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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1905)
z::z onzcon daily jcur:::.L. rcr.TLA::D. : v. imu aura rrrcx. APT.;0(1 !-per and Ownart of Steamer Despatch Mulcted for vio - lation of Law. V ;'-;'.: FORMER SAID TO HAVE: v NO PASSENGER LIST -'--V Customs , House inspectoral at Astoria Assert Vessel Did JNot . : Carry Equipment- r1 I Captain "Webber f the, steamer Pea etch? was lined II Astoria, - Wday MauM tt failed to nave Made i out a list of tli. pasarnKera fro m ita ' Francisco; a fin of $0 w lmpod ..gainst th California Oreg Coaat btetunshlp company because the yel .7iw amid to be ahort of equipment.'. . Tha aktpper ay the f Inea are the re sult of tha eplta of tha government or t lclala at Astoria, and ha entered a com-- jlalnt to that, affect thla morning- ba for Collector of Custom Patteraon. II declares that i bad a list of tha - asngrs, but the clerks In the custom - house tnr Astoria would not give hlraan opporturiUy lo TrodW!-1tria they were arrogant and lnaolent. So far aa the qulpment la concern!, ha aa . carta that tha Despatch passed a higher a-rade of Inspection recently 'than any ,' other Teasel on the coast. ' ! ' '. "When-tha innpectora at Bn Fran ,'' Cisco examined her." said tha captain ' this morning, "they pronounced bar In ' excellent condition.' and took occasion : to say that in tha matter of equipment ' the ownera were thoroughly and con ! aclenUously complying with - tha law. Jienr-Admlral Kempff relnspected h find stated the same thing, v. - , "It la almply apita work on tha part of tha Astoria officials and it is my opinion that they will new b able to collect the fine whi-4by-Jinpoaadr. , Coming vp tha coast the Despatch ' carried but llttl freight, hardly suf ficient for ballast, and the . rough breather almost proved her ruin. Tha rap tain aaya that had anything hap pened to tb engines tha ahlp would cer tainly have been driven ashore.. For hours. In th heaviest of the gale.' ahe lay . on' her beam ends.' and the sails hoisted to hold ;her la position . were torn to' shreds. A number of times tha caDtaln . waa hurled agalnat tha fldeiHf tha cabin and narrowly escaped 1 serious Injury. Fof three day and mights he stood at hia post, and en his arrival was almost exhausted, v TT" ": ARAGONIA ARRIVES. Oriental Uner, Sixteen XMtys . Tekoaaau, Brings Bis Oargo. - ' With almost a full cargo of freight the oriental .liner - Arabia arrived laat night after -a passage of leas than If days from Yokohama. When Six day out an Amerldan steamer -bound for the far east and supposed to be from Paget neund waa aighted, displaying the algnal letter U R. a V. On the outward trip 'rough weathar-waa-axperlenced and the .'passage acres th Pacific waa con siderably prolonged. -, ' , . Paul i Oass Joined th , ateamer" at ' Hongkong In the capacity of third offi cer, coming out from Hamburg for that purpose. , Will lam Daech succeeded to the position 'of fourth engineer at the h Sam -port The- cro brourht a-yth ' Axagonia measured about .0(M tona.i V; ROANOKE IN GALE.; u CoaateT Bnoomavmd Blciotnt on Way - ----r::aroni Lm Angeles. -: ""'. .'.' Carrying ! passenger ano) 140 tons of freight the .steamer Roanoke arrived . laat night' from Los Angeles and way porta. From 8an Francisco to Eureka a strong northwest gale waa encountered and occasional seas wsshed the deck, but ' no damage resulted. JX Is the aame blow which earns, almost proving disastrous '. to th Despatch. It Is said that every ' berth on the ateamer will be occupied .tomorrow night when h sails on the - return trip.-. In th line of freight she will take out 1.000 tons of grain. (00 St Louis Medical and ;. (ire i .i ... fnviMaJ kstaVltaM UN, Tlmsasds I fertlsad a4 U tw tha uwtk. west a trsUfy to r great 4 aaexsaiplsd j GONORRHCEA , May te ttea with the gravest eopUratV - it alsrte er impraewly treatsd. W hav s . apselne trestssmt wkkh cans quickly, aafelr a4 paiiuesslr. ..V SYPHILIS Is aaetker aeqaired disease, the rai Mh b fully a.luK b ca Wbe it shows by ski eruptions r ravat f ea naerflM. er k sams th or throat Its burrars sre slnaey We safely a4 tborwily eare reu. an 1 t VARICOCELE AND HYDROCELE - We treat 4 emd. not by the old enrrV.1 IMiKiedura. bat by pslaleas awtkod solely Mr nr. We IlkewtM will cure yoa sod . o th sf ferine aoeiatd with nerve Dakillty, laK kaoheod, Iayoteaey, Isnsatnikm, fraal kalssiea, rreawtar SeeUa,- Leas f sMry, taerty aad Amklttea Is tke brlrfMt tiM It ea be do, sd we laser a ats sd soslUv .. . - . . . ,'' (c:mTi:n:)uiii.'Jiioiifiift Writ fer-tysipteai Blast and Seek If Te rjasl CaJL ' OffiM Htarai at. I fader, . It m,l ly. ' I .. V; ,v,, 1 St Louis Medical &nd Ky': ensary Disp I The Market Basket I . .. .. ( ... -'i . . .. . ' ( i -1 . . .I ' ', " " 1 Oregon la famous f or tlf--auperlol quality of her apple; Thoaa from the valleys of Hood river and tha Rogue river ar aspeclally sought and they have reputation for excellence in' every foreign country. " New Oregon "tipple ar now coming to market . Borne re ceived this week from the neighborhood of Tha Dallea were of quality that could not b beaten for this time of tha year. Of course price, are yet' high and quality is not auch aa to exolt admira tion, but It win nor b very long before the will b suited to tha nubile purse and taste. -.- . -. The Luelllng family, has been a bene factor " of Oregon ' In raising apple "a well aa propagating aevaral, varieties of famous cherries. They wera the pioneer of the state in the fruitgrowing busi ness.: Starting from tha old home In Iowa In tha day when ox tea ma were tha only means or transportation. Into the Oregon country ' the ' young men brought-' several boxes of soil in which wera planted a great many varieties of apples.' '. From this start Oregon has sine De cani the roost noted producer of applea in tha world.. la 1I4S Mr. JUieuing. in partnership with a man named jleek. atarted a nursery 'at Mllwaukl. and within two years the firm bad sol about IS.OOv trees. . " . i .- - The ttrst shipment or ; appies xrom Oregon to th eutaid -was In the year 1 US. when a considerable numoer wer sent to -San Francisco to-be placed on sale. Gold miner; with money galore, but very hungry fof an apple, eagerly paid each for tha delicious fruits.- Thos who wanted fruits during the cast few days have been forced to pay an unusual price on account of the very heavy demand snd the light, supplies. All line ar affected. Crawtora pesone ar nara again, ana everyone la getting surplus iron jar ready for The appearance or tnoae ao highly prised from Ashland. From Cali fornia, the supplies or peaches are snow ing a considerable increase but as the quality has improved greatly In the past week the prices show llttl If any down ward movement. ' ' ' - The cherry season is fast cloalng. There 1 atUl a very limited supply of Blngs and Lamberts and aome very fair Royal Anna. The quality of the fruit la fast deteriorating, however.' and can ning 1 now almost impoeslbl. ; . -j; The lemon-grower 1 having bis Inning Just now. During the past few days there have been eruptions In- the. prices. tons of 'miscellaneous cargcv In addition to a shipment which she. will receive at Astoria. . ,,.;:.,' ; ; OCEAN RACE FOR - COIN. Bless aaV rontstea to Bans rrom Vers to lOmsnMi -f os-asxfc----Idn with 1.681. feet of lumber the German ahlp Ntobe. Captain Oerck en, will leave thl morning for th United Kingdom. ' She will go to 'sea tomorrow. - -'.- On July 7 the French bark La Fon taine -sailed from, the mouth of the Co lumbia for the same destination with lumber. Before ahe left Portland Cap tain Oerckens . wagered 110 with j(he French aktpper -that lie would arrive a: Falmouth first, provided he got to sea not later than two weeks hehlhd JUa Fontaine.' If the Niobe gets to sen to morrow ah will be sailing only eight days' iatar 4han th Frfehmn, and thp Osrmas captain says he la surk he will win the bet. ..-Vv... - Coming from Mojl, on her laat -trip the , Niobe completed th passage to the month of the Columbia river In tS 4aya, almost steamship time, - It 'is the beat record ever made by s sailing vessel across th Pacific, Whll b docs not expect to beat that record on the trip to . England, the captain say . that ha is confident he will be . able to com plete the pasaaga around the Horn and across the Atlantlo In a trifle store than' 10 days . ...'! ( $. LONG THE WATERFRONT. On- Monday the various launches tn the ' harbor', will begin carrying passen gers to the fair gronnda, and th own ers are-expecting to do n good business. Owing to th low stag of water in the Lewis river the steamer Leon, will no longer abe operated on Sundays. More than a day lat on account of th big storm which was raging oft th coast, th ateamer Aurella arrived laat night from San Franclsoo with SI0 tons of freight and JO passengers. .. On the return trip she will take out n cargo of lumber from the Portland milL The schooner Virginia has completed her lumber cargo at the Inman-Poulsen mill and will sail for San Pedro tomer- Bound rrom coqolll and way ports the ateamer Newport left up the river this morning at I o'clock, having made th round trip since last 'Saturday night. with every oertn. occupied and loaded with freight to her capacity the ateamer Columbia arrived from ; San Francisco last night, i , MARINE NOTES. Astoria. July 14.- Arrived at and left- up at a." m. Steamer Newport; from Coqullle river and coast porta. Arrivd down laat night and sailed at 10:10 a. m. Schooner Endeavor, for San Pedro. t Arrived down at and sailed at a. m. Steamer South Bay, for San Pedro and steamer ,W. H, ' Kruger for San Francisco.. . . A tori. July IS Arrived at 1:30 and ailed out at H p. m. steamec Aber deen, from San Francisco, for; Grays xiaroor. - . ... i- -. San. "Francisco. July 'IS. Arrived at 1:11 p. m.Bteamer . Northland, from Portland. -. Hailed 'at I p. m. Steamer Atlas, for Portland. ' Astoria. July H. Condition of the TXmr at 8 n. ra.. smooth; wind north west. - weather cloudy. . i . T -.-, . Bredge Be) Oood.Work. David B. Ogden, assistant TJnRed State engineer, returned from Lewlaton yestarday and reports thst th Snake river is at an unusually low atage for thia aeason. It la the general Impression-p that way that It will gt con atderably lower. The government dradge WaUowa is at work In th vicinity of Lewlston and an effort , will be made to keep the channel at a aufflolent depth to allow steamboats 'to. run. regularly. The dredge has made a fine showlna- and will be operated all season In maintain ing a channel.. . -. ; ... . Oregon Ooming t orlan."'JT Mayer, Wilson Co. hav received word that th German ship Oregon ar rived at JSn Francisco yesterday from Antwerp with a general rargo, a portion of which will be broueht to Portland. The vessel will be ready to aall for th north In about thr week, and will probably rarh the Columbia river near rh mlddl of August ..'.She is not ehr tere for the outwird trip. - Hh wnfl eight month completing .th passag te ffhe'friiit, so grt has been the de mand and ao limited the suppllea. At wholesale lemons this week struck as high aa M.IS case; H.6 and fS-0 is the osusl price. .- ' . " ' ' The action of lemons caused, some of the old-time dealer along th street to reraembefrthe daya of-aoma II or to years ago when the trade had no use far a California lemon, in woe " th rult wa aourd from SlcUy and price wer naturally high.. Just about 20 years ago there was a great shortag In th Sicily supplies, and th lemons went tn 120 a ease in, the roruana mar- ket. an averac of about 1 'cents each at wholesale xor every lemon, good, bad a n' indifferent In the ease. in-tne-re tail market lemona are selling at. Si centa a dosen for tha best fruit, an eg tire dosen almost for the price of on in the days of th Blelly ram in. ; -; Oaorcla rattlesnake watermelons, the real things, but only ' grown In Call fomla, have ' made, their " appearance here. Thev are of very good quality, considering th early seaeon, and the vera Drica Is S. cents a pound. Cantaloupe are -not quite so plentiful aa a few daya ago, and prices are higher. Huckleberries are again In the. mar ket, from the south, and are selling at 20 cents . -pouna.--.v -.1:,:: Bartlett pears from California are on lale.T-Quality fair with price Tstlll high. t Blackberries are coming from lacal points and are' selling at- ie cents- a pound.' Wild berries are very scarce and high. '-,: u, .':,-- -' ... .-.. ! .''." dreen corn from In the. vicinity of Tha Dalles Is arriving In good condi tion, with the price still- stLf -at cents s dosen. 8oroe ; green peppers from the same place are. making quite a hit tn the market at ( cents a- pound. . ' Fish la scarce but better supplies are again expected. Good Columbia river salmon is. sailing at-It cents a pound and atriped bass from California at the same price. - Halibut is In demand around-1H4-cents, this : same - figure ruling for catfish and black bass. Perch, sole and flounders ar in good condition st 10 cents-' a. pound, a very reasonable figure for this time. of the year. White fish ( Michigan is . tn small aupply in noma of the larger markets around St centa a pound. - Crabs ar be coming slightly more plentiful, but good stocks are wortn It centa.... - The vegetable,' market is well supplied with everything now In ' . season and prices ar somewhat lower. ., TIPPLIi POLICETO -TODDLE FROr.1 FOSCE Chief Gritzmacher Wants No Pa f trolmen Who Drink While on Duty." , ONE WARNING AND OFFA1 ' ' ? GO THEIR UNIFORMS Practice Winked ''. at Before Looked ori" Now With Open. v1 Eyed Disarproval. ' ; No more are. members of the police force, while attired in iXi Uniforms, to be permitted to enter saloons and quaff the frothy liquid amber or reduce the visible supply of the fiery "red eye," A ukase . forbidding the practice was is sued yesterday afternoon by Chief of Police Orltxmacher. v One of the plajneat rules governing the department ha prohibited the prac tice of patrolmen drinking while on duty or while in uniform. . From time to time attention has been drawn to the practice, and now and then some violator of the rule waa haled before the former chief and lectured on the error of hia way. ? - -.' No positive method of preventing the practice, however, waa ever applied, and It baa been a common eight to eee patrolmen enter Saloon and drink when ever they desired.--' . . - Some time ago attention waa drawn to the practice of certain patrolmen making the rounds of saloons on their beats and receiving cigars from pro prietors er bartenders, it was aetl mated that by this patty "graft" saloon- man and proprietors of cigar stores were In the aggregate mulcted of goods valued at about $12,000 annually. " "Order . have : been leud several lime In th last two years," said Chief OrltsmcTirr"lii legaid le ifflii go, Ing Into saloons and drinking intoxicat ing liquors while In uniform.-. It seems unnecessary to repeat this order, but some ofrtcev every now sod then ap pears to forget the injunction-A. few of thla sort have been reported of late and will be given attention, but I win caution the orncers sgaln to abstain- from such violation of th rul and conduct themelve o as to reflect credit on themselv and on th depart ment.''. -'. , i . INDIAN B AND TO PLAY L ;;. IN THE AFTERNOON -The schedule for the dally eoncerts of the Sherman Institute Indian band has been rearranged ao that they will both be given In. the afternoon inatead of -In the forenoon and afternoon. The new program for concerts is as follows: Saturday, July It Bandstand In front Tranaportatlon building, 1:30 to I p. m,; New York building, :! to I p. m. . Sunday Centennial prk. :S0 to f jT. m'7; Calif orqia building. 4:30 to ( p. m. . Monday Bandstand In front of Trans portation .building, 1:10 to I p. m.; Washington building. 4:10 to p. ra. Tueaday Bandstand In ' front ..of Transportation .building, 1:10 to I p, m.; Idaho building, 4 :so to p. m. WedneadayBandittand In front of Tranaportatlon building, 1:S0 to I p. tn.; Massachusetts building, 4:80 to i p. m. Thursday -Bandstand in 'front of Tranaportatlon building, 1:10 to I p. m. Missouri building, 4:30 to p. m. - Friday Bandstand tn front of Trans, portation building. J:S0 to S pm.; Illl nols building, 4:30 to p. tn. , - Saturday Bandstand in front of Transportation building, 1:14 to S p. m.; California building. 4:10 to p. m. (kindsy Centennial park. 1:10 to. S p. rt.; Utah building, :io to p. th. OmAim.t D4e' 4a QkaeOa ;:: . .": . Springs.' ' . The Southern Pacifld company has placed on sal at Its Portland office round trip ticket to Shasta Springs at a rat of $10. Beautiful, illustrated pamphlets descrlptiv of this resort can be secured from 'any Southern Pacific Dditfui: : rrcunt Ilcod Trip EVERT " VISITOR to th Lwi and Clark expoei. . tlort should take this th most ' delightful of ell mountain trip - in America. Cloud Cap Ian, unique and picturesquer t,00 feet v abov sea level. - at- t - ford splendid accommodations. -Summit i of mountain ally accessible ( from this point .-' Stages leav Hood Rlvr ata- lon dally, making connection .' : with O. R. N. trains, Round !- - trip tickets. Including coach Ing trip, on sal at O. R. 4k j. " ticket office. Third wnd Waeh Hngton straets, PorVand. Par. - tlculars about rata at Cloud Cap Inn by -writing MILS. S. Xvajrarxu, SCanagex. stood Xiver, Oregon. ., Send S cents Is stamps, to A. - L. Craig, O. P. .A. Oregon Railroad V Navigation eora pany. . Portland, fqc - booklet telling about trip. . . . , ' ' Hotel fairmount T W MMT I -S1XTM AJTO UPSAUA MT. Ovpestto Mats ntrano to Iwis and Onlv ' 'abaolutalv (lroroof hotel ad joining ground, equipped with ieetrlo telephonlo- and peclal telephonic com munications for patrons. Uniformed porters snd bellboys at all hours t at gui rvic. v , 150 Elegant Room f t . Open forGuestfev - 1 ' SaATZS VtOO A SA ASTO VT. " : W. H. LATTIN. General Manager. '' IIOTEi; ESTACADA ON THK O. W. P. RT. CO. ''I ;.,i:,..TBOULBT LINE. :-.;; r StATWn, m SAT. foo' KATkS. WM WUI.,..flM ' Special ticket, lncludingt round "trlp.far and dinner.. . S1.TS Special ticket,- lnoludlng round trip fare, one night's lodging and three meaia. ................ Txtmtr orfici Asn Wairrgs . mooif. raw AMn.AMDmn. v- ' :'-. Phone or- write- ' .r;..-. B. MARTINEZ. Manager, '-' .. Estacada, Oregon, , - -. Dr."B. E. rne oxnrrmo DVITIIf that rllva all pals dental opera. tlons, ,. v - S4vt Waaliiagtonj t)fciw.vsnn. McKINNON & SMITH CASH GROWERS ' PAone East 283 The New Btarel lit OtAJTD ATJL, t door tram Uorrisa, leader la hlgb grades of Coffee, Tea, Extracts asd Bplcea.- -. -.-t''- . HAVE OPENXO FOR BUSINESS AND SOUCfT YOUR PATR.ONACE 18 soonds Best lussr ....................01.00 -pound pall Beat Lard, SOc; 10 posads. .. .11 K) 1 pauB Haysi naKing Powder eoe 1 pons Si-UUIng' Baking Pevder. , . . . v S6e saye s rins ans navy ueans. per po.. e 1 sack snod bard srbeat Ftuar 11.00 Solid packed Tesntoee, per dosea .t.... T5e Cora, per ense SOe t-ennee bottle Vanilla xtri4'. ........... le S-oae bottle Ltmoa Extraet ............. lue Fancy Crasery Batter, per roll ......... 4e Tanale-Poot riypaper, S abeeta for Ae Good Java Coffe, 10c per poand, S youdi. Ke Uood KnKllah Breakfast To ............. 1 poena Uunpowd) Tr Hass Brae.' tsp. 1 bottk 1 perkase Cor. Starch . 8V Be nrotrb Oat ........i. Hie Best Java and Moca Coffee, set send Se 1-pound ea Baked fceene ,........,...... Ae S-oousd tea Baked Bean ................ !e Poetosi Xe (too Bsena ............... IT Fig Prsse-Cereal --Hi BMt llama, per poand 14e White end Yellow Cera Meal 10-lb sack.. 21 Beat ftaso sad iTsptor. 10 poand Me It bars Snap Sne 1 poand brat Coeoeaat l&e Bottle Blueing , , , , 5c S rum Or.fon Orspe Creaat .............. SB I cans Csrnatloa Creaat 20 SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY PEOPLE'S MARKET AND GROCERY v'' ! "'f f ; kbats.' Prim Rolled Roasts, lb. .94) Pot Roasts, lb... ................. ,T 1 lb ,Hmburbr Steak 25 lb Mutton Chop ... . ........ .25) Boiling Beef, lb. ....... ...... ...... .54 Plcnlo Ham,' lb. . '. .. flu. CotUg Ham, lb... ............ .OHt Sugar Curd Ham ...,........ ,12H . ; h7 ' OBtxmaM. -1'' II lbs Granulated Sugar. ...... .fj.OO a lbs Fancy Rice , ....... ..2S 10-lb sack White or Yellow Corn . ' - Meal . .... . , . ; . . . ............. 2SV Best Creamery Butter, roll .50 7 lbs Navy Beans'; .2S 10 lbs New Potatoet ,,....25 a cane . Cherrle . ..... ........ ..25 11 bsrg Soap ........... ...... ,,..25) FIRST AND TAYLOR STS. Phone Main 1412. Chickens 16 and 17 Cents Beat Creamery, .......... 4 5 and BO Dairy ..................864. and Ad 4 Strictly Fresh Ranch Eggs. .J dos..45 Plcnio Ham, per lb. w .. . ......... .9) CotUg Ham, par lb - It Best Sugar-Cured Ham. par lb... .14t) Remember Saturday Is Chicken Day.. , La Grande Creamery 204 Yamnui m. 3 n u Is the place yott-Cui.lilv7ayt de pend upon , gettinjf , bargains. Groceries. Meats, Vegetable and Fruits. Note carefully our prices. below: Sugar Cheap 20 lbs. Dry Granulated for $1.00 i. Can Baker's or OhlrardeUi's Cocoa." 10 '4v l-lb. can Solid Pack Eastern Tomatoes. ' :' - - v -s'25-.-"r,:'.:;.j;l " T pounds Good, Broken .Rloe, - ' :. T lbs. Bet"Etrn Rolled Oat. ' - '.3'' , ; ' " '. I cans American Sardines. ' . ' 'can Deviled Ham; 40o dosen cans. l'V'.v';-'25t::-.u:i; Pound Good Gunpowder Tea. Pound! Fellows' Blend Coats Rica Coffee. 374 Washington Street Groceries fiiid Provisions On sack good Hard- Wheat Flour.. fl.OO s pounas gooa kic... ............ .so New croo drv Prune, ner lh. ....... .S t pound Italian Prunes. .......... .tee a pound Seedle Raisins;. ....... .tee Beat cleaned Curranta. lb..w.-. u....10e Tomatoes, standards. i cans... ....Ue i can casea .ttean e. . .om Two l-lb. can Hominy htnrmwM a cane Corn. Pea or Strinar Bean... gas 1 pkg. Pootum or Fig Prune Cereal. .1 Good Salmon, a cans Is Tomatoes. Solid Pack. ............. .10 Two a-Ib pkg. Gold Ddst..., One -lb. pkg. Armour's Waahlng -Powdr ...J..... ......... ...t. ..18 Fela-Naptha Soap . . . . . ............. e Jt bars Roysl Savon Boap..........t6e bars Baby Elephant Soap.........SM t bottlee Snlder'e Catsup. ...... .-.... 1 lb. new crop English Walnuts... .1M 1 lh. Whit. Honey....... .....16 -io. Pan pur iira . , , , . ... . -lb. nail our Lard ...80 I can Primrose Cream. ............ loe lb. English Breakfast Tea., ....... e lb. Gunpowder Tea Townserid & Van choohhoveriS New Store. 147 First St. bet, Morrison .and Alder.-, Phone Mala lias. ,? Bsst Sid BUvcy T4ay and rrUay. V WHY NCXT BUY AT The Fulton ParKet "The CLEANEST MARKET In the ty,. so says Miss Tingle. What better indorsement do you want? ' ; ' --: '.; , ' Our Veal Sausage.' made fresh every Saturday morning, is unex celled. An abundance of Willam ette valley.'- ',.'.;:. - .; ' ' ; ' ' ' 3rd and Yamhill St& :i MAIN 6. lest Creamery Butter 45c a Rpll Full ; Cream ' Jillamook Cheese, ;;:jb.v;,v.v;-'''-'-:.-il;15 2 doz. Ranch Eggs. .....454 Special Blend Coffee, lb.... 15 ENTERPRISE CREAMERY ; 1st vnunr ar. ' Between Washington and Alder. Not have good meats when it's in the market? If you are not get ting the best call up MAIN 494 :f: and Iet.ut supply you. The Eiflpire Market THOMAS DFFi, , ;. Bl Ttl St Wb sxutm ost bait tarn stsbt Fellows gIi Most of the Meats for the M. D.'s and P. D.'s. - Neighbors, see us about YOUR share before the best is gone.: . Phone East ' 412. Kindorf Bros. ISO Grand Avenue. . a-r ' 0'InrrPr:: InTho J It You ant L icnQ-" ' 12th ttnd Wiibinstoh Sts. -..( our. E 1X3 IN BTJTTpi, made freah every day,Vl tnnrket pries. T Union Avenue.-; iy.'ff'.'!f.'-'Jt '.Jyi-'lton Bast Try ta A. J. FARMER i Wholesale Kid Rs3 Grocer .;A , . v, Third nd Jeiforson -;i;;-r " You can save It per cent' by dealing with ma, v.. -.. Fancy Cjvamery Butter, roU .410 Picnic Hams, lb. ........... ...... o a 4 -cent bar Tar. Soap 2 te-lb. can Compound Iard ..M,....t-30 4-gallon Jacket Can Syrup. 10 1 sack Beat Soft Wheat FlourV..-..Jl.0 10-lb. box Cracker ..........ioo 1 lb. Shredded Cocoanut lie ( na pioneer Cream ........ t .... .15o packagea Grandmothers Mush. ..16o 1 package Scotch Oats ...... .......10 albs, good Rice ..,....,..........te 1 lb. Arm end Hammer Bpda, ...... to l-lb. can Baked hean.. .......100 l-lb. can Baked Bean, ,.,.fco 1 lb.' Schilling1 Baking Powder. ...ihe J I by Royal Baking Powder ....... .40o lb. Ho M. J. Coffee Ho qt bottle Pure Olive Oil;.. 10 1-pt bojttl Pur Ollv OU ........fJo a can Sliced Pineapple ..w......x6 la bar Royal Savon Bqep ...f.....aie f bar Owl Soap. IC I bars Bilk Soap ........... A ... ...16a It lbs. Sago or Tapioca. ... . ..... .-.160 1 lb. good English Breakfast T,..16c Beat Bu gar-Co red Ham. 1 lb.,... It Ho 1 lb. Ounpowder Tea. ISo IT lbs. D. O. Sugar. ............. .Il-Oa 1 sack best D. O. augar .1SJ5 1 sack good Hard-Wheat Flour.,, .ll.e 20-lhy. pall. heat. Jard L .. u.m.u 10-lb, pall pure Leaf Lard.....,,.l.o l-lb. pail pure Leaf Lard. .......... tOo Deliveries on East Side, Tuesdays snd rrtoeya- -It ' TOMORROW AT V! JOHN'S MARKET Is ChicteTS Day. : Remember, we DRESS them all, consequently : they, are always fresh. ALSO-.-.V if:-:-.-::,-: y-; i - '' .'-BEEP ; f ";'" -.-'i 'y : : ;PORK-'. '-:'v;"'.. -MUTTON .-:.L- .-J . V VEAL-. -,::,- LAMB "V"- ' T '" "T"7 .'"' - VEGETABLES '-'T'Cy' :::; t EGGS and BUHTER. tv Don't Forget the Place , i JOHN'S MAIXUCT -s ' 2 43K North Sixth ,? ; Phone Main 1854 - ' Order Ycur Poul ( vtry Early In order to avoid disappointment Wa will deliver- promptly. . Don't r fall to call on ua, . . .-... , G. C0VACII & CO. ' ealr U ronltry na Ttsh. ' . OaU Main 53. S7S rtrst St. ,.Vi The original veal sausage manufac turer. All kind of sausag, frh mad every Saturday. ..,.,,..., -,..v. .. ... rata unxma xvAms. '- ,' ;' . Choice cuts of meat for your Vv.-; SUNDAY DINNER. ; f. Give Uo .a - Gall ' Or phone us. Main 413, your wants. . . r " Try our PancjT Bland t MOCrtA end JAVA CCFftE s 90xm ro Si-o ' . CU up Min I22. Prompt '( . delivery. . -.- , Ui . . . CIHCAdO Illi r J i Erdner 4" HocfiulL ; :. .' ; Tvrnt STBSST. ' " I s.o .,. . I--' - f .. .." ..r." Pure, rtean and "delicious -Va-' 1118.- Strawberry, lmon. Choco it any flavor yoa wlah. - .. W4tii loss ajts Bxnaars. Our goods are nnquald in -equality.- None but the purest' and " beat ingredients ar used by ua A trial order will prove to yon . ' beyond a doubt. Hotel, restau- -- rants and famlll (applied. . wamm BaASosrAjixa. " ' Vhoa as m Irxtal lsc.': ' T Ice- CsGQEa I Prices and Quality If you want to enjoy a good meal buy your meats of the Friedman- . Packing Co. Specials for Satur yi.-'t?:,-.''?'';l''A''i'"-' SPECIALS FOR TOMORROW ' Boiled Beef and Pot Roast .'.5s ; , Beef ..'j . . . . 4 . .7e Corn ed Beef t ..., 5 Honed Roast ;8 Beef Steaks 8 lbs. ;i.vv: ;VT.25 Hamburg Steak, 3 lbs......25 : Lam Chops, 3 lb. . , .., .V.21Sf Sausage, 3 lbs.;;, fv.;.25.-r FRlEDMAT."PAa(iriGCO.; Corner-First and Columbia Sts.' V - Phone Main 111. Independent Branch' Market . ; jjh mFirst fit..,;': FaurocdJtMarkeC 885 Upshur St. Free delivery to any part of city . " ; This space belongs to s Coiiry Cash isr fourth'street l3 Try Our Exposition Brand v , of Coffee, 3, lbs. for. .fl.OO ... PHONE, MAIN 61 17 WASHINGTON MARKET 1U tin Sttest, Set. Waashwtea sad "tarn, , . aiaa Main HU. ' . . Rellsd Reast Beet .,................... Prim HI BaaaU 1H Sir lot gtaaka t TserM dteaks A29 Porterlmuee Steak Iteaa Steak 10 v Plal Steak, I IBS toe .....SO . Leg Mattoa toe Leg Lamb .... .........lgHj Matte Oiops. t Ik roe (. . Lata er It Ik rkee ...............1H ' Hhaalder of Mvtta ...... .' Ifatto Stew ..........................,,. Pork Reast a. .kh: n jan Perk Chops .........toe te lx Veal Roeat ............ .o te 12 CoiVe Co Veal Jfhops ,.10 te 12 : Baasslr Meat. I lb for ..... ........... ....SM .' Raaibartar. lbs for ...S3 8nar-t;ared Breakfast Baoea .t.. 14 Beat Creamery Batter., ....... .....460 to ftne , Fresh. Rawh BfS ,....3T . Bmd. I kweee fr ...... 4..V.. ............ Baaar-Careg Ham .......HH '. 10 lbs. Kettl-RDred Lard ......; tw . Boll Best ,,................. ... ClOIS TAPPER, Prop, h ; ) Tthpkoa 'rer-llTe srepttyj-atar;T ... i ,. . west si.. Silver Bow Market ii Offers Choice Meats at'Follow ;i ing Prices: . '( ':, Wb Hnxard..;.;v,f.vV;i50 - Mutton Stew, lb.' .;''.,'.'.. fi i .5j 'i'. Mutton Leg, lb N 10 .. Plain Steak, 3. lbs .......... 25 ' Sirloin Steak; lb.......r.l2 . Hamburg Steak, 3. lbs.1.... .25 s 4 lbs. Mutton Chops. . ;;'.25 6 lbs. Boiling Beef. 7.25 Transfer Sution for Lower and Upper Albina and . St.,' Johns ; - - - : - '-. Points: ,-' 105 North Third St : -,- :' ,Nsr Qllsan. ''. -',.'' DUNCANS SHAFFER Cm, Uml sai XtauUl fJU, tmHtst, Or. ' ' - - V.',,' , ( ' - .- ., -.v-; v ' : f -1