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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1905)
wr j .t ' i '.'"-I ST IS.- -.r'I---'-V;" -J. nra e t. Packards and George E. Keith Co. Make This Men's $3.60 Oxford Shoe. This Men's $3 Shoe This-Men's $3.M and U .Chcfl, ; : Now Only $2.45 '. '' "T''f ; Now Only $1.95 ; ; ; Now Only $2.15 1 o a. -""w. . L " ,;C!-:,; ' chrtiro.s. ;.. A Mammoth B no iirhrrxidts3.5ahM7 Now Only $1.99 - : . ." " ;" 7 ' . V S . . '. ,- ,. . . V'.V , ! . ; ... . -..t, This Ladies' French Heel $4.50 ; ;:: :i, - Shoe V,'-' -TTNow Only $3.09 i I- 7, , ... , ... . . .',' ; . ' Ort Ve. s.' ' ' i .v . r This; Ladies' $3 Shoe NowjOnly $2.19 it. ..' i 1 Youths and Boys' Calf Shoes, t All Solid, Sizes 12 to 2 -r V ; Now Only $1.09 ; ; THAT SWEEPS; AWAYvAl : ' : You may hear vt l:nA'm'm,YiiT EVERY STATEMENT SHALLTBE THE TRUTH; EVERY WORD' SHALL BE A WORD . : OP ABSOLUTE AND PERFECT ACCURACY. It will seem stranee that we, have named 'such insignificant prices or 'our merchandise as those V - uoted hete.jlLwllen 8trangebecausejwfitsjiavebeen Mlte o he torn to atoms entirely remodeied practically rebuilt changed to suit our' tastes and meet our requirements. ' , A , V ' " : y,r.--h;-rr -.: r'-'-z-:l::.r-:y:lt'::.i k 'vV, :;.--v cw, .:rv -v:----"' r- ".r f'-' : j'.:'-"-- '"i - r-'-r-i-'-:;. f..";-?-'- .:A . unparaueiea Kauc;ionsnave peenaae in Stock Noije nave Escaped the SlaughteivT ."V For example, jou may buy t from us now, during THIS GREAT REMODELING SALE, all kinds of footwear at figures such as these: . v ; id welted, sizes 6, 6 and ( ' ( .' .. Youths', and Boys' All Solid Calf Shoes, sizes 12 to 2; the CI Afl ' $1.60 kind, a snap at. ; ir,.:lv7 The same"Shoe,Tsizest 2o 7; the Very thing fo Ihuskjr Ladies Patent Kid Lace Shoes, hand welted, sizes 6, 6 and 01 1( "rrit sn vain : . . . . ' . - . . . now 21 1 OV tfe: Ladies' Dongola Patent Leather-Tip" Lace Shoes see cut 1) 0i 'Qt $2 value .....-. .. ....'....... NOW : Ladies', Vicl Kid Shoes, tip (same as cut 4); splendid $3.50 fcf flft t :.VV ' ' value ............ . .NOW 4)1 J - Ladies' Box Calf Lace Shoes, full vamp, all solid (see cut 2) ; ; A( , always sold at $2.60. .... . . . ....... , . NOW $1 Ay, Ladies' Vici Lace, patent leather or kid tip, up-to-date ("fCT (V I V cut S) worth every penny of $3 ... . . . . . . .... . NO W7 I s " Ladies French Kid, Louis heel (see cut.5); : ' flO ; worth $4.50 ............................ NOW fytjtXty ' Ladies' -Strap Sandals (see cut 6-; excellent OQ'-r1;" value at $1.50.; ...... ... ... ...... ' . .... .NOW ;r Ow; ;,, Ladies' Hand-Turned Kid Sandals; good ' .y'y..'-;-CI 3C ;J'i ;',t..;; $2 values. ... ...... ......... .NO W f (7lJl v . Ladies' Heavy Kid. Extension Soles Lace Shoes (see cut 7), J Q patent or kid tip ; cheap at $3 ... . , ', . . ". NO W; U 1 " . ; iL.Ladies',Dongola. Oxford Ties,in. extension or light soles, pat- i ent leather tip (see cut 8) ; worth $2.10. . ... . . ......... NOW V I S ; Ladies Gibson Ties, patent or ldd, a dressy shoe; a beauty at $3.50 .........;......,,;,.NOW w . .A . - . ' 1 1 fl A 1 A. A. A a A laaiei VlCl uxtoras, exxension boics, bud nnu-iurncurpaicui i - tip (see cuUO); $2.50 value................ .NOW $IUy , Old Ladies' Comfort Shoes, in congress and. 'V; x; '; ............ ,i. ....... ....NOW Ladies' Juliets, patent ; ;C '.i'-..i.r ';i: ' ';,v''tv'' j tips - i ... vv. "? '' .NO Vr Ladles' Plain'LeatherHouse c'i f,'r:y;?..-i -'ilift suppers . ; : .. . .now: T7 Little Men's AU Solid Shoes, sizes tvjtylii) worth 98c 10 : The Celetrsted Csakcr E tl tit d Red School Hoast Shoes, Absoktcly ; '''TC-r?:?:' Ctiarar.twd. Are Incfcdtd h TO Si!.?"-!-! XJS'. ' Infants' Kid Shoe! in lace'or 'burton , (see cut 13). sizes 1 ,1: ' A J L'I . Children's Spring HeeL extra good wearer, sizes 4 to 8 ; the l ''1. $1 kind ....... ........... ...... NOA A .uuuicu uv mu t tvi, pawn mum . uji v.. V4 ' ?' light soles, solid leather throughout, sizes 5 to 8. Exceedingly . " brilliant bargains at, (see cut 14), 89e; sizes 8 to 11, 99eS f k'7 usd 11 to 2J - -Men's Dongola and Calf Lace''SnoWrV-eVvv-f EXTRA SPECIAL AT. ; ; . ;.V.V. ..... ...... ... NOW , - Men's Patent Kid Oxfords,-Packard make (see xut 15) V sold" j the world over at $3.50, superior bargains at. ..,..,., NOW . Men's Velour and Vicl Oxfords, up-to-date lasts (see cut 16) C' A C 1 dazzling bargains at $3.50 and $4..;,;. .l.V..'. NOW - Men's velour, box calf and 'jfici,' lace and Blucher, Up-to-date C QC .t ' (see cut 17) ; $3 values. , jfT. r; ? . .NOW 4IyO . 'i ' Men's vicl.' box calf and velour, la lace and Blucher, hand-C ; welted (see cut 18) cheap at $3.50. .... , . ."i NOW $flO $2a5 , Mens Tan" Blucher Oxf ordsLhand-welted : -, - r $3.50 values . . . , , U. . , v V.- X ..NOW Men' Buckle Tap-Sole Working ' ' " 'T CT'gr shoes ..;................;... . ;u ; . .... .now pi BAREFOOT SANDALS AT REDUCED PRICES., , v-, ' ,. - 1 WB ARB HEADQUARTERS FOR LOaaiNO SHOES As A. A. Cutter', 57 MAIL 0RDER5 PROMPTLY. FILLED.. Add Postage as follows t . chlppewas. Pacific Loggers and Ali Qther Standard Makes, Ladles' Shoes, isc.r Mea'a Sfco . 35c; and Children s Shoes 4c to 10C Jnclndlng Crulslag Shoes. ALL OUR SHOES : ARB UNION MADB i I THIS ISA rSALE THAT CERTAINLY CANNOT LAST SO VERY LONG. IT CANNOT BE THAT SENSIBLE PEOPLE WILL PERMIT, THIS STOCK OF SUPERB SHOES TO REMAIN VERY LONG UNSOLD. THINKING MEN-AMU, wuMJin nvuL,u nuw lax in a SUPPLY OF FOOTWEAR TO LAST THEM FOR A YEAR TO COME. ALL MAY BE, SURE THAT THEY, WILL NOT HAVE ANOTHER - VK-x-: ' r ' ; 1 - BUYING OPPORTUNITY TO COMPARE WITH THIS, .' ; Vf). ''t 232 AlorHson Street, near Second ' Telephone RED 1982 , j ObS V. T.. This Ladies',$3 Shoe Now . ot sro.10, TS. '. ' This liTdies $2.50 Tie fPfowbnly $1.69 Lj idies 3-Strap Sandals, 1.50 Now Only 89c This Ladies $2 Dongola Tie. ' Now Only $1.29 rThis lien's $3X0. and XV Oxford v; Now Only $2.43 ';. This B07S $1:50 Shoe Now Only 98c r ''ThisLadies-lU50 She Now Only $1.49 This Ladies' $2 Shoe Now Only $1.29 ThiiXhlldren'i Box Calf and r , Vici Patent Leather Tip , 89c, 99c and $1; 19; v .-'V-i-S WS,' m to lU-Wk to S. !'v -vy-- 'i'.-v IS This Child's Kid 60c Shoe dies .1 to e.;.D'vt0v g-: f:ew Only- 44c .V. DIG GRAPE VINEYARD IN SOUTHERN OREGON i : ; ' , ; : Commissioner Carson- Finds Soil Well Adapted Rogue River Valley Fruits Excellent. v. ' 1S41 tMrnfmU to 'iMMatl v Orants Put 'Or; July HA. Cr. 'feon. member of th First district, whloh rabraom th outhom Orrton countle, of tha Orecon tat board of hortleul tr, 1 h lrtt craprKwr 1 Ore iron, ha vlnf 11 acre planted ta grapes. Next winter ha will tlant to mora acres and will continue planting until lie has 10 arras In frrapes. Mr. Carson grows aeveral varieties, hut moat of his vine yard Is ta Tokars, Bmperora and Black CASTOR I A Tor IaLils tvi Clilirea. - - r.i C:i Y:j to C::.I Ferrarra. Tha Emperor is similar In slsa and bright color to tha Flaming' Tokay, but la a better keeper and a good shipper. Tha Ferrarra, ts black grape similar In . appearance to tha Concord, but la batter flavored than that grape, and Is a fine table grape and It has the farther good quality of being a good shipper. : . , ,.' -i , ." .',:., - In the discharge . of Jblg dutlea aa-a member of the atate board Commis sioner Careon has visited many of the orchards of , aouthem Oregon and he finds the fruit prospects' p to the aver age. In aome of the orchards that bore very heavily laat year the crop this year la light while aome orchards on low bottom land will have small yield by reason of late frosts. Owing to the Isrge acreage of new, orchards that are coming Into bearing, Mr. Careon thinks that there will be a considerable In crease In the shipment of fruit this fa!Wros Reue river 'valley. i SHOWING MADE BY- W JOSEPHINE SCHOOLS ,- . " , j (Seselal DUe.trt te The Wl. ' ' Grants Paaa, Or., July W. Following la summary- of Superintendent Sav age's annual report of the school of Josephine county for the year ending June I. 101; Number of . persons In the county between the sges of 4 and SA, mala, 1,70; female J,4tl; total,-1,01. Puplla on school register, male, 1.1SS; female, J.1I6; toUl, I.J Persons be tween 4 and tO years of age -rot attend ing school, mala, 411; female, tit; total. Til. Number of -teachers employed, male. 14: female. It; totak 101. Num ber districts In the county, 47; school houses la county, 49; number dlatrlcts visited,- 44; number i milea traveled, 1,020; estimated value of achoolhouaea and grounds,' ISJ.SOO; value school fur niture and apparatna, t3,U; average monthly-salary of male, teachers - 4I; female teachera, 141. v - - v There are twenty different cinnamon barks, and they cost from 4 to , 55c , lb. This ex. plains the marketr all but one panicukf. Schflling'a Best is the best wttb the coarser pieces picked-out; not thrown-away ; oh no t they go-to some less particular grind le FRANCE OBSERVES FALL OF THE BASTILE y.y ,; ... . : . Hundred and Sixteenth Annlver y, sary, Celebrated Through- , out Republip.. r i ' (Jearaal Speeiat 8viee.t ' Parts, July 14. Today, the one hun dred and sixteenth anniversary of the fall of the BastUe, which la. to France what, the Fourth of July Is to the great slater republlo acroee the Atlantic, Is being celebrated In the usual manner. Business Is suspended, the Bourse Is closed and tha boulevards are filled with noisy throngs. ,It hss unquestionably been oti of the gayest Fourteenth of July seen for years. .The Stars and Stripes and British flaga were ex ceptionally numeroua In tha decoratlona, The main feature of the day was the review of the garrison of Paris. The troops aaaembled at Longohamps at an early hoar. Shortly after t o'clock an artillery salute announced the arrival of Prealdent Loubet, who waa ac companied by the members of the cabinet, the presidents of the senate - .1 nft. m. k. . n. Amtt Im the mllltarv governor of Parts and their staffs, partly -cured snd. some . cocked, i The Madame Loubet and a part w i-iriia u mt wjm tlngulshed. fadtes soon followed and the review commenced, .ending with the usual distribution of decoratlona. About JO, 000 troops participated In the review. ; In the city the day was celebrated euletly, but as the evening wore on the city preaented an animated and brilliant spectacle, open atr dancing, pyrotechnic displays and a general' illumination be ing the principal features. The opera and "theatres gave free perf ormaaces la accordance with a long-standing custom. Long after midnight alt the squares and opea spaces were crowded with waltcers and merrymakers, who gave no Indica tion of an intention to give up their sport nntll dawn. . ': :v:ttw9r'MtTvw scape. i "(gpeelel te Tae JoeraeL) ' ' Troutdale, 1 Or, . July ' 14.WHllam Johnson was coming down the grade to the .upper Bandy bridge, when a team eomlng behind ran into hia buggy, turn ing It over. The buggy was demolished. Mr. Johnson and the horse were un hurt. - ; . '; " :. ; '. s ,r"-.J. , - mala ttaaaagew May.,' (gpeeUI Otapatck o. The Journal. i Falrvlew, Or.. July 14. Teeterday's rain did much damage to the bay. Feel ing quite sure of good. weather, farmers had many acres cut. and curing. Tho rain, caught It in all shapes, just rut. . -1. v ' I if'--.. "As Wc Gp c. Marching: On? j . "Nothing succeeds like success,'' and our Increasing sales of pure paints are ,' : occasioned "solely' by 'our- dandling vf ,. - prime articles at a small profit There's . -no use of our: trying to palm off In- 7": V ferlor paint products, ; because , you'd Snd It out sooner er later, and we pre. j Wlo give you a. Square deal.!' ;. it-. FiGher.Thorccn& Co J 0 I M,I.. Cll I L IT OXDN,T HURT ;;::4 v A. BIT..':';. t( whet they T et ear SMtboa ' ef entnt senut work. We do work tor seosle traet eat of h. elty enlrkly te stoI4 any eelef. BnrrthlBg np te e.te. Opea erealaga aad udaa, ; aula 30, , . y WISE BROS., Dentists . TVs raniag.'eer. tkbd aad Taeak-gtem V H r. w. a, w-t. I