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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1905)
'..4,; ' s -. GboDTD-vnuEiia- J- - .' -"e-- f fxe-" -WV4I Ve. Ww TII3 YIZXtllZZL ! ,T Partly floury tpn!;ht and tini.??; .protxily ahowre: aoutharly wttx :; 9 : VOL IV. .110.-113. . POHTLAND, O ECQ N,- SATURDAY-EVEIUIIO, JULY J5, iS5 -SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE TWO :CENT3 VmZtP x It u'i) 11 lJlllLfJyLaO ...-".v. "MMi':irir)t'-' -as' -J "" r ''-aWi' " TRIAL DEff . i 1.- : f '' , 1 -, , . ' nl 1 in- . . r ;. V ; f.llTCIiELL'5 PLEA FCf: 0. i N. Anncunccs Ex Branch to Jo&pfcS PROSPEROWCOUNTY1-.;'. " ISOLATED NO LONGER Wonderful Fruit and Dairy. Re- gion WiU Soon Co Given Di 'i recti ':. Cohnection v With 'r-'Sz ' ' Portland Marked- : An extension' of th Elgin branch of i the O. H. N. Co. to la Wallow county, la to b mad lmmsdlately. k Th ulatanc la 54 mile, aocordlng to. Aba x survey, and tha eonatructlon will coal BDOUl l,WUO,Vg. - VJIIiciai souvuuw lnent of the company's decision to build waa made today by -J.- J. O Brian, . ylca ' preatdcnt and naral manager. ' - ' tim- iSiKin branen now rana v muw from La Grand, on tba main Una, - td Kl1ri. town ot about 70 inhabitants In. tha weat part of Wallowa county. Uhe axtanaloa ot 4 allea will taka a aeneral - oouraa ' aoutheastward, ,pn tratlnf tha heart of Wallowa .county; a Olatrict ambraelns 4.999 aquar mllea, and with a-preaent-population of about k.999 people whoad prinolpal occupation in tarmlnK. It la aaid that the opdnlm of thla realon to transportation faolll ttea will make It a rival bf the WUlaln ctte valley In tha dairying 1 bualneaa, Tha farmeta have len breeding fine cowe there for years. Native graaaea grow in. great . abundance and alfalfa reaches perfection. : Toe hiila are' cot. - ered -with - grasa to their tops, tha val leys are-watered wtth atremins from he mountains, the soil la black and rich. About thraa year ago a .survey for the extension, now aaaou need was tnadd by tha tt'K. ac 1. it rotWwe tha Orand Hondo rlvr-novth from Klgln. . to Its, confluence wrtfr thw watiaws river, raett turns to tha southeast and runa along the Wallows tba , entire dutaaoa u Joseph. It. 1 a' watet grade, .but the Wallow. lava)wlf stream- and -the rise'to "Its aouroe aV Joseph" lake- Is w to 10 feet to the mUa.. r ,. . The town ot WaUowa, tapped y h4 road, haa 40A lnhabltaata.1 Loetlne 100, and Enterprise, tha- county sat-ha 100, The town of Joeeph,. tha terminus, haa tt people. It la located a-mile from 'Joseph lake, a clear body of -mountain water of great depth, four -mllea In length and two mllee wide.. Owing to the peculiarly favorable- formation . thla lake can; by the us of a, Tew plank,, be so dammed that its level can be raised four feet. If needed for. Irrigation, and the entire surrounding country be "Irri gated with It waters. i .' : ' . There are three principal valleys that will be t raver aed by ina- railroad. tension, and tributary to these are many smaller valleys watered .-by -attaama from tha mountains... The hogrataing Industry la highly successful, and. many cattle are raised, but there la little but ter made oeting to the remoteness Of tha market. All transportation of. pas sengers and freight to market la now done by stages and freight wagons. Tha haul Is -49 mllea by the wagon -road from Joseph, to the nearest railroad at Klgln. , Every kind of farm produce la raised. - Apples, pears and all varie ties ot. email frails that grow In Ore gon are raised In great abundance, and there ara - no parasites 19 trouble th tree.'' .- - ' A careful estimate by . the railroad officials haa shown thaU there ' are in the three main valleys to be tapped ap proximately 110,004 acres f farm land, not including the hill lands, which wUl flgur up 0,000 acres more. The country Is well Battled, and the people are pros perous. Not much wheat la raised, al though the land - la adapted to It ' and wheat that baa been grown . la - very heavy. Its remoteness from tha mar ket baa mad It awunprofltable Industry. It Is said hoge are raised at a' cost of 1 k cents a pound. They are driven on ' foot to Elgin, to be' ahlpped. There are many other . resou roes beside' farming In Vt. ' county. Miner! wealth la there, eluding granite deposit,, and two at. ntalns of marble. . . . -. It is a mnced today that the O. R. A Nhaa lot contracts for construction of' the line S-m Rlpsria to Lewlaton. Messrs. Erlckaon and Peterson of Ban Francisco 'were awarded the work. They are required to finish, the line by April 1. io. ... ..,,:..;. '.-,;...v . (Sp., Dlapatek te Tee JmL Corvallla, Or.. July 1. Th will of he 1st Mrs. .Louisa Irwin, who anded ner life by Jumping Into m well on the home place, 13 miles above Corvallls, about alx weeks ago, haa been filed" tor probate at the office of Clerk Moaea. It leavea property to the amount of 10,000. (divided aa follower - One half to ro to iRIchard Irwin and the other half to be Ulvlded equally - among the- children of la deceased daughter, Mr. France Mo iiee. The McBee belrs sre K-chard. d Uln. Lulu, Ieora, Elisabeth and George r ' ' r Orego Z OhvBpioa Shot. ;S , (Jeareal gpeelal Bfrvln-.t , - . . Washington, D. July 15. The bat leehlp Oregon haa won the-1 roc v for ilgh scores mad by vessele- of the bat- leehlp Oregon haa won th trophy for. ractlc. The same vessel won the tro hy a year ago. Th Altatto mad a ilsher Average than either , the Paclfio br North Atlantic nt.,,.:1 " Xorses Snra Xa' para. . , (Xoersal gpecUl SrrW i , Corvallls, Or., July IS. Two horses nd the barn on the farm of KB, Wood wk, near here, were burned yesterday rternoon -. - , -. . -, EARTCQUAKESETS - i'.- i;m j .11 ; i. Two Shocks .Felt Most Severely :f In V. Central "fart ; of .I'li'v'- State. . .' ',: 1 . -';j:. . HOUSES TREMBLE AND LOOSE ARTICLES FALL No Serious Damage Done but a ' Great Fright Given Many , rersons. ''-f'.J.'V''',"' T r 1 . i" f '(tsMrati ''SoeelBl- fcrvie.r;,-' v Portland, - MeJ July," J I. Two alight earthquak shocks .ware felt here- abont t:S0 o'clock- thla. morning-.. Heavier shock were felt at August. Bangor, Lewis ton,' Bock Islands and Brunswick. Report from Thomaston say th shock we ' of IS second duration and-felt there shortly ' after : V o'clock. -j House were' shaken so that dishes-rattled and loose article fell to tin floor. ' -1 The shock was most sere re in central Maine, especially at Augusta and Water villa. - j Professoi1 Lee. state geologist, say: The earthquake:, was caused by the slipping of rock on a side fissure, prob ably two or three mile below the aur face of the earth. "1 ... . UWSONTOSPEAKAT" JEFFERSON QLUB BANQUET -; a - t . ."Jearaal SseeUI Semea.t ; Chicago,-July k IS. Thomas W. " Law soii arrived In Chicago at 10:61 o'clock this- morning from Albert Lea. Minne sota, In his -private car Halsmere at tached to a Rock laland train.- He was met at Jollet by a commute headed by Clarence Darrow. Hf wlll-b the guest today and tonight of th Jefferson club and the principal speaker at a banquet to be given in his honor this evening. Msyor Dunn will not be present. He left today for a week's outing in, Wis consin. Lawson leaves ' tor . Boston at th cloee of th banquet - . - j JOAQUIN V MILLER ,:$ j Ttr;tGUEST..'0F-H0N0R v 1 ' : .1 Ji.-: ; A reception la being tendered Joaquin Miller, . Xha most celebrated of Pacific coast poet s,V la t'tni- afternoon' in "the Oregon' building.1 Many - of the-ejpo' sltlon of&clals' and prominent men ; of Portland are- in . attendance, t r-The ; day was- named- In -honor. of Miller, -and th diatlngntshed -matt entertain all comers with his interesting1 stories and beanfl ful word pictura. He is to read sev eral of hi poema.'"- ' '' J-' , Tonight a smoker and "big feed" will be -given in Mr.-Miner's .honor at the American, Inn. , It will be attended. by about 40 Bohemians,; the-'majority of whom ar newepaper. rotiu 'v, (gpretal Dsatek to lb, JnoruLI . Wslla Walla. Vasn.,-July II. Harry Hill,' brother of County Clerk Dorsey H.. Hill and son of the late J. M.HIll of th Baker-Boyer bank, dlnd at the realdano - of his ister,.,-. Mr. .-.'"Hay Bracket, on . Park street, . yesterday of acute kidney troubled . Mr. Hill was years of age and waa quite wealthy In hi 'Own '-right, owning considerable farming property on Eureka flat. The funeral will be held tomorrow.' '.' ; i Import WoavVnioa. rrlncer. , y - r tMBreai apedal awTtea.): San franclsco, July U. A party of tl .strike-breaklnr printers and press, men arrived here., yesterday from St. Louis In a special car and waa taken to headquarters' established for-them up town. - Five escaped laat night and three today' and they claim! that they were brought her under a misunderstanding of the-true state of affair. . . . - - - - - r V-i v Ohiaa Oppes syerH. ' ,4 "' '' (Jaarsal gpeelal Samea.) Washington, July ll Minister' Rock hill at Peking haa cabled the state de partment that. the. Chinee government la vigorously opposing the boycott on American goods, v t Albany Saloon Mea Tlaed. Albany. Or, July IS. Waugh Wade and Qustav Olsen, two saloon firms, of thla place,- were indicted fnr selling liquor on Sunday and lines of fie ekeb wer paid by them, - -1 Crefc cf the? Battleship Catherine Revclt and ; " ; Destroy Vessel ASSASSINATION SCAREST : .EMPEROR FBOM MOSCOW Mob Attacks Ghetto at Tublin i; Killing and Injuring I JewSj :t - While J Destroying ; Two i Hundred Houses. - ' : '-t.ii-v---(Joarsal Spedet Stvl.-V,-; -"TT Vienna.- -. ' July ' .' II. (Bulletin.) Dispatches - from ; St : Petersburg aayJU it . la i rumored ... there . that a mutiny haa occurred among tha crew of th -battleship Catherine in th Black u : miiiiIhih mwiA , ' MnUnMM ' ,M reported to have aunk th vessel. t t'S (Jaarsal gpttal Sarviee.) ."-5"'....1 St Petersburg, July II. -Th csar has definitely decided not to go to Moscow July 10 to issue a proclamation convok ing ' a representative . assembly. - It I Understood th change of plan 1 'du to th assassination of Count - Bchuvaiof r at Moscow. .. An imperial- decree 'haa been. Issued granting amnesty, to all religious offenders In accordance with th ukase of May 11. . , - . - " Following an antl-eemltie outbreak at Josefow, in th province of Tublin. Rus sia, a mob of J.0OO attacked th Ghetto, wrecking and plundering more than 100 houses. .The casualties ar reported to be two killed and 11 wounded. J . ' Reports from Manchuria atat that Llnlevltch has ceased his offenslv Uo-tlcn-' and that- the ,Bisians ar ' now entirely on th defensive. Sarlona epi demic ar said to be causing many death In th Russian army.'v-" Later reporta from Karsakov any tnat the fir, whichontlnued -to burn until July 10. practjpally destroyed the towni GUESTS OF GRANITE STATE. Peso rieaipeteatlarie Win V Bnter- , . anA a rtaak. , (Jewaal Spedal Barries.) . : ' '. Waahlnatcaa Julv II. Th tat .of Kaw Hamnahlrai haa , been granted th honor of entertaining th Russian and Japanese peace plenipotentiaries during th period of th conference at Porte- mouth., The envoy wun ineir sunea win be )ods-ed at th Hotel Wentworth, on of the handsomest hotels on tha New England coast No expense will be spared to provide for th comfort and entertainment of th distinguished Cjata.-' r: ' ".-.'-'M ' r'"; ,- tMufiNEERSRE SH0T.S asataa Skw Mercy ta Memhers t . Orww af th Battleship Svtomkta. ' ; ; .'XUeeraal Special SarrWe.) -' '. '' KustenJU July II. Thirty . member Of th crew of th battleship Fptemktn who wer . unwilling participant - in ttv recent mutiny hare been ahot by tb Russian authorities. All th officer who ' were -left aboard th Potemkln, though, prisoner of th mutineers, ar being Imprisoned and loaded down with chains. ' Th government will show" no mercy to any on aboard th mutinous battlaahlp. . - '. -. Basslaa Delegate s)alla.t : ; ' 1 - ; m fJeenai BDenai semce.) - ' Shanghai. July II. M." Poklloff. th RuBsuuKminlsr to China, aalled today for -Vancouver on tho ateamer Empress of -Chin on his way to Washington to attend -th peace conference. 1 . ; KILLS' HIMSELF TO AVOID " ; BREACH OF PROMISE SUIT ' J'" (Jearaal Boeclel Service.) ' J fjersey City, July 11 Facing Butt for 140.000 damage for alienating ths af fection of Mr., Clara Meyer, aged 1 1, th wlf of a New Tork envelope manu facturer, Louie J. Apgar, aged 00. a wealthy retired grocer, committed suicide- this morning. Apgar -wa co-respondent In a divorce suit which, waa decided in favor of Meyera- yesterday. WHAT'S NEW at noniE? r: The Journal will tell you if I .you are here from the east and"" want to keep posted on the im- portant ': happening ' in : , your home city. t The Journal print the only colored 'Sunday ma g 1 azine iupplemenf Happy Hoo-' . ligan and Maud and all the reat, of your funny friends are there. The Sunday Journal is supplied hh- the news of the world by the. only special leased wire in -Oregon. , Ther' . Jots " that you'll miss if you1 don't buy TI:2SuniiyJCaUT.d Fcqr Killed and Six In- itiredibyiclonejiin; m City of ffionepeg. WORKMEN ARE KILLED r J .BYlARSeJAL EXPLOSION Four, f Cartridge - Makers : Meet Death at Ottawa Two Mln-. -: ers Near Sumpter Blown : : ' - ' UUp .by Blast." ;-rr (Journal Bpeeiar Strviee.) - Winnipeg. Man.. July Il A tornado swept - through th city shortly after midnight this morning, killing four peo ple snd Injuring six.., Th dead are4 - R.r. white. -; . ,.-... ', " W. STBINHOPr. ''v-;"-- ' V-.-'' THB MISSES REILLT, alstara. ' Teeterday was an exceedingly -sultry day and toward midnight a. storm struck th - city. Trees wer uprooted and flimsy structures demolished throughout th city :' A high brick wall-of a four story building at James - and Croner street, which was recently damaged by fir, crashed down upon two adjoining house, killing four of the inmates -and injuring six of the' others".! - .The other damag la alight. V . . , " MINERS ARE-BLOWN UP. - Sia Oakin and Praak Mnssy Badly Sa .;'-.....;,. jnawd Sy aa Bxplosloa.. , (BsedaJ Dlapatrh ta Tk JearaaLt " ' v Baker. City. OrH July II. WhU working In the- Cracker-Highland mln near Bourn yesterday about boon,- Dan Cahtn and Frank Mussy wer badly In jured by an" explosion, Cabill -accident- ally struck his pickOaf., haa. of caps which Is supposed to have fallen from the All -into the dust and tha explosion rouowea. 7 -fv .v.,;- - i -ClU s face was. badly hurt and-hi eye almost blown out Muaay waa in- joreo, aoout tn race, . neck., ana. arms. It (a believed theywlll recover unless Diooa poisoning set in. ... - RECORD-BREAKER WRECKED. mbut tata'9av penasylvania Eighteen : jsered, bwt o Om Sa JCmed., (Jeareal aseeUl rriea. Vi is Hanisburg. Pa.. July 15. The Penn sylvania Flyer, astbound, tha new IS- hour tram from Chicago to New Tork. atruck a wrecked, train ' while running at tb top of her speed - at Weat Port Royal near thla elty. early this morning. Tha freight train had buckled, throwing a car acroaa th passenger track and the nyr struck tb oar and buried it from th track. Th . engineer . of. th flyer jumped -When- he aaw th obstruct ton and was severely Injured. - Theenglne 01 th flyer waa considerably damaged. KILLED IN EXPLOSION. sssaSBsnaaaa . i , remr Xaet Beatk at Boaaiaiom OartrKg ' . . Oompany Big ArseaaL ' ' (Joaraal apaelal Serrles.) -Ottowa, Ont, July IS. Four Men war killed and several seriously injured by an explosion In th - Dominion CarT trtdge company big arsenal at Brouns burg, Ontario, this morning.-' Th dead ar Stephen Ca ru there, John Martlii, Thomas C ra and -Napoleon La march. ' MATINEE IDOL BEATEN ' : BY JEALOUS THESPIANS f ' (Joaraal gpertal Hcrrlfe.) -V - . ' Waterbury, Conn., July ,16 Earl C Simmons, loading man In a stock oom pany playing at Jacquea theatre her. was attacked, laat night' by It fellow, actor and star bands and brutally beaten. 'The cause la said to be Sim mons" prominence as a matinee Idol and hi popularity - with th -women . fre quenters of th theatre groused ' th Jealousy of .th others. Simmons .reprimanded Martin Myars, a ' property boy.: Henry Dalaney, th tag manager, knocked Simmon down, tb jealous actor each giving Simmons a Mow or kick. Mis Orac Howard, th leading woman, rushed to Simmon' aid, but . two actors hustled her- back to her dressing-room and locked her In. Three arreets have been made. . . . ? PENALTY IMPOSED UPON s ; ARCTIC SHIP ROOSEVELT :.' ' v .: ...- " , , (Jesraal gpeelal Sarviee.) '' New Tork, - July 15. A penalty of IS00 haa been Imposed on th Roovlt, th ahlp In which Peary planned ' to tart for th north pole, today. Thd treasury - department - wee notified that th vessel had left Portland, Maine, for New Tork without clearano papers, and th On resulted. The captain of th ship was summoned to tb ouatom house and notified that that sum must be paid immediately. - Member of - th Peary Arctlo club acted promptly, fur nishing bond, thua avoiding complica tion that might caus a postponement of th start. They then sent a protest to th eecretary of th treasury, asking that his action b reeclnded. - - ; s . w - V . ' Stol Quartwr BOllloaj. t ' s . (Joaraal p4al 8errlee., "' :-t New Tork, July 15 Henry Coplo, an ex-employe of th Edison company, at Milan. Italy, I under arfeet, charged with embessllng $240,000, which h loet In speculation, '1 . -. ( i.',V,-.- .W I m ' V. " . United States Engineer STellrifWrk '.pvOrcioii" Rlvcirii;.?:.; ANOTHER DREDGE IS ' -AAMONG THINGS NEEDED V'-.- Tit' Much Space Devoted to Celilo Canal and Document Speaks V Highly of Great Country Which It Will Serve.- Major W. a Langfltt'e annual re port to th chief engineer on river and harbor improvements for th flsoal year ending June to, 1I0S, covering th Co lumbia and tributaries and th coast 01 Oregon, haa been prepared. Thla will V about th Uat work don by th major In thla department, where he haa eerved so long, and ahowa In detail tha expend iture of th year and the recommenda tions for . improvement in th , fiscal ysar that will end June SO, 1007 - Of greateat importance to th peo ple of th inland empire la th recom msndatlon that Sl.ltO.000 be made avail able for carrying on construction pf Tb Dallea-Celllo canal during tb flecal year ending June SO, 1107. iTh 'officer states that be : carries over Into th present fiscal year I17S.010 with which tha first real construction is to be proa ' cuted, and by means of which he ex pects to complete 1.S00 feet of th canal at th upper end of th course. , . ,, The major estimate of th amount required for th work at th mouth of th Columbia river until th and of th fiscal year. 1107 is tLKOjOOO. Estimates ar also, mad . of ail . minor . improve ments in th district where h deema it advisable. tevcontlav work. ' - . Si . . ' -J-y-'i gtaamsasSV.'' ',. -After reviewing th 1' ' work at th mouth of the-river,"' anil the results at talned, by which the original depth of 1 to IS feet wa Increased to more than 10 feet when the jetty -was completed a distance of four and on half mtith cost of th work of extending tb Jetty rthree mile further under tb existing project was discussed. There has bean expended until July 0-of thla year a total of 707,04S on th preaent project, and .th extension for this year are being mad with great care, such work only being undertaken aa oan be thor oughly en rocked, . to prevent washing away of the false- .work - by violent storm. - At th close of th past fiscal ysar th Jetty extenalon bad been car ried out 1,187 feet, and it was tho nop of the major that by th end of this calendar .year' h work would be com pleted for T.S7I teat. . Ston la being re ceived under two contracts at this time at tha rat of I.S00 ton daily. Th total Amount of earth removed by the dredg Chinook, before it was put out of ommllon, last . November ' waa SS,320.cubto yarda..'-;--'---'-'-.--. . Cost of OohunMa SUtot Project. The money statement of tb mouth of th Columbia project showed the fol lowing condition: - Balanc , July 1, 1104, t7S0.701; approprlaUon In March, 1400,000. or total of $1,1 5 0,7 1 LIS. Thar wa expended for maintenance and im provement in th year closed t70,t47, and there I outstanding liabilities now ot (111,100, leaving ,an avaUabl bal ance of 1107,744 for contlnuaooe of th work-thl year, - Of this- balance, there Is J4S4.S8S covered by outstanding con tracts, and ' th tlmat of tb . Bum needed in addition to thla balanc up to Jan SO, 1S07, is Il.15t.t0. ' '., - A oareful statement of what has been don In connection with th Celllo canal project ehowe that most of th work of th past year haa been In re moving obstruction from . Three-Mile raplda, surveying for commencement of tb canal, and preparing plana and de tailed specifications. Leading .to this th report not that tha Three-Mtle rapid haa a langth of 1.S00 feet, - in which th channel Is narrow and tortu ous, but a a result of th rock bleat ing and general operation of tb gov ernment boat' ar now abl to gat t th Big Eddy, three mllee from Th Dalles 'city.-. Five-Mile rapid, or better known as Th Dalles, haa a. langth of on and a half mllea, where th river rush between basalt wall that ar front. ISO to 100 feet apart. ,' ', (Continued on Pag Six.) Journal Coupon Ad mits You Free to Tie Lend of the ' OdnloM Sunw Next Sunday issu of The Jour ' nal will contain a coupon, which, lf presented by an adult, la good for one admission to that splen- dld TRAIL ATTRACTION, ; ' Ttc lend oi the .fjanlchl SwT Qet nest. Sunday. Journat cut ' out. th coupon, present it on July '17, lS'or It. and It. will admit. you. Thl attraction I on of . he beat on the-Trall and no on should mln seeing It. The regu lar price of admleslon 1 IS cants, but next Sunday's Journal coupon ' admit you free. " - Major W. C Lancfitt. FOflSTOIi FAY01D USE OF DYRAIIITE Father of Famous General on . Trial for Complicity in r ' Blowing Up Saloons. 1 ; CROWD ATTENDS TRIAL .i x HELD IN THE THEATRE Fifty Witnesses- Atteijd and Pro r hibltion Feeling "Runs High .',v in Kansas Jown. , . .. - (JoBTsal SpesUl gervha. ;.. XoW Kaa, July..iSr-Thirty-flv hun dred people ar jammed lnt th Orand theatre, whlcn, owing, to to puotio in terest,' has been engaged ferth trial of former Congreaaman- Funaton, father of General Frederick . jrunston. jruty Wltnsssei have bean summoned. - j : - Funston ' advocated dynamiting tht saloon previous ta th recent explo sions which wrecked several place, and waa arrested for disturbing th peace and carrying concealed weapons, v Feeling runs high in thl vicinity, many of tha most prominent cltisans openly approving of th dynamite out rage whloh deatroyed threw buildings and broks all tb plate glass windows In th city. It I not believed that Mr. Funston himself had any part In the plot or wa cognisant of it, but hs has long been aa open advocate of th us of force to enforce th prohibition law, and waa open in hi approval . of th deed. -...,,'?'!'?. . STRAINED AT FALSE TEETH T SWALLOWED ATHEATRE - - , (Jeensl gpeeUI gervlee.) New Tork, July IS. Arthur Bris bane, editor of th New Tark Evening Journal, and th right hand man ef W. R, Hearat. waa placed under arreat yes terday on a charge of criminal libel preferred by City Controller Orout. Th hearing was set for Monday. . Th edi torial oomplalned of ' was headed: "gtralnlng at a Bet -of False -Teeth and swallowing a Theatre." It ! alleged that Mr. Orout bad refused to 'audit a bill -for $40 for false teeth bought by District Attorney Jerome's order for Dodge. . th principal, wltnea in the prosecution tn th Dodge-Morse' divorce scandal, but that he had approved th sal of th Montauk theatre in Brooklyn to th city In order to carry out a street widening.. plan.' Th sal was characterised In the editorial as swlnd MS.' . i'.V .... RACE RIOT AGES IN V : " HEART 0F.MANHATTAN Ss -S,- I e- . i - . ',' f .-'.'!. X ss-. (Joaraal gpeelal' Service.) ' ' 1 : New Tork,; July 15. A race riot oe cured In th district known aa San Juan hill at Slxty-flrst and Amsterdam streets last night, as th result of th. arreat of a whit' man for assaulting a-negro. It required 150 policemen to quell th riot: At Jeaat 1,000 -men, ' boy ' and women, black and white, ' were engaged In - the - furlou struggle; whil from vary - window and roof rained miaallea. hundreds of ahota war fired and avn white and two negroe carried to th hospital, while score of th uninjured ought refuge In their -home. Col ored men pursued by whites, took ref uge on tbe street car ha they paaaed and wer followed by shower of bricks and stones, wrecking a number of car. Failure for Six Month. (Joaraal apodal gervlee.) 'Washington, July IS. Commercial Insolvencies In the United State la th first half of 100S wer ,110 In num. ber and 155.504.515 In amount of de faulted Indebtedness. Numerically thl Shows scarcely an alteration In compari son with th 5,114 failure In tb corre sponding six months of last year, but a moat encouraging decrees appears wben last yeai-e liabilities ot 7S.40O, 00 are considered. .. . . . To Xnsstiga Ooadtt 'Special Dteoetrh te Tk. WM1 Pendleton, Or.. July IS. Deputy Oeme nd Fish Warden Jo Nolf will leav Monkey on aa extended trip through s r --"n to lnve ' gam end r Varrf.n - - i C y. I for Tuot ot Senator Till Nqw Tc!:i - t er Cccrt -if . "f- i. BIGGS AND GESNER inr-finnrn iia el-- , k Attt vuuen nut n..T 1 .. Evidence Touching on C:j : Mountain Conspiracy Rlor-. .' ' ously SupprMd Flat , , Denial of Testimony. ' Judge Do Haven thla. afternoon de cided that he would neither grant Sen ator John H. Mitchell a aew trial, heed th motion mad for arreat of Judgment or refrain from sentencing th defendant upon th sixth count of tb indictment. J under whloh no evidence was submitted by tha govarnmant. 1 , Whan- th court had flnlahed th d-' clslon, h asked If th defendant was m court, with th obvious purpos of pro nouncing sentence Immediately. Sen ator Mitchell waa hot present, but ex Senator Thurston arose and asked for a ljrlef tlm in whloh to prepare a bill of exceptions. - Wben asked what tlm he would requiro for this, he said that ' a week or 10 days would suffice. He stated thatv Mondays or Tuesday Ira would have hi bill ready and would submit It. to tha government's attorney at that time. - - . District Attorney Heney aaid that it th bill was submitted to him by Mon day or Tuesday h would require llttl tlm to review It before it waa sub mitted to th court. ,'. Under this ar rangement, tbe bill should b pceeented by Monday week, -at which tlm It I expected - that Judge D' Haven will pronouno aentence. i ' i i . A mor detailed- aewjunt- bf the opin ion la gtyen, on another page. , -r , OloaajS-TjMn Monday.'- " ---- For two hours this morning Dr. Tan tieaner and Marion R. Biggs, defendant with Congreaaman. Williamson in th conspiracy .case on trial in the -federal court, wer subjected to rigid - croaa xaminatlon by United Btate District Attorney Heney. The hearing of further testimony was 'then poatponed until Monday morning when th defense will conclude its ease. . Questions asked by th prosecuting at torney of Oesner and Blgga In tha course of th cross-examination were strongly -auggeatlvo of . sensational disclosures that ar to ome when th Sovernment begins th trial of the famous Blue mountain conspiracy case, . m -whlcn Senator Mitchell, Congressmen William son and Hermann, State Senator Maya and other are defendants. Oesner ad mitted in answer to Heneya g-ueetlone that Bogga, an attorney who Shared th -off lc of Marlon Bw Blgga. waa Inter ested in taking up school lands In tha . summer of 1003, though he denied that Boggs eras acting as agent for WUl lam- son Oaaner' la securing school landa within th proposed Blue Mountain re serve. Oesner admitted that Bogga had don some work for th firm. When Heney saked whether th - firm Of WUliamaon. - Wakefield Ss Oeaner wa not interested In taking' up 11.000 acrea of school land In tha Blue Mountain re serve there was Instant objection from th defendanta and tha OS- . jectlon wa sustained by' th court. LQueatlona put to Blgg-r Uttl later on tho same subject plainly indicated that th government la In possession of evtdeno that two day before th pro posed Blu Mountain reeerve waa with drawn from entry Bogg went ta Salem and- mad large purchases of school land, within th reserre. These pur chaae ar aaid to hav been mad on . th strength of secret Information-- . cured from th general land off to in v advance of th wlthdrawaL Blgga waa asked whether Congressman Williamson . did not seek to have -th. boundaries at. th reserve extesded so a to Inclnd tha timber anti-lea which flgur in th present trial, but th witness waa not permitted -to answer. . ., - t ' -? Blfga fradw lirw. ' ";v .. Marion . R. ' Blgga waa closaly in terrogated by th prosecuting attorney concerning statements mad m th tim ber applloationa ot himself and hla wife, with th purpose of showing that th etatement were untrue. Th repeated assertions of th witness that, so far aa ha knew. WUliamaon had nothing to do with th loan mad by Oesner to entry- ., men wer alio under fire. Although checks for amount running as high a. $1,000 were given him by Oeener that ha might purchase draft with, which to pay for - proving np timber claims. Biggs said he did not notlc that th check were lgnd by th firm of WUliamaon. Wakefield at Oesner, and not by Oesner alone. . .- - - When Blgga first took ths stand this morning he waa reexamined by 1L M. Wilson of th oounset for th defense. He etated that when check wer re ceived by him from, th land office In repayment ef tb sum paid on claim that had been relinquished, he either handed the checks to Oesner or deposited fthetn In th PrlaevUl bank te Oesner account He never made any chang kin th filing except at th request of the applicant themeelves. B. F. Jon. had always told th wit. nee that h waa taking up his rial. for himself and that was th under standing with all th ntrymn. 1. aaid that he ,Jtad a conversation ; year with Frank Ray. who "They tell me thrt t'-e i Is going to Indict I rowed money on e -do thatT" To t repllod: contract ti ' to horr" "