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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1905)
' T 1 Record "I have now been vth Gvutz & Sons a little over two;- : , vmt rmfftlcrH nuf xnert ranee man, Mr. Anderson, yester- ; V "iy, "and in tnalt time I have sent oat Fifteen Carloads of Eclipse ' ' ; ;a ;iinges; and do you know, it is a positive tnun iui ui uww f r.m. .1.300 nr 1.400 ranexs. we. have not received one . timri-. romnlaint We- have not - been -asked to take- back oner V solitary range. That is a wonderful record when, you know the - -y troubles other ranee dealers are having on mat score. i , j ' "What do you consider the chief points of superiority in the Ecliose.' Mr. Anderson r. . -l r',,vA- -v.:r ' -l-f-v """"'If l am limited to 'the one'cnief point in which the Eclipse excels all others: I would say in its heating or baking qualities ; :;H . and that covers the whole, does k not? , You buy a range-to x bake, and as a baker the Eclipse has no superior.' , j: j f ?- r : ? . . . ira I. 1-. j: A I. 1 outside.; inese ccupse pcopie nave uitucicu mc h'wj'", . ;. ance to be observed between the fire chamber and the heating. y.;.:,. chambers, for, you know, the square of the -oven -heating surface "miist ennform morooer ratio to "the square of the firebox sur-.. face: and the height and depth of the aif chambersabout the rrrrr - oven must be considered. ;. inen ine orau musi oc uura mw . account and there's where the. Eclipse, shines. -.The weak point i in many ranges is the draft, but the Eclipse has a perfect system -4n fact, it Js.themostsiraple rang? made and any woman can,- iam tn ooeraie it. aiicr a icw imuuica uii . ! uvi. . . . bake well it can be put down generally to the fault of the firebox v ; V ':Z or draft construction. "Yes, I have handled many ranges in my life, but' I take v off my hat to the Edipsemiey will last a lifetime, wny, Mrs. Crumbereer of 49 'West ranc street nas naa an r-cupse in con- ctant use for 15 years, and she says it is as good as "new.",v; "'- .'sV '".,- - 'V"; .i'.:-:' -i '" . u."',, : ;V ''1';-,'.', v Made of triple walls, outer of heavy, cold-rolled steel,' middle'.' If you have read the above you will understand Why we ; olthidk asbestos and inner of sheet steel, staying the asbestos chose to handle the Eclipse Range in preference to idl othen.ilin place; doseljr hand:riveted. e asbestos lining of the m - ' -7 -r--- ..t .... wall and about the oven is of such thickness in the different In our business earner we have lad the choice of many ranges, - parts as to insure the greatesjt durability, the proper retention of but preferred tb-EcUpselbecauaejust heat and the superior baking results for which the Eclipse customers can testify-t fills the bffl to rection ; fh' . -..'... V y, ! - "But why does it do better work than these othejr ranges?; -.. , ' - vyO'y,ss v:''?'-- I " .-: ' r U : " ' J '.- '. .' I 1 " " i ' " -Why, man, it's in the firebox and heating, chambers suir-V-., r;l- VyW ;:;:U-.': " ''"1 l'-'ft?.Kt:-:y '' rounding the oven. And that is. the sole secret of range con'iv..' v; rj 'Jll 11 I 7 v '.-e'r' -r .T--:-". V : vr": v.;!crvV KtrucriorI:-i's the interior of a ranee that counts it's not the ? '.;7'; :'v-,;, , -;. f V v, VV'V -'?r' 7':. :'-,V.;;. ':.;-rv.-y 7; :;v-4t . 'l.T . AVarranted by the makers for 15 YEARS. Signed and sealed bond good as gold given tp. every purchaser. Make your own terms. Order a range now, pay xor n wr V)'"rl : - little at a time. ' ' S.. jk-l'llrJaBuying these goods directirom theiactory-forTspot aslu ' in immense ouantities we eive vou an extraordinary low price. J-:A': -H'' We guarantee tq save you money on Stoves and Ranges hav x:,;;f N ingthebest Stoves andRanges at the lowest rice. . v . , .. r ' . i .. .:. , 1 : :-: -r ' : ' j -i : . . ,r. . . .' ..v . ' i ' r v . r ' . - - - (v. . . ' , v r In fancy worsteds and chevi breasted - styles for J d equal the best $15 suitsr ctf .qthefc stores. ; The best v prcfwe have soldiOp ' ' ' ; '" . ' ' " 1 - -; j. J. ' 1 , ... : - ' v" 1 ' v.'--.'.; ......v -".. v ' ' -..." - ' -fVi-1-' '' -' :-.-;.' f ? ' r-j"-". 7'"Vvw' 1 I r t - - : V".. " . , it 7 THIRD AND OAK l73;l73.riRSTSTn.:SI3.-27 YAMILL, DELAYS Oil WORK TiUST BE-PAID FOR ; ; ' '. . -': t-.t Contractora Who Are , Dilatory Will Ba Heavily Rned by ,n ? t Exacutiya Boan -" Contractor who through nccllrenc - fan to oomploU atroot work for the city eoordlnc to , their contracts wUl b ., ahowa no marcy by tha (treat committee ' of the oxeeoUre board. Each contract can for a forfeit of f S a day for every ; day oyer toe time specified which the eon tractor takes to finish hla work. 1 The Stark street acceptance and oer. oral other were held over for lnvestl- ffatton. : v . --:v:. . t, The resolutloa referred to the com mittee from the olty council recommend In the removal of the guard rails on the Morrison street -bridge wa dls eussed. City Engineer Wanaer thoncht the remoral of the rails was' imprac ticable, as the change would -coat the city at least f 20.000. . He said that the center of the bridge has not been braced for traf flo and In order to make it safe a steel stringer would have to be put In the entire length of the bridge and. floor, lng laid. He was Instructed to make an estimate of the cost of tho proposed change, v ,.. -.v. :' ;. l j Arthur X. Velgruth 'petitioned the committee for permlasloa to oU Twen tieth street, between Washington nad Lorejoy streets. City Engineer Wanaer will make a report In the matter. . Property owners on Chapman street complained that the Portland Coneol tdated railway : had practically abandoned-Its tracks on that thoroughfare, and asked the committee to revoke the franchise and have the rails removed. Action on the matter was deferred pend ing an Investigation. ' - - Kct'i Rne Hosiery Specialty to This Store We Sell Union Hade Shots The moderate priced shoe of today,' dressy . v ; as well as stylsh, excelling in delicate , (ID! OXFORD The summer shoe that attracts the fancy of fastidiously tidy mth.:'A'--Jrr 'C,rl.-r.i We'lUkwise Carryhi Stock 'I Tti Fcr.C3 rictOctoii $5X0 und $6X0 : FtsniCHaatlc Shoe -'fM "... " ...... Out . (J SuDerWv m. e Made The kind that leads the van among those whose inclinations are to dress the very best even at a trifling show of carelessness of cost. We, carry sandals' and all .other , things that male humanity wears upon the feet. ; '-'I , ; ; VjaciCnyh Walton .r TEL. HOOD 7 . 70 WASHINGTON STREET RAILROAD PAYS A " LARGE JUDGMENT i ' .. ., Oregon and California Hands to Anthony Neppach. Nearly. iixtyjniOUaiidJolla.v On of ' the largest Judgments ever obtained In Multnomah county was sat isfied yesterday afternoon, when the Oregon A California railroad paid Into tha circuit court 117.147. tl. to be In turn paid to Anthony Neppach. who won a land suit against the company after four years' litigation. The- sum paid repre sents -a judgment for $47,000 obtained by Neppach on March , 1001, and interest at tha rate of per eenjt a year from that date." - ... In 18SS Neppach and C A. HImple agreed to buy for lll,t(.t( from the Oregon California company t.tlt acres of land In that part of Washing ton and Multnomah counties thst after ward became celebrated In litigation as "the quadrant." When two Installments had been paid the Northern Pacific laid claim to the quadrant nnder the con gressional act of 1104 granting It lands from Lake Superior to Fuget sound. The Oregon California claimed tha quadrant under the act of 10(0, granting the Central Paclflo lands for tho con struction of a railroad to Portland. After a bitter light the United States supreme court in 1IO0 awarded tho quad rant to the Oregon 4 California com pany. '. ' ' 1 - 1 ' ' Neppach then tendered the remaining payments to the company, , which com pany refused to accept them. Neppach began suit for the land or Its ralue. which he placed at (110.tll.7l, anfl got judgment for 147.000. - Tho Oregon su preme court affirmed the judgment; and when the case was carried to the United States supreme court It also affirmed the Judgment' j BUSINESS BUILDING ' , BY SALESMANSHIP . . t :. Interesting Talk :o Advertising Men on Commercial Methods I 1 by A. F. Sheldon of Chicago.'; . A talk on Business Building by Sales manship," glTen by A. T. Sheldon of Chicago, under tho auspices of the Port land Ad. Men's league at the Commercial club last evening, was heard by a large number of local business men, who re cetvfa more than expected benefits from tho talk. Mr; Sheldon has made A de cided Impression in business circles In Portland . j- i He Is n quiet, forceful speaker, full of sincerity and enthusiasm for the sub. Ject ho deals with. His address was de voted to the discussion of common, sens and honesty In commercial rela tions. He appealed, from the old Idea that "the American publlo likes to be humbugged." hy saying that the great B.axnum himself always gave more than value received In the show business. Ths sarlrif that There is a sucaer oorn every.- minute" should not, ho said, be taken Into consideration by business man, for M tho eame minute there are a great many sensible people born, and the good merchant wHl always cater to the majority. - Hi nu the business community jhonld cultivate a code of ethics that would shut out business Jealousies nd bickerings, and that would recognise every man's field and privileges, land that merchants should cultivate friendly relations Instead of distrust and enmity. His talk was n gospel of peace In the business world not to "Ao others ;or they will do you," but Instead, "do ""unto others as you would have them do unto you.". His advice to salesmen was' particularly re freshing -ad-rwas much enjoyed by all his hearers In mercantile lines.' This ' afternoon at 4:10 o'clock ' he spoke at the Unitarian church, before the employes of the Olds, Wortman A King department store, that .Institution having closed to permit Its clerks and department managers to attend. ' shunaaes? Oolon. . Lasatlee " (Bmoo Qntnhte, ths world-wide Foia care, removes tae eaoae, call for the fail aasM sad look for Urn slg satare ec A. W. Steve.- 0e. -r-.-,.,. - --, -- ... ' m - . . . . -: ' Preferred Mook Oaaaed - Allen eV Lewis' Beat Brand. Sheet Music l Miscellaneous lot of good Vocal and instrumental : ; sheet Music :..v';-..---:-:'' 5 Ctb. Each GUITARS and MANDOLINS ; CpURfNEYvS Music Store .. 90 FIFTH STREET- ' iiiiiii O. At; Co. Quits Portland This grand sale crows better as it grows older: As the different lines begin to thin , out and become broken, we cut tne price stiu deeper, in ciean up ennreiy. . mosi oi me iwcu are yet In excellent condition for satisfactory selections. Read below about the big specials, many of which you have never read before. .. If you need anything in the dry goods line, be sure to come here first and save from ONE THIRD TO ONE HALF. Ready t6weaKQa ' ;. v . itoa than lntcLcaAic ccar ':'-:;& ' If you are on the hunt for a wool or silk suit; Vnol. 'skirt or anything in the line of shirtwaists, we invite you to inspect our offerings. .The styles are new this season. , The garments were Iwughruhderenharkerp fore we leave Portland and in order to do so quicklpr, we have reduced the prices to less than ; " eastern wholesale cost,'.:-'"'.'. ''r-W i .. ' :v Lcdies' $20 VCOl Suits Sa89 Come up this way and look in the window; better still, come inside and see the regular $20 wool suits ; all this season's product ; good colors ; materials, mohair and light weight woolens. Choice now , g(j - Other Special Prices on Wool Suits 3 ;.;;,r ; ;v r;, up to $19.75. . Lcdie9 $30 Silk Suits $998 These are-"alsobn display in the 'window,' but let us show you inside the store. Regu lar $30 silk suits; this season's newest and smartest styles ; made of colored Q A AO chiffdn Uffxta silksj. Oioice for...Vtil Every- Silk Suit In ihls store for less than felt market price, j, , Ml NTERa3 ST1NQ MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS VrUta now sloslaeT a Only 11 yards to a customer. ,". but they are wortk half again ao much at wholesale. " ignilss So Amoakeaer aiagkaaas fot All you want; fine for chil dren's Dresses and Aprons and Ladles' Aprons. Fast colors. - . agnau Its Oolored lams and Blml- . ties for er All you wish; a large assortment Of choioo patterns to choose from. See these early. mag-nlas ISO and too sroaunar TosM . fot XrfUUeo Ha Almost half price, for ladles' low-neck. 'sleeve- 1 less, sllk-Uped Cotton Veets.- - ladles' gfte &lsl Thread Testa 1T Tou will want some of these fine lisle thread, low-neck, sleeveless Vests at this ssVlng. Sddlea lae Toper Kolsery for 9t And you can see the saving at the first glance. See these. Ooodai eloaiag' ent ' foV 10e Think of . this chance. " Regular lie 1 chambraya. plain . - ginghams, ertnkle cloths, etc. ; Todies' So Topiy alosnery fog lsV . ; The genuine Maoo Hose; ruaran ..." teed. Topsy fast blade; all sises; .. nice, soft, durable; now only 15. Boyn 91.00 Treaaers Tor only S9at Not all slses In the lot, but most - all slses of durable, fancy worsted knee pants; worth from 75o to. f f 1.00. . ,V it . V.' Soys' TSo Xaee Trcnsers for SOsr- " All slses of durable worsted and corduroy pant for only 89 Boys' SSo ' 'Xaeo. 'aas for 19ef-' Suitable for every -day. hard wear; all slses; a big assortment V . ' " ' ZrfUlae' Sae Trinuaed Stats, now Xalf ; yilue 1 Hero la a ichance to buy a beautiful Hat, Just at tho height ': of the season, as half ) the, first -price.'-- Baoisr SSo Bmbrolderr, aow alosinc at 151 That Is only part of the . . cost; but wo want the money. Ton ' can save. . Boys' see Straw Bate at 234 A . number ef good styles, new this ' year; 'all si see to 7. Sadies' Sl-M Javanese Xtanono fog 89 Beautiful Japanese and Ori ental patterns; aU slses; big assort ''ment.' Bsgnlsy Waits Spreads for ." B1.68 Full slse, heavy raised Marseilles pattern; best for 11.10, now 91.68. Bsrnlss $3.00 rrteered Spreais fog - 91.89 Tho cut-corner styles; ' extra large slses. . - r- 145 Seventh St Bet Alder and Morrison Siinset Shoes This famous brand o shoes is car ried by this store in a number of the very best styles; all lasts and sizes.v A better shoe foe $3 has nofbeen made.'. 'We offer you choice of these .7 CO satisfactory shoes for.. i)u, J t