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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1905)
.L ZIVZ CT.ZZZII' DAILY . JOUUAL. rCHTLAIID.1 TIIUHSDAV EVENING, JULY 3, 1505. t r t f-Tixaio ahd vzm: 4 tTBAM CLBANINQH. -tg V. t aJoeed. plant lati --.r ia ' t -t; , mu i wor- s ereciaiiy. Tee ueane are. B- M a. rqTLAM blCAtf CLEANING. Bit 0 ". practical Miur IB eooaectloB; teaioof i and Dium Cleaned aad onrled kl u t CLOTHES tlM4 sad Mwa II M swat. IJBlqu Taltortag Co., MT Waahlngtea a. 8. W. TURNBB, -wofeaelaeal dyer and BO Jofforeoa at.- Pkoa Mala Hit.. tiuuii An xacx ooxvAirizi, .KHB UNITED CARBIAOa OO. OrrilfH, -tally -be rift and earrr-alle. 151 IWmlt : t, oor. hiurrieo. Pboa Mala Ut TJST opened, acttUmnt; Im level Tllr i land; no Jton or tlmberr waUr and Boll V Bret clee. Goat In and tot loeat M, . 'Boos M Ubb bid .. Second and Waehlaf tea, CLATBTOTAST ABB FAUCET. ' 1. VAN OOrVrtAND, "j , CLAIRVOYANT. ' Ha will tell jou full Vaa. whom and ' wkaa you will marrr n(1 wlaat roa called " far wltboat aakln a uatloa. .Houra, to ,- 4 dally and Buodaya. Bpaclal raadlrica, BOe. ' '' "L' ' 0tt 600 f" . , s. i uirii ISnOBIA, Qatoa of clalrroyaata. .' 8ha (OArtBtaot to road arerr lacldaat of your Ufa. paat, preaant and fa turn. Room 129 Altaky kad,., MB atoc kwh, WW Aiurw. WOMDERrtlL. TRIAX. RBADINO. Baad dlmo,' atavpad anralopa, own wrltln, Pirta data, or. i. Ltxtt, iira-ar ab unua. Mo., ana mcoiTO. a - WONDERFUL f BANCS BBADIMO. BCADAMB JOHNSTONr-Clalrwaat. polaUal. ,i card raadari 1 rlTok facta rollabla aad la. Ktaat oa an affair of raal Uta. . M Barantli at, aaar Oak. : Hun. LUCT, -dalnroyaot. madluaif raadtkat - Jde. toe thla wrk. Cllftoa bxwao, ant lat at, ' CABHT-OlXABTJlfc ' BATB foor walla elaanad; w cUaa paporod . and palnttd walla; oatlafaettoa taaraataadi . pnoaa raaaoaaoiaj raxoroaaoa. ,. aaa awao- . CARPETS claaaod oa tb Boor; wo rata aa aait. nooa Clay asi, irao aamonairauoa. f. HUNTER Staam carpat aad atrraaa ciaaaar. oou jarraraoa. raono aaaia aim. atanvTSM ajts sxnLtxxs. A. 2. AUTHORS aad H. -SI WOOD, oaraoator .. and balldat: raoalrlnf and JobblBf; atoaa CALL JOHN A. MBLTON for fflco. atnro. . Sitora or rarpan tar-work. Pboma ktalaTtT. ; oram' conn:, CHAB. H. CARTER CO., nat ooatiaetota. t4S Raat Twantlatk U : rkoao But U7. ' . AU work fBarantaodv - . - T 7ar foat arc ot of artVr. f to Dr. WorVay - . BanlamlB, Barantb aad Stark, tb foot apa i alallat. ptoM Blaek !. - - ' ttumsrs. i..!.- 1 NET CHURCHMAtr: oaattat. SM lUrawa) V' bldf., Blith aad liorriaoa. Pbono Mala: 170. - RHIRTWA1ST8. woot at waab atlk, and for el.tS aklrtwalat anlta, , M Caat Mar. at. Pkwa Boat tttl. ,, - , PRES8MAKIMO tkrook dnU aaaaoa s par aalt. i-i. MT Ualoa ava., aoai . Hawtborao aa. . KRISTBB'B Ladlor Tal terra eoUafa aattara. cat to BMaaer. Allaky baU 00. MS laorrlaoa. PRBHSMAJUNa Strictly: a to data) rlatat oaaicna. oao eiar ov. i XU&TBJOAX "w-OBJtS. fcOBTHWEST ' ELECT RICAC INQIMEIBINO 1 y Companr, SOS Stark at,, PortUad. O. K. for v' rrarylhiijf la tb alactrlcal lloa. , Fboaa . - Mala !. " - . c- 1 "PACIFIC Btoctri Co. IalBaar, oatractora, ... rapabrara, otoetric wlrlnf, auppltaai. M lint, ' cor. Stark... MaU Sat. R. H. TaU, ! . WESTEBN ELRCTBICAL WORKS 1 SUtk at. k - Pbono Mala 18. . . - lOttU THB BELLBTUB fl arwlr fa . aalto aa alalia, tll auTlOiS.' THE LladaniotaL Mark at batwoab Third aad Eoartb, PortlaBd; aotlraly aew, Bairepoaa ; aad - Aawrloaa plaa, SO to tt par day. HOTEL Ptadlotoa, Foadlotoa. W. A. Browa, mgt. HOTEL Portlaad, Awirtnaa Btaa: tt, St Par day. -HOTEL St.. aaarg,' rtadtotoat toadlns feetaL flELTEDEBBt Raroooaa ,U'i4; y V'!' T rUEElTUEl VAOTOBJXS. ' '. V . OREOON raraltmra MaaafaatarlaB i Ooaapaax . MaoBfacrnror of faraltara for tb trad. " Fortlaadt Or. , ' - .- - FURNITURE aaBafacturinft aad apodal ardara, ' ' L. BaTaoaky'a fornlturo factory. tTO Front at. innurMBav; -" BOYNTON nraxlr fnraaoa aara fnaL 2. 0, Bayor Euraaco Co, ltd Sacond. Mala 461. , i i ii i , ! 'u-i.Mxjm wax gnouuB.i-y- 1. I. BORO, BMaafactarar of .bamaa balr roUt, sA.-.oto.. 4M Boat MlathT- Pkoao Raat Mil. Boons. WADHAMS CO., whotoNla rrocora, faorarar and ootamtoaloai aaarebaata. aad Oak at. - jroortb ALLBN A LEWIS, aoramlaaioa aad prodoc tjor - - -haata. Tiwrt and Dana t.; Portlaad, Or. H0T1X, BEITArRAXT AID A RAXSrt, ,' '. HOTEL, RESTAURANT AND CAMP ANOES Olbbaa A Baxton A Co., SaTaBtaaotb and ' : Upabar at., lartwrt (toek botal, raaUaraat, Mit aanno. caailiBa aiaaaa aA Mtiiaara. MAMtWAtM. , Portlaad Hard warn On. aollelta opportunity a , cor Aider. Mala ltt. ki. awta prlM, 1W lat at. nrsviAVcc. .' LAMBERT, WH1TMEB A CO. lro lanraae , ,. and roal aaUta, aaccoaaor to Arthar Wllaoa -k v t, Co. I otooaa, waat aid. 10T-I0S Bborkwk J bid., Main 1O0SI aaat aid dept.. dud Raal '. ' Aktor (Cltlaaa bank), Raat dSL , ;- ISA AO L. WHITE, Br laaoraaes, BOO Dakaa .;i.bids. ..t' irg r ,ri. JAS. McL WOOD, employ era' liability and (a v , dlrldaal Mdrleat eorety boad of al) klada. ... Pbono 47. SOS McKay bldf. .11. f- BARTEIS COMPANT rir tnauranoo. 4t Saarlock bid. Orofo Pbaao Clay IM. uoataxm. . kBOWNB'B IN TOWN El part torklmltk aad '". bleyalo Npalrina. SM Stark. Day. aaoaa, Clay-SSSi alabTpboa. Mala SMS. BIEI SttlBf, eeat-lroa hraalnt. J. H. Blrkard- : ; tut, Sfld Poortk at. rbono Hood ITtS. - A" SoHSor THB BOAD OVERALLS "aad not 7 aerica' elothlntt anion made. MMattdtof Brno., aMRorarToran. roriiaao, ur. vmrimv. ll'SHONCf A CO. front aad Stark ta.. print. , In-. Iltbog rapbln. blaak book aad arte aunpllea; work aVn oa time: moat eoaptet ; prlnln oftco la tb waat. .Mala 10. iNDEtSON Dt'NI WAT COMPANT, prlatlao. V TnaraciiU., blank book. , Ikeoo Mala . 1 a """ i ' . i:"TT 19 lOAAV a 1' I STAB LOAN CO. - Ar Mlxwd uft, - ear,, aaa get ea at ate, wl put a'-- - . , . Mon.ii. ' U Month. Week. Vwa H Moat. W r -j. - j ia . f w -w or ii r to u I r f i.A or .4.00 aw to w I 4.00 or (4-oa at J.M ll.4 IT1VS per east oo7! w tori Id, yo bom or k yt Bioiy oa you protArtyl aaasthty MBwaU; Infaaticata; obb lutardair an ' Ufa. tUMma la-i7 Labba Md., UZt( Waah. MONBT.TO LOAN OB raat paraoaal and oak lateral aacariti Apacui aiMBtus cn"4 Buirtaaaaai Butaa bought. . C W. Viit, aw- nacua Biu.. auw ai. HIOHLX raaMvubM plaoa kara ladlao aad Eioia eaa bortww noBay.aa dUBwada and walry. Collataral Loaa Bank, ) Waa ftoa at. fboaa Black Tl. LOANS and a p ward all klada ( aaearlty , or to aalarUd paopla aa thai aotai kwaat ' rataaj aa pubUclu, as 4aU, tit Abtuttoa . .o. raona aa mm. ... - CHATTEL toaaa la aawaata ranflnr traaa tat to tt.OUOj cuomlnf-bouava a auaelaltr. Ka era Loaa iruai CO., aua ADlugtua dio. - WH Biaia a IV 'kin da of loaaa oa food aaeartt' m mwtii rmmm. mywimt ail chattol hMaa. IM Morrlaoa at hnroat rataa: apaclal atunnoa tlraa w at. LOANS at leweat rata oa Mralroro, plaBO) any aacniity nataa purcbaaod, , Kaatara Loaa uiocea, now aaorucB uas. MONET TO LOAN la la or a mall amount om mooa aacurityi Aowaaa. raiaa auiuui . 1 'Back, PalUus bMc. LOANS aw fttrallur. ulanoa; other amrltlaa, - towaaa raraa, m. w. kiba. roar aa naaa' - lag toa bid. ; Mala tlOO. - ' . - THB CRESCENT LOAN COMPANY Salary loan, froai tare to els MoaUiki aoafldaiillal u urogeaiaBj- ; MONET TO LOAN oa Clarkama eonnty land. E, P. and E, B. Rllay, BUS tbaBiber.of Coov PORTLAND REAL, ESTATE LOANS. S AND S , per aaat. Wak Daabola. SM falUas bid. MONRY TO LOAN, O per cent. Nortkrap M iat, lio-ni comaMrolal BIB. - TO LOAN-4800 to 18.000 by . Char la Hlrawl. mn inira sr.. room a. BnrsioAL, SECOND-HAND Baalcal laatraaioata of all klnda at lowoat prleee, eaak or luaUllOMIrta. ' aiaoer aanaaa c, in nirai at. LESSONS line: piano, fultar. banjo, mandolin, , TluUo. talH Pint at, aor. Mala. Mrs. Martin. MR. AND MBS. H. A." WEBBER, baataLBaadw ua, awa inaircrw. naia aim a. lie w .ram. PIANO toulnf, S3: perfect work rnarantaod. c. w. jBnaon. Fnoa aula mi. IAOWITI0-HIALlira.- BB. L. H. HABT treat U dlaaaaa. ateaaark trouble, BaraouaB and nnctioaal weaka Conanltatloa free. . Bgpi Park, oor. Jeffi OIART EUBLTO. MlAnwaM MOTABT PLBUC Papn arofntly prepared aad exerated. .chart maoaablac call an- . awerea ro a ay pan ax iaa cixja - aoa. a Melrath, StO Morrlaoa at., roaa IB. PTTBLIO AOOOUHTABT. H. H. B. MULDER, anart aeconnUBt. raoai 441 Sherlock bid-.; book evened, a dine ted aad 'aadltedi book kept for (mall ooncrrna; nod. rate cAroa; nrat-eua reiereaeea. axain w, PXATDTw. BASTE BN. PLATING CO., SM Pllwt Oold, alleer, aopper, ab-kal, asd bra flatlas. Jewelry work apaclalty. i ' e ( " ' ' - THB ORBOON PL ATI NO WORKS, Ml Waaa iBftoa at. PWeo MTS, PftUaaJad.' ltlnf nd laeqnartns. , ' - - y -; ;- TAnrTS, on. Ajrp -lam. -j BBEACH A OO.Tbe Moneer Paint Co. I winoow-ciaa aaa fuaus. : o tvn ax. RASMUS8EN A CO, Jobber, palnta, ell,' flaaa. wow-Taylor.- ' PLUMBERS. , DONNERBB&O) A - RADEMACHER, aaaltary - rwHuoa ww m wia, e aw BOX A C04 aanttary plambor, SSl Secand bet. Mala aad Balaaa. 0roa Pbon Mala BOOL ; raoTooRArmio koobtb. I. L WOOD WORTH. Mfr., 108S4 The lateet atyle etkfooat Board. fcTBBIB STAMPS. yt ayii. rK o, STAMP WOBKS. tt Alder at. Mala Tioi rabbor ump mi, neacia tat, trad chck; arnd for catalorae. soTrruniA.- THB MOROAN CO.," lot to lit Second at.. third floor, aianoracturera ana joouer or LEWIS AND CLARK SOUVENIRS: booth nd atreet ataada fitted oat complete. BT01A01, TXABITI AJTD XAVUStkr SATES, alano and faraltnr Bxrred, pecked . ready for ehtpptnt aad ablppodi all woe warebona for atorkfe. one IM tint t C. M. Viae a. Pkoao Mala S4T. 0. a PICK, fSc M Pint wU. between Stark ad Oak at., pBea owo; piano bbo i arm tore . aaoeod aad packed for abtpptnff; oaadloa fire-proof. Vlcfc . waraaoaao, Prool aad Clay at. - BTORAOB rpae to let la owe-Jnew bnlldln. 174 water h iier aaiuic aa waawa Oampaay. i . i - ORBOON TRANSFER.. CO., ltd North Slstb. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY N BOOM Wm uixob ei, - rauna aaaia worn mooraro, TlBFlNoCwtt'artnit, repalHnf ad tB jobblnt. J. LoaUl, 31S Jetfaraoa at. , ' PORTLAND OORDAOR CO. Corner roartath and Nortbrap at.. Portuad. or. r s . ' v ji x . f ST exit Avnra. . i WARREN OoBatrnetloa Co.i atreet paelst. aid. walk a aad aroaawaU. Tl JraoolB .Blot. TTIR Trinidad Aapbalt Paring Co, f Partlaad. urnc en worceate lk, siOBTAnrriBs, OOLD 8IONB, window lattarlat, cloth banner. coaoaucai ciectn i(n aoa aitna ox an Bind mad ulrkly. Foatar A Xlelaar, Flft aad Ererett. Pbon Baobaat 466. STEHOOBAPHIR. PIHLJ0 STF.NOORAPHER tnOBTBblc of all klnda it abort notioe. Ill .ami of ComnMre. Pbona Mala TM. " , IHOWOASES ABO ITXTVaXS,' SHOWCASES of ry deecrlptloa) bank, bar . aad (tor Srtar Ba de t order. Tk Latk V . 1 bd.ta. FOB opoalBf karkoot and aaf bartala fa i. u. uana, ee i nwe ax. . TIFIWBTTEBS. TOtTB TXPIWRTTER HEAIHjrTABTERS . , at roarta stxe't. W reirt, repair, eell. cbaa( tyaewrltBT, All atippllea for all Bacblnaa. Standard atacbl IM and op to tlO. " Op yea want tanotrrapbar ar typlatl -W bar Hot of rood appllcaat. . ' -- ' . Pbon Black tTl. tOWBX STTTPLT. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Cotab, braab, aoap. 1 per aioath. Lawnne Brna.' towi sappiy Co., Poortk aad Ceaek. Phoa 42. VIOLINS. I. A. WttCO, elolin -mar and npatrerl work Brt CUaa. si RiwaeU btlf.,'-tl aaa avorriaea, 'WAXLPAPim.' MOROAN WALLPAPER CO.. 1S4-1M at., b-t. lamhill aad Taylor, Portlaad. nVAVOJAJU nOAILAha) TktIT OCTANT OF PBEOOS, r ' KO lot liilRD ST. t . Tb O'deat Traat Oompaay la Ortv. ' luutlCU OVki 11.000,000. . .. ' Oeoeral Bankint Bualaeee CondMtod. tarluaa Deaoalta Besalred. Tim eartlncate laauad. kto certiorate at denaatt Payable npoa 10 dare' call, to day' eell or SO day U with late raat at SV tti nd 4 per cent par an tiara, reepaertnly. Call or lead for bonk f lUartraUoa. " BEN1. JL COHEN r... ,. . i. Preotdeat H. L. PITTOC K....r.. Vke-Prealdeat B. LEB PAOKT Secretary f. O, UOLTRA.... .....Aanataat Sacntary UBITB STATES NATIONAL BAVX , OF PORTLAND. OREOON. . VOSTMWXST OOR. THIRD AND OAS ITS, .. TnaaMt a Seaeral Baakiat Dnalaoa. ' ' . . DRAFTS ISSUED - Aratlabl la AU CUte of the United SUta aaa uroye, axonaaoog .aaa auau. COIXCTI0S MADS ON FAVORABLE TEBMS Preeloaat J. C AlhHWOBTH Vlce-Preelrteat., ..W, B. AYER Vlc-PrealdaBt 1 R. LEA BARNES Caekler. I...... S..-B- W- SCUMKKR Aaaletant Caahlar. ............. A. X. WRIUHT AaaUtaot Caahlar W. A. HOLT FIRST NATIONAL BANK , ' ' .... . OF PORTLAND. OXZOOV. . DeklCBAted Dcpoaltnry . aad Financial Ateat- f the United Sutaa., , Praeldint. A. ! MILLS Caablor... '. J. W. NEWKIRK AaaUtaat Caablor. .....,..i.....W. C ALVORD Sacond Aaaletant Caahlar... ,...B. F. STEVEN! Letter of Credit laauad Arallabl la Eurep , and tb Kaatara Btatra. a "Sight Excbanra and Talcaraphl Traaafer aold on New York, Boa ton. Chicago, St. Louie, St. PaaL ' Omaha, San iFraacteo aad tb principal pointa la tna narinwaau Slfbt and time blU dfawaT la' nn to nil en Loodoe, Pari,. BerUn, Fraokfort-la-tfc. Mala, Hongkong. Yokohama, ' Copaabagea. Chrtatlanta. Stockholaj, St. Petersburg, Mot BW, Enrich. Honolula. " - t ColloetloB Made oa FarorabU Term. M1 IBCKABT8' NATIONAL BANK. ;, roiTLito. ouaoi. J. FRANK WATSON......... .Ptwrldrnt R. U DURHAM... VkM-PraldBt R. W. HOYT Caahlar OEOROB W. HOYT. AaaUtaat Caahlar - Traaaaot a 0 ana ml Baaklag Basis. DratU aad LMr of Credit leaned Arallabl to All Prt of tb World. , . '"' ' ' Collactlooa a Specialty. ' ' -. LADD A TlLTON. BABXIBB. " 7 , " (Eatabliahed la IMS.) -Tiaaaaal a daaral Banking Boihieea. Cllctloo mad at all polat oa faTorabl tarma. Letter of CMdlt leaned aralUnte la Europe and all polata la tk United Bute. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Traaafer old oa New York, WtabtngtOB. Chicago, St, Lou la, Drnrer.' Omaha, San FraaelM - tad Montana and Brltlablambl, L ' Exchant aold b Londoni Pari, Berlin, Frankfort, Hongkong, Tokobagaa, Manila aad Hooolala. - .- ' - - ' SBCURrrr savtnos a trttst company. , MS Merriaea St.. Pertlead. Or. - -; Ti t a Ooaaral Banking Bbsumb, 'J-.. . SAVTBOS DEPABTMINT, - - - . Iatareat Allowed Time aad Saetug Depealta, - ' Act aa Trosto for Eatate. Drafts and Letter of Credit A.alUbl la All Put of tb World. -, a f. ADAMS., ..................... .Prealdent L. A. LEWIS.. riret Vlce-Prealdant A. L. MILLS. ...........Secoad VkM-Praldet R. 0. JUBITB. Secretary E0. F. RUSSELL. ........ .Aaaletant Secretary M ORRIS BROS. A CKRTSTENSEBT. . Ula First St., Fartlaad, Or. Offer Gllt-Eng lBttaMnt la Municipal tod - . Railroad Bond. Writ or Call. - MORTQAOB UOAINS 0 Pert lead Reel Xatate at Leweat Be toa, , Titlae Inaured. Abatraeta Fnratahad ,';., TITLE OOABAXTEB A TBtTIT CO. -- Ream 4. Okaaibar f Cimmirna - I SPOKANE LEGISLATING " ' AGAINST RAILROAD LINE " V (Special Dlapatch to Tb. JooraaL) Bpokan. July 10, At th hut moot-1 tns of th city council th report or its ubcomnntee, which rendered a rport fsvorlnr tb prmsnnb- closing of Brown street and th building of subway under tb railroad tracks on pBpragua avnu ner Dlvlaloo,. street, nd for which tho - city was . to - con tribute 25,000,' was unanimously T jacted. - ' : i ' ' ' Followfhs: this : decision to . kill tho proposition from tho Northern Paelfto railroad a resolution waa passed to ap. point a safety plan legit' latlon for controlling th speed of trains Inside th eityjrnlts, and for providing watchmen . at "railroad . crossings i- and gates. . '' -;- RUMOR OF FAVORITISM " ; "REACHES GRAND JURY (VelAi Dlajwtok' t Tb JoorasLT T . Spokane, Wash., July 10. A thorough Investigation of the administration of ex-County Treasurer George Madgett may be undertaken by the grand Jury, which yesterday olosely Questioned . oral witnesses concerning the favoritism practiced in the sale of delinquent tax certificates to the Security Savings eo elety, of which Mr. Mudgett la now sec rotary. Witnesses admitted hearing ru mors, but denied any personal knowl edge. Investigation of . the offices t of county officials is proceeding. No sub poenas have yet been lu4 and no indictments are la prospect for several days at least' , '. ' . , , - - v., .. . DnMCQDAifr DoniiriUT ; .TO DALLAS FOR TRIAL " (Spodal Dispatch to Tb JobruL) ' Dallas, Or., July ft. Carl Bonebrake. alias Chester Benson, who about three months ago. stole a bloyAe and lit In coin from the Dallas steam laundry, was caught yesterday In Vancouver, Wash ington, and Drought here - last evening by Daputy Sheriff M. A. Ford to fae the charge of burglary. He was placed In the Polk county Jail until hie pre liminary bearlnr. Bonebrake Is IS rears of age. When1 he stole, the money and bicycle he rode the wheel to Salem, and there .he disappeared, v .' , , MORE MEN GO OUT IN v ABERDEEN MILL STRIKE i' " (Bpdal D la natch to Th Jon ru 1.1 -' Ahardeen. Wash., July I. No settle ment has yet been reached regarding th strike of the mlllmen. The striking yard men have' organised A union, and if successful in their plana will call out every mill worker on th harbor. Com mlttaes have ben appointed to watch all train and prevent the bringing In of outsiders. Th mill owners have decided to close each mill wherever the strikers appeared and made threats. . ' T "'-'" Attempt io Wreck Train - (Special Dlapatch to Tb JooraaL J Icaonoose, Or., July 10. An attempt Wss made lt night to wreck the Twin City exprese on the Northern Pacific by placing a" Steel rail across the tracks A few miles west of Scappooee. The en gineer saw the obstruction In time to check the snetHl ,of the engine, which struck the rail and bent It In the shape of v a horseshoe before the train ' was stoppedi " .... .r. Stabble Tire as Wall Walia. ISpeetat Diana trk M Tk JoanaLI ' Walla Walla, Waeh.'July 10. A bad stubble fir at the old Harvey Shaw place southwest of Walla Walla threat ened a number of big -grain flalda yes terday '-afternoon. ' Th blase was put out by farmers tad throahermen after an hour's hard work. A high wind was blowing st the time. ,' ' corns too San m ax Vititort . Throw Away Harrlman ; Tlcktts ; and Co to 8an I; Francisco Via Seattl. : HUM0RED3 FORCED r T- TO CO TO SOUND PORTS Business Becomes So Htsvy in tho I North Tban 'Another Stetuner WW Hsvs to B Put on at Onct to Ac commodate Fair Visitors. ''y-. ', As they are unable to get accommoda tions - m- stesmr plying frorrr - Port land, many visitors to the fair irom southern California : and eastern states are throwing away their Harrlman tick eta, golng'to Seattle and taxing passage to Ban Francisco on the vessels operated by the Paolflo Coast Steamship com cany. The local agent of the latter Arm estimate that fully 10 people are taking this course every five days. The .trav eler say they prefer to forfeit th transportation paid for In order to get the short sea ride to th Bay City. So far the Paolflo Coast Steamship company has been able to lake care of the overflow traffld from Portland, but the agent says the buslneso Is Increas ing to such an extent that It la probable another steamer will be added to the flaet very shortly. 'The Valencia, whloh has been on the Nome route, la avail able. She Is one of the atamea.for which B. P. Schwerln was negotiating to place in commission oa the. Portland-. San Francisco route. - Seattle Is making a bis; effort to in duce the Portland ? visitors , to extend their travel to the sound, and Is meet ing with success. Lars postars wr received this morning Stating that tho who ar visiting th fair will be given a four-iay tea mr trip to. the various sound cities for 1 10, including meals and hotel bill.' The itinerary . will Include Seattle,' Tdcoma, Victoria; Vancouver and all-ths. other towns of any conse quence.' 8 trip "Of from two to six hours will, be made at each point Local ateamshlp man aa that thslr northern neighbors will get many , peopi irors Portland up there on these terms. ; ,- REOyCINQ TIME TO ISLANDS. Smarloaa-aTawallaa tasa tJompaay , Will Ship Throturk sT-cloa."w ' Charles T. Besba at Co local agent' fne .. th A m.rlpHD.Hieill.n Ataamshln company, have received word that within the next nine months the rrlgntrs ox that line will give a weekly service be tween New York and the Pacific coast. This will be, made possible by shipping th freight across Mexico -on th To huantpa National railroad, - which hi neaiing completion. The steamship line baa closed a contract with the railroad company to handle Its freight until th Panama canal 1 built. 'Of cours. when the --r has hssn tmrniTimil tfrt FtTin- sra will take that touts. At preaent the nine steamers of th American Aawallaa line' are plying from New York to Honolulu by way or Ban Franciseo and other Pacific Axaat porta It usually rsqulrea 10 days to mske the passage around the Horn, but under th arrangements with th railroad 'company it ia aaid tha freight can be delivered at Honolulu It days from New Tors, Oenerai . mercfiandlae is carried from New York by the taamer. whli sugar eonstltut th bulk of the freight from tb Islands. v-Contraet-for the construction' of a couple of -additional freighters - bv4 been let by the American-Hawaiian company to the Union Iron Works and will be delivered in less inan iwo yaara. Th aggregate cargo capacity of the nln -ateamere - la-oommla Ion--reecho 11,000 tons. They have aa average speed of 11 H knoU an hour. Several have been at Portland, and all who saw thsm declared thy ware the best type of freighters hat ever came up the CoJum-1 Whan th arrangement mad with me Mexican Railroad company is In effect it ia believed that one of the steamers will call regularly at Portland on tho trip to the Uland. Much of the- freight they bring from th eaat is discharged at San- Francisco and shipped by rail to this euy. With th schedule cut to lass than half it is more than probable that the steamer will make regular calls and may extend their trips up the coast to tu sound. I ; : SAILING POSTPONED. . " -i i Aragonla wni - - Take - Oa Additional , rioar aad Win 0part Satarday. The steamshtp-Aragonta will not" sail until Saturday, which will gtv time to take an additional flour shipment con tracted for at the eleventh hour. The last order will comprise MOO barrels, mak ing th freight in this line .amount to more than 11.000 barrels. , By measurement the AragonlA will take out in the neighborhood of 4,401 tons, whloh Will be short of a full cargo by about l.f00 tons. Aside from the flour th freight will consist of ma chinery, lumber,, leather and tin. At this season of the year the shipments are usually light from every port on the coast Exporters expect an Improve ment In the situation about the time the new grain orop has been placed on the market -" ' " ' ' - The AragonlA ' moved - this morning from the flour mills to the Alblna dock, wher th balanc of hr freight will b placed on board. ', v.. . v :i . ,,.,;' IJSED WRONG SIGNAL. ' Captain of Wshtsalp- tni h Tlrurt Soat : ; Vews of Dlsastta By Mistake. . .. Br flying the wrong signal th cap tain of lightship No. ST, whloh wss en route te the sound, caused the report to get out that the vessel naa met witn a -terrible disaster. When Interpreted his signal read: "Report, me by tele graph to the owners; boiler burst and several men killed.' tie meant to report that the propeller and , steering gear wr disabled. - Dlatrlct Forecatr Heal received aa account of the affair thla morning through the msll from. Ia. O. Sutton, chief operator st Jatooah. When he redd the slgpsl Mr. Suttod stated that he had some doubts as to whether an ecldant had occurred, but the only thing for him to do waa to report it a rqutd. v k -snasaaMa to 4 Bpaw. r ' t The work of ssbulldlng the lighthouse Under Mansanlt wll) begla soon, 140. 000 having bn pproprltd for that purpoa Tb val is one of the old est In the service, and If th work of putting her in condition is delayed much longer It 1 ssia inn ne win nut do worthy. She I now preparing to its a trip to Cape Blaneo. On board th Hathr Captain U C HUnr, Inspector We treat successfully all private ner- ' vous aad chronic dlsass of mai ala ' blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and threat treubl. W ur SYPHILIS (without raaroury) te stay cured for- ever, In IS to SO daya Ws . remov STRICTURE, without opera Uoa or pata, U it day,-. W atop drains, th result f self . sbuse. lmmdlatly. W eaa roator th eexual "visor ot any man under IS by , means or local tratmAl peculiar . ourtalvea. . -..Aj. fa a ewe InrlAeerl waat a en. vua v vwuui a iavva . . '0-:.. iii a Week v. , :;. 's The doctor of this Institute sr alt ragular graduates, -.have bad many year' xprlnoa, hav bn kaown In Portland for it year, hav a reputation to maintain, and will undertake no cue tinleae certain cure eaa be ofTocted, . - W guaranto a cur In every case we onaeriaa. or enarge no ro. conauita tlon fre. Letter cimndentlat Inatrue- iiv a wok txttt MiM maua xr alaln wrannar. . W cure the worst eass of piles la tlon. Cur guaranteed. . aafutU "LIU' mc w" to for sjnestlea i blank.Hom trtmnt fru Offlce houra t te I and T to u Sunday an4 holidays, J te tiS :'si DR. W. NORTON DAVIS; CO. ' Offices In Vsa Ney Hotel. ti Thlr d Street. Ceaoar Pin. Portia Or. In,. this district, left this morning for th sound. Th station there will bd supplied and the light buoys repaired. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. '-.4. , . V '"' BJ. J. ..Holt, general manager of the California V Oregon Coast Steamship oompany," cam from Baa Francisco to visit the fair,- . Near Fisher's Landing th dradg Portland., chartered by th -Columbia Contract company, began work yester day clearing tji channel to allow barges to tak out full cargoes front the rock quarry thru.. ..., Barkentlne John Smith haa been char tered to load lumbar at Portland for th California coast; . sh 1 1 now an rout . from Ban Pedro. . "' Tomorrow tit steamer Charles B, Spencer will ..lie placed on j the dry- dock to have . her hull cleaned andU painted. She la expected tq go out on In tow of the Harvest ' Queen the schooner Annie Larson left down froth Vancouver yeaterday aftarnoOn lumber laden for San Francisco. . t-. . . This afternoon the schooner Borealis will complete her lumber cargo at th Portland mill for San Pedro and sh will lav down tomorrow. Tonight the steamer St Paul will sail for San Francisco with ' a full freight cargo and all the passengers she can accommodate.. The steamer Alliance sailed last night for Eureka and way ports. , ' This afternoon the steamer : F. A Kllburn will arrive from the Bay City and way ports. . I MARINE NOTES. Astoria, July J 10, Arrived down at 1 a. m. Steamer Whittler and barge Santa Paula. . Arrived dow,n at 4 - . m. Schooner Annie-Laraes. Arrived at 1:11 a. nr. snd left up at. 11 a m. Steamer F. A--KllWirtv from San Francisco and ooast ports.. Arrived down at t a. in, atidlja'!aioBr-Hifamsr Slllanrs, for Cooa-Bay. and Eureka. San Frncloo, i Juiy 10. Arrived at ITOfmei';A.tjreOTri Balled American, bark Issao Read, J. os Portland. '. ' I -. j . ... Eureka, ' July "i i 'II. Sailed Bteamer Francis H. Leggett, Tor Portland.1" ! - San Francisco.' July' 11. Sailed Schooner1 Halcyon, for Columbia liver. ' . Astoria, July SO. Condition of the bar at I a. m., smooth: wind, northwest; weatner cloudy, with dans fog. .'' snalra t-asto4 f bUtr. In order to meet th requirements' of A navigation law which has been In ef fect several years river steamers ars being 'provided with stairways leading from th proraanad to the lower 'deck In place or the iron iladder which hav bn- In- a. Tb steamer orthweat of tb Kellogg line has Just been fitted out wlta stairs and the Joseph Kellogg, belonging to the same oompany, will be supplied wlin them at once. While th change1 Is being msde the Northweat will b placed on her run between Port land and tb Cowltts, going out on her first trip on Saturdsy. . .'. "wax bm nO jsAft. Early next ' week another mammoth log raft will b taken from. the Co lumbia river to San Franclco by-the steamer Francis H. Leggett. which Is now en route te Portland from the south. The steamer will also tak out a full cargo of grain, which will be upplld by W. A, Gordon and- othr Portland ahlppora, Sh Is the only ves sel that has ever taken log .raft down th coast When the venture was flret proposed It was pronounced by experts to.b Impratfticable. peniar th WtUamatte. ' Preparatory to deepening th channel United States engineer ar taking soundings between Vancouver and th mouth of the Willamette rlver.s Tb dredge Portland will be used in th op. orations. ' The - - Improvement of this stretch of river has been long tinder consideration and will prove of a vast benefit to th shipping Interests of Van couver. ... ( . .. - , - '-- ,-. 4 -v REPORT ON UMATILLA SCHOOL? COMPLETED ' tSpodal Dlapatch to Th JoaraaL) ' Pendleton, Or., July SO. County Su perintendent of Schools Frank K. Wsllss yeaterday morning completed hla an nual report of th condition or tb schools of Umatilla county and has for warded a copy of the state officer of pub lic Instruction. The report shows that during he year ending June. II, he su perintendent traveled exactly 4,004 miles In the county alone to visit the 104 schools, covering th most of th dis tance tWlC. .. ''., -A. ' ' .'- Thief Bob Saloon, Pendleton, Or., July SO. On Tuesday evening a' thief succeeded In getting away with 111 IA dime in a Pilot Bock saloon, conducted by John Jordett A man named Jordan waa arrested yes terday by Marshal CofTman on suspicion. but It Is not believed that Jordan IS the person wanUd.- ' " axxxxxxxxszac: "Up the Colon&za" ; To CASCADE LOCKS AND RETURN Regulator Line Steamer : '-; XrMVs foot ef Alaa ttteet daily Fcrc 0 1.50 .'''.'. A r- ., , r tw or thr treatments, without opera i THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. Forawrty located at SM Alder at., cor ear Tblrd, u .. i ' - ., . . Have r Moved ' Te tb' Urge brick hullrllne at S. E. corner E. f Flrat and HotTlaue '."-..r:.t.;Vc ; Entranc - . , M INi rirst trt Br. C Boo. We, th Oroat Cklaeee Ceetr, la well kBnwa-BBd feiaoua lhiOBgbonttba IT. B: becaaa kla woaderfal and narvelna care bar beea beralried broadcaet thrasgnoBt the lensth sod breadth of tbla oountrr. 11 treat any asd all dlaaaaa with pewerfnl roots, nerba, bode, bark and vegeUblea teal ar entirely Unknown to medical adenc la thl cooBtry, and through tb seef tbea aartnlea resiodle bo gvaraateea to cor eatarrh, aatbaia, lung troublaa, rbeuaiatlara, nerToueneee, stooiacn, llr.r, kidney, female troable and all print 'ITfaBKawdocter euro" without the a!4 of the kalfe, without Bdng potaone or draga Hnndred of teetlawnlakK ob tfl et hi elflcea. Call and are blm.. Charge Bodcrat. - : '.- OOVSTITATIOV no. : ? '' ' - ' Patleats- out of tb city write for blank and circular. Incloae 4c atastp. .Addreaa Tb 0. Oa We Chiaeaa Mediate Co., ItSVi Ut St, or. HarriMB, Portlaad, Or. Pleaa amtloa thi paper V'" ; Dn.Gu:::'s IMPROVED V -.".:'. LIVER FILLS - only ONt roit A DOSS . ' i ; eVM HtAOAOHS , . v. PUBS lUOUSNSSB . -:rr. .: - . . - by aiding alReu5ni7 OLKAIITHiqOMPLIXiq-f . -y puruyiag Lbs blood lEITFIlL CM EARTH soxn st Atii nnoooisTS, oa BTBtArxoBT BBCBIPT OM FAIOA. SS. FBA BOX IINONAMI FOR FHBB AMrLI BOX DR. B0SANK0 C0 PHILA0ILPNU, FA, U.S.. MEN tar.VKBOBi, trcttctu . WtIT Bealtlvalv cere. Too ef all wrakaaaaea. Local Kbeamatlaai, Tarlanala. taaatoral Ob atreet lone rnred wltbost BMdiclBO. 00.000 Ma. enefully treated and sot n lallure. Bead tampa for free Book. , " t , ' IIUIU ArPUANCe tft. : Scsttltv Walk BAIXB0AO ABT) STZAXB0 AT TIMX TABUS. North Pacific S. S. Co.'s Steamer NEWPORT Balls for TaaulnaBav. Newport Marah- field, Emplr City. North Band. Gardi ner, Coquille, Bandon, MyrU ? Point and umpqua, ,, . Monday, July 24 At II o'clock neon, from Columbia . Dock Nov 1. Ticket Of fee,. 251 Wash ington Street Phone Maine 1114. v H..TOUNO. Agt COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY :ncer Fast Steamer : Chas. R. Spencer Dally round trip to The Dalies . from Wsshlngton street dock at T a. nv, except Friday and Sun- x; The arwitaerlaaA -of Aatrloa, -riotrt Vagniflownt Boary U tk - .World, - . : ." ' SUNDAY EXCURSIONS . to tho four-mllon dollar K ; Cascade Locks and Return ' leaving foot ef Washington street . at I a. m., arriving home at I p. m, . Round Trip Tickets TI.C3 , Telephone Main 1411. ' '' "'-". w. inira-a, Oenerai Mogr. Portlaad, Or. - "BAILEY GATZEHT Soto a. st.. tva-rs I', p. Be, cfi-H r --, ,- 1 Lint SATtKOAS AX3 I 3--Trains to the East ti'lj Tbreark rBtlaas taBda- aa tnocia i la tare dally te Oaxeba. Chieee. a aaariat .1 l ne aera dally te Aeaane tbreagh pBlltna tonrtat aleenlag aaa ( ally aoBdoeted) weekly te tatoeawi f heir ear feeat free te- the A 4 .UKIOM KSr-UT. Lwmm. Ar..... CBICAWPOTUAKD . SPBC1AU JFZ- ',a - Far the Beat el Baa-. " , . ... . Inaxo, - . - , ' BPOKANB Pl.TRB. -r ..'.4 i '-- For Eaatara Waablas- ' - tea. Walla Walla. Law- ;, ,, latoa. Ooear d'Aleae Dallf. , OaUy., nd Breal Bottaera ',,'.:. petata, . - . ... . ' .- ATtAITTIO BXPBBM. .... . -T' tt .'b' "'-'- 1- Colombia Kteer lii.ietea. FOB ASTokl aa way) to p. m 1.. " aotata, coBBectlaa with rall,r tB1-- fr Ilwac aad n. Sunday. :UU - B. atr. Baa- Satnrday. aa. Baarler. salo. Aalir. doet. I ft no p. m. tJcJ; "? I? Atrta aad Korti Beacb a" Strbl lm l' ' ,:0 FOH DAYTON. Omasl City and Tatabin Blm a. M T0 p. St. (lata, attara. Bath aad 0F. ' - Bali. Saaka Bleer keele. Foil LBWlnTOH. 14,., I 4:00 a, BvAVmtiB "FPwlt-rri Bally ex. Dally " Biparfa. Waak.. aaara. Saturday , a. Frldaf t Spokane aad Uwletoa. -" mmm wax phone Mala rig. . ?'-WrIK0"'C1t' Ttt Aa. Ia. CMaIfl tsa . T A. Ueaeral Faaaaaaw A seat. EASTvi -SOUTH I ORIOIt DtroT. OVBBLAMB BXFBBSS tralBS, far Bale. Baa. barg. A able ad. Baera anta,Ogdea Sas Frea-i f -M a eiaea, stocatoa. Lo Ae aa, bi raea. new ur ine and the Baaa. - Wornlag trala acta ar ' woodbara dally raoept Saaoar with trala for ML Angel. - SI leer to a Brownerlll. B r 1 a a. 0:10. Sk f lei A WoMUa i aarre- ... Bogaas peaaeagor eas- 0s . n to a. m. 4 :R0 a aerta at woodMira wua 10:JS ars. Mt, ABsei aaa stiear too fecal.. -Oceania paaaga Bherlda naaeeBger. 8:80 t- ta." . i. m. apally. v Portlad Sally for Uewere l:M a aa f . 11:00, 1:05. 4:00, t:S0. 4:00, :8S. T:49. 10:1 , a. m. Dally, (eicapt Bpwl.r) jO-:aa. $:t- So n A XB.J 4:00, llTSO p.- ku 1KB ay eaa. S.-oo a. aa. . , tUtaralag fram Oata errtre PerttenS :tn a. m l 1:H. l:0t. 4:63. :2. T: -K 11:10 a. ah Helly (except Sander I S:b. t- , S:S0. 10:10. 11 let a. m. Bleept Meade r. U. p. ia. Soada' eolr. 10:00 a. B. Leeeea froai Banc depot for Pa Ilea end ,,. stedlate palate dally 0:00 p. s. Artie I -ore-la r. 4 10:1 a. ax. , .Tb IndenoBdasce.MceiatoatB Mew t opeiate dally to MeBtneatb asd Alrlle, e aeetlns with 8orher PaHA reaapaay'a tre at riellae and ldneBdTr. - FVet-claaa tare from IVwtUiBd t Baeraaaeet ad Sa Franciae tto. berth (St aao rwaa far tl V eeeoedlaaa bertha SIM. Tlckate t Reetera pel eta aad Bwrp le las. Chlas. Hoooral and Aaatran. rftf Ticket Ofnee enrner Third Bed Wae. egU et te.- rhow Mais CL W. mnOEB. , W. Bk COBAa atr Tteka Age, " ' - . r TIME. CARD OF TRAINS : Portland j ; dailt. CB10B DBFOT,. TeuowetoB Fartc-Kan- Baa City, St. Leal Spe cial far Caenou. c tralla, Olympla, Gran Harbor. Sonth BesA Ta OCB. .Seattle. Spekane. LewUtoa. Bntt. Blll Inge. - Iener, Oosaka. Kanaae City. St. Laala aad eoatheeet. -Ixortb C(.a at Unite, electric lighted, for Ta mma, Seattle. Spokane. Betta, Mlnneaeolla, St Panl and tb Beat. nget So and Uraltee. fnr Chebalbv Can tralla. Tecpraa ..aad, Beam ewiy. Twls City Brproaa. far Taeoaaa, Seattto. Bpe kane, Helena. - Batte, Tellowatooe Park. Ul. aeapnlla. se Paal and xne saax, A. n rniateeM Assleteat Oenerai Paeeeng-V ' Agent , ; St MorrtooB St.. Cor. Third. PortlBBd, Oregoa Astoria & Columbia r! River Railroad C6. ONION DtroT. S I Pally. I tO B. I Fee Marror. Balale. lMOasbr t"F. . n....i, eg.. ... CHttoa, iatorta, - War- reatoa, rieTex. st aHMd. Fort . Bteaeee. fleerbart Park, Seaala. Aaxarla d Siaakira . : ' trptaa dally.' J . A itox la tfrpraBj Te. a. HPally. - :S.x. Satarday enly. IjEteept Sararday. tL aita P. kad r. AV Aetarl. 0a ft A BTSWABT, Omwerdal Age a. SS A leer atiect, Pbea Mala SOA ..we. Tr,nr"ont'n ' Uj Trfc-lriat t; FACT r 13 : liifi ..f"' if lOloei 1 1 bJ-! I Awteea :S0 a ta O0 I Depart lArrie ... .' ,' 4:SS.Sk ''.' ,' ' t.r i '', ' ; '.'' " "' -.' -'. 1:00. at, Trss s. s. '.''.(' ' ' ' '''''.'. 4:00 p. SA, IS M B, ta. 11:4SS. SI. 4:S0B.BhV' . ' L ' ' '"-'