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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1905)
t. it 4 MMiKiM 1 OFFICIATE v . -"1 . - , - - . After' a Numbarl 0f Adjourned Ninth - Inning pally Produces Meetings Principals and Man ; v agers Agree on Refereer BRITT AND SULLIVAN I " Winning Run After Two Men ; : v; Xr Were Laid Away, r TACOMA USES THREE READY FOR -BATTLE PITCHERS IN CAME - Interest In Tomorrow Night's Con test It Not So Keen aa ths Pro pWth'i - Good; Lead Taeoma Ties Score In Seventh Inning Long moters Would With Welch It Contestja Which Sharp Fielding Considered a Judge of Fighting. ? Played Prominent Part." , J ......' GlililSOU ' .La''' V SB 1 Portland I. Taeoma J. 4 i Batterlrs Corbet t and . McLean; Em raon. Keefe. Fltsgerald and Graham. r Portland passed Loa .Angeles In the twnnant rej-sterday by virtu or a irlelory over Tacoroa and the Angela rlefeat -a ths-faanda-oMh Seattle 81 washes. Testerday's Ictory waa varned. cyan thoush tha winning- run ram tn error. -Tha locala war tmsy from tha start.'. "Emerson started . to speed tha sphere i. ovar tha Plata, but Cot frightened In a, minute and with two on tha circuit gave way to Bobby JCeefe. By thie tlma tha Portlanders jwere rampant tor trouble and aa soon as Keefs began shooting tha balls oyer tha plats tha MoCradltea began to eand them In all direction Befora tha tempest waa at Med-four run wtra on Fortland's aids of tha ledger. Fits trerald waa called Into action In 1 tha , econd -Inning and although ha . waa touched up in every Inning but two ha ,' uceaaded In holding- hla opponanta down ; fairly wall. Portland annexed on mora n tha sixth. Taeoma bad a run to hat - credit In tha first chapter and ..tha , ,Ttrrs wer being mowed down Ilka . alfalfa by Teddy Corbett Wtll Runkle's fcad muff of an Infield flr tn tha aeyenth after two were out. .' Then throa cork ing hlta aeorad fonr rum sndlhsjcors . waa five all; In tha eighth Portland bad a splendid chance to score, bat a lightning double play left thing aa they : were; . in tha Brat half of tha ninth Oraham led off with a aissler, but died on tha circuit In Portland'a turn tMngt came in a way that upaet tha nervea of tha visitors and tha winning tally waa hustled acroaa after two were out. Van Buren singled and Householder beat out at ahort bunt While tha Taeoma infield ..waa holding a convention aa to who should Held the ball. McLean flew out '. and Cataa fouled out to Graham. Larry ' Bchlafly waa beseeched' for 'a hit, but Fitzgerald kept tha ball rather wide and J-arry two-stepped to Station 1. With tha bases loaded for -bear, and tha crowd yelling for a hit. an arror or any oil thing that would produce a run Runkle swung mightlly-sad-tha ball rolled tn avard : tha pitcher a box. .. Fltsgerald picked it up, dropped it. -picked it up . again- and Juggled it again, and while the clever young t wirier waa doing; theae ' eeveral fantaatio atunta with tha ehtver- ' Ing sphere "Daddy Long Lege" Van Buren had crossed the Rubicon with tha winning run and Louis Ph. D. Runkle waa safe on flrat. Tha crowd waa wild, the sramo waa won. Ban Ely smiled, and tha . day waa done. ... ... . . ' ....l?t?rdajtX--rn jtyeledsomof the real apaed of tba Portland team. Ai fielding waa of tha brilliant order, . one of his stops being tha beat- of Ita kind ever aeen lb thla city. Tha official " acora folio wa: . - , : . PORTLAND. '' .,'; AB. R. H. PO. A. B. 'Ate, aa. 1 ......... a -i a i a. a AltylTUl r. ..... van Buren. lo. Householder,, cf. S t I. r-.-i let lit iticuean, c Catea. If. . pchlafly. tb. Runkle, to. . torbatt, p. Totals 14 27 ( t - - TACOMA. , ,A.B.H.H. F6.A.E. i Tyi;. rt g t i i t Pheehaa. 8b, ........ I l- 1 til Kordyke, lb.- ........ 4 t 1 t 5 t Kagan. aa. 1 I e 4 McLaughlin. If. 4 t I I t . Lynch, cf.. 4 -1-1 l-t Canay. Jb. v. i... . ,T. - t'tt Orahara. . ......... i t 1 tit Kmerson, p, ........ 0 t t 0 t Kaefe, p. . a t Ivt Ugaraid. p. ....... 1 1 jl t Totals '. . V...... ,a4 T '8I 1? t Two out whan winning: run scored. , . v v SCORE BT INNINGS. ' - i . ; 1 i 14 I I f I I Taeoma . . ......1 0 0 t 4 t -Hlta 0 1 1 1 4 1 It JVirtlnnd I M 11 M 1-4 ' , Hlta 4 1 t S 1 1 114 . ',,.; SU1CMART. ' . Struck out By Corbett, : by Fita- rersld. 4. Bases on balls Off Emerson, ; o FlUgenUd, t; off Corbett. 1. Two laa hits Ata, Ena J, Sheehan. Left m ba sea Portland, 12: Taeoma, 4. , Saerlnc hlta Van Buren, Houae liolrier, Fltairerald. Stolen bases ,kusetiolder, Catea t, Doyle, Schlafly. First base on error" Portland, 1; Ta , jflint, 1. Bast hits Off Emerson, 1; off Keefe, 9; off Fitsewrald. 10. Time of m Two hours and It minutes. Um pire Daa. CHICAGO SWIMMER ? V. WINS DISTANCE RACE - The aecond day of tha awlmminr end . ifllvlng championships at tha. exposition Jiaased oil with a flourish of arms. A arge and enthusiasts crowd gathered ' n tha Bridge of Nations to witness the one-half mile race, which waa partlcl , ated In by three of tha beat awlmmert "Jn tfia United States. , , H. J. Handy of the Central T. M. C. A.. of Chicago, aaally won out tn thla event. ''with F.- Galley of the Olympio club, of , San Francisco, and J. Scott Leery, also of tha Olympio club, trailing along for aacond and third, respectively. Handy la DO NT CRV PAKB TIM bm BMatUs af TMa rasntr" an atea 1st a St af Safaaweabla la- erednllty. It la tree that BtrrvMe arlsla ef baMseaa m tars the Slaeerared tkat BMSt hair riwaaiis wars aitklai. : . XMatdraTf la a eoataanoaa alaeaaa oaaaad SOI1M& I o.rinsira. i ?" AmviOATion a nann tsAmsn smors. - ' rsf Sttra.H H. SeasMc Suast. tt KItMCWE CI., IctL I. Ittrart, NidL.rwa tsatli NEWDRO'S He-rpicide The OmiOTWAZi reaaeSy that Phototxaph o the Einiah.- of theiBrighton Mils In" Which. Ort Weill Dkjtanced Beldame. 4 The Lower Picture '- -' -' -: "--Kanaing Water atad Single Shot in the Diataff Stakes at Brighton. each. but a youth of tender years, and bit swimming was certainly a revelation to tha large crowd of onlookers, who mar veled at. the wonderful endurance of the. boy. He naea what la called a two-arm "crawling" stroke, and It la certainly a winner. The time made- by Handy was vary good, considering the- has traveled ail tha way from Chicago to participate in 'these events, reaching Portland on Sunday night.. Tomorrow afternoon tha one-mile championship and tha diving champion ships will come ,o(T. The diving con tests will consist of Mgh and fancy div ing and plunge for distance. There will also be exhibition swimming and diving by Professor Cavill of the Olympic club. Ban Francisco, and W...S. . Murray oil ; as. A. A. J. vvomrais will nvm m p. m. In Guild's lake, Juat aaat of tha rtga f N.tlona . The summary of tha one-mile cham pionship swim: H. J. -Handy. Central rrtrcr--7L. mvxio. flrsfT'ttm; IS .-40. 1-4. F. Gallev.- Olvmnlo club, aec ond; tlme.'OI 4-6. - J, Scott Laary. Olympio club, third. . ' DAN KELLEY RECEIVES r MEDALS OF VICTORY (Special Dispatch te The" JooraaL) Baker City, July St. Dan, Kelley of Baker City haa received . nine tnedala from the Lewis and Clark fair manage ment, won by him at tba recant field meet in Portland. Four of the medals arc cold and flva silver. The gold medals represent flrat place In the win- ntoga and the aUvar second place,- The medals have the Lewis and Clark shield on one aide and an Indian on tba. other, with tba word "Champion" engraved. Kelley baa an Invitation from tha man ager of tho Lewis and Clark games to take part in the world's contest tha first week in August and will probably do so. He Is tho son of a Baker City black smith and a typical type of tho Oregon born athlete. " Wisconsin Oolf Tooraey. ;,' , (Journal Special tarries.) " La Crosse, Wls July SO. Representatives-of all' the prominent, coif -clubs of the state wero preaent today at the opening of tha annual tournament of the Wisconsin State Golf association n the links of the Schagbtlcoko club. Today's program Included tha preliminary quali fying round for the state championship. also the flrat round, for the state cham pionship cup, tha first round for tha con solation cup and tha match play handi cap contest aaalnat bogey. . . MM , Snooting la Dakota. ' (Joaraal Special Berries.) " Grand Forks, N. D. July 20. Tha an. nual tournament of the North Dakota State Sportsmen's association -opened here today under tha auspices of the Grand Forks Gun club. There is a large attendance of prominent shots , from North Dakota and neighboring atates and also a- number of well-known ex- fierta and professionals attracted by the lberality of the prisea offered. Today's events included 10 events of It targets each and a team shoot of 21 targets. The tournament will conclude' tomorrow. : . Tiverton the Beat Trotter. (Jouraal Special Berrlre.) PhOadel phia, T July. . So. Tha . speedy New York trotting gelding, Tiverton, easily defeated Sweet Marie in the IS. 000 match race yeaterday on the Belmont Driving club's track, and broke the track record In the second heat, reducing the rormer record or X:11H to 2:07 K- by a, aBioroba. GONE III aa lata far Sartal4e, T-"T . ware Ml(B4lr as. ilTS: a bW ha Its rare- mosb, tasarari tehls srala as4 fatllav r"T1; ,l rw bro' . AmiCtf. It pre. ataj ntsfeethw. ateeey sack If asMtw. VB spwwaf IMBUHI IW, "kUls tho Tajsmr Sana." aCaj PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. - I f '1 v ? . CLCBS. It? B Taeoma 131 11 13 121B "Sol .BM .4U0 .4M) .488 ..4U San Francises,-.. Portias .,...-?; 13 Lh Anaslea 8 Oakland ... Seattle Lest ...... 4I1S 4 Ti 1-eL.T! 48146 4tMI2;284 . -,ir.' Xoraa's Oood Work. , Journal Special flarrlea.) San Francisco, July 10.-Hogan'a Una pitching1- resulted in tho Soale' downfall yesterday. Score: ,, . Oakland , , . . i . . 1 IT? STvOl i 10 . 0 Ban Francisco ..00000 1 0 00 1 2 Batteries Hoa-an and Byrnes: Henley and Wilson. ' Umpire Perrine. - ;.' Oray Zs ' '" f '' (Jeersal Special Sanrfee.) , Los 'Angelas, July 20.--Tho SaatUo men woke up long enough yeaterday to win an 11-lnnlng content from tho An gela, . Score:- i, , R. H.E. Los Ankales.OOtOtOOlttt 1 7 1 Seattle .1 . . ,t t 1 0 0 1 1 0 t 2 2 11 ' Batteries Gray and Boles: Miller and Blankenahlp. Umplro-rrBray. , . , , AMERICAN LEAGUE. , Won. Lost PC. ,34 .600 .OS .411 Cleveland , 4 i 46 . 44 . 28 2 20 ,27 Philadelphia . . . ...... mica go Detroit Boston . ,. , New York St. Iuls , ... Washington . . 2t ,24 -- 24--it 24 - - ;' $ 27 .47t 2 - ,471 4 f. .27? 61 r .242 -At Cleveland. "-First same - , , ' R. H. E Cleveland ... ........... .i.'... .2 11,1 Boston.. ........ ... I t 2 Batteries Joss and Baelow: .Winter. Gibson. Crlger and Armbruster. .- Second game . . 1 R.: H. E. Cleveland . t ; 7 .1 Boston.. . ......1,7 . 1 Batteries Rhoadea and Bemis; Ol in stead and Crlger.. . ' Atil. bonis. ' - t : : , . . . .- ... '.. R. H.B. St. Louis. ......2 22 Philadelphia.. 7 11 1 Batteriea Buchanan ': and '. Sugden) Waddell and Schrack. . , At Ohloaco.' ' v - R. H. E. Chicago ,.i......l- 4 ,t New York . ...J l , -Batteries Whits and Sullivan; Chea bro and McOulra. . .-. 4 . j 1 ' ' . , At Detroit V'. ' ' - ' ' ... . . R. KB Detroit . . .4 11 0 Washington . ........... .. . .2 11 1 Batterlee K ill Ian and Doran; -Wolfe, Adama and Heydon. . NATIONAL LEAGUE. New Tork , Pittsburg . Philadelphia Chicago -. . ... Cincinnati St. Louis Boston . . Brooklyn 1 .-. ,,. . ; At Boston. . ,r " - . R Tt. E. St Louis . ...,,........,T It '-4 Boston . '. 4 11 -2 Batteries' McFarland and Grady; Willis and Moran. UmplroO'Day. - . .. .' . At How Yort.'.,i: ' ... R. H.E. Pittsburg . 2 1, 4 New Tork .................... H 4 Batteriea - Flaherty, . Leaver . and Pelts; Taylor and Rowermen. Um pires John atone and Klem. . , . ' At Philadelphia. . . ..... "IL H.& Cincinnati . ..! .....t 10 I Philadelphia . . 4 It "4 Batteries Chech snd Phelps;. Plain ger, Sudhoff and Doolrv. Umpire Baus wlne. j . .. . ,. .. - . " " SPORTING GOSSIP. ' Secretary Ely of the Portland base ball club received a - telegram this morning-from' J.' P.' Agnew'.-of the Seattle club, who made a hurried trip to San Francisco on Monday' to ' look Into the financial -affairs . of. tha . Coast league, Incidental with President Bert's attempt at self-destruction, stating. that the money, of Jhe letgruo waa Jboroufbjy. , . , Won. Lost P.C .. fit V. 2 1 .! ........ 52 , 21 . .2 1 ..... 4t-Vt 41 24 ; ,f8t 44 29 .520 21 , tO , , .282 27 . , 87 .111 rrJat. Z2 . S7 ; .282 safe. This Information was good news, aa there were ; several rumors - afloat that things -wero not in good condition. u : . : V ..e a. , . - Charlie -Graham deserves great, credit for the capable manner in "Which ha handles tba Taoama ball team. Many fans have--tho Impression -that - Mike Flaher la the ono who directs tho play of tho Tigers, but In Justice to tho hard working captain it maybeaald that' all credit for Taooma'e success can ba di rectly attributed to Charlie Graham. He la .tho beat catcher. nd captain in the Pacific Coast league. - . . -1 . - - - . Every now and then MIka Flaher takes a little fit and hangs .' around tho en trance to the ball grounds, scrutinising every, person who enters, and often com- mantlng.-why this one , and that one should enter on a pass. If this ia the work for which Fisher la paid a salary 01 sov par monui. iaa 11 wouia tn a good schema If tho backsrs of tha Ta eoma club would alt up and take notice Tho only work that Mike aver does, la creating trouble and In this department he. Is a paat master. . , , . ' Tbers Is a schema on foot : to have Portland .and . Taeoma play an. exhibi tion game at Seasldo on some Monday in August--There are many Portland fana at that popular resort and they are willing tb pay the - expenses " of the teama for such a trip. Nothing would. 1 . . . . . .... - i- i-ao ins ooys mora gooa man 10 iaae a plunge In the Pacific after a game. It would do Mike Flaher good, too, If ha took a hlgh-dlvo--4ntho surf. Alt's phenomenal atop of a bard liner front- Sheeban's . bat waa - oris of - the prettiest one-handed exhibitions sver seen on any diamond. . . , Charlie Graham called -for foul 'wide balls on .McLean - in tho seventh, , when a bit would have meant a run. .. , i- J..-' a r: t ., '.5 '. ' "So Joa Corbett la through with base ball," -inuaed Umpire "Hank" 0Day a few days ago., "Well, In his retirement, baseball loees the best man that over curved 'a ball. I've umpired many a game and waa a pitcher myself, but I've never aeen as many wide twisters as Corbett served up when - he was per forming In tho Nstlonal league. - When Corbetf began In Baltimore he was a "hit" from the start' Hs hsd rood speed, but bo never depended upon that. ' He was . wholly and solely a curved ball pitcher and -always relied upon his wide slants.". ; , . Jack Warner has lumped the St Louis Cardinals .and Is on his way to New Tork city. Jack 'was fined '$100 and suspended -for five days for falling to accompany tho Cardinals to Pittsburg last Thursday. It is understood that Warner' will figure. In a trade with Cin cinnati or Philadelphia, and '.Warner saya that if,the deal aulta htm he will switch teama. ' Otherwise bs wltl retire. FINE TENNIS MATCHES IN FAIR TOURNAMENT ' The tennis tournament on tha Multno mah courts Is gong merrily on, snd ths brand of tennia that is being served is of ths highest' order. - Over tO matches have been played alnce the opening day. Yesterday's results ' were: ' Armstrong, beat Bellinger by default Walker beat Remington -v (Interna tional), -J, t-4. t-2. Hunter beat Farquhar (International), 4-t. t-V 7-, t-4. , - - ' Schwengesa beat Busch, 4-1, l-t. .' , Walker and McBurney beat 'Reming ton and Paachall, t-2, t-S. '- Paachall beat Herdman (Internation al),'' 4-t,' t-2, t-4, t-4, t-2. - Hunter and Macrae beat Goes '" snd MoAlpln, t-t, 4-1, t-4.. ' Schwengers and Dewdnay. beat. Far quhar and Beecher, t-t, 4-1. Walker beat Fen ton, t-2, ' 4-0. ' . Walker and McBurney beat Armstrong tnd.Benham, t-t. It-8. 1 ' . - ' Aaierloaas trim Champ loaahlp, ' ' (Joaraal Special Serrlee.) ' London,-July 20. William A. Larned defeated ' the Auatrallan, Norman E. Brookes, three sets to love, and Beals C Wiight beat M. F. Wilding by two seta to love in the championship yester day. Ths Australian tayera ' wero not anxious to play, as the 'Americans hsd slready won three points out pf five. Iarnad'a - srora ssalnst Brookes was 14-12, t-0 t-t. Wright's was t-1. l-t. . Trofewsd Stock Osaaad.' OooaS, AUaa Av Ltwfaf Bast Brand.- - I r IP J 1 Shows the Neck ' Finish 1 Between . J vC J)Z'-X,.-:- JOCKEY O'BRIEN IS : . DANGEROUSLY WOUNDED ,v . : ' (Joarad SpaeUt Sarrlos.1 : New Tork, July 20. In tho otoeplo chasa event yesterday, at Brighton Breach -yesterday Jockey J. O'Brien was dangerously injured by the falling, of bla - mount ' Gats Bell, ' on - tho track stretch, O'Brien - will die, a: : i '. ' .-Results of .racee: . , - Flva and ono half furlongs Ratopaw won. Listless aacond. Benoacbal third; time, 1:08.' v Steeplechase, about two miles Grace way won,- George Kero second. Nepon set third; time. 4:24.- - " ' I Mile and ono sixteenth Novsna won. Head, Danes second. Volladay third; time. 1:14 t-S. . .-....' Mils. and one eighth Bad-News won, Pretension second, Gjifanlum TSTraTtUns; 1:61 t-6. , . t: - Six furlongs Klamesha won, Fleur da Marls second,. Gold r Boss third; tlmd, 1:12 4-6. ' "-x ' :- At oattlo.'j'--''-' ' 1 Seattle, July 2t.--Results of races: 81x furlongs Tho . Lieutenant won, Matt HoTran aecond, Dfr Sherman third; time, 1:12 t-4. . . ' '. One mile Dandle Bella won. Capable second. Badly Used third; time. 1:41. , Five and ono half furlongs Hlrtle won. Skirmish second, . Eld red - third; tlma, 1:07 2-4. - Mils and ono eighth Corn -Blossom wonr Mindanao second, St George, ' Jr4 third; time, 1:62 1.4. Mile and one eighth Expedient won. Blue Ridge second,' Fills d'Or third; time. 1:64 1-4. -. . Six furlongs Lurens won, Sus Chris tian second, Peter-J. third; -time,- 1:11. Ons mile and 100 yards Eleven Bells won, Crlgll - second,' Harry Beck third; time, 1:45 t-4. - . ; ' ' '. -u " ' At St, XWnis. -;" . St Louis, July 20. Delmar race re sults: :' ' Flvs and ono half furlongs Qulnn Brady won,-. Kiss second. Floral Artist tblrd; ' timer 1:02 t-6. . ,V Six furlongs J, W.- O'Neill won, Al ls ta second, Eleanor Howard third; time, 1:14. . . - ; Five furlongs Bitter Hsnd won, Sadie Martin second. Bill Holt third; time, 1:06. , , - Mile and . 70 yards, handicap Taby Toaa won, J. P. . Mayberry second, A. Mutkoday third; time, 1:41. , Mile and one sixteenth Marlln won,' Miss Mao Day second, Athena third; time, 1:48. ; -.- : Seven furlongs Sorrel top won, Xthnl Davis Vecoud, Last Faust ua third; tints, 1:21 t-6. .. . " ' ' '- - - ' - EVER WATCHFUL A Little Care Will Save Many Portland Readers Future Trouble. ' Watch tha kldnav secretions.' :" See that they have the tmbor hut of hsaltlv "- ' 1 ' . ' - The 'discharges not sxcassl ve ' or In frequent; ( Contain no "brick-dust Uko" sedi ment . .- . : Doan's Kidney Pills will do this for They watch the kidneys , and curs them when they're .sick. . J. Blake, whoso place of residence Is 82 Market street, says: "I bought sev eral boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills and I scarcely think - If the first - had not f roved satisfactory that I would have rled the stfeond or third. I have used In my time almost everything said to ba a cure for weakened or overexcited kidneys and bladder, but nothing ever rare me the satisfaction I received from Doan'a Kidney Pills. They are easy to take, have no effect' upon the stomach or bowels, and act directly on the kidneys, snd I thoroughly believe from -the results, I received and also from observation that Doan'a Kidney Pills are one preparation on the market which acts directly aa represented." For ale bv all dealers. Pries 60 cents Foster-Mlfburn Co.. Buffalo, N. sole agents for the United States. y , Remember tho nam DOAN'S and take . so other. . - . - r- : (toeeUl DUpatek to The Joaraal.) Ban Francisco July to. Jack Welch will referee tho Jimmy BriU-"Kid7 Sul Uvan contest v-', It took Willfs BHtt and ATHsrford three days to ooms to ths ons wsy of thinking. - At least, that'f Jhs j,way It looked to the public. , ' ""' When Willie and Al, representing, to spectlvely, Jimmy and tha 'Kid.'' met In Morris Levy's palatial apartments In the Adams . house rriasy mgni, xierioru started ths ball.. . . "Who do vou wantr ho asked. "Any fair man wUl suit us." replied Willie.' - -'-"' .-. - '- ,- . To tho uninitiated it may be explained that conferences on ths referee question Invariably begin In that fashion.. , After a suitabla pauae flrltt added, "What's tho matter with Billy Roche r.' Levy throw uo his hsnds at thla point and said emphatically that Roche Could not preside over any or me natio ru no tions srrangad by tho Hayes Valley dub. Exit Billy Rocha. - - - "What's . the matter with Eddie aranevT" then asked Herford. . Britt proceeded to eulogise Orkney. He said "ths little borsesnoer-, was one- or ths bast, judges of ring pastimes In ths world, but that ha wss given to under stand that sickness In ths family wouUl vent ursnay rrom sot ma;, Up to this time Jaok Welch's name "waa nlvtr mlnUoned." - lis t was no body's darling, apparently. -; Herford said It mightn't bo a bad Idea to aacertala. If Oraney was Ire to aot Then It Waa auaaeated that Jack Wsloh would bs a good man to add to tho list of posslbls ringmasters. -. - - Tho meeting then adjourned until Sat urriav nlcht at tha same place. Wben.tb roll was called Saturday evening It was Intimated that Oraney would accept ths position if ths choice was made unanlrnoua. . . - . - . . Then WUll Britt said that wnns- ns still entertained ths highest regard for Oraney. both as a man and an analyst of boxing bouts, ho wss afraid there would be a repetition of charges mads In ths past to tha effect that tho Brttta alwaya schsmed to hsvs Oraney chosen for refers. . - r ' . Herford mumbled something sna ins meettaa- adlourned till Tuesday nignt When all tho Interested parties wro tn their places there was a landslide zor Jack Welch. . Oraney was but a mem ory; Rochoyas forgotten entirely. Ex planations were not demanded and wars not YOluntooreav . n ssia n unavr stood Wslch wss satisfactory to all eon-eerned-aad all oonoarnad aoquleeoed Thera are) always .heartburnings eon- Saited" wRirthe" seiectldn-br a - referse.- and tha preaent instance Is no exception to the rule. Ths friends of soma of ths candidates ere saying that matte re hare raached a nolnt where a boxers inaivra- ual choirs In ths matter cuts little figure. Ths story goes that 'oartalrt referees, who have officiated often enough to D rscog- nlaad' aa Drofesslonsl - Judges of ring vent a. are In a position to Influence su pervisorial votes when It comes to ths granting of permits for boxing matches. Ths first consideration In tba njatter of picking a referee used to bs, Is bs honest and eapsbls? i Now ths question ia. Haw manv votes can bo swlngT , It doesn't follow, of course, that a man cannot swing votes ana DO.nonest ana capable as welt- . " ' : But whetner jsck weicn waa touj aeiactail Tuesday night or was ehosen for the position at tho outset, ths fact remains that hs Is a great Judge of fight ing. Hs purposes visiting Sullivan at San -Rafael tomorrow - and on tho f ol lowlng day ha will intervlsw Britt in regard to tha atyla of milling that in to prevail at Woodward's tomorrow even ing. ' - - .'-V:- .' nAdy Br Wtos. v ', (Jasraal Special Sarrtea.) v.niaM rnlv ln RuddV Ryan of Chicago got theJleclsion over George Peterson of this city last night in ths twentieth round lor -ins veiwrwrwni championship. Peterson's seconds threw up tho Sponge; Ryan forced ths fighting. ' Players n for Second Flac. f J (Joaraal Special Berries.) ' . s-i. Jt T.,t. r n T h . international Ulioini. mv' chess tournament ended yestsrday, when Janowskt and Wolf finished an adjourned gams -from Tuesday. Janowskl winning, tying Dr. 8. Tsrrasch of NuYemburg for sscond and third money, valued at 1,000. UNCLE SAM TO WAGE WAR UPON SMUGGLERS , ' (Joaraal Special service.) , fl. Vrandaco. July 10. Captain F. M. Mungsr of ths rsvsnus cutter serv ice is dstacnea irora amy m.i on Francisco and ssnt to Port Town sand , .,,nMaa tha evtanalvd amussllna aw mary"' - - ring now operating in Pugst sound. Tho government is muain iimuai rimri. tn minnresa the lllesai traffic In opium and Chlness coolies. With Munger in the north will cooperate a' flotilla com prislnn tha rsvsnus cutter Plant and launches Arcauia, u otwuw MANY BICYCLES STOLEN - BY GANG OF YOUTHS (SpmUI DUpatch U Tbt 2onat) tv.11. ru. 11.. jtilv 10.-What ia be)- WW Ball SB- w W , . a as arsi n sV ftf hoVI AnsrAaTAd In llfff V W7U M s an a " A BtMlinff bicycles on th wholeitlw wail .1 1 ...Masked! - VJr at BIT S TfT Si Y WntD VsUIIIIISJ Frlese, a little Russian lad, waa brought before judge nunman on a cnarae hi.rlM and nonvloted. In ..v.i.. rne wltnaaaes. Constsble-Pe- . 1 -tA narta of btevclea In little St. Petereburg. a Russian settle ment in tho nortnwest par 01 iw wwn. Nearly 100 bicycles ' have been stolen within tho last It mop tna. 1 UMATILLA INDIANS CONSUME MUCH FISH A ' ' "' :r (pedal Dispatch te The JooraaL - v..ji.iin nr.. Jul v 10. From 400-to 100 pounds ot fish a day Is consumed on tha iTmatllla rasarvation. the larger portion of this amountr being furnished by -Pendleton butchers, wno mn , mm wsgonsolnto the reservation, f 1 If It la possible to get Chinook salmso they.. wlU buy. bo Other kind ot fish. ; New Lot "Jiist Received SB RODITtSON&Cp. TEETH m PAIN NO PAIN 1NICE TEETH I . We are the discoverers and orlglnat-'' ora.ox..uia...oniy . raiiaoja .auujstiouuiw. system of Palnlesa ijjentlstry. We ex trmnt omni till and olaan or treat teeth absolutely without pain and guarantee v - au votr lor iiAtwii v ! th kaat our nrlrti tha lowest con sistent with firsf-claes work. EXAM , 1 INATION FRES. Our plates are unae tectablo from tho natural teeth and are guaranteed to fit v - ' , FILLINOS ...... 50s) TB ed f l.OO OOLD CROWNS.. ...S3.50 to 5.00 BRIDOB WORK S3.00 to SS.OO FULL 8ET NATURAL TEETH. SS.OO Op an fo hnslnsss aatu o'clock Orwalnfftw . ;;. .. .-. Boston Painless Dentists ttlVi Morrison St, Opp. Kelas ft trim-ji - , aaa aavoinos. , - - v HOURS 1:10 a. m. to t D. m. Sun. day, t:tt a. m. to it:tt p. m. .'. St. Louis Positive Cure Treated ; . tatabllahai int. OUR PATIEnTS 01m 6BI ADVOCATB Thnnaandi In Portland and all ever the Berth- west ean testify te ear great and aaesasiplad gonorrhcea; , May be Sttended with the grareat eotnplleatina If Deslected ar Improperly treated, we bare a epeelfle treatawnt . which cures quickly, safely sad paloleaaly. . J, v . frf SYEHILIS VrSr I another srqnlred disease, the rarates et which whea fully developed no pea eaa dMcrth. When it abews by skin eruptions or by aorea In SMUth or throat Ita horrors are sbvaay brsan. We aafaly and tnoronshly ears you, as4 so auaersl polaons sra employed, VARICOCELE AND f HYDROCELE ' W treat and not by tha old rnrjlcl procedure, but .by a -patnleas BMtsod solely eal own. We likewise will euro yne and aare roe: tha arfffeiins Baanrlated with Merveas Dobllltr. last Manhood, Impoteney, Ipermaterrhoea, Soo. j tarsal Xmiaaions, Frematnre Dm Una, Leas el Memory, an.rf y ant Ambition tn the brief! time It ran be done, and wa Injure roa a saf aad saaltlre ears...,- . . .,,;.' , consuijATion juiD Lumiunoii riif Writs far lymttom Blank sat Bosk kf Tea. ' , Oaaaot OalL - ' Offloa Hcnrai t a. aa. to t f, B). tnadayt. It to U aaly. . St Louis Medical and . Surgical sary Orr, Iees4 sod TsauUU ttr.rU, rtlssa."0e. Surgical Dispensary Dispen