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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1905)
b -hi llJ UjfLU Virtt. Trill in . Mviqrv J County . ' Postponed ; Until Next : ...., Keluhzr and turner ; ? f . . ..... - -. j :-v Marquam Estate Case Ceing Ar- - - - gued Ct, ore the Supreme v . tourt tt salem. (Special Dlipttck to Tee Joersal.) v : r ii Blem- Or,, July, 14. Marlon county's first land .fraud trial waa . . yeetarday : carried over to' the October term of .court. Tha caae in Question la that of tha atate of Oregon against A. T. Ksl . -llher of Chicago and Juatlca of tha . -; Peace Turner of this city. Yesterday , morning at - o'clock was the' hour-set i tor them to plead, but I Attend of plead . ing the attorney stated that they had Iliad demurrer a In tha cases and asked 1 that they be, given time In which to pfa ' para to argue tha seme. -Judge Bennett therefore aet October 1 as tha data on . which to hear tha. argument 6a the de murrers; ' . ... . three months ago-by the ItUrion j county grand Jury on two counts, one , for uttering forged instruments and. one -t for signing fictitious names.' The forged ' instruments were applications for the purchase of achool lands in Umatilla ',. county and the fictitious names were ,' ' signed to these application a , The de inurrera allege that, the indictments do not stmts' facts enough to constitute a , .crime, and also that the -cases are , without the. Jurisdiction of the court , If the demurrers are sustained and the 4 Indictments dismissed, the state may be "tamable to convict theae men. as it will , be too late to 'draw new indictments, ... or the statute of limitations will have run against them. k , . '': -' Xaraaaa' base On.- ' ' rrvpeny vwuvq i u million aoiiara f stake-tn -thca4rwhlchlf belni argued before- the supreme court "yea terday and today.' The case is one .which, baa. Deen in the courts for some time and Is knowsaa-'the Warquam ea tate case. IV A. Karquam. tb; nnly heir to the estate, la the ' one who brought the suM, and the defendants In toe trial, are the Portland Title Guar an test a 'Trait icom pany,- 'the United" , States Mortgage A Trust company, the -.- 'Oregon Realty company and J. Tborbura t Ross.- The records in the case compriss .large bound volumea and are only sur t? passed In extent by the records In the , Jackson county' tax case. P. A. Mar- :; quara himself .'.conducted his " case - in . part before Judge Sears, who gave him , -' 'the property -over the claim of the par . .ties foreclosing ' the mortgage. - The - 'mortgage was given for money borrowed i ' of I New York insurance company. J. ' iT. -Ross made -the loan: through the . Title Guarantee ft Trust 'company,' and when it waa sold bid It in for that com ; pany. The property is worth 11,000,000, ' and $500,000 will pay off the indebted. neaa. leaving a clean f 500.000 for Map , quam if he has as good success before, .. ;,.t he-supreme crrort as be did in the court i tbekrw. , .The ' IUN' occupied eHnof.'yes. i jterday afternood atul most of today. i: b iiivcoi. ; -i, Ti:: : .lc.i r:3T Professor Corsy Finds Th-t '. Furlor Witcrmelon Y.'.'.t ' Working Havoc.'':.' '-4 y (f peelel DUpsteb ta The learuL) Grant Pass. Or.. July jU.-t-Professo A. B. Cordley, entomologist at the State- Agricultural college, Corvallls, cans to Grants Pass Wednesday evening at the request of ' the . melon growers, who wanted ' him r to . Investigate,' the peal which is destroying .the melon crop of Rogue river valley. Thursday mornlni O. A.. Cobb, one' of the leading melon growers- and- dealers, took Professor Cordley ' to the different fields, where they secured ' samples of the affected vines.' and ta the afternoon the professor put 'them under his high-power micro scope and found the pest to be a fungi or what Is commonly known In the south as the watermelon . wilt- - It -develops with euch' rapidity that the plant la de stroyed in 11 to II hours. -, v -. The agricultural department ha a been unable to. And a' remedy for the peat The present method is to pull up the mf fee ted plant and destroy It utterly by lire and to atop growing melons on the affected land for a few yeara. - , Professor Cordley' wU leave here "to morrow for Hood river to Investigate apple pesta there. , . : --' .. - --j COIiVALLIS.JUDGI .- SHORT IN ACCOUNTS City ' Funds Exceeding Eighteen Hundred' Dollars, Disappear " iara,L. t- n rstt : (Special' Otoaatak4e Bss.Jearsal.V- 4- Oorvallle, Or.. July 14. B. P. Oreffos, former police judge of thls city, who disappeared from here a -week ago last Monday, and. was reported - ill, -with friends In . the x Cascades, has been found -to short $1,100 In his ao counta. The xourtcilv committee. . con stating of Messrs. Avery,' Lilly and Emery.rkhmfamtf rTthe books' Of " " IBs miselrig- man. report that the shortage already ascertained is Tip ward of $1,104, and the examlnatloa Is not finished. The shortage is found' in the sewer Items, five sewers not being entered In the books at all, a nd it Is not yst pos sible to toll what has been paid on thes Ave sewersjdthough It Is thought most oT-tlwr money, has . been "paid and thai Mr. Credos hai-receipted for it :'., - Mr. Qreffos evea .a wife and seven children poorly provided for. ' He comes of a highly respected family. ' His Jew elry establishment Jiere remains closed - ,-. ' .. ' 11 1'..'".' 1 11 ' 1 ...... Aelightf ul Day's Outing." .'. At 'Glad-tone 'parkV SO 'minutes ride from j Portland, r VYUlsmetta Vslley Chautauqua, assoelatloa in session. First, clsss musloal.and oratorical talent and a beautiful, spot , for a day's recreation. Restaurants ' and' all . conveniences. Bouthern ' Pacific trains leave East Washington street depot 7:4$, :40, 0:10. 11:$0 a. m,: 11:25. 1:1V t:10. $:10. 4:1$, $:11. :0.. ;S0, 7:15, $:$0 p. m. Lsst car leaves Oladstone for' Eaat Washing ton -etrert at ,.10-J5 p. m. . Fdr further lnfoVmatlow' rll ' telephone -.- tast 117. Round-trip J5 cents.- .n. ( -HJl.'- Ui- v, I .. . i i i t mm V , V-i i 1.'- 'V '. t . '.,.) -i-ji '. '.. t .... '--"- v .' v ' - si m r ' in me mys ueparnneni vyvynuuu . ".5 V A few of the many, bargains in the things boys are in most -1 need of. ' This sale should appeal to economical folk' with boys to clothe. ; ;.;-v 's7'-.; . ?;'"'" i vt'if,wi';. A;S'V.'A;' ..i...".-"; " . . . ." - t: i - v.''.' s - -.".' ',....: Bpysce Panb Boys' Waists ;v zAgts ijo-16 yearsYfeguiar 50c Values! : f This saie'.'I . .-20i Many different shapes, Great values at '25V 50V 75f v and 81,00; v '.."V''--".; ,,s"' : A In tan, blue, white and crash ; -regular 75c and $1 .values."' This sale . f . n .".' . .' '. ,''., , . 60 : V In all the. latest plain 1 art J fancy; patterns, in 'sailor and 4 Russian, effects, at!:.;: ;J;vV;'c;',.'- ;.;V ... . i DOYS' SAILC3 CLOUSE : v : In ' worsteds', ,blue7 serge, : cheviots arid fancy tweeds; ages 3 to 10 years; regular ?' $4.45 and $5 - values. This Vvv.V "vJ-Sale -, In blue sergeTiomttpuiisri fancy tweeds rand ", cassi- meres ; ages 3 to 6, years ; , j regular $4.45, and $5 values. ' ' This Sale - . fV'. .., ...... . :r; ' . " p.'H.. '$ $2.00 :fU Ccr. TiJrd ti r.!:rrt:oa:Sts. Li ...... I. 4t iJ: O;T0:f I Two : . Ctrs Carry Committee , From Ccene of Idaho Tour ".'"T'." . cf Inspection. ; r '.' '. ENTinE PARTY IN ONE . . . URCS GTOCK. COMPANY Due to Arrive Here in the Morn , . Inj and WTJ Visit Min- r . -'eral Exhibit. : (Bpeciel Dispatch Is Ths JoarsaL) - Solas.. Ida., July 14. The Frank T. Pay party- of mining caplUllata, form ing a committee of inspection appointed by the North' American Exploitation company to examine the properties et that 'company, left here today in two special . cara tor. Portland, where they are due to arrive. Saturday morning. - The: North' American ' company Is a 110,000,000 corporation, organised to ab sorb' a number of smaller .companies. It owns $1 claims, covering approxi mately 1,500 acres of mineral' land, lo cated in the states of Wyoming, Idaho and Arizona. , The .plan of the company g to send but .m large, committee selected . from among Its stockholders, each year, to examine its mines and report' what it found to-the- company. - --! The party, which numbers 41, Is msde up from oltlsens of Illinois, Wisconsin. Indiana, Ohio, , Pennsylvania and other eastern: states ' having stockholders In the company. leaving Chicago July 1, the first stop wss msde at Denver. Ar riving at Laramie, Wyoming, the even ing of June 5," a trip overland waa made from that place-to-the -Rambler group on - Douglas creek. Albany county; Re turning to the railroad the Journey was continued and Bait lake was visited on July $. and 3olse on Sunday night : Monday morning a long proeeesion of open hacks took the party to the Meal mining -diatrlet, $0 milea away, where tha Overlook and- Dalay groups were in-spected.- -Tuesday they left for ytonear, serosa the range In Boise county, where the Charlotte gulcb ground waa exam ined, they returning here last nlght - i - .The Boise 'chamber of commerce en tertained the - excursionists laat night with a plunge party at the Natatorlum. COPPER AND IRON jDREiiL ; ' ;'T0 SUMPTER SMELTER ' ; - ''-; , i (gperlal Diasetek te The JaersaD ' - Baker City, Or., July 14 Six carload of cop'per and iron ore paased through this elty en ' route to '- the ' ' Sumpter smelter, from the California property which the management has tinder con tract. The - shipment . is ths. largest single one made from the south coun try to Bumpter, and Is of oxeeptlonslly high -value here, owing to the carrying properties of the ore in the furnace. r Several csra . pass through Baker weekly from the propertteson the Baker aide of the Elkhorn divide, the principal shippers In this district now being the Balsley-Elkhorn, Highland, Maxwell and Chloride. . The work of the amelter for the' season has opened all the properties, which are able to produce smelting ore, and will make .the' whole-mining dis trict the liveliest It has been for years. .y.': Xindla( liV.:,I. : -SsecUl Dtopatch to The JoarssL) CouncU. Ida.. July 14. This city Is preparing for a ' little railway boom, owing to the construction work to be Inaugurated Immediately by thev PaclSc at Idaho Northern, A -11-mile contract has been let, rails were ordered and the roNlng stock required will be here soon this is the extension towsrd Meadows, on the Balmon river slde.or the divide, which the Oregon Short Line Is .making for the purpose) of connecting with the Northern Paolflc, so local rumor goea The effect on the mining districts of the Meadows district and the Balmon country la highly-encouraging, and will result in a much larger amount- of de velopment work soon. , .;... .; , -' ' . ' ' ' :- ' 1 r wremlte Quarry ImM. '. v . : .(Bpeelel Dlkpsteb to The tarsal.) " '..Grants Pasa. or July.JiThe gran Ite Quarry on Griffin creek, four milea east of Jacksovvllle. owned by Dr.- E. P. Oeary of Portland, has been leassd by 8. and Wj B. Pennliton of Ashlsnd. who wUI at once open It and begin quar rying rock. This granite is light, mot tled with gray., takes a high polish and U'MDUWIH. ..'I .1VHBI lUUIlUWDUl, trlmrolnge for bwlkll 1 1 1 ' Tsravins KU1 sy. '' .":' ' : (gperlsl Dtspateb to The JeersaL) . -' Cottsge Grove, Or., July 14. Msnsgef r. J. Hard has put the 10-stamp mill of the Vesuvius mine in commission again, and there la every prospect that it will make a permanent run. The plant waa thoroughly overhauled : before 'the stamps began to drop, and tha aerial tram was retenslonrd after the Winter's Idleness,' so thst the mechanical plant Is In sbspe for best results. - . ., ..... . r . . '; A , t ' ' '. BeMlaad'g Biff Syron. ' '; - A (Special Otepateh to The JearsaL). i Rossland. B. C July ; 14. Figures just published showing the payroll of this camp for the month of 'July prove thst - the -disbursement for . labor waa $144,400 during that . time, v of which $$$,100 was for the mines. There Is great activity - In Rossland - at - present, snd the promise for. the remainder, of the year is even brighterju muck new work Is ln -rogresa - ..-v :.... COLUMBIA" RIVER -v'V ".V.:; k. I - EXCURSIONS: -( :;.: .".:.:'' ;'.- r Very Lew Rates VI the O. R. ft N. v - 'A-to Upper River .Points. . ' ' . "No irlsltOT-te) Portlsnd - should ' miss viewing .the. matohlesa Columbia river scenery . between - Portlsnd snd The Dalies, as Men from O. R, 4k N. tralna The Chics go-Portland special leaves the anion station every morning at 0:1$, giving a dsyllght ride siong the Colum bia, stopping four minutes at the very foot of Multnomah f alls. Every 'mile of the trip there Is something new and fascinating. . It desired, the return trip msy be msde by boat from Cascade looks of Ths j Dalles .Very low rate thla summer, ' Psrtioulsrs and summer book by asking C W. Stinger, elty ticket agent, O. iR. N. Co, Third and Wash ington stteeta Watch the Crowds sVs te eaaide and . : , Oearhart Tla A., ft a at Sk - The treat rush Is on for 11 $0 two dsy tickets sold every Saturday - and $4.00 season tickets sold - every dsy. Train leaves union depot t a m. dally and I tO p. m. every Saturday. -Apply at 14$ Alder street or phone Msln 00$ for official Information. Claf sop' Reach souvenir bonk containing $0 beautiful half-tone Illustrations free to everybody upon application at above Id' dress. Tickets sold at union depot, ' . .'. ': - - -v -v ; . ' . i . - ' .' - v--. ' 'y. ... , ; . .- .' . -... 1 . ; '. ' ; ": ', ' '' . ' " . ; "'i ,; " ;' ' v- ''' '.' ' ' ,..' "V. V',1 ,'-'-,. "i ' ''- : ' !' ' ' " . ' . . - TS ' r-5i '" -. T7 : ' :.' ... ------ o .:'. :''.. ': "v -"': .-' . '- " . ;-' ;':- '.:".'';"': ,.''-.''-'..-'-. .... , ...;" ir, ; : - f-. .y ,-., ...... i , ,. ;, . , . . 1 , : - . U.v;:; ::a-,;;:,:-;';::'-;:, 'J &' .. ;, 'juf 'C ' -' '.O,. n--',-1 's6swS J ' ' ' ' ' 1 t ' 1 .- 1 ' 1 ' j ' '."'.' "' I :.''V.-'t -:; ;y i.;y V Greatest Clothing House in the Northwest 7 " ?L f;Af-iv:vX .v--:)';.T';'"';'V" -r ''.- f'.'v' f ..i:'.,.-i'; - jt ; 'ic 'yX.y .j ';-"- V'1' ' i V? ' . : ' ' Good sturdy clothes for 'the vacation boy, made of All-Wool Chev - lots. Tweeds and Serges -seams reinforced SailorVNorfollc, Poubl)-.. ';.'' Breasted and Buster Brown styles the most substantial clothes i", " , .Lparent could buy for the rough usage a boy gives them in summer - V ' .T'.time. Prices . -; t 82.15, 02.85, 3.35, 3,65 The prices throughout other lines' are..-.. mm ' f . . , jy; 6 to 915 ';" -e ft ' -.V Boys? Wash Smte; 50 c to $5 ; Every imaginable popular wash material in every conceivable color. .combination usually made in Wash Suits for Boys are represented- ; -JBuster Brown and Sailor Styles. I V 4 "-' :v', . H ',: . BoysFulKhings -and-Eiats ri A great department in itselfthe Freshest and Best Selected Boys' Furnishings and Hats in tne Nortnwest. " ' "' 1"'."' SeWeCor.Fourth Morrisori-StsJ SOUTHERN PACIFIC VORK AT EUGEHI: Begin Improvements That Mean Much for Lew CJ'ountyJ ' v Town, r ;. 's . CHILD EALLS-DISTANCE .! OF EIGHTEEN FEET Whil Crowing Footlog ': Loses Balance and btriKM on . ; Rocks Below. ." v v ; ra41 ntanatek tS'The Jesraat.T J Eu gene, or.. u iyi T'" ponatructlon engineer ofTheBouthem Paelflo company, amvea in terday with a force of men to begin the preliminary-work of building-the. big bridge across the Wlllsmette river at Springfield for the Springfield-Henderson cut-off. which hss lust been ordered built,- The bridge will be located a fevt yards south of ths county wagon bridge across the river. The work of grading for the cut-off branch will begin within a few days. It is said. This snnounce ment mesne the making of this ilce a terminus for sll trains on the Woodburn Nstron and Wendllng branches, thereby bringing much more business here. . . r-..,",r-- ' Child sng IS ee., .. " ' Ths IT-months-old son of George Ban ty, "residing st Hylsnd's mill, on the Mohawk river. 10 milea northeast , of Eugene, lies at the" pdlnt" of death at hla home as a result of a fall of 11 feet from a footlog across the Mohswk to the rocks below.: The'ltttle fellow wss playing along -the river , bank and at tempted to cross the -river- on the log. He succeeded In going about - 0; feet, when he lost M balance, and fell. His head struck on ths Sharp rocks below, cutting deep gashes, points of tho rooks penetrating the brain..', . '.'., ; . Tot Sext Osletamttoav V : The' Fourth t of July committee has decided to, keep the $.100 or, more - left over from thla year's celebration aa a nucleus for next year's event. . ,It (waa st first thought best to use the amount for the betterment of Lane j county's mining exhibit at the Lewis ahd Clark exposition, but It was later decided to keep the money at home. - -- -t ' ' Sued fo rrlghtealng Teajsv : ' f . -"v (Boeelal Mapstcb te The Jowaal.r k Roseburf, On., July 14. Oeorge Kohl hsgena cattleman of this .city, hss filed suit against Frits Stauffer for frlghUnlng a team, and causing a run away In which, two animals of value were Injured. Stauffer waa riding a motor cycle. Considerable Interest Is being taken as to the result whether license Issued by the state will give a right to an auto or motor cycle to . , . - -rttJ' rJ ., ' SOole mlt af Olotksak . (Bpertal Dtepateh e Tks leeraaLl -- Corvallls, Or.. July 14. A bold burg lary la reported st the section-house near the CAE. depot New suits had been purchseed by all tha section men, who dwell In thle house, from which ths thief selected a complete suit, - Tsklng 10 In cash from some of the pockete. he msde his exit ss easily as he had gained entrance, and departed, , ''.'.'. ..'-.' 7 v: '':',S -' ' '''"''V-: - ' ' ''' :- ' " aVaTaTaSBBBBBBW sm ' IBBSSSaTr -. affaTaV .' SBBBBBSBBBW . SaSk. , .faSk ' Of Our Great Pre-Inventory v . ..... .;f.-' ;v. Pre-Inventory 'SALE ''"i " ' '' " ' '' ; 1 .'y'-'--.-r- ' : "-t-"-' -r ; you are needing h of any kind don't fail to take advantage of the last day of ; this sale. It presents unusual moneys. saving opportunities for housekeepers. , And remember all mail orders mailed not later than ' .1 X." .-. - - . i . .... .. . .......... I .... A July 15th will receive the benefit of these at- .tractive prices. 1....... . SEWING ROCKERS IRON BEDS v t BRASS BEDS 1 i , , WOODEN BEDS CELLARETS ' BOOK CASES V BUFFETS " ' ; , V V , BEDROOM .TABLES REED ROCKERS " SIDEBOARDS . . PARLOR TABLES ' - ARM ROCKERS . SKKVINU TABLES ; LIBRARY TABLES CHINA CLOSETS ..j ; CARD TABLES U , . DININGROOM SETS LADIES' DESKS ' ;r: PARLOR SETS -,t - OFFICE DESKS i I ' TABORETS ! V ARM CHAIRS "BEDROOM SETS . LEATHER CHAIRS , .. DRESSERS t TOILET TABLES ; , CHIFFONIERES . v .-.COMMODES . .; ;'V MIRRORS . DINIIJQ TABLES 'MX THE HOME DINING CHAIRS PARLOR CHAIRS ; ; , SETTEES iinncte rutTDC t . : nnvirc IJESIV IftlAlKS READING CHAIRS REED CHAIRS V"' RUGS MATTING -CURTAINS . ; PRICES TO PLEASE PARTICULARLY PRUDENT PURCHASERS ,. ,' - -... - - - x ., .- - i nnif.pno-vp low taos-25 to so ppniicnoNS .-..iii.... n , , f : , . - ,. ... -i. -;. -.... Jl.. .i r.i .' M Orders Vm D2 Fpzd Promplly FIRST TAYLC2 if 0-)V V-