The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 14, 1905, Page 14, Image 14

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    t:: Oregon daily jsur.iAirpo:nxA:.'i. f:ul.y
W ..V 300
'" f " I 1-
Fatervd st the pee toffies st rprttoa fcj-g
1 -W ". .., II.
. atu lor alngl copies: see " T ....
. 1 JTl llUlt MM $ ettl
ed Peg. Hi ' ' t
. r. nLrPHOXM.
... . .' 1 Vat. tot
riirarui nooBxe......,...........-"-r7;1- ....
uii fkm... ...;....,...Atoia "
. rourax advibtibxvb nxnMUXXi-
Vreenad-Beagamla Special Advwttotag 'AScr.
j. i , raauwio batik. :-;v:
Th Dally Journal, wltk Sunday. 1 I"! 5!
The Dallr JoarasL 1 Mr , I
Th Daily Jours!, will SuBday, aoeiae. j--"
ine ueiiy josrnai. a monta
Th Dally Journal, with Sunday, t Bstmtke. I j
ka thalla Sanm-maul fa Bassist nta
tee Dalle pexweek. eellesred. Saaear
lacraded. , . ......
The Dally "pa, week. eVUvsrse. Sunday
excepted .....v.-t'V-"
.' Thm hy lull..
toarnaL with Boa day. I fv!5
JmtmI, 1 war !2S
JearsaC wlta Sunday. meoth. ATS
The Deny
. 1 be 111
Tk Dal Ir
- The Dalle ImmI St BMintha.
The Dally Journal, wltk Sunday. $
Th Dally Journal. S month.....,
Tk Dallr Journal, with Sunday. 1
Tk Dally Journal. 1 wctk. ........ .
Sunday Jearoal. 1 year J-JS
Is Saoday Jooroel. B oath. "
i rka Semi-Weskly taml.
,Th hml-VYectly Journal. B to IB :
w- eh Ima. lllastratod. taB market e
... mt nar i ' . .."-''0
KVoilttaii-ja 'ahnldW mad by dratta,
Mtaa. axpraad ard and aawll
Wttkl. 1.IU4 jJSb
vxzbs ni nmu mt tomm.
Tk lavaal ama ba fMad a aala at tha
foKowiaf placa , r :
kuiHB. IDaiiO-a. BaDar Om W. Va
ChiCAOO raatafflea Mawa ooopamy) 1TB Daar-
bnra rtnat.
B.MVBB, COLO. Kaadrit Bonk Btatfaaary
cnaiBaBy, BIB Bamataaotk a treat 1 J. alack.
"taratb and Carta atiata.
F . 4B CITT Vaa Ky Kw caaaaay.
- -iMAPOLIB at 4. KaraaaOfB. M Boat
-r" TOBC CIT BiWaaa'a, rnlea aaaara.
(. 4FA laUlard Botl Nw ataad; Btaaaatk
ooacry conttaay, lSflS Paraaai Uaal.
C f LaftN CITT Konroa Botol Mwa ataadt
am bra . 4S Wi Baraad atrMt. aoatk.
, LO0I8 Bfallla RMUr. did Iocaat atrart:
T. Jott. Ollya atrt. . .
Cil VBANCIBOO W.IB. A Mine Palaea Hotal
K ataad, ixl Hob MaraM atmtl Oold.
uk hroa.. B30 Battat trt, aad Balnl
frasrfa koM Baatar Orr. TnTJ band-
Iimti N. Wbatly. moToabl aowa ataad. any
bt Market and Karay str-Ha.
T 4TTLaV-Rafsl-r Graad Mm ataadl W. Ja
oka. Botrl IVattl New ataad. '
f ANB. WA"H. Joha W. Orahaai B) Oa.
iA'-OalA, WASH Caatral ,Kmt aapaayt
-tl TacDma Naw ataad.
iTIciOBIA. B, C Victoria Book EtiMoatry
. . aBBay. ... , 9 t ..
wxathxs mxrokx.
floadlnaa proTall alnnit tk Imaedlat aaat
from ca riattory to Baa Dlw, bet aa tala
of eoBqanc ka fallra. Bbuwer. kowr,
arc rapnrted la onthcra Vtab. wat-ra OoWv
radn. Britlab Colambla, nortkera atoataaa aad
la tB Atlantic atatca. .
It ta mor canlar tola aM-ala a tk tatv
nmmtala dlatrtrt and llfht ly waraw la tba
rvntral vaileya; elaawbrra as latportaat
rtiancaa ta. tvatparatura kaa arcartad.
' Tk IndleatlflBa art fair fair wcatkar in
tkt dlatrtct Batarday, arobably coatlaalns arar
Sunday. -. ,
Oeorr E. Olmatnd V ,Bacrapto. IT, aad
niraoeth m. Ureeft, m 1 1
. Hence B. ParnMir. aa. add Mary Bebaner. BS.
Cl.arie B. Gardner. 17, and 3ftba L. Hot-
rnaa, zl.
Weddlng Card. W. G. Smith A Co., Wab
Inrtoa bldg cor. Fourth and Washington, at.
EET.D Jnly 18. Benjamin Bond. 111k Tharsiaa
treet. diphtheria..
Blngl ' graeea fid. Family lota BIB to
81. nun. Tba. only cemetery la Portlaad which
perpetually maintain aad cere for Iota. Pot
full In forme tio apply it W. . Mackenat,
Worceatar block, city. W. M. Ladd. pr eel dent.
Tk Edward Bolmaa I1ndertaklBg coaipaay,
funeral director aad ambalmar. ZM iklrd
treet. Paoaa 0T. ... '
I. P. Flnley a Boa, faaeral director aad
an rta Infer, coraar Tbira and Madison atrwta.
..OrtVos of aaaaty -coroner. TelephoM Main B.
. Faneral wraatba aad cat Amrora a apoetalty
at Boa City Oreanboaaa, Twaaty atetiat aad
Beet marrtooa, opa. eaelery.
annxBora najcrra.
EIMMFRMAN July it. F. L. eimmarmaa,
, dwelling. Multnomah between Bast Twenty
' : first and Easi Twaaty aacoud atreatat ouat,
' t.t 'jnft.
WlIJiON July 18. Wj Hi WQaanv barn.
.. Mllwaakla aeoaaa aad Map la street! east.
gl(10. '
POU)CK July 18. M. TrPollecfc, additbra to
. dwalltag. East TOmy-aeventli atrsnt hetweea
. Hawthorn arena aad Bast Clay atraett coat,
' 8000.
ADAMB Joly 18. B. t. Adam, cottar, eoe
Ber. East Fourteenth and Una auaats; enat.
BASTINGB Jary 18. F. Haatlnga. enttajr. cor
' ner Albtna aad Kllllnc worth aranaa: coat,
' BKSTnVAND-4ury II. Charles Bkstrand. cot.
tare. Idaho between Virginia and Wisconsin
' arreet; coat. 81.000. v
TKRRII.U-Jly 13. Mr. TerrllL dweHtna. Lam.
he netweea Dlxoa and Dupoat atraata; cost,
'' 82.000.
CONNKLL July IS. W. . Oonnell. renatr to
noaaa. Kaat Tenth Bear Alberta street; coat,
' 8V. -
A. B. Curapetna to B. Jensen, lot 18,
block IS, Mlller-a addltloa f 800
T. Cook to H. W. Karrlgaa. 1st 1, block v
IB. Ptodmout '...".. ...,,... f " 1
B. O'Donnetl, t administratrix, to M. 8.
Cook, hit 1, block 18. Piedmont .... S70
F. J. Knerner t L to M. L Uolbrook,
.Vt a, block B, Bt, Joha's Park addl.
ttoa , 1.T08
Thome Or.y to O.-A. ry, lot 18,
Mock A, Goldsmith' addltloa , 1
M. Eatoa it il. ta J. H, Raton, loto 1
and B, block B, Porta mouth Villa An-, ,
ae( No. 1 . ; " 1
O. 8. Barrett to C. Dana, Into I, BV 81. ,
XI. and 14, block 1, Henry FoorU
addltloa -w.... , S
Oak Park load company to G. D. Bake,
lot to. 21, suLdlrlsloB block , Oak
park addltloa 1
P. P. Dabaey at al. to B. H. Graham. .
1.4444 acrea aeetlan 20. township 1
snath, raaga-1 eaet ......... 8M
M. Kpatela to T, Epetela. aadlrlded V, ,
lot a. Mora n, i ju-uiner Aouitkoa to
. nrnitnwB wuui.ivn ..... ...,
Bam t sania, andMded t f part af,
lots a snd a. niocg axi nam aoaitioa . .
A. B. ' Alnaworth and wife to U U -
Hawkins, lota 8 and B. block II, dty. in
Sheriff to D. K. Hawkins, same ......... Sua
I). H. Hawklna to L. I. llawklna, nam. ' 1
N. W. Alfiwd. edmlnletrator. to O. O.
t'ahle, lot 8. block lo, K freest d ad- ;
' dltlon ........ 108
JT. B. Bhaeef et sL to C. M. Frost, lots
. 1i snd 11. block 8. D. Bhaeer'a Second'
addltloa X
C. A. hb-rlmra aad wire to i. Bchlegg. .
- let I. block T. Woodrawa ............ BOO
BHra af a Wallaca to J. Walla,
acrea aecttna'.Sl, towashlp 1 aorth,'' .
rena east - 1
William B. yonea and wife to B. A.
, htortvrd. acreo sect loo 1," town- "
ehlp I snalh, range I rest 1
erne to M. M. Dunbar. If Tl sores sec
tk t, seensblp I onath. rang asst. - I
E. Verulermoer aad wife le t. I. Piquett. "
omitlMur 14 Id I, block 8. i. .
Jnkas' eddltioa 878
W. ti. Beck, Jr., to C. C. Vance, lot S, '
hVnrfc. 4. r lease at View addltloa 1
' A. H. Need to It. B. Haanaford, lot 10,
hWk 8. t aplea' addltloa to St. Jnha.. BSO
0. W. ttrewn ta A. I. Mrrphr, lota . I, - -
It ed l:t. block I. telltale ood 1,008
r. D. I'arrat and wife ta O. B. Alttrhl-
a, ait M IM a, btoch A, i olat . I
' y ' ' ''
I'nlted But ka-lBf A La craaiian
it U i'Mtb-k k.M 1 .ni 9L hUii k B. -
Uo-ltt ..........
W B. hM and wlfa 4a 1. A. Xone,
10 cm arrtlua IX, tvwaakla 1 BMilki
raaf A cat . . .
Bib to A. O. Clark, ll.M aerr aactluat '
- 12. auwnihlp I aoulk, ran- I nat ....
v a mil ni .ir.. ... b: Rpwd-
wlrk.' lot S. ekx 1. Kart Ijrnn .... tOO
J. Tkoaua West U b M. Went, I acre.
belli part lot 10, Gamwood
M. I'Ttt- and- wlf to k. W. Frlr. 1V
19lk iMt 1 r ,,wnak In 1 i.kv i.
'nnt 1 raat 1
Banw jo U. A. Prl. JOStlJP Jt aaew-
aat v.... I.... 1
L M. Holatoa and kuaband to Vlrtiw .
lad rannui. iuta 11 and 13. block 17.
Kinael Hark . .19
William Hull aad wife t U A. fardy. -ITVkiUU
(t beilimlnc at aorthwait
corner lot L Ulfblaod Bvfcool lloaa .
i- addltiaa .... ..-. t . . ... i ...... T
Get .roar I nan ra boo Bad batract ' ta real
aatat froai tba Till Oaarantc A Traat ea
paay, I'ftamDer oi conaiarc MUiauia.
To the Thrifty:
Thnae ha la ' BnaMthlBB b for tk
of tba futnra nd ke It Ta a kareaa drawer.
tmnk, atnr or many ara aot wib.
It aoBld b deposited la aa aid cotahllabd
aad wil aacd baiUlni kouat, waara II
Jill.:' -.., h. -I j . '-
Oldest Trust Company of Oregon"
I Jnat aarb aa Inatltntloo.' kaa food BBC.
OHb ( M yeafa aad BE80L Bl t8 af orcr -
. . $iooo,ooo ,
, Oa Dollar aad Upward Kreelrtd. .'
LKA tk ACfonat JiOW.
- 10B Third Btnct. ' Paoaa Mara 40.
BEItXT T.'-tXHKN. rr.. . .T.TT. 'I. .Prealdent
H. U PlTTO-K.v.7.V,..-;v...TIcPteltlBt
b. L.EB rAUBX,...,...............accretary
O. UOLlfUA..,.. Aaalataat BecnUry
aoxiox. ,
la bertby flrea that tba andrnlcacd, a
eiecator of tb aetata of Mary A. tiroat,
aaceaaadi ' baa , Bled bla flnal acoooat la tba
roanty court af tka aula -of Oraa- nr
Multonmab eonnty, and tkat Monday, tba
17tk day af duly, ltxjo. at tba kour of BM
. o'clock la tba furaaooav ot aald day, and. tb
-.courtroom f aald court baa beea ap-
paiBiea-By Beta coart a time ana
lao for tb kearlng of objection thereto aad
tba aattlemrat thereof.
DR. DAV. HAFFKTT, Kxecator. '
O'Bryoa O'Bryon. Attoraeya for Eiecator.
Dated aad Brat aubUbd Jiraa la. 1UUO.
Jne aannal mectln of tba etockholdera f tk
tba election of-a Board of DVectora for tb
' VBatuac yar, and for tk . tranaactloa of
aucb other bmloee a mf regularly em
be for tacat, will ba beld at tb orttce of tb
i compaay, roonaa 01 to 004 Chamber ot Ceni-
v mere naiinmc, KorUand, Orefoa, oa Auiuat
- , i0B, at 10 o'clock . m.
' ukubuk r. HOLH1H, '
Becretary Co or d'AIa DTlopatBt Com
pany. Portlaad. Oregoa, July 13, 106. ' '
NOTICE af Stockholder' Meeting-. Nstle
aereor .gieaa taat to aannal meeting af
. tb torkboldar of tb Midway Oil com
pany will ba .beld at tb ordca af Ltdd
TUtoa. hanker. Portland, Or., at I 'clok
p. m., aa Weuneaday, July 10, 190S, for tb
parpoa of electing a board at- director, ta
act apoa tb actloa af tba board af director
la authorising tba . aal - at tb company'
, properties and tba qtwstloa of Uqaioatioa
and dlmotattoa of tbla coaipaay and fat tba
traoMctloa af aucb other baalaeaa a ma
t cobm he for the meeting.
' ilua u. wnlODli, Bcrtary.
8EALt:D btda will he recelred at the School
I lerk of tic, city Hall, up to II a clock i
on BatnrdSy, Jrly 15,-ltwe, for the cone trac
tion f tha lrrlngton acbool hnlldlng. Sen
am t bid will be takes as follows: ITrlt
Rrick work, plastsrlna. aenerata work. etc.
Second Carpenter work, etc. Third- Glass
' and glsstug. Fourth Painting. Fifth
PlamMng and drainage. ' A certified check of
ju .per crot JU- iHonnm a too ota majs
accompany the asm, plans knd soeciricstlons
can be sees at tha School Clerk's of floe. The
School Board reaeree tha right to reject Bay
ana au nia. j somas d. rfooe. Arcaitaetv
8EAI-BD bW will ba recetTd f tha School
Clerha office. City Hall, un to It o'clock
m., aa Saturday, July 16. 1908, ,for grading
off tlie block for tha East Bids High School
balMIng, between East Washlngtoa aad Bast
- Hisrk and. Bast Thirteenth and Bast Fonr
, tceatb ata, A Wtlfled check of 10 per cent
. of the smoant of Md must accompany tha
same. Plana aad apoclflcstlooa ca ba sees
; at : the acbool Cleik's afflca. Tha School
- Doa'd reserres tba tight to reject any aad
ail aiac. 'laomaa s. soaaa, Arcmrecr. .
SEALED hide wUl ba receteed at tba Bchonl
flerk' afflca. City Hall, np to 18 o'clock
- m , July 16, .. 1906, for constructing and la
: stalling naw plumbing aad drainage In 'the
' following erhool buildings, tls.:- Falling
, arjkooi vaiioing. Bsniacc acooo auiiaing.
' A certified check of 10 per cent of the
smoant of the bid must sseomptny the name.
, Plsns and specifications can be seen at tba
Bchonl Clerk' office. 1 Tb School Board re
aerre tha right to reject any and all bids.
" Thomas J. Jones, Architect.
BIDS FOB FCEL Sealed bid will he reccrred
at tba orrice of the school ctarh. city hiIL,
antll 11 o'clock Taeoday, July IS, 1008,
for furnish log School District Ns. 1. Mult-
awash conaty, Oresoa, with wood for the
' ensuing year. These blda will be opened
publicly at 18 m. of aald day at tha offle
of tb School Clerk. City Hall. Specifica
tion can be, had at the BcDool tlerx i sine.
City Bau. B, Wllllsms, J. V. Beech. Com.
nittee oa supplies. foruaaa, uregoa, daiy
11. liejo,-
h 4- nnfiBAL xoncx.
BCBDIN Oa Joly 14. ItOS. at d o'clock a. .,
at the reelile nc of hi danrhlVr. 181 f.
. r.leeeath at.. B. W. Burdhv need SB years.
Peneral eerrlce Batardsy afteraooa at I
o'clock at tb abor reelocnc. , Istsrmenl
pr Irate.
ton Ajrs fomnx'
tiORT Betweea Bait, Fourtreiah aad West
. Fourth, Jaly 14. billhook wltk name Jan. A.
' Wells, Oregem Cits, oa outside, containing
antes aad Bauer .mluable only to owner.
JUoeral reward for return of same to this
- office or 6T8 East Madtsoa. - y
LOST OB BTOUCN Admiral Wheal wltk
Morrow aoastsr hraki No. of wheel. 808.010.
'Aayene with Information of aama pleas
-' aommaalcato with Journal ersc.
LOST Oa TwBty-foartb, hetweea North run
and Thnrmsa, diamond breastpin, enameled,
,, roraet-me-not design. But table reward If re-
, turned to i oar sal ante. .
WATCHCHABV, Elk'a keed oa face: aa back
Inscription. Finder return to less goett,
ntaj Chamber of Commerce, aad recelT
reward.. .-''
FOUND A place to kars hair mattreaass reaa.
' rated aad returned esaie day. Paoaa Mais
474. . Portland Curled Hair I'setory.
IlST SmalK bay pony branded 0 under T:
whit spot oa forehead. He ward fr returned
' lo Edgar 8 ton, 1220 Mlaoesots are.
LOST Small black chatelaine pork eoetala
. Ing 87.88. Urwsrd. 1480 Winona St.,
Woodlawa, ' 7 :-. .-'v
FOUND Wheel. Call at Rosenthal's Bbo stors,
oeecrin same and nay reward.
ec-ej 0. W..i meet tonight la ', It
sail, Eat autn. near Beat Al
der. All ylaltlng aelgkbort
cordially welcomed.
-, yt. W. LI'MSOKN. CO...
J. w. woodwobtb. a -
Herulsr meetlag thla (Friday) areatng at 8
o'clock, Union block. Second led Stark
afreets. OBAWT M'DONALD, Secret si y
DAILY aeeupatloa solicited as rescber of French,
govern r aserul aompsnloa; domesticated,
good needle woman; or of8c.worhi good en,
reepoadent; Bagllah Csaadlsa; term moderate.
Msia am
WANTT;l Postllow V trnet. managing honas
keener, tqr rallablo, tewnest woman. Phoa
: ' ; i4: fir a Iny t!ip Tlf Jcrt:d ivP clve cci nvnl r V
'V f b Cixzz cf lSc. a Ux c! ClUKTA'S MlZZl lZi;Z2 '
t ? r .v-- . : v -' v ;
Grandma's Spanish Pepper U the real Spanish geasoning, givinj a flavor for which Spanish
'cooking has long been' uunous. Made of a combination of herbs, oils, tted, cereals and pepper,
free from all acids or foreign properties to preserve it. It is unsurpassed for coclinj all kinds
of Spanish dishes, such as Tamales, Enchiladas, Chili Con Carne, etc. Direction on each can for
seasoning of dishes. Exhibition in the Agricultural Building at the Fair., Sold by the leading
grocers. If you've not TRIED .'Journal "Want Ads.", do so now. , llattersriot whether you -are
a new or an old customer, you'll get the premium just the same. . If you want to buy
something and can't find it if you want to s ell some thing and can't sell it try a want ad.
In The journal.'; Costs UttlevpcY--';1-'-. "--ifA '--v. -s4'' f- -;- -, -.v; ' .'
WANTED I atea for Oregoa aaa adjoining
atatea to trawl bbo ampioy aoin-iif- u
ladle' good: no oamlng: f lperleoe an
aeceeury; opnortanlty for adeanccaMnt! al
ary (To per moatn. xnenaa ana m--.
wttaior, nay t-iiyu oiicb. - - -
wivninTenu man wltk aboat 1100 caek
: for rood money -maikinjr ouiaaa. araiw--ra
i I can call to talk tba matter o-ar wltk yow,
Addrcaa H 1. iouraal. ,, d
WANTKD t good aoltcltorai alnoaraae ina
prenrreai aaiary ana commieei. mvvr
Baturday A. m. 10:80. to 11 :ao, 8a Marguam
wdg. . -. .: , . .... -----
WANTED Partner ' ta eetabltoned baamai
.mall canltal; oftlca aa preierr-u. au
roBtoa ouui. .
BABBBTTB Detect tre School Lat cUe far
tblt term: reduced rates, aw Aiiaay. otag.
Bxur wAirme-itAix
Hotel. rturaat, of tic, a tore, bakery, laaadry
, aad family patronage asiicltod.
tUla Waablactna at., room T. cor. STotk at
raoaa maaa aiwa.
61 RIAI -wentlnr mp
ipktrment, - aack a g
aaed, chambermaid, a
rtaa Employmtat C
ii.. in wairreai
1 1 u aM.Mn.w1..
Baraalda t- Paoaa Mala At.
AN enerxetlc meat lady of wtDprn apfearanc.
p,i uiancnt employment wita ruiiire pr-wm.
Apply by pereonal aim to tai. wni.
BlTTJATlON ' wanted, experleoced Not-wed an
?lrl. atnetly ctiamoer wora, rona ooti.' w
amhlll at. Pbona Mala B418. ' ' .
WANTED Hocackoeper ' for wtdow . family
oa farm: Uerraan woman prciarrao. twn
Yamhill t. Pbona Mam 5418.. . -
WANTED Good tlrl aboat 14 to take oar of
on cblioj gooa aoma. i au a ooaa aTy
Und. I2S waahliigtoa. at. . .
OOOD girl for general bonaewerk: t la family;
aa cnuarea. apply lorcnoona, -- n-ruunp.
BAND tronar. also girl for maogl. Graad
Lnnory, lli ana wuunny. ; ...
GIB, for koaaawork part day: alaap at bassa,
i wagaa 112. BU Kaaraay c . .
W A NTEP BxpermnreJ ana wattreaa. Tka Dal-
moot 13R rirth at.
WANTED At once, 60 rinraaser (either ladles
. or gentlemen) to Introduce and sell Belf-Llght.
- Ing Iacsnueaceat Gas Light: they ara lndls-
penssbl la. arsry noma ana ao away waia
matchaa- or ens HahtersT ther sell aa slant.
Bpeer O Macblaa Manufacturing Ca But
wasniagina as., eor mi e.. -,
WANTED-Teacher or ata. dent to trarel dartag
.- racaUoa; salary paid weekly and expenses
sdranced: In making - anollcattoa aire oaall-
acsUons, . eaprrienc and aslsry paid for
teschlug. Addresst with stamp, . A- aisx
aader, 121 Ply month Place. Cbleage, HI.
ANY asm aat maaaiittr mDloTd caaf materlaUy
,. Increase their Income without Interfering
, with present oecuparJoa; Indoroed by aoa.
, serrsnr local nosiaeaa men; ao aa agency.
- For aartlcalara phone Bast 1218. apeelal agent.
WANTED Towns- eeool to take a roar to
' skorthasd ar bookkeeping, -day at Bight; our
gradeatee ara all employed; w planed 87
poplla during May; we will place you whaa
competent. Bshnks-Watker Baslaasa eoUegs.
PKHMiMBrfP nosltion with Incmsslsa .aar,
ladles . and gentlrmen, Portland iut else
where, can or aaaress aentincai, i Aiuay
bldg,. Third and Morrlaoa atraata.
WANTED At ooc, a bright, eaergatle, pre
aen table au or woman, a good ' talker, to
- tak ap aa attractlea propoeltloB. laxpur
188 Chamber er tommero, a a. m.
CALLING aad baslness cards So 106, 88.38
1.000. BtB Waahlng ton. Aatomatie card presa.
zjfPLOTifxn AoraoiBv
Kemored to IBM North Becead at, Pheaa
- KM -Ci-7"x. , , -
Bt N. Becoad at. ', Phoaa Mais
aors; kelp tree to employera. Al Morrlaoa,
BELP wanted and supprled. male ar female.
188 MORRISON Columbia Blear Ema. at
skilled lakor famished. Phone Mala BBSS.
88 TO 810 dallr made by our B.000 a rents.
oar M-psss FREE BOOK started them. Write
today. Perhaps your opportunity. Jackson.
. laa upticai umrf a,, iiuraraiiy nquara, scb
apa..Mlck. ... .
AGENTS WANTED Ta 811 oar aapertor high
Srade nnrnery stock; new aad com plot eat
I farnlahed free: eaeh weeklr 1 writ to
' day - for ckolc of territory. Capital City
Naraary oa., aswm. uregoa.
AGENTS wanted to sell i lories of Old Oregoa.
Jonoe' Dook Store. ZB1 Aloer t.
WANTED Erery pcrsoe who Bsc gae for
. lighting purposes In - the city of Portland
' to call st No. .'008 Wsshlngtoa (L and Inspect
j a aslf.llghtlng gaa msatle oa exhibit there.
It Is tha sewekt Inrentlon of the ga and
-does away entirely wlth th asa of matchea
er ether lighting derlcee for lighting your
gars. It Also makes It Impossible for ao
' eldest to ecorr . by rrssoa ot tha (as
' eecspUig. as the chemical, campoaltlaa of
thla mantis Ignite the gst at soon a It
cornea la contact. Do aot fall to ae tbl
master stroke et science. (. , -
WANTED At one, for pot csah to sny
monat. atocka of all desrriptlona; dry goods,
, groceries,' shoes, furniture, etc household
ers wishing to dispose of furaltar vbonld
' get our free estimated ealue oa earn before
,' eelllee elsewhere: we nar the hlsheat Price
irjbtalnahle j itrlcrty confidential. Address I.
Ok, ova Uhild are., rortiaaa.
WANTED More apraytng and wkttowssklagi
tka ealy gasoline comprossed air spraying
ctt an tb eeeet. M, (1. Morraa tV. 878
Mllwaukls St. Phone East 2d IT.
WANTED To rent, on gentle driving bona.
one t-erated can-lags, one aaddie pony. p. V,
Knsnp. Phone. Esst IK.
WB Bt Bracrren or doors to year hoasesi
cabinet or mlacellenena wars aoa. ' none
-Oarpeater, Scott IJD. .
WANTEDarnanter work,' all kind af re
pairing.' J. . Leasia. zita aad Wllso sta.
Seeend and Waablngto ta
BTK'K dompanle IncornoratedV If
stock or bond for eale offer th
yoa bar
them through
me to1 Investors, ueersi
Gears M. Kellogg, aroksr.
848 Elllsott Square, t huffalo.
WANTED Ta bay houses from 11.800 to
810,000, a east sad wat aide; also-seant
property; ship largs aad small farm la all
parte ot ine siai.
Voam a, 109)1 SliU W
BOOMS la all part af the city, furaliksd.
Apply 220 Oondnougk bldf.
;'Cdst dlrertloa of tb Lewis sad Clark Fab)
,. . Mrporatloa. , .... .
Phon Mala BMB.
WB bare call aearr -day' tor rarest
, aad furnlahed bona: list your property wltk
. a; w will a, tse rssu uooaa isggari,
i. lot auth st. .
WANTED By a Udy aatrologlat, a small ss
lurnsinvo rottsgs or .a cjesa . iiaewiiei
'rooms. B. Bernsndsr, T8B Thurmsa St. . -
fob bint nravisHxs aookta.
rning luoaors inrougaoui, aesetiruiiy wur
aisnea; rooms light, sunny; plenty or rrasa
air; locatloa. conrenlent tor eltho haalnea at
fair; price reasonable. 488 Wsshlngtoa.
NICELY furnlahed rooms. . perms nent ar
transieat. la eery r dealrabi- locatloB I - free
phone, bath. , gas;, term reasonable. SSd
Jeffersoa St., opposlts city hall. Tsk Fifth
er Jeffersoa at. car from aotoa depot. -
THE HAMANN, 1SS N.- 18th.. enr noyt Nrwly
wunn iwns, A.nv up, aonveiuens nns
It minute walk to fair groasda; Morrlaoa
ear at antoa depot direct t boaaec Phoa 84 70.
THB CKClLJ-Nlcely rtimlshed Toom wtrth er
wunoac aoard. cetrtrauy lorated, oa airen
car II no to eioosltlon aad depot: reaaaaabl
'. terms, vi Nottn rare St.
BENT Nicely furalshsd front room with aloaTe,
suitan i ror. 8 gentlemen: hath, gaa, paoaa;
walking dlstanc. 84B Holladsy are., betweea
Becoad aad Third. - .
LA RGB furnlsbed room, arery conrenlenee, sew
nones, rent reaaonaDie. ava CTOsny, . near
steel, bridge j a card aa bouse. . Paoaa Beat
8860. J - -';... . .
THB GABLB Furalshed roema, light, airy, res.
sossble, with brsskfsst; S car 11 Ms. Esst
Twentyeerntk aad Tags art ata. East 1808.
THB ALDEBB One large, nicely furnlsked
room; also small single rooma. Including
. aata.
Paoaa kiala 1861. BOB Aids.
KELLOGG bona. 184 Shermaa. . take S car
. pwuii iiiu anifliie. ii Mm: ,
nLahed hoosekseplngoosaa, laundry aad bath.
VISITORS 1 fair will fmd cool, checrril. newly
ftrnlshed rooms, wltk axellat caUIn aad
Borne aotaforta at Tha Montgomery, mt gaaar,
NI.CB fornlahed -stngle room suitable toe as
gentleman, with er without area a cast; pn.
est reside
ta raoaa ajsat soau.
8 ROOMS, srell furnMbed; else ek with B
rooms;, cheap for cash or will exchange sot
rant sscsie.' siauresn si os. sure iwanu
MABQUAM HOHJBB. 146H Btb Rooms SB salt
r lngl; housekeeping rooms; gas stores,
tu.k. mlmM U.K.., ' ---- 11
HOTEL. NORTHERN.' Twelfth aad Marshsll
Nicely fumlbd housekeeping -rooms from $10
, per month aaa up; xre paoaa bbo oata.
THB BBLLBVUB, B18U Poortk at., cor. BaV.
moa Newly furnished rooma by tb dsy 'or
wseg; tsrm ressonanie. usoa Tin.
n 1 Ij i isniiina uuu. nr ivai, wmm di. in,
betweea Jceksoa aad Lincoln staj bath and
poons; near ruta at. caruaa. .
BBAUTIFUU- new faralshod roam, swell to-
cation, assy walking aietaao fau groahos,
' . t II VTS L' . . I..
S FURNISHED rooma. hsth, asa. Boar Irrtnf
toa tract; good carllns; cheap. 808 MotTil
St. - PboBd Bast 8036. ' - .,
BOMB well fumUked rooms, paw aad etosa;
Ca, bath and phone; traasMBt at psrmaaeat.
North, Blxtseatb St. , .
NICE, sunny front mam, priests residence,
811 per month: with er without areakfaat.
Fha Kaat aoao. , -.
SLEEP an Portlaad Heights, try It: rooma
$10 to 1B mooUly, ana aoma. , Address 0
FURNISHED rooma, BOa, Toe and 81 an. Twes
tie in sua t ssaington. tsot ana aaia astas.
i The Howlaad. - - -1 - r-.
NEATLX fatalsaed front room
ulUbl for
, two; good toeatloa) rant
' Nortbrap at.
bla. , 111
THB GLADSTONE BltH 'BaTler at, fsrniahe
.. dooms; aadar hew Bvansgsmsat; prtora rsa-
, Furnished rooms; gentlemen; $1.60 weak ap.
CHEAPEST, and bast located rooma la -Portland,
. $1 week aad aa, GUmaa, First and Aider ata.
FOB BENT Fumlrhed frawt room. $8.80 per
wsek for S gentlemen. 41 North Fifth ac
furnlsbed rooma wltk as of kitchen. 681
Everett near iota St., aa caruaa u f air.
did JEFFERSON, cor. Eleventh New boa,
new rarnieniugs, moasra, reasoaaoie rstr. .
FURNISHED rooms 80s aad sot baths. , The
' Davie Hotel, earner clay aaa water.
IS 8 plesssnt baaement-rooma, anfuralsksd.
int. h. Hell SIS rif.h Me. U.ll
CLEAN, newly furnished noma, to to TB
. Me i... Hid hliwtk aeesnteenrh et. h '
ROOMS from 83.60 Bp, 206 Whltakar at,
oioca irom cnriine. isse a caw. ...
THB CABTLB 8TB Wsshlngtoa St.; faralskil
rooms, raoaa msia 107a. .
BEWLT furnished room with hath aad gaa;
no eaiiarea. rnone sons. . . - -
FURNISHED rooma with kitchen. Ml Brarett
treet near ldtb; 86. '
BOrtMS for rent frota Il.tB to 88 par weak.
ana ImmH e . r. ... 1 ' .
BXTEN8IVB shady sod sompletely srrssged
csmp ; epsce iw rant oy - weaa or
- month; feed yard 1 writ far ctreunre. Ad
dress West Avenue Camp Grenade, Mosat
Tabor atatlon, Portland. - f
BKTLAND. Portland Helghto The beat located
camp gronnns m ine cttyt sue reet anova
river; 16 mlnatsa' walk, car a blocks 88 ap.
Mala BWS. ' ..........
FOR BENT Good, camp rrousd. email t-ronm
bo nee, water, tnv and camping outdt, aa-
burns, es 1 can line, prion scott aiws.
roa am btobib.
FOB RENT Store with llrlngooms la rear.
comer location, gand tor grocery at batcher
abop. Inqulr 4 North Third. -..;
FOR BENT B tore BOxM: aa grsoary. Waatora
Importing to., ins Firta at.
roa aiBt ixats.
FOB BENT A new modera flat af 8 rooma and
bath; furnished If oeairedi snslts only, la
qulr N Kaat Llghteeath at., eor. Waablngtoa.
NEW, modera B-rnma taU, Inelndlng Jteel aad
gaa range. Haieey aaa l-srrsn, t-aide.
4rtonlr 8AS LarrsbeSi ' t '
torn Birr biax stats.
TO BENT Qnsrter block fsetng aula estraaca
te iwis , aoa tiara rair lor asnring pa
Villon. Apply to W. H. Lattla, Hotl Fair
nwaat, toia ;a4
roa axjrr HouaixiEriBs booms.
keeping rooms aa aaite: single sleepiiur rooni
vry reaoaable Uaualent (oe to 81. Phoua
swo iwix . ,
LA ROB bow elegantly fsralshed housekeeping
,-ewwe, mi.Ni air arg psruosi ana range,
nimug water, ine awaaasia, push Alasr
81 FEB WEEB FBrnlshsd rooms. heushee
, lag prlviiegea C. H, Plggott, lawyer.
. owner, rouse uooa sou. a Muiaey -Bid
TENTS and full, housekeeping outfit 818 per
monta. raoae acott K7M. uu and Clark
Csmp, Musst O-ake Melghtar-. : -V
TWO rooma for light -hosaekeeptng.-- 830 a
month. , 837H Washbutoe et. - Apply to
jaaitor. 1
$la A HOCtEKEEPlNG-ROOMB, aatly fsr
. Blahed. Key Bit he rent at. phoaa Mala
THB LINDA VISTA, alcely tsrnkhed boasekeep
' lag aad single rooma reasons bis. 847 V Fifth.
FURNISHED housekeeping -rooms 81.60 to ft par
wees, see rsttygrove St., near fair gronnos.
' roa axxraovaxa, ,.
MEW ' a. room bona' oa aouthwest anraar at
Hancock and Esst Twenty -slitk St. I cement
cellar, hath, furaaca. gaa aad e tec trie lights.
, B. M. Lombard, 614 Chamber af Cemaerss
er 800 Hancock at. '
' ruaa and fanutara moved promptly by aa
perleseed asea. 110 Third at. Mala latdk ,
FURNISHED 4 -room cottage, gaa, permanent,
820; S ear, eonth. Inquire 1048 Corbet! at.
B-BOOM bouae, farnlahed ot safuraUhed. phoaa
v Union 1801 bet. 18 and 12:8Ux 8 aad 6:80.
FOB RENT New fura taxed bones. esLr 88
le par moBta. w, care jonraai. .
FOB BENT Furnished honas S rosma. In
quire 670 Gsntsnbeln are. 4
FOB, teat results on , ,'".'
"FUBNITUBa1 ' ' f
" Whether to bay or aell. ring aa Mela
Ill Fhrat at.
BIGHT rooma well furnlahed, good holiness
chines; alee aoa with Bva rodms; cheep for
I cash; will axehange for real aetata.. Addr
-- at, care Joamsl. -
FURNITURB of a t-teetn hew for aala, 6do0;
new piano lactaaea; close is, west side, b
- fell; a anap for cash. Pbeea Mala 8689.
FURNITURE af B rooma for aal 4o0 It taken
wlthle BO daya. Inquire it 81 Fifth at
' bouse for rant cheap. Isvestlgsts. 1
Broom hoes tor rant: evatraM
Iocs tion; fsraltar
" gomery St. .
BfJBNITTJBB of 4-room boas tor aalk hen
fa rent, 88 nwntbly. B48 Fesrth at. -
FURNTTURB hf t room' house for asls, Bssr
rwiHsa Dovei, esmfc Viau auo asain. '
ISO OOOD fumltar. a room!
-or not. '44 Eaat Bevesth at., north. .
BENT free, four rooma. six aaoathai aell iarar
tar? lltS. 8H Union a.
8-ROOM flst, a few block south of Portlaad
' hot si: furnltar to Mrlrtly, aretlsaa aad
the house to la Bne shape: rent 838: a
. money-maker and cheap; 8378. Garlaad 4
Co., issvh Foarta at. aed aooi.
YES. we ess accommodate a few
1 boarders; boas cooking and arery thing Bret
, eisse. Alter noes. nvnta asa Midi sob.
Phoaa Mala 231
amitattona, aa
exorbltoBt eharg: dining-room la caa
aiitlan; prices
a right. Cor. lath aad u-vtsg.
THB Llndell New family aotot Market, be.
tweea Third and Fourth, ate a heat, atoetrl
light, porcsliln hatha, exceedingly tow rates.
BOOMS - with ' board tor
t tenants.
' resaoasbls; . tret -class home
' Sixth at.
BOOK f or men at 80 SO per weak. 803
t;iy, near rirteenta. rnene stain auss.
FUBNI8HED room and board tor 8 ar I gsatl
men. Phoa Eaat 888a.
roa biiit omBOOMB.
OFFICB aad deakrooa to raat to right party;
cheap. BQulre 221H blorrlaoa St. room 6.
. aoagh hldg. Apply lev tor.
roa SAii oiibciixabioVb.
FOR BALE All aew Tnt, TortCi )
. -mattresses, BO aunts, go blsBkate, BO plllowa.
B do s-s sheets, 6Vh doses pillow esses, 800
yaraa hop ciota, 300 yards ae-inea muslin, 1 i
I luml
I aad
aoeen ensue, .1 aov-aouna Bare, s.uuu lest
lumber: many other article: aala oa Friday
aad Batarday.-- Bast Bur aal da, cor. Third St.
BILLIARD AND POOL tables tor taat ar tut
aal os eaay paymenta.
- 48 Third at-, Fertlasd.
WB prist yoar asms oa an, calling sards, prepcr
I la and fl. 20a. ' t&0 kus loess sards, 11.
Brows BebBMle, 828 First, Fertlasd, Or.
GBAND concert frspbonoone, large braes bora
and 40 records in very good coadltkm for
aala cheap. Phone Wert 82, 100 N. Foartt at.
SEWING ' machine, latent model drop head
New Home, jut from factory, neve beea
sncrsted; ebasp tor cash. Phone Beat 1004,
LAUNCH tor tale, length SB feet, 10 H. P. e
gin, torg osrrylng opacity; prlca Vary
. cheap... Addraaa H 0. care Joorasl.
FOR BALE Oood young milch sow with calf;
.price 36. J. U Pstteraoa. Governor Thayer
place. Phone Union 408.
FOB BALE Boaatlfal upright - ptano, vary
reasonable; parties leaving . city. Address
) H T3, care JosraaL
AT HALF COST 40 new - TanvTaa rots,
. mattri'sin aad beddlna. 1. Landlgan, 184
- Sharmsn at, - i
JUST what you want B gaa Stores, good
, new, Hall 8u0 Jeffersoa t. or pbona Black
' 181L '..-' .....',' ,
TELEPHONE Bracket aad pins, ptoseer Wsd
Mfg. Co., B. Bersata. Paoaa Bast BIOS. - -
FOR SALE Smith Premier typewriter, slmost
now, res eon sale. Address a 40, joaraai, ,
FOR BALBV-tOoot gasoline launch, canvas top.
I st-aoreepower engiae. raoaa can jau,
FOB SALE Csnary-Mrda: fln Mnaera..
FOB SAI.kV Whits fox terrier,
Unloa aww actor a p. a.
OAS rang and heater for aalai cheep. ( Apply
AKIER top baggy, rabber tlrer young, gen
tle boras and harness, all complete. A. BV
' Hacker, B4d Wssklogton at, city. .
FOR SAI.1T. tiood horse snd asw bur sees and
light wsgoni also gooa ssddi. lyai melry
arv at, son as ear, vxe.iea, aiaims.
FOB Ba It PENDLiv4. la --
F'-r. y roenilng-bous, I v In e,
bedroo. ., le beocuovu t 'U. "I t
- room .... t of 18 bodroou., r. .
dlslngoi.. ud aturacooui, 8 b. . a
toilets, besessent; I first toon ' k -i bf
furnsos; bmuss la Bsw, S r' s f
center of ally; kit f... r ;'
lectrlc V 'ted. Any one wlel.,13 a bou, f
. af thla ked caaaot do be"r thsa to
- vcstlgsto 1 11 Is property. - Vrul tea l.-d
Worth of Portland property la part psyinent.
Price 8d,ru; 8J.600 ca.b, helasc oa tlra.
Address Uiaora A New 11 n, pauuietoa, Or.
" $1,600 GIVEN AWAY!
Wa offer our gural awrrhandlaa online
for ssl. with the above discount ou mer
rhandlas and property.- W hare well ss.
' lected, sirs a stock that will laeolo abanl
(1O.OU0; also 4 kits ssd bulldltvga tbst wa
offer si a bsrgaln. 1nvtigte; o of th
. beat Oregon, Wa mean bus.
nsss. . Imiulrr Journsl or writ a.
1. W. AND M. A. HOB1NBON. Aahwood. Or.
THB owner f. th patent on a new Self
Llghtlng lucandi-sceoi Uss Light wish to meet
, parties who desire to get Into-a profitable
business, In rvgsrd to In trod sc Ing their gss
:.llgbto in this aud other ltro; no pravvou
, etperlence uceded aad very little capital,
For full Iniorteatloa aud particulars call at
.one at Bud Wsshiuaton t- -...
TALK aboat rnomlng hous I hsv aaa tkat
must be sold rugsrdlses ot vslud. clesrlng
about 8100 pav tuonth now; location cannot
; be excelled; look this up; D rsasouabli af-
' far refused. Call upon
,v . H. W, MILLEU, 100H Sixth tf-
WANTED Partner who can put ap 8380 tor
an half Interest. In a good, letttimate bust.
; neat. eatsbUshed IB- years; dolog excellent
business at present; this must be sees to
be appreciated. Addraaa F 4s, care Journal.
. , .... . Untf M ADPlCkMT
FERTILB aoVl, purs water, delightful' clbaatoi
ia ox airsir. appiea aaa ciover. ror u
Informatloa- address the Columbia Southern
Irrlgatloa Co.. ua Worcester blk., Portland.
f6a SALE Blacksmltk-shop with lath,, drill-
press, etc: good building, large tat, gooa
trade, email country towa on'rlrer, loo mile.
east ai rortiaaa. ror price aaa verms, so
ply J. J. Bold. No. a Urove at., Moauvuia.
FARMS, wheat ud timber taada. acreage, city
property ; timber aad. Bo meets locations;
bnain eh noes and Insurance.
ESO Alder t. - Pbona Main USa.
A LADY v aentlaman who aaa a eaatl amoaat
ex money n ibvosi ss a partner te atteaa
soxfa.e business Betting from 60OO to ll.Aot
aad anward permnth. Call B3VA Berth Btoth
SL Pbona Mala 820.
Card prln'lsg sutflt complete, located at
tha fair groaads. Here's your , ekancs' to
mike money. Phone Mala ant, a aall at
gap Bnrasioo It n u a, .. .
INVEST 128 r aore with Portland bnalnesa
atea with exeeueot rererences, wnere yea will
receive glO fie Mr. itnllee investad: rhle is
your ODportunltyi Addraaa 1 F 46, Joaraal.
BAEKRY FOB SALE Defoe? good business;
mast retire aa account of aTckneas. For bar
Hcaisre call at 4t Everett at. strsr a p, m
: or addraaa Joseph Eg I. M scab field. Or. -
FOB SALE Elegsnt reet a ore et nd btnch-
coantar: peat kocatioa la city: very cneap:
aast ba aold. (nqulra between 8 and d,
A. Blsln, 171 naadera at. . .. -
$16,000 BUYS aa ap-to-dato Inmber, eash aad
ooor . asnnrsctory; toiiana .amines la
a good Paloaa towa of 1,61)0 people, r. J
Mahonsy. vqkosr Wgsh. . ' :
WANTED Partner with 82.000 to take' part la
tere et In gosd paying restsanat aaa ean,
Inqulr of manager Hotel Fair mount, Twaaty
lxtk aad Upshur ata.
FOR 8 ALE- A coon try store, - good business
aaa puuaings;- u. n. posrornce una nwpnone.
CU on or sddrsss L. H. Smlck, Dlxonvllls,
Dongls county. Or. . '.,'.: "
WANTED Partner, tatcreated la pickling and
nacaine snsineas. as sxarx on large or small
acale wltk aa erperlenced plckler. Address
ts -is, car soaraas,
All modern triacblnee aad good dry kiln, well
located, win eau at a sscrincs a-norssa w
42, cars JoamaL
riRBT-CLABS reomlng-beass, Bewly farstshsd.
cheap; call at eace; owner osiiea sway oa
accooBt of alchnans. . ,880, Bvaratt at.. Bear
depoy . '., -
80.000100x108 GOOD bamdea property, brick,'
improvements, rente ana per moate, nnc
te toeriassi- ssv agents. - A ddr I Box BUOa,
city." . - ' - r- :
FOB BALE 8260 Oa account etckseee H In
terest is auaesr psyiug nusin; aiuv easn,
balance from Income. Addraaa F T. Journal.
1600-rWlLL handle a 17-roem house; kieattoa
aad nnilusss good: parties leaving city: In
vestlgits befora baylsg. Phone Mala MM.
FOB BALE Confectionery. Hgara. Itsht evocer.
lea, living rooma, wltk furniture a hargala,
II tasea si eace, sax reweu. corner store.
FOB SALE Pars Mar at a 80-room transient
bona; aiaat sell; doing good aaslaeaa; raat
too. Sua Madteoa St., Madlaaa hoaaa. ,
TO TBADE Half interest la woodyard, t400;
earning rao monthly; want have yoat Ad
dress F dd, care Journal. i-.-L ..
QUARTS-oIsIbv, Curry eonnty; assays fit gold:
aoo-foot tannsli Bne waUrpowar; axceptioasj
ehanca, Ahrd Blocaa, U lends le, or..
BtftO BAKERT, eld estshllsbed, large stock
gracarma. ice ereea perier r Bargais. sis rise.
FINE rastaursnt; -a hsrgala. ar will trade tat
rooming -koDss. 1111 Morrlaoa at.
FOB SALE Reetanrast, , dotog good kueluiSB.
Inoalr BTB bliss a st'
FOR No. 1 grocery stora. In vote aboat 84.000,
11 - inru mt
FOR SALE Shoe bop, very, good toes tion. 620
FOR BALK Roomlng-bous of It Noam, T80.
mm maeieon . . . ,
80 ACBES af ebetr land, TO aeres ta slfalfs;
tble la one 01 the nneet aroposiiioaa la Mel
hear county. It will produce from B to II
tone of alfalfa per acr annually eal will
produce la abuadane any kind af fruit
knows to th temporal sons, aoma Idea of
th vara" of .thla property can he gleaned
from the fact that it rents snsaallr tor 8800
. cask per year and renter pare taxes. Price
88.000; $43)00 down, balance oa eaay tor ma.
For farther partlcutare la regard. 10 thla t
mar properties, soarea
C T. M-DANIBL, Oatarto, Or.
r ' FOB BALB. :. '
8. A, T, 8-room hoaaee built ta order aad
aold aa th Installment t plsn; price from
$1,000 to $8,000; si so sultle In ' several
- houses for aala or will exchang for vacant
lota; also vacant lota ror aaia at aeaview,
Lng beach and Tioga; Bne nous for rant la
' Holtdsy Park addltloa. William 0., Beck.
" 80T, th Falling. - ,- . .
S FINB modern benase la Holladay Park ad
dltloa Bust a aold at one; owner- leaving
towa; also 10 Bne lot with earnest sidewalks,
eawer In, Improved treat, also ' Bull Rua
were, tor Information see William G. Beck.
' No. 80T Falling hldg.. or B. Bice, Twenty-
eeeona tna waace sis.
FOB- BALB A modera corns brick bloch. 8-
. story and beeamant, d torreoma, 40 too am
. furnished; will aell all or aaparato at bed
oca prices; arso 1 akooern s-rooa arcaiaeaoe,
rloss ta Ressell st. u WUIIsbis a vs.; good
Incea property. , lseulr at W. O. Beck,
Tha FalllBg hldg. . !
FOB BALB 10 (ere etetoe btad. II mllee from
pertUBd. suitable for a hornet easily im
proved, handy to B. B. atatloa. aoatlsadlnt
and good roa da, good IL For nertlcalar
sddress A. H. Folkeaberg, flolbrooa. Or. ,
$2.000 8 ACBEfl well .improved, all la Baa
milt, lair Banning, Block! 1 rrom car
line, aa be bought oa vary eeey tterma; lm
mediate possession: will tabs-part la real
seta to. ' Call' lOTtt Third St. 1
S ACBES nesr Lents snd ccslbl to 8 ee
Haea; very fine anil; no gravel; raaaiag
'water; $300 per cre; 1200, balases sai
terms; ether land aujolalug selllug at $4M
O 41, ears Journsl. . .
FOB BALB or Kxcbang $1.600 New l-rooa
modera aettage la Woodlawn; lot 60x06 feet.
H buck from canine. Key at uienger 1
grocery atora. Inquire et B. J. Jaeger, BOO
Morrlaoa at. - t - -
WHY sot bay a hem shea I have aa many
8na cottage and hoseee st all aescrtptlona
which ean be hotisht a eair termal Inuulra
N. Bpragae. 122 Si Grand av.. roe's a. . -
FOR SALAV-NW boa, rental value $26, price
82,onO part ah, baiaaca ,y termai ss
an Investment or for hots, look this ap.
Address O 00, rare Journsl. .
rOR BALE 3 best 'reslewnc lot I Hsw-
thorns s rim sddltton. at a tMrgsia; I
block from public .je-bool and carltae, . ta
puira &t taiiMM, st, . .
. . . , 'r : ". '' ' , . t, '
f. '. ' :'' , ' '.';'
; 1 ul Beer
t i r.ed, siTeivr, ns'f
s sssy. . U.' U Mo
I 1.
ll"' ) hjy n ee n , ksady te car; eif
it S i . ' , a).0 1 wfth a.
r... lw. . s. .,A kraak h.irla. Com b. . , ..... . , v .
FOA-BsCa-- . 8-n. 0 kouse, all cos.
venl., s l, uved, denlrsbl lues
1 1' too htuulrr at
FOR SALaV-rnoai eot...,, modern, tot toaeed.
fruit tree, n.. .., , , ear; .ah of terms,
: , 1. h-yoer, l ,.nutvUi. loane Msla tted.
TO INVEdTOHd Kin brick block a lOoxlftS
corner; tucum over 13 p-r cut; will double
by miO; hue Iocs (ton. wlk Bussell at.
LOT for Hie chesp by owner aa Bast Tsylot
and 'iweuileth Sis. ; no scents. W, Psttvraoa.
aot Ysmulll at., or tot host Tfiylor. M.
FOR BALE Modera suburban oottsgs, cloe
to ci, - line, ha location, ground 100x1 uu.
1 O. W. P. Towasita Co., lit First St.
A FEW lota tor sal aa easy terms asar ear.
Una; good realuenc Mighhorbood, : Auply
Job bsla. rouea 8. Xs4. htark at. , .'
FOR BALE or tekanxe, 11 sj acre Improved,
m aillea from Moata villa ear line. I satire
owasr. did Bslaaut. .
NEW, taoders 6 -room sottage at Beat Forty V
, third and Taylor; vary favorable terms. BdV
Myora, 32B 'Second at.
10-ROOM select rooming and ' hoardlng-houos. """
near Portland hotel, doing gosd business, 8000.,
H 8, care Journal, . . . ,. .
I CHOICB earns lot to Stewart Psrk for I. ' -'-
Inquire M. O. TomUosoa,- 840 Madisoa al.,
' room 1, upstslrs. .....
FOB BALE 8-rooa hoaaa, tot 60x108, treet
Improved; price foou, part caah.- . Owner,
' luao Denver av. . .
1,8S0 New B-rooa cottage' aad 8 Urge, lent
, on eor. Grand are. aad Bnafar at. Sea owner.
KM Bhavor at. .
$700 NEW B-rooa boo, plastered, paintod.
brick basement, lot 60x100, Woodlawa.. Phoud
Scott lata. -
THB bast bargain hi Portland, new modera,
. Teroem ntoldenoa lot $1.60. , 011 . 1VT14
' Third at ." ' ' ., V- . . ..
Ta car lins with
, oouir , tai KasS
. acre . fruit treat.
Blith L '
FOB SALE 3 tot la Sell wood; Use location,
r 1 block from Barbae. A- MUWaaer, .VeV
FOR SALE 1 and Bacra trsits near carllns,
, u aula from Mllwaakla psstoftoa. o K, Ba.
Urd. .. -.','. ,
8-ROOM boaaa, (heap for caaa. laqalre ts B.
- Bsmlngtos, Boaeinosl av. hUnuelll ear. -.
HOU8K8 hatlt as easy payment; lot furnished '
If desired. B18 Commercial hldg. Mala 1840, '
FOB BALE Cheap, tota la Leaver AIMaa a
. Instsllmenta er caah. Inqulr 171 Market su
TEN acrea garden land; eaay term, lew la.
tor est 1 $760. . 110 Kaat Tklrtylxth at.
DESIRABLE residence loto-at a ss crises., Dr.
L. M. Davto, wnr, 808 Commercial at. - - 1
DE81BABLB xsaldence and tot. WMt a.sst ,
- aide. Apply forenoon 440 Third at. ...
NEW 4-room cottage, cbcea. H. T. Cammlna.
NahvtUa station, hteuat Scott car line. ... ,
ATTBACTIVB hoaws, fl snd S room
ales ahrubbery. 1062 Front at.
1; aata, gas.
booasr aad lot to
$1,800.- Pbona Scott 8616.
Th X-Radlum Medical laatttnte aad BasU
tsrlnm to ana at tha Boat widely kaowa ' ',
. medical inatttstoa as th. Pacta Coast fo .
dtuasst er women. Daring the pest yr7
. , Bore ueceesf ul cares have been - of fectoa ; "
.:bylt peclallta tha a at aay hosnlul la;.
th PaclUc- Northwest. Ladlea dertr tax ."
xoedlsto rsHef from Liquid Banahlna treat- .
Beat. Hundreds et tee tlmon tale aad refer.
- eaces at ear ofneee. CoMultatloh fre and '.
-strictly centdentlsl. Traetmeat erltbla the r
1 reach st alt . Bend fa ear ayaptom blank .
.' covering - aur bam treatment. Private b -1
ttartam in soanoctlon with tostltst. , X. -'
Rsdtoa Medical Institute. Allsky.bldg., Third .
. aad Morrlasa ata, PorUaadV.Or- - Tsliphsae ;.
. Mala 8700. Of ho boars, 0 a. m. to 8 p, tmX,
IFaklg a congenUI Ufa' eompenton, ,ela
. sor epctoty snd Beat or - correspond with
, rentable residents ot tbl section who wish to
Barry: ear paper, the MatrtBtoalal Begtator,
per, xae assinasonmi iiinwi
prlca 10C, gltra particulars eoaeeraiBg several
luadred Oregoa members: many wealthy ; ill
age. - Intorstato. Introducing ; Boctoty,
isea. -Interntate Introanatng - bocmu. .a
ksassl hldg... 1&W Fourth. . . . i
$600 REWARD to tadjea for any eaaa-ef aap. ,
presasoa cast IT. ia tii 1 sumuiir mshih'v
fall to relieve In Ave day. ' Tbl applle ,
to all obstluate long-standing boormsl esse
from aay caaa; ao case hope lees) prlca 83 -t
tree eample and Booklet worth tliKrus
sur preventativa cooea. French Capauls C
Dspt, 402, Covington, Ky. . J ,
$200 MADE asonthly selling ear wooderful
siectrice .gesaine. gesiigni ouracrei , n mnr
( kerosene lamp -without expenee; no chimney
ampha or dirt; sutfit fraa. Thorn ss Mfg. Co
Dept 860, Dayton, 0. , . -
MANLT vigor restored by Dr. Reeerta Narva)
. Glob to.
un Boats a crest me st. si a
" SMths BR. aent aecaretv
' Ageaa, Woodard. Clarke A Can Portia ad. Or, -
BOOKS I Hers they ri "Dicsmirsa. "He. ;
tameroa," "A Hot Taaala, "Fanny HUI
"Twenty Trart a Faker." 'Forbiddea Pralt,
10 aack) Bate fraa. A. Sehmsto, 130 Flint t
hf the great Dr.
, Lorens's Nerve Tool Tsbl
Nerve Tool Tablet: SB per boa,
tor $1.16. Writ 0 aall at BrassU s
y. I3T M atria an, bat, let aaa. td.
a beiea ft
' Pharmacy
T lidr.kavlne snnre time which sh whrhea
to emokrr Brafltsblr ran secura Drofjtsbls em."
ptoymrat by call at fox Washlagtoa at., dty
i the-work la light, assy aad hosarabla.-. -
GBEAT Bedsctlos- Bale Entir atocfc to aa
Cld babw emit.- pies com In and took. ,
idles' aodcrwear aad shirtwaists. Mia
" Blag A 0s. IN Morrlsoa at. :
DR. MOOREFIELD'S dlatllled betel) guarsa-
. lee cure ror roenmetlsm, xioney. uver,
(tomaeS disease. Call and tavnttgat. 80S '
Fifth. Pbona Mala 133H. ' ' .
LADIES Ton appear SO year younger, roe
. move 11 wrlnktos, hav skla Ilk velvet
- by adng Oregoa Orap Skla Food. , Pass
Et ItdT. , ..... .. , ' -K,
BINO CHOONO, Importer at Chine root medi
daea; aell Chinee toa that to certs I cure
for sll disease. 101. Seooad bC Xaahllj
' aad Taylor. - -
DR. AT WOOD Moved frees SO Pimlltoa hldg. .
to IS Rossell bids., eor. Fourth and Mor
risos. Dtossesa of womss. Consul tstloa fr.
LILLIAN n, CRAM Cklrapodtot, Bsalcavlnfl
- and shsm pools g. Parlor 424 Abtngtoa kld(Y
rortkaBO, ur.-. niaen zoos. . - .
DRESSMAKING, shtrtw lists aad anlta. geafa
shirts. Th Bpenosr rsmpaa, laa 10U at.
fheaa Mala oovs. . . .
THB Oregoa Detective Service; office I14-81S
Colombia oidg.,. aoa WMhington. Mam aaia,
XTJHKtBH BATHS, BOO Oregonlaa Mdg.t gssta.
su aigat; iaaie an aay. siaia ivsa.
iuxatm arjoars. .'
DEUGHTFUIXT Iocs tad 8-room cottsss. Lead
, Beack, ocean front. Bear depot and bote Is '
' adapted imsU families. Scott 78, duo B. Osk. .
COUNTBT CLUB INN, Bord River, Oregoa
ass asa grev, gooa isDi. pnag want,
teana, hosting and fishing; bow epaa.
COOL plast for the - summer for ladlea aa4
children Addr L. v. McFariand, usstoa.
Oregosv ,- .. - . . i. . A
HAVB 8, S aad B-rooa out tare to rent at Loag .
Baaca. tioaia uiobob. iis tiros b -
FOR BENT a acres of land, all la enlttvattoa.
Bast Forty-tblrd and Hectloa Una reaa. w
. Ii. Beck, SOT Tke Falling. , ;
roa SAXaVdwajjp.
proven, nnrvsiricieu, mur inv imntvniete owi , ,
lowest prices. B. -F, A F. B. Bllsy, 0U '
Cbsmber t Commerc.
CBRTIFIE1 cr1p, Immedlsta delivery. Jowvet
, price; timber-lands bought aad aold. We 0s
( Hovrsll, tad Chamber of Commerce.
assatxbsj '
THB J. IL Flak . Assaying erneralr 9.
Crawford, snsljtlral cbecslat and mets'
kirf 1st. tOi Waahlhgiwa tU- y