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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1905)
- r fr-"f V" "-.. V-- mm, . mmmf I 1 . - A ' ''.i'A-.'!A''.,'A' v1,- -a, -.a. ".a;" A; 'a! a K:a a -.a,' .a. - .a, s '.a.- ''.a, ,a,; t it rt rt rv m m m m rt ?i m m r m m V n m m re m r W - w v M v vv V-- ,-.f v - v:y y-v ( v- i - v v tw. : . uv. " -, ,-.;;-.itzrrz . ' 1 ... . -.. ..... . I T '". , Wti- vn' i ;-yi, ' fi:.V. Woild'be open until 1,. ni "raetTAvith the delight of tha masses.- Over 1 1,000 people passed througfiTthe turn- gMiUcs on : Morid - a uuucii. u.ui. umu luiuici nuuwc, iui uic uuuumiiiuuauuu ui.uic puuiiu at iarge. vjur Dcauuiui JDaui nouses auu - 1UC , 3 ; r Swimming Pool w bath and use of a: new bathing suit for! 25 ;ceht&' i "Surprise Cakes" as well Tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock GRAND BALL at the Pavilion exclusively for children. -Admla- pton to the Pavilidn :' 10 cent?, i PeafoErthe best wallers and fancy (lanceri. Ice Cream and . ' 1 . .-. . - 1 ' "-. 1 1 . Tea now ed to -atora at the Japanese "Sunrise" Tea Garden. '.Too many amusement features to enumerate in this f single advertisement ' Come and judge for yourselves what we offer for 10c. admission to the grounds, children 5c Unlimited and perfect car service from First rTjdAlder Streets, f Next Saturday, afternoon the ."Imperial Spanish Singers and Dancersw in the hew cozy little theatre. ? - v v llllilllliiiMiiii i V Date to be announced later. . ; Pain's Wonderful Specuce, The LWst Days of Pompeii, direct from Manhattan' Beach, New York. Here are our phone numbers pasta this' $fp&S directory Manager's Office, EAST 840 --The Oaks Tavern, EAST 838. ',v Wf : Cl.. i' llJ i-ffis i ... ,- '-" -- r v. , v V:v "v AVAIIIIU rOK A Almadtn i Furnace Z Cornpany " Commenced Work en Plant ' . East of Prlneville. w urn 1 1 a t f r in laitvtAl . ' ; ; CAPACITY OF TEN TONS Enough Ore Said to. Be In .Sight . Keep-- Smailtt Plant, ' ' ' A UI. J. r ' - . if.-;' t J VTerk ha eommac4 In th ontrae. tlon '.of Almadan oiaroury . plant. IS . mtla from Prlnarllla. Crook oonnty. Th Aliltadon Turnaea oorapany haa baa or (anlMd to do thla work, which la nndar tha airaotlon or C . Ftua-araid. aa x parlenood nareurr amaltarman of tha Caiirornia oiatriot. 4tr. ntiraraid baa takaa an Intareat In tha furnaoa oom pany, and will opara'u tha plant whan It la Oniahad. Hla eonfldenea In tha futttro of. tha property and' tha poaatbUltlaa of proflt arra Indlcatad by tha faet that ha . la willing- to haa a ood portion of nil pay aontlnircnt upon raaalta. . Tha riant will hava It ton oapaolty at tha commaneamant Xzcavatlon - la Mini anada. for It a faw hundrad faat below tha prasant main worktnaa of tha property. - Tha -dlatanea for dallvarlnc ora will ultlmataly roqulra a tram, but for tha praaant It la undaratood that tha plant will ba kapt buey .with wavona. whan daaper work la will b on tha lavol of tha praaant plant, ao Viat ora may ba dallrerad from tha - rnoutk of tha tunnal Into' tha amaltar Tha New Almadan Gold A Qulekatl var Mlnlna; ' company, which owna tha mercury property, win reaume iavalop. mnt when tha furnace la In working order. Tha heavleat. 1 atockboldara Of both thla property and tha furnace aom pany are local men. ajthouch thara are aome oiitalde .tntaraata. . In tba early work dona by the. mining; company tba croaacat 'Intaraeeted teveral -atrlnaera. but U ,1a aald that In tha latter dart or ;worK naroro eomaanoins work on tha furnace, a large body of high grade lnnaba ora waa entered, which . bag promlae or beoomlag a ateady producer. Many large apoolanana Yrons thla ' ara body of aolld cinnabar, and high aaaaya ara frequent Tha management baa ?1d on- tha dumps a aufflolant quan uy of ora to keep tha little furnace buay for aeveral weeka, and aaya that thara U anaagh ara In eight to continue operation Indefinitely ,... Thla property la on Ixwkout moun tain, aimoat due aaat from PrlaavlUa, Tha haul to and from tha latter place la net difficult, and If either the Co lumbta Southern or tha Great Southern railway entera Crooked rhrer valley tha propartlea U1 ba brought In cloaa touch with tha markau of. tha world. As wood la to; be'uaed In tha reduction plant and pura mercury will be hauled oat from tha dlatrlct. leolatlon la not a annua eoneideratlon for , tha manage ment, -v ' " ,j OMrmi eoolatsltlhra. , . Tha Top' of Oregon who hava neter had opportunity to atudy tile ooal prod act of Ihilr own atata ahould rlalt thd Coos eouaty axtl.t, la tha iil&lna buUd- Incaf iaa fair. Here are aome of the flneat peclmana of Cooe bay ooal aver brought into - thla olty. - Tha BeaTer HUI and other prominent propartlea. have been thoroughly repraaented. . ana. while the block of . coal do not - compare with aema or tha atately pllea from Wyoming and Washington, they ara larger and of a better quality of ooal -than -Oretftramna were aware had erar been mined in thalv Mm atata.-4''' .:-,-. ,. .'.i v.. REALISTIC FURNACE - -?,rC EXHIBITS AT THE FAIR . The two smelter modela on exhibit at tha fair, In connection' with "the Oregon mineral collection, are In condition to attract tha maximtun of attention. 8u parlntandent Mollis has glren tha Sump tar- amelter -model a most reallatle ap- pearaaet by having what aaema to be molten slag pouring from the tapping apout Into tha big settllnf baain and thence Into tha Blag pota. - Thla la ac complished hy using -an oil. paint of about tha eonalatency of molten alag. n Invisible pump returna tha ilag" to tha furnace after It has run lta course,' and It' makea tba round again la the top of the furnace' ara ore, flus and eoke, with the- charging "bogglee" standing by, until a amaltarman la made to think that tha plant la In actual oper ation. The illuminated pictures of tha plant Ha operation, appearing - .Imme diately behind tha amelter model, give a mora realistic appearance to the scene, arid constitute one of the most attractive exhibits that has rat. . been Installed at any fair. . Manager Xennla - of tha Black Butte mine, who baa erected a model of one of hla new .cinnabar furnacea, haa put a blower a work near tba firebox of the furnace, arid .given tha plant all tha touchea of real lam by distributing alag about'lt-Md placing a receptacle be neath tha condenalng apout filled with mercury. Thla model has-all tba pro portions of tha new furnace . being erected at the mine, and the . interior arrangement corresponds to the firebox, flues. mixing-, chamber, distributing chamber and roaatlng aon'ea. With the furnace la a papier mache relief of the property,, aho wing the admirable loca tion for economical ; work, and tram connections, location of tha adits and the- drainage system near whence the management , will derive elect rlo power. SAN FRANCISCO MAY J . V HAVE.A STEEL PLANT i,.,,, ;...!. - - - ; (paeUl biapateh V The JoaraaLt Banlcla. CaX. July IS. Blnca it was announced bora that a steel slant would probably' ba " erected acroea the atralts from thla place. . there baa been keen speculation aa to whether thla .would ba worked in connection with tha new man agement taking hold of tha Taxada la land Iron deposlta of Puget Bound. Sev eral California 'men are Interested in tha Iron-mines. The bls'at , furnace at Irondale, Washington, will pat the metal in the form of pig, and tha conclusion follows that the ateet plant 'spoken' of hare Is - to finish tha product ' for all manufacturing purpoeae. ; -Nothing definite haa been learned re garding; thS Steal plants save that if It la built tha ooat, Including alta. will be about ltoS.000, and that ft la to ba mod ern In every respect, with large Initial enpacttr. " " 1" 1 V ---- .."'-" ' aMna waM ais.'v' 'W- In aema i of the recent heavy gold shipments ; front Alaska and Tukon ter ritory to tha government aaaay office It le , probable that tha ., nugget and . gold collect I ena for tha Alaska mineral exhibit hava boea raoelved. Ow ing to tba extreme ieoUUoav ef Taaana and-Noma, delivery of i the -rich, nugget colleotlqns promised from that eountry hava been lata, but will ba bora In time to ba aeon by tha greatest erowda vlalt- lna the fair. , ,t . TWENTY THOUSAND ELKS - MARCH IN PARADE (Xooreal Spaelaf Serrica.1 Buffalo, N. July II. This waa tha big ffy of the Elks national convention and reunion. Thla forenoon S0.S0S mem bers of tha antlered tribe .paraded through the downtown . thoroughfares and received tha applause of the thou sands Of spectators 'who lined tha side walks and filled every available door and window. 'Tha parade waa one of tha blggoat things of the kind ever aeen la Buffalo..'; .The - paradera repreeented every atata and territory ot tha anion. and many wre garbed ln-fantaatio and picturesque oostumea typifying tha aeo tloa of eountry from whloh they came. Forty baada were included la tha Una. The parade formed at 10 o'clock In Franklin street near Huron and pro ceeded to tha Terrace and ., thence through Main street, passing la review before the grand lodge officers and in vited guests, who occupied - a - stand erected' In Lafayette square, i , - The following grand lodge officers hava been elected:. Grand exalted ruler, Robert W. Brown. Louisville. Kentucky; grand esteemed leading knight F. Tomltnaon, Winston, North Carolina; grand esteemed loyal knight, Charles W. Kaufmann Hoboken. New Jersey grsnd esteemed lecturing- knight. Ed' ward MoLaughlliv Boston i grand secre tary, Fred C Boblneon, Dubuque, Iowa; grand treasurer, John K. Tener, Char- la rot, Pennsylvania; grand Tyler, w. w. McClelland. Pittsburg, Pannaytvanla; grand trustee (long term). John D. O'Bhaa, Lynn. Massachusetts;! grand trustee short term). Dr. W. Mavnand, Butte. Montana.-' .".-...'': :-.. TEMPERANCE DYNAMITER. V INSTRUCTED BY VISION : ' '-jearnal .ipenlal fiervlea.) . A.'f. tola, Kan., July 11. Posaes ara etill searching for C L. Meldln, tha temper ance crank, who is thought to have wrecked tha throe buildings hare .with dynsjntte, and who 1a still '; at large. Mra. Meldln has raosHwd a letter from her, husband. In which ha states that he has Dean toia ny uoa- in a . vision la "strike the- rum power a blow, from the effect of which It would never recover." BUTTE ENTERTAINS ' ; .THE TICfCETAGENTS (Baeelal Dlspateh to Tae loarasL) - Butte, Mont, July II. Aboutltl ticket agents ot all tha varloua eaatern roads arrived la Butte yeaterday after. noon en route to the Portland ex pool tlon. They remained la Butta about eight hours, desiring to aeo tht tamp by gaslight as well as .by day., The arents were ' taken la-tow by a com mittee of tha Buaineaa Men's , associa tion and given a good time. . . ,.v .. CASTOR I A - lor Zsiuite and Childrea. y TktlfciYM K3TiAIizytD::: Boars t&a aigaatareoX HARYESTERTTRUSTf REAPING REBATES Combine-It Accused of -Recelv ' Ing Million Illegally From ;' " Railroadi.- INSIDE HISTORY TOLD r BY FORMER EMPLOYE McCoimick s Branch Received Immense Sum Under Guise ; , ; of lllinpis Northern. , IJaoraal SpacUl larvlei.) Chicago. July 11. la a bUl filed la the federal court Rodney B. Swift, as a stockholder. ' demands an accounting rrom tha international Harvester com pany, of whloh ha waa formerly bead of tha experimental . department . Swift praye that tha aourt force tha trust to cease taking re be. tee from railroad com panies and to compel tha company to return money Illegally exacted from the railroads la tha past. Swift declares that up to September IS, l0t tha MoCormlck branch. of the Harveater company alone aecured a sum In azcass of tl,00,0H by rebates. Tha Piano branch secured I690.009. . Since Sepumber 10, 1102, nine other rail waya hava been paying to tha trust under tha guise of aa aliased di vision of frela-ht rates with the Illinois Northern ., oompany, and .that : thaae amount to mora than i,soo,0og, The organisation' or tha truat Is de scribed by Bwlfv'whb declares that shortly" after its formation an .arrange ment was made among Cyrus U. MoCor. raick, Charles Deeiing, Oeorge.W. per kins and William O. Lane to. tha affect that all tha atock of tba International company ahould be But in, char as of tha flrlt three aa truateea for voting purpoeea ; until 1S12. ' Swift demands that IDe-voting -agreement., bo tern nated. He atatea that harvesting ma- chines can ba produced and delivered for $7. Tha company receives Its from agents, who- la turn veil them for Ufa, HICKS' SOCIABILITY : ; .CAUSES HIS ARREST Ispeclal -Dlspetek to Ta JoaraaL) Pendleton. Or.. July 11. Lester Hicka. a white man, waa arrested by the In dian police' yeaterday on tha charge of carrying liquor Into the Umatilla res ervation. . Hicka met Inspector valentine on tha reserve and. feeling- sociable, and not knowing tha Inspector, offered Mm drink from a flask which ba carried. Valentine Immediately had him . ar- reeted. - , ". '. NORTHERN PACIFIC TO K B.UILD ELECTRIC LINE r'V''"--;'--r'- 1 m U,. - :r. ' Baaelal tHsaatek to Tae JearaaL) North Taklma. Waah.. July 11- The Northern Paclflo Railway oompany haa applied for a franchise for building; aa elertrto railway f through tha Taklma valley, .two otner. appucauona nave been made. Publlo opinion la against grertUag) tba KoTtbora Paclflo av Iran. irSrrfrrrrrSrSfSr' v v v v v V v V v v v v v v V VTV Vy.VVVVVVv ' lJ.lJISJ..IJULaS-.liJtljaiJll.lJWBJIJiLLWUl o; o j ! in i.. i rr i i ., - . .. . , - ... . ..j . .... , ; ,,- ...v, . . ; o o I X OONT F0RGET7E1I IVE AWAY OifSATUDDAY :. J:" ::;;.' ' : a'A-teis eanssciie '.'Ay:-':yA:yyyyy WEATHERED OAK DINING R00R1 SET WORTH $100 ..I ... -00 . :yy,::y IT WILL' BE PRESENTED TO ONE OF OUR CUSTOMERS DURINO OUR PRE-INVENTORY CIJuMAWCE SALS :0F: "i Furniture and HousenirnisMss '1 fiVERY ARTICLE IN THIS SALE HAS A SPECIAL COUPON - L TAG: EACH TAG IS A CHANCE ON THE DINING-RO&M n EVERY ARTICLE, NO MATTER HOW LOW THE PRICE. .ryy-s. Every article in this sale is marked with spectJ coupon tag. Each tag is num "A bered. You get the coupon and the tag is placed to Tour credit in tns office. , liOrLSaturda)t-evening the Ugs will bt placed in sealed box, a disinterested per.-;" son will break the seal and . draw put one tag. . That number will win the prise. So save your coupons and come back on Saturday. You may be lucky. '. Look for yellow taos 25 to 50 reductions' bargains for every. part op the home PRICES TO PLEASE PARTICULARLY PRUDENT PURCHASERS 7 r-.- t . FIRST TAYLOB sts. : a. J :riy "r." .... -'-.'-J .