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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1905)
1 1 r . . ' 4 Toxicrro AnrczxtXT. Marquis Graaa "him'i ToVr' i w."A foal sua bis Hon." . Lmplre ....."The btlr Apoar.ut" Jl"K ,.."Th Ss..a " If" ""mmi ...... V .w4. ' "."J ...A Vit.i ..........VaiwMTui : ARB YOU COINQ AWAY? A .. Subscribers of Th Journal " who is iwir for a Mk or longer my hiva th ' paper . stopped at their residence and d ... , aant to any addreea ay mail at tha regular ratea, and collection ; will b mada by regular carrier d ' ; after return to tha rtty,' except , .'.'; at Long . Beaoh and Seaside, -) wher Tha Journal has a regular . . carrier delivery. Albar . Olaea : ') . of Ilwaco, Washington. baa 4 chars, of Tha Journal on Long 4 , j . Beach and Lewla C of Baa d aid hara charge of Tha Journal 4 ,. on Seaeide or Clatsop beach, ' ' ' Pellvery will ba mada at the . d) , . two polnta at regular aubaorlp- f 4 , ; tlon ratea.. Give your chang d v . of address . to your , carrier or - A- .Phone Main (00 and prompt at-. . v tentlon will b given all orders. " .;V ,- '.' v, - : '-Ji The II Sunday exoursion to th Cas- cade Lock and return, on -the--aeee of ; .' . all the Willamette and Columbia; elver , ataamera,' the Cbarlaa R. Spencer, start , t Ing from the foot of Waahlngton street at 0 a. mi. and returning 'about p. m.,' afforda one of the moat -delightful steamboat rldea In tha world. Thar la " . no other trip on earth anabrlned In so much grandeur and wealth of soenery '', , The steamer passea through a oonatant panorama of mountains and glens, cats '. ':' racta and canyons, bill and. dale, mighty ; forests and rolling prairies, flahwheela ' , , In operation and th wonderful Cascade locks, built at lax expense of 14.000.000 -"-J -mnd'll -years'" constant effort"" Tourlata , . coma tnousanda of. miles to view in an " trancing beauties of the Columbia be tween Portland and the locks, especially Multnomah falls, (60 feet, and all una '"' matchleas beauty may .be seen tomor row at a expense of-lr Excellent i meals served on board (0 cents. : ' . Two ' addresses that' promts to be rnor than ordinarily interesting will ,b given this evening. at Temple Beth , Israel, corner "of 'Twelfth and Main ' ' atreets, . on "Th Child and the Prob . lems of Child Life." The speakers are :Vt be . Mr. .Florence Jfcailay. aacrtary of th National Consumers' league, and on of th leaders In the child labor movement In this country. and Babbl L Coffee. 1st superintendent of th - Hebrew orphan asylum f New Tprk, - the largest institution of the sort In th United BUtea. The aarvlces begin . ; at I o'clook. ; ' i, . . t..Ii Commissioner Geoce JL.Kllbey.- com , mander of th Balv&cfcn Army in th - west, whoa headquarters ' are at Chi - cago. arrived this morning to direct the rearrangement of boundary line of th western divisions of tha army. '- He.waa received by a committee of Salvationists and spent th day inspecting. th local corpa. . This evening an ofOcersoossnell will b held, : h-; : . Our fifth annual gift sale will con , tlnu until further notto Kvery pur chaser t th amount of ILSO and up- ....ward, .of our well-known hrands . of , ,winsv. liquora and eordlals will recelv a. valuable souvenir, consisting or hand v pointed china and other fancy goods of our, own. importation, u. . . Merman u. ! family lfquor dealer, 32C Uorrison street. ' - Did. yptt ever bump th bumps? It's ; J nothing t th way a fellow feels Who gets bumped with a bad range. The .''Eclipse," steel rang haa a long reoord - ; In Portland as a good baker, fuel saver and for belna very reasonable In crlce. . Be the ad on l&t pag. - I. Gevurts Bona, 17( Flrat street, v - f . i .' In honor of this, th anniversary day I of th fall of tha Baatlle, all th band at th exposition are playing French V music. From four quarters . of, tha grounds th "Marseille? waa heard this V afternoon. Th fmoulr will be ren- , dared again tonight. . , , Bea th Sea at Seaside A delightful Jlrlp to old ocean.' only four hours' rid from Portland. Take a dip In th briny - ' deep. - Tralne leave the anion depot ... cany man. ror inrormatioa appif to Mr. C. A. 1 8t wart, agent, t( Alder ,. treat, rnon siain so. .- i - :Tou would naturally go to a baker ' for expert baking advice.1 Th Horn Bakery, Waahlngton Street,, after using adjust' Installed another. Read tha x . port's pointers on Jast-pag of today's .-.'Journal, y t '"," " '' j ' Carloada of delicious Mermaid brand ' rantaloupea and paper rind red meat Coachella watermelons constantly, on track. ' Bee that you get Mermalda. w Nothing cis hair so sweet. Pearson Pig Co., Main 475.' -Sol sgants. . Doomed! Doomed! Only a few days rnor to secure dry goods bargains at - tn great aaonnc sal at th Boston Store, First and Salmon streets. Every' ' thing ' to b closed out. ; Futures . for r sals. , - r-., ,,( . Xh. market and grocery page of Th t Journal haa become a vary essential fea ture to th economical housewife. If you have neglected to see them, w sug guest you do so this week (Friday). . . , j Tourlata, as well as elty people, flnan. . elally embarrassed, will And the Port. , land Ixan Offlce, T4 Third street, the . aaieet and moat reliable plac to trans , get tneir business. Ratea reasonable, Wear a,1 am lie. it pay. And It's eaar to ao wnen you get your printing from , Try ilt, Alvin 8. Hawk . Co- 147 . Third street. , . , , -i A lecture by Rev. W. H. Landan. ri. SPECIAL :r,iorJAncn snmis; ' ' ' . 1 . '' . . v. f Pleated whit and plat4 whit with black. : r. x Thes r special, values at , S1.C0 Hnrctt, Creasy O Co. miiMmu ,'. . MT Wathlngtom Strmit TUB BBAV9 THXATItt. 4' mm . Comfortable, sensibjo anw !: withal fashionable are the S Sorosis models of women's ' v low shoeslV vr ' , , Tans, ; black gunmetal, ' v calf and ; patent; leather's. '! rice always ''v r?':?-'. $3.5 0 "'r,r' vV';" ' eii ' ""Vv" . KHIGDTS Fifth and Washington .( D., oa VA Trip Through Ireland" will be given tn Marshall Street Presbyterian church - on Tuesday: evening, July It, under th auspices of th Y. P. B. C EL ' Dr.' Rasmus of Spokane Is visiting his mother and old friends wbll attending th Methodist congress, and will preach In " his formr church Jrac M.B, oa Sunday morning. '. ( ; . ' Bishop James M. Thoburn, th leader of modern missions. Is attending th Methodist oongreejk and . has been se cured by Dr. Wilson to preacbV at Grace cnurcn ounaay mgau-- . If you are thinking of placing a hew rang in --y our kitchen you should read an expert -opinion or tn ' jsciipe range, on th last page of todays Jour Ours sr th 4n!y launch landing at th Oaks. Launches for charter. Favor- Ite Boating company.'' upper side Morrl son street bridgj. tD Main moi. . Roof painting Columbia Paint eotni pany. Main 14SS, 70 First street. Moss and fireproof paint for wood, tin sad iron. Roof painting a specialty. George. C Stevens of 4 It Market strt. formerly of Deer. Park, Washing ton. died laat night and wUl be burled Sunday, afternoon. . ... .- ... Elegant observation launch' Princess May for charter - to evening - parties, Muslo furnished. Foot of Stark street. Phon Main ltd. .'. 1 ' .' . j Unheard of prices and terms at Mey- er'a piano sale. -Just look Into It and It will surprise you. 74 Sixth street. omp Oak. "' - '-''"it W clean and preaa your clothes and shin your shoes for (1.00 per month. Unique Tailoring Co I4T Waahlngton. Mala (14. -,... ,.. , Any ' watch ' cleaned. (1.00: ' raaln- si all wont amarantMd on aar. Matsrer at CO- 111 Blxth atreat. Mr. l Scnoaky leaves tomorrow for Salem, for a few days, on a bualneaa trip.. ; ..v. Wanted Shirt flnlahers .and ladles cloth lroners. ' TJnton Laundry Co. Use the phone. We'll call " Foster Klelser signs. v E. it. j Rigid carriers save money m bicycle trips. : n . . v , ; . : ; MAGUIRE SAYS M'kAY ' t:0WES HIM FOR WORK Dr. Harry F. McKay, ex-county physi cian, has been, sued In th stat circuit court by James Maguir, who aaka ((00 commission for services performed In Inducing Mrs. Margaret A. - Simmons, formerly,. Mr. . Ferrlss, to ' forego any claim to th eatata of Thomas Olbbons. Gibbons bequeathed on lot In Holladay's addition to Dr. McKay, and th income of the property to Mrs. . Simmons for life. On lot was devised to Arabella Johnson, a atster of th testator, and th remainder of th estate to Dr. Mo- Kay. Th estate waa valued at (10.000, Maguir says Olbbons was Incompetent to make a win; that Mrs. Simmons was an Sdopted daughter and Dr. McKay was a stranger In "blood to him. Mrs. Sim mons' shar was disproportionate of her rightful Interest, and Dr. McKay wished to make a settlement with her. H told Maguir to offer her (1.(00. and 1 aha accepted less than that amount he could keep the difference. , Bh agreed. Ma gulr alleges, to accept (2.00. and Mo Kay refused to live up to his agree ment He therefor sum McKay for. his oommission ot isoo. . WHERE TO DINE. For cleanliness, quick Service and good things to eat, go to Hods' res taurant, HI Third street V ,, Milwaukie Country Club. Eastern and Beattl races Take Sell- wood and Oregon City ears at First and Aldsr. , ... ..' .v '. .. Hotel Hamilton, San Francisco's new est hotel. Steam heat and telephone In each room. Centrally located.- Rates, It and upwards, lis Ellis street. fixxrly Tvv0 Thousand Visltora : Cr,':y Cc"it of River -Travel Today. OFFlCinO ELECTED DY T - CnSAt ASSOCIATION Dsmand Will 0 Mids for Crea C tion of DeparttriBnt of Pub .litf Health, y ; , Four of. the largest passenger steam ers on th river and a special train were necessary to carry the delegates to th American Medical association on their excursion to the Cascade locks to day. Over 1,000 doctors mad th trip, and a people rnor appreciative of the magnificence of th Columbia never, ex pressed their enthusiasm at'th seen spread before them. "!'. . At o'clock this morning the steam er T. J. Potter with 100 passengers, BaUey Oatsert with (00. Charles W. Spencer with (( and Undln with ( left the Alder street dock. Even though th . great boats were crowded to their capacities soma loa delegates were left behind Then a special train was chartered and th (00 delegates who could not go by water made th trip by ralL . . Whistles from vry mill, factory and craft. In th lower harbor shrilly blew aa the ateamers left down th river, Even the big oriental liner Aragonla, which had Juat arrived from th far aat, Joined In th . salutation, aa -did also th coast liners Columbia, Roanok and th dredge Columbia. . - - - 4 Saw m- Mm Ortll. - For-th. benefit of tha excursionists. th fire boat George H. Williams gav a flr drill at th Victoria dolphins, and as th steamers went gliding by her powerful engine war throwing streams of water In vry direction. ' At that point .thv ateamers wer f orcd . to thread their way through , a ; narrow channel, h dredge Columbia and her pip lines occupying th greater part Of th river. When they axrtvaa oppo site th Williams great aprays of water fell on a number of th passengers, and with shouts they began to crowd "back to places of shelter. . Th sight was evi dently much enjoyed by those on shore, aa a mighty cry went up aad the mill whistles appeared to blast more loudly, Th steamers wer divided Into pairs. th Spencer taking' th . lead and th Potter following; olos to her heals. few minutes later - th oatsert earn leisurely along and tha Undine waa ao near her that at a, dlstano It looked as -though they war going to collide. Th Dalles City and th Ion had sailed hour befor on regular runs for points on th Columbia with all of th passengers they could carry, rth former with 100 and th Utter 1(0. . At noon th excursionists left the steamer. at Bonneville,-where a delight ful dinner, of delicious Chinook salmon was spread in the park there. ' - . - Tn aoctors wui return to tn city this svanlng and tomorrow will begin th Journey homeward. L , ofn rs airta. Yesterday 'afternoon . officers of the association were elected by th house) Of delegates as follows: " PttdenirWlUhtiirMyo;' Rochester, Minnesota; first vlce-prel dent. Brigadier-General Walter Wyman, surgeon-general United States hospital service: second vloe-prealdent. Dr. K. A. J. Mackenste, Portland; third vloe-presl dent. Dr. Eugene 8. Talbot. Chicago fourth - vice-president, ' Dr. Edwin. D. Martin, New Orleans general eeoretary. Dr. George H. Simmons, Chicago! treaa; urer. Dr. Frank BUllnrs. Chlcaaroi mem bers board of trustees. Dr.. E. E. Mont ornery. Pennsylvania; Dr. A. L. Wright, Iowa, and Dr. H. L. B. Johnson, District Xtepartmam f Fubllo stealth Wi la th aection on hyglen and sani tary science yesterday Dr. L. M. Mont gomery of Chicago Introduoad a resolu tion advocating tha creation of a cabinet position to b known as th department of publlo health. Tha resolution urges action by th federal congress la behalf of th publlo health, and propose that tha new cabinet ahallrank with the other departments of the federal gov ernment. Th resolution will b Introduced In congress at- Ita next session by Dr. A. J, Barchfeld of Pittsburg, a representative from th Thirty-second district of his stat. Th resolution will be termed unlverssl health bill.' I . y neajin-mii wiu nni wim-n-im powers os npvnniniHu rvrarea eiona every lln of moaern medicine and sur gery, h aald. "Th countries or Eu rope " have taken car of all advanced thinker on Unas r original and ex permental research, and this country should do likewise. - I The proposed cabinet position will carry with It a Una of subdivisions that will insur to th people pur foods, pur drugs and a eodlflcatloa of tha various laws that hav been adopted by different -states.- Tn dhi win uiti mately lead to the adoption of modern progressiva thought and ' aotlon with rferenc to marriage andf dlvoro." ORDER OF EVENTS AT . FAIR TOMORROW Following Is th order of event for tomorrow Cheyenne day at th xpo- sttlon: ' . ' t , -; a. bk to II m. Concert by De Capiio s Administration ; band, band atand. .Gray boulevard. - .-. ; 10 a, m. National food and dairy de partment convention. Auditorium. 10 to 11 a. m. Concert by Fourth United States cavalry band. Government terrace. , I p. 1 m. Kllpatrlck'S blcycl . rid down flight of stairs, on Trail 1:10 to ( P. m. Concert Dy Sherman Institute (Indian) band. Transportation building bandstand. ' 1 to ( p, m. Administration - band, Waahlngton building. t:(0 p. m. Grand eonoert by Llber- atl's band, bandstand. 1:10 p. m. United states llfesavlng exhibition on laaa. . , 1 to 4 p. m. Concert by Fourtk United State - cavalry band. Govern ment terrace. ,-, - . ' 4:10 to P. m. Concert by Bherraen Institute (Indian) band. New Tor building. ' ' . ' . . ( p. m. Kllpatrlck'S automobile dash down 140-foot Incline, on Trail, 1 p. m. Organ recital, Auditorium. ' t p. m. Grand . concert, - Llberatl'l band, bandstand. i p. m Kllpatrlck'S bicycle rid down flight of stairs, oa Trail. ' . p. si. Fireworks on lake. 10 p. m. Kllpatrlck'S automobll dash dOwn 140-foot Incline, on Trail. 11 p. m. Gates close. . 1. Well Kaowa Olergywaa Mar, Rev. Oeorsre jiLv- - Rolnlna-. . n. D af South Orange, New York, la tn th city to visit th Lewis and Clark exposition ;'':"::;:;.7 -Ai Buy THE LEE , . And Your Hat bRicht- Only-$3.00 Bgmsssss i i sssaBaBasmaBBsmssBssssa . i fn o t:. AMDajsMJMTTB. BSBawsssatasaaa ?amThectrc Inreetloa w. w. t. aeurir. a Hem, m. Morrlsoa. Street fcetweta eta aad Jtk. Tomtght at S:SO o'CJoc - Bargala-rrlc Lett Perforata TosMirrew' ', v Mfht . - - at - .- . ..' : e'Cleck. - -- MSUI St p-:t-M e'Cteek. ; roxTLA.ND'1 rAToarrs sOtob, T. DANIEL FRAWJLEY la' sUckard Harding Davis CoaMdy-Oraan, "RANSON'S FOLLY" mrmoAX. raJOxaMatiM. jb. m. ioe. M(hU SB. 18, 60, T8, (1. . " gBATS ABB NOW 1BUJNO. . Marquam Grand Theatre All Beit Week. Begtaalag afeaday. TBS riMOTJS QgRMAg COMKDUKS, soia abb mix. . - ' .-' ; la tke Kerrt Kasiaal Oeately.aaileHae, : "L o. v.- y. . ; !.-.. POPTJtAB rarCfeSaB. ,.. aad W cents. gBATS ABB MOW BEIXIKO. Belasco Thtattt. mai?.ii CrwsMrly Oehuabla ' Tbeatre) 14th A Was. TOKIOHT AU. THB WBBaV'-v-1' i KATINgEg TOMeBBOW AND BUNQAZ-. THB COOLEST THI4TBB IN TOWN, ' A FOOL AND HIS MONEY ' f Sea. H. Breadhont's Latest Psrea, v , aa "played by-WllUaai CoMer. -k eeHrktfal fsree. Oe see rt, Orrtoeiaa. -'If IS lO ISQgS." TSieBTSBL - "A srllllaat fsree. "Wearasl. ,: ' rrloes Mlgst, 1 t Tae; sMtiaeea,-M ts toe. Mext week 'The Frisian f Beaa,' - - The Land of the. Midnight Sun Knet tMaatlfel ef eleetro-ewehanleal amis presoetlOBS ever airempiM. r. I. jmM, TKX rsKBLLKB arriAvnw oa THK .. .. . XBAU. Bowling Cutest raizx wAXTznia. sakxs oy aix xin. . inrsIO BT LADntl' OaCBXSTBA. .. Rohse'sPark SUVDAT, JITtT 1. AlWXBSIOB TUI, and to preach at Ith First Presbyterian church. Dr. Sptnlng Is on of th beat known clergymen In th country and I a most interesting man. He was raised among th Indians, and ther learned to know and rid th wildest horses on th plains. When 17 years ot age h mada a reoord rid In th army, cover Ing a distance of lit mile in 14 hour carrying dispatches. H - was a hoy bugler In th flrat regiment of rough riders organised west of th Missouri river In 1((L Ha mad an addraaa at th general assembly of th Presby terian church at Winona Lak In U7. which th Chicago Interior Insisted waa tha greatest ex tempo ran eoua speech ot modern times. It stampeded th I as sembly and resulted in the olectlon of Sheldon Jackson aa moderator.. -. BOYS MUST GET BELLS - ON BICYCLES AT ONCE eBBBBBBaBBBBeasawasa For' th flrat time sine th organisa tion of tha Juvenll court boy found riding bicycles without bells wens brought befor that tribunal this morn. Ing. Flv wer arrested by Policeman Roberts; one wss Either Ogg, a son of Policeman Ogg. - Th other wer B. Harrison, (7 Thurmsa street; Arthur Kline, ((I East Couch; Oscar Brown, 7t( EastXhtk, ana jsomuna Molt. t7Vi First. . AU war released after their names and addresses bad been taken by Proba tion Officers Johnson and Hnwley. and citations wer Isaued to their parenta to be present at the juvenll court to morrow morning. . Under , th law the boys are not responsible for their of fense, and their parenta will b held fo anawtr. v.. . - ' Ohafoh BsaebaU Teasas. Th Alert baseball team of th Whit Tempi will meet the team of th Im manual Baptist church of South Port land tomorrow afternoon at Kast favls and Twelfth ktrcsta, . Tth Weak B.lasse t , Bteok O paay. MID-SUMMER Men's $7.50 Suits for..t?4.05 Men's $10.00 Suits for. .?7.45 Men's $15.00 Suits f of..? 0.75 The opportunity will not come again to choose" from such" a nice lot of clothing at the price. Men's 75c Shirts for..;... 453 50c Underwear MORRISOtf CazffjTsrSr ri a ajt yynM, a Knux riqht OalT batb acosa. Free Lectures on AMD Practical Demonstrations ' Of the varktaa ate for sausary .paraeaas . ..... -ef the- , . , QocolateandCocaa Blaaataetare ky ' J Walter BafcvfrCfi, . tiurno . DORCBRSTEB, MASS, , (Betabliahed lTSO.) Will a gtvea ay -1, Misa Elizabeth K. Burr ? iQsestie' Sclaae Dept. osM I. W. a A) '", ,. V.!' AI Upchurch Hall 1TTX US MSmTaTST.Ta STB. '. : , Thursday, Friday and Saturday At ioao oioak U th Busalag; aad (SO'tnoMJava Afteraooa. ,. Ssandea ef sflas Ban's Mrparatloae. sack ss Cakes, PaddlDgs. Meruigms, - lase, Soafflea, lee Cms. Bavariaa CveasM, et., will be served st each .lectara. sad ska will be pleased to saawer all taqnuies re- Crdlng the MB. - a dlftereat am will prepered end mil st each laetare. Baaiple cakes ef the Walter Baser Pre. ntem Ne, 1 Cboeolato, the Tanlla Sweet Chomlate and little aaaipl ease ef the Brvakfaat Ooeea. ahw a beak ef "Chelee Cheeelsts Beclpes" win he araeeeted te sll aerwas attending these leetaree, aad all wbe- are Interested a eelentlrle cook In ahoaM aet fall te attend, aa they ate - . raiB to aix. EMPIRE TXXATBX, th u4 Mi KXTHA ttils vk EXTRA. A 50-em skew tor 10 . eentaJk Johastoa Mcmuey's great aatle slay. THE HEIR APPARENT Matinee : every day. t:U; eveaJag, (:U. ABMXSSXObT lO AT.WATS " ' Only botes aad Inges Nserved, 25c. Be nteetrmi nargaia ei in DAKEIt THEATRE Kastlag A rkwd,., atgra. (yestsrs Seta ealy.) Kerrey aad lane, Ana tea aad Carl, Alta raises. Bey BToBrela, reae aad KeaaiBga, Test Kaek aad Keviag riotans. PerfnrnaBees dally at't:(0, T:(0 sad a. bl 8eHl " Big Bill, THE STAR .JTroth' iHiiini a nit, f . .. . OAXL lAVDEXSOIt CO., . , ABBOTT AMD BBTAMT. ," JOSXrH M. OO LB Kg, ZEVX1DA. '' v : - yOlXFK BOBarxa."' Oraeral sdnlailoB, : JO cnata. Bvealim. Basaays .and hellrtays, t.nnrv.4 seats ea loa-et Boor, iw-eaaia. box seats, as seats. , seeevtlle THE GRAND ' Week of BupresM. " rtly 10th. . IOI1T OATI.OB. HOLMES AMD BOLMES. . rigHEB AMD JOHMeOV, r-.--. .. THB HEALT. MB. BICHABO OHABLIS, - ' . TBI OBAJIDItOOPE. '.' Oenersl sdnrlmtoa. 10 eenu. Xvenlnn. Snndaye and helldajs, reserved seats ea tower Boer, au senia. an mh, zb cents. LYRIC THEATRE Beating yieed. Mara. - Week Startiag Xeaaay, July M, 'A RUSSIAN SPY" A (EHsATlOlf At WAS OAMA youa acts. , Admlaaloa to ear seat. JO emits. ; LEWIS AND CLJtRKOBSERVJt. TORY AMD CJfFS yOBTLAHB SXISaTTS. . ' Tmim Parftsad - Heta-hts ear ssd mat nf .. Hswtanrne Xerrace. on block troei eat Una. Mi, .linnins. ElM-trle elavatoe. as Wawtlfsl altect nf fewerfal searehlttht frnaa to ef tower. lea eaa eat ealaty lunch While viewing the arat BtnlMceat scnerf la A aw tea. Oaea a. av te p. nv, aSaw sloa 10 easts. . . BLAEIEB BBOS. CONCEBT EVEBt K10HT. '.. Sta-ta'vBUBKIIDS. Cooking jAX-jla for....;..35e Japanese Curioi5 Visitors to the exposition are cordially - invjted to examine our magnificent oriental curios, consisting of fine Silver, Cloisonne, Bronze Satsuma Ivory ; Carving, Beautiful Decorated Porce lain Tea Sets, Silk and Satin Embroideries, Ebony Carved Furniture. - Andrew Kan & Co. - ; 287 Morrison St. A CHABICE TO SAVE RaORIEY Wa.Ar . Xavtag Bpislal Batoa - fa - roUowlaf pxtsaatal Ladls Tan Oxfords, 'worth $l9 and 11.00. for ... 1.T5 Ladles' viol Kid Shoes, worth 11.00. tor ...-v.. .$2.00 lien's lf.10 and 14.00 Shoes and - 'Oxfords, for ..-..,......,..j.$2.S0 Boys and Misses' Shoe, worth f t.iO, tor ....fl.50 Men's fll.00 snd 1X0.00 Suits tor .....f 13.50 Men's 11.60 and 110.00 Bulta - ror 4.. .98.60 Boys' 14-40 and 11.00 Butts fori.f 2.T5 Man's rancy Straw Hats. $1.00 . vajua, for .......fl.TB Men's 7lo,Uats for 26s) Men's Pants, 10.00 value, for. ...64.60 Men Pants. (4.00 value, for. ..4.82.50 Men's Shirts, $2.00 and 11.00 - ,. - grade, for ...81.60 Men's Shirts, 11.00 value, for. ....60) Men's Underwear, $1.00 value, for..60d It Is to your Interest to Investigate this special sale. Com early wliU we hav aU slses to please you. .. RUNNING TWO STORES. " V One Oor. St njad Tasaiun aad Oa . Oor. Third aad Savla. Portland Academy 'AX XXOUsK AXD CLAslIOAL SOX0OU FHa keys and rtrla for eastera ssd wr eelltve. OfSc hoar ef the prtaetpale during Taction, tram t a. as. te 13 m., st the academy, corner ef Thirteenth and Barrlsea sirens, sot cuh, aeaieee . ,' r- .. . Portland Academy ' ' Portland. Oregea. ' Special for Satcriay Only no.i uriurr ihA 1 lb. for:..:.... .: ' KA lb, for;...;..... ....,,,123 INw York: Qrocery wireainh aad Bforrlaoa Bha. rot modern ' w.' wrld-rx new Hi t UM4.ata Lawast prion c - nt with flrrt-elasa r t ti . . . vc ;:: cnNTicr" r ( . ChineaSej' SoM Mar ' -'I- Yes4.-.,.v.. . . . -, :w uuvrcy. is vs; t," FOR . Leave Daily, Except ' v Sunday, fronr-Firgt - and Alder Streets at ': 9:00 a ni, returning v': 3:30. p. m. '-;' " Ycflj wfll follow the Wfl lamette River Passing r the Golf Links to Oregon Ciiy lie Thence to and m,-: The longest ride wfcb more to see than any trip of double its kr.gth on the Pacific Ccc:t Luntli l : i ' willame Falls Greshom Eagle - Prnnh ;l Estacada Cazadero i. J4