and keals tke sralp. stnee Itek lna sad pmamtae aoe kair growls.. Large sue. bottles, drssilare'. XUa aeUlag wltkoat algaa. turn PhU Uar Ud. . .. . . v Frca S::? Ztitr fZffiPtiK lra tbla eoaaos, taae to any tw jae wiwwrnp Snwittts and get a SOe. bottle Ray's snd a . cake Hartna Meeleetea Seep, beet for kale. bath, toilet, both for BOe.t or saet by Pklle Ray Specialties CV. Newark, M. 1., aid, aa receipt af SOe. asd tale aer, SasM...... m(I.MMM.M.MUl Aodress Following Srataists supply Say's nilrssslts) aaa Karons Soap la laeu aeope eauri woosAsa, rULTTa oo.. Team mm . ...... ;.(.; t- , aad Vaaa-rtsa Sta. FOR DEOIISTS Present Congress Marks In'augu i ration of Permanent Na- . . . '. tional fOrganltatldn. . ; - ':'',': ,' jp' I' ':.?-:'. V' UNION OF AMERICAN PRACTITIONERS ASSURED Convention . Cloaca ; Tonight .With Pretentious Reception at Inside 1 nn VTbere AU Deiegatee and Friends - Will Be Elaborately Entertained. ; Thla evening the greateat dental oon graaa ever held in the weat will ,ba brought to a clone, fcentlsts dealra that the good work dona here be repeated, and this morning authorised President Nor rla C Cox to appoint a committee on permanent organisation. Thla body, ia enjoined with the duty of deviaing ways and means whereby this congress may be made perpetual,' or there may do fixed plans for continuing a national organisation with certain dates of eon- ventiona. The committee, which Dr. Cox will appoint, must consist of a represen tative from each of tha eight atatea In attendance at this congress. This com mittee will sea about broadening the work, and after conference with dentists of tha nation will proceed with the form ing of m permanent organisation. - From the consensus of opinion ex- and Clark1' dental oongreaa. It ta appar ent that the profession is ready for great thinga. and that tha lwla and Clark' fair will In all probability go down in hlatory as the Origin of the permanent dental oongreaa , - At the business meeting, which waa held thla morning, resolutions of regret were voted in honor of the late Dr. C I Ooddard; who was one of the Brat com mittee beginning the - congress work. Other business waa routine. Essays thla morning were by Dr. Crit tenden Van Wyck of San Francisco, on 'Ether Spray aa an Obtudent and a discourse by Dr. O. V. L Brown of Mil waukee. The discussion on these papers was opened by Dr. F. JU. PUtt of San Francisco, and elicited general Interest. This afternoon the', elinlca are" being finished, there being several by eminent workera present and along mechanical linee by manufacturers of ' tools and supplies' ' .-:!:,,""''.'.,-.''.. - -vi . i nia evening mere win oe a reception at the American Inn, for which Lib eratl'a band will play and Parsons' or chestra will furnish dancing nruslo. ,The spread will be for members of tha) con gressand their frlenda who holdrearda which are being furbished by Secretary General Chance Jhla afternoon. Mem bers snd friends are admitted to the fair grounds in the same manner. There a assurance of an lmmenae throng at the spread, and American Inn thia even ing will entertain the largest gathering of people yet assembled there. The. late evening will be devoted to feUoitoua re marka and general pleaauree. ' " Tomorrow several or tne members will depart, but many will remain and make escuralons to thebeach snd points. oi interest,. . -7, ,vv ..' STEAMErTlrWICEFROfTri -.v CANADA JO MEXICO ' (Bpselal Dispsteh ta Tke JeareaL) . Montreal, Quebec, July 10. The new Canadlaa-Mexlcan ateamahlp service waa Inaugurated today, when the ateam ahlp Cooraassle, subsidised by the Cana dian -and Mexican governments. Bailed from thla port for Mexico by way of Ha vana Tha new aarvloe ia to ba main tained by the JClder-Dempater company. The contract or the company ealla for a monthly service. The steamahlpa will touch at Charlottetown, p. B. I.; Halt fax. N. Si Havana, Cuba, and Progreeo, Vera Cms. Tamploo and - one or two other Mexican porta The winter, serv ice will be operated direct from Halifax. ' It waa expected . that almultaneously with tha establishment of the Atlantic service a similsr steamahlp on the Pa cifio ooaat between Vancouver and Msxl ean'Paolfia porta would be Inaugurated, The Mexican government, however, has decided to- poatpone for the present the establishment of such a eervtce. axenraloa Slatis te arewwort. The Southern Pacific company haa placed on aale at all Portland offices round trip tickets to Newport st rata of t. limited to Ociober 10. 106, and for ft Saturday to Monday tickata Amnle hotel accommodatlona at reason able rates are provided at this popular resort. -', .'... . -'. :' v I - i X ' ; BAY-STATE PROTESTS ROYAL ARCANUM RATES '' " 1 ' ' ' ',' ; 'r (Joaraal SpecUl Srvle.) . Boston. July t. In Una with a slml lar action taken In other atatea,' tne MaasachUsetts grand council of the Royal Arcanum met today and adopted strong resolutions Of protest against the action of the auprame council in ad vancing tha insurance rates of the order. Under ' tha constitution of the order It a majority of tha grand eounclla peti tion the auprame regent mat oraoiai win be required to call a specie! meeting of the auprame Council to reoonaiaer its action. Should the auprame council thn continue in ita refusal to rescind the Increase In rates t Is considered prob able that many members will withdraw and unite In forming a new order-.-- NEGRO GIVEN REPRIEVE ' IN SHADOW OF GALLOWS ' ' (learaal SpeeUI servlcat -': . Philadelphia. Pa, July to. This was the date originally fixed for the hanging of Joseph Gibson, who murdered John Thomaa, tha old watchman of the Hous ton club of tha Unlveratty ,of Pennsyl vania, but Governor Pennypacker has granted a stay In order to . allow -the board of pardons to consider sn applica tion for a commutation of the sentence to life Impriaonmant. . - Thnm.y manler waa ana of the blood leat and moot brutal that haa ever been Mnittaa in Philadelphia .The watch J man detected Gibson la the set of rob bing tbs building st night. wRereupon Gibson set upon him with a hatchet and beat the old man almost beyond reoogni. tion. Gibson Is a Weat Indian negro, and It Is asserted by hla counsel that he la not mentally responsible. v- v SvoUeS Ser eauvy. Harriet Howard ftoe West Thirty, fourth street. New Tork, st one time bad her beauty spoiled with akin trouble. tk. wrltea; Lad Salt Rbeum Of Ecsema for years, but . nothing --would cure it, until I uaed Bucklen s Arnlcs Selvs." A quick and aura healer for cuts, burns and eorea to. at Skldmore Drug Co, 1.1 Third street. !:... p. '. v . ... I i , . W 1 7 mm T-r.TBnestTtt the world fdf men. Broad statement but 4L 1 , literally true, They are. petter tailored and better: v 4! fitting ind more stylish appearing than any othef' : X '' ".-malte of clothesiV If you'fe.not convinced after '.1iook,.we.'dcdl,tvvant;you' bty. ;If the front oi r : - COAT In any "CHESTERFIELD SUITP. BREAKS S ' or osei SHAPE in oneYEAR'S WEAR you get a' t : ne vv Suit Frec'Thls is straightout proposition; 't ; No strings t It -Correct readyrtoput-on and wear i Suits' priced from $19 to $3Sy It's our pleasure to show them to you. !..; .;;u....' .O 1 269-271 OlffiBOri STOEaT- AiB s o Cut U ) With No Strlngt ' Wf are going to give) away this SS0.0S Bis Oolam aia Chraphophone abaotately free at our booth In the Xaberai Arte sauoiatr oa uguav IS, laoa. One of thoae prise win--1 nera. you know, at' the SJs. Xjoals ' Vatav CaU at our BxAiblt or at - our Store for any Information. that rf la" required . and Inspect the ana- rt Rett I I If 4 fi,. v. 1 STORES IN, ALL. THB PRINQPAL. CITIES OT THB WORLIX " Concerts at tha 'above address Sar and Thuraday, M fw-sa, sprai:ger says the sheep WERE HEALTHY. : : Denies Story of Beavertoft Pso- pie That His Rrm Sold Diseased Mutton -' a. H Rrjranaer. of the firm of Hen- rickson A Spranger of BeavertoJi. aUteS that the chargee made that hla flrm killed and placed on the . market, dis eased sheep la falsa . v . - "Wa have been gTsauy wrongeu n this matter," Said Mr. spranger anie morning.' "The people who made the affidavits have a grudge againat ua snd not one of the men waa In tha elaughter house the day they etate fhey were there, and we know It to be a fact that, some of them were tnree mues away si urn time. One of theae men la a bualneaa rival of oura and hla treat howl Is a clear case of Jealousy. .. k. - "The eheep they are making such, a hubbub eVer were all right In every respect. ; I have been in tne ouicner business for 10 yeara, and am aura that I know a good mutton. when I Bee, ona The sheep did not hava the scab nor did they have - tuberculosis nor , any kindred dlaeaaa I can prove t that . I sold tha Delta to a Portland hide dealer. and received -the highest market price for them; thla In Itself Is enough to prove that the ehaep did ot have the scab." v ' ' Bute Food Inspector J. W. Bailey has Investigated the chargee againat sprang er and aayk tha aheep ahlpped to Port lead, .were In a healthy condition. V 7 FIRE DAMAGES REFORM SCHOOL At CHEHAUS IgDedsl Dispatch to Tne Journal.! Chehalla Waalu, July 10. Fire broke out In the main building of the state re form -school at 11 o'clock today and for a time threatened 4o daatroy the entire atructura Chehalls firemen went out and by hard work, aaalatad by tha de nartment at the school,, checked .the Ths roof of the west end wss burned out snd that portion damaged probably to the extent of t MOO. During the work of saving ths furnishings a boy Inmate waa atruck on tha head by a flying chair and badly hurt ,5 y . l v ' 1 11 .. V t " ' (Speetal' IHsseteb ta Tk JearaaL) Dallas, Or., July 10. The Dallaa peo ple are loyal to tha Lewis and Clark fair. . . They try to attend -the fair as much, as poeetble, snd already there hss been a great number of Dallas cltl sens who hava been down to take in . n' ft i ; n V(. ..." e ly Attached ;-"-.: Oramd Prlae Paris, 100. IHrable Prlee , ZevJg, 1S04. itifi ra tail 1 VVlitHkawara rsavtsWtJsaiM as vv Aata. aarta Star Tstatre, SO-171 WaiaiahnSt (ITI . 'vV'sshlngton street) avary V-;S, J- ' SrOTSUI ASTB SUBSOBTw. FAZB SWATSS A. THE COSMOS S. U. Oov. Toarth aad Konrlsea .. Now under the same management aa f-The Calumet," centrally located. well rurnianeo. . ; . ,,(. One room, one person . . . .fl.00 per day One room, two persons. .. .B1-50 per day Family suites M-OO pe day HOTEL SALTAIR Oeatervflle, STottfe Beach. Commanas Sne view of the ,' Good Ashing. Excellent water. Ocean. Home eooklng. Fish served dally. .1.: or panicuisra aaareaa , 1"7 Long Beach P. Oa Wsshlngton. tha alghta They all express themselves as highly pleaaed with the fair, and thay all 'have aome good, word for ths Forestry and- Government buildings;- r. 7-V-' '- r atr n aia.-- .That la a big shoe sals now on at Baron's Shoe Store, ttl Morrison, street. The store Is to be entirely remodeled. and the management- haa decided to clear Its shelves as much as possible before the carpenters; and plumbers are put - to -work, henos - remarkable reduc tions In prices have been' Inaugurated. Persons who have read' the.flrnVa adver ttaements and noted the n cures , at which goods are sold, are willing to go considerably out of their way te make their purchases in that lively atora The aale ia likely to last for eeveral days yet, so that thoae who have not already bought tnair. rootwear nave an oppor tunity to embrace this chance to secure the bargalna offered. - . lawfoiiMin ate. cicnzx, a. co. ts run rtr-si, r ' fzszxttno c:t SAL3 cyrr-Tc-zri. ' 'if' ' " ; m..y, , - f ft J' xre ca t:!) tsnicrrow ct 4 .. - - .-. ) whiiJe theV last. Not more than two to a ; costomer. There' are other bargains In the Car pet ' Departingnt which rc worth youf attention. ( COMPLETE HOUSEFUR-N NISHER3 Whose Credit Price I Is Just hs Same as CASK J tke row rzzi rout ctan u toes OUTFITTING m WASniWGTON worm Ajrn subsobvs. Hotel fairmduht rarssrtT-szxTX Ajro wssnra sts. Opposite atala Satraaoe o UmU As s ., oiark exposition. v Only nbsolutely flrepraof hotel ad. . Joining- grounds, equipped with electrlo telephonlo and Speolal telephonic oom- : i . i . r ...... m TTnlfAriBM . portera and bellboya at aU aeaira , at gueaiv . service. -, .,. - ;.v -y ; .V" ltn F! n Ant Bnnmi c SULTOS fXOS A AT AJTD VW., W. H. LATUM, General Manager. ' HotCaEstacaiia 'siriotxs sssoai osvhs SASXS Of ",vi ' TXM OLACXAKAS SIVZB. ;. M aOLSS FSOat ppTLum. Kates ear day. ........... . .SJ-OO Bstfie per week.,....n,.. ,.... It gpeclsl ticket, tedadlag reaad trip . ,. tare ae aitwer .f I.TS 'Specisl ticket, laeludlag reaod tHp - :. fiSe'sSi. 2J22Z,rh MS rnsxr orrxos mat ass aibss sts. -i -L.B. MARTINEZ Mgr.-rr SSIAOADA, OtSOOaT. Chtsop Beach, Seaside, pr. V ; Finest eummer resort In Oregon. - Tl only hotel on the beach overlooking the ocean.-' Sea foods a opeclalty. . Tha hotel haa ' been rebuilt and newly ' furnished. Hot salt batha Fins aurf bathing di rectly in front of tha hoteL . Buiotly Urst-clasa . Amer lem plan. , For terms and" reservations address I 'DAN" l.i MOORE, proprlstor. ' - ' Hotel Baton Ceraer Kerriaaa aad Wert Fark SUasta Has4eaiy farnlrted, elogaafl t aatpeea. grtpreof. Sve .mlnotW.jrala. Iroia aaert eL eaopplag and amlsess district, ell larre. airy, eotstde rooms, steam keated. aleetiie Hints, tlpseoe la sack eeartsMst, eta. Larce efaers. loasflBg. anoklsg. . wrltlsc. ladlas reeaptloa parlora sVoona rasartea by auQ ar telepbeae.,- yrivaa samaisna sieetrtialas aad ewaaienv Robmt $I.OO tafS.oa m Da . .ApeeUl KatM U Caaaeretal ilea, . 7 ;-?.f.'V x'vu. kaa-sAtosv..',' '...0 ' raraierly e . Betat sWSpata. geasse.V PALACB HOTEL, Whether he goes by land or sea, the traveler will find It a delightful trip to Ban Franotsoo, where he should stop at ths .world-famed ', iPakccIIotcI;- and enjoy Ita many attrac tive features. For . fuller Information write to .the Palepa or see ' ': ... a srsssivr .'-A at the Portland Informa tion and Booklna; Agency, Hotel Portland. . - 07i 2 r naxoH aavnvd Wtoit S;rlr.:s Cold . IViCoIl.Sfc- Leaves Oregon City dally, except So day, at :ltfa tn. Fare it. If. Oregon City office next Soor to Oregon Water power Co.'a depot. - ' , ' ' ' Ootd. i Bneh, I ila. I STXTAra BOABB ABB BOOld. tbe. rush Cbeahrlala Vnom Weta. Bene Coln Onod Me j I W Hotel TJoore . t , t r V A t - eav' '.-.. - . fN ' , 7, .' 7 .... . ' ' ' - i '