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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1905)
.;.(::::. . V ;., -- GON - DAILY JCUniTAi; TCnTLAKD, Gi.lL FCUiiO Kl A OUR :;UE3lO-E-CSii.L:ij:.'-i;. . .. -DRIKII STUFC EftOUGD FOR 1) .Cltv Attorney Said Now to Hoi License Committee Likely to Re- Tide of Debauchees Rolls Back ARE AS POPULAR V fuse Permission to Conduct Fom .Tyxedo Saloon,' Discov erlng Jane Johnson.' ' ' . WITH MUSICIANS 1 Come Under Ordinance. ROME SALOON MEN r Saloon at Irvington. .vf.yV.'ABTHT ARS AT ,'.:'';' ;. "'. TJS Lewis and Clark WAS BETTER THAN A MINT BARTENDER TRIES TO v HIDE MR FROM, POLICE J : . r "--:uiii-Tce'rTWF I AW AT LAST-YEAR'S MEET BEER 50LD AT JDE RACES v. poiid Say That AH Violators of A Rule Will Be Arrested After : Midnight Tomorrow. : ' S1'- tut J liinut 1. A.- McNary ' ,hal . . . ' tin., nf tha nro -1 enangsa n uwi"-- - - - i vlslone Of the -bo , ordinance Jim it htnu law. according to sx-Y ",Councllma H.-XlOUi-rf the ordinance - , -Shortly after tha ordinance wu ' passed - said Mr, Altea today. "Mr. Mo - ' ' Nary l nonversatlon; with me was of , Who oplnlon-that liquors could bV served " in roomi oontalnlog equara lea of ' ., floor apace. - Ha now fcolde directly to tha opposite and lUUt that it wotjld be .,i..i ti mm llauor la any private " room without referencs to the lserwek- " ing It unlawful tor restaurants, or anu -i rooma-or aatotma to ititlr'1" prtrota ,dlntnr y0 iiuaj jnUreaU "aro at ; tamptlng to maka thla onJlnaivra aa hard ' . on tha liquor man aa joaalblo, wn'ch - -wouMtand in a- mura to craate . mant hf favor of changin It. If once changed In any reapact, that la 'Jut what tha Uquor man want; Tbay will acata contaat tha Validity of tha ordinance and take If to tha eupreme court. I do not believe tha new oouncll twill ba feo unwlae aa to ; make any ' Vchanae.' - ' ", ' :. Mm with hatnmcra and aaw were. worklns-dUUanUy-around.jnany of tha aaloona and reetauranta in thla city to ' day. preparina their placea for Inspoe- tion by the polloe after l J o'clock to " i morrow might, at whloh time the ordl- .tnanca wlu be enforced by tha pollca. .While tha majority of tha ealoon and T. reataurant are preparing to comply ' with the provlalona of tha ordinance. : eoroe will maka as attempt to defy tha law. All who continue to violate the ordinance wiU ba arreated ana taken be- f"f the municipal court-. " ' Th liquor men are attempting' to rind " eoroo loophole througti which they can ' eacapa from tha ordlnanoe.. Attorneya fcava bm retained, and if th ordinance la not amended by tha olty oouncll eaeh t aeparaU arreet will be conteated 1b tha : ; coorta. - . - 1 ), -'.f- "CIGAWOUSUWYERISt1 1 HELD FOR EXTRADITION i ;.V :.M "" v v : (liinUl Maaetca tie The liiml) TlctorKB, C. inly 14. Oeorga p. CMiinev Bo franclaco iatVr under - indictment at San Franclaoft for .bigamy. ' who fled here to avoid trial, muat go ' back to tha Golden Oat, thla being tha ' declaioa of Judge Lampman, before whonl tha caae waa argued. Bigamy S being-' a n on -extraditable otfenaa, Colllna T waa charged with perjury and brought n kafbra tfaaxouatc court on warrant 'won t by the chief of police rthi -ettr ei.Jaaaag-roi .JU9 FraDdaco j The Judge conaiaerea toe wtrrani um 'deht to hMd Colllna and remanded him forlBlx 'dayar er wllKbe detained 't thr'botal In the cuatody of a, special Officer. -. - Teatarday an indictment waa returned ! ' y tha grand Jury - at Baa rrantolsco .charginf CoUlaa with perlury.M - - ' : MASONS CUIMSALE OF : ASSETS WAS ILLEGAL ' '--i (learsat Bpedal trvles. ' ' Council Bluffs. Is-, July 14. Suit waa ' started today tn behalf of the stock ; ' holders of tha National Msaonlo Acel r dent aasoclauon. whloh formerly had --headquarters la Des Moines, to declare ". fraudulent the sale and transfer of the assets last February to the North ' America Accident Insurance company it Chicago. It Is asserted that the de fendant officers turned over 110,000 cash -fr-and securities to th Chicago eompany i -wlthout notice to the stockholders In general, and the return of the assets ' Is demaBded. .- v ' :. . ' S,. ' ILLUSTRATED LECTURE ; i a BY EXPERT ON LEPROSY v; t)r. . W.Waysoa of Hawaii, who has spent years la the study of jepreay and f -.1 other akin diseases, baa consented to de- 4. liver a lecture tonight In the California , '"building at tha exposition before the ; l1, National Medical association. Dr. Way eon baa a large number -of views da ' ecrlpUve of tha diseases of which be la 2' familiar and tha manner of treating 7S' patients which he will throw upon the screen. The courtesy of the California -" , building's lecture room was extended to . " the doctors because It waa well equipped J' wlth atereoptlcon and screens.' SURGICAL OPERATION UPON GENERAL WOOD - : (Jearasl gperUl Serrlea.) K Bostoai-Mass.. July 14. Reports from - r ..: Poeasset, Case Cod. atate that General - ieonard wood has Just undergone a dell' I' .cata surgical operation of trepanning to remov a bony growth in his head. The . operation waa successful and tba gen I era! 1a making rapid progress toward ,:.- , rsoovery. , l Vow Oraia Bates for Oaloage, ' (Jonrasl gpeeUl fterrlet.) ' Chicago. I1L. July 14. The railroads '. ' : . hare granted tba request of the -Chicago -, - , board of trade ror a reaaiuatment of the . grain rates from the north weat through '- Chicago and St. Paul to the esse The a new rates will become effective next '-, Monday. ' --"-"i ; - - ' .. , Tha tendency of the equalisation will , to place Chicago and St. Paul on an even beats with respect to grain In the 1 northwest which might be regarded aa :- i tributary to both gauwaya. - RHEUMATISM Price 25c tinwrns. tlam Cure seldom r falls to relieve pains in legs. : arma -k back; stiff or swollen joints In a few hours. Positively cures In a few flays, it floes not put tha disss se to In Recently nnexed . Territory Near Mount Tabor uroe '4 Shops Are Barred. No .llceniea will be aranted for aa,' loonan tba territory recently acquired oy tne-vcity in ine -vicimiy moui Tabor) if the recommendaUone-iof City Attorney HcNary to tha liquor Uoenaa committee are heeded. . Regarding tha petition -of Cletrloh Bperl for permla lon to conduct a aaloon at XMvlalon and East Thirty-aUth treeta, Mr. M- Nary,aaya:i !-- , "The :propoeed location of' tha aaloon ww before annexation la a prohibition precinct of tha county under the atata law and aJao adjacent to -Precinct 40 in tha city, which voted for prohibition at tag Jaat, alaotlnn., f r "I hare to advise the llauor license teommktea that la, lew -Of- the facta- it4 would be at least Improper if not un lawful to grant a liquor license at the place dealred." . - - . '.t i , August t Erlckson naa petftloned the committee for a license to conduct a aaloon beneath- tha grandatand at tha Irvlngton race track. In paat- years a aaloon has been run In connection with the poolrooms during tha racing season. Owing to tha trouble over the selling of pools at the race track thla year it is not unllkjsly that tha petition will be refused. It is aald the proprietors of the aaloon at the races cleared over 30, 000 last year. -.'' . - IWO STANDARDS 1 OF FOOD PURITY Natfcnaf' Convention Divides in ij i Set TSt. Regulation?, THEORY AND PRACTICE X vi t ;:::: SAD TQ. BE OPPOSED .V"S.t State .and Government Experts IPiffeiL, Materially aot ,.pHt,; May .Be Result . ; Tha convention of tha National Asso ciation of State Dairy and Pood Depart- menta wljl probably conclude Its labors pndercurrent of feelfcig..hrtwtea. tboso wno are nommg out ror ine atanaara oX food purity, aa advooated by, the lUte commissioners and the bhamplong ttf tho federal - Standards. ' A member . of " tha convention today made this rematkv" . "These government fellows here are trying to do tba same thing. tn ihia, con, ventkm that was done ' to tha Goods Roads cpngreas ; that Is, they are trying to dominate. .They may have done a lot of thinking on this purs food proposi tion-down at Washington, but we are tha ones who have done the work and we know they are, wrong on soma of their ideas in relation to. purs feed." - ,. The addresses of the morning were In the nature of a technical analysis of adulterated tooda. "The Use of Anti septics . la the South'" waa a subject covered by T. K. Bruner, secretary of the North Carolina board of agriculture. "Drug Adulteration" was bandied ef fectively by Dr. T. D. Wetterstroehm. chemist and dairy commissioner of Cin cinnati. Dr. Elton fulmer of Pullmaa. Washington, read a paper entitled "Prob lems That Confront tha Pood Chemist." The program concluded with "8tste vi National Standards." by Dr. E. N. : of Chicago, analyst of ths Illinois state food commission. 1 - LAWSOPCSjCAMEAI ENDS AT ALBERT LEA The System Exposed and Wall Street Flayed by Boston - . Financier, - - : (loans! Special Service.) Albert Lea, Minn., July It. Thomas W. Lawson made ths final speech of hla swing around tha circle here-today, ad dressing a large audience at tha local Chautauqua assembly. Since leaving Boston, 10 days ago, Mr. Lawson has delivered about a . dosen speeches at various points In Kansas, -Nebraska, Iowa and Minnesota. telling the people of those states in hie - characteristic f oroef ul etyle -of the iniquities of ths Standard OH crowd and urging them to- renewed vigor la their warfare against capitalistic comblnea., Mr. Lawson will leave for Boston tonight, returningby way or Canada. l In hla speech Lawson said: "wall street Is nothing but machine a trick machine. Every year i financiers xTun tha American people through that machine from one end to the other, and aa they paas through, the moneyun their pockets falls Into the 'aystem's'lbueket. What I propose to you la eirroply to reverse the operation; run ths 'system' through the other way, and In that manner sep arate them from their ill-got.'galns and return their atolen millions to their rightful owners the American people.' T77 CIRCUIT COURT WILL . M, CONVENE AT HILLSBORO Usarssl gsealal servtaa.t - ' Hlllsboro, Or., Jtily 14.-Clreult e'ourt convenes at the Courthouse here next Monday. Judge MoBrlde breeldlns. - There Is a large docket, butmany of the cases are Jury cases nd the.comlng terra la equity.' , . ( -. .. 1 f There have been )1 divorce suits filed here since laat term and most of them wui oe decided at this tsrm of court i Xstats. - ' Articles of Incorporation of the West Coast Securities Company were filed la the office of tha county clerk this after noon by W. P. Adams of Corinth, Miss issippi; A. H. Northrup. 11. S. Attlx and S. W. Steffner of Portland, with a ant I tat atockvbf 'llOO.OOOs-purpqte; -mining 9K Tavelers Aid . Society . Secures "Her Release, and Liquor-Seller . .'Will Be Punished. :-V, rin tha floor in a drunken stupor, Jsne Johnson, aged II years, wsa found by a bartender, where she had been bidden by a screen when the ; Tuxedo saloon was raided last night bytbtnolleev; Patrolmen Kay and Jones, wno navs recently been doing duty la plain clothes, learned that tha girl had! been carried to a room upstairs In order to prevent the authorities from ascertain Ing what 'bad happened, and had her conveyed to the city prison. This after nooa ths girl's brother,, accompanied by a woman officer of the Travelers' i4 society, called at police 'headquarters and after they had had a-conference with Chief iOrltsraacherr: andr Peltc Judge Cameron, 'the girl .was allowed aha waa- taken Jajcharg by the aid society. " " ' - ... i Flvs other women were arrested as a result of the raid and charged with vagrancy. All were drinking, and Louise Thompson, agea I years, .waa intoxicated. With Mlas Johnson she was charged. with leing drunk as well 1th vagrancy. Tha - names given by the others are Mauds Johnson. Llllle BUnley, Lottie Bowen and May Morton. Thomas MoOllnn. one of the nroprle- tors of th Tuxedo, wnlch Is located, at 18S Alder ' street, when arrested on a warrant, asserted that ha did net know tha Johnson girl waa so- young, ami that aha became Intoxicated so suddenly that be -vould: not prevent 1U ', ' Iottle Bowen la tha wife or Harry Bowen; -who conducts tha H Rjr ! loon, 147 H Taylor street. ShorUy after his wife had been arreated at tba Tux edo saloon, Bowea'a place waa raided and tha proprietor waa arrested . with alx women, who gave the - names or Lulu TVlger, Minnie Slack. Mrs M. Mor can. Mra Frances Mace. Harriet Camp bell and Mra. Bella Howley. MrW Macs lives at Bellwood and her husband waa dumfounded to discover her predlca- ment Deputy City 'Attorney Fltigerald said that Bowen and McQlinn are to have pther charges filed against -them; ths warrants, already issued are for allow lhg .women in their saloons on a pre vious night -vv.-,;- ,v , SOUTH PORTLAND BOYS TO GAIN BATH HOUSE la eompanv with Probation Officers Johnson and Hawley arl W. Q. Standley of tha manual training! school. Circuit Judge Fraser .will meet the boys of South Portland1 !ete this afternoon and iTk'K: 1 ULTL make arrangements to build a oath- boys ot-ilereftteentn. treei... .-ntm-rmttinw will be held on thebeach-in ths vicinity pv .loiief lB'Y, The North "rortlanff Dainnouse, Mr. Standley said thla morning;, will be-completed In a few,; days. - As -superin tendent of construction he has a fores of flvs boys working steadily' under him. This force Is drawn-from a crew of 200 swimmers. When a boy tires of ths water be lenda hla tights to another boy, dresses and goes to work, on the build ing. Ths change of shifts Is very fre quent, but the. work goes on without Interruption each day, . and tha boys seem to like It ' - '-y. POOLROOM MEN MAKE V v PECULIAR PROPOSAL (gpetUI rrtsasteh te Tee JoarseL) - " Astoria, Or., July 14. -It was reported to District Attorney Harrison Allan last evening that the Mllwaukla poolroom operators, whose ,prrrmlnary examina tion e-to be held la tha morning, had made a proposal to waive examination If ths stats would furnish them with ths namss of witnesses who will testify against them at the hearing. - ' : Ths proposal was Indignantly turned down by Mr. Allen, who declared he wlU "give thsm the beat we have." . Pre. sumably the defendants wanted to get witnesses .names that- they - might be Bostsa School Teachers Weloemea. ; At I o'clock this afternoon the New England society received ths Boston school teachers who are visiting tha exposition, at an elaborate affair In the Massachusetts building. . under tha di rection of Commissioner Falrbank ths hospitable horns had been beautifully decorated and an excellent luncheon was prepared. While there was no set pro gram, several Impromptu - addresses ware mads and at tha conclusion of the event ths crowd vlalted the Trail. . rsaa 1 A Feast for the Epicurion Located a few hundred' feet to tba right of tha bandstand, oa ths fair grounds, Is . , . . 4. w .''.--';'t i' ' i '.' "-r: ' - ' CSAIIDA LITTLE HUNGARY Cotl-Dt2btfjl-Piclixretr: Ths same restaurant aa was conducted In the Hungarian tovernment bulidln g t at. louia true to IIS SINK Here ons may enjoy llshas Drer Bpeclal Hunasrlan wlnea are served mrian arlnaa are aerved excellence and within the means of Following are a few Hungarian specialties palaschlniten, Hungarian Goulash, HuVgsrlan PoerkoeTt with Norkerl. Hungarian gskily Goulash with Bauer Kraut Chicken Paprika. ' Tou havs not taken In all the. fair until you have tried some of these dishes. ' ; ' t yMU aad private diaasra eaa, bs arxaagsd fot bp. Thoas at spe cial law Iwaii -' r1 In our full-page display advertisement In The Journal Tuaadar evening we gave a liat of the pianos specially aeleotea oy the management of the Lewie and Clark fair for varioua stats and publlo build ings as well aa tha pianos shown In our booth, ths only piano representation at ths fair. In our next we wUl give a partial - list of professional people, schools and nubllo places where our pianos have recently been used. These selections leu . ut eiory - wuw handles the moat popular planoa aad organs la ths City; r-youwan . w beat ; piano manufactured , for your money, and on . the moat - reasonable terras, -want . to Inspect our line. For the convenience of fair visitors and otbsrs who cannot call at' ths store during- tha day' ws havs 'concluded to keep the store open svenlogs till o'clock. An Invaatls-atlon -will prove that we not only carry ths largeat and most exten sive Una of hign-graae pianos, -dux our prices . are -mQrereaionshle than nan be obtained elsewhereTJnat now ws are makln a substantial reduction on every thing; and ws are irare you-wlll- flnd something to your liking both as to price end terms. Call this evening. ' --, AUn C& Gilbert- AU141UIVW1 WW Obcaa Sixth aa4 KocHaoa. CLEVER SWINDLER r: - USES HEtfOOBCE Brings Chickens to Market and CollectsLater Real Own- , ..;.f-vers' of Coops Appear. M "Mamma would' Uka to ' havs '? ths money right away and she would also like to havs her chicken coop pack. lust' as soon as you can send it" was tba almola story which Clyde -OrewelL I aged ze years and a resident or warren- ton aad a clever' swindler, toia Trans C. Barnes. . county commissioner -and proprietor of the Franklin markst, and by which Grewell obtained from Mr. Barnes $14. ...':, ' " .'.'' Ore well arrived at ths market wim a coop of chickens and ducks a fear days ago, and asked Mr. Barnes to have ths poultry weighed and that ho be paid as his motner wss in noea oz xne money. In order to accommodate the woman, who t umlahed poultry to the' market regularly, Mr. Barnes had one of his employes weigh the coop and had, his eaMep-4refe-aw check: at one. The check was for IH." VIIT cdrtpiramsrrttiH requeet-. the-oodk eras -returned to "mother " at once. A day later rmother" spneared at ths I maraet - una tnanaea Mr. Bargee, for hla prompt return of the coop, but asked why the check had not been sent her. Mr. Barnes tola? the woman mat ha had given her son a check for the amount, - and ths -woman -tsplled . that aha had no son. "Inquiry at ths bank showed thst tha check had been hon ored and ths woman's name signed to It Orewell found the name of ths con signor through a letter-pinned on - a box. By a similar trick ha secured f 60 from Everdlng 4k Farrell but was ar rested soon afterward. Orewell aald that ha lived with his mother near War ren ton. that they were poor and that hs took advantage of the -opportunity to make some money. He is now in .the county lail and a charge of forgery will probably ba plaosd against him. .The two women - wnoee - cnicaene na stoie were paid again for their poultry by Mr. Bar nee- aad Mr. Farrell. : : BLACKMAIL STORY - INVOLVES AN ACTRESS (Jearaal Byeelal Servlet.) v v New York. July 14. The story which. It Is alleged, was used as a club to In duce Broker Post to give II 00 blackmail to- Charles Able, - whom Town Topics repudiates. Involves Oraoe neida an actress from Ban Francisco, ana is widely known, and bar family was at ons tlms wealthy. .. Her real name Is Grace Bhaln. . ' j . ' . ' Soma years ago her father died and financial reverses mads It necessary that Mrs. Bhaln and her daughter retire from the circle In which they had been mov ing. Grace developed -an ambition to shins on ths stage, and cams to New York, and has since appeared, Jn a num ber of productions. . , - " ' ' Tillamook's water system will be com pleted next-month. . ' - 3 W(' Mymt I WW tixt d" "v CUI- I a most delicious repast or wm"r"w"" nranaraii and cooked by nrst-elaes Hungarian cnara. by . by , the - giaes. . sveryimng par- all. J l I '.5 J ' ; V V'-;J'.V i I ' "','"'', : " ' 1 1 ' .Vv'rK '. j'V.': :.:'., .v 1' ::'-i, ' ..,' t'"- -f-v -...-I v i.' i ;'.:..,. ' . - ' 1 v. ., v . .,!., TuiISIiilSv- $8.85 tPor? choice oT SO styles ol Suits, worth from $180 to ; V; . f : $13.80 , :..:t ;v-1 i n j .' . For choice of 40 styles of Suits, worth from-918 'to- For ' choice of 2S style of ; Suits, worth froirr$18 to $20, . f For choice of SO, styles of Suits, worth from $22.50 to :i ii i . i i i i in i i v "T" os.00 For choico of p"11? Suits, ; 4 worth from $7, to $9. ; : 'For choice of Outing Suits, worth from $10 to ilS.fi0. 'v- For over . 1,000 ;' pairs .fine Worsted, Tweed or Cheviot., -Trousers, elerantljr tailored;: not a pair in the lot worth less than $3.80, and tip to $4.60. Don't miss this. ' $6.85 For Suits, worth up to" $10. For Suits worth up to $13.60. -For Suits worth up to $16.60. . For Suits worth tip to ,$20. , For choice of 75 young men's Outing Suits, U to 20 years, i-;iVi worth up to $9.--,t jDo!iai.a(ldIircns . For - Boys Knee Pants Suits, worth $2.60 to ,,. $3.oo.' ,-,., :-: : , f2.eS For Boys' Knee Panu Suits, worth $4. , ?, I $3.85 For Boys Knee rams suits, worm . ; 10ft r For Bos' v Waists, 'f . worth 25c to 33c. v iM 3Sf For i Boys' f. Waists; : worth 60c to 63c 8f For Boys' Heavy Hose, r worth uyic. f V&t For Boys' lixtra " Heavy Hose, worth 20c. "15f For Boys' 60c and 75c 'v.. Straw Hats... The Xhlcago'r Hat Depart ment is the busiest In the northwest Quality, : Style and Price do the business. ,, - - i-1 -- - - i- Tt2 CHICAGO'S A CAT- T3 HT FACE Gcnttae Prur:c3 $SXK Grade ; .f3.SS $70 OradeVV. 55.00 $10 Grade .........(30 S Pcrtb lUCai end J $3.oo Grade, :.,;...eas $2.80 Grade . .A.tlS $2.00 Orsde',.irV- ;vl35 tlJZ3 Grade T . . r. CS4 $2.00 Grade , . .. . . V..151.&5 $3.00 Grade ....... ..73.00 Our big selling Outing Hat, that will keep you cool; a genuine Panama for V t rheNavdRcvc,, A washable white duck Hat, SPECIALS T'fca ; satic:ay7 For 500 pslrs Men's Satin Calf Balsi plain or London toe, all sixes: greet value J."-i'A"v;Ut$2.,f.;i' .-V,-.,-;-,', For Odds and Ends in Men's High or Low Cuti; U.t? and $3 values.-: --v-:. r $145 7T4 4 h mvJVm LVviJl. -vrn a-A sU tut n j y wwi . ,.i''C:'" , Cvb-TsL-avaat - i-, 60 Dosen Men's Summer weight -Balbriggan Under 1 -wear ; Wo- valucsv tomorrow- Five eases-of Men's ' $0-T needle - ribbed '-Underwear, French neck, shaped sleeves, ..pearl buttons; drawers dou ble seated and extra rein-J; forced. Colors black, white, ecru, pink andUblue.' To-; ; . . . morrow , Over 40 styles of Men's Gojf, , Shirts t values up to $1, to-'r . eMVe e wvw Over 50 styles of Men's Golf ; Shirts, ' every ' conceivable : style; values up to lSti, to morrow. 89c Our entire line of $20 Ox-' ford, - Mohair and -Penang Golf Negligee, Shirts, tomor- t . -'- J.'y :. row.',':' - .'. .'Pure fancy silk and genuine pongee silk Negligee Shirts; regular vslue Over 60 : styles of Men's ' Work Shirts, ' black sateen. drills, cheviots and percales; ' the best in the world for 50c, 60 Dozen Men's regular $1 Night Robes, 62 inches long, . New. York Mills' Musliiw ' r' wuiwiiwn 'wv.-j -.-;.;.-. - r 30 Dozen Men's fancy Silk , and Lisle Half Hose; regular. 50c and 75c value J tomorrow Our regular 3c Neckwear, I: " ' V tomorrow !.y-.y- st nrtr nrr: r VI aa aw waaav .. aa, . W0M -w w ... wmm -tomorrow ,- ."v ' V . ........ . .,1 r'y 1 ' - j. ", .. .. 1 sleep, but drives it from tha system. - ) r - ana ree asiajo pusiness, . . "