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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1905)
If - this : OREGONlpAiLy jousnalv: poaTLANPTHURSDAY-nv: :::o, JULY O. 1ZZI -3 S'lEET is mlley Of THE fiOSUE f3 PRODADLE t;. Dr. Mpjrison Finds Its Beauties Ceyond Compare With Those . 7 r; r of Other Vales, r ..'i'iurnsd Meeting of St. Johns iC Big Problems , Summu Comforts V.--.--t ..w.----' . f - v COUNCILMAN REFUSES TO ; RESIGN OR BE FIRED Edward Will Staad by HuvGuna--. .Bond Question and tha Settlement . of Ex-Maraha Organs Claim Are Due to Cauaa Oriel- L Tse east 1A es of The Jonrwl la kiorrKol stmt, tslepboo Kast 270. Th ouOook-tr that -tha- meeting to night of the St. John council will be on jnaraea vt vmi iu - cumlon than waa the one held Monday night, when the membera warred until after midnight over the atatua of a fal low member. There will be two aourcea of this agitation tonight and In neither can the moat hopeful discern anything but grief. , v , : .'- Th. rnnflfct over the ousting of Coun cilman-C, D.'Edwardwlll b reaumed and Mr. Edward haa definitely an nounced that ha will not resign and that he lntenda to bold hla aeat in the coun cil despite aU Influences that may be brought to bear. Some of hla fallow members, assert ttlat ha ia no longer a member of the council because ho la not now a propertyholder in the town and according to the charter every officer of the town muat b a rreenoiaer. mi authorities, howerer, are quoted, by Mr, Edwards attorneyto "th - effect-that when' an officer haa qualified after hla election he can. only ba removed for certain reasons, and the sale of prop- . nor Ci charter so specify, 4a which ease the law of the state would hold giving to Mr. Edwarda. In the opinion of his legal ad visers, the aeat. . :. - ; ' " With Edwards out of the council the ' majority would be for saloons and as this majority would choose the man to All the vacant place it la presumed that a man of similar desires ' would b elected. ' When Mr. Edward ' discov ered this he withdraw the resignation ha bad already given Mayor Xing before the council could act on It and as that body alone can appoint hla successor no resignation la binding until It come before the council for action. - ! Another-'contested point will be the payment of the bill of former Marshal Organ, , Mr. Organ claims tl7 back salary- The council has tried to settle for 12 through a committee which called on Mr. Organ', attorney. This proffer waa refused, but It waa agreed that Mr. Organ would accept S24 it the money was at one forthcoming. The money did not appear and farther at- - tempts to arbitrate the matter have been unavailing. - '. -.", ' , At tonight' meeting, if tha other problem are disposed of before morn ; Ing, the council will endeavor to find a way-to dispose of the. f 10,000 boo J r-isau e -recently nrafny-ocaTflrra after 'bidding for tha lasue. : . : BUILDING IN SELLWOOD. 1 roar Tir Stevaaa SterUd la Urt lw ' Paya SoSeol JT early Son. :v Work on four residences of th better grade haa been commenced th last week in BellwoodV Albert Hora wlU buUd a S1.S00 house at 'East Pifteeatn and MarlonQeorg Weiss will erect a $1,600 dwelling at East Seventeenth and Lynn, E. 8. Golden has let the contract for an $1,800 residence at East Fifteenth and Marion and Mrs. Sarah Mack haa com pleted preliminary plans for th build ing of a tl.000 dwelling at East Eleventh and Clackamas. Work TO the big addition to- th Sellwood sehooi he ' reached the final stages and probably local records for similar construction have been broken by the contractor' of th annex, for though work waa. begun but a short time before school was dis missed, th big addition la practically ready for plumbers and decorators. It was not expected to have th building ready much before th beginning of th school year, but It will be completed, a month or six weeks ahead of that date. IN EAST SIDE COURT. Tkrio Transferred Yaafeal Up for faeielal Ml sen eat. Just how provocative of lawsuit ar verbal lea, especially when, they are thric transferred, was shown yesterday In th ast side court when th case of .JT. W Qoldapp against J. A. Catahall waa heard. Qoldapp aued for possession rtt property at . 70 East Main street Th defendant replied that he had 're ceived no notice to vacate and that th agreed price of $16 a month had been accepted by th plaintiff pa on occa ' a Ion. but had later been refused for no stated reason. It transpired that Cat shall secured a verbal lease from C. Q. ' i V. IV L0 7 RATDS Esfore Sesing ifee;Oceaa'::: ' ' '-; ''',.':'.':' "-'r'V'' ..'.V;'-" '': ? f;1 ; ' ' : "::'r ''':';: ir; Agricultural" bisplay in the Washington Building at the Lewis and Clark i"i-.vr':;'';.:Vi,--?;:?-'..-!:H; ' , " -",. Company.:' r ' . . Warren ' and : that Warren ': had bar gained with a Mr, Bhuman, who had In days long gone dealt- w.lth Qoldapp. When Jhe three dosen stories were told. Judge Beton took tha matter under ad; vlsement. tarn una eompany against - Mrs. Thomas Waldron was heard Ihis morning. The company sought to recover S8S as lta commission for the alleged sale of a restaurant. The defendant In response stated- that she had listed iw property wUaeveral real estate nrms. naa aareea vo - ue complaining company all received for.; the place over 100 and that tne restaur ant waa Anally sold to another company for (ISO less than she had listed It with the ; Western Land eompany and for whtoh ah had already paid on commis sion. - ' :.- . :. : . .. , . EAST SIDE NOTES: Th trespass case of C M. Braaach. against Ray Bullls, which waa heard In a Portland justice court yesterday, was on that Interested Bt. Johns. Built was charred with having wantonly. -and continually meandered over the land of Braasch in St. Johns, out on th wit ness-stand, and with the aid of a plat of th town, Bullls showed that he was really walking In an alley and also that th land of tha plaintiff waa not fenced on two sides.. ' Bullls waa given tbt de cision. " ' 4 V ' - Th etst side ? business men have rested their case with tha railroad fonv. pany and are waiting deftnlteanswer from Manager O'Brien of the 0.R. ft N. eohcrnlng "ts" ktHd Southern Pa- ciflo depot. ' Testerday tha passenger statistics asked by Mr. ' O'Brien were supplied by Joseph BuchteV- Or. F. S. Oehm la reported to be dangerously sick at his home, 174 Eaat Thirty-second street. - The doctor for more than 00 year haa been a prac titioner. ; : . .' Because' there waa no'ngin company within a mile, th barn and adjoining shed of J. Albright at East Twenty sixth and' Brooklyn burned, to th ground . last night before th nearest company could reach the scene. Tomorrow evening young people from th Whit Tempi will hold an open air service In -St. Johns, near th school house.. - Rev. , llr. Bentxeln will preach and Mis Mabel Mills will aing. , FLY ON THE FLYER Every Saturday Only $2.50 Two '.'v. V- Dy Tickets. ' ;:.y:--s- Portlan-8easlde Flyer of the A. C R. R. leaves Union depot every Saturday at :I0 p. ro. for Clatsop beach points direct Only four hours' ride. No trans fers. No delays. No dust' Be C A Stewart, agent, I4lAlder street about tickets, official Information, time cards, etc., and ask for Clataop beach souvenir, containing SO beautiful half-ton Illus trations. Tickets sold at Union depot i 'THE TAVERN BOOMS. X " Everyone Who Knows Is Booating , for Portland's Greatest GrilL . All over thla city you will near the smartest people ' recommending The Tavern .to their friends aa th' finest cafe .and grill ,ln the west . Try It to day and prove it .Grand concert every evening. Opposite . Oregonlao building. j And bathing in the surf at North (Long) .Beach, the popular resort v , of the North Pacific Coast During the summer season the trip down ; the Columbia, is never complete 'without a v!sij. to North'. (Long) Beach, Washington; the favorite' North Coast pleasure resort, where - . - the climate is as nearly perfect as can be found,' the surf; the grand roll of the"' Pacific and surf bathing unsurpassable". : Five hours ;. f ;. from Portland and one from Astoria, through the famous fishing : waters of the Columbia; past scores of salmon traps and nets and as -many white-winged fish boats, lands the passenger's at . Ilwaco, on : ; Baker's Bay, where close connection is made forBeach' points with'; .trains ofthe Ilwaco Railroad & Navigation Company, whose cars'; - stand on the wharf awaiting the steamers. - Take the "T.'J Potter" down. . -Full particulars "and Summer Book by'asking at Third and. ; .vVashington streets FOrtlandv . y SM?N Stinger: SATURDAY ILDERS DO HOT ILK Wallowa VaHey ' Railroad "Corn pany Incorporated by Very ' Reticent Business Men PURPOSE CONSTRUCTING - FROM ELGIN TO JOSEPH Some Say f This Is v Part of J, W. : Cook's Plan, ; Others " Insist New 1 Corporation 'Is . Northern i Pacific .Auxiliary. ;J Sj '.''"' The Wallowa Valley Railroad company haa filed article's oft incorporation; Its purpose' la to build .a.'.raSlroad, from Elgin to Joseph.- Th4 i .Incorporators, Thaddeua S., Potter, George. F. Heuaner and Robert FBell, deny thai Jh com pany la acting for th Oregon' Railroad A Navigation- oompaay or the. Northers PaclflcrRallToa companyr: "There la much conjecture aa to the real purpose of th Incorporators. Mr. Potter said : . . ." 'I believe it is ' an eiectne ' raiiroaa proposition. I am not sure. . I haven't much to do with it ' J only helped out as an Incorporator." Ar ybu connected with J. w. cook. who recently went Into Wallowa county to secure rights of -way for aa .electric roadT" ; ..- " v.r " . - 'I do not car to ay. I am sorry, but t cannot give you any Information.' ! Nona of the lncorporatora wjll talk about tha matter. Mr.- Heusner said he didn't know whether 'th road would be operated by i electricity, steam or gaso line. A few weeks ago J. W. Cook, a former New York man, secured subscrip tions of several thousand dollars for the purpose at promoting an electric road from Elgin to Joseph, and deposited tha money In a local bank, to be- used for buying rights of way and making a sur vey. He ha succeeded In getting a route that Is aald to be feasible and hla surveyors nave set, their stakes, taking possesaren of a certain . canyon -that la reported . to ' be - - vitally Important strategic point .In th shortest rout be tween Elgin and Joseph. . Hla work naa been done very qutetiy..- ''' -v Announcement by the O. R. A N. peo ple of their auddenly determined plan to extend th Elgin branch to Joseph la connected, reports aay, with the elec tric railroad scheme. Th steam road company proposes to forestall th elec tric road promoters and have a line run ning into Joseph before any other com pany can construct a road. The Wallowa Valley - Railroad company . Is - supposed to be an organisation to receive th Cook right of way and carry on negotia tions with capitalists who may be en listed t In the undertaking. Other ob- servers -of railroad maneuvering' In Ore gon aay th new company la a Northern Paclfle auxiliary.' . ' .', ( - . t , Wallowa . county ' people ar In.' the , I - , City Ticket Agent O. RC& fJ. Co, Fair, Photo by Kiter Photographic i'ril humor to Welcome all comer. They want th O. R. . eV N. to extend lta railroad to Joseph and they also have a welcome for tha promoters of any legitimate eleo trto railroad enterprise that will - help ta develop their ,eounty,. , ' POLICE OF HAHY CITIES -ri'MIII BAD l.!Jlir ;- Lovell, or Haggard, Who Deserted .;. Wife' and Stole' From Portland j Guest,' Arrested at Spokane. .Word was received ,by ttaa 'police . laat night that R. Burl Haggard, alias Harry Lovell, had: been arrested by tha Spokane authorities. and sent to Colfax. Wash ington, to stand trial for larceny. Hag gard, or Lovell, !. wanted la this city for larceny, at Pendleton -lor forgery and at CaaU 'Rock, Washington, for some petty cflme. -' ' ; . If he Is convicted at COT? ax th Port land authorities Intend seeing that ba la prosecuted her after ttfe elTiratlon of hla tehn.. He married MMa Ella Btudebaker at Ciatle Rock, and -deserted her; she 1 working at one of th large department 'atorea ln:ihla olty. Untll recently Haggard - worked as waJtee a t-th-Portland -reetauran t - He waa intrusted with 14 for safe keeping by a farmer named fihambrook, and fled to Bpokane with th money. , , In 1891 Haggard, who ptctur is, In th local rogue' gallery, waa sent to tha Salem penitentiary to serve a year for larcenyi- . He waa rreted by De tectives Day and Simmons three years later and served several months In th county -jail for stealing a watch from John Vaa Nesa at Wlnlock. CIGARETTE B0YS.N0T - . .. SUCCESSFUL MEN ' Flv judge who.preslda.over Juvenile courts addressed a large gathering of boys 1n department No. 1 of th state su circuit court yesterday afternoon. Tha speakers were Judges Lindsey of Den ver. Mack of ' Chicago, Brown of Salt JLake Cltyr.Frater-of Seattle and Fraaer of Portland. Th visiting Judge came to Portland to attend tha convention of the National Association of Charities and Corraotions. ; , - ' ....... . Ia hi address Judge Lindsey, who 1 the best known of th judges -of th. juvenile court in th United State, won th heart of the boy by telling a num ber of good stories and giving sound practical advice. , Ha waa frequently In terrupted -by .applause. . Judge Brown spoke of tb -evils resulting - from th cigarette habit, and Judges Mack. Frater and Fraaer Impressed 'on- th boy th faot that the- cigarette - lad la- aeldom successful In business Ufa. - - Before the meeting adjourned bom of the lada who aell newspaper announced that they Intended to form a union In tha evening. ' Judge Fraaer tendered them th use" of hi ' courtroom a a meeting plaee. - When th 'boy met In th evening Robert 'Anderson, a "Jour neyman newsboy" from Seattle, outlined the- plan of the organisation. They did not meet with Judge Brown s approval. and tb Salt Lake jurist tftrned th gath ering Into an anti-cigarette meeting. 1 eleetlon of officers waa field and Samcol Cohen -was - chosen. ' president. . Judge Brown promised to senu th boy badge on his return home.. v . - . ), . INDIANS WILL FURNISH i 'MUSIC AT FAIR TONIGHT ThShnnan Institute Indian ' band will occupy -tha - bandstand : on 4 Gray boulevard at th exposition - tonight. when th . program, whloh begina at o'clock,, will-b aa follows: , , , 'i, March "Vlotorloua America". .... . - ............. Eilenberg-Tobanl Overture "Poet and Peaaanf. . . .Buppe Walts "Milltalre" . . . . . . Waldteufel Dane Parialenne "Moulin Rogue'i ., Bergentolts Selection from. "Ermlnle" . . . Jacobowakl Qeras from musical fantaala . Wood . land".. ......................Luders Masurka Russa ."La Caarlna". . .Gann Fantaala "My Old Kentucky Home Dalby "Hearts-and Flower" .......... Mose Selection from "Mlkadq". ... . .8ulllvan BONNIE' DUNDEE: ENJOYS : c: CHERRIES OF OREGON Scotland haa tasted and haa aent back evMenc of Its appreciation of tha Ore gon cherry.. . -- Horn week .agd Mr. Van Holm of East -Eighth -street .aent .to her mother ia Dundee a box of the finest cherrle tha market afforded. Each waa wrapped In tissue k paper and packed carefully. Word waa received yesterday' that th cherrle. had-arrived In perfect condi tion, and that their slsa and flavor had tneir sisa ana navor naa native,. . who - thought I 11 enlightened by tasting I astonished th natives. them plum until SOIL. 13 PERFECT FOR VA - RAISING SMALL FRUITS lively Villages Doi the Landscape nd Thrifty and Ptoaperoua Farm en Enjoy All the Conveniences of City Life. " Rv. A. A. Morrison' received hla flri Impressions of the Rogue river Valley thla week on a trip to Ashland, where hr went: to apeak at tna Normal Schoal commencement exercise, v. After th exercises he devoted a day -to seeing carta of th valley, and waa taken for a ride, by T. H. Hopkins ' through the country around Medford . and . central Point - -V.K " - ."... " "It fa the nearest approach to perfec tion of country life I have aver seen in this country, onn any other country. ho said yesterday, talking about tila trip. "In the beautiful valley where Medford. Central Point and Aahland ar located. , th aoU la perfectly adapted to th grow.' tng of th wonderful fruits that com out of the Rogue liver valley. 7 Back tn th hUls, aa well. aa . In. th valleya, fin fruit ar grown without irrigation. " l craped off abont flv Inch of soil from th surface and found th ground 'wet enough' to mak, mud . ball, 'although they have had no rainfall there In many. weka.-Vhy ar preparing to rurnisn water to? any- one who wlahea to Irri gate in parts of th region that can' be Improved by "control of $h .water aup oly. - J.- t t 'T'ha-aUeyi 1 ettled by . delightful people. Who nave every convenience u w4iava here In Portland. A Jnan can drive Into hi barn at night, touch a button, and . illuminate th whole estab lishment with- electricity from tha wires of th electrle Jiyatam -that -th Ray brother ar extending In all direction, "Many-new orchards ar being planted, and many people are going Into 'Jackson county who want small tracts or bear ing tree. The ar hard to get and high priced. Tha Income from an. or chard la greater aocordlng to th amount Invested than la any other business ! know of; - Men who have good bearing orchards ar not willing to sell or aub dlvld." ,', v-;r--r .','. J'V". -.-y DAYLIGHT DOWN COLUMBIA Oa T. J.V'Potter,,, 'Queen 5 of River ' c. " Boats Don't Mlas It.;.-;' ; 't., J. Potter"' aatla' for Aatorla and North Beach as follows: . July lbll, I. It. S a. m.; July .1S:01 p. n. , Don't fall to see th lower - Columbia f rotn decks of thla magnlfleent boat. Particu lar and O. R. at Ni summer book by asking XX W. Stinger, etty ticket agent Third and Waahlngton streets. Portland. Svha!D.CBiirn&lh8rcccr.Tri:23r.:CT . Ask TOUR dealer for th Economy Jar. Perfect for home-canning of fruita of all kinds, Vegetables, meats, fish,, fowl, pickles. Jams, etc. Will keep every known article of food sweet and sound - for years, and retain Its. natural fresh flavor. So easy, quick and aimpl a child can seal and bpen It Self-sealing. No separate rubber ring.v. No cutting or burning of Angers. No mould, no poison. Sanitary. Mad In pints, quarts and half- , gallons, - whit - glass. three-Inch wide mouth, Th Economy Jar received th award and medal World'a Fair, St. , Ixiul. First premium and medal California, Oregon.' Idaho, Utah and Montana falra. 'Indorsed by Mrs.' Sarah Tyson Rorer. ... Indorsed . by National Grange aonvantlon, 1904. Visit th Economy Jar exhibit In th Agricul tural building atsth fair and aee dally demonstration. Send u stamp and nam of your, dealer and w will. mau you complete oooKiei 01 recipe vWadhaitis & Keifr r Bros. you 3rfrc solid , warm epell wear " , Mesh Underwear, or if yoxi prefer wool ; ; try Dr. Jaeger's Sanitary Jlealth AVool JUrwlerwear. f There's host of f -custoxpers in aU parts of the, world wear- V inaf thcs'gannen;yiU ' fi:thi:kt''.F j- v 'f.,-'-' 4'.ifc?.v.";5.v "f.'-'f.'' ,'".' -V. 't ' jf u k xLiA n u o BUFFUH & We have mo Sole Agents Sole Knox Hats Waa - Tk V Mrs. A. D. C BURNS, .The Grocer.- 147 Third Street. 1 V Jf a II I III a X . v r ' n v n T e ' a i-: ; X''"'':" - ." ""': ..'K- V Kerr Glass Msnufscturing Company, : :k ?j J'' " ; Portland, Oregon: . , v ; : Gentlemen In reference to Economy Jars I would say that I consider -them to be the simplest and most perfect of jars, and it gives me great pleasure to in troduce them to all persons desiring jars. f - ; : ' ' MY SALES'of ECONOMY JARS THIS YEAR EXCEEDS THE COMBINED SALES OF,. ALL Most 1 . '.'.. Thcjc Ia-a ; Ta, ther ar a thousand good rason why th demand K for Economy Jar xcda tha of aU other make combined. C Yry Economy one and TOtT, too, will know. ; .' " 1 ror noma-canning. ; . , - Distributors, Portland, Oren ervear . comfort d wing the Dr. Diemel's Linen PENDLETON branch store Agents Alfred fcnjanh's , "Correct Clothes1 . SKr. A. r.-Oatefctn of FoxtUad, Ovoa 1 , . 5 World' Xdktest Baaaady fo . ' Mr Caaey: I have been suffering very bad) -- with Rheumatism. Waa advised to try Caaey" a A ' Rheumatic Gura, Can aay after using two bottles -3 t that I am now free from rhraraatlojgaina and am ' f ' much bettr of Throat Troubla. I am now W , years of age and am thankful t you. for .what your medloin ha don for m..- F. CATCHING, lot Bumslde st Portland. - Medicine oia on guarantee 11 Dotti,at watt AMatthleu, 171 Ruesell St.; Woodard Clark. ; ' cor. Fourth and Waahingtonj Skldmor Drug Co.. . HI Third St.; Alblna Pharmacy, IIS Rue- 'aell at, Portland; George . A. Harding Oregon ' City; Bt Johns Pharmacy, 8t Johns. . - .., PortlAnd, : Oregoiv- July -19, - 190V sincerely yours, D.C, BURNS. Reason For It- , (I (I th fruit,