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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1905)
T"- T,7- . - -4 kJ ' 1 .,,jM; r:;:'..;::.i:-di::;; r.;;::i; Tie 1 "r' t assortment sol best-? r v rlatios of lTty l.Vulc .e-fonv i ll t .j .rtty.-rT" Vi latest novelties, .. tabraoia; f 900ns, lobs and f kt lieces. Post C', Hcturee. Leather S..J Papr Articles. CUna and Glass Pieces. ' Indian fcisnksts, etc. All -Get sn C::caI13uiaa."" II i lar with the Jalr, and Io--te tha grounds at a glance. It a for It cent, but we furnish 1. . This way With every purchase ' 1 over we give a ticket, which, whr r at the Guide) Headquartera. la w 4 cents on tha purchase of tha Ofdclt. 1 tlon Ouide, ' . . .; , .-, ' ..' , V'.-:-:- T' Sic? ..... ,.,.., - 4, - " ' - - V3b' m - ' : - - - J " - "" ' ' r ; 03 CLOSES An BUSINESS DAYS m our xsmous fractional prices. y.v 5'j 111:2 -jaia - . , .. . . . - . C wC jr at W ......... . j - ..f , , , ,v - One of the genus hobo, recently mestinj a young hi, said: "Say, sonny, do yousel like pie?" "You bet," laconically replied the 1)03?. Densaid the tramp, fyouse runto the house and ask . your mudder for a pie. and lU giv you"half." - Wouldn't that - remind you of a store that makes no legitimate effort on its own part to secure business, and dislikes to see successful competitors securing the, lion's share of trade? Much like Ad tramp, they go on the plan "you go ahVad bring the' folks 'down town by offering splendid buying inducements or trustworthy merchan dise and we'll let you .have , talf the. busmess.M We appreciate such generosity and certainly derive our ful share of. benefit from ' their generosity. We trust they'll continue the policy bidefinifely. We attribute the succesa of THIS business- and thewonderful- increase that's com to us a growth that's the talk of the town to our own original and aggressive methods our progressive policy. Each day brings hundreds of new faces to the tore -not alt exposition visitors, but our own good townsfolk'who have" found it pays 'em to do buying here. ;,This must be Attributed c to thVspirit of fairness that pervades the store--o the legitimate business methods prevailing to the implied guarantee that goes with the name of Olds, Wortman & King,' The discriminating public of today naturally seekrestorft-that-offers and fin -nlthes th?"bggest buying Incentives at the lowest possible prices and maintains a superior standard' of mewhandis.ri5'i:;- .Wa want visitors to feat quaUy free with shoppers la 'ialng tha privileges of this great store. Uae the free phonos.' the reatroom. tha writing Ubles, tha lunch room and, drinking foun talmj vialt tha free cooking school on third floor; take free embroidery lesaons In tha Art Salons. Second Floor Annex: the lavatories, check your parcels free at tha Ac . commodation Bureau. First Floor. Ask Information of - tha floormen thay wlU only be too happy to giva It. You'll meet with -- no die . courtesy bera. Should you chooaa to shop youl! find tha best servioa on the Pa cific Slope, and tha coolest etore. Free and prompt de- lveryervrc WELCOMH. Free Cooking -rr- School t11, Third Floor Sessions 10 a. .' , J. to 11 m. .' ,.. .: Embroidery Lessons Free I aivenjiy an Expert Needle work Teacher Second Floor, , Art Rooms Annex. - Saturday in the Baby-to-Miss Shop jfiecond - Children's Wash Dresses Ata Big Keducuon in. Wee t - The natarlala, 4e- gigns. flnlah and tha variety ox styiea i tkaaa Children Dreaaes makes - tha prices at which they .r. of fared aatound- Ing ' values. - They "are In - white . and colored llneiv pique, percales, gingham, chambray and oall- eci la ona and two. piece suits In a large aasortmact of - neat ' and catchy styles; ages from 1 to II years. Oar .' (Oo, , (Oov ISo. - . vaJuea. Special 4rsnvvaiuas. wnaoiai -. - - at. a&iH -.KTa v ai.B vaiuoa. jsps-j- .H each r .8fa Our 110. $1.70. tl.K values. Spa- ' clal at ai-IJt ' 'A.. aa. ft AC- t t. hM(.r -: .r.SK 9iY -Our : flZS, $ J.I5. , IZ.40. 2.i0 .values. Special ai . ........ .4.,... i.,,.. ......... ... Our 11.75.', IJ.I5,' M-00, IS.1S values. -8pctl v ; at i ......... .i:t3 tOur $.. 11.(0. .18.78 vsius.-.:Bpclalat. -each i f?.lS Pur 14.00, 11.18, , Valusa. ' -Special 4 V - ;V each . , v .....$2.39 tDur rl.78, -18.00, $5.10 values.: i BpecUlj gL ' jr. each . ........ ................ .. .f 2.8S Our $f.00 $t.2S,. $0.7$ values. Special at, . each .............. 8)3.67 "Out $7.80 and $1.00 values. Special at eaoh. .4.34 88.29 , ."Y 1 . l..'i.i'V,ir't.'.' r :Our $ 00 and lf.76 vAlues. Special at, each.' .......... Our regular $1 00 to $11.00 values, ?8pcUI at.",-,' .. a wm wm Wll f . . . . "Ho for the :Beacl-Saturday; the Bathing C Season Is On, We're Ready With Bathing : Siiitsr Caps," Shpes 'A Plentiful ' Supply at Little Price First ' . Floor. ' ' ' 1 J",-'v ' X- prepare new for your trip to the beach. . Our stock - of Bathing Suits, Caps and Shoes is the best ever p and the prices are. as always, extremely, modesV- t--r-rz Women's Bathing Suits.4 j; Ot black cotton" cloth; with sailor collar and white : braid trimming on waist, '-collar and skirt; price. . the suit .- ...,.....,.,.. .....f 2.00 Women's Bathing Suits." k'CC Of black cotton .doth, square jieck and white braid ' trimmings on neok front and. skirt; price,. 92.50 .Women's Serge Bathing Suits. ;f In' blue and, black made with' amain sailor collar, ' trimmed with white braid t In ' collar, skirt and k ' down front; a great value at, sajt...... .B3.00 4 X Women's Blu Serge; Bathing Sujs. ' . Wlth sailor collar and square-cut neck; white braid y trimming and whlta tle-paivery chlo little suit; price . ...-93.SO iv? iBlack and-Nvy Blue Serge Suits, "; 'Vlth square-cut necli or sailor collar J elaborately trimmed, with white braid; pries, the sult..f)4.0O -: Women's Mohaui Bathing Suits. - J; 'in black and navy blue; square neck or sailor collar: ' beautifully trimmed In white braids aM fashioned, Vi bv expert, designers! priced at. the " ! '. " suit.... $5.00 and 96.00 V . Women's Brilliantine i ! Bathing 'Suits. ' f in brown and cardinal, square peck, pretty white , 4 brald,.trUnmlnga; real beauties at'- , ' each ,...r.. ...96.OO and 9T.50 -' .' 7 Beautiful Bathing Suits. Verjr fine quality, yoil will appreciate them . If ou s will look at them; prices, the " , J . ' suit v.... .98.50 910.00 and 912.50 r Misses' Domet Flannel Bathing Suits. . ; White braid trimmed; priced at, the suit. ...91,25 , ) " , Misses' 3athingSuits.; - , ' Made of black cotton cloth, sailor collar, with trim ralng of white braid; price, suit......... ...91.T5 : Misses' Blue Serge Bathing Suits. . . "With blue and red duck sailor collars and white y , braid, trimming; price 92.00 i -is ' Bathing Caps.; ' , ' la all styles; priced from .......154 to 91.50 J ; Black and White Bathing Shoes. V. In almost any style wanted; priced. et, the pair A r - . ... m A .z to Sweeping Reductions, Ranging From a Half 4i.fC.xr to. a. Third, on,. .. v x Colored Dress Good?. fV SOUTH ANNEX FIRST FXOOB. . . Slaughtered fo the July Stock Reducing" stripes and changeable effects; Imported Shepherd Checks; FTeneta -Vollesy-In grays, tans, navys and brown; Imported Silk and Wool-Novelty Fab rice; also our entire line of Odd Pleoes, In Tweeds and Mannlatt Suitlnga; all In the stock-reducing sale at. exactly half price $1.00 grade for $0o yard, $1.80 grade for 78c yard,,$1.00 grade lot $1.00 yard, etc Regular SOo valuea. In Neat Mannlah Mixed Suitings -Just the thing for children's wear, and Jach and , r mounUln wear; all colorf to cboose. rom, Speoiai only, per yard .....38 Women's Furnishing Bar- WK. viwi ''VH T 't...Flrst".Floor.. . ;:'.-.' T Woens' rJocvHandkerch(efs 3' for $1; " A lbi.( Wometfs Pretty HandKef tlilera. IB H wist, linen..' scanoped on hemstitched, edgee;" regular - Ribbons 5c. 1.:; ,'v?. A lot of narrow fancy Ribbons, from K to I Inches wide. In Dresden, Persian, and stripes; rsgula value from ISo to 28o yard. Bpeolal, yard...5eV i " ' - $1 Chiffon Ruffling 60c ; , Dainty Chiffon Ruffling. In black and white, inches. wide; our regular 81.00 value. Special Sale Price,' L.-tho .yard ' ,... 4aft1....-vf80V. Grand Consummation of Bargain-Giving " . . " -1 1 -r t T" f Saturday in the Linen Shop , Jv ".'-".'. ;. .7 ... airs. ioor.; ; : . - . r- " 1 Mere hints of what's ahead for buyers. Ten hourk , mora filled with opportunlUjthat figures tell and Uneasy veriry. , ; .7:'77i Richardson's Double 'Damask Table Covers. SIse 1x11; regular value 81100.- Special at,' each -910.00 Slse 10x10; regular value $1180. Special at each . ..............99.75 Slse 10xlJlresvlarvaiua iev80-Speoia-at, each . 912.50 Slse 10x14; regular value 817J0. : Special at. . jeach. ...... .............. ...i-W.... 913.00 '"M Heavy Satin Finish Double, Damask. ; Regular $1.00 value. . Special at, the yard..V-81.85 Regular f 8.15 value. Special at, the yard. ..".925 :-,-.V.-l.;-'Napkins. . . Extra Large Dlnher Napkins ' v- . ) - Regut&r 80.00 value. - Special, dosen.;....94.T5' ' Regular - 87.00' value. Bpeolal. doien..,...8)5.00 Regular 87.80 Value. Special. doaan.....8J5.25 r Regular $18.00 value. . Special, dosen....Sia.oO . Regular $17.60 jralue. Special.' doaen. ..9X3.00 l'i v, Napkins Samples.';.:!.;.': :',. A line of slightly soiled (from-handling only) Nap kins, In odd lots; about 180 dosen; great special ' values at, from, dosen. ...... Y... ,.T5 to 94.00 ..'';.';' . Bureau Scarfs, Etc ! . -: ;;. A' lot of real Kand-Bmbroidered and' Hemstitched .Bureau Bear fa. Squares and Tea Cloths -Slse 81x81; regular, valtte $1.00. Bpeclal at, , ' , each .. .,T5f Slse 11x27; regular value $1.28. Bpeclal at, . 1 each . ... 00 -Slse I$xl$i regular value $2.00. 'Bpeclal at, each . -kl.A 91BO Slse 18x64; regular value $2,287 Special at. each . .-91.85 Slse 80x80; regular value 81-00.- Special at, ' each -91.50 Hand-Embfoidered and Hemstitched Pillow : h's:::-:rp& asesr::?::.'": t Slse 22x10; regular value 82-86. Special, pair. 81.85 Slse Uxt regulaf value 84.00. Bpeclal, pair.S3.00 Slse 26x$; regular value 85.80. Bpeclal, palr.93.OO , Hand-Embroidered Und Hemstitched.' Bol- "".!' f ater Cases. ' ..; .? Blse 21x71; regular value 80.00. Bpeclal, palr.84.80 Slse 11x72; regular value 85.00. Bpeclal, pair.83.50 Slse 11x64; regular value $5.00,. Special, palr.93.60 Embroidered and Hemstitched Sheets 1 Slse 2x8 yards; regular value $8.00. Special. ' pair , ; 94.00 Slse 2Hxl yards; regular value $11.00. Special. . pair ...94.50 Slse IVix! yards; regular value $20.00. Special, f pair . .'...'... v.7.i... ......... 915-00 t .v' ;.;''.-: Huck Towels. A line of Richardson's Washed Huck Towels, la plain and lacquard effects. ' i v 1 7 ; 7 Regular 7 to value. Bpeclal at, each Regular $1.28 Value. 'Special at. each.., OOe Regular $1.78 value.' Bpeclal at, each...,. 4. .$1.2 Regular $2.00 value. Bpeclal at, toch...,;,9l.35 ' 40c Doilies 25c Dozen. ' About' J88 'dosen Linen Fringed Dollies, with red border; slse 7x7 Inches; Juat the thing or fruit ' plates; regular value 40a. Special at 0os...,2S f ..''" ; ;','''.'''' " 1 ; Second Floor . ,,"'"'."';, i Portland's Largest and Foremost Apparel Stores for Women Actual Values to (?Q QfL 7 ' Stylish Summer Suits up to $28.50 AT A CHOICE FOR............ .I.eJiy.VO ' Tou know this store's statements are never exaggerated or over told. The above Astonishing statement to make and hard lleve did It no t have thhrstore'behlnd true aa gospel. Our Suit buyer now In New York secured this lot of handsome, smart and seasonable tailored suits for street wear at an astonishing reduction from a maker who waa; cloaing ' hie' ' season - and ready to start on Wlntsr garments. As Is our usual custom, we shall share ths good fortune of a .."good buy" with our patrons. ' So ' tomorrow , you may , choose from' about 100 suits, all ' splendidly. tailored, every one the production pf this sea son; materials of stamina,- serge, cheviot and ' homespuns, a full color line embracing black. . blues, grays, tana and the extremely popular and stylish black and white shepherd checks. Eton and blouse Sty ls of-verr latest author! tame design. This Is absolutely ths greatest snlt value we have offered this season and we : advise every -woman' within shopping, distance , vi ne store o prom oy it (i. , , i. ,. V i t One Day Sale Saturday Only Matt orders wilt be filled by expert shoppers during the sale. . . .-.,.; e neve " i Is an d to be- . , .' ;:'!SWV ) I . lit MnlliAit iAAAl'Cnln.Af .Waimai' IIa,.a . r ' Saturday rBSULBBCB VI CUl UUIC Ul U UIIIC7II 8 IIUU3C , "T I UppCI 9 Only ' -Women's $2.00 Percale: j Housc Wrappers. , :-,,..; ....-, -' . , In pretty percale materials of" gray, red, black and . -white, blue and white, red and white, etc Fetch ing floral and conventional dealgna, narrow and wide collars, Blahop sleeves, flounce styles," and : ' ' prettily trimmed In braids and embroideries; valuea ' Tfo 81-00. .Tomorrow; Saturday ! ' ... gfQ 1 onljr I0c-Yes-I0c i .... . ...v. , , . , - A Sale of Millinery at 10c -: 'for sc - .; ;. What's the "Another Wonderful Saleof Women's Hand ' some Shirtwaists. Values to $1.75 r Choose for 79c Another of those extraordinary distributions ot beau tiful Summer Shirtwaists- st a ridiculously low ,- prloe. An opportunity for women to provide a 7 liberal supply of the, alwiya-ln-demand ahlrtwalata ' at a price that does .not repreaent the firat actual cost of material. Dainty, pretty waiats of splendid ' wearing, handsome percaiea. lawna and richly me 7 cerlsed fabrics, in plain white, blues, pinks,- grays. ' : tans ana enarming mixes aiuiia; vsiuea . up 10 "'..$1.78. Special- tomorrow Saturday - 7 fr' n only .at. ... ( Jf W Use of a Waste of Words? There's Money Loss ' Enough ''In This ' V-7 ; nv-,w :-r$; ' Without Vi; y;r:i. Told qulcklyi done quicker.," Winding Of) the biggest. ..Millinery, season ever known to the .store.' 7 Planning to do a bigger one next season going : to start right away tomorrow, in' closing a sea 7 son like the past ws naturally accumulate numer .. ous oddments snd endments they're as little uss " -to us as the crumbs you sweep from the tsble 2. after each- meal;, we're going to- rid the aales-r -: tables of them .much In the same manner sweep 7: m out tomorrow. ' A big lot - of little , lots. .Women's Btyllsh Hat Bhapee and Staple Hat! Shapes, a few Ready-to-Wear Hats and a host of ., 7 Hats for the children.' 'All, grades; and plenty of, good styles of the worn-today sort. Out they go Saturday there'll be a crush be front In the line . ' for the price. Is for fuH ' ' eholce.7TT;V777fnTTT;i; . .' . . ,r, i. .,UC .. Saturday the ! Man9s Shop: 4 t oing Day The Haberdasherie,",' the Man's Favprite ri-v- Quick-Service - Shop.::','.'":r Extra special for today sinew, run noor,- Men's' iiwtfi,Vi&:.iot- $2.75; Men's Fancy Bummer Vesta,' In white, gray and black -, with white dots, etc.( very stylish and one of the. best we carry; our' 84.60, value; epeclal at, . , seen "-. - U .... i ..... . . . ... 92.T5 Ladles' $1.75 Golf Shirts for $1.15. Ladles' Mannlah Qolf Bhlrta, In tan, whits and emall .. figured effects;, a very popular style this season1 . , for ladles; our 81-78, value. Special at. each. 91, 15 : : Men's 75c Night Shirts 49c. 1 ;? A good line of Men s Plain White ' Muslin Night Shirts; made by one of the best msnufsctursrs; eur 7o value. Bpeclal at, each....... 49e) '' ri- Men's 25c Half Hose 15c. i. 4 - Men's Fashioned Seamless Sox, of extra fine cotton, ; fancy striped. In gray, blue and dark' red back-v -grounds; our ISo vidua.. Bpeclal at, pair...,, 15. '69c for Men's $1' Underwear. - ; Men's White-T.lale Thread Cnderwear. with French neck., sllk-faoed;. a very light - cool -sarment for summer wear; our -81-00 value. - Special at, the ', garment', .... .,.............. ... .......... .,69 Last Dsy Saturday of the Terrific Price ; , 7-r-r. Slaughter.- , , '-" Novelty Suit Silks ' BpVTH ANNEX-i-riRST, FLOOR. ;:.:;v' ' Annual July-Stock Reducing Sale. ; 7" ' 11,000 yards of New 1006 Novelty" Suit Silks.. the newest weaves and colors-to be found In the world's best markets. These Silks are sold everywhere regularly at 81 00. 81-16. 81-60 and 81-76 per yard... Tou will find them en our special bargain tables In -Bilk Store Annex, divided In four monater lota, re duced as follows: - , i ,-.,..ii- . LOT 1 Bpeclal Julyf . stock reducing - sals only, yard .43w LOT I Special July stock reducing sals only, ysrd ............ t...'..67s tOT Bpeclal . July stock reducing sale only, yard .;.....................;. T8 . LOT 4 Bpeolal July stock reducing sale only, i yard ...... .............. ........... .93 , -';- :: Wonderful Values Among the' ? ; ''. . ; ' - ".. .. , ': Lingerie and Dainty Under ", muslins : -.7 'Annex Second Floor. .v-.- 7 : -'. 1 A HINT OF THE PRICE TREND. Oewas Made of mualln. nainsook snd cambric, trim med In embroidery, laces, hemstitching, high, low ' i round or square neck. Including the new slipover. ' tons, elbow and wide-kimono- atyls sleeves: regu-l lar prices 60o. 7 So, $1.00,. $1.60, $2.60 to $I0.O. 8pe-i . ...rial prices 42. 63. 85. 91.25. 92.10 to 917.60. with many between prices. '. Drawers Of same material aS above trimmed In . Swiss Hamburg embroidery, dainty laces and -rib. ; '. bons; regular prices tSc. 60o, 00c, 86c. $1.00 to 11.6. Bpeclal prices 21 42t 60 T2 S5.e 88.35 Xadlssf Skirts Of fine white materials. tVlmmed In a .great variety at styles, of JlounoesedgeLwiUi VsL, Point de Paris. Cluny ob Maltese or nne em broideries; regulsr price, 66c, $1.00. $1.60, $1.16. tf.Tl to 046.00. Bdc- . ' clal.KK 8Bt 81.25 81.94 82.43 to 930.5O- ftadles Corset Oevexsj Of fine cambric and naln- ; - eook. -tlaht-f lttlng. French full, front, or without , shoulder straps for.jevenlng wear, trimmed In an A i 'aimowr ennieas variety or styiesi regular prices iec 7 88c 60c. 76c, 81.00 to 8 00. Bpeclal - i prices. 21e 30 42 63 85 to 97.95 flies' Skort ad ions; Chemises Bound or low., snuara peck, trimmed in embroidery , or lace In-. : ' pert Ion and edging; regular 60c 86c, $1.00, $1.16. '$1.00 to 80.00. Special ; - 7' pricea. .42e 72 85 9115 f 7.95 Supply These Sunday Home " Comforts Saturday i-k ' The ICoaay Saved Win Self to rrevide Others. ""'f' h 8p,selal .Third Floo Salsa. . ... . ,'.:v'J-'v;V' Automatic Refrigerators. r-r'O'J ' Btgh-Orade Automatlo Refrigerators, - sine, enamel and opal llnlnga; eight walls, perfect circulation, ' ; dry., cold air, economical. Bpeolal from- T: each... ...97.SO to 9125 ; 1 . v... 7; : , Coal Oil Stoves.; , :. ' 'y-'X ;Wlth eViaroll reservoir; does not lesk;.rass wlcit -tubes; will not rust' 1-Burner Oil Stove spaclsl at, each.,.-.... .....45 1-Burner Oil Stove special at, each.... .0O . 1-Burner Blue Flame Oil Stove special, each. 94.50 J, . . . rQuicfc Meal" Gas Stove. : vHsg no equal economical gas consumers. . 1 , .. '.i. ' Lemon Extractors. " . ,!z .. ' oisss Lemon-Juice Extractors., - - '' ' No. 1. for tumblers special at, eaoh.. 4 No. 1, with saucer special at, each.. ........... 89 . Douhle Motion Cedar PaUs, electrio welded hoops. drswn-steel can 1-Quart slse epeclal at. each V 1-Quart slse special at.; each - 4-Ouart else BDeclal at. each , O-Quart slse epeclal at, eacn, M , . , .. gt.tfs - Cottage Dinner Sets.' 4 K-r-..---- For 'sesside or summer eotuges; English 1 semi-' , percelaln, border pattern' v--' ' ' 60-Plece set; regular value $ 4. 0 special, set. 83.60 - 00-Plcce set; regular value $0.40 special, set. 84.SO 100-Plece set; regular value $0.00 special, set.9T.20. extra speciali ;;; ' Sale Opens This Morning, Continuing Only , , Until Quantity Is Sold. C " ' 800 dosen only, of Thin-Blown, Hsndsomely Engraved Tumblers, With choice of five beautiful engravings. 4" -Thebelft reguUr vnlue st 61-00 a dosen-sver offered - i in - Portland.' floeclal While they last . at, ne .:....;.m':.V..'.8i.8s , , 81.95 I....... ........82.45 'dosen 68 'Here's Helps Toward Summer Coolness " Among Household Wares ' f THIRD FLOOR TAKES ELEVATOR. , . v "' Automatic Refrigerators. ) ' Perfect clrculstlon, dry cold sir, economical Ice and food saver; values from. each.. 96.50 to 99O.0O 7";'''l Coal Oil Stoves. " ;-.. Hady and economical for warm weather; 7 , 1 burner. Special at, each. 45 , "t burner. Bpeclal at. each. . ...... -60 t burner Blue Flame Cook, Stoves. Bpeclal at, "; each -94.60 - - Oas, Gasoline Stoves and Hot Plates. - $ burner Hot Plates. Special at, each 91.75 ; ; - ; Window Screens. Slse 18x11. Bpeclal at. each' -T Blse !4x$7. Bpeclal at. each ; , Blse 10x17. ' Bpeclal at, each ' Blxe 10x47.! Bpeclr.l at. ench(.,.,. Blse 10x45.' Bpeclal at, each i i Qrand Finals cf - - - The Great Shoe Sc!g Values Added to by Condensation of Let :,'777tt7West'Sasssj Ftrst rieo. ; 7 '" - MEN'S SHOES. XTX Men's $3.50 Shoes for $2.80. Men' Tan Shoes, In all styles snd shades our regu-r lar $1-60 value. . Special at, the palr......,.92.&3 $125 for Men's $8 Shoes.' - Men's Tan Patent Colt Shoes, "Florehetm mske." have sold all season at $4.00 the pair. Special sale price, Uie pair .. 4 ........... .1 t 9'2" $3.85 for. Men's $S Half Shoes. : . Men's. Tan Shoes, sarns as above, only low ' cut. -Blucher style; our $6.0d value. - Bpeclal sale price at, the pair ...... ......93.85 , . . Men's $3.50 Shoes for $2.50. ' ' . 7 . Men's Shoes, in tan. kid, RuseW calf; both Bala, and half shoes; our regular 83-80 value, - Bpeclal at., the pair .i...,. vV.,. ....... 82.60 - - $2.50 for Men's $3.50 Shoes. : - Men-Bhoeertn-veloinrcalf and MaelrvlcT kid. Gbod , year sewed; thoroughly built and beat material throughout; our 88-60 value. Special sale price st, the pair. .-92.60 . Men's $4 and $5 Shoes fojr. $3.' A big lot of Plngree Made Shoes, In severs! good styles and all kinds of leathers; our $4.00 snd 15.00 values. - Bpeclal sals pricS, the palrr..V...-93.&0 . . Men's $3.50 Shoes for $2.50. ! Men's Pstent Colt Half Shoes; good style; our $1.00' vslue. Special sale price, the pair ......... 92.50 WOMEN'S SHOES. 7 Women's $1.50 Oxford Ties for 89c' ''.Women's Oxford Ties la common sense .style, with 1 wide toe and low heel, or medium round- toe with : patent tip; our $1.60 value. Bpeclal sale price st, ' the pair .....................80 Women's $3.50 to $4.00 Shoes for $2.50. Women's Outlngj Beach or Mountain Shoes.' In tan . or black calf;- substantlsl and well made: our 11.10 and 84.00 values, . Special sale price at. - . the pair ..,.,....,...,....-.... j . 92.50 Women's $3 Bicycle Shoes $1.50. ,76 pairs of Women's Bicycle Shoes. In tan or black ykld; our regular $1-00 value.BpecUil sale price st. . 7. the pair ...... .......,,.,..,.',... 91.50 ;,;:-t,7 Imported Turkish Slippers; :.: 7.7 1,'.,, For women, 4a black, tan or red. Bpeclal sale price at, the pair..,. , ............ ..SO ; Women's $3 Half Shoes 85c. f Women's ."T:mpress"- Half , Shoes, of -viol- kid, with . turned soles; our $1.00 value, Special, pair. ..05 Women's $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 Shoes $1.85. ' About SOO pairs of Women's Half Shoes, of different . makes r some Olorja Plngree make, some Dutten hofer's snd Other leading makes; in vlcl kid. patent ' klf and box calf. None f these shoes were sold ' for less than ,11.10. and some are 14.00 and 86.00 .IvalueaDuriiig this ssle, your choice of any-o--- them at, the pair... i... ......... . .7 .'.91.85 - Wotten'r$2.50 and 3.00 Shoes" for $I.e5T: 176 pairs of Women's Lace Boots, or vlcl kid, with pstent tips snd either light or heavy soles-, our 81.60 and $1.00 values. Special sate price at, the' , pair ............. . . . . ................... 9 1.65 A ' Women's $4 Tan Shoes $2.85. . y Women'a Tan Russia Calf Half Shoes. In three best styles and best grades; with welt soles; have sold ' ' all season at 84.00. Bpeclal sale price, at. the pair ..i. ...... .......... .................92.85 $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 Low Shoes for $1.C0. Colonial' Ties and Buckle Shoes for Women; all 81-60. $4.00 and $6.00 values. 'Special gale price at. the Tpalr ..................91.00 7 Women's $2.50 Slippers for $1.65. ' . . tOO pairs of Women's Patent Kid. snd Vlcl Kid Tta ..Slippers; our 11.(0 value. Bpeclal sals price st. -1 the pair , ...... .j ..,-... 91.65 ... An XJx Women's Tej BootSr Will e Oreatly sdos la Frtoe fov This Sale. - r. $1.95 for Women's $3 Shoes. . - Women's Fine Kld'Lsoe Boots, with fine, dull matt , kid tops and patent tips, turned, soles snd mill--. tary heels; our 81-00 vslue. Special sale price at. -the pair i.....; . . ....... .7 -91.95 boys' shoes. x : Boys' Shoes. In box calf and vlcl kid. with stout or , medium-weight soles, solid snd built on honor ' throughout ' .,'"'. -';"' . 7 Tor Unli Mem," sixes $ to 11; our 61.76 value. Bpe clal sale price at the pair.,., ..91.25 rev Teths,,alxa 11 H to 8; our 81-86 value.- Special; eale price at. the pair.... .....81.CS . To Boys, sixes IVs to 6; our' $1.68 value. Special ssle price at, the pair... .91.83 n Boys' $2.50 Shoes for $L75 , y 7 '. Boys" Bhoes, mads in Velbur calf, lace the famous "Hsllcrest" line; In sll slses fcom 8H to 0; our 11.6 value. Bpeclal sale price st, the pair. .91.75 Boys' Oaavaa Shoes, leather-trimmed, well. made. ., Bpeclal at, the pair.. 95 CHILDREN'S SHOES. ;'r4 ..:':'.y $1.60 Instead of $215 for Misses Shoe's. Misses' Plngree-Made Lace Shoes, of vlcl kid. with : 7 patent tip and spring heel our 81.16 value. Bpeclal sale price at, the pair, . . v. . . . . , ... .91,60 Infants' 75c Shoes for 45c ' ' Infants' Lace Shoes, of kid. with patent tips, turned ' ..soles and no, heels; our 76c . value. Special at, ; the pair. ... .............. ..'w..,. i...1. ...45 Same es above, with a wedge heel; 1 1n both button . ' and lace styles; slses $ to 8; our 61-18- Value. Bpe-: - clal at, the pair.. ..........T5 MisseV and Children's Tan Half Shoes. '-s The New "Qlbaon- Ties, very stylish snd servlceshle.' Bpeclal at, the pair ........... . .91.26 Kisses' and Caildrea'a White Oaavaa Oxford Ttas, cool and comfortable; priced, st, the pair, .,91.25 Worrten's, Misses', and Children's Shoes 50c A broken line of Women's, Misses'' and Children's Kid snd Calf. Spring Hal, Lace and Button Shoes; regular values 81.00. 81-80. $3.00 and 13.10. Special at, only, the pair-....... i. ....... -60 ? 7 Men's $3.50 Lace Shoes $U8. : A let ef Men's Lace Shoes In Tkw cslf. vlcl kid snd , velour cslf; regular value $1.60. Special at. the pair ......'. 91.C3 Men's $1.75 Canvas Half Shoes $1X3. Men's Brown Canvas Half Bhoes; regular value 61 75 Bpeclal at, the pair.,,...., ....91- J ' Women's Satin Slippers and Ties. : A lot of Women's Batln Slippers snd Ties, eiisto- made but one pair ef each; regular val f and $0.00. Special, your choice at; t from . . Women's "CI:; 7. A line -of Women's Tan I'M v" v 11.78. Fnerlal at. t' , , I "till r