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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1905)
"If '' ?.l n .'C 'n n Tlzzo Tvo G?oat.-Povc?3 T.Zcc-S Alleged Mont Carlo Ct"l Rwu J Opsnly, Although FYcpriit;r :'rV. Wart Arrextsd. ? CHERIFR WAS LOOKING Cft ROULETTE LAYOUT Having Failad to Find jj. Pool- SISlns Will Ukaly Con- y ::; $:,'. tinus in Cub'urb.' - fl erase ef Tfct Tooiaal the atore of Mr- r. W. Mettles, KN ' Mnrriwa Mml Ttlepboae bat to, ll U T. -", The Mllwaukie poolroom aVd lub ' - house, on which the sheriff of Clackamas : v county swooped with a blare of trum- 'pate, has pot boon hindered In its pool selling to any marked extent by Uit orttclal visit . According , to all signs tho clubhouaa may continue to receive , rwmf pooia ror, an inqenmte period, .leaae Q ration and M. O. Nmm of, the old Warwick . club . were formally 'er r irMt4 and were informally released on weir own recognisance, Thla afternoon .; Justice J,. W. Oraaaleof of Mllwaukie near the case and determine whether the poolroom shall close., Be- , i ween im time or. the arrest and trial me msnsgement or the club waa not , Interfered with, and racing returns have .been miiHtii'Miiaiitj ... la Mllwaukie ike sentiment tm ally expressed that nothing will coma of . the, prosecution, and It la stated that tha sheriff of Clackamas county visited ' ;the club because: he had been mlsui , A formed. It is generally- believed that - the law and order league of the town .' waa behind the sherlfrs action, and It rr'ta known that, ... aa attorney .represeat- .. . ins tne rerorm rorcea or the place was conferring; with the sheriff before the ; ..visit to the club and sine. From infor ; mation that was siren to the sheriff ho was led to suspect that open (tm- yx ; oung waa running at tne eiunnouse. He :wss somewhat dubious about the llle ?gallty of pool selling, but whaa ha In- vestlgated the club he looked for, . - roulette, poker and die layouts, and finding none of these,: nor any tokens v of their existence, bis ardor somewhat J . abated.. J v- . ,, On this Question af gambling Mil --r waukle la not divided, and the town au , . thorlttes have from the first stated that if any open gambling waa carried . on it would ba stopped, but whether . V -the club has added the various side lines to Its main stock pool selling no one at present seems prepared to awear to, . .though Mllwaukie tradesmen,-who have dally delivered parcel to the club, say : . they have never aeon a gambling device In tha house.- . '. v'",'.' ;. j J ... : It waa tha expectation of tha sheriff . to prove that open gambling existed as I It did. In Oregon City; thla has not been - shown, and as pool selling is not con ' sfdered a hlgh crime by tha citlsens of Mllwaukie, and as the 11.200 annually ... - paid by tha club to tha town treasury Is greatly needed.' 'It seems somewhat certain that the (rial thla afternoon will reault- In .no definite declslom Mean ' while tha club management la enlarging f icTHRIFTY EA3T'SibE,v -andiflsU1CTliio - . Wasa BayoV t-.-,"-. f - Tha east aide annually sends and re r ,' calves l.7T cars of freight; IS per cent of thla .la carried by the Southern Pa ciflo and Oregon Railroad Navigation . Such was tha. report pre sented last night by a committee of ; eaat aide bualness men at a mas meet' lng in the East Side bank to devise means of securing an east alda depot of the Southern Pacific, iThe eommlt , tea visited firms on tha east side vand dif covered that on a eonaervatlve ; ,,, basis 71.T23, tons of freight ware shipped and received .annually.. It was dlscov '. ared that' tha Standard - Oil company ahlpped 480 oara each year, and-the manager of tha company's . Portland buainaas stated that the need of a local depot Was great, and pledged his Influ ence toward securing a station. ' K committee of ll will lay these fig ures before General 'Manager O'Brien and will endeavor to get a definite state- wi ment from tha company In regard to Its pians. . -ine committee round that the , bualness -originating on the aaat aide y waa growing at aa rapid a rata aa the ;. bustneaa of tha west aids, and that thou r , sands of dollars were annually expanded In exceea cartage because . there waa no freight depot en the aaat alda. . Real- f Islng that the freight bualness waa the v ;: thing of chief Importance to tha com t pany, no figures were obtained cohoern , , , lng the passenger , business thst la in- , convenieneed and. put, to .needless ex pense by being compelled to depart from the Union station. - . i fpOMONA CRANCE MEETING. i Oouty Orgaaisatloa Molds Veil . At . - tended Seaaloa at MUwaakia. ' t' One of tha most largely attended and successful meetings Pomona grange of Clackamas county has yet held waa that which convened Wednesday at Mllwau , kle, when nearly 100 grangers from all "parts of the county were present. sTha . entire day was. taken np with routine busfhess, addresses and lectures, social rentertalnments and Initiations, the even lng ball ending tha program. . There , were 21 candidates for the fifth degree V? and of these It were members of the . ' Mllwaukie lodge. ' Pomona grange Is the v- central county organisation, and holda 7 Its meetings quarterly: for years it has ' been one of the strong granges of the T 'state and recently hea been growing rapidly. It was not decided where the . ' next quarterly meeting would be held. , jw t-. j t. waaaaas.wjesajasBaiatisaB v-.i. : Mee Was Bads. .;,.. . .... .The Mlrwaokle meat war has ended. - For some weeks the Mllwaukie butcher .'" and a Clackamas county farmer have 'been waging battle for customers, the . farmer killing hie beef and peddling It. , to the Intense disgust tf the man with m shop.. This eeek he experleneed a ; crushing defeat! when on complaint ef ' . I the constable he was baled Into court ;. -and made to pay a fine of tlO for dump , lng four ancient lamb carcasses In the '. t stream- from which j the conauble ae ' cured his water. The armr did not ob H Jeet to paying the fine, but wanted It , , dlstlnotly understood that the Aaroaasea - were not from his stock.' but bad been : given him by the Union Meat company - . of Portland to dispose of. While not . doubting the truth of the statement, the meat buyers of the district expo- rtenoed a dlstlnot shook and returned to . their first love, the Mllwaukie butcher . ,' man. - ,m , . i -, . - ; , 3 ' ' - &ast Serrlsa few Br. Welsk. ' Dr. John Welch waa hurled from his lata home at t East Sixteenth street yestsrday morning. Rev. J. - Whit comb . ' rVmirher M the I irst Baptist ehurch of. f 1 at Ue ervloea, ..4 were V r V v a r rvery hat Utslsrr-si 'ana take ' wtngsdurtag ' ' this Wao' - A " aesAera' graad aala. Sere ace prtoae that will ' maksthseafly. ;' 01.15 Take choice of any soft or stiff hat in the en tire atoclc. worth up to SI.SO. Blacks, browns,,-, tana, pearls, all styles ef the season. . - Select any hat In our atore. Stetson excepted, soft or stiff, including IS.00 and 13.10, and It's . yours during this Wags Earners great sale -for. f Lii. Oet a hat and get it now. - It's t your . advantage. : " v'.v :y .:.. V '.. ; About fsCCO.Str.tvf f nd Cnsh Ksts of a kinds, colors snd stses. They tok up too much room, so away with It Just one half prleer Step ttlch, - This 1 the right weather for them. . " - . . ' i . i v.. r :1 'tUtti o r - mmmmmk m t3 During th2 v v. . A" X ; .v ' . f A ,11 en (UiU I- Divided into three (rest Jots, consisting of everything thst is good tndl stylish, bearing the brands of the most reliable makes of our land, i Enhances the buying power of your money., ; Every man that fa keenjo the tact V , be earns his dollars And should make his dollars earn for him all that U possibly must visit' The. Hub during this Orand Sacrifice Sale. , Such grand opportunities x.3 this sale affords are occasions that ar,e few and far between and is for the sola pur pose of closing out all spring and summer goods and clear our counters for an un usually early arrival of the best and finest stock of Fall Goods ever seen in this cliy. Read what we say about qualities and prices and then come and be convinced th2t;wa rdoHsswrsay,'?. '.'.''': '';''.'.' ' "vyjl;-;. Yes, Just Seven ; Dollars- and this is its buying power during the Wage I J Earners' great sale. Choice of 600 single or -id x , & ' double-breasted $15, $12.50 sod $10 suits, all wool r union worsteds, in light, dark or medium' col fors, embracing .checks, blacks, stripes and hand- LIacmft,mixturcZT.T 46 r: bust measure, but not all sizes in every-lot, it s ,a clean sweep of all seasonable suits. i; V:. fnr SilA knf ftIA nnrl 0(. Cn!fe l4aw N"Vwwf aK Miiu vaiv This grand lot of nearly , 1,000 suits , is wide enough in . its ranre- of styles, .-and merit qualities! 7pleaserthe ; most -.critical - of - -1 aressers. ine enure ciierorr oi uunions ana . . fabrics is shown in this line, guaranteeing you : v that you will not have to' compromise ariydesire you may . have for a certain style and quality if , ' it's usually sold at $15.50 to $20. .00 for $22.50, $25. r The lines are ofiflow prices has a clear track. The best in the big store, ... r no reserve, every fine suit that is under this roof is in this lot at $14, for I ' choice, including all Prince Albert, Tuxedo, finest, quality .blaclC, blue or fanev. alntrle snd double breasted sack. See all the $25 and $30 suits offered -.m " - by other stores, then come to the Hub arid you know where to buy. , J III I . ll.'' II ill, iivM WAGE-EARNERS 'WEAR PANTS, SO DO MILLIONAIRES, BUT TIIS LA YMAJ, ; LAWYER OR LABORER WHO FAILS TO VISIT THIS SALE OF PANTS -DWARFS-THE BUYINO POWER OF'HIS DOLLAIUXTr $1.35 None of them worth less than $2, most " of them '$2.50. A .We want room, not pants. ,Yqu want pants. Then corned here and get the best bargain you ever; had offered you. ,V '1 $1.85 The kind that are suitable for street or business wear, , Choice materials and i styles, i AH of them have been reduced from $3 and $3.60. Sizes up to 46 waist measure. '" ' : -1 : " '; ' - . The strongest line ever shown of select, ' seasonable styles,.; tailor made.. We have-not allowed a single pair of pants that have been selling at $4 to $4.50 t to escape this lot. . . i , . iTake your choice of all our $3 to $S ne j pants, consisting of the very best quali ties of imported cassimeres, worsteds, etc., made by the best wholesale pants ' tailors of our country. - You know fine pants and you will know they are grexl bargains -when-you -examine- them; Of all the departments that have done proud to this store, shoes have led. "The good, reliable and fine kinds only find shelf -room here v,' ; ' r that's why. . ,; .: ;' . - e e Will buy choice ot all small or broken lots of $2.00 .; ana -.ov, consisting oi an aiics snu oitca iiu. a, c C, Patent, vici, calf, velour, etc., tan of black, bals., Bluchers and congress, worth up to $3.50. . ; a JC For unlimited choice1 of all shoes up to $5.00. . The S000 very best Drand4 that money can buy are in this lot. We can surely shoe you in the kind you want. ''. "V'TV T largely attended, held ! the house, and the Odd Fellows Were In .charge of the ceremoniee at Rlvervlew eemeteryi The active pallbearers were: Mayor Harry Lane, Homer Davenport, Dr. A. B. Kaat- m.n. V. nMinv.r' I. 1G. A. r1arkai T R. Hungerford,; W. L Page, D. H. son. Dr. R. X. Wilson 1 -, ' SEE PACIFIC OCEAN. ; R Wat- Take the .Totter Qutsit of River .? Boats Down the Columbia. The "T. 3. Potter" queen of river boats sails from Ash street dock for Astoria and North Beach as follows: Tdeaday, July 11. 10:11 .a in.; Wednee. dar. July II, 11:11 a. m.r Thursday, July 13. 1:1 (neon); Saturday, July If, 1:10 p. tn. The Potter will not make a trip down the Hver on July . 14. Particulars and O. R. N. Summer Book by asking C. W. Stinger, city ticket agent. Third and Washington streets, Portland. ' TO BAR SALOON MEN : : FROM ORDER OF ELKS : . ' (Joereal gpaeial Serrlte l ' : ' Buffalo, N. Tm July 1.The grand lodga of KIks has voted to repeal two rules adopted at last veer's meeting In Cincinnati, making the derisions of the committee on laws-. and tha committee en grievances final.. As ths rules W ne of appeal to the grand xt they proved objectionable. .The south ern lodges are leading fight to secure tha. passage of resolutions debarring aaloonkeepers and others oonneoted with the liquor trafllo from memberahlp. ..The matter was laid over, but will come up at Denver next year. A resolution to affiliate with the .Canadian order of Elks was :, defeated. .The following parade prises were awarded: : Best-appearing . lodge ; In parade, To ledo lodge No. It, first prise of SSOO. . Most unique uniform, ainglev -prise, I50O, awarded to Cleveland lodge No. J I. Greatest mileage, 1609, El Paso lodge No. its. . LiOdge accompanied , by the. greatest number ot ladles. 1500, Bridgeport, Con necticut, lodge No. 117. ., Lodge having greatest number In line, nearby lodges barred, JlOt, Erie, Penn sylvania, lodge Ne. 7i ..- . Lodge having the greatest number 'ef men In line, home lodges barred, Roches ter first, Lockport second, v- North Dakota Day July 18. . North Dakota day will be celebrated at the Lewis and Clark expoeltion on July 11 and the North Dakota commis sion extends a cordial Invitation to all former North Dakota people who are now living on the eoeat to be preaent on that occasion and meet Governor Barlee at a reception at the atate headquarters la the Agricultural building la the after noon , V" t- , ) GANG 'I ARRESTED FOR NATURALIZATION FRAUDS ' (Joaraal Special ferric.) ",, San Francisco, July 14. As a result of raids by. secret service sgents a dosen water front characters are under arrest for felony, accused of participation In naturalisation frauds which have been flagrant at thla port for the laat year, and In avert case the fraud waa carried to the office ef the local Inspector of hulls and boilers, where the false papers were presented aa prima facia evidence of the right to the license of a masts mariner. A score ef fraudulent cltlsen ship papers and marine licenses have also beei seised.' ' ' ' Among those held In default of heavy bond are: Frank Johnson, Janitor ef the Ferry building; Guatev Holmgren, a saloonkeeper: Herman von Bueae, a petty officer on the American-Hawaiian stsamer Nevadan; Paul Ruppmund. mss. ter-at-arms on ths revenue. outter The tis; William Ahletrand, proprietor of the Victoria hotel; Ernest Oroessler, a SaloonkeeperJI and Frank A. Wlrtsneh, detained aa state witness. . " Tsars of suffering relieved In a nlghL Itching pllsS yield at once to the cura tive propertiee of , Doaa's Ointment. Never faila. At ahy drug atore. i centa. s. - . ., ; Alien XewUT Beat Braae. MRS. MARY-J.f JONES A DEAD AT TROUTDALE .1 (pedal Dkpeta te Tke Jooraal.t. Troutdale, Or. v July 14. Mrs. Msry J. Jones died at her home near hare -Wednesday night. Mrs. Jones came to Ore gon In 1161. - With her husband she set tled on a donation olalm south ot Trout dale and haa alnoa made It her home. She waa born In Crawford county. Penh sylanla, October 0, lilt. She leaves her aged husband, two yeara her senior, snd four children, Mrs. Amanda Clark of Spokane. Mra M. A. Dunbar of Fair view, Mra. B. A. 81 at ford aad J. A. Jones. Tha' funeral eervlce was- con ducted by Rev. W. S. Scott of Falfvlew at t o'clock this . afternoon at Cedar schoolhouae. 'The Interment will be la Hall cemetery. v. . , Do not miss the opportunity now of fered to visit ths islands. - Inclusive tickets now being sold '-via Ban - Fran el Sco covering hotel expenses st Hono lulu, drives' and excursions.' and a trip to tne greet volcano.! Full details fur nished by X H. Dswson. 141 Wsshlng ton street, or C W. Stinger, 114 Wash ington street. - - . Bate Valid. V (Jeorsal Special Srrlae. Port Huron, Mich, July 14. Ths clr eult oourt has sustained the validity ef the higher raten adopted by the supreme . . -; -i - i ; Great Removal SaEc An goods wilt be sold at the lowest prices, and we Invite the-- Asaerieaa Medical Association and . otner visitors to can and examine our large stoca of Oriental goods.. ' . . - . SPCCIAL SALE ca Ge IsSdwbj lu&zz; '.'Cr.'-il'i" v,;":v: J Regulaf. Special. Matting ......... lo .' If Japaneae aandlea...... llo Japaneea Silk Shirtwaist Patterned,. t-M flJ. Japaneae Cotton Crepe Shirtwaist ' t , Patterns. 14.11 Japaneae Cottoa Crepe, per yard. ) -- J VESTERH IMF03Ti;.S CO. atala Steee, " ' lau-tO lsa-ro FlfUi Street, a- v-a. 'rt f CHAS. B TOUNO, . JAUrj li T . . r . .Prealde'ni. ....... I tent of the Knights ef Macsbeee of the World. The decision waa baaed on the clause In the supreme tent laws govern ing application for membership i t-' i f 1 I t f y I 1,1 I I . e c i ..i, ' t ss 1 t (pedal T Ashland, r l r v