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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1905)
- ..... 1 r -v - : --. -T - - -f . r 1" ' I r r OF FuUIT Receipts Jn All Lines Very Heavy ( and Demand It Not Equal , ' -to Supplies. "J-- ' ; PRICES SLIDE DOWNWARD , ; AS THE STOCKS INCREASE Chickens Slump on Account of Very y Heavy " Arrival ' Lata ' , Yeaterdajr . '.Afternoon Hops Weak Although . Soma Sales An. Reported, Twice. ' '' Front Street, Julr'SO. The principal restores v si id Portland wbele!. market toflajr Bri 0 ; t .. rrnu euppue too piennruu . ,, r . ,, , Peaenpluina go g-begglng. ' J- ST.. , . ; Chicken iluwp after Branna. ,- . Egg market reaulu high. , .''. - . I'otatoe sow dull with receipt heavy. ' . Turn toe go down I price. , .'" -Hop mi selling St hotto-a. , .. .. - kognbrrle cum la very ripe ehsp, Butter market abow Improvement. - ' : Nw -wtaat' eeaeo aot 'opened, s ' i Kirollent demand for dreaaed eoal. '. Columbia' rlter aalmea la crc. - , ,f i ' Trait SappUM Are tM Weatifal. .' - '. . . Tba old naylng - that It' la althcr a - ff . t .a... lamina In tba Portland- .fruit atarkat was- aiievrn today wae receipts at all lluee . became eery heavy and demand took ,: reapoadlng drop.. Wtrmelon caa almoat. aw ... bad for tha asking alone ' atraat. Kaw van ara arriving bafora . tba old one, ara ' Biera'thaa ayiartw aald. Cantalaapaar arcr . . which' tbara ata baaa an aaeltabla dauaad taa . f paat taw dara, ara comllwly ,w-ar and ' . . lower. Peach pluma ara aelllnc aa low aa 20a - pre box. with muck of the arrlrala aolnt- to ' J waata. Ordlnarr pi a ma are abowlnf heaty I 7 rnltue wllh prlcea down. : Apricola Irom loeaTT i - pouia, aa well aa Iron Taklua, are coming . . aa fa.t that tba trad U fllled to oTarOowlim .' and prlcea ara down. - Been brandoa. whU-k kare been aeare of lata, ara fully- aa plentiful . ' aa Ike demand . warranta 'and fti . toawt . . tba market la weaker. - Laauua ara new in arldone arary where and the trade w do lontf ..V Wllllruc or anxkMie to pay tba' exorbitant prlcea ! 1 wklrb readily ruled a few da ago. lane . ; are blarkberrlea galora from aoatorn Oregon. , They are of the tarn earlety and and bt't Bltle- call. ' Logaaberrlea eame today In aa i eerrlpa ondilloB and aoaa eaerlAcea la prlcea had to be nude la order to keep tba aurket'a ' t too haalthj. Aplpea of alt klada ara now -.-coming, in profusion, j Thar are tb Red l .' Aetracbana fren local point aa well aa Call terala, which ara aelUng arennd gl.ftol.aa for . ' beer, aaT faacy Orarmataln froa tha eonth. ' which reedlly - bring tha top at - A ' car of nalied fralta remained ankwded aa tba ' trarfc laat algbt. A onr of twache trim r Newcaatla la due during tb dey. aereral sara of watermrloaa eause ta thU -moniiug. Tennteea Are aUagbut Lower. , ' Bnppllea of tomatoes are now Vry fcaaey. Mewlpte Tfrpm tea eonth, continue to noma faater than tha demaad and local rtocka ate V ehowlng a tary keary lacrea, a I'rloea ara Juwar.. x . There H a better feeling la atrlng beana . ton aeomnl of the smaller receipt, but prlcea . ' are etll - low. . i . Crier ' la arrlrlng : la better ehepe from aoutbern peinte and la quoted - around (1.0043 .1.10 pec doeea. r . --4leeni corn ramea 1a better apTrtia'de- ' RMTtd onlte' anod. ' Pr1fa for' Kaatt ramafn 'at Tlbe ""WHl" Cut'poor aTock are almoat g'lrea away. y', eU aaUlag at the Bettaan. . f""W WWW am momxm IWIMi 1H Ul ;op market the ton la aot any . too arm and ' , It la tha general oplnloa ef tba trade' that the ' . orders now comfng wogld be dlaenatloued If , grewara ahottld attempt to bold them oa prlcea. Tb horning of S8C bales of bona at '. North TamblU early la tha week aad tha , ; horning of ; a wareboa at Cornelias y rater t ' day with A balee ef bapa had no effect apoa . the ; market. It being entlmated that there '. are . etlil fully 11.000 bale af laat yeer'a "crop remaining naeold la grawera' and dealers', band la thla atata. aatnraod b reported to ..'.bar parchaeed two email lota at Butterltle yeaterday. t Tb atock were reported as prime v . aad tha pries paid aa ldo. - Juat now aalea are being reported eereral time by Tartoee r! r aarhorltlea. to ahow , great actlrlty . la tba . . market. .. v. , ,;r;. . Hew WVeet laaaaa t 0sa4,.'. With harreatlnc Juet bow about to begin, graia men are mack -amoaed at tho aamlag v of new whedt prlcea by a morning laeoe.- Ae cording to. report It will be about two week before tb ttrst new wheat la das la tkh) ' - market. ' Horn baying of esntracta bar bee ' reported, bot-tbeea are aot conaldered tb! t prlcea for the opening of (he eeasnov Tba fol- lowing prlcea ara reported oa Mt crop coa tract wr nrpiemner aeiireryi hud ana yea, ?Bc: bluatm. Tacs WUlamett ralley. T5c Of . the old crop there ta but little baotnea e. : ported, offering being, rery email. fhe aoar I market la qnlet with prlcea oncbanged. . rUtos Sail With Henry eeipt. ' V With a baey Increase In tba arrtrala tb potato market 1 eery dull fnd anlet today .. land aom sales are. reported being mads along 7 th atreet a low' . aa Sue per Back. Dba oaloa market Is quiet with, tba tons gaits good. Feoitry lUrkot Bbows aiamp. v. " Recelpla of poultry yesterday aftemnoa wer ' eery heaey and thla canard a decline la prlcea. Demand today for poultry la oult email oa amount at lb lucre In receipt and deal' ere r agala able to buy almost at their swa I Brarra. Bale to ths north waa tb only .thing- that kept the' market- from touching - bottom. Prices ara a hoot la lower all around. . Egga ara steady with , receipt and demand 1 Juet about equal. . . . . Tha batter market ta shewing an improve .' ment tattoo bat price remain unchanged. Cheese la dull and weak. , Beeelptg aot quit ..' so beaey.-. . ; i i :-. " . - ,,-. Today's wbolesalq quotation, aa rerleed, are ' as follows: v .. . Orala, Flour' aad r4. - " . WHAT Oontract. lung New dub and red, . Taci hluearem, 7c; ealley, Ift: JIM crop, V noralneli club and bard red. T8c ioft red, '. T6rt blueetem, Mc; ealley, gfiijtMo. t BABLEX rotd, 12X00 rolled, 1230; brew- ' foitN Wbol. 3T.oai orackod, 138 00 par toa. RYM II od per wt, -.. r. OATtl No. 1 whit. 00; gray. - . "' FI.OL'R Kaatern Ortgo'j . patent. I4.B0) ' 4.U; ttralghts, ' M.75; axanrta. 3 (Off J.Mi ' ealley. HI0; grabam. . i.00 10a, .; rye. 110. gfl.OO; bale. Ji.T5, ; .v, ' iMrLUTi;rP8 Bria, $1. 00 per TOO) wild 'dllmra, g2r00; short,' oountry, I2S.00! elty, t,.'- 2l.iKl: chop, kta.00. ' HAT Timothy, Willamette ealley,' fancy, ilft.oft; ordinary. Ilt.on; eeatcrn ' Oregon.! mixed, mooi oleesi.. IU.00; grain, U.0UJ batTln.00. - :. ,.,..',. ", , - Batter, Xggg gad Foaltry. ' ' " RntTER FAT Sweet, gOe; ur, lie. BUTTER City creamery, bent, StUc; Moons gred, lTVt2ue outline fancy, aoQlBci ordl . i' nary. lTHc; store. HStlfie. ' tdfis Hav 1 fresh Oregon, candled, BlAtSc! Knrendled. goes watern, Sue. CHEK8B New Kail cream, twla, llAUVkOI 'Toutia America, llitlS),e; Cheddar, llWe. poT'LTBr Chlekena, mixed. 14UU per . : lb; ban. MM)14e per ih; rooetrra, old, l5l . 12V4C per lb young, lSlSHe per lb broiler. lilTe per tb: fryer. lBligtrto ner Ih- jaCasi 9 W1A a . Ui EBaar WOr ; geeae. Sfflllc per lb: areaetd, 10lb per Ibi. uuaha, .nO par' dos. ree aa aad Hldos. : f . . .' HOPS Contract, 10O0. 16c; juo crop, 1TK4I 18c' for cholcrj . J8(17o for prime aad medltima. . WOOL 1904 clip, Taller, eoaree to medium. S44iMii I. ; Wyi7ci atarg Oregeo, -; 22e. . J I.., . r? ' Hull AtR Nominal, BOAIIe. ' ' - ' 8I1KKPHK1NB gheerlng, 10J0., hort wool, iv; medium wool, . SOUUIet long WeoL . pvrtjti.Oft oacb. TALLOW Prim, par lb lOSei No. aad greaao. SQIHc. ' , . CHITT1M BARK DUt nor ft. v " HID KB Dry hide, No, X 18 lb and no. lnlHe per lb; dry kip. 'N.- 4, B to 18 lb. 14n sry eair. r.o. 1, snder 5 lb. lt!fc 6 lbs, l4f1c, dry 80 lb n near, iuti ealted bldeo, areer, ound. 80 In or oer, B44 PViC Bi) to 80 lba. 4iHn; under 4 lb tad rewi, atJiee and ball, eound, Stt7ci kin. 18 to mi Ih. Be; omind. 10 to 14 Ih. t'lt ! calf. Bound, sndee 10 Ih m)lle; greeq l--,Jtea)t la yrf la Ires; cum, lo pot lb let J ' TI!VuC2AY Rr.lCES IN ' ' - TKH WHEAT MARKET 1" . July. - ' 8ept a o unicago ...,.. .oh I .1714 B , Liverpool .... s IHd Is IVd d- New York.; ,;, . .. V M ' Minneapolis ... 1.0IA,. ; Kanaas CltjJ..,- - Bt IuiB ,.514T. ;.UH... Mllwauks .10 4 .IT M - Duluf)i- ....... 1.11B MlTiB Baa Francisco,. 1.444 .' . . ' December. Old. .. : ... ' a horMblde. ' naHcd. each. ' ll.BHtl.TB: dry. each. I1.00CI W; colt hldee. each, SSObuci giet ' akin, common, eeeb. . )0fl Iocs Angora. www, on, eecn, racul -. i i ; ' Fruit aad Tesetakle. ' ' POTATOES Oregon, 0c(ttl.0ii; ear lata. 700) TSo ear:' sew ClUfurul, bOUMc; awt. ria, fi.ia. . , . . . . - . - ONIONH New California red. 11 OOeTI M; Cellfornla yellow banrwa, 11.51401,10; WalU Wall. 11.15; garlic., I4J10S per lb. rKKHH rRl'IT8 Applee. new Orecon. I1.S 1.76;. oranee. narcl, tt 75(a3..1 ner boxi laU Valencia. 4.00fl4.2& bledlterraaeaa eweera, xj.ootto.73; per box; baaaaaa, so per ibi lemona. choice. IS.T64l4.00 see box: faacy. I4.00W4.5O per. box; llmea, Mexican, BOe per l'0: nineerjnlee. ax an? oranhorrlM. a mtf-n . I1I4M per bbl; cberrtes, Boyal Asa, g(ilf nee lb: Bine aad Lamberts. I0e ner lb: airl cot. 7Sti8Sc: neacbea. TS4laoe. nluma, 758Se per '-Crete; raepberriee, ' 11.40 per erate of 14 bnxea; cantaloupe, I4.1508.U per crate; loganheriie, 11.25' pe era (4 at 14 wmnj watrrmetone, eorerei.eo per bwi , (rnpee, 12.00 per boii goeaeberrlea, 00 per lb; pears. 12 .25 per box. VKGKTABI.ES Twal pa. new, 11.00 per aark; carrot a. per aack; beet, 11.0044 1.2S per aack ; Ortgoa radlabe. IS per do; cabbK, Oregon. l.29 - per cwi; greea 1.001 Cellfornla,; parsnip. 11.00 m.ZSj etrln bean. IhW; esulinoenr, gl.T3 tiSOO per crate: rhubarb. IHo per Ibt boree- ranleh.' 13c per lb! artichoke. eOernOe pee dot: hothouee lettuce. oO7V; bead lettuce, la pee oi green oniona, iuf izfta nor aoj pincn( tc per lb; cucumber. )c per do, TS&OOc per bos; celery, 11.10 per dos. DRIED rRUlTS Aonle. oeanoraled. TAB per Jbi snrlcots. Df 13c per Ihi aack. V4 per lb la: oeaeho. 8AI3s tw Ibr paara. per in; pniiica,itaiia. , gy,ntv,c ner mt rrcrch. BV.i4c per UiTnse. CaUforai black, ner lb: California whit. per lb: Bin me, pitted. per In: dates, golden, os per lbl fvd. I1.S0 per 16-lb box. t , . ' - Oreeerie. Rat.. ta. . - . RttO A R ark baakv 4Mho. aowdered. 13.40: .fralt granulated, tojO; dry granalated. I3.g0l Oonf. A. ISJM: beet granulated. 15.20) extra C. B4JM: soMea O. B4.T0: D yeUow, 14.00: bbl 10c, U Mil S5e. box SO sdeance eo sack baal. leea 26 per wt for .cub, IS a: maple. 4ioa Nf 11, nut;i-i4ai l.v. . . . " -.' i COrrEB Pack brand. 114.78. ' " ' 8ALT Fins Hale. 2. am. 4a. a. 10. 11.00: table, datrr. 00a. 111.00: 100s. 110.75: Im ported UTerpool. BOe. 117.00: . 100 110.50; 224. 110.00: extra fine. bbl. 2. Is, , 10a, 14 6005.50: bulk., 320 lba, . 14.00416.00: aack. 60. 054S 80. - . HALT Coarao Hair around. 100. per tea. TOO: 80, per ton. 17.50; l.lTemool hen rook. 118.50 per ton: 80-IK rock. 17.00) 100s. 88.76. . tAboro nrtcee erjolr to aalea ef lea than car lota, - Cor Jot , at special price sbjct to liuetuiioui. , , . GRAIN BAG Calcutta, T. RICRImoerlel Janan. No. 1 ' Be: Ne. B. IU: New Or lea nv head. IVtei.Ajax, ; at. 61 .V .... . v ' ,- BEANS Broal! whit. 8gi4Ue: lanro'wnrt. Stte: sink. SllslSU: bayou. Lima. ,: Mexican rede. . . NUTS Peenuta. 7Uet tmnbo. SHc per mi gniatWe per deal walnuts. 14015c per lb: plno eheetnuta. oaatern. 150 lc ner lb: Braali note. uia. lueaizie ner in: nieeoce num. lie? nee 101 ine net in: filbert. 16Tloc par ini xancy litllSc: almonds. ISfilnc nor lb. v r Faints, Ooal Oils, Xto. ' - ''" ROPR Pore- klanll, - 44e;-andrd,-llW etnal.' luatev Rale brand aleeL Bie. . iAtr OHel-eart or AstraLaaeaT bph Per gal: water, white, Iraa bbl, 15 POT sal: wondea. 18a ner sal: hoadUsbt. 170-d. cajea. Hue per sal. - OAROUNB B8dr. nan, 82 nor gth iron bbla, 20c per gal: atorea, case. MVkS par gall iron hhle. IBs ner sal.' 'V BEN .INE n-der. casss, SSs gar gal; lreo bbla. lur ner sal. turpentine Ib' efts. gn per gai; wesosa bbla, -V per gal; Iroa hhle, 80c par gaL WRITB 1.110-Too lota. T Uc nee Ibl BOO-lb loi 7s ner Jh: la lota. c pee Ih. ' , WIRE NAIIA Preeent base at It-TO. " ' UNHEED nib Pure raw, n bbla. 87a per gal; caeca, T3c per gal; genuine kettlo boiled, ceaea, 70s par gal: bbla. BOe per gal: sreand cek. car lota. 120.00 per toet la than car 'ot. 130.00 per. toa. . ' - -r . -v afoat. Fish aad FrsrUioas. -. -V . FRE8H hi B AT Front etreet Reel . steeen. 5n per lb: pork, block. 7W per lb: packer, TH per lb: bulla. 4r5e par lb: cow. 5c ne Iht mnrenn. IUSTU, ne 1, ' lamb with pelt, SHttBe per lb; real, extra,' ttt7Mc ordi nary, (tme per lb; poor, BVie per Ih. . UAilH. MAOON. ETO Portland sock ftorn ham. 10 to J4 lbs. 18Ae per lb: 14 to 18 lb. 1SH per lb; 18 to 80 Ih. 18Hc per lb; cottar. Bc-ner lb: kreakfaat bacon.. 14eYlSUo per IM pk-nlc. Be nor It' I resular ehort, eleer. in mokd, 84 per lbt mokd. 10Ve per lb; clew barka. ansmoked. BU nor lbt omoked. 10U in: I'nlott butt. 10 as 18 Ih. anemoked. so lb: am ok ad Be nor lb: clear belllee. an- emokeo. nic ner lb; mokd. 12 par lb; aboul dera., 84 per Tb. i LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10a. 10W per Ibl 6a. I0Ae nr lb: 50-lb tin. 8 ner lb: eteam renrtceed. 10. 84 per lb: Be. t per lb: tuna. c'iw lb: iwia. es per lb. CANNED BAnMON Columhl rlrer. I -lb tall. 11.85: B-lb tails. 12.80; fancy, l ib flat. 12.00; Vt-Ik fancy flan. 11 .25: fancy l ib oral. 62.T5: Aluk tall, nmk. BSAOOci rod. 61A0; nominal 8a. tall. 82.00. , t. FlnH Rork cad. Tc nor m: noon o re. Be nor lb; halibut. Bcner lb era a. 81 50 per dost. etrlned baa. Ifia ni' csrnen. ic nee lb; aalmon. rblnonk. 8Hc per lb; telhed, 7WC per tb; eorkeye, 714 per lb berrlag, B per lb; enle. Be per lb: ahnmn. loe per lb) perch, Be ner lb: ahad. 4c ner lbt. me ebed. Be nee lb: abed roe. BOe pee lb: black end. Te nor lb: allree emelt. Be per lb: fabeter. 18c: freah mackerel. Be per 1nt erawfiak, 88c tier do; floundera, 6 per lb: ernrseon. 7e per lb. OYHTRRB Bboalwator bay. Bar gal, II. W: per asefe. M.75. ., ,.- CLAHH Hard ehelL, Mt lei, a.00v ran clam. 12.00 per box. . .. ( . . t ALL ARE STR0I.G EXCEPT in JHElCATTLE Hogt and Sheep Still Show Ex. ! cellent Demand at "Former r.i"$Top Priced ' Portland ITileo Blockyarda, Jly 2 Lir stock - receipts: . ' ' fogs.' Cottle. Bbosp. Twly. a .. , . 80 ,. Week (go ........ .....e, tl-.V 80 44 rreeiou wees j..,,. g B , t ...,.w,( Hnnta ago . . . . The llreetork market today waa box snd sheep but cattle remained eery dull awl qnlet with prlcea unrbaiMred. - 1 .. offlrlal price for llreetnckl ' . ' " Ho Beat eeatem Oregoa. BB.SSI blocker ad China far. 3.604iB.75; stacker Bad feed ers. B4.254.60, Cattle Rest eeatem Oregnn steers. Ift.004) 8.29; ItsM snd medium ateere, i 50t 8 00; beet sow and heifer. 12.2842.60; eld snd light rows, II. 5012.00; stockra snd feeders., 11.751 bull,- 11.80. . i Bheep Ref fancy sheep, 13 (V1 9B . gwos, 1.75t.8.0O: anrlng lam ha. 4i94Uc. Caleea Good real. 150 to loo aoaads, Bfl tHfl rough and beery. 8443, . . Uiml HOOl tTXAOTr J , Chicago, July1 V Meeetoek receipt I -. A, - " rings. . tJsttie, Bheep. vtieaso ,.,l,'o,Vi.)l."1" ' fnr Kenan City ......... T.tKO ' ' t.tHWI Omaha 12.000 1.000 120i 4.I0 B.BHO H. a Opened ateedy with 4.7i left nrrr. Receipt s year asn wer BO.OnO. Price: Mixed and butchers, I8.en4i8.0r : good hoary, 15. 11.144 8 ob; rough aad keary, 6-60wB-oo; Ught, 85.70 tto.uv , . rattle Blow aad weak, . j 1. . Bheep Rteady. - r- 1 ' , " 1 ':-'','' UTEaf 001 OB-AlaT MARKET - - Jnlr 20. Cine 1 Wheat Rentedi- ber, 8 IVd. 1H hlgheri December, 0 71 a. 1' btgher. Cora bepUmbsr, 4a 114. d. V,A hlghef. , 1 , , . Hi :. Ell : f 'Tr IjUL Damage Report Which Were lg ' . nored for Some Time Are ' j. , fiovi Believed. ' - C CHICAGO MARKET SECURES A VERY HEAVY ADVANCE Sectlona ., Where Bad Newa Cornea '.. Front Ara Principal Bujrera in tha .' Market TodayJuly Option CainB ' Three and an Eighth Other Rise. 3 THUB8DAT B WHEAT BIARKKTi '- Open Ckoa '-Cloeo 0lB . '' v ; Thura. ' Tbars. V Wed. " Tbnra. Inly ...... .. .tW $ I .87UA 08Mk 8-pteinber ... .8514' .87R , .84A .02S4 Decembor .... M .tniu .84 May; .,..,..-.B(H4 .- y'ealj (Parambed by (Wer beck, Starr Cook Oo-V. Otil.aso. July -BO, Logau Rrya yi BroomJiall sable Ltrornool wheat Bharply burli er, owing 10 rather dleturbing re porta reard tus the Rumlan and Bnantah crop and reuorta of black mat ta Amoaiea. '- Primary . aocelpt are BOO.OOO, or larger -tuaa Bklpmeuta. Cea markets atlll report prices well ma attained with a roapoctablo premium orer the optlou, Inluenced be abernl blehee eablea and a Wild curb market let Minneapolle our- market opeue4 euarply blglior,-and though some U It la nerrou. aoaa waa si time dloplayed. tb advance was rapid, with the volume of bualneea rery large. The full advance was. aot retained right up to tbe clone, but the market 10s too oeterreq futarea show BVae to kite act seta for . the day, with July chains at tb top ot a Be bulse, Vuodltioua In the aortbwaet ara aot looking may as aom daya ago when wheat was under preeeure from tb government ere flsure. Prom the beat Informed Beoplo In .the northweat It la reported thathotwetlier the I It"rewT'dayb uncovered much damage. Beporu from poopl wboao dtelateretdn cannot bo questioned are that black met, which ia so fatal, haa asaia Infected the plant., espe cially inMlnneauta and Booth Dakota, causing tb trad to take a aoore aaruua woa ax con- dltlone. New sample were received in north wealerB eentars.ssala today, ahewing tbe plant to bo Infected 'with black mat. If theoe con dltlone eliould apraad. eonelderlng the email auppllea everywhere, unaatlafactorr eondltlone prevailing oa tb other id. coupled with- smsll flour Mocks everywhere, there would be no limit, to tho poaalhle bull bulge. From Mani toba word cornea that condition m that coun try ara eomewuat alarmlag, the plat lueoct allowing badly In varloue local! tie. It 1 a matter or woatner , lor in axi , xow w . Buyers claim - that the unfavorable weather would aarely ceua a anread of black met) eo mwlwfMrMt. it, mrkt la In a eolendler con dition for trading aad acta quickly to new of sb uufarorabla nature. Trade . baa broadened, ' Cern Did Rot Ree pea d. ' Tbo'Wa market did not reepond at any war to tbe bullish fever of tbe wheat pit. Tb eloa eulet. Xaaterday'a enaa in saw crop month wo not ia erldence today, tboogb tba market neael very Brm. . ' . Tb oate market ruled atron and tb un favorable weather attmoleted boyiac sad re port that tho asw' crop Is not looking to well Induced some abort coveting. The provleioa market suffered oult a decline today and la the laat bhur'e trading the market wee ander eevere preonr.- What looked Ilk Bailing by -perkefa thrnueh Brokers took place. . Today g -etaciu mraeri . . . ,., -WHEAT. 'v Open, t High. - laver. K fjloee. dept...., ,8JH4 -8 ' -88tf . -ES teo. ! r.r .W4- n8oHr;'-.wTtoB .88 .81 U ? .BTW .844 -. I .56 I -BOaJ' .;.B0j'. O. Jaly . . .BT m .58 86; - .B8H . . v . CATS. v. acDur O. Dec.,- JO July...... V.MV4 ( .aatt Bent ; .2044 . ;. .81 JM? " .WUA Dec..,.. N80C mem porb:. July. '..,; 1I.BTH ...,.12.87,; 1174 1I.ST' 11STHN 18.80 . 11.87HR T.fltHR ' ?i22A 5.B5K " Bept. 12.0S 18.83U LARD. 1I.T7 Oct.. 11.81 Jnly.,.,. T03H - T.02, T.0I1. 7 IB Sept..,.,. " 1 .. T.w . (w4 .'..- t.Bu T.K0 SHORT RIBS July ( Bept,.,,, ; t.wxw Oct...... 7.8214 T.BIH 4.61 T.TB T.82H rant art. sKimrri xm cxkaxarcu. Cblcsgo, Jaly BO Primary receipts: - v a. Today, lear Age. Wheat ...,.....'..., , MA 000 Cora .................... .....O70.OU0 8BJ.0U0 Bhipmcata: ..,. ' ... Wheat- I.,..,,, . mo.nm Corn 184,000 ' 854.00B Clearanceat Wheat, anas: aoorj ,ww Barraati era, 322,000 boahalai ears, none. t .. , CHiQAao OAaa waxaT., . 1' iCUcago. July J0.-C wheat: . T t B ' Bide " Alll No. I rod. aew.. ............ ...I .BOH .81 No. B red. new.. JMU. .Bni No. t bard. new...... jnKl.'j.Kili No, B b.rd. new .88 .88, No. t nortbern ...e......' 1.12 . 1.15 . No. I aortbera. ................ 1.0B . j.lll No, a .spring. ...... .S3 . i.v .. yBAjr TmAJioiaco aRAar karxxt. Haa rraacleco, July 20. Official ' Opea. Hlgb. - -r-'-r WHEAT. December ..1.44H 81.48", . fi BARLEY, , December .... 7 .88 COTTON FUTURES ARE V TEN POINTS LOWER (rnrnlahed by nvorbeck. Btarr tt Cook Co. I New York. July SO. Cotton) tutaros eloeed 10 pnmt lower t e . . ... t .. Today '8 orilciai coiron maraei; ', Oneo, Hlrh. Low, ' Rlcoe. Jenoary ........i., 1108 , 1107 . 10O IlooerOl Pent nary I1T4 1104 HOB Hot 1100 1108708 Marco April , May lei B ,B 8 4V lvev 107 . IIAfl 11081 08 1110WII llisettt 1072T:l 10T27I 10A0MK3 lOBOetOI looietui 1087 ttl 1115 1108 1074- loiiT. 1088 .1081 1081 1078 1 100 107B 1008 10M4 1103 1 1087 Jnly Ana-net ......... loej 1081 September ....... October lino 1008 1101 November December ....... tlvorpoel Oettoa aalat, . Llverponl,' Jaly 90 Tloe: Cettos future galet, I to points lower.. - - ; .-. , toxopax immia tTOCta. ' Ran Pranrtsco. July 20. Toootoh stock. ef IcUl ee:- . ' ... . ' - ; . . Rid. - ., ,'. ' .'-. . Bid.. Dixie ...,,..... .17 . Kendall ........ ..IS . Columbia Mt Montana ,..."..11.1 Midway 1.50' McXaeaar .... .40 Belmont ...... LIT Jnmbo ......... .72 North Btar .... .no Reecue ........ ;.. .08 Gold MouaUia.. - .IS Jnmbe Kites ..-.18 Klerk Rtttts ... ...W . Silver Tick ...... .12A e-o. N.v .ISA Ooldea Anchor.. .B Tew. r.ateo..... a-lltt Bar O'Brien ... .OR . Red Top, ...... " I Ton. Ohio ... .84 OeMBeld :..'... -88 Bondetneia .... -81 Bondetorm Eg..- -.10 Adam -04 O. Boll Proa... .88 IMamondfleM ,,, . .48 Ine Btar ..... .12A, lloeneetah ..... .05 t Cb Boy ...... ..IB i Mohawk ....... .IB Jim w Butler ,.t .7S . : nwTou coptm ha rot. Vrw Tork," Julf Coffee future loca points loser to B point hlgheri - , Bid. Aak-r , - i m Aak. July .,,.,..B.80 8 tlJanew .,..7.I0 7.I8 Aasnet .,. -B 88 8 7J Pebeuary ... 7.18 7. JO roruaryi ... T.xu 4rck , ..I.. T 21 Iprti .,J,.. f ss T.0 4ay. T.BO T.0 Beptember . 8 I w rf October ,.lB80 B.85IA Neeember .8t B.wviMay December I.uu i-"! BTW T0R CABt COTTXK. , New yrh. Jnly Bol-CaaB to, tfo. 1 Rio. 8c 1 No. 4 Baatoe, SHo. COG maramg; sae- ,V,ri.-.Z-V'e,.. 11.844 11.44 itVi .tTA C cf Fr-' j h'T.rJ:.r.J. r.zrkit Are V:ry Hsivy Tcizy . tr.J r '-3 Ar Cir.rraSly Lower He- V."::.': V-.-h Czrr.t Cites,;'...;. MX (COCKS Pn.GES DOlVfJl I t- 1 New York Stock Market Hae a " - More Active Tone Today Favorites Shpw Changes, j UNITED STATES RUBBER IS AGAIN A STRONG FEATURE Common Xasuc Riaea One and Five Eighths Pointa Amalgamated Ad 4 vancea Sharply pn Report of a Fiva Per Cent Dividend. Y. " f ..." 1 , ADVANCE!!. . Aaaconds IJilBalllmor .'j... id .... lCll'olo. Fuel ... Anwlsamated v. ... .-k yaaaaiaa Norfolk . I uric, xa pra. ...... ,. itesdisg .y.,.r URepubll Steel ... l'enn. Cost ; ClRepubiU BumL p. Readtni U. B. Rubber .... loteel. pfd ...1..., Vk v, .. nuuoera p., -il .,.,'.. DBCLINER. """i " y . . A' Hoc 4ern .-t-.. 4 "Mr ,.,,,, Smelter ,..(.,,... Smelter, pfd.,... Brooklya ........ Chepek Great Weetera ... 1 Ulnota Central .. Mealcaa Central ., Mleeonrt PaclBe ',, a...-. ooutber paclfle , 4. Bt. Paul .......... 1 &Tk a e a m a, Erie. Id pfd ...." H Loutavlll ,.,.,,! H .etroioiiua ...... N. Y. Central Boutbern By ...... Vaioa PaciB ..... VaUBii Weet ..' h . - (Fnrntahed by Overbeck. Btart A Cook. Co.) Wall Street,' New York. Jnly 80. --Trading waa aomewaat improved in ma acors marxer today. The market opened eery strong with price higher. : There waa aa early reaction, which carried tha general liat off, from which It nevee recovered. .The - announcement ef a dividend at B per 'cent la Amalgamated carried an tnv provement la Anaconda. Runner Was agalg actlv, tb common advancing 1 peiuta, -Today official stock market: . .' " DESCRIPTION. Anaeoads Mlnlna Co...' 108 110 IK H A mat Copper Co....,, 8254 8SI Bljk nt)4l 85tk atcnieoo, com....,,.,, do peeferred..JL.. ... m 1025s Am. Car A round., com DO 90 d preferred Am. Hugir, com,:.... Am. Bmeit., com....... 1384 llo do lira ItirrmA ........ Baltimore Ohio, com Brooklyn Rapid Traaalt Canadian Paclfle. coin. 118 OB 151 Chi. m Alton, eom BOe do 'nrefarred... ...... ..I. "M. A Ot. Weat, com .il., Mil. Bt. Paul.. Chi. A Northweat., com Chi. .Terminal Ry.... Cheeaneake 4t Obld.u 20 ! 1825a 1811 . 20B54 Cole. Fuel 4 Iron, oouf. Moto. aoaui., eom..., do Id preferred..., do let preferred..,, Delewar A Hudson... Del., Ietcks. A Weatg. v. at. w., eoavel... do Beef erred....... c Erie. eomu. .......... aa M54 4 48 do Sd preferred. 7254 B-i 84 A iuibois -MBteal.-.....liauvki'rUH .LouliTiUe . At NaahtlUewliea MetropoUtaa Street Uy. Ua 148, 128 Menhattaa Ry , Mexicaa Central By..,, 11 .(- bi. r. ata. Missouri PaelOe. . .. M., K. 4t T., eom... do preferred New York Central.,.. 122 121 VU Bn S 54 Norfolk at Weetera. OOK. north American ....... N. Y., Oat. 4t West.,.. PenaaytraBla Railway .. Paople'a O., L. C. Co. Prweaed BteeL com...... do preferred ,.,..7. Par. Mall Steamship Co. Reading, common . . r . . . do aecond pfd........ do Brat pfd Ren. Iroa Steel, eom. do preferred ........ Rock laland, sum...... 48 4.1 104 104 B8 20 81 11 93 20 82 81 awiHir wee n, ,,,,, ' do preferred so preferred ........ Booth. Hallway, eom... do preferred Boutbern Paclfle..,..,. do' preferred Bt. l. a a. f as pta. do Bret pfd .". St. L. 4t 8. W., eom.,. ' do preferred Texas 4V Pacific ....... Tens. Coal Iroa Tot.-St, L. W.. eom do preferred Union Pee., com....... 12B 180 128 BO prcremo I.,.. U. a. Leather, eom..,.. do preferred V. B, Rubber, eom.,... do preferred .' ,. V. 8. Bteel Co., eom.... do preerred t. Wheel. A Lake XMe, . do aecond pfd do Bret pfd .......... Wl. Central, com..,,.. do preferred ........ Weat. tuloo Telegraph. j Wsbseh, common ...... do preferred .Total aalea today, 404,800 aba ree. i. Leu money, , ia. per cant. ;.',';f, yy-.. BOITOH OOPPtR BTOOXJ, ' - Boatoa, - April 0 Official copper tin; Bid. Rid AdvMtare ... 47 Alio ,J..., 17.60 AtUntlc ..... 16.80 Bingham .... .7B Cat. Heel. 80. uO Centennial ... 22.1S5s Copper Bang - Tl.Bo rly(Wt 14.00 Elm ......... 138 Green 11 HT Maw .'- 8 50 Michigan 14T Mohawk ..... B180 Old DomlaloB. M-H tiranby 8.25 Oeeoolg -,.,..$ .88.00 . Prrot 14.00 , Pftoenla .80 ' Qulncy 107 00 Kbaanoa 7 t3 , Tamarack .... 120.00 ' Trinity ...... 8.25 I'nlted 81.78 - Utah 44.00 Winona 11.15. ' Wolverine 117.00 . Royal 13.25 ' Bant P ..... l Olli VlctOflB ....... 1.12 BAR rXAXOIBCO LOCAL BTOOXB,. taa rraneioec, Jaly BO. Official cloee, 'morn mg aeesioa: r .:' ,- i . " -'''i'.'' ';. j Rid. ' Aek. Spring Valley Water ....'.......'... 8n 87 Ban Prancieca. Oaa Eleclrle. .. 02 . 8-1 . Olant Powder . 71 - 72 Hawaiian Commercial ,': 85 Makawell Busar -81 Abiaka Packers' ...... .r.. . ..... 87 81 Cellfnrala Win 88 . .... PaclBo Mtatea Telepaoae ....... ,.1 .... Pacific Onaet Borax .......... ..... 183 California Prnlt ...... ........... .10054, 100A Onomea Bnger .... V4 Oceanic Bleamahlp 8 Psaubaa sugar i .... ( ooiuTOCx imraio btovjcbv Baa Pranclaco, July 20 KBelal glosoy moro ing aaion ' - . . .. Rid. Rullloa I .40 Belcher , .14 toa. Cal..Va ..185 Ophlr ......... 1.87 t'eledopla Mexlcaa ,..,.. l.BO ' Aadea ..,,..' JB i. ' Bid.. navaga ..-,...,.8 rotnat Lnioa inn ..... ' . Yellow Jacket . ' .20 Kicheonee ...... .52 Halo k Norcroe l.BO Scorpion ., jo TORTIAXO RANT ITATXkTXXT, , Oearlnx '.. H .... U .008.O4.78 . B,0-A4.1 Balance I ' .'- rrwaoli Oabld Oompaav eneel, . x Caracas, Veneiuela, , July 10. -The Venexuelaa government baa . lnatltuted proceedlnge agalnat tha FrBnrh Cable eoRipmny for damagea Incurred by the government for tha cable company a alleged-participation la the 14Btos revolu tion. -'. , ' ' V :... .''..,' CllliffiDME .guTT . Men , and Women' in Shanghai t Determine ; to f Cuy No,; f ' American Products. ...--K A'.t.- ni i i i in in m i ii' -l-V-J'- PORTLAND WILE SUFFER. : ' j TAN0 HARM FROM ACTION Oriental Merchant a ,Hara Tell Wh Their Brethren at Home. Will Re (uaa . to Buy' Gooda Made In .Thia Country,- , - i . '. ! . ' r ' Dlapatcita from Chine cities telling of wtlngs of merchant organisations and tba Inauguration of a Chines boy' oott agalnat American' gooda are read with, intense Interest- by Portland Chl nesa merchants. Tba mOat Intelligent class of Chinese in Portland ara not In favor of tba, boycott, although they are bitterly opposed to tha methods of local Immigration officials. They gay a change ahould be brought about , in poms' way outer man by boycott., - .-, 1 . "The boycott will nob, in my Judgment, work- any great Injury, to Portland, as the Chinese Bra too ahrewd to extend their boycott fB tbe two things they moat need from America flour and lum hef,? paid W. D. Wheelwright, president or tne Portland, ebamber . of commerce. "Thoy will urge the . boycott chiefly against . American manufactured gooda such ad cotton fabrics and mechanical products. .American tradlna oompanlea in China, and Japan have made groat af' rorta to work up buainesa In American manufactured goods,, and in recent years they have succeeded In getting soma of this -trad ..away -from -Brltlah, French and German manufacturers, who had nearly all of it. Tha boycott will ren der these efforts futile and make It more difficult 'than .ever .to 'gain Chinese iraae. - " - - r . - - -.,, ' . ., Ken aad tTomea Boyoottera. At a -meeting of the Ghlneaa merchants In Shanghai yeaterday, at .which men and women wars present. It waa voted to . begin tha long-threatened boycott againat American goods. Other meet' inga are being arranged, under tha aus pices of guilds lalmllar to the boards of trade and ghambera of commerce that handle questions of tblsdiort In Amer ica, Twin Wo, a prominent Portland merchant, at the corner of Yamhill and Second streets, Bays the merchants of China, do not blame American merchants a class for tha treatment Chinese receive at the) hands - of American im migration officials. , Ha says tha better classes of people in China and the Im perial government understand the prin cipat opposition to tha Chines-comes from 'American labor unions. "These unions hurt their own ' busi ness,"- said ' Twin -Wo," "by preventing tne cninsse rrom buying thole- goods. The Chinese do not ' want te work: in the American factory. They only -want to buy what the American man makes. What tho Chinee object to -most la thai treatment received by American Chi' nose who go back to China and return to this country, and by Chinese of'to batter -clasla who., would like to come ner on business or pleasure. A trier- chantln Cfainai, whofaAB-itmaii , buying iur many years iron an American mer chant would Ilk to com hero evnd ret acquainted, and seer the kind of people witn wnom n is doing business. , ' M tThlaeee rbrntlag aaok. '. , ' . , "As long AS the treaty waa In fores they said nothing, but waited tor it to explr. Then,, when the treaty expired they expected and Ropd that they would be received, but they found' that tb exclusion law was to be more rig orously enforced than ever before. Then they got mad and said tbey would fight back." . - -'.- Twin Wo hits lived in PorOaad about IS years, and waa Instrumental in start ing the exportation 'of flour from thla port to China. He has grown, rich In Portland, b'utlt the Oregon hotel and owna other property, and is roaring a family of Ave sons and two daughter. all born here. The sons attended Bishop Bcett academy ana two are now being educated at Hill Military academy. The daughters ar too young ; to attend achooL ' ' 'i .'.; . "The Chines in Portland hav about f 100,000 deposited In the banks here to bs sent to China and invested in th railroad to be' built there," h aald. "Chine a git over America, ' and la Franco, Great Britain and Germany, ar taking stock in th railroad. A Chinese ("merchant. Chin G Hoe. who Is man aging th undertaking, will arrive in Portland this week. He is at Seattle and will travel aU over the United States it tM about buying th mate rial for th railroad. If th boycott goea on. this material win not b bought in th United BUM" . , Seld Back,.' prominent merchant In Second street,- said It" was am error to aay tbat Chinee in Portland saved their earnlnga to take th money back to China, He said nearly all of them spend their money ber and ar "broke" when th. cannery season comes. i , He said he wag not In favor of Chinese coolies com ing to this country, and . that all ' he asked waa that Chines merchant and tha better class ahould be allowed to. com and go, aa msn of other nations MORE PEOPLE AND MORE , ROADS OREGON'S NEEDS Loul Goldsmith, of Now TOr,of companled by Mrs. Goldsmith and two daughters, is in Portland for a Visit of two weeks, and i atoasod at the growth th city has mad sine h left it in go to Kit Tork in th -silk manufacturing business. He , is a brother of S. Goldsmith, a former mayor of Portland, who died about four years ago. i '. . -, - . : . i v , ,. "All you need in Oregon Is mora peo ple and more railroads.- It is a.etat with th most wonderful rosourcss,". be Id, "and Is sura to becomes, great and rich empire. The exposition Is beauti ful, and Is receiving nothing but pralg from every on In th east who hag seen It Much, good will be accomplished through It, for Portland and the whole northwest. Tb east must have Oregon apples,:; and Oregon wheat aad other products." . - . . , " . Mr. Goldsmith has mad a Rumbeg of Investments in. Portland property, and regard hi interest her as" important. I He will return with hi family to New Tork next-week, ... - . FRAUD ORDER STANDS ' 1 '.AGAINST PEOPLE'S BANK " Uoorasl IbosUI aorvtee., - '.. fit. Louis, July 20. Judg McPheraon In th United Stares court today denied an Injunction asked 'by th People's I'nlUd States, bank to prevent th post, ofllc officials from, executing th fraud order issued by th postmaster-general. You Sbmeiliiii 7 Travelero the East, I have a word fc'rj .V There' are ' through Pullman sleepers, . t , Standard and Tourist, going . East . from t Coaat at frequent Intervals. - Over two re--.: they travel via Rock Island System for a 1 ij-rshare of the distance. "iVrjr ' " ; ..; ,' 'i-'y', Vou can go by way of Ogden, Salt Lake ar : v ; , Colorado, or you can go byway of San Francisco, - : Los Angeles and El Paso, and the Rock Islaci will land you: in Kansas City, St. Louis or Chi- cage Direct connection in Union Station at .'all three cities for all Important points in tie '.EMt,uid SoT4th;.;.;.cV-f -(-.'v :"VJ ? ,'.''. Or tbe traveler via Northern route can take . the Rock Island from Minneapolis and St. Paul to Chicago.- t?'U .? j:: : ; v . : l - : - Rocklsland service Is the land iiat gratifies . .. i pest meals on wheels..";": vn'f .A'V-'v.;:;u''. .MmMvMvtMvvHMMMvMMMHMWMMMMM 8 4 .: v f W a . a , a a .., naralvale tlimnra. ,i.m..h itvmr anrf lMna Ha haa T" sumption when tho victim is not too much run down 'by the T and will stop hemorrhage In an incredibly ehort time. , H brew h i own medicines from cjlilrte roots, neros, duoo, nsraa an am. teas, all of which ar entirely harmless, and whos medicinal prooortioa ar unknown to American dootora. Ho ttses In his praotlo over BO dif ferent OrlenUl remedies. Hundreds o testimonials from grateful pa tients. . r-.,..:... .. ' --:: ; 1 1 1 DR. WINO LEE . V-V 11 IOITI tOTJBTX TM. . . TOMTXUMlt, OBBOOaT. I.. tni.a . . VERNON ! The 810 prlss offerrt till Angnst t tor the best Buggeatlua tor s he4 ln (or our "Vernon7' ad will b . swart"! to th ne- feaaful eompetltnr br the fnllfiwlng well- knovra admen, who will art ea-laages-. K. wi. Hall.' rare O. R. ft K. Co.t H. Ct.Wbmier-, Mr. flirt. Wortman A Klne. and A. T. Wins, ar. Hrelenle Mattrees l. We reeeleed th Jllwliig.Jiuggetloii-.ytteraai. , . "Vernon, th llappr Medium." "OooB Air Great Vloar." - ' - ' s 'Vernon Orewe Wlthent Watehtof.H ;,, : 1 "Veraon, Portland's BentlneL'' , ( '. VerBor. Portland Delight.". , j ' "Veeno, Haven of Beet." :T ' "Vernon, eantlful, BubUm.' , ' -' ' Moore Investment Co. lim SIXTH ST. 1K01T1 KACT 18. Painted eShlngles '. Advantages gained by ,' using our ,u .". machine,' v Shingles a r painted BU ovar , when dry, thug . forcing paint into sll th pores, render ing' them wa terproof. This prevents t h n a t 1 from rusting, or th shingle from werplng, or rotting oft tinder th lap. They can be laid to H Inch nearer to the weather than other ahinglea and still give better satisfaction. The paint used Is man ufactured solely by us and Is spe cially adapted to protect roofs from moss and Are. It eontalna no creo aote or other Ingredients Injurious to tin gutters. Our modern process enablea ua to paiat tom all over as cheaply aa you can paint' few Inches on th roof. . Wl Invite you to call at bur fac tory and see for yourself the merits of our process, or phone your d dreaa and our representative wilt call and give you full ptrtlculars. - . Black Diamond Paint Co. Offlc and Factory, E. (th and Mala. Ffcoae Xaat SST4V - KODAK OCVCLOPiNQ NO CNlzAJZQfMCNTS OF ALL KINOZ snap sforyoevetopeo one day, FtNi&fteo PANT9 me ncxt. ) T DKRIONER AND BUILDKH. 4th St. HorgRS wi'iur InSTAU-MKMTB. OR PBICBS. Dommra, Korwiira a co ; . s : . (EatAbUahed ' , WXXAT AaTS STOCK B0XaBS. ' ' ' ' Boom 4, O round Floor, , t - - CBAMBBB Or. CO'XatBBOa. PRESIDENT SPENDING v : : QUIET DAY AT HOME i:i., -... V, :.'--,,. -4 (Joaraal Sprtal Bern..) .- V Oyster Bay, July JO. Tho preeldent rooelved ho Vial tors today, devoting his time Jo alternate apella of work and recreation. J,"r' .' : . " 1 OK overbec::, cTArjn & cc ,.-.' Members Chicago noam or rs n. ; t." , c..""'. rrr' " . ::.--v r y: .;"-TiA..'nr Mcdonald,; f'-' . General Agent, Rock Island System, '.V ' i ,f. 14 Third 8t., Pcrtland, Or. , ; ' " ht Grattt Dcctcr LOCATED tS POSLTLAHV 1 since iaao 4. t H lar called groat becaus h euro all dlsesaaa without resorting - to th knife. v r. 1 1 .Ma liiv. rMamlnltlAn. ITa will ' r tell you the exact nature or your trouble.""" ' He 'treat successfully every form of fe- '' male complaint, all private; and blood dl- ' rhoumatlsm and all disorders of th T had Brest success In curing eon- Lewis & CLrll Fc! Camp (Trcands Cc"z::j ; " Sturimadlag, aad JLoJotaUac ' Gateways from camp ground i into-arkvSeatsrtblesriir5, lagoons and shade in this mc:t beautiful park in Portland. Ten minutes' wallts from the buslr.: : district on west . side. Tweziy minutes to the World's Tn's Grounds by car. : Live at horns ij Portland and . avoid the herry ccsC"and inconcenienve of tl : crowded lodging house and res taurant.' There will be an t tendant ih charge of the Tent: City, day and night.. Free ttlz phone connections in his oiZzz, The famous Bull Run water fij: ' on the tract free. Toilet arrar-T-ments and sanitarv aDoliances lo cated convenient to alL Gartr - : will be removed daily at expc- ; of the company. All avenues tl alleys will be kept clean and f- . from rubbish. You tnust rextrv tent space for time of your vir'. Send us your reservation nor, that we may be able to take ctr; of you when you come. Remit vz ' $7, wmcn will pay your first tr. 3 weeks' rent, with right of occu pancy at $2.50 per week there ti ter. You can reserve for any tv. 3 weeks during the fair period. T1.1 first to register will have choice cf pace. - Mail all remittances to ll Second rortievaS, Or. . fhnna M.lm g. ' ' i Or any of th following agent ot pur Comnanv : T7..k..k T. nilt TTT..J1 : .vivo. uiiii,.,,,t,i,niaiorii Howard Scott , Albany ' Hon. K. Whealdon.... Th Dalle A. H. Blender...... Uvrtlo Point Aug. Hukenteln.. Salem V Amoier . wattera. .......... .corvallls Campbell Jk Fuller...,....,...,. Dallas Hrltt Asplnwall . Brook; Scctt's S::.t:l-Pc;s!.i C2;s::: A POSITIVE CURE Wot TnBemsistlea rOBrrlie4 th Bladilerand rHeeaaad B Id neve. BS 008 Ag. Cnre -aulrklr nd aermaaestir aad taie-p. BOBtr hoo fogwudlns, Ahaelatel araaleaa. Bold ir draggle. . rice 41.48. r aaU. ea. paid, W.uoTt hoaaa. file. Weedard. Clarke O. Every I7cr::n rttMll Uet) V- -oTTTM ntWwratsMlvTvwa. v. imrt. B BBSS few m B VIII 8 f . MaaaedrwiW If be .anaoien Mant el., a. aWITO'T till nBrtlBK BJf-MI ' Texhtn turn' ) g 4 K. 1 bv .,1 ' rom 4w hi vwKt-. r - VI A-. ft ' tm Bale 1 iVVvvs.vy 1 a. "YS th X -