The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 16, 1905, Image 5

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    ( r- ." . - e r - V
a" k . , k I '
flabgeribar. ph t ......
. j . wno so away for a wk or.
A . -w wa
; ar iii 17 nave llr piptr
stopped at their residence and
,nt to any address by mall at
th" reaulsr rates, and collection
will be mada by revulsr oarrler
after return to- the city. except
t Lone - Bracb and 8ela,
Wher Tb Journal ba resular
( carrier, delivery. Albert Olaan
of , Ilwaoo, Washington, , . baa
. char; of Ths Journal on Lone
Beach and Lewi Co. of Bh-
atda have charge ot Tha Journal
on Seaald or Clataop beach.
Delivery will be mad at' tbeoa
jtwo point at rerular subscrtp-
tion rates. - , Give your chant
of addreaa to your carrier or
Phono Main tot and prompt at
teotlon will bo given ail ordara. ,
' The elecant steamer "Batlev flatsert"
haa. afforded, thousand' of people hoifrs
ox enjoyment alnc tb management in
auaurated tta daily excursions us tha
I , Columbia river to Cascade Locks and
- return, , The splendid steamer, one ot
tha largest on the Willamette and Co
lumbia,- departs from its dock, foot of
Aiaer street, at a. m. dally, maun
tha (-mlla run to Cascade Locks and
return ., in .about nine - hours. The
steamer passes through tha locks and
' by tha grandest scenery "In the world.
and la herself one of those aplendid
floating palaces . that, . affords supreme
comfort to her patrons. Bhe contains
inre observation decks, there are no
narrow passagewaya, accommodate I0
people, rides as smooth aa a" Pullman.
-contains a special- ladles' parlor, haa
IJrst claaa dining-room and serves most
excellent meals, afford abundance or
room to Ha patrons, has easts for all
and leavea and returns at oonvanlent
and pleasurable hours. The Oatsert car-
rtea an orchestra, at all tlmea and bar
nandsom stateroom are always at the
disposal of her guests. Round trip 11.10,
. aha tickets' should be secured a early
aa possible. ' Her berth Is at tha Aider
ttreet dock. 'Telephone Main tie. Tha
uetsert will make a special trip to the
' locks 'and return on Monday for "tha
pleasure of those who cannot take 'ad
vantage of the Sunday rid. : . v
At a meeting at the Commercial club
laat night If buatnesa men of Portland,
born In Michigan, formulated plan for
tha entertainment of visitors-from tha
Wolverine state to the Lewis and Clark
..fair on Michigan, day, August . -It is
proposed to organise. a club to car for
visitors, and One of the objects of this
club will tie to organis a permanent
- Michigan society In tb northwest. There
are now about a.OOO natives of Michigan
living In Oregon and- Washington, - and
tha club intend to Invite them to be
come members and to assist It to or
ganise the aoclety. ,
' Excursion ,on O. W. p. today: To
Oregon City, Willamette Falla and Ca
neroah Park, 15 cent round trip; oar'
leave :20 a. m. and every1 -minutes
thereafter.- to Gresham, II cent: Bor
ing, Eagle : Creek and - Eataeada,
centa round trip: car leave T:t.-:10.
; ll:3 a. m.. l:je, :a, : p. m; Din
nar at Hotel Estacada, 7 cents. Danc
ing at Cnnemah and Eataeada parka. ? office and waltlngJroom. First
and- Alder street. . ' . ".'
The 'young women visiting the expo-
. sit Ion aa the gueata of the Dally Capital
- New . of Boise, Idaho, will be enter
tained at the Idaho' building tomorrow
evening by Commissioner McBrlde of
hatjrommonwealta. A musical program
win do given, - followed by a banquet
and ball This afternoon the visitors
wlhV be given an automobile ride about
the city; the host is A. U Mitchell of
the Capital New? taff. -.-':, -' . ,
.-The Cascade ft rtimvt nn Trail
closed, the backer of the project, W. C.
Williamson, of St. Louis, having- backed
from under. The show . lost money
from the time it opened. r This.-1 the
second of the Trail ahowa to close.. The
other was the Galveston Flood. The
Indian Relic building floaed some time
go-ana K. r. iimpton la negotiating
for the spec. HI intention is to out. In
a troupe -or south. African natives.
Judge i. 'C B. Hebbard" of Ban Fren
ches is in Portland reveling in the de
lights of the fair and the charms of
what he terma Oregon's incomparable
climate. Judge. Hebbard baa been twice
elected to. the superior bench of San
, Francisco county, and haa decided some
of the most prominent cases ever tried
in California. - Ha I, accompanied by
Mr. Hebbard. - .. r-
On of the most Interesting features
of ' the exposition is the dally organ
recital In the Forestry bulldlna- everv
afternoon at f:t and t.J o'clock by
. rea w. uooaricn. . too reataia are free.
and are becoming very popular. A, num
ber of soloists will sing In tb course
of the recitals. ' , . .. - ,
. . .... . ... . . y -ft -
See the" Sea at Seaside A dellrhtful
trip to old ocean, only four hours' ride
from Portland. Tako a dip In the briny
deep. . Trains, leave the union derot
dally at f a. m. ' T6r laformatlon apply
to Mrv C A. Stewart, agent. 14 Aider
Street. Phon Main IDC. ' - -. r ,
C -B." Soothe of Los Angelea. chair
man of the executive committee of the
National Irrigation congreaa, -will ar-
. . ,TOwir iu k v ii hi a v
prellminwey arrangements for the con
gress, which convenes August II.-
Over 1.200 people visited 'the museum
of the Oregon Historical aoclety the past
week.. The register ahows the names of
visitors from all parte of the United
Statea, particularly from California.
Idaho, Nebraska and Washington. .
' The Sycamore Real Estate CAmnanv
la to be commanded for it encourage'
ment of clvlo improvement and we con-
The management of the Adminis
tration Restaurant, Fair Grounds,
seeing the need of a comfortable
place for those who wish to bring
their lunch, offer the' free use of
tables on the second floor of their
building for spreading the same,
also free use of toilet and wash
room and public telephone. v .
Waiters will be in attendance to
furnish Coffee, Tea, Milk, Lemon
ade and Soft fDrinks to those who
wish to purchase. 1 ;.,f
II. VC :y, rrr-rittn'-'
FC;i Gi;;LS AT
Working CirUHomg
After months of labor the -Volunteer
of -America, have at last opened .their
home at. Ml East Ankeny, street for
working girl. , . .
Th home is v large li-room . real-
dene. ' well - furnished and .comfortable
In "every -respect.- Toung women .who
work In store,, shop and factories are
welcomed as members on-payment of
11.60 per week. - i v
Each- member will "have a bed to her
self and will be treated aa one of the
family, and everything. will- be made a
homelike and pleasant for the occu
pants as possible.-'A large reception-.
gratulate the :, winner .of - the-1190.-1
prise awarded for the beat Kern-Park
gardens, upon their success, aa ahown
by the company's advertisement in .an
other column. . . i, . . .
All persons having accounts agalnat
th committee of arrangement of th
American Medical . association are re
quested to- forward the -same, fully
itemised, to Dr. F. Cau thorn, secretary,
room IIS, Mohawk building. - -
Window screens .and garden hose at
wholesale prices.- Any sis -cedar screen
doors, 1H, plain,'- 7ia -Any else cedar
screen doors. 114.. fancy., tl. Portland
Sash- A Door company,-lift Front Street,
near Main.-. v ;
Hrougners.i topics: - - Morning, .TKilng
Fishing and Catching Nothing." Night.
Birds of -a Feather- Flock Together."
Baptism, -' Special sololat.,.,,. . .
'Th Collin- Land., company - Ja ' re
moved ' from ST Concord building to
third floor of Stearns building. Sixth and
Morrison streets. Be display advertise
ment on real aetata page. :f
Mrs. E. A. Fulton arrived In the city
yesterday from Pawn City, Nebraska,
on a visit to. her sqn. United State Sen
ator Fulton.'- She will leave for Astoria
today. , a if',, .$ ;..v..V.v.v:
Ours are the only launche landing at
th Oak. Launches for charter. Favor
tte Boating company, -upper side Morri
aoa "street ondg. Teu Main ftdi.
Roof painting Columbia Paint com
pany. Main 1481, T First street. Moss
nd fireproof paint for wood, tinr and
Iron, Roof painting a peclalty. , ,
H. M. Cake, president of the Portland
Commercial club, . wh with his wife
baa been In Honolulu for the last . six
weeks, returned yesterday. ..-V ;;
Elegant observation launch Princess
May for charter to evening parties.
Muslo furnished. - Foot of Stark atreeL
Phone Main -1SI1. , '
We ar 1 tlll selling our tl.Eo eve-
glasaes for tl. Consultation free, and
every pair guaranteed. Metsger Co.,
1U Sixth street.' ., ,-r. i', '.
Mr. -and Mr.- Jacob Schmltt of Jack
sonville,. Oregon,. ara-ln Portland-for a
two weeks' stay to see the exposition..
MllllnerV business aucceaaull.: ear.
rled'on for 3 years; a rare chance. ' 14
Third tret.'',. '.,.-, s .'.. "...,
Moffett .Mot : Bttrlns. 11.10 davs. II
and 1 10 week t bat he, 2 sc. Take Regula'-
tor iin.i. v . - ... . . .
"Prts waltxLcedar Park, today.' Dane
tng.every Sunday., af ternoon and even
ing. ... H. " .. "
Columbia" River Park. and Beach la
Open to tH .public; Take .'Vancouver
car. i tf x-:-- i.,A
Wanted-Shlrt finisher . and ladlee
clothe ; troners. Union Laundry: Co. J
Dr.'Z M. Thornton, dentist. 101 Mae.
quam buUdlng., Phone Main lt. ,. ,
Launches I to fair grounds' fromiW
landing, SUrk street, every 11 mlnutee.
Dine at the'Delmont. Ill Fifth street
Meet me at Wooster1!
':. i .Druggists Attention. ;, .
Phnna"clt.J , their families ' and
friends of Portland and this entire atat
are requested to atUnd the Joint con'
vent Ion of. the Oregon and Washington
State.. Pharmaceutical aeooclattona,
which leave for "The Breakers" on
eteamer Potter, Tuesday, July 11, a.
m. TickeM now on aale at the Laue
DavU Drug Co., Third and Yamhill
streets. , Onlyt $10. for ' a .three-days'
rest.; v . ' v. ,-, .,,
f Milwaukle Country Club. -
Eastern and Seattle race Take Sell-
wood and Oregon City cars at First and
Aldr. , - .'.- ,. ..
ssaBBBBlkBwMrBwaBBBAsSsnHBsnw ' . 'r
Hotel Hamilton, Sn Francisco's new.
eat hoteL . Steam heat and telephone la
room. Centrally located. . Rat
' - -. -Ill Ellis street
... -..s .-yi.-, etv f:
on ' tbrEut7Sider
room and parlor wilt be at the disposal
of .the girls, who wUI be at liberty to
entertain ' gueata until til .o'clock, t
which time, the doors of th. bom will
b closed. . ..- ..' , , i-
',' .Toung 'women will - be - admitted re
gardleaa of creed.-- Eight girls are in the
home already, and there are accommoda
tions for several others - , '.
Captain -and Mr. Arent have supervision-
and Mr. Watson presides over
the culinary ..department,' Anybody
Interested in the work is cordially In
vited . to visit the place. Contributions
will also be gladly received to carry on
the Work. .
Rsmarkabls Fact Disclosed by
Recent Great Increase In the
vf.t'Cdatt' Business. ff.
Notwithitsndlnf the. Crying Need for
- New Craft, Not a Steam Schooner
or Lumber Carrier Haa Been Built
ere-lor'Two Teats. vV':i;,;.
-t -
Although thlafg Hh -second city in
point of population and) Commercial im
portance, on th Paclflo coast, Portland
ha not a ciltlsen who own an Interest
In an ocean-going hip. It 1 said this
statement cannot . be made truthfully
of any other port on th Paclflo. - , v
- Nearly every coaster, nasaenser and
"freighter coming, her Is owned In Ban
Francisco, whoa merchants usually
hay a controlling Interest in them.. AsJ
s conHqu.Dct . uiey. supply una witn
tore, and in other way benefit by
Keeping , the craft constantly in com
mission. It Is declared In Shipping cir
cles that. Eureka is. following in the
footsteps of ber big. neighbor, and "her
business men expect to profit largely
by the venture.. - The merchant of
Gray' Harbor "are taking atock in
steam schooners, and aa a result-two
new vessels will soon be built at Aber
deen. Seattle and Tacoma are th homes
or many shipowners, who each year are
adding to the tonnage they operate. -,
A ateam schooner or lumber drogher
haa not been built at Portland for more
than two years! at th same time mora.
grain and lumber ar sent coastwise
from the Willamette than from - any
other district on the Pacific- In the
face of thla fact. the local shipyards ar
practically deserted, while those at
other coast point a re busily employed
in turning, out vessels to take-care et
the trade originating in Portland . terri
tory. -. ; , - - ' .
,'The water trafflo from Portland I
so great," said an observant citlsen
yesterday - afterpoon." "that -It 'Is im
possible to take car of it. But whoa
fault I UT . No on la to blame but the
Portland merchants - themselves. if
they want to ahlp their goods regularly
and assist In the work of building up
a greater city, why do they not Uk a
lesson from the San Francisco business
men snd contribute to. the building of
new vessels, retaining a share In themT
A complaint la often mad because most
of the coasters coming to Portland get
supplies at Ban Francisco. . Th. ni,r.
chant in th Baylty have an Interest (
In the craft, and naturally they place!
their stores on -their -vessels." A
Ugfctkoas. Znspecier Olve Xaforaatio
ef Zatereet ts Ooastwlse Bailors. '.
Captain L. C. Hellner, lighthou in
spector of . this district, haa issued -the
following notice .to mariner; -
Umatilla reef, light vessel V (list i of
llghta, buoya and daymarks, Pacine
coast, 106) Moored In 100 feet of
water, about t mile 8W. S. from
Umatilla, reef. Flattery rock, maklnc
off ' from Cape Aleve, and - about-
mile west southwesterly of th cape..
- adoui August-it, lies,, ngnt vessel
No. 07 will be temporarily withdrawn
from - her station for repalra, and the
station wUI be marked by relief light
vessel .No TO. " ,
' Relief light vessel No. 70 shows, th
asm ' light vessel No. 07, two fixed
white reflector light, and during thick
or foggy weather th sounding of her
logwhlstle, or xogbeil, will be the same.
Relief light vessel No. 70 i. similar
In appearance to ' light vessel 'No. 07.
except thst the visible middle section of
eech side of her huH is white, with the
word "Keller' painted thereon in black
letters, and No. ."TO" la In whits on each
' -'
': ours, If you 111.2 uj tr. J- te
lieve ia We flowing
bijtr every diy. Ve were ;
, strong when we started. . We .
are stronger now. Our
strength and reliability that
is for you to investigate, A
strong bank shares its profits
with you. I That is our prop
osition. :-.'v i' .-
Oregon ; Savings Bank
i Sixth and : M orrison .i Sts. 7
U O. BAUTON,' Preddeat. ' ' ',
- , W, COOPEB MOBBlg, Cashier. ''
S. L. HAT, AmU Cashlet.
bow and each quarter. '. They.' are also
some minor difference In the painting
or her masts and daymarka. . - -
Light veasel No. 17 will be returned to
her station aa soon aa repairs have been
completed , and i relief light vessel No.
T will then be withdrawn. . ; v
BriUsk Steamship Steams A way to China
With Mmatr Three XXUloa Feet of Fir.
: Th British' steamship Sandhurst com
pleted' her -cargo last night, and this
morning she sailed for Taku Bar, China,
witn J,&o,uou xeet or lumber, valued
at 121,(50. Tha cargo waa ahlpped by
the Paclfio Kxport Lumber company. ,
Captain Robertson stated that It waa
probable that the Sandhurst would be
back within the next 0 days, elthsr to
take' out flour or, another shipment of
fir. v 1 ' " ' -" ( - ' v.,
Th British steamship Ferndene, Cap
tain Fisher, here about two month ago
for -grain and flour for the - far east.
may be aent back for a cargo for th
orient. She I among th biggest tramp
that have come up-the Columbia river
during In past season." Tha Ilford and
Comerle, under charter to the Paclflo Kx
port Lumber company, will be supplied1
with lumber for China. V' i ' .
xaght Draft Steamer for Kewia Btver
WlU Be - XMMfecd : Toinoriew. '
Tomorrow - th light draft - steamer
built by the La Center - Transportation
company to ply on th Lewi river1 above
the forks, and which will connect with
the Leona from-' Portland, " will . be
launched from the -Supple shipyards.
Her engine arrived rrom San Francisco
yesterday on the steamer. Cascade, and
as soon as it is installed the craft will
be" place4 in commission. "Bhe' wm bnTy
draw rive inches and win carry 10 ton
ot freight and about 00 passengers-It
Is said that she will be the lightest
draft freight and ' passenger boat . on
th coast. In tb low water aeason it
is Impossible for th ordinary steamers
to ascend -the Lewi river any further
than tha fork, and tb peopl on the
upper water, ar practically cut off
rrora in outsia world. . : . .: . .
Thla Konlag tk Tld of Travel Will
-Tkrn, and Xrfwaehe Will B Vd.
- Oasolln launches will . begin carry
ing people - to the fair grounds this
morning. . If the weather Is fine 10 or
10 small vessel will be running, moat
of them front the foot of Stark and Mor
rison streets. Th float, at th fair
grounds has- Just been completed and a
landing charge of two centa for each
passenger -will -be. made. , It la under
stood that the fare-wlll be'10 cent.
Tb past week th launches have been
employed transporting passenger to
th revenue cutter Hugh MoCulloch and
to point of Interest in th harbor.
' - V . r " ' - ' .
- e V . '
Laden with freight and carrying "ftrll
list - of passengers, th ateamer Co
lumbia and Roanok aalled laat night,
tha former tor San Franclaoo and the
latter for Los Angeles and way porta,
With the departure of the ateamahlp
Sandhurst this morning th harbor will
hav a . somewhat deserted appearance),
but other -vessels will soon arrive to
take their places. : -
Tomorrow a new boiler for th'Re-
nubllo will b placed In position.
B. J. Holt,' general manager for the
California V Oregon Coaat Steamship
company, will arrive In th city tomor
row from San Francisco on a business
trip. - ,v T ' : "- - '' ' . ,v
The sailboat built by Ernest 3ra-
ham, the 12-year-old son of Captain A.
W. Oraham. was launched yesterday at
th - foot - of Taylor street, - numerous
friends snd relative of th youthful
builder being present. Ernest was on
of th proudest boy In th city, when
he was told by competent critic who
Inspected the object of his labor that
It la- one of th finest -craft of th sort
on th rlvr. ;
'"' ' ' " '
Uttl Teasel Mas Steam Tp aad Will
Soon' Oe ' tat' Commission. ' ,
With "law column of smoke issu
ing from ber stack and her wheel turn
ing, the new steamer Telephone, which
lying at the. Haseltlne dock, save
every , Indication yesterday that prepa
rations, were under way,. to have her
go. in commission soon, in - the past
week ah ha been painted to the water
line, and presents a fine 'appearance.
What run sh will be, placed on 1 still
myster. -
' Astoria. July H. Sailed 1 at noon.
German bark Ntobe, for London. Con
dition of ,th bar at I p. m., smooth;
wind, outh: weather, cloudy.. German
bark Anna, from 'Taku, reported outside
at 7 a. m., and received . order to
proceed to Puget sound.'
San rrancieoo, Juiy is. Arrived at
0 a. m., steamer F. . A. Kllburn, from
Portland. ,
Eureka. July 14.--8alled at 1:10 p.
steamer Alliance, for Portland, " -
Antwerp, July 1 J. Sailed.' British
ship General Gordon, for Portland, via
San Diego. . r .,Vv
ill !! .CO
a:d ov;:; coats
People of The Dallee Pledge
Themselves to . Construct
Line In Near Future","
Combination -Apparent -. Between
. Steamer and Railroad Corporations
to Throw Difficulties ,.in Way of
Portage Road Champion. .
' Th people of The Dalles! have pledged
themselves to build sufficient ' railroad
track to connect the portage road, the
Great Southern and th city of Th
Dallas, and effect a Junction of the busi
ness of. all these with a line of boat
.operating in connection, with the portage
road, .between Portland and Lewlaton.
An Independent boat line will be started
In a' short time, as the executive com
mittee of the Operi River association
haa been unable to- majky any arrange
ment VI th Portland steamers. .
At meeting of the committee yester
day In this city final reports were made
and accounts checked up following com
pletion of the portage road and it de
livery to tha state of Oregon. A tele
gram waa received ' from President
Beuffertsand Secretary Meyer of Th
Dallea Commercial club advising - th
committee of resolutions adopted at a
meeting of-tha club Friday; and declar
ing that the citlsene would effect a
Junction ot therailroads at that point.
The matter will be a comparatively easy
undertaking, but will require active sup
port from all tha people and business in
terests affected. The building ot about
three quarter of a mile of road from
Big Eddy will connect th portage road
with the Great Southern, and construc
tion of a mile and a half of track will
bring both to The Dalles. The open river
committee will take-an actlv Interest
In th work. -:-,.'' -.'.-
. Th committee will at a meeting in
the near future take up the question
of a boat line between Portland and
Lewlaton. .- For the last three weeks it
has had men at work on both sides of
the Columbia river between Celllo snd
Pasco making a canvass of tho bualnese 1
that can be aeoured for such a boat line.
and they have found that there will be
ample business to support th stsamers.
It waa originally believed there would
be no difficulty, after the portage road
was built, in securing the cob pe ration
of boats at thla and of tha line.
"While the committee Is not able-to
say that there 1 a combine between the
existing boat tinea and railroad to mak
the operation of the- portage road a
difficult a possible, -It ha proved Im
possible thus far to effect an arrange
ment with any boat now. running," said
a . member. "Th committee did not
have any intention or desirs t go into
the boat buatneaa and fully expected to
be able to arrange the matter with the
boat now in operation. In view of de
velopments, it haa been decided "to put
on an independent line. . Certain promt-
nem Dusiness interest ai n
have come forward and agreed to take
a large Interest in Buck a Un and to
giv it-their-tjnln It 1TiImply a
question of time required to maae pro
vision ror to necessary ooais. - -
At Y ,-', 'i 1 - - '
The Indian bahd af tna'expoaltlon will
play concert today at Centennial park,
At uentenniai pars. i:u p. m.
Coronation March from "The Prophet"
.. , - ...........Meyerbeer
Overture "Morning. Noon and Night".
............................. Suppe
Walts, "Mllltalre".... J.... Waldtemple
"The Red Mill" Bergenholts
Selection. "Babes in Toyland". ..Herbert
Cornet nolo; "The Holy" City".. .,, Adams
Serenade, 'pdoonllght Echoes ' . ......
. . , Frederick
Gem from Stephen Foster...
......! Arr. Moses
-At California building. 4:107 to 0
Match, "A Southern Belle".... ..Eugene
Overture,- "Pique - Dame" . ... .Suppe
Selection, "Army Chaplain", ..MUIocker
Walts, "La Carmela" ..Wltmark
A Novelette. "In a Coay cornerl. Brat ton
Selection. "Chimes of Normandy"....
, , . Planquette
Characteristic- "La Gassella", , . .Bendlx
March. "Vlctorloue America"
' . , . . Uennerg-TODan!
; In th stat circuit court yesterday
Presiding Judge Eraser denied the mo
tion of ex-Councilman C E. RumeMn to
strike out parts of . the answer of The
Journal Publishing company to hi suit
for damages In the sum bt 140,000 for al
leged lloel. The nana oi me answer asxeo
to be stricken hut were those relating to
RumeMn' career a a councilman and
alsa.s to hi acting a a -banker and
broker during hi term of office. .
Wnr nlaanllneaa "" oulck ' service anil
good thing to eat, ' go to House's res
taurant.: 110 Third street. .
, . . 4iit - -. tat ' - aiwttt
Stark, has secured the finest chef in the
city. Olve blra a trial. -
u B.M ka aobllahed SIM sillllna seoks'ef
views of the St. loala tslr kie just li4
kls first bonk ef views of this erpoeltlon.
It Is eatltled "SIcbH ssd aeenea at Ike lws
a rhrk KxDoaltlon"i contain M beastltul
engravHis. with daerlptlve line brneatk each.
tim ooos m a nuiw s . JTrr:
Hake sot tta dars. a aeeoed edltlos et 10.(100
i- mrmmM Tha dealest, easravlnss. eboto.
srapks sad printing ar sll tke production
of Fortlsod buine tlrsM. abnwlsf tkat tbl
city Is ant behind la srodnetnf fin pabll
cation. It to toe aale by all tb big .
at etatloners. wdelrs, eraevtau and imv
Ir stand, and en tn train. Tk W-et sw
Ibl thing tor siallln'. Mailed srwker a
receipt t prtr. Si eeats, by Bobert A. geld,
snkiisker, ase aiott ot. . '
ffTT " " lleMJSaSBBgttlSM
' 320 Boylston Street '-' ;
".Exclusive Children's Departnuat Entire Sccc.
.v'Sfl ve Money On
Hi Children9
Knight s Is the best place to save money on children's
: shoes-v. The saving is not always Iri the price.. An ilW
formed, hurriedly.4 -made shoe for; children' however;
cheapit - may beis expensive. V Young folk's shoes
should - b strong and naturcehaped. , Think of that
when you read these descriptipna.;- : ;'i t f ?
Misses' Shoes made
from first quality
- ef .--dongola kid,
with ' genuine' oak
soles, In button or
lace, sixes 11 H to J.-
- ' r.$2.00
Children's - Shoes . of
best black, kid akin,
stylish, strong' and
comfortable,; .can't
rip. button er lace,
else 0 to-lL v :
. : $iio;
I Corner Fifth v and
. laa-TO TW Street,
. - , , President .
Tii' a - "--i i f
...... v
PALMS 1)01
Latest .Styles In
at moderate prices
4 Tailor-Made Suits
Skif tsrCoatstWaists
r Gloves, Corsets , .
Underwear and Hosiery
X- FEW -
The New
Eaton Duck Suits
,Ju8t arrived. ' Colors,, blue,
white, red,, etc.; very neatly
embroidered Jackets " and
pleated Skirts f '' the ; latest !
styles in the market, - . .
Accordion Pleated V
'- 'Skirts ;
"Made of . good f quality, of J.
Panama cloth ; all colors, $10
values Special- , ,i 1 ;
' Ladie9'ersey ribbed 'Vests ;
20c value. ; Special. ilOe.
.Ladies'; Union Suits; 60c :
value. Special :45a
Ladies - Blackf Lace "Hose;.
50c value. ; Special. . ,35f
Ladies". Silk Gloves ; double-,'
tipped v fingers ; ; black,
; white,' gray, tan, etc.'; 75c.
values, at: . 50f ;
American. Lady. Corsets a ;
; Specialty. .
; Always on hand, the latest
novelties at moderate prices.
' $75 "Washington St.
tin mm -
Tl' " 1K
i :
Z4tU -Xofa '. Shoe
till most . stylish
creation of patent
leather, ' in lace er
button, llsea I to 0.
r "Sorosls" and ;
.; Walk-Over" Store' .
Washington , Streets. ; -
An good will b sold at th lowest price, audi
w Invite all stranger in th city and other vunt-
or to call and examine our large stock of Oriental
SPEOAL SAIL ca tx fcSjwfcj xki;
-'".' 'V'-.' i'. ;..;;. ,: '' :..'. Regular. SpMlaL
Matting ....... .1 . .n. .............. le, S0 19et
Japanese aandal ..... tie Iff 4
Japanese 811k Shirtwaist Pattrna....0.0 , f ft.t.i
Japanese Cotton Crepe Shirtwaist ; ,
Pattern ' ..............,, .i .. ,...f!00 SJS.T9 '
Japanese Cotton Crepe, per yard..... I o '
Sat Waaklaatom BUlsl.
:!-:.':-' Manager.
Japanese 7
; Curios
Visitors to (he exposition
are : . cordially invited : to
examine .our -magnificent
oriental curios, consisting bf
fine Silver Cloisonne, Bronze
Satsuma, ' Ivory Carving,
Beautiful Decorated Porce
lain Tea Sets. Silk and Satin
Embroideries EbonyCarved
r urniture. " : v -
Andrew Kan & Co.
' 887 Morrison St.
rat WdssI
1 What ; la - mora aatlful
than an exhibition of axqul
' sit cut alassT It never falla
; to attract attention and al-
wavs.holil th spectator In "
an aw of . wonder. . On th
table eueh glasawar lends a ..
charm nothtna else can. When
buyloc cut , . glass w want
' you to flrst see our lln and ' ,
set our prlcee. Tou ll . gt J
quality,' . and ' you'll ' aava
money If you buy here. ,
A. N.Wright
No 293 Morrison Street
Take no Chances
Ask "yeur friends ahmit the
reputation of leeHlmate ser
rhenta and they U1 recommend
' you the system of f
, - s
1 t
a t
at i
r , red
t T I WO 9
i T ' ...
' ...