The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 14, 1905, Image 1

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    V . . ; . -
w.i Wa Vv
f Cos ,., - ' " Z
. Pair toai.fc "E-Wriiy
warmer; northerly wlni.
v - ... .. .. V ,
western C2lo.
Czar.and '.Wltte , Qo Over Peace
V. Plans to Decide on Program
; Prices Rise on Bourse
yv New Paper Issue '
i Tlflls. July 14. (Bullsttn) A regl
. msnt of Russian miliars - and .' sappers
.'. " stationed at (miUUltfi nwr hn
has mutinied and killed all the officers.
,.' V1" (Jeacaal Sseelsl Serrlee.) " 1
St. Petersburg, July ' 14. Agrarian
disorders are spreading rapidly through
. out southwestern Russia. . la the dis
trict of Podolla, Kloff. KharhOT and
Xorsun the peasants are In open revolt
and have destroyed' farming machinery
and looted states. They declare that
.peasants are the real landowners-and
many landowners have fled with their
families- leaving their J estats .In . ths
possession of rioters. -. ,,
r In- the course of an Interview between
the empenor and M. Wltte at Peterhof
' pi lace this afternoon "the whole subject
of peace negotiations waa gone .over In
detail. - Mra Wltte, will accompany' her
husband as far as Parts and may Join
- him later- In the United SUtes. M.
. Korotovlta,; formerly - secretary of the
. Russian legation at Pekln. 'will aooom-
- pany the Russian mission to America..'
The prices rose on the Bourse upon
- t he Improvement In Russian securities
abroad, due to Wltte's appointment as
e hlef plenipotentiary. , The government
' has Issued another' S,00O.0O0 la -paper.
- The Bourse Oaaette says the lssuawas
forced' la order te protect the gold-re-
serve. ;,'
It Is reported that Prssew. Cetetpsik
Mlrsky will be named as president of
-th proposed rtpreeentaWfe assembly.
Takaaira Oalls o riad Om What
' Beeal Told mooeevett y Bosen.,
, . (ioaraal aesdal Semca.) ' . '
.Oyster Bay July 14. Minister Ttlut-4
Mra, Chairman. Shontaand Chief Engi
near Stevens of the Panama canal com.
, mlaalon all reached Oyster Bay at 1J:J0
. o'clock and were driven to Sagamore
(,; Hill In the president's carriage. .. It Is
i supposed .tnat -Taaanira came w ascer
taln If .possible what news of Impor
tance -was conveyed to the president by
Baron Rosen yesterday. .. - (. ,
' Bhonts and Stevens are to leave for
i l - me nuinu. w 1 1 uin m I . w umji kkhb iih
: preetdent wished to have a' consultation
with them before they sailed. , ,
. .' ' ; lieeraal BpeeUl Barties.) 1 ' ' -'.
Folson. Cal . July 14. Joseph Mur--phy.
a -convict, was hanged at Folsom
' prison this . morning. ' He walked ' with
a stesdy step to the gallows and re
malned stolid as the cap and nooae were
adjusted, not saying a word.- Murphy
was one of ' the men ' who murdered
Guard Cotter In the famous : Jail break
of July, . 403. j when It convicts got
-away, .f v ' - '.,''.;,?-.-
. -:'.K' ' r " V"" '' V
j V-'J "(Josrssl Spsetsl Berrtee.) , -" '.
: l St Louis, Mo.. July 14. B. W. War-
fleld, aged 60 years, cashier of the St
Lrfuls County bank, at Clayton, shot
and kilted himself while seated at his
desk at 1I:I o'clock today. He
despondent over 111 health.; ; ; -
f . "i ;i '..;:-",-T"-" f. .-'.
;' '' ' : . (Joernal Bpeclsl errlee.) ' ' "
f : . v..t . . . t t-r- A!.
. ( Pf. IUIR, UftX - 1 ,
anaer, until recently preeiaeni i oz uie
Equitable Life Assurance society. Is In
retirement on Long Islapd It la said.
A friend said last night that he Is under
the cars of two well known, phyelolanal
and his condition is' snfth that there Is
danger Of his death. Hie mental' facul
ties are somewhat clouded, but with rest
and quiet his family hope he will re
rover. Ths solo desire in sendlng Alex
ender Into a retreat was to give him
absolute rest. -' -4 .. -.',
. Slnoe ths middle of June, when Alex
(Joaraal Bpeetat Serrlee.) . "
Topeka,' Kas.; July It. Pie tied up
the whole Santa Fe road for two hours
today. '- Kels Jergensen. engineer, and
W. V. Johnson, fireman, are In a hospital
for repairs. Coooanut pie, the kind that
"mother used to make," caused ths
trouble,- which was ptomaine poisoning.
The pie got busy when ths freight
- ,' ; .
' 1;'; , . ' "...Five Generstlona bl -One' Fva&j.' .
' From 'left to rlht: Mrs. Gilbert,' her s-reat-great-rrandcnUd, -Stafford.'
Mrs. Bertha Cowels and Philander Ollbert. ' -; -
Mrs. Hannah' Gilbert and Four
'Generations of ;: Descend- ! '
Has Fprty-One- Great Grand
children and Two Children '
of Fifth Generation. f
One of the spnghtllest old women
now in Portland attending the Latwls
and Clark fair Is Mrs. Hannah Gilbert,
whevwa born.- in' NswTortr tt years
agee She Is an1 Oregon ploaeer, having
crossed the plains In a prairie schooner
in 1817 with her husband. -who died la
yor tno rpast--ouartat or a century
MrOUbert has been living with-her
children at itah. : Washington, near,
Spokane.' And a few, days .ago", mads the
U4p te Portland alone to. attend the ex
position. Come of her relatives pre'
fane has) 41 grand, children, 41 greet
gtamleliUdren' and two great-great
grandchildren;, one of the last la shown
In thS'plcturertogether' with fthe -repre
sentatives of : live generations. ..Last
Sunday .she waiksa a hair mua to church
without becoming In 'the least fatigued.
She Is In excellent health end 'doea not
look to be more, than Jt . years old. al
though she' has children who have at
Ulned more than that. age.
She does
not -wear glasses.; . : : -
. Every day. Mrs. Gilbert takes long
walks and Jig never. so happy as - when
she - lis employed .with household duty.
Sines November, 1M4, she has pieced
and tied It. quilts, without assistance.
She Is. the mother of nine . children,
six of whom are living. - Those visit
ing Portland are.. Mrs. Nelson- Clark
of Spokane, .Mra. Mary Edwards -of
Junction City. Oregon, .and Riley Oil
bert of Big. Bend! Washington. During
her stay in this city ehe will be the
gtlest of her daughter, Mrs. F. A.
Watts, tti Tillajnook.atreet.-.-:,
" ' 0esraal8peetel aerVke.) ' ; '! -Washington,
July 14- The president's
praise of the executive methods of Gen
eral Leonard Wood leaves little room
to doubt that the next army order issued
will - be one' detaching - General - Wood
from his division and detailing him on
duty at 'the Isthmus. . Officers of the
army- serving In connection with the
canal -who ere still la Washington' are
united in the belief that the man' whose
good military and sanitary, work In Cuba
called. forth high praise should bs made
supervising chief of labor on the canal
construction. ;; ' .
i General Wood was a Surgeon before
Hs was a. soldier. Ms-Is a doctor and
disciplinarian In - one - and the feeling
here Is that civilian ' employee- will
feel eafer in Panama -when -they' know
that the man .who, cleaned Cuba .Is . la
command.-? -A ',; .
ander succumbed
nbed to. I
the strkln caohed
byhe troubles In ths EqulUble, he has
been under the care of physicians and
knowe nothing about the mora' recent
developments In ths ' affairs r of ths
EqulUble society., . J y'vi
.District.; Attorney , Jerome 1 has 'made
an unsuccessful attempt, to secure! from
the office of the Insurance superintend
ent a copy of'the-detalled evidence' of
the , affairs ,or the . Equltabla - It .was
demanded that Jerome- comply with- con
dition which he, refused to -accept, and
concluded 'With a' -peremptory demand
for the evidence. ; . rrf . .,
' : 1,11 .: r " '
sen, agonised and writhing, succumbed
to the internal dissension. Johnson
followed suit half a mile further on,
and the train came to a' stop In ths
middle of a big corn field. - Meantime,
pessenger and freight -trains .bound In
either direction clogged the ykfds at
tVnporla and' Saffordsvllle. -.....
After three hours of suffering the men
were placed on an east-bound. .train and
fr--n in Tnn!r. . hAsnltal. -'
Was jointly Indicted With Monte
. for Murder in Aiding Tracy I- j
Witnesses - Scattered rand V Case
Must Go Over Until Oc
i -.V, .
tober Term. -:;
' I (SpeetU Dispatch te Tte JeenaL) "
Salem. . July 14-After being out nil
night," the Jury m the Harry Wright
case announced this morning st 11
o'clock -that they - could -.not agree and
wars ' dismissed., . Wright .was Jointly
indicted with 'Charles Monte for murder
foe rurnlshlns'1 arma for TrtrT mjtA V.p.
rllt.Ths cas ef Ttha. prosecution' was
stronger against Wright In soma .ways
than against Monte, but weaker In one
particular.-- A.- Harn - of - Georgetown,
Washington, UaUfied positively ; that
Wrlgfat-wae near .Seattle oa-J nne a.
Jones testified positively that on that
date he was in SalemJ Attorney Letoey
failed Is his attempt to- Impeach the tes
timony or - captain Riley. . who) claims
thit heeold 'th .Suae.tdjWrlgh and
Monta '"rv'" ' '
' Harn In his testimony said that Harry
Wright worked for him from the morn
Ing of June 4, 1103, until June If. While
In. his employ, -however, Wright went
by the name of Henry, Chllds. His pic
ture appeared in the Seattle papers and
Wright suddenly disappeared. ; In con
nection with, the published ; photograph
of Wright, In the Seattle paper" was the'
published 'oiler of a reward of $600- for
his capture on the charge of assisting
Tracy and Merrill to , escape.. Later
Wright was arrested for a crime .com
mitted In ' Washington, convicted and
sentenced to a term In the Walla Walla
penitentiary. His whereabouts became
known to the Oregon officials and his
Indictment by the grand Jury,, which
met at Salem, followed, with his subse-'
quent - removal to . thla plaoe for the
trial which has lust resulted In a dis
agreement of the Jury. t' - -
. The case . goes over to the October
terns, as the witnesses have scattered.
Cowboy Miner Says Rockefeller
Has Nothing on the Common
People but Rloney.'- J
yLVkVVaeenial Spedsl Serrlee.) -p-'X ki:"t
New Tork. July 14. Walter Scott, the
Death valley miner and highflyer from
out of the west, Mew Into our' midst"
this morning on the Twentieth Century
Limited from Chicago.--. Dressed . In a
blus serge suit - and leading his now
famous yellow dog by a pleoe-of string.
Bootty bit ths Broadway trait ' -Later,
with a crowd of new-found friends, he
got into tab with' ths dog and is now
seeing New.. Tor, tr -cr t n-t
When - Scott reached Cleveland Ten
route hero hs 'stopped off a few minutes
and paid his t compliments to - John D.
Bockefeller. -.i,. . f .
"So this Is Rockefeller's town " said
Scott.' "Just ' give him Scott's .compli
ments, and tell ; him that if -he swill
meet me in New Tork I'll show him how
to get pay, dirt out -of life.- What he
needs Is a cyclone to let him get out
With ths publlo a. bit. I don't, see that
he' has anything on ths common people
but-money.".' f ', v;v.
' (Joarasl Ipeetsl tervlee.) '
Honolulu, July 14.--Tbs steamer Man
churla with Secretary of War Taft, Miss
Roosevelt -and party board- arrived
1 today. ' All are . well and were , given
an -- enthustastlo reception. tThe - trip
from San Francisco was without inci
dent, beyond the suicide . by - drowning
of a cabin passenger named Sullivan
from San Antonio, Texas. , -
ivi '-s, ili '.vl.. ..: .
(Jearasl Bpedsl Servke.)
Bralntree, Mass, July 14. The body
of the woman found murdered on the
grounds of ths Arlington Oolf club has
been Identified as that of Emnaeltne
Schidlofeka. ths wife of a Polish bar
ber, f he police are searching for Sohld-
lofska, who la believed te be on his
1 t.-l"-J''irr.!. ' -7-
Haycr Lcne Orders That
All Such Officers Give
: i; Up .Their Stars.
Hereafter Chief of; Police Will
Pass on All Persons Apply-
' Ins: for Unusual V ?
: Authprity;
' K ' ' " '! 'i "-i..,Vvi
'Commissions of all special polios of
ficers , In this city- have been revoked
by Mayor Harry Lane.- The edict which
want forth yestsrday ' Is one- of the
most sweeping Issued by the new mayor
slnoe be took his oath. of office. Mors
than' 160 special police officers are af
fected by It. , ''...... -r-V "-r
' Chief -of Polios Grltsmacher was '. In
structed to , notify all . special officers
with whom hla. men came ' In contact
that their oommlsslona bad been re
voked - aad to report . Immediately ' to
tha mayor's office. Testerday afternoon
SO 'or- 40 special officers visited the
mayor' s-eBoe and-were notified .that
they- must receive at recommendation
from the chief of polios before receiv
ing appointment by Mayor Lena -
.The revocation or the commissions
was due to the fact that. there was
no avallablo list of. special officers In
the - city. - Heretofore they were on-
pointed by . the . mayor on making ap
plication Indorsed by. one or xnorc indU
Tlduals and; received the oath of office
In the .city ' auditor's office. . Ths ..ap
pointment was placed on file, : but no
record was ever kept Of the retirements'
The result of the method mirsned In
therpast has been that many-lmsptm-TThw
slbls , men - secured . appointments and
have- frequently, taken- improper advan-
tagse- their ' -eemmlsslona' - Home- of
the worst scandals In- ths, polios . de
partment-, have .resulted from the pres
ent: system.'-.
AfUr discussing the matter with the
chief of police -the mayor - decided to
call In all the commissions and reap
point such as were worthy and' to in
struct1 ths undesirable ones to hand
their stars to the chief of police, , The
result will be that a large per cent of
the special omcers Will not receive re
appointment ' '.'..'; - . - - . .
Hereafter a record will be kept of all
special officers appointed. In an en-
deavor to prevent any trreeponslbls men
from retaining their ' stars. Before
man receives appointment he must se
cure a recommendation from the, chief
of police and file his application with
the police commission. Then it will go
to ths mayor, who will make the ap
pointment, after which It will have to
be confirmed by the executive board.
- Special officers will be Instructed 'to
report weekly or of toner, to- the chief
of police. v ' 1
, Among - the - special officers ' whose
commissions were revoked are many
who received their appointments It
years ago.: One man said that he had
been a special officer for 10 yeara ;
. .... . v" - -
' - " - " ( joa-aai gpsef-1 service.)
Bakersfleld, CaL. July 14. The worst
forest fires known In this section are
raging at Breckenrldge. The firs started
last nlght- near Lucas Creek and swept
over sn area of many miles, destroying
a . large number of oamps. Tha blase
Is now beyond control. Tha loss will
be greet.
' -..' (Joersal Special gnks.1 - ' ' r
New Tork. July 14. A contract for
tha construction of a 0,000-ton turbine
freight and passenger steamer, ths larg.
eat turbine ship yet built In America,
has been let by President Harrtman of
the Southern pacirio companyr ' The
steamer Is to operate between New Tork
end New Orleans.
Journal Coupon Ad
mll3 You Frcc to
The laiid of the
JVIidnifjht Sun"
Nsxt Sunday's Issue of The Jour- -nal
will contain a coupon, which.
If presented by sa adult. Is good
for ons admission to that splen .
"The land ol the
Midnight Sun" . .
' Oat next Sundays Journal, cut
out the coupon, present It on July
.IT, II or It. end It will admit
. you. - This- attraction Is one of
ths beet on the. Trail, and no one '
should miss seeing it. The regn
' lar pries of admission la II cents,
but next Sunday's Journal coupon '
admits you Xree. , , t :
14, 1805. SIXTEEN PAGES.
!f W8f!m!Ww--IWW(-
i it - -.; Eleanor, Gordon.-
Highwaymen - Cruelly Beat and
Rob Miss EleanorGordon
Vrv'..-- of the Belasco. -7 I: . V ;
One of the Ruffians Believed to
Have Been Stabbed by
! 1 Miss McLean. ,'
..Jhere Is a highwayman with a com
panion in ihls-olty of Portland who has
acquired the unique habit . of robbing
professional- women. : i... Li f .... -k
Less than a month ago Miss Christie
McLean, character woman of the Belasce
stock company, was held up on the
corner , of .Fourteenth and -Yamhill
streets, but ths robber secured noth
ing worth' while, for the reason that
Mlas McLean Ja&oed a hat pin Into his
ribs, at which" demonstration he turned
aad fled.--Tba sensational Item did not
I reach the papera.
Tress agent of ths theatre sup-
pressed it.
But last night tha same man; evi
dently with his confederate, held- up
Miss . Eleanor . Gordon, and . her slstsr.
Marls Gordon, . of the same company.
and made hla escape with a pocketbook
full of receipted bills, after striking
Miss Eleanor. - : v '
The Gordon sisters were on their
way to Fourteenth and Salmon streeta.
where they live. . As they were about to
cross Yamhill street two men appeared,
one- of whom, struck Miss Eleanor with
his flat and with his other hand seised
her. left wrist.-, around which was
fastened the pocketbook. : He tors It
from her, and whsn ths woman, shrieked
for help ths ruffian started down the
street at a rapid pace, laughing.
c By Jthls time two- mala pedestrians
across ths street were attracted by the
screams and rushsd to ths rescue. ( As
they approached Miss Gordon fainted
from excitement and ths force of the
blow she had received .She was taken
Into a nearby house and at the end of an
hour had. sumctsntly -recovered -to go
home. She was a nervous wreck today.
however, when Interviewed at the Be-
lasco. .' ' ''
'Being held up," said she, "is the
most thrilling and at tha name time the
most horrifying experience thst I can
Imagine. . The atrange part of It is that
my aister had a preaentlment that we
would be held up.- She mentioned It to
me when ws left the theatre, but I
merely laughed at her. Having never
had such sn experience I deemed It 1m
possible. It was an awful shock, and as
is usual In cases of that , kind, the re
action aet In after It was all over.
No!", exclaimed Hlaa Gordon.. "there
were no love letters In the purse not
one. It contained receipted bills and a
glova buttoner. That la all." v ' t
And the victim or. tne nignta sensa
tion rushed onto ths stage in response
to her cue. . ' f .
' (Special Dispatch te Tke jo-mati - ' '
Spokane. July 14. Win C. Gibson, the
Portland salesman,' held on a charge of
assault upon William Boyd, the bar
tender at Dunn's saloon, was released
on IS00 ball today and left for Portland
this morning. - Gibson -denies his guilt
and ssys that he Is confident of com
plete vlndlcstion. The case or uioeon
will not come up for trial until ths Sep
tember term of court. ;
Glbeon is alleged to - Urn entered
Dunn'e saloon early In the morning
while Intoxicated and , of having at
tempted to hold up the bartender.. He
waa arrested shortly after and slnoe
then has been conflnedT" " " '."' ,
.;- ' ?.-,;.:;
' - (Joarasl pedal ear-Ire.)
Sharon. Pa., July 14-Ths BalaUkla
gold and silver mines of Shasta county,
California, owned -by the lata Peter
Klmberly. Frank Bukle of Sharon, and
others have been sold to a syndicate
headrd by Clarence W. Mackay for
11.000.000. The deal ' was closed this
week . by trustees of ths . Xlmberley
aetata . - r -. - e
(Jonrssl Special kWvtos.t ' ' . ;
New Tork. July 14. The committee
named by Mayor MoClailan to make
plans for the centennar? celebration tn
ltOTof ths first use or stesm In wster
nsvlgatlon has decided to send an Invl
tatlonto Admiral Togo to aiteM oa I'm
me mi
Twelve; Hen Chosen 5 to
y Equitable -Society.
'. :,.'i'--..
Lively Scene Ensues In Insurance
r Commissioner's', Office-"
Criminal T Prosecutions .1 ;
' to Follow
-M'esrasI Spaelal starvtaara-' . .
New Tork, July 14. At a meeting of
directors of ths Equitable Life Assur
ance society this morning 11 new direc
tors were elected. Resignations from
three former directors were Bceepted.
Those who resigned are: Frederick
Bourne,- General Louis Fltsgsrald and
H. C Darning. 5 . -" '
- The new directors to servo until De
cember II, 1006are: "Wallace F. Pieroe
of Boston. Daniel Tomklna . of Char
lotte, North' Carolina, Thomas Spratt
of. Ogdensburg, New Tork; Louis Stern
of New Tork. Frank Wetherbee of Port
Henry, New Tork; ; James MscMahon
of Brooklyn, Now Tork. To serve until
December II. 10: Willis F. McCook
of, .Pittsburg, Charles E. Uttlefleld of
Rock. r Island, Maine. - To - serve until
December II. . 1007: N. M. Stranahan,
collector Of the port of New Tork.'' To
aerve until December II, 1001: Nicholas
Murray Butler, preetdent of Colombia
university,- - and Charles Zehnder .- of
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. . , , - y
Assistant District - Attorney - Garvin
this, morning, called -on-Bobart-Hnntsr,
first deputy superintendent of Insurance,
to make a request for a copy of the evi
dence taken by Superintendent Hendricks
during the 'investigation of the Eoult-
able. Jerome was promised by Governor
Hi a; gins soma Urns ago that he would
be furnished a - copy . of the ' evidence
which he desired to - use la criminal
prosecution. Garvin had a lively lntar
vlew with Hunter, but failed to get a
COpy. : . . :r ' .- -x .. V ;
(Special Dispatch te The JeoraaLI -
Oregon City, Or, July 14. Hon. T. T.
Goer of Salem was on the Eugene local
train'' -this morning Portland bound. At
Oregon City the former-governor got
off the train to shake hands with some
friend a- Ths - Eugene local met ths
ovsriand ai Oregon City and there was
some sxcltemeht and bustle among the
passengers. The Tall Sycamore did not
want to get left and when his train
started he swung up on the first coach
hs came to. This was the baggage car
and there were no end doors in It, It
was too late to change when this dis
covery was mads and tha former gov
ernor went on- toward Portland riding
on ths "blind" In true hobo style. .
v ii i .?' .- . -
Cv ; (Jeansl Special Service.) . -Corvallls,
Or, July 14. Henry Ole
man, aged 10, accidentally shot himself
near hla horns at Summit this morning
while driving a mower, and wss seri
ously, perhaps ' fatally. Injured, . the
charge passing through tha left arm
and snterlng ths chest snd thorax, from
whence It was removed by Dr. Cathey,
who was called from Corvallls. Olemaa
had a shotgun across his knee, when
the horses started suddenly, Jerked ths
gun onto ths mowsr and dlachanged It
. ' Osoar- a Bermaj. Admiral. '
' r (iosraal Spaelal Serrlee.! " '
Kiel.-July 14. Emperor William has
appointed King Oscar grand admiral of
ths German navy..:.. :;:,
(Special Dispatch te Toe JoeraaL) ,'
Spokane, Wash, July 14. Craned by
melancholy, and brooding over tended
Injuries, Charles H. Davis, formerly bar
tsmtar la the Cabinet saloon. . cut tha
throats of hm wife snd t-montbs-old
son at his home, til 5 Boons, avenue,
last night, and then turned ths weapon
on himself. Death came to his wife
and baby without a moment's warning.
After slsshlng the throat or his wife
ths erased husband went to ' the bed
room of the sleeping child snd almost
Severed his head from his body. -.
- ' '' (Joaraal Special Sr-te.)
New Tork, July 14. "vices front
Ireland laet nl'ht t 1 cf the marriage
of Mra-Granvi v 1
m-r coachman. :
( ";'! to her for-
t i rtltan. Garth
; t I fr sident of the
1 In of thle city.
t have committed
. T Into the gulf of
r In December,
waa a million
Mechanics' r
He v as t -.
sulci 9 ly ).
1 . o fro,,! a
1. -
CENTS s7aiZn-f a J
Off STAr:
First : of Three; Bcfci:
ants In Lend Fred
pCase Testifies.
. . ': :. .'
Doctor Denies Prior Contract ti
Z Buy. From Entrymen to
Whom He Loaned Money "
7- Is Not Perjurer, ;
-,- -, .-.. J.;'
Dr. Van "Gesner, co-defendant with
CongTsssTOan-" J.-N. Wmiamson ' and '
Marlon B. Biggs In ths conspiracy ease
on trial In" the federal court, occupied
the ' .witness-stand today. ' His direct"
examination occupied most of ths morn
ing, and Mr.'Hsney began ths cross
examination when court reconvened thla '
afternoon....'-.- ... 1
Dr. Gesnsr tee tilled that while In
numerous instances hs loaned money to j
timber entrymen . to enable them to
prova up their claims. In no case waa
there a previous contract for ths pur-'
chase of the land by himself or by tha
firm of Williamson A Gesner. He de
clared tuat hs never contemplated tha
possibility of perjury on the part of tha.
entrymen and had ha foreseen It he
would have had nothing to do with the
buslnesa - Much., of ths testimony , re
lated to ths, war between tha cattlemen '
and sheepralaers, which Is evidently to ,
out a large figure In tha arguments of
the defense to ths Jury.;- .- -,
Biggs, Tool WUliamsoa, Kaybe. ;"
Marlon. R. Biggs and possibly Con
gressman Wnilamaon will -take thev
stand thla afternoon, and It is expect 1
that -the presentation of evidence f r
ths defense will ' conclude today. In
that event arguments to ths jury wUl ,
probably begin tomorrow and the eas-
will reach ths JUry early next week. 4"
Before the defense began tha. preawn-;
tatioa of testimony this morning V'-e
Anna Lang, receiver of the land o a
at Ths - Dalles, was recalled by a. r.
Heney and -testified , briefly to ons or
two minor points that had been over
looked In her previous examination.
- M. E. Brink, tha first witness for tha
defense, wss then called. He testified -that
In April last hs. was present at a
conversation, between Campbell Duncan.
O. W. Barnes and others. - Duncan, who
was ons of ths witnesses for ths .gov
emment, stated in that eoaversatlon
that he had sworn truthfully In hla
timber application. , . Brink . aaked - hint
whether at any time he bad felt under
obligation to sell his-timber claim to
Gesner or to Williamson as Gesnsr, and
Duncan replied -that hs had not, .
"Who suggested . that you ' should
Question Duncaar aaked "Mr.. Heney.
"Dr. Geener told ms to find out what
Duncan knew," . answered . ths witness.
He denied that the meeting With Dun
can was prearranged by Barnea, Gee-:
ner's attorney. , , . ."','. , "
Isom Cleek, a Prlnsvlllo saloon-keeper.
tee titled that March II. 1000, Henry
Beard, la his saloon. In the presence of
witnesses,, said that hs mads no contract
for ths sals of his timber claim to
Gesner or any ons slsa
Dr. '.Van Gesner- waa then sworn. 1
Much of Dr. OesneTS testimony was
given In a votes Inaudible except ta the
Jury, and to those who sat Immediately
bealds him. .
He sutsd that In tha fall of 1001 ha
engaged In farming and aheepralatng ta
Crook county, buying a ons third Inter-,
eet In ths firm of Williamson Wake
field. During the year 1001 the firm
name was Williamson. Wakefield A Oes
ner. Gesner being In ehsrge of ths bust-
is. He described at : lenath tha
troubles thst arose between the cattle-1
men and ahedpralaera The former drear
a deadline beyond which sheep- were not -
auowea to range, and posted notices at .
(Continued on Pags Slav)
Davis then made .three gashes 1a hid
own throat, severing ths Jugular vein
and windpipe, and fell In a pool sf
blood In the kitchen. His wife aad n
time to make an outcry and ths crime
was first dlscovsred by neighbors half
an hour after It was oommltted ai 7:10 -o'clock
last night. ...-.
The husband la believed to have be- .
come Insane from -thinking that hie .
wife's relatives wished to get tid of him.
Ths couple were married March 0. 10J. '
The murdered child was born en Eastee
Sunday, this year. ,'
near New Tork. He had received
grnell wagea and the Incident r-'-much
comment that Hart!-- -property
back to Mrs. (
owner, and went to )
With her chlldr"- '
Mra t
1 t I
..... ...r...
Cag.ab.lp, . ,