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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1905)
-- --.. , - - l;Avierc:;:ji Y. M. C. A. Athletes prom Cuhny South Triumph on. Track --('and); Field, rv .':;," PARSONS IS FIRST ' i: : IN THE SPRINTS - Vslting : Athletes; Show Good . Form In Events arid Deserve '.D'A'Their Success. ; . r ; Th Tf . "M. C A. athlete of Lot An gele had no-difficulty in carrying off flrt honor yesterday In th field and track at Recreation Dark. Th day waa ;, much 'batter for th man than earlier in thweek nd th -coolnese had Ita ,' good effect . ; Paraona of IiO . Angela .waa the bright particular ata of th " occasion, and ' while pot smashing any ,'v . record made very god time in th ; ' sprints, winning' the 104-yard dakfc In 1 aecond flat, ' the 120-yard dash in ; 'Ul-i seconds, and th 440-yard' run In ... Sf 8-8 seconds. ' n the winning of poKSt t-ou Angela had 73, Seattle tt and Port' ' land IS. A good-aiaad crowd wltneMod .... th events. The summary follows: .'. ;- vtr 10yard dah First, Parafjna,' y.. aecond, Stanton, I A.; third, Byrd.Te- coma. Time, 19:00. ' : v " " i' It-pound shot-put -First Cromwell, I-., ' feet t inches; second. Baney, Portland, ' feet third, Dan. U A 81 ' V feer 10 Inches." . , ' 880-yard run first, Stanton, 1-A.- (second, Lowman, I A.; third, Vano Seattle., Tim. l:0l-8. : Pole- vault First, Howard, SeatU. I fet 10U Inches; second, Cromwell, l ; A., feet TU inches; third. IJvlngetoa. " Portland. feet " " ;'. M- 110-yard dash First. Parson. I A.; 7econd,. Heralltoa, L. A.; third,. Byrd. , Tacoma. : Time, 0:1 1-t. ', ,., - , High Jump F1rt, Edward. Chicago , Central T. M. C. A I feet inches sec , end. Cromwell. L. A.. - feet 4 Inches: . third.. Gantenbein, Portlands, t feet , 4; r On mile First. Chapln. I A.! seo i , tmd, Watson, faooma; third, Lowraan, 1 A. Tim. 4:61 8-8. V-'.y ' 14 -pound hammer-throw First, Crom- relh-l:A.;-10 feet- Inches; secona. Xn. I 77 feet 14 inches: third. Bailey, Portland, 70 feet' inch, . i 440-yard ran First, Parsons. L. A.; i , en4)-HMnHtow- U A.; thrrd. 'Olsh. ; Seattle, v. Tim. :ai i-v i. -v ' ' ; Diacn First Dane, U I. 11 ftt ( ( Inches; second. Bailey, Portland, T4 feet; third. Backus, Portland. , feet 10 lnche; . ; :. . i it yard.' high; Hurdle First, How rd, Seattle; second, Livlnirston, Port Is nd; third, Schwart Portland. Tim, 0:lt l-g. ' ' '- ,K " v O 'j' - -': '.' ' " Broad Jomp Firt fitanton. -XrAjrtt "feet 11 lncheai Second. Olsh, Seattle, J feet 1 Inche; third, rVanca, 'Seattle. ,' 1 feet 'tnehe. ; ; . '-1 . 120-yard. low bardie First, rI4lns aton.' Portland; secpnd, Qlsh, Seattle; third, Vance, Seattle. -Tim; 0:2 -. . ' Two mlleirFlrt, Chapln, ' I A.; ee ' "end. Dert. Seattle; third, Watson, " TO ( con.:, Tim,' 107 1-t,. '.f-.A,, " KID "CARTER WIL& " U)PERAIEeSAl.00N 4J'ee -a4eciai:rUie.y'-'l U;-NNw . Tort uly.i4. KW CartarO Jfoltowltir In th fooutp of JamM J. : Corbett. Thomas Sharkey and that grwti ' Velio of the prise ring, John I BuUlvan. He la about to -open a caf at Third avenu and Tenth street V , - The day that see the once doughty -,"Kld-' behind th bar will mark hi per i ' rnanent retirement from the ring. Here ' after ha wUl hand out highball Instead of hla eld wallop, and. anil k punches Inatead of the punches that brought him : fame and a, moderate amount of for f tune.', . t -'.-v.,'.-. - .. 'f-.ij.vV -'t-',' Kid Carter was one of th greateat flghterathat ever did execution In i a - ring, i H never hesitated to meet any ' -man, no matter-how big, - He was will. . Ing to glre weight to-anybody, and lake - a chance. He f ought io Waloott,'. th waltacweight ' champion, and took . th next train for another city to' pommel nnk Tluhlln. Ha rave KM afoOo " the worst beating that agll boxer , received in his life. Carter never knew 'Vhat fear was. He never knew dls- cretlon. either, or h 'might be fighting rlow Instead .of turning bonlfac. ' H fought on th principal of taking - a . wallop to get one in, and th fearful ; hammering that he got from men Ilk - Ruhlin, - Hart,: - Gardner, McVy and , others , of , th ,.hlg fcllow.a-jJUolthl stamina away.-; ii became unable to withstand a blow on the chin and that waa th end f "Carter's fighting day. - But while h lasted Kid Carter, th ; light-haired Norseman, fought Ilk say . of hi vlklhg ancestors, - and . always ' fought to win on hi merits. orvH i ti vu uu99ir ? 'I X gem ' Hlldrethr th man -who trained Security, the winner of th Great Trial, th race in which queen of Heart cam io grief, ha a grievance. Th Sorcerer K;t f ':i :r-'- . .-rt - ; ; -i ..-,;. tf.f , -' i . -j V"- i?-':.) ?. 1 I t- S : A: '"' A p y r IA 3, ' V 't ' :r ," - t:. - .A- i . ;'C-' x , - '' ' ,. I I. Z ' I f'l r- t .r'-c!v " " batttiy in "so tr 1 uiK4r.. waa concerned,' but a rah ha br out all ever his bo-, HUdrsU be..v. It to be a rcrudeecenc of a dlaten r which affected his horses at Menu u is last winter and spring. The rash from which Security s suffering la a com mon ailment among race horses. Most of them, bare It at one time or enother. It doe no serious harm, but it bothers horses as th Itch bother th pupils of a country school, -and keep their minds elf their work, --.i ; . : .." Secretary Ely la to be commended for securing next Sunday game for this city. . After a while Mr. Ely' great ervlce to baseball- in thla city win be appreciated, - especially wnen th fans know exactly what labors the hard working secretary perform from day to day in the lntereet of the sport' 1 . ' A -.. e e , . V , '" "Slats Davis haa been criticised by g -number of cranks along the line for favoring the San Francisco team in th Interest of the gamblera of the Bay City. Such a charge I so silly that It la hardly necessary to answer It Those who know -Slats" are positive that hi decision ars given fearlessly and hon estly, in th Interest ot no special team or playr. . v , ;.4i:.;;V' Berry B. Yes, there sre such thing In th world a trained flea. On of th most interesting shows that ever traveled th country a few year ago had : plhdld exhibition of trained fleas.' They are taught to do many and varied atunts, their anlef performances oonalattng of ' work to a .small gla gymnasium, fitted up with, the rings, spring-board, parallel bars and other athletic devices. - It requires marvelous Ipstlanne to tesrh th fleas, and in moat instance a small gold bail and cnam are attached to on of th Insect' leg to order to keep It from bopping to the top of th case. A regards the trained pig playing "seven up" In clever fash Ion, . we' ar unable to answer without looking up "Hoyle" , ott that game. If It were true, as you sUte, that you actually played a game ef "seven up" with a pig and was beaten. It might be fair to assume that yen didn't know o much about th gam a four porky PartMr. -.V:?. v, .i 4-, 7 v".-: ..i..v,.,v !-;,,' ."',, .-. It ha com to be accepted that By. sonby is th beat horse of the season. It "would be herd to figur anything else from the form' charts, though "Diamond Jim" Brady declares that he will have to be shown before he admits Mr. Keene' olf a, auperlerlty over Olseau. Th two colt will probably meet first In th Great Republic, th Saratoga aaaoolatlon'a flO.OOt rao at on mil and a quarter, for I-y ear-olds and over, won laat summer-by Sysonhy" stable mat. Delhi tRaln or. shin. Olseau will run. If he keepa In anything Ilk good condition. If 4 stsk datea war mad Admirer ofTThrstinby f""cialurlllr that h I not only the greateat hprse of th season, but that before the' end of th season It will, be-acknowledged that h to th greatest la the hUtory of the Amrlcan turf, not even except ing Hamburg, Luke -Blackburn, Hindoo, Hermls, Water boy - Africander or any of the others of recent years or In th ancient . history of th American- turf. This I 4v pretty- big claim. It can be admitted, however, that Mr.' Keen haa In thla colt a horse of whloh any man can. wU be proud. .,1 ,t, .-. i," . "-(: . --. . :- A Cleveland dispatch says: If Larry Lajol can make the next western trip with the Cleveland, commencing on July i. he may consider himself lucky. Dr. Castle, who 1s treating him, stated this evening that with . everything In TLaJol' favor and not a semblance of a setback," he could not get back Into the igame la four weeks. - Larry' condi tion Is regarded a serious. - -, . .' .' " ,.. ."i -..: PACIFIC CPAST LEAGUE. iV CLDSfa ; laeoroa Baa-rranefMe- ...,. Loe Aanles.y....... Pertlaad ..i. ...... OakleedY;.;'..... Seattle .......... Oil 31 lilial Ml .41 .4 Lest .1. )IM 90 Wis. es Olo Award.' ' '. (Jearaal Saeetal Ssrrles.1 Seattle, Wash., July 14. Th Seals won out yesterday in th tenth inning on a plos decision .on Waldxaa at th plats, which? Umpire Davis declared in favor of th Visitors. i Scori J. Seattl. . '.?$ i . t 0 . li-5- ? n, San Fran .. . .1 0 1 0 1 1 11 4 Batteries i Miller and Blankeashlp; Hltt, Whales and WUeon. Umpire Davis. .t., . ... v...; "-,'sOa43i4'hht: Oat,-'" . (Joaraal Bpeetsl servtee.) San Francisco, July T V T6;r, of Wi Los Angeles aggrtgatlon. held Oakland down to two hit yesterday and a ahat out Scor: .. .. , ; - V-K4..' " ' R. H.E. Do Angele 0 0 1 1 . I Oakland. .0 00 00 0 0 00 t I - Battertea Toaer and Spies; Pierce and Byrnes.) - . I owe ' my whol'-llf to" Burdock Blood Bitters. ' Scrofulous sore core red my body. I seemed beyond cure. B. B, B ha mada m a perfectly well wom an." i Mr. Charles Hutton, BervHle, Mich. ; . - -v - -- v.- " '. .j. .' ' .j X. i li. M.lj Ti- sure, rapid Recovery from UllCUUl '' CU1U . UCCUU1JT 'XVpjJCULC. ICOUlk AXUilA , tne use ofr This Perfect tonic builds Flesh and makes Rich I ' Red Blood It is a Predigested food acceptable C to the weakest stomach. . :'y-'f:: yy C1 At all druggists and grocers, - . -. 7;."f' - ' r -i .--.. r - r .--- ''. .".'h:'- 1 . :,' t St. Uals. V. S. ' . 31 1 II Cscretiry Ely Induces Tacoma M&nr-'nnsnt to Transfer T - T 'Ccnttit to Portland; " t ",- .-; "..j- ; S' L. Crippled condition ; ; ' of local players Tha Anjel' Victory Yesterday Puta Browna In Fourth ; :,'; ;. . ;rl' Position. .;,,-:A - If Ciothtng go wrong between how and Sunday Portland and Tacoma will play ball on next Sabbath at Recreation park. ; On account of th small attend anc at Tacoma, and th grtf demand for baseball In thla city. ltTwa ug gested some Urn ago that riextTlunday's game, -that 1 waa scheduled at Tacoma, be transferred to Portland. After sev eral conference on th subject, during which. Mike Fishsr demanded the pig's shsr of : the receipts. It looked a If th chm. would fall - through.- but Secretary Ben Kly packed bis grip a few day ago and, although h was hot in th beat of health, mad a trip to Taoom a. and after a-day's chat with th Tiger representative, convinced them that the tos City was th proper place for the contest, and . itwa . o ordered. While Mr. Ely trip was- ab solutely necessary, he went agalnat'th advice of hi physician, , who Insists that th local magnate I In need of rest A game here on Sunday will be a treat,, as thousands ar anxtoua to e Port-' land and . Tacoma clash. ; ' Portland dropped Into fourth plac yesterday by th Angels' victory over Oakland, only on point separating the locals from the Callfornlans. . In th last two month Portland has been crippled nor or lea until today most of the team I used up. McCredl and Mitchell ar here In Port land suffering from Injured legs, and seversl other member of th club ar playing when they should be . In the hospital. - Schlafly - and McLean both hay injured hands.' while Van Buren Is hopping around on k gam lag. Van, Is really of, no us to- Portland '.In hi present condition, and the chance are that he will bej nothing but a burden all season. A pleasant feature of the situa tion I the willingness with which Cat nd Corbett play any position on th team. In' an honest endeavor to' help oil rthtteaHtra'lt looked vrylwueh-as If four pitchers would ngag In yes terday's gam. -If lt fr played, on ac count of the many Injuries. - A day's rest however, had it good effect and It ' would not be greet surprise if Portland .trimmed the-,- Tigers -r- today. Owing to the closeness of the race, es pecially between Portland and Dos An gale, the greateat Interest Is being maa lfested by th fans along th coast and while It seem difficult for Portland to go above .(00. there ar many who feel confident that the local will nd th Tacoma srie with' that standing. . VISITING BOWLERS. ' OUTPIN THE LOCALS .,';-' :r :-." mi !' .... '. ' .-.. Brill ' and ; Steel ; Put; Up ' Intef- erting Exhibitions AgiiJnttj Portland Stars -Brill and Steele took four out ot six gam from Kruse and Capen on th Portland alley last evening. Kruse and Cken rolled well and their totala In the .two games won war larger than any put up by their - opponents, j All four bowler rolled la good form. Th cores were m were: - . . , O) it) (I) 4) (5) () Av., 131 ta 171 1S ll Jl 1T . .,)1 lit 121 170 It IS til . Steel BrlU - 414 44t 104 64 104 410 '" ! tl) (J) (t) 4) ( . AV., Kruse 1 110 10 tit til 18 117 - Capen 181 lt 171 Jl Ui I lt 1-1 jz&'tn 40 ttt 41 4S4 tBT -V-" " rT flM itjmy.'-''" ( "' Brill and Steele opened th Lewis and Clark tournament on the Oregon alley Wednesday evening, rolling flv game. They rolled their second flv on th Portland allay laat evening Brill put up a great game- both evening.- He rolled a 204 average on th Oregon al lays and a ttt 1-i average on th Port land alley . that will make the other bowler who ntsr . thla tournament go aom to beat him out of Jtrst prise. Their, score were on Oregon al leys - - O) V ...?oi . .....186 (t (t) (4) (5) Av. 191 144 30t 1S 184 t-t lit 177 14 US 104 Steel BrlU On Portland- Alloy ' V r(I)(l)ml)(l)'-AW,: Steel ...105 10 17 lit 111 lt ' Brill . ..... 170 10 t6 115 tJl ttt 1-1 ' ' ! ' 'l. ' '-"- ' Tgetura Cricket Katoh. . . ; Th Portland Cricket ctub will play a return match with fh ateamshlp Sand- rJW UUrg ' ' .. .. I . ! ' ... ,! i '. J. lll- Jk lv disease increased 7 A. . - ' ' . : ' buret t i to -"iV f" - n t 'clork. 'in nmtvA wl I t p.ayed'On th Portland ground. Thirty-ninth and Belmont streets. Tb Bunnyslds car pass th grounds.' ' Ru::::i::3 hesults -"y ' !' c:j Ti:nzE tracks .,-r7- , ;l- - y (Jeeraal BsecUl ftarvke.) Seattle, July 14. Result ef . races: ' Four i and one-half furlong King Thorp 'won, 'Leah second. Bill Short third; time, 0:414. t ' : Blx furlenga Dotterel woa. The IJea tenant second. Matt Hogan third; time, 1:1. - - -- '-.;. BU furlongs Mtlakatla won. Wager second, Jaekfult third; time, 1:14 tt. Six and one-half furlongs Conretd worn Follow M . second. Corn Blossom third! Urn. l-.tOH- - ' On mil and 10 yards Gentle Harry won, Moor second, J. V.' Klrby .third; tlnfe, ' ; - One (mile Play j Ball i . won.Ethe! Scruggs second. Calculate third; time, l:41 - r,y, f . v-;- .:,,:',, y ',. 'V- At Brightoa.Beaeh. '.'';.. New Tork, July 14. Brighton Beach race raaults: . .- ... .. .. .Flv and one-half furlong Optician won. Remington second, Baadrlngbam third;, time, 1:01 l-k. . ' Uatmch about two mil Phan; torn won; Knight of El way Second, Rus sell Saga third; time, 4:11.. Six - furlongs Csaraphlne won, ; Mad Mullah aecond, Th Mighty third; time, 111.- ' ', '.'-. '. . . ' The' Brighton Oak, on mil and, on furlong Tradition won, Schulamit sec ond, Coy Maid third; time, 1:6 1-4. rr One mil -awt - one-eighth Voladay won, Btemtime second, Devout - third; time, 1:M. : . r -, .- , Six f urlon c Esoteric won. Whimsi cal .second, . " Flavlgny- third; 1 time, v" :,r'-"Y'.y. i Bt-'x!.' i'' "''..' St Louis,' July 14. Del mar rac re sults: :'..; Flv rurlongs Balmoa V. won. Ma Lynch second, Maggie PpWer third; tlm. i:0lt-. r ' -V". :. Blf. furlongs Christcll ; won, .Mall Box second, MItnon third. - Six furlong Tom KUey won, Potter second. Onyx" II third. ; . - Six furlongs Luretta won. Mayor Johnson second Jucora third. '" On; mil - jr.nd? one-sixteenth Foot -tights wonVJack.ToutTg aecond. A. Mus koday third; time, 1:14 1-. ; , ' "On mil and 70 yerd--Mynhrr won. Athena , aecond. Pyrrho v third; time, l:ttt-. s NATIONAL LEAGUE. Woti. Lost, - P.C . 41 .707 New Tork 48 .618 Chicago . . .......... Cincinnati . ........ St.. Louis . .......... Boston . . ............ Brooklyn . . .......... 4S - tt .177 41 ' t7, .624 t ; -.'"47 l'"..I81 ti ' C4 ' .J14 tt tt , .tot At Boston. , Boston r .4 4 Cincinnati .,-... ..........114 Batteries Young and Moran; Overall and Phelps. Umpire Johnstone. - , . . ... .-..-. , "V , . - ...... . f. R. H.E. New Tork. ................... .4 8 0 Chicago... ...I 4 1 Batterle Am and Bowarman ; Wicker and O'Neill. . Umpire O Day and Emalia. ., . , ,.- , , v''!!'Vv Wtlsdslpsis. " t'"!' First gam . . - . ,.'R. H."B. St. TLiOuI ' ..,.,...,,,... ..t. t. t Philadelphia . . ..;...( !' t Batteries McFarland and Leahy) Buthofl and Dooln. , Umpire Bans wine. ..Second gam itr H.'B: St Louis. ..1 I Philadelphia . . 1 f t Batteries Thlehnan and Qredy: Dug gleby and Abbott Umpire : Taylor and Kabo. ... .. -. b. .. : V.'i'- At Sreoklra. ': Brooklyn . . ...t I t Pittsburg . ....... t ............. S ' 1 Batteries - Molntyr and Bergen; case, tinaeorana ana mil. umpi Klm. i-. ' .... ' . . V AMERICAN LEAGUE. '" W . Won. Lot PC Cleveland ........... & t .0114 Chicago.. ........... 41 . 24 .418 Philadelphia, . . ...... 41 ' 18 , .604 Boston.......,..,.,. 81 83 .41 Detroit tt84T .478 New Tork ......... ' t8;441 Ht. Louis r...... t7 - ;4t : J78 Washington , . ....... 14 4T . , Jitt yy-1 yu. .. At trtrott. . ,j ''.-" .-. ., . -, ; R. H.E. Detroit . . ............... o New Tork . t I I Batterle Mullln and Drill; Chesbro, Grtfflth and MoOuire. , At CThloag. R. H. K. Chlcai Boston . . I Batteries White and-Sullivan; neen and Ciiger . , . 4 ,DI- "-' i : At Olmralaad.' '' " ' ' '.fc 'j "' ' R- H. 7P3. Cleveland , . 0 1 1 Philadelphia ..I I Batteries Donohue and Bemia; Wad dell, Henley, Scbreck and Barton. - , ..,!,,.. .k ; - -; ; At St. lord. First game .' ' '' R- H.E. St Louie .t.;..V I....7 11 1 Washington 4 11 1 Batterle Howell - and Sugden; Hughes, Adam and Hcydon. Second gam, , ;'..,--r' " R. H. K. st Loui . '., ,T:r...t i ; 9 Washington ; . .. ....-.... .. ;1 ' I t Batteries sudhoit and .Roth; Pattea and Klttredge. t troTxos to iunm All ' notice of amateur base- ' ball game. ' challenge and-ath-'d let's events must be sent to this office, before I o'clock . m. a e th day for publlcattoa.' Ama , tour maaagars should pay at ' tention- to thla rul. th keep- tag of It will Insure a proper report of ' their dotnga The e Journal ' " ' . . t. x .- e : C Jt Do You Know ''. 'S : Why some stores ar mor successful than others First Some store sr always on th alert; other ar asleep. The live merchant of today is the one that never tire of his-work, a merchant that Is bound to hav hi trad fully satisfied and continuing - trading with him. " i '. ' The Huh." Third" and Burnslde, Is a living example of modern merchandis ing. . It ha forged to- it plac a th leader within three year. The princi ple laid down by thl house ar not only efforts directed o that It will be a leader, but that th other fellow can't catch up. v Th wag earners sal now going on at the Hub Is sn example of substantial methods, giving th publl an oppor tunity to secure fin clothing, hate, fur nishing and shoes at prices that keep the big ator crowded . from morning until night . .i -'. '. v A houeehold necessity.- Dr. Thomas' Rrlectrlo Oil. Heal burns, rut, wound of any sort; cure sere throat croup,-catarrh, asthma; nvr fails. ! - mm c:2is STC? AT ALDAHY Boys, In Good Chape Will Glv . fi Entertainment at Con-: Z grefjatlonal . Church-- - OFFICIALS JNSPECTINQ ' A CORVALLI3 A EASTERN Toledo ; ! Saloonman ; Charged ? .. With Stealing Doom and ;: ""Windows From Prieet, - " .'tSseclal Olsoateb to Ts Joaraal.) ' . Albany, Or., July . 1 4. Tb Kureka cadets, en their march from Eureka to the exposition at Portland, arrived hr from t'orvallls thla morning and thla evening will give an entertainment at the Congregational church. The boy ar in fin condition and present an excellent appearance. V": "'.;:-' ' , A. P. O. Hammond of San Franlo, Manager J, P. O'Brien of Portland ana A R. Stickney of New Tork passed over th Corvallis A Eastern to Tsqulna bay yesterday Inspecting tha road, and re turning last night went to the east end of the1 line to Detroit with a. view to Inspecting that end, and possibly to ae about tha extension of the road through th Mlnto pass into easterri Oregon. Th special train bearing the distinguished railroad -men did not stop In this city, but is expected to return -her some tlm todsy. ., . ', t O.. B. Whltoomb, living 40 mile up th south Santlam, southeast ef thl elty, haa discovered a fine ledge of plati num, and a th assays show great vaul of thl metal, the find will b further prospected and th claim de veloped. . : .."'' At Toledo yesterday the case of the tat against Oustav Olsen.- a saloon keeper, was tried and went to the Jury. Olsen was Indicted for : stealing the doors and windows of the Catholic church during the abtenoe ef th priest He Is charged with taking th door and wlndowa te his farm In th wood, where b Used them la hi barn. Olsen has-been in trouble several time and it ts expected that conviction : wilt b th result or th present trial. . . CADETS ENTERTAIN. OorafrNgwtloaat Oorp Plays Murtlaad wt -v - '' Burf at Oeryalllf. - . '.' (gpedat Olspstrl to Tse iammll : Corvallla, Or., July 14. "Portland or Bust" was th title of. a play produced lst night at the opera house , by th Congregational cadet corps of Eureka, California, - that arrlvad Irt ConreUl Wednesday and went inta camp on Third . street t The campany numbers 80 boys and a Presbyterian minister I at th head of th party. ' On youth la but 10 years old and another but , and both hava tramped all the way from Eureka to thla point Tb boys ar without fund and ar making tbalr way aa they go by giving entertainment, , In One 'program laat night ther war 0 in tha cast . - ' ' Spene first warvth minstrels; scene two. nrlson cell: third, campftre: fourth. basketball; fifth,- drill. Th boy are to reoelv fund upon their arrival in Port land. They broke camp and' departed from tws city at a. m. mis morning, enrout to Albany, from where they will proceed to- fortlend, After six days- at the fair the -young man return to Cali fornia by steamer. . Yesterday afternoon a bin of the Eureka . cadet corps : played baseball against a Corvallla nine with a scor of It to in favor or corvauis. - - Th visitor war quiet and gentle manly antl appeared t be enjoying their outing. At Hotel corvallla Tnuraaay evening Mrs. Hammel, th wif of th proprietor, treated' the - youth t Ice eream-at the hotel. The eorp eapects to b In Portland in nv days. -' t a O.' P. tsstan at BUllsbore, ' ; (gpectol Mssateh te The JoereaL) Hlllsboro, Or, July 14. Montesuma lodge No. (0. I. O. O. F., Ot thU city Installed It' officers last evening. They were as- followas R.-H. Oreer, -noble grand; W. Nelson, vice-grand; C Jack, Jr., treasurer, and B. L McCormlck, ectwtary. These then chos their ub- ordinat ofricera. . - . f . , i I, : -.. Kojb uii Dill In "L 6. U;- . Rests sre stltfSj edlaas, Kolh asd Dill, who reeam their engssw Beet St tbe Marqnssi urane lueam Monday nlht In the msslesl eosisay barlseiirie, "1. O. V." Rolk so lni sre world feraee estsrtslasrs sad hav eaosed atere tbas soy ether eoaiedlans' before the sobitc teosy. "I. O. V." sboasds with food easMdy ssd gives thee srttsts trestr opportunity to skew tbelr versstlllty. This strMtral fsres ra tb kit ef their kag Saa rraadseo ensasesMBt, asd tb prodaetto wut nsr sa sii-erar cm. . , .-,.' . - " 1 " .'.-.' .; Special .Matinee at Marquam. ; ; nahkt atwt tomorrow slebt St i:S0 'eleek. wHh a soeclsl woneo's as ebudrea' raathwe tsoerrow at t:S0 fclork. Mr. T. Daslel Itawley sad '- W eseellest - eoBissny W - pleyere- wlH preseat Blchard Bsrdlac Davis' romantic coo edy erasis. "RanaoB's Polly." st the Marqaasi Ore theatre, ea Morrises street between Sixth end Revest streets. Special ssmmer prices prsvsll .at the theatre. i ,: -. ; . -Good Show at the Sur." ., . Rhleld sad rssl. PS rhssfers .st threw- , .i . MM ik. a,,'. hMjIllMfm. an present a very entertalnta aruaber. Abbott sad Bryant have splendid . voices. Undersea sad enmiMay are sees to sdvsntaa I tbelr sketch. . . . . - .i in i.. a sew illootrated eoaf wltk pretty pletares. Ser. iku aa ine bibiwituv. , r bUt ' ..'.;.: . ' - -''-.':.' ' v'n ;;--;i'.'"At the Baker. " . , m . Li tmM. -all, mbHhm. fa draw st tbe Baker. There ere ex ether big acta on tse dui. nciaaue -im iva snd Tor Mark, the sisa with tse fannr perodtes. ' There I a daily awtlnee at 1:80 a'rlnrki evealas perforwaaoe st T:80 sad "A Ruaiian Spy, -L There Is notlilns Bori IhleVestlnc tbsa good exettlnf fo.kwlr.aia. "A Rnaala Spy.". pUred st the I-yrte tkia week f tae Lyrle stoek eoa pany, fills the hill. There ts sat dull rsopwst frma Wflnnin te ead of the play. Malta, dally at 8:8 e'eluekt evening serfonaasces at 7:80 and o'clock, v . Vl- ' "The Heir Apparent," , , "The Heir Apssreat." MeCnUey's roeiaatle Mkxlraaa. will be Slve every sftemnoo sl evening thle week at the kmptre theatre. It k. th. anal Dretestloee kMe tet sut oo 1, Ik Kmplre etoc eoetpany, end ts playtsg to trowded booom. Maimee si s:i.i e ewes, us evening peiforauaee st S:l e'rkx-k. . . . il i i nil r J... ji . . Oaylor la a Laugh-Maker. Onlr s few dare restele Is which to eee sad hear Bnbhy Oar nr, the f. moo. Irhih ensMk AT THE THEATRES. S K-v" r dlas, at the lrafl. rnaner ana Jnnsao on awailnsly IsirMaalhle faere ee the Merc), S.U the Healeys hare good tttrav . I i .'"'. ... "G2n::2L Of coi.nNO For.:Ypur l . ' " Tle --I. 7 L,'i il-3D i i l-'r-' ja. Wt Mt mym You not alone save from 20 ta40 per cent on your pur chaw, , but we sell you any article in our establishment on , i 3 iEiasy lYceMy or tionlliiy Pjiivcnti !."' '.', -., ; ;".;. - ; v.:..-.; r?...-, : r 1 v " Without paying any more than .were you to pay cash. ;Vt give you possession of any article when, making first pay ment, trusting to your honesty and ability to pay tha balance as per agreement.-- " SEE US BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE TEE MARX & BLOCH, Props. r Removed to Bet Pine V-"''Arr. i! AVERY & CO. 83 THIRD OKLAHOMA WILL HAVE NEW RAILROAD SYSTEM S ' -T IJosraal Spscisl Service. . J-' . ' Outhrle, Okla., uly 1. A territorial charter has been lasued to tb Muscogee -A Texas Bstlroad eompany, with a capi ta, stock of 8t.000.eoo. Tb road will run from Cashing. Oklahoma territory, U Honey Qrove, Texas, a dlstanoe o( 150 - miles, itarttng from' Cuahlng, running through the - Creek Katlon to Muaeogea, thence "through the Creek nd Cherokee Nation to Porter, Indian terri tory,'' then through th Cherokee and We Iw tow -AND-QOTtTHE yyh LJ U-J s i. V H .. . ... " -;-; , ... . ' ' ' " " V Money won't buy any better shape, make or quality. Step in and try one on. V '.. ';. .'-.; . : We've the. largest stock in the city for your choosing. Other lines as low as $1.00. " KNEE PANTS OUTINO SUITS FOR BOYS AT A THIRD OFF NOW 2.00, C2.S5, $2&0, $21 '.y:,.:..'v ;; V.:'-" and r-v y - - . ' to us - e I V'ti';t-r;Ly'-'1: a,. 74 THIRD STREET. 48 Third Qtroot, and Aoh "--t-v "' ".'.'..''". aSTREBI aiSTOBXS aUraOODBse eared If of easee ef Perrons VeoUlty, is nh. Thar eUae the hrala. tlMh tloa saaha HI. .art .a si tint aa L and rionsfe steeped rarraas.aH. -. U.M raaaaaMtf vlawi. aa tao whole BMSSa lu a hoi ! Dotes fnaranteM gnarsnteed to car er V faoeey. , ss.oo, Man- m a lia. Co.. tB An alalia eeaWsT. Pm lied. Co., a Are St.. ru.4sl a. Sold la rertlaad eeiavl aWtlaaa Roaal ' - rex Choctaw Nation and ' Texa ' to Roay Orov Th road will assist In develoe lng a rich, and .sxtenslv TetIon of country.'-.! - l i I I aaaaoapaajaaTaaaMreaajTl "TT Style same' as cut brown ' and gray homespuns. A ;. FC3 im ATu) Y0UTG r.2Tl . . 83.50. , .