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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1905)
TII3- OREGON- DAILY JOUniJAL. POHTLAin). TIIUr.rsAV ..rev july. " r 'seed M th peateane ex iti r transportation UHik the Mlk a ana' . estage fur aiugl epee-. Far a . - hw. eat; MUM ft. to' " e 44 if, wit C::::::;::::::K roinoi ADTEETnni imnnwHii tVrceuad-rtaagearla Special Adjsttalns Cu l basse Mmt, hew Xorkl Tribune IWIM- vim, tttafc... , r-; . f h ' i I t hi ih ' I h m.'wiij' dwmi, win kiwi t j oa Dally Journal. J year JJ M Daily Jouraal, with undsy, moth. J ally nnai, w aovniaw. . M ally Journal, with Sunday. Stoat 1 slly Journal. S month..... ejj kn lullf Mf nm.k .Wllenrad. SuudeT lii j aournaA wim punwri . T - Jl the Dally iwrelb 'feuVtxuA. stead . t Man. fly Journal, with Suaday. I f'-'-'J JS aaa Aoaaay Journal. amathan k Tha' laami-Waakly JaanaL-'- ";;.:: Vka aal-Waakly Joaraal. to II pairaa ( - Laach laaaa. lUaabntad. full aiarkat ra ftt, l yaar . ......... Ramlttasna ahoald ba maaa by dratta. P0"1 aa. axpraaa araWa aa4 amall aawaata ara WowvUUia la 1 aaa aaat ataaiBa. -1 - , TBM JOU r, a. vox in, ranwaa. vr. yrwxmi tk JoumAi. jxat x rows. rtia laaraal aim ba toaa aa aato at tba illowlaj placaa: ''.' uoihc. ISa-UO H. BcDor Oa. If. F- , pH iCAO(V-Posto(flea Haw aoBpaayi ITS Daat baMfV COr). CihW Book ,tJ?' aoaiaaay Bis eaaataaoca awaaii a. F'ltaaoth and Cartla atraata. . t. , ihltl rTTV V Km Km MMtlff. ;SNAPOLI it. J. lUraaaach. M iVatt TW atraat. ,, w i tabv rfwaMttaMa TTnlA aoaata. V 'AHAUUUrd Batal Newa ataadt Maaaala b'anoaery eonpaay. IsOS raraaai arraax. iALT LAKH CITY Kaayaa Botal Nvwa ataad: Urm Broa.. 41 Waat Baron a atraai. anu. iT. LOUTb lhlllpToadc. Taa TBartl PK rkNcrSCO W. . Ar11n. Palaca Hotel nn ataaa. ana jnoa aiannc aroaii w roltb ' Broa.. S80 Bottr atraat. aad aalot braacta btal Faatar ai Oraar. TtvTJ bolld lact N. 'beatlay. atoaaabla Bwaataod. aor Bar Market and Kaaraay atraota. - iriLS Ralnlrr Oraad Jawa ataafr W. I knanka RnUl NMttla Mm ataad. PjA.NB. WASH J oka W. Orahaa Oa. itACOMA. "WASH. Caatral Mawa aaawaari Fal TaeoBM Hawa ataad. " TlciORIA. B. C VletorU Boob OUtlnuaiy ay. - . ' I WXATKXK KZTOBt. A aUftit aBMlioratloa mt tha. aaa t la ,tb ilddla Atlantic aad Now Kuala na atatra aaa Kvrrad. daa nrlnrlaallr to thandar ohowpra. Vhleh bava praralled la that aactloo. Tat -aparatnra la tha north Caddo atataa aoa. Vinua ahoaa normal. Tha. weathar la focgy faka tha tmnuMllata coaat from Haa kraaelaca anrth to Capa t'lattary. I Tha ladlratloM ara for (raarally fair weather It a thla dlatrirt tonight and Friday. It will lU oooiar Krlday waat of tba Caacada moun. 'kalna, euapt near tha eoaat, and la tha Inter irnoooUla diitrlrta eloadlnoaa will locreaee and 'Va weather at tlmee will ba threatenlnf. ; Wedding Carda. W. Q. Smith Co.. WB tngton bldg.. cor. Fourth nnd Waahlngtoa at. BALL July 4. to Mr. and Mm. tleorgo W. . Jiall. at Ma term tr jMapuai. a jangBtar. DEATHS. . tWONE Jnly lS. IJIHaa Ida Boone, aged St year., at Good Bauarrtaa hospital; eauao, , arptlcemla. Burial at Loo k'lr cemetery. FHKABD July 1. E. W. Plckard, aged SS , year, at Good Samaritan hoapltal; caoaa, carcinoma. Burial at Lone Fir cemetery. trt'UHRA July 17. -Margaret M. Haatiea, aged 4S yea re, at Portland aanltaiinm; eauae, carctooma.' Burial at Brahwrd'a cemetery. - ' - , ' BIYIB YirW CZXETEBY. - V . r- ' ' I- ' ftlngl gravea ' f l. - Family lota r $TB ta fl.000. Tba only cemetery In Portland wbtrb . perpetually nalatalne and cared for Iota. . For ' full Information apply to W. B. Mackennta, i yorcaatoT. block, dty. W.' M. tadd. proaldeaC Tba Edward Holmaa Cndertaktas company, i funeral direetore aad embalmera. too Third atreaC. Phono SOT. . i J. P. - Flaley a--fvn. faaerat director and . omhalBMra.. comer Third and Madlaoa otraeta. ; Of Oca of county eoronar. Talepbon Mala a. - Funeral wreath and cut flower' a apeeUHy t Bono City Greenhouea. Twenty aacood aad Eaet Morruwa. opp. cemetery ' Clark Broa. for flowera. t Morrlaoa etreet. BEAL ESTATE TiAFsrxms. A. H. BauaMna and wife to BL Weta-. ler, eaat 1, lot 8 and north 4S feet of ' eaat H lot T, block 34. city ........ W.SOO . r. Davie and wife to A. Collina. . ; lot S. block B. Carutbrra' Addition to ' " Caruthera' addltloa . 1,600 M. H. OUoe at al. to L. Meter,.-12 S-S , aeree aecttoa townahlp 1 nouth,' range ' ' 11. E. Swlgert to J. VI. Flacnar. lot 10, . block 1. aabdlvlrloa tract K. M. Pat' -ton tract S00 ; 1W. E. Geu and wife to M. K. SeUwood, tWi "J? Ballatmry. Hill J.,,.. 1,600 ' W.H. Bathbun to O. F. Batkln, weat f . 60 feet lota S and t, block J, Mo-jut ' ; Tabor Yllla ... . J . B. Selling et at, truatea. to A. ' F. Bevena, lot 22, block S, La are I wood :- ' Park ...... i....'.......:. To W. kcldt at aL to 0. Eautlaod. eaat 1 -. fee lot 10 and weat 16 feet lot IT. ' block 818, Balch'a addition LTB0 Sheriff to 0. Shatrnck et al.. eaat 4 . Ma t and S, block 1, McMlllen a addl. - Uon ......., A. .....,BO0 , ; A. Harold to E. C. A. Johnaon, lot Jl, bkw 12, Good Morning addition, ' 2S Iawtbim eatat to J. M. Healy, lota 1 ' and S. block 101, Kaat Portland T.S04 W. G, Calvla nnd wit to B. I. Peteraon - aad ' wife. 10 aerea aecttoa 22, toaa ' ah In 1 wrath, range 4 eaat 1,800 - I. W. SnefAeld and wife to V. K. Palaley. , lota '8, aad (10, block 6, ' Highland Park i i got Tba Title Guarantee A Truat romnany to E. M. Durham, lota S, 4. f, block 6. "Lexlngtoa Height tn Get your Ineurioc and aharract to real . eetate from the Title Guarantee A True, 'com. pa ay, Chamber of Commerce bulldlrut, ' Binzona fibmitb. HICK MAN July 1. W. P. Blckmaa. nttaga. In Piedmont: oat, Onoo. KERN July TO, J. A.' Kern. Sate. Wavier tw . , tweea Twenty -eighth and Twenty-Bmtb erreeta; eoat, aS.Ui. ' UNOICR Jnly lb, Jacob Lager, repair te a tore. e-Jt Abler , atreet t eoat. - :inrt. GARMON Jely IS, J. W. Harmon, repair to reaklenc. Ha l lory atreet; coat. (. hlAI.IKY Jnlv 10. fe, ft. Malkwy. dwellln. corner Thirty nlnlh atreet and Bawtaoro avenue; coat, a.WJ. i tAVHI.E July l. J. K. Gamble, dwelling. 4leaa between Twenty-eecoBd and Tweaiy ' tlilrd etreta: (net, S3.K00. KIAMv-ORIe luly l. J. T. Bamfnrd. dwelling. Vaat Plondera be tweea Eaat Twenty vilnth and '.Eaet Thirtieth atreeta; coet. z,nuo. . tlWKNBON July 1. A. T. Owen an, dwelling, corner Kearney . and ,,TwBt-oecood atreeta; ' tlAURIMi-niN Julr' IS. ' Mra. ; Harrington, f na pally Journal with Sunday. moat. J I ha Dally Journal, moa I ha...... ? 15 gba Dally Jouraal. with Suaday. Stoata. 1 ba th Pally Journal. nmatbe.i... ,. S I aa Pally Joumwl. with Sunday. 1 aMath.. . dwelling. Weldler belwwea Tenth and Ekrreath etreetat eoet, Sl.blnV ' " " Jf i ' I.KHOIR-. July 10. A. I-eoolr. dwelling. Four, leenth between Mill and Montgomery treat; " eoat. l.7i. 1 - ShRilKo July IS. tt. Skrtlka, coftagu. In rnrtenHmrhl coat, Bl.IWwa. t SntaTIB aZJOBTB. Cdi'KlSY C1.FB INN, BoH Blver. Oragoal Sae k groea, good tablo, apiing water, teoala, boating and flablngiaow opaa. IVc room furnibed entiaa. Gearhart park, leuae rroat Sue. But Mood at. txrrnitt aonpn. WKitroor CAiir. ' No. as. Woodmea ot the worio hleeti arery rviday alaht at W. O. W.-hall, Tenth - an Waehlnatea atraota. Urfraahnteau will M eerrvd. AU rial tl of Blk bora welcoine. 4 JOHKI'H HDWtlt C. 0. A. L. BARBUE, Clark, 11 Third btraat. rnl.rURIl lodea. Aa. 114. A. r, A A. hi. stated ' eommunlraUoa .. thla (ThurMayl arenlnc a o ale, ' Maaonlt trmpla. . Work la -M. hi. . degree. All Maaona luatted. B. 8. I'AiiUH, Bacratary. Bed ktea. Tha reauau meenno-a wi no ' In the aew wlawaat. Wlllametto ball. No. 1T0H Secoad atreet, at o'clock a. au Back inuraaay aaeauif. tl THOkfAi. aaehoB. L CAR8T BK8XN. Cblal at Kaoarda. 10IT AJfO YOOTTB. BICYCLE takea from street t Macleay bldg.. fifth and WuhlnflDi sta., oa the 13th; Im- Porial. iQ, p.ul, mooel noi, oiara impne. Mil rima, ' Marl- prw, . Mcwaru, sue rwiuru Heading liros.. a xiura sc. LOsiv-Betweea Twenty-Third and, Waat are., ,. luctat'Dook, za.TU. . Ketaru ao r. a. aw. wan, am are., jaouoi aauor, aua raceire reward. - ; . FOUND A place to hare hair auttreoaoa reao- a toa ana retarneo aame aar. raoaa auia 4T4. Portland Carled Ualr Factory. '- LWTdkytarrlar A. !.. ealM , "K1b." Hawara paia lot rarara anuur aiuiuki 6 ho a, aa Trail. 1 - FOUND Woman'! allrar watch. Apply. at J mi ma 1 oforo. . BOTICX. Roticb or to:kholdkk8' meetino Tha nanaal meatlnc of tha atocinoioera o u Toes' d'Aleno Development Company, ,' for tha election of B Board at Direetore for tha cnaalnc year.- and . for tha traoaacttoa of -each other .bnelneea aa may - recularly coma before than, will ba bald at tha ofnee of tha company, roome B01 to 604t Chamber of Cobv Mrca bulldlna. Portland, Orvfoa, oa Augaat T, M06, at 10 o'clock -,':.... bXretary. Coonr d'Aleoe DeralopmaBt Coav pany. ' Portland, OrefoB, Jnly IS, 1906." THl "j MtU.KNNItIM 'HIS COM 1 NO BOOV. EX ' WABTXD-MALaV MILL carpentara, new work, S3; trtmaiormaa. v Mi' oriaerniea. nz.Mi: aaaa ana aoora ma chine men. $2 .60 to ; nlgbt watchman, SW ai hoard; a mill band, ti.tb: Vi yardmen In , city. $2; 6 teamatera. Ml S6 woodaawn, 2.26 10 ..fwt. . no naT m tarn wa ww w ay aay. . . . - W Bill and yardmen, t and op; ao ofnee fee. U HHCKXhl B UIHIII IlIUU, SOBU Moniaoa at. Phono Black S041. XBAYEIJNO aalcamaa tor Oregon; etaple Una; eoaamlaalona; 26 weekly adaanceL ormanent to rigat mi, . . , sw-t Mlcb. .- ' I WANT aoBM ftrat-rUaa accident and Ufa Inauraac'- mrai exceptional opporranuy. Thantaa P. Tnornton. 17 Chamber of Cm- WANTEDMea willing to work hi office or ontalda, aa partner m aauDuanaq onainoaa. 8U8 rentoa oiag.. B nutn ex. WANTEDImaeMllately. trial na lecturer ; vjoang bub, atrong voice, educated. Siberia a Ball- road Co Trail. .. , WANTED Bright young 'man with experWece iH1.i,u,.r u.t.l Urkf TblpA and Uarrlaoa. - WANTED Experienced hardware packer. Ap ply arvace, giving rererennea. b. ou, aournai. BARRETTS .Detective School Laar elaaa fog thla term; redacea rate, aui Auaay h, WANTED La boeara at the Port la ad Brtrk A - Til company. iu. uearna roao, near fair DOTtCBETK jned -totak cellar bfoBOBCL. Uouatoa, .Madlaoa and aaruiia aia. BB1CKLAXEBB to. build T.dilninay Madleoo and Martina ata. . WANTED Barber tor few day. Apply 288 Yamhill at. .. - - - r- ' tar, i tw depa ktmiint. Hotel, reatauraa V of flea, a tore, bakery, laaodry . and family patronag aoiicttea. BANdBN'8 EMPLOYMENT OFPTCB. tit Waahlngtoa at.,' room T, cor. Seventh t raaaa aiaia WANTED 160 glrii to make . overalla aad ahlrte; lnatructiou given to luexpaneucea. Apply Keuataoter oroa., aianaura racwry Apply wo. z, .nor. juei anywr aaa uraaa ava. WANTED Salealady for aonvenlra. t Call be tween T:16 and S o'clock Friday evening. Boom 67. Hotel Northern, Twelfth aad. Mar - ahaU. - i - Itan I Bimmnmiiiv v, eiwiiwpri wwwww oa farm; Swedish preferred; so objection te child. 230H xaamui. f aoa Main aais. 11 1 I WANTED At ' one, chambermaid, - anuntry ' hotel, wa gee 830 per Hon (a; fare paid. Boom S, ausH htorrtaoa at. rnoa viaca rai, auournaa Borne, wage. ov.,, aoua aamniu. rune i ota. . WANTED Woman eoek eome experleac at abort order, trying boUL Eighteenth and Irving. - WANTED Ladle clothe Ironer it PacUl laundry, ri rat and Arthur ata. - WAVTED KALX AND TtMAIM DXt, WANTED At one. bright, energetic, pro- enubia taaa or woraas, a gooa uixer. ea tak np aa attractive propoalrioa. lnaalra TU Chamber of Out mere. . CALLING and bnatneaa carda 60 100. 42.24 x. l.uuu. zzs waabingtom,-Antomntie cara rraia. mTATIOBS WABTZIe-MALX. ELECTRICIAN.- aober. ateadr. Indtntrloua. ta . locat with a ba aad take charge of motor; wiae , experience, m au, car aournai. LAWN, garden and bona work . wanted by an experienced man; amall wagea. a. oi, aoumat. BOY IS year would like poeltloa, as efflc or orrana ooy. A. ai, car aournai. UTVATTOVt WAlTTID-raiALX. SITUATION wanted by nlddl-gd lady; beat boueekeeper; -wouiu ilka tn car or a una ower'e bom. Addreo K 60, ear of Joarnal. TOUNG Mdy of good aooearanc waat poatrloB In pnotonraph calbry with chanes t learn ' retouching. Addrean I 60, Journal. SITUATION wanted, ' eapabl roang Woman, hoy 6, aa bouaebeeper; family r Widower. 23&H TamhllL .Pbona Mala SdlS. k . WANTED By aa experienced ateimgeapbrt, position; ea aire plenty of reference. Ad dreaa L. L. 12, care JournaL .. ( AN experienced woman want work by day or bonr. A fl dreaa K 62, care Journal. nfPLOTlfZBT A0EBCIS. PATirC COAST EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Beawved to 11 North aeeoad ex. Phoa ' Bed 151. HANSEN'S EMPIOYMRNT OFF1CB. - 0B MEN, - - jf (8 N. Secoad at. Phoa Mala 1624 PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor contra tore; help free te employere. 216 Morrtaoa, HELP' wanted and en ported.' mat ar female. B. a. DRAKE, tool Waahlngtoa at. Clay 440. SCANDINAVIAN Emp. Oo.t J no. Anderaoa; for men and wenwa. 270 Burnalda. Mala BOM. IBS MORRmoN Colombia River Rmp. agoacyt . akllled labor furnlahed. Phone Mela Sta. WAJTTID inSClXLABIOUS. WANTED More aarnytnf and WbltawnaMngi . tba enly gaaotlno mmpraaii d air apraylng r entflt on the eoaat. M. 1. Morrea Ca, li eiiiwanaiv pi. roon r.eai xoit. FOB BERT STORES. FOR RENT Stor VnSti; n grocery. Importing C 108 rith at.- , 4 . Taatara WABTKS-rAaXVTa. AOBNTS W Alt TIED Te sell aar aaaortn kl'h : a-rade anraory atoek; new. and eoaaplata et fit taralabed fnoj eaah Waealyi wrlta to ; aay for cBotee of territory. Capital City Manery oo aioat, wreaoa. AOBNTS wanted 4o aell atorlea of Old Oregon. , onaa Dooa tor, svi AMar ar. - WAXTXD TO KXXT. WANTKI) Kooma and fata for fair vuritore oa waot aide; Uat your, vacant bouaaa ltk aa ir yoa waat ueai' reateai wa nave coatom for raBbJeac aad bualnoaa property oa waat aide. ' HOBAK TA0OABT, 10 Sixth at. WB baee ealla oeary day far neaat'aodaea ana ruraianea noaaoal uat your property wtta llA BUth at. uooba p xadfart, WANTED To rant 'a well furnlaked reomlna. boaea of a boat 9 Toom, - la good loeatloni Mate tarau. Addraas r. u. Boa aie, city. WANTED Two houeekeeptof rooaM, near fair. rnona saat ma ror pariicnuuo. WAjrTED-JTa'AlfOIAt. IO BOKHOW IIKIt oa auburbaa property, S yearn, a per cent; gooa aecaniyi ao aroaara. K 63, ear Journal. fob ibt Koracxxxrar KOObta. FOB BENT tttrnlahad - bouaekeeplngooma la boat brick block on aaat aide; gaa rangea, bath, etc.; a tranaleatas prtcaa Baoderata. Wan bik . 108 . Unloa are.,- out. Boat Alder. Pboao faloa KMi. - LAUGH now olegaBtly furalahed boaaakeoplna rooeie, enl table ror largo parttea; gaa range, running water. Tba iewnadala, BOSH Alder. 11.7ft PEB WEEK Large, clean, furnlahed boaoeKoepingooma, auiianio lor people; laundry awl bath, lad Sherman, Boar, Front. 1 TEBWKEK rnrnlabed roomn. bauaekeep. U priTiiegea. u. a, i-iggoii, lawyer, owner. Phono Bond BOO. 4 Mulkey bids. an B0178EKKEPINO roome. furalahed, anrur nlabed. cheap; baantlful location. Dlckaoa, t'nlTeralty Park, ooott 12M. . 211 8EVENTU ST., cor. Salmon Lower floor lor nouaekeaping,'- au moocro; nice yara; gaa range. . SMALL houaekeaplnfrnoma; alnk - groand floor; 12.80 par week.-Call a CUy at., cor. becond. . Fl'RNISHED hooaekaeptng-rooma, groand floor. JUS Colijoiblg, at., betweaa rirat and awaoud. THE LINDA YTSTat. nicely furntabed boaaekeea. log aaa eiagie roome roaanaaoia. 91 tin. 1081 CORBETT - ST. 4 booaekeeprag room. Phoa Mala 6T68. FURNISHED room for light housekeeping. . Harrison at. -. FOB BENT HOUSES. MEW na oa aoutbwoat aaauaf of Hancock and Eaat Tweety-elub at.; cement cellar, , bath, furnace, gaa aad electric light. B. M. Lombard, 614 Chamber mt Ooauawra a SuO Hancock at. . , , . FOB RENT Aa entirely modern bonee. 1 from twa car line, larg bath room, tllod; ba furnac. hot water bealer, waab Jrara, faa ana ewccric ligBt, larg sot. Id W llllama are. A. O. brueh. FL'RNISHED bona for rent to careful adult ' tenants, 4-room bona for Aaguat; may- oe ; cuny one bedroom now". - 408 Eat Eighth St. Take Waver ly car. v KADDRBLY" TBANSrEB-COMMirsiON CO. Plana aad turaltara moved promptly by ex : per fenced mem. -110 N. Third st. Mala 1685. SIX BOOM new roodera bona, corner lot, East Thirty-fourth, near Division at.; reasonable. Pbona Black 2074. .Boom 420 Commercial blk. FOB BENT Newly repaired 7-room cottar, . 626 Marshall at. Call at room 48. Hotel Northara.. Twelfth and Marahall ate. - FOR RENT Completely furnlaned 6-roora cot , tags, ateel ang and gaa store, 447- East DavU it. ,V .. - .... v , S-BOOM moderd eottage, furnish ad, near Wood , lawn, 816 per moalh. Apply 2044b Wash- Ingtiai al i , -ri . , , in 1 6-ROOM cottage, partly . furnished: nod Iocs . lion, 1 inqnira wia 1 narr, bridge. . - NEW T-room morlern booaw on Baat Ankeny car lino, innuir ovz Eaat Aaa. : 1'nooe seat 2087, FOR BENT 8 room bouse, modern. Bear car. L im. soo coo ava. pbon scott SbnT. AN 6-room modern bona 0. First an Glbba u Apply 171 Third t. BOUSES FOB BEET OTEBTTUU FOB SALE. FURNITURE for aal of B room flat: all sew: fine locatloa; walking diataac: rant eery ' cheap; everything complete for boaawkacpuig: Hi usee la carpet, lounge, utenslla, ate; prlea - raaaoaabla. Call at 110 Sherlock bldg., or pnone mam atii. .. :. - . , v . FOB baat remit en , FUBNm7B, , Whether to buy ar aell, ring a Mala POBTLAND AUCTION BOOM ... '211 Pint at. . ... 8-ROOM fUt for rent and furniture far Bale; rent only 81 price 8200; eest aide; walk' . Ing distance. . Apply 63 Sixth at 11 BOOMS nicely furalahed; rest only 686; wtll . aen it at your owa price. . Aaureee st p. car journal. . t - t FURNITURB 6-room ban for -sale, aood eon. dltkmi price 666; rant 112.60. Inquire 188 Market at. !: 878 BUYS furniture of 4 rooma: rent 410. Call . N. W. cor. Forty atcoad aad Baat Madlaoa. FURNITTTBE' of 4-mom bouo for aal' for rant, 68 Bsoothly. 648-Foarth at. FURNITUBB of -rooa boo for aala, Beer rortiap potei. f sou, van quo main. FOB SALE Furaltnr lB4oom boo cheap; rant reaBonaoi. azT Tbira si. FUBNITUBR S-room oottare for (al or trad for team and wngoa. 807 First. , FURNITUBB of 6-room house for aal cheap; rent 818. 68 Front at. BOOMS ABP BOABB. ": YEsT Jaemaaooato V fw mor Uble , boardani bom ooklng and everything flral claaa. Aster bouse. Aeventh aad Msfllsna, Pkena Mala 6231. THB IBTINO Elrgant aceommodatloiia, aa exorbitant cbargea; dining-room la con - nectloa; price . right. Cor. 18th aad Irving. THB Llndell New tamllr. hotel. Market, be tween Third and Fourth, steam heat, eleetrVf llgbt, porcelala batba, exceedingly low rats. WANTED Boarder at- 170 Glbba at; board and room mo 'per weea. n car, get on at Water U . -'--- BOOMS with board for permanent teaarts, reasonable; , first -clsaa bom cooking. 231 :. Sixth it ...... . ., a. . BOOM for 4 more at 81.60 per week, 60S Clay. hear rirtecntn. rnona atata now. FOB BXBT FLATS. KEW aoner fUt. - 6 rooma aad oath reasonable to family or adults, inquire a)l Fremont St., Bear union avenue ear line. NEW,' BMdera 8-rnom Sets, Including ateel and faa range, ri e nary net SHarreueo, eaex mo, nqnlr 284 Larrabo. .. . . FOI'R-ROOM flat, all modem Imnreremeota Pnone Kast B f. aonreee no nscramento at. FOB BEET OAMPS. EXTENSIVE abady and completely arranged camp grounnai space ror rent By week or BMath; feedyard; wrlta foe circular. Ad drea West Arena Camp . Ground, Mouat . t.Km' m.iImi siartland. KYLAND, Portland Height The beat located camp ground- in rn city; auo reet a bora liver;' 15 mtaute' walk, car t blocks; U ap. Mala 6S08. ' - YOB BEET OFFICX-BOOMBi DFICB room t let. A. Tt. MrAtprn. 12 I entb at., hot. WaablngtoB and Abler ata. OrriCB-ROOM for rant. Bongb bldg. Apply elevator, ' AS8ATEB6, THB. J. H.v Fish Aesaylng offte Oreealey A Crawford-analytical cbemlai -gnd . atetal fcsrglsts. 204lban'aahlatei 4r . t , . ' ,t FOB BEVT FTIBBTBXES BOOBTJ, Tim CXIEY. lux.lua fUeenth corner of Taylor, 1 blo-k from Hotel Portland. S blocks from poaioirioe, eJos M modrata-pntid reaiau recite: nlca. newlv furuUhed ruotne at very rrfsuaabla rate and epectal rates to partlea . of 4 or norr Call aad see the plae: will ba ineeaea 1 suow yoa toe rooma a 11 way, usi na piaoa rec tourists ana lair viaitore. COMMERCIAL HOTEL New building, every v thing modern throng bout, beeatlfullr fur. nianea; rooma light, aunny; plenty or tree air; location convenient for either buelnea ar ' falr peloea reasonable. 488 Waahlngtoa. FAIB vial tor Large, clean, aw-y rooms; boaac .. keeping noma: electric llabt: everything fur ...... reasonable, ruber building. Huaacu at.Alnli na. block froaa MIssIssIddI bvubuo. L car. larm to per saa neat texiautn. FBONT room, Portland Height, half block from car. fin view, cool, quiet, eultable foe. oa ar two; price reasonable; - permanent or transient: breakfast If deelred. 434 Car tor (t. Phoa Mala 41M. .. . IBS HAMANN. 1SS N. ltk cor Doyt Newly : furnished rooma, 41.00 bp: awaeaaleat Inoatlea. . 16 mloutea' walk to fair grounds; Morrlso - aar at anloa depot direct to bouse. Phoa 6410. FOB BENT A large pleasant front room la KiTst nome; cnoic location, oa m car nana, th: roaaooabl. 816 ' Corbatt. Take t - car Boatbw . ... - THl OABLE a-nrnlshed reosaj, Hgbf. airy, ree vouanie. witn preekrast; 1 car unee. r.eei Twenty-aevotk and Taggart ata. Baal BOOS. IBB ALDERB On larg. Bleary furnlahed room; also amall el ogle room, Including bath. Phone Mala 1861. 806 Alder. Bear sixth. MABQGAM HOUSB. 14SH 6th Boom en awtt or singi; .Boueeaeeping rooms; gaa amvea, bath, electric llgbtai traaaleBU aolldted. , . FrBNIRHED seoma 60v ap, eultable for t or a pe rnona. tiw vaogna It.. 8 Btorxa irom maia eulrsac ta expoaltloa, Pboao Mala 6408. HOTRL NORTHERN, Twelfth aad Marshall Mealy furnlahed housekeeping -Too ma from 610 per month aad tip; fro phone and bath. .. THB BELLEYUB. 21SU Fourth at., aar. Sal- aoB Newly furnlahed room by toe day ar reek ; term reaaaaabw. . Bond T01. NICELY furnlahed room for rent. 644 Sixth between .Jackeoa end Lincoln sta. ; bath and phono; Bear Fifth at. car Una. LARGE front ' and aid parlor unliable Tor urg partiea; nsooern coo ven leeeaa; reaeoa able. 2B6 Fifth at., cor. Madlaoa. .-. . THB WILTtUR 845 Eaat Oak; enlte beuaekeop. in rooma e.zo; wogtoaT. i-za par waeg aaa up; all outaldo rooma. Scott 664. u BEAUTIFUL, Aew furnlahed room, awell lo cution, easy walking distance fair grouada, cheap. Call TT8 Kearney at. - WHBN -yoa ar hwkmc for a a lea cleaa room, on 1 1 or ret in uxrora rooming ao,. SB Market: entrance oa Market. ', I NICE,-aunny front room, private reetdraee, f 812 per month: with or without braaktaat. rnouo aaat ooeu. . ... FURNISHED rooma, 60a, TBe and 61 ap. Twea- .iieoi asMi waaainjwa. not aaa eeiu batba, Th BowlaaaV - FRONT parlor for gentleman aa roftoemeat who wisnea, room , Boar u center , city. , 681 Everett at. ...... .. - ," . NICELY furnlahed front room with gaa and pnone, a 10 mean. - az inmaiu at., near Slxteeatb. - . - t THB GLADST0NB 612Mj Barter at, fiitnl.h. rooms, Buoaa new snanagomcaii pner re. o sable. . - -. ., . t LABGB front rooms, furnlahed. close to fair. z per wee eaco. iv lcolal St., cor Twenty fourth. . , , ' . . -,. . . , ' FURNISHED room at 80 North Twenty-third sr., aearrav grounoa, as aoa pu cent per Bight. e .. , . , . ;, T ... GRAND Boomrur-Hoaeo. 481 North Third rurnuBea rooma 1 gentlemen; pi .so week up. CHEAPEST and beat located rooena la Portland, 81 weeg ana up. uiisui, rvrat aad Aldar ata. FURNISHED rnmrwlB family, tlJH) and a. smb Eaat lambiu bet. I nioa and Grand ares. NICELY furntabed front room, sear car Una; uao ox -00 in, 00 bbobih. . oat xtorinwica. 1 - MICB fuTaltbed rooena fnr rant with or with. board; -gsa aad WW - MOB r'loul. Mlk WELIe farnhtbed room for gentterosa; bath, "as. a sieuo j ibsi Ilea, ' CLEAN. Bewly furnlahed room, 60c to TSc per any, luu noria nervnieenta at, FOB BENT Nicely furalahed reeeoaabl. 848 Salmon L THB CASTLB 872 Waahlngtoa at. furnkabed rnona ataia ipia. . FURNISHED room with kltcbea. et.. near Sixteenth: 66. 681 FURNISHED room for rent, 124 Knott et FOR BXBT BEAL ESTATX. TO RENT Quarter block facing suin antra nee to Lewis and Clark fair for dancing pa- , vIHob. Apply to W. H. Lattla, Hotel Falo mount. 26lb and Upahur. 1TIIXIJI CHANCES. FOB BALB IN PENDLETON. OBEOOK 22-room rooming .houee, 2Va abarte; 18 bidraama, 16 bedrooma furnlahed aompwt; roeen oelet of 16 bedreema. aartor. kltcbea. dining-room aad storeroom. S batba, , I . tolleu, base meatj 2 8 rat boot keeted by .furnace; houee u . haw. . B block, from center of dtr: lot 80x100 faeti electric lighted. Any on wlshtcj a bnelneea of thla kind cannot do better tbaa to ta veatlgat thla property. Will teke 61.000 worth of Portland property la part payaieat, . Price 66.600; 42,600 cash, balance ea time. Addraaa Blbora A NowUa. PeadMtoB, Or. BOMB SPECIAL BARGAINS. Butcher abop,' 6100; confectionery and elgan la beat of locat loo, on, aear Morrlaoa 6-160, - one on Morrlaoa $400; another eoafectloa . ery - clgara, soda fountain and Ice cream parlor oa Morrisoa (boo. Hurry U yea waot - uwa. subm saorriaon, room . ,. , . FOB SALE Aa eetabllahed well paying Be la a growing tow of central Oregoa: "will rent tba present building and enlarge to Btilt. 1 uer I an opportunity I or auainea ansa to catabUah himself la a ranldly grow ing town where succeee I assured. Iaaulr -or writ W. H. J., at Journal efnee, for parucuiara. , . FOB . BALE Aa established wall-paymg noot neea m a growing town of central dragon; will rant th present building and eolar t aulL Here M aa opportunity for a baelnaa maa to eetablleh blmaeir la a rapidly grow ing town where en cease hi ensured. Inquire for W. J. H. at Journal office for particular. " . - ' FREE LANDS IN OREOON. ' FERTILE -ooll, pur water, delightful climate ' land of alfalfa, apple and clover. For full . Information address the Columbia Southera Irrigation Co., 880 Worcester blk.,' Portland. FARMS, wheat and timber made, acreag. dty , property; timber -and homestead locations; v business ehsncee and Insurance. . . TOWN SEND. .MAXWELL 4V CO., ' 286 Aider aL Phose Mala 122. A LADY v gentlemen wb bei a mU amoaat , at moaey to laveat as partner to attend ; to ofoce bust ones netting from 8600 to 81,604 and jward per month. Call 2SVb North Sletk at. Phone Mala 220. ; . . . . A BIO MONEY MAKER, Card printing outfit complete, locate J (I : the fair ground. Here' your chance te make money. Phoa Mala 2778, ec , call, al 82 Barnald at M 11 B. ., - A GOOD opportunity la a town of 8.600 to rent a reataurant la con nectloa with 6 well eetabUsbed hotel, opposite depot; 10 tralna dally; train atop for dlnaer aud laach.. Box IDS, CantralU, Wash ., f 16.000 BUYS an up-to-date lumber, aaah and door manufactory) eetabllshed bualnees la a good Paloua town of L6u0 people. F. J. . Maboaey, Tekoa, Wash. ' WANTED Partner with 82.000 to tab part In- tercet la good paying reataurant and cafe. Inquire of manager Hotel Jalrmount, Tweaiy ' sixth aad Upahur at. , AMUSEMENT-HALL, booming country towa; Billiard, pool, snooting gallery an taer at tractive; cheap. . 8W my agent, J. ABdar- 'aea, 191 Morrlaoa at. . r PLANING MIIJ. FOB SALE. All Biodera machine and good dry kilo, well located, will sell at aacrlflc. Addraa K 86, ear JournaL SELLING for one half It re lien, confectionery ana cigar etore, good iertinva, atoek and ', trade; living rooma; . moot go tbta week. S12 Pin at. FOB SALE Hotel doing 1 good bnelneea; mnst pe eel a at once; prior, sa.ovv; part cask. W, U. Beck, SuT Failing bldg. zrrmsa ohaboeb, lino 44 awrvlca will aocur H 1 teres t la well atabiisked. paring buelneee; must ba aoe-er aud reliable 1 axuerieuce unnecaaeary, SU Pine at. 1 ELEGANT reataurant 'bad lunch oountar for aale; must be sold at once: reason given. In v ulr A. Stein, 271 FUudera, betweaa Third anal Courts,. ' , . I AN lareetmeat In 'coal, honestly handled. M beat, boa) or write Immediately befor the ' advane. Giant Coal Co.. BIT Chamber of com 940,000 100x10 GOOD bostnea property, brick, Improvement, rented 8I76 per month, chance to loom: a aaaata. Aaoreea BOX 2UUO, city. , WANTED Partner With 630; aaa make d to . 87 per day. easy snoaer! 00 trtflera. 1072 -Macadam at., room 1, South Portland. MOORE'S restaurant and cafe, appoalta anuln . entrsnc fair ground, for aal cuaap. lail rur Mra. 1. J. wooro, aeixM upaaur. 360 FOR restaurant aad 6 rooms, u furnlahed. M block from lair grounds; real paia October 16. 871 Tweuty-afU at. FIRST-GLASS reataurant for aH, or will take partner. Inquire of W. H- Lattla. Uolal lair mount, Tweaty-eixth and TJpabur. ' $100 BUYS lease and Mxturea of paying bust- bee near depot: neet reasons toe aouiug, rent 8J0. Owner. 107- North Sixth at. DENTISTS A well aetsbllshed practice, city ornca, beat meat 10a. en tap; paw caaa. aia dree K Of, JoumaL FOB 8 ALB Millinery, good atoek, fin trade. 7 beat location; good resaooa for aelllng. Ad dreaa H 1, Journal. ' WANTED Partner- ta eetibllatiod bualnees; mall capital required. 80S Feataa blug 64 . Blxth at. - ...... - .' : . FOB SALE Country a tore near Portland. SU mlieo from oar lino. Address K 46, Journal. FOB SALBV-Blackemlth abop doing- good pa nee. A. L. Doug la an, Steveoaun, Waob. GBOCEBY store. Uvtog roams, large atoek, . bargala. 64. North Seventh st. FOB mtBTSL ESTATE. FOR SALE Cbolc tncom-bertns property, 82S.0OO, bringing 6300 per month. 8 house - and tot near atrel bridge, on eaay term. - 8 ' lot In Holladay addltloa, term to ault. Lot .- oar Grand are:, 1.0. 60 torn la Highland park on torma to. suit t bouse. Thirteenth near - Waahlngtoa. 44.750, bringing 868 per . month. Double bonne la North Portland for 62.460. bringing 430 per month. Houee oa Taurmea at. finr 11.960 on eaay terms. 2Vi . scree la St. Johna on car Una for 82,760. 2 acre la heart of St. Johna for 81.960. 6 , ecree oa carllae la St. Johna for 64.700. Lois and acreag cloe la ea term to anlt. Apply ' to owner, W. Reldt, room IS, Waahlngtoa bldg., corner Fourth aad Waahlngtoa sta, flk ilia 6, t. S-room bouses built to order 1 and eo tba Installment otsn: utlna hum : $1,000 to $3.0uO; also equltlr la several bauaea for snle or wtu exchange (or vacant lota; also vacant lot for aale at Seavlew, Long Beach and Tioga I doe houaa for rent In Holladay Park addltloa. William 0. Back. 60T, lb Falling. : : ';-.! ., . . 12 ACRES, ) . All r leered, rtrb land, 8 acre Seaverdam (oalon land), spring water within auo feet of Oregoa City car line, 2 miles eoath of '.Mllwaukle; could be aubdlvided Into eota ar acre tracts; price $3,000;. oaey terms; would .aen one-nair lor gi.oiiu. AMERICAN INVESTMENT CO. ' m Mala 6i3. ZSi Palling building. ?bas -S WANT anapt S block Stephen Add. acbool. r hit -28x100, new S-ronm hone with pastry and bath; woodshed; full plumbing, porcelain bath.'alnk and ckmet; plumbed fur-gas, wlr ' for doorbells; wood fiber mould casing, eras panel doors, natural finish; 2 car lines; must aell quick; cash or term. $1,600; Addroea or call 461 Aaat Ninth at. . -7-- -- ,-PORTLAND HEIGHTS - Big lots, commanding good view; $460 each. , Mix Iota, cominandlug good view. $1,600 eacn. W belters these ara tba cheapest and beat 'lota oa tba Height or In the city; all front ing oa car line; .eaay term. , -. AMERICAN INVESTMENT CO. i Phone Mala 6388. . . . 222 Falling building. S - FINE modern house tn Holladay Park ad dition moat be sold St onc;.jwaex leavliigl lownralso 10 in lots with cement al.lewalkvT alna Hull. Una ' eewtr ja, emprevi, auaas-aia uau water. f'or Information see William. G. "No. eOT railing Xldg.. or B. Bloa, Twenty ' aecond aad Wasco ata. ' J -- . --.-' . . FOB BALB A Sanders eruer brick block" story and be semen t. atureroums. 40 ro I urate bed: will aell all or eeoarste at bed rock prior; ale 1 msra B-raom reeldeuen. cms to Buaaell aL sa Williams ava. goo income property. . loaalr eat W. O. Back. lbs balling bids. ' A GREAT INVE8TMBNT . 6-room cottag, modera. Improved, rloae la. price $1,060: cash $600. balance 4 btilt; caa be rented u per montn. , - EAST SIDE REAL KSTATB CO., 122 Vi Grand v.. Boom 11. Phoa East 628. FOB SALE New houaa, ale location; will rent at ooeo for 626 per month; .rlou rlgbl; aleo a lot oa Union are. very cheap; fur a Darin Invaatment lnveettgat at one. Ad dress 1008 Eaat Sixteenth ec,. aorta, catt from to p. m. . .. . . air DO liwa nwny -a mn u arvmanwa awni 1 bay lot at 60, $6 dowa, 66 per month, and ,' pt your - name oa tn roil. For full dst- tiruurs rail - 198 fooMfk atr WlUlna Real Estate C, rOB SALE 10 acre cbolc btad. 12 Mle from Pert land, suitable for a. bomot anally Im orovsd. bsndr ta L L stoUoa. boatlaadlag and good roads; go4 anlL- For particular addrtee A. at. FoUoaborg. HolMooo. or. 82.600 4) ACBES well Improved, all la Sa fruit, fair buildings, d block from car. . Ima, caa be bought oa wary oaay teems; las - mediate Boeaeeelon; will tsk part la real - aetata. Call 107 tt Third at. IP taken befura Jnlr 28. 6800. termai ooay 4- room eottage, ball, pantry, bathroom, water la kitchen, blocs rrnm car line; m puxiuu; Al neighborhood. 68 Bralnard at., Mouta. ulUa. .....,.'... 4-ROOM cottag, furnished, 60x100, No. 90S . Kaat Tweaty-third et.i,nortn, us verBoa car; prlca $760; 1-6 aaah, balance $12 pan? rnaeth and Interact. Inquire oa premlsea. , FOR SALE New boos, rental vale $28. prle 82,000; part eaah, balance eaay terms; a -. an Invaatment or tor bom, look thla Bp. Addraaa C 60, oar Journal. 2. 4 OB S acre with 2 S-room bouaea, pant 1 . 626 per bmbUi; will aell cheap or exchange lor tarm or city propariy. rr iiio steal .' Eatat Co., 198 Fourth at. i ' FOB SALE or trad, a Jne 'house and 4 lot ' la Oregoa City; will trad fnr country prop erty. Address 607 Baat Fifteenth at A. H. Melluro. FOB SALE toom rottege,-modern, lot fa need, 1 fruit tree. 2 block from par; cash ar term. F. J. BydeK Moatevllla. Pbono Mala 668a. TO INVESTORS Flo brick block e 100x106 corser; Income over 12 per cent; will double . by 1910; Sna locatloa. 230H Kuseell at, . FOB BALB Modera . auburbaa cnttsge, close to car line, fln location, ground lOOxlUO. O. W. V. Townalt Co., 184 First L - A FEW lot for aala eeey'terme near ear- , tlnei good real dene nelahnorhood. Apply ; Joha Bala, room 2, .224 Stark at. .... SAVE agent' eotnmlsetoo; owner will cell 4 lot In Alblna tt 61,000. Tsk WvJlytKr. Inquire at 408 Eaat Eighth at. FOR BALB Wexrtisnte, HMj cre Improved. 1 V mllee from MonUrllla carUaa. , faoulra ' owner, 414 Belmont OWNEB going ranching will aell ale little bom for $un0 cash, for panlcalarav address ' H 1 8, car of Journal. MOUNT TABOR 100x100. or eerllne. T bath, barn, all kind at fruits, easy tar ata. Owner, 129 Third. , ' VALUABLE bomewraad relinquish meat for aala. - Frank Melvrn. 902 Commercial bhtg. Bused and Waahlngtoa sta. $2,000 M0DEBN 6-coom bow, H block from Antony car una. inquire owner, rie, Beet Elghteantb et. $1,860 New 6-eoom cottag aad I larg lot on cor. Grand ara. and. 8 haver at Be owner. ava nnaver ax. $700 NEW 6-room bouse, plastered, painted. nnc pasemaat, lot 001100, wooauwa. raons Bcatt 1246. . FOB BALI ea car Una wtt iBdatro, 81 Baat ecre fruit tree. Sixth ec . FOR SALE Arena bone m Irvlnrtoul frnlte ana Ilowerai term reeeoaabl. Phoa Scott S228, - 1 FOB SALE 1 and B-eer tracts near car 11 s. 2 wiias inw miiwnuass puetoiBC, v, sv. ae -FOB SALE FT L T' 6-BOOM bouse, cheap tor cn-a, Inoulre la B. Bemlnguin. Boaewont av Mouiaviim car. A SNAP Buelnesa property. ' Cell at Tke . uy botweam sad 6 p. m. 194 Seventh at. FOB SALE Cheap, lota la Lower Alblna o ' Installment or aaah. Inquire 271 laarket SL BA BG AJ N Largo building alt. 114xltM. S7U0 cash. So owner. 411 Eaat Thirty-fourth t. ACRES at 670 aa acre. 6 mile oat, oa car line. So owner, 24 Grand ave.. north. SUBURBAN bom, furnish sd. 2 block earaj ao agenta. 460 Magnolia ava., Wuodlawa. DERIBABLB reside noes and lot, weat ar aaat 1 aide. Apply furenoona 448 Third at. HOL'MB and lot No. 211 Twelfth at. Anf to J. P. Broaaugh. 144 Fourth at. - ATTBACTTYB homes, 6 and 8 room; beta, gaa. Bice anrunoery, iiau-rront si. - - - ' FOB BALE TABJU. CIWIRKB COUNTY BARGAINS. A ACHIKIcbVsO acres, v level open bottom,- 1 mil to La Ceater, dally boat,, rich Boll, timber, only IT.49 per acre. ' , .. T. 000,000 feet Sr, near at. R. 62.000. ' 160 acre, good eoll. level. 60 aerea almost cleared. So . aerea timber, eomewale, creek, 6 aillea from Bldxedeld; $2,000, term.. Homestead rellnqulabment ,166 aerea smooth laud, excellent soil, 18 sere cleared, -7 partially cleared, alaablng, remainder eas ily alaabed) lugglng-camp, buildings; Will 'Ball fur V value of Imuauremeats.- 100 acre, rolling, aafcellent soil: 90 'acre creek bottom. In cron. 6 aerea slaabed. ur- chard, good S-room houaa, larg barn, other Pulldinga, acnoolhoua on place,. 2.00O.UU0 leal Sr timber; 6 aillea from railroad and boat; only 41.260, - V , ... mrou other kargalna. .li" AMES J. O KBAWK. . . ; vnocouvsn-, vreen. HOW la thla for - good bayt 200 acre S mile from sad of O. W. P. eleetrle 11 n. 100 acres In high statb. of cultivation: 11-rooin houaa. lame barn, lare tank and windmill. e all kinds ef outhnlldlnaa; fin ateaia fruit aiyori JU acre fin pruna. 22 acre very fin apple orchard: fences all new ; lot of running water: th soli la at the vary best quatPly. Prk-o ony 630 per acre, lust Hitle mora tbaa toe , coat of hn prove ueota. H 6, car of Journal.'. FARM FOB SALE v 1 IdO acre, good buildings, 60 ' acre la - cultivation, fruit and berries, splendid water. Bear town, dally mall, l,000,0w feet of fine tins- aew timber, lota wood, a lovely home n tha moat delightful climate on tn l'a- - CIS coast. Addreea H. B , Woodvllla, Or. . WB ba'tuat Platted . 180 acres la B-acr t lost ntairoa . xau - acre m - o-acrw It hi on of the best pleceu of. I ami notnah onutityt 11 mllee eaat of Port, id lea tbaa I mil from O. W. I'. tract, it I . In Multnomah land and 1. electric line: there la bo rock or gravel: tba , pries la 6X6 per set, sat vary eaay terma. 11 13, car of JournaL TEN acres oa Powell's Valley road. 6 mlhM oat, leys level, good land aad eaay to clear, very 1 llxht timber, ao larae atumna. only a abort dlsUncjUJLW P,. electric line; price $80.00 pcf acre, an very easy term. Other land adjoining selling st $100 t $126 per act. Addreea T 60, eare JournaL. 80 ACBES, mild from Andoronn.atatloo. on O. Wt P.: 86 acres la cultivation, smell boas,' good barn, family orchard, pleaty god running water.-asm good timber. Prlc $3.6XM1; eaay tarm. . Bobart Greebam. Or. - . Wirt. FINE Willamette valley farm, 262 aerea; run ning water, spring piped to bonee, Sa bera, . fruit! $40 par acre. L Barley, owner, tret boob eaat of woofea mill . alto, ; L'aaatiUa ava., aUwood. - 1 - FOB BALB or Trade 6iH-o ere farm. 114 mtlea from Oregoa City eeurtbooe; 4 bouse In t Portland; 4 large lots la Salem, ear particu lars see owner. 462 WllUama (V., ar phoa ' Eaat 6789. V' ... ., , FREE LAND IN OBEOON as dec th "Carey Irrigation Act." Dead direct from etsts. Writ today. Rook let aad map free. ' B. B. Cook A Co., tin ai,, rt., Portland. Or. , 24-ACRB farm, om- bottom, Mad . orchard, spring water, good brn. good bnoe, span of muloa. supplies, Kagls Creek statioa. . Inquire Char lee Wagnor. 66A Lake St.. city, ., - 20 ACRES at Canby. Or. Nlca lovot land, all tn cultivation; acre In travrberrte, tt mile from B. B. depot; price 80 per acre. Addraaa A.VH. Anight canny, ur. . 1 ' HKS, and Blc aew houaa. good well and 1' outbuildings. 400. feet from O. W. P. elec tric. $730. K 60, ear JournaL . FOB BALE Nearly new thresher outflt 28x46 Advanea - separator with esrtlattng stacker J 1 IV horse tract Ion snglne; reedy fee bualnees. 1011 Kaat Satmoa at - ' I IF YOU- want a farm ar wish to speculate, ' bay 040 aerea fnr 61.600; Will take part cash. ' $16 U ragouts u bldg. - ay FOR southern Oregoa real eetate, large or amall tract. DIUard A Clayton. Boeeburg, Or. FARM for rent with onttna of baying. Sandstone, Sherwood, Oragcs. a o. FOB dtl-MTSCTLLABKQp-B. BILLIARD AND POOL table tar rest er tar a aala oa oaay payment. IU JIBUK8V. lCK-SALKB COLLBNDEB CO. .49 Third at, Portlaad. 1 WB print your Baate ba 90 osllla eerun, arape . aim aad style. $9. 260 bualaeas carda, $1. Brow., Sen mate, 129. First Portland, or. stoves, kammorka and camp furniture. Pa- et6e Teat A Awning Co., 27 North Front . LAUNCH for Ml, lesgth SS feet, IS H. F. e gtn.' Mrg carrying capacity; prlc - er Aooxssa ax on, en re eournub - ft ALL or part of faraltara of 8-room flat In cluding new gaa raage; gas water beater bad fit tings tor ante cheap. 886 Flit at UP-TO-DATE candy -pulling machine cheap; . must aell by Tuesday Bight Wlggaab, Penny Area, 609 Waahlngtoa. T0H SALE, CHEAP Three showcases, counter, candy Java, - other iliturBsv. lnaalra 479 - Nortbap t , ... JUST what yoa want $ gaa ateves, good a . new. ' Call 806 JaffsrsOa st sr phoa Black 181J. " ' GOOD team, about 1,400 each, ha mesa and 8tt Btudabaker wagoa; prlc $250. Phono Union 4382. .... , .- . . ' ' FIRST-CLASS good-as-aew organ; fin church . tone; cheap. 62 Unloa blk. Call aaoralng. TELEPHONE bracket and Btaa. ' Pioneer Weed Mfg. Co., B. Bevoath. Phone Baat 21CSV , FOB SALE Smhk Premier typewriter, almost ble. . Address A 46, Joaraal, 0NB old-atyls Keck barber-chatr la flrst-dl exmdltloa, reasonable. 28Vb North Sixth. FOB SALE Boston terrier pupplea, pedlgre stock, la window at 411 tt Morrlaoa t KOKESTXAS BEXaftranOtlBTB. , . - HOMESTEAD. '' W esa locate yoa oa a Sret-elsa homestead ' la th famous White Salmon fruit belt; good ell, some timber, aprlng ' water. Don't writ, bat com If yoa want It. W charge 8100 for locatloa. Addraaa Whit kalmoa Lead Co., Whit Salmou, Wtsn. Bead 'for boob. ' ' FOB SAXJe-tXJRX. FOREST. RESERVE SCRIP FOR BALE Ap proved, Unrestricted, ready for Immediate use; Joweet price. B. F. A F. B. Riley, 606 Chamber of Commerce. . CERTIFIED aerip. Immediate delivery, lows I prices; tlmbcr-lsnds bought and aold. W, 0. Howell. 6M Chamber of Cammere. FOB BALE 10 KSIS A2TD CAXBXA0ES, FRAZIEB make rubber tlr sop buggy; tin. young, gentl bores snd . new ksrneee, all . complete. A. E. Hackeej 246 Waahlngtoa at. FOR BALD Pair drift bono cheap for cash. - Address Mrs. Dell Fall, Lenta. Or. GOOD team, era pons and good business, cheep Address J 46, car Jouraal, ATT0BBITB. f , OREGON LAW COLLECTION CO. 4IT Fen. tna Mock. Collections man tnrougnoat tno United States: bankruptcy mettere a epedaltyt bed tenaat ejected; rente collected aad gen eral law business; aotary pubM. ' ABT tMPOEIUM. , T. l-l-L -.1-1 - - - I - - ' PB0F. RICHARD MAK MEYER Portrait and la ad scape artlal; lastrsrtioa in an painting, water color, etc., and drawing; at gallery connected with studio; nlcturee -fof aala and framtnf to o.dr. 6U Aider at " Pbons 160, ' r Ft "1Tl ' i et 9-roma bon to- axebanga1 fo " re, p b e on ho... hod per month; sulen dl biavi, furui.ur lu good re pan-. Loud Una up. .. Splendid lot la H'diland Park addition to TVwmU lawn to tr.d tot hmlih Premise Irpewtlier, In good orur. . Stock of groceries to trade for furniture I act. If you wish a trade of any klud, csU J may be abbs to plac you. , y. . , H. W. ViLLKU, ': ; V V. - 100 W, Sixth et. - ' ' : WILL trade SO acres of land two mile from La Grande tor Port lend property. J. C. Wester' rd, Kaniiworih aduitloo. Pkoa Scott' ouad. 1 , WANTED Stock of goods 1 real eetate or atw. mill I exchange, for eastern property) gie full .partleulare. Denis ton Bros., kxa soma ale. Wla. " . FINE rooming bouse td exchanaa tor city op ' I'entoa bldg.. 84 Sixth at. . ; . GOOD country hotel, caatral Oregon will trad for . real aetata bear Portland. Partlcu 1 Isrt 812 Pin at 6-BOOM bona and 8 lot to exchange fog Tt" emall howscjifjcsssJoe. Call 107 Third at fX v - fob sale-tib?i. ; 1 TIMBER LAND for aal In larg and amall tract ox irosa . ov 10 w,wu acres m a body, good title, tn all parts of Orsgeni a tea ' 2 eewmlila. Kea Clod A Co., 281 A Wee t. Portland. Oragoa, - ' FOB "BALE Two homes teed rvllnoulakment i, ciaima; eeconu grow in; win u cheap, P. Nrelaua, Hotel Rhelnplala ,. . U FOB bomssteads. timber-claim and farmland , eee a. ai. Hatoewa at mm Morrlaoa st. room 6, Portland Or, , , ' FOR BAI46 330V acres timber-land la Wasco country, growing community, wita U. B. Basra Inqulr 1U0 Kaat Seventeenth at 40 ACRES timber-lend. Yamhill rooaty, $204, s , ' "Apply 630 Mtaslsatppl avsni . Pbona Ualoa v' ' 6M2. . . v .. . , . FOB HOMESTEADS, timber claim gad aartB V , apply to 304 Commercial blk. . , FEK60XAL. LADIES, ATTENTION 1 " ,' Th X-Radlum Medical Inatltute snd SaaU . tarlum ta on et tba moat widely , know ' : medical Institute oa the Padou Coaat fo dueaae of womea. During lb past year more successful cures have been effected by Ita aueclallat tbsn at any hospital la the Pacific Northwaat. - Ladle derlv Am medUto relief from LlquiiL Sunshine treat . meat. Hundreds et teatlmoniala and tutor euce at oar efrlce. Cpnaultatloa free and . strictly coaOdeatlal. Treatment -within tba ' roach of alt Bead for our symptom blank covering our borne traatmeat Private aa. itarlum la connection with Institute. X. Radium Medical Inatltute, AL'sky bids.. Third Mala 2796. OfOce hour, 8 a. Bw't 6 p. as. , IF Making a congenial II f companion tola oar eociety nd meet -or CMrespund - with : ; reputable reaideata of thla aeetl m who wish - a marrsi one unuee. the Matrimonial Beaiater. prlca 100, gleea particular oncernlng xevrai auuarao ttregon aiemuei iixnni -weeaiuyi nu ( . age. Intsrttats Introducing Society, 24 Bus, ' aal bldg.. IttStt FourU. . - - LtADlKS. 1 ATTENTION Any lady (uffertnd from female waskneeo,. irregular suppressed v. meontruaUua, caa find quick and permanenl . relief by calling at my office. 606 aoagb Bldg. . " stANLY vlgar restored by Dr. Roberta Nerval v Globule, obc .Bwat trsetmeat,- a( a). tna,, $3; aeit necnrelf sealed by mall nts, WoodsrvL-eNark A Co., Portland, Or I Agents, 1 1 11 -, BOOKS1 Hon they are: "Decameron," "Hep. ) ... Umeroa." -"A Hot TamaU," "Fanny HHU V . "Twenty Tear a Faker." pForblddea Fruit" -- SO each! Mat free. A. Scbmala. 239 First at , LOST powers restored by tba great Dr - , , - Lores' Nerv Tonic Tsbletni 28c par bos. . , . 6 boxes far $1.28. Writ or en at EyaaeU'8 Pkarmaey, 227 MoxTtsoa, bet 1st and 2d. ; ' LADIES Too appear 20 year younger, r move all wrinkle, have akla Ilk velvef . by using Oregoa Grape aala Food. Pkoa ' Baat 124T. 1 . . ' ,. . BlFtfl CHOONG, Impurtar af Chlnveu Mad madt ' rloes; aelle Chinee tea that la eertala our for all dknaae. 191 Snound bet. Yamhill Aatt Taylor. r- . - : .. :- DR. AT WOOD Moved -from Hamilton bid. -to 16 Russell bid., .for. Fourth aad Mar Haoa. - Dlsesaea f women. Consult. Ilea fx. UrXIAN B. CRAM Chiropodist, manicuring . . asd shsmpootng. Parlor 424 Ablngtoa bldg- Portland, Or. Black 2868. DRESSMAKING, ahlrtwalsta aad eralta.-gent') m blrta, - Th Spencer csmpaay, 126 10th st, : ' Pbon Mia 6099. , ", -X . . '. THB Oregoa DetacMva . eerie: atflce 814-81$ Celumbla bldg.. 806 Waahlngtoa. Msla 6416. . TURKISH BATHS. 600 Orogonlsa bldg., geatS , aU night 1 ladle aU day. Mala 1038. . . . abchitictb. MWiminealmedr tMinWr plni 'Vwdl " oetimatea nrauaeo. v. n. ax am 11 ton, ,ie , Mjuoaalt,.. Portland. Or. . Pho Bcott ' BATHS M ABSA0B, asl " BXPEBIBNCED NURSE give medicated betas, - and magnetic treatment; a delightful. In via orating treatment 146V Sixth, room 24-21. REFINED roan lady of 19. lost from th Mt. artvaa hatha nnd snnaaaam. S34tt MOV ' rlsoa St., room 10V Hoar 10 a. m. to 11 p, m YOUNG Spanish' lady, adentlne snaasage an) hatha. Room 22. Hotel Taooma, 8urk at, 1 betweaa Ihh-d end Fourth. - .. ... . MISS HELEN PETERSON, stranger la city, . 10TV4 Fourth st.r room 6; calaUs usaagi , and alcohol bath. ' . MANICURIVG. chiropody, acalp treatment, elee trie ateam bath aad mamafe. Boom 6, 261 ttj Alder st. - ' BLANK irOOK BUanTTACTOBEma. BOWB. DAVIS KILHAM. Ifl6-llt oVsosvid at Blank, book mamtfacturerai ageata for J owed . Improved Loose-Leaf Isdgers; ee tba aewj Rnrek last, tba beat on the market . 5 BI0YCXX DEALERS. COLUMBIA, TRIBUNE AND CRESCENT, ' PORTING GOODS. EXPERT REPAIRING. F. 9. KEfiNAN, BOS THIRD ST. " COAL. AND WOOD, CHURalHLBX BUGS, have removed from too David at to 429 Kearney st, near nth; ta a.- th largest woodyard la foe city, carry. lag all kind af wood nnd aoaL Mala 98L B. "UNDERWOOD CO., dealers la wood and - coal at Krwcst prtcaa: ssttefaetloa) (uaran teed. Irving bet. Tenth and EkrrratB Phon Main 4878. 1 1 . . ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealer la i ;dwoed. coal , and greea snd dry) slsbwond. B. B. and Al blaa are., S blocks east of ferry, Eaat 674. STEEL BRIDGB FUEL CO., dealer la coal, cord wood sod dry slahwood. Phon East 424 OREGON FURL CO., all kinds of ooul and waod. -844 Morrlaoa. Phone Mala 68. , v , KIRK HOOVER, Sis yfttm st. ayaoa gad coal. Phone Mala 4666. .. ' FOR SALE 8,000 aord fir wood. Phon 2T.T6. " oomnssioir ifiiOTAJrrt, DAVENPORT BROS. General sommlssbm mer. chants; fruit aad pcodece; oonalgnamat 1 lid ted; prompt ewtarna, 160 Front at BVERDINO A FARRELL, prodocs snd osmrnkw elon mercbaata, 140 Frost at, Par Hand, Or, Phone Main ITS. . CAFES. BRICKSON'B JtESTACBANT Marcbaot' tench ' 11 . m. to 12 p. m.t nder new management O. B. Bvaan, prop, eood and Buraaloa. THB OFFICE 2M Waahlngtoa st Phon Mat TTt. Samuel Tflgneaux. . 1. . CTAAKI AWD T0BA0CO. E8RER0-GUNST CO. 1 Dlaerlbutora af ' e- t.- . : , . . ; .'FIN! aOABt. Portlaad, Oregon. , CK0CKI1T ASTD OLA8SWAXE. , WHOLESALB crockery and glsaawsre. PraaL Uegele A C., 100 to 106 Fifth, tor. I lark V1 n