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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1905)
.. V -- -a .J TliiSAPffllimiT ; OF IiIPOXTDiilTY 6. sHeiardt Recommended "as! Methodist CongrVtV Hears! trie - " . . . .1- Sk....kvMl.4 Uiva Rnlrlt of V ' Intercessory Prayer. ; Receiver of the Roseburg Land Office. WAS IN CHARGE OF JETTY; S WORK. ON COLUMBIA RIVER 1 w n Major LaiigfititSpe " i His Ability, -ana senator rai- , i lenavu wy' ,- ! -tonl U Sponsor. ', - g.yr'J-f'.- -J J"" v V'7"' 1 5 a & Hegsxdt of tho TJnlted States .'engineering service bes turn , recom- S by" Senator Fulton Pf "t rnent "te the position of t''0 Roseburg land office, formerly held by Jmes M. Booth! VntU month ego Mr. Hegardt wu fa charge, under the direction of Major laxngfltt, , of. too eon , atruetlo ot.tbe .Jetty at tba mouth of I the Columbia. Tho woj Mr. Htg-rtt wu complld ta k f or of tnct. - ' years, having tho Immediate chargeof tho fortification work as vell Jetty. Qeraia biiwu. "" . . t Affln far the oast four atajvi . , post in ' nH" Langfltt epeaxa -in " Hegardt and of W "irork. Ho oald tola ??.n.a atlll fnnnacted With "tho department, though temporarily on i .k.M hinh u v rented at hla ewn roaueet. Tho work hao been k. aiul ha needed a' roat v Hla aervloea naro boon porfoctlr oatlafao- Thero Vwero many appllcanti. for, too poaltlon or receiver oi im land offlco and much political preaauro w.-rail In ttahalf Of IOIM- Of the Manator Fulton aaya that . politic haa played. . no part la -hla xoo ommonoation ot r. n't""1- . , PHYSICAL DIRECTORS' MEET IN PORTLAND Bnwn and Muacle-Makert on . Pacific Cbattof Young Men's 1 Christian Association Here. ' Phraleal directors of tho -Toung Mono Christian aaaoclatlons of the Paciflo coast are In seeslon In tho T- U. C A. building today. . Among thoee registered are A. O. Douthltt of .Seattle. Harry Booth of Tacoma. M. K. Strlckler f San Francisco. EL H. Cook of Everett A- M. Orldley of Boise. K toft of So . attle. C. H. Price o? Loo Angeles and I M. Meyers of Portland. ' .."" Dr. Oeorge J. Fiaher. secretary of tho physical department of tho international Y. M. C A. committee, of Brooklyn, leading speaker at tho conference, spoke this morning on - "Study and - Library plans" and "Dancing and Musto In Gym-, naslum Work." and discussed tho "or ganisation o leaders' classes after an address on tho subject by A. O. Douth- , Itt of'SeatUe. ' : - . ' General Bocretary H. W. Btone of Portland opened the conference at 16 o'clock,..- with, devoUonalervloeac. Jhe ' program this afumoon consisted. of de votions led .by Reno Hutchinson of Portland: a report of thef phyalcal di rectors' society, by Dr.. Fisher; "Bene- 1 fits - of - Physical -Humiliation,' - A.' O. Douthltt; a report of the study ct phys ical directorship. Dr. Fisher. C H. Price of Los Angeles will pro side at too evening session, and tho de votions will bo led by Mr. Flannigaa of Missoula. Montana. Dr. Woatherbeo of Portland will deliver a lecture - on "Points In Anatomy," 'and Dr. Fisher wlU speak on "Athletic Organisation.' AUTO TOUR HAS SAD ? r ENDING AT LA GRANDE - -r SVh,Mniv" Knanltaf Wrfih. . . . atll, r a wealthy youhg-mah-f rotn New Tork city. Is recovering from the effects of en automobile accident that 'occurred at La Grande' after a Journey that ox- 'tended almost across' the, continent. .' 'Mitchell and a companion had made the greater pan oi tne trip rrom New xork . ' In the' machine. Whila thev wara a tmm ".miles from La Grande, thia state, the . suto became unmanageable and ran over , ao cmoannmeni. Ajucneii was severely . Injured about the head anil was removed to Bi. 1 VlneeBrslioepltal, this city. , ; where he Js recovering. His companion .v Is onder treatment for bis wounds. In - ia uranae. i ' el O) ML Hood luagnmceni ELOQUENT ADDRESS BY; REV. DR. H. D. ICIMBAU -Taylor Street Church. ri,w .mm unii addresses v and praise servlcs at this morplgg'g jeo- h Methodist congress at Tay lor Street Methodist church, which was Ailed with ah Interest ea auaience.. w tho steps at tho entrance sat two.. In dian squaws, wives of eonverteo t men. Hsteilhig to the songs ana, ui la a strange tongue.. '.. 'nr cl m. Olbson Drostdsd. Song and praise service were conducted by Dr. R. A. HerlUgo awd the first speaker on tho program was Dr. Joseph P. Marlattj pastor of the First Methodist church of Taoorna, wno aeiiverai mn "Great Evangellstlo Movements and the attMlij i , irmm Them. UBIOn. TT wuvm. - . . . - Then there was a tt my duty to submit the' oaso to Dr. C Cllne. Dr. H.U -Kimball e-l " ",f ta tnu, daodlng I llvered an Address on J"Preparatlon and Obligation of Methodism In the Iroon . va tinilamtnod aa Intimating MMM UBI ..WW WW " . 1 Obligation or Meinour m any- opinion whaterer as to what faoto alburn"'-" ------fr . .--oi.hnn I have been provea. or wne u. umiu. At tola evening's iT tho jury . should bo. - I am simply Mnnre will Dresldo. Dr. W. . W. van I !.-...-. ..Mu -ufnolent Bishop Thoburn B. A4 Orsdell ..will , sxhort wilt preach. a . - ,..','.' '.". - ., wut, t-w to Preaek Baay.i .;? a.- .n.M White -Swan, the Taklma Indian hlef. wUl speak at the services. The Indian spoke : days services, and told - , . h anmltv Of thO big jaaun bum. v . chiefs who cams to listen and to scoff. Hospeak--mly-inouuiuaB- people and ths services of totfT.,.? were necessary to tranalaU hla utter ances, i-. . . fca "I remember, wnen .aeon to four of tho strongeet tribes at one .. - Va aald "Th OhiOfS WOrO nad and did not want to. listen. They aat and scowled at him ana " n... i..ia ha-as throurh their PIPPBi - - aJwe a- aw -v pipes fwent out, tho scowls had gone. There came a something In their hearts that made them saa, ana was gone. They remained to tho end of the sonrlooo and many were con verted." ' "' -.-V-- f Tomorrow's program for tho morning services follows: v . Ulyssss F. Hawk presiama. aSon- and praise - service, Heritage. 'ry 'I'ZtZZ i A. General topio "uur i'" ' 110 "Literature'o Oebt to Method ism- and Methodiam's Debt . to tne Presa." Henry Brown, . ; lThe Church Paper and Church Life," D. L. Rader.. .; ; ft- 10:10 Discussion. ' iivhHetian Litsraturo In tho Sal- vaUon of tho World." H- L Basmus. ; f Or. Klntbaa pfoTog. ww auoq---w-. . Dr. H. D. Kimball said. In vrtt "The world does not believe that man . a., at.. aamai relations ' to IUBW11W lUI-wt. V ----- God oloeer than to society, cloeer than to family, ana inai ww. -. j... i tm.rA fiaA a a Dorsonal being duties higher ar more solemn than tnoas oi ei-ie T.V woi-ld does not,-ta atiy-Trractical -way. .1.1- . via-ht tiar is the real peiieve .wm, av ..a- - - - - t issuo between Christ and ths groat sufficient world. Ta w about prayer as a tueans of ""l rood to tho ono praying, and gracious lnfluenoe to tho ono for whom Interces sion Is made, and, witn a smue oi tneredulity It turns away to attend to matters of more practical concern. ' ' a a . . a A a I a.eVaaaa lealTOW -Our cnurcn in nm !-!. . is under solemn obligation to seek, the spirit of intercessory prgyer, and in the ararr.iaa of auch prayer to acqulro the gift of Importunity. There is no pre rogative or tne cnurcn ajuai ui v-w.. of aggAsslon and conaueat to the pre rogative "of .Importunate inierceeeory prayer. Only so can wo- ruiiui our ooii gatlon to God and to hi kingdom on tho earth, v. -U---h-j . i i-t. .a amors avrcoxama i""n ' ox am , . ' - r: : : i.Auina it.. hM ! avldenoe sufnolent for the Jury to pass upon; and tho mo- ia r ivawir t no Tiirr in aanuik w iaa bjpt IUU -w exawa, -aaw a - e- dtniede -tud also tb motto M trik out th tMtlmonT.N 1 The ruiinfj or in con tens w uw- aa...a oasa. a 1 tA-TlO 1 1 V hUt CA TjnMMa WlU A JJUmw av ev. " w- Ika nr rnailP as w a (I imnw in a m buttal of that offered by tho govern men,VJudo Bennett-asked,- however. thaf an adjournmnt bo taken until, tnis morning and the request was granted. O'BRIEN HERE WHILE REPORTED IN. EUGENE iiiik.lta .t).ha In Ida nnArt that I have been Inspecting tho lines of tho Corvallia aV Eastern railroad for tho Harrlman people with a now to weir purchase." said. J. P..O'Brlsn, general m- A th. Harrlman lines In Ortf- gon. "I havo not been out of Portland this week, and wag in my omco ait aay yesterday."'. .: .;-.' A report was published rrom Kugono to tho effect that Mr. O'Brien, accom panied by A.-B, Hammond, presidsnt of tbo Corvallls Ac Eastern, and A. B. BUck n. nreaident of tho Chicago A Great Western, had made a trip over tho lines yesterday, and that the Harrlman mi.iMni.nh vii aa-ain contemnlAtlng purchase and extension of tbo C A JC across tho state. .. i "I aeo that Mr. Hammond wag ac companied by Mr. SUckney." said Mr. O'Brien, , "I presume that Mr. Ham mond-wasted to show AtratioKaeT a little of tho country, and took him for a Ma. 4var the G. A E. 8s far aa I knowt that is all there was to It.'!,,. - i. that all tha churches have not shared In the great revival workt i. ! ..) ii that all. do not need It, aor that God la unwilling to give to all a gracious quickening. , i n mtu v.. n th. rlTiirchai are ao occu- a ih matarial Intareeta that wo see only darkly, uncertainly . the things which are spiritual T is it inst many orofaaaad Christians have desecrated :njui!i:"L,"" naa "ed t f-;r;.tion- ot .oci-i ingT Is It tnst ws nave non wmroui Indignant protest the open stores 1 and theatres, and ball games on tho Lord's dsyT i No, 4heee are not the reasons. rrheee. ere simply signs of a spiritual Mnitltlnn that rander eDlritual vision 1m- poislbler The revival when it begins In any church will not be with people wnom tnis aeriee oi qurauom uownum. It will begin with the humble believer. wno aireaay vuu iu iwu. , DR. CESNER ON STAND I. a- a (Continued from Page One.)' - We have the most artistic 2 photograph of beautiful Mt. S Hrwt. rfaHv for framiner S t( ' ' ' - a X 11 - -.At ' i Just the thing to send or i carry away as a Souvenir of Oregotij'orto have in your ' . own home. .The picture is s 13x20 Inches. THE- J. K. GILL CO. i ''-. Booksellers and '';V : H. Stationers.' THIRD AND ALDER f Crtat Tkln2$ at VSSit Prko -aawsHiwM various ' placea In ' tho county reading "No i sheep- allowed on tnis mna. xne men who were making war on the sheep were known as "sheep shooters," "lv-30 men and "outlawe." esaeir Sxplalas fcoaaa. Dr. Geener consulted, attorneys In legally purchase timber claims, In order to get more jana ror grasing sit sneep. "A number of people wanted to take up timber clalraa snd - some of them came to me about It," aald the witness. anyone who wanted to tnke up a timber claim, t saiu. nere. i win tena-you the money to take up clalihs In the vicinity of our range, and Won't charge ten.. - " - MaAa 1. wai. avlll 1 . V. -- the use of the land for grasing until you aa Dn. rlliw t n lr.A what I would give for the claim when h. mt It anA T tsiM him that -fr ha UmA a patent It would be worth at least f 609 or indirectly, with any of these tnsn to Kn Ik. ' "What' la the fact about, your arrang ing wiin Dins" ana vriiiiamaon to pro cure people to commit perjury In taking up claims?" - . r i "I never snoke of such a-tfttn: All ths talk I had with Biggs was as to how to proceed In acquiring claims be fore they had been patented and as to loaning money to "n try men with which to make proofs. If I had thought that any one was going to commit perjury I would havo dropped 'the whole busl. Maaa." Dr. Gesner stated that he consulted both Blars and O. W. Barnes, both law. ysrs of good standing. ss to his right to loan money told falm that , , , . .,wa4LJ L TCEV STRIVE FG and Corrections peglns Here Tomorrow.;,' ' ': ' i.. . ' ... - I r " - : ..-ir--: WORKIN0 SYSTEM WILL ,y.:V ' BE MADE PLAIN TO ALL he entered Into o"contract to buy t claims.--;- ..... Aa.aaia Wiiaseoatioav Dr. Gesner said that be followed the advice of his attorneys closely. He had tnM naonla where ' to SO to take up claims, and pointed out the land to thorn. ... ... - . a .. , n. n.... ne never maae any v , ur.iirin. Ma anw nthara to nay thsm f 71 for their timber rights. :te oouio not . .. . . t- - - ... remember that wuiiamaon had svsr read National Conference of Charitits to any of thoclalmants:4hoOregontaj ... .r.Jm -.: article about land rrauaa, or ewa any thing about anticipating trouble on ao- count or tne entries. - ; Tho teatlmony of Baa Jones, Henry u.. ai..i..i Sl.r and others that he had a contract to sell his claim to Gesner wss denied oy tne whmm. When Watkins visited the claim on .iai. .im. A.Miltfil hi. auavaatad that wu.vw ...w n ... ho file, he wanted the numbers of the claim and Geener was aoout to wnw them for Mm. "Mr. WUllsmson was . ha a.M 'jfflu had bettor let me write It. for If you wrlta It yo can't read It after it fets poiu, p wuiiw Wlinoaa. - . . : , j. -, ' J BVataMBa Vlaa. tar tSSIIIslSl ' A ' rta limn rulaA advaraalv VOB- trl lItWM VMM - fsnse to strike out portions ox ui evi- j A th. tiirv to aooult and to dismiss ths case. " ' The decision was given after protraotea argument oy ootn. presecuuoa ' . ka ..hnu had devoted considerable tlfno to the discussion of At . . -- mj . .h.l It araa tns inoicimni. -- ii.a.i.. anil did not state facts aufnclent to constitute a crime. To this Judge Do Haven . replied that . tho validity of the Indictment could bo as aaiiad onlv by demurrer or by motion in arrest of Judgment .As to. tho motion ia inatruot a venuci . o&. . iduumii . court oald: ' -' ' . ; hi ..Maflt ka tha oaaa as era. Senled by the prosecution la such as to Leaders in Reform Work Will Atr tend , Thirty-Second An-.; ' . t"' ,'nual Meeting. : v;:, ' ' ; ' '" t'-x-y--r' ;''v .' "'w;.: ; The thirty-second annual national con ference of charities and correction will begin In' this elty tomorrow. Tho gen eral and sectional aeaslons of tho 'con ference will bo held at tho First Pres byterian, i.ehuroh, - Twelfth and Alder streets.. General sessions will moot each morning at 10:10 and continue until 11:10 o'clock. Evening- meetlpgS will bo held! at g O'clock.- ..: , ;. . The local oommltteo In charge of tho arrangementa la , composed or rnoaaas M Hlrnn. ohalrman! lira. Helen . LaUld Corbett, T. L. Eliot, W. T. Gardner. Mrs, U W. Bltton, Mrs. B. . xrumnuu, w. R. Walpola and Dr. Stephen & Wise. The conference will - continue unttl July II, In connection with the seo- tionai , moottngs or tno committee- on needy families, tho committee on social research of tho New ,Tork Charity Or ganisation society will exhibit Its statis tical system. By means of ' cards of two colors, "tabs" and metal clips, tho svatam makes available at any . moment certain information la regard to all families under ears In the various is trlcts of tho society. Tho method also facilitates tho presentation., at tho end of tho year, of . statistics . representing tho amount and variety of tho work UUnw. - ' ' ' "i. .. . r r. Dr. J. WLee of Bt IVrairwOT arrlvo tomorrow evening to aeuvar xne, annual sermon before tbo association,' He ' la una tif tha fflMDUMt and authors of tho- Methodist . Episcopal cnurcn, ooutn. ana is now pasior or ot, Johns church.' said tar be tho : finest church building In Bt Louis. Ho is snJ author of 'national reputation, . and has written a nuraoer h dwm wh smve booomo prominent : y : . ' : Ho will preach at - the anosltlon grounds Sunday afternooa at. 140 o'clock., and will preach at tbo First M. B. church. South, : rorestors hall. ,1 DUUWU. .Ulll. u -'aM subject of his sermon will bo "WJiat Is Ttna flAlAnsan1 ' aV a-a. sjarwa-aaMwey e ' . i ."aWStaBwaBBWBasawae-a Sal SfKM-aaaM 1-a-B.I.aTaBTaMW V Excursion Rates to Newport .. The Southern Paciflo company hag placed on sale at all Portland offices .nun1 trln llokata to Ntvwirt at rata of . limited to October 10. II0S, and for Bamraay-io eonuaj,uceia. Ample hotel accommodations at reason, able rates are provided at this popular resort., ., , . I, ';. Xajwod a asaisdo. ' V,' i fgseika PtapatcM M Xke JosraaL) tlalnlaa,. "., Jtlij-iL i Whll. WOrkinS at- ,TeoaJs Jogging camp, - Loo Talbot KntlaaJI .nA .tntarnallv -tn. I Jured. si Pig log having fallen over him. 'I J : Icto czt M cr?: 010 to- 010 Cib, pIicJ C-H ca q ccito MEN'S BUSINESS and 1 OUTINO SUITS, FOR- ; MEKLV $10, $12, $13.80 . and $15 REDUCED COMB AT ONCS, IP YOU COME AT ALL, AS THE SUITS VlLL GO QUICKLY at THIS: 'flEB TOB WIN STIEIRING' SATUDSAV SPECIAL f S.50 Dutchess Trousers, every pair guaranteed - 97.50 Panama Hats in aU tho new--, ost shapes ......' B0 Meeh Knit tTnderwear. blue and white, all slsog a..'...........a......N fl.OO Rough 1 Braid. Straw .Hats, aailor Shapes! trolley free ............' S)1.SB Golf Nsgligeo Shirt. , madras and aUk fronU .............V.... f 1.60 Two-pleco Bathing Suit, bins, black and fancies ...................a 03.35 05.C3 ( .05 - .50 rca . coys . Boys A1V Wool MaRm. kiss 4 to IS y-M, C OC 1.00 kld Hn.MiUMMMVVWa: Boys' AO-Wool SuMo, bms) S U roafsv- C C 11.10 kind M..t,..................a : y tViWJ Boys Washabls Suit, slaeis S to S ron. ' , A"'-;.'; oVA to kind ..t V-JV. J3oyV Kneo Pants, slseo d to 14 years, tea kind .....-,' Boys rut Black Hose, gtsee to 10, th lfO,ktBa.'.......aaiiaaa......aWi Boys' BwlmmlBS Tlskta, for 11 gg. the 10 kind .... .19 ao .05 'A VtS4tilllPsl A I -: . cviwayTtc:c voziUZti Aio coys 166 AND 163 TIIIRi) STOEET-fNKr Morrbon 0 o o o. O,' 'V. IlllltlllilS " "" j 'Si Dii) ; . ' 7.-1. v , - v.' , , ,.n . .a v .j : i-.' m.i'- Is Enounh to Stand Wilhout Addinfl to H the Coil oj : a Cod Stave ; iii Why should is woman risk her health and strength; let alone -' - --a ' ... - .-TV .': jr--'';ll."'iii . ner comfort, witn a siove wnen vw wngs wm ". "f ..... ,rjt. -' " " t ri; V:;mg'a'plessure Instead of a-burd ;': ! gsl Mil ! piaes?:ninniri? V fegg) ' 'IVSTIMB FOR CALLING. .; M''M N " Vr A I -':V;;:;Time for REST;' iHrui 'l-H : H.'ffJf .. TIME MR aWfTIO y f I ;.; ., - ... vivynv--fsr'TOlE PQR YOUR CHILDREN ' , mitt That W Itjr the purcuti prfceiw ? will ? tet cp. ready for lose, which : , r, - -r m4., vf nn- nn -s ?a or if vou tay for - - ... .... . 1 a,la 'r a a . un.M , fn'i .IrMrlv In th Wtch-a riid HO DIDO IS neC- - V: witnin thirty days we rnaice you .m.aiwnmc w xen r - - - . f . . v-5 essary a discount or twenty per cent is maae. J- uo muu ,t-T----o.y. .;: ::vrVv;:.;. i'-M ' Y'': '' "; ' ' 4 1-1 - 's'" ' .' t V ': " " . , ' .; '.J--' c T t' ..ViL . fi"-' ' .... r- : .'..'.4.,. T ... ' a-a. ' w . T7TT7TTT A TVTT A bihil: .if- I O. W. Bsrnes. both law- e P - . ho eouldVlo so, provided V V V" V" V V V V V V V V VV V V V V V W ,V w'w'w'Nv'.w w -": .: ,. : ....- . ...... ' . .,. . , ,t., ..' . -v ... - ..a,.l. . '- a.--' -" , ...''1"'"- ' -a-'.. " wt..V; -' ..- ..- w-w--.r..t..j.H..'."'-' ' "" . . . .. . - " r r r" ' QQ0O0000O