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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1905)
r IIB CF. JURY zn Accused of Assisting Tracy - and lflemII-oEscape,liL -: -.v.:. v.- on Trial.1 - U, otiim oil rv PROVES r- I V .r niii iMW ii! . - - " 7- TO BE STRONG WITNESS C-fensi Introduces" EvidenciTto ; -."how-Wright ; C0ulTTJ6t - Hare Been at Salem" ,7 i V - 8pcUl DUpatca to Tne JovwL) -' Salem. Or, July 11 The fate of Charles Monte'ls now la bt twill of "toe IS men who compos ths Jury; torney H- J. Bigger closed the argu--t for th defense about It B clock ntt ir"r"inr District Attorney- Mo .jw in avryhirt pMli closed th argument for the prosecution, the Judge av th Instruction to th Jury and t oa waa 4allvrd into ita bafida jortly before noon. . i Whin court convened yesterday taorn !Cag at t o'clock. the first witness for the prosecution waa called and tha attor neys for the stat began the weaving tf a strong chain pf circumstantial evi dence around the defendant. The first itnesae to be called were Dilley, Olr ard and Stapletou. guarda at the penl ntlary at the Urn of -the break, -They h tiSed that Tracy, Merrill. Wright and 1 jonte were always frlanda while n the I rlaonj that they had opportunities for (conversation while there, and that -they werff-tetnr evidently plotting tpgether, ti different ocoaaloaa The etar wltneaa for the eUte waa ""-arles Morris, a convict, who testified .at whU In Jatl with Monte at Pendle--n the latter told htm" that JiaJtnew helped Tracy and Merrill to escape, nd that later when they bad both been -anaferred to the penitentiary. Monte nf eased to him that It waa ha and right who carried the guna over the U1 and concealed them In .the ahop aUe a third matt by the. name of Ryan ood guard on the -outside of the walL an ta the third man Implicated -In e plot who has ao far baffled all at ' "pts of the officer to locate him. i Ur. ui lira Knm h reside on eir farm near Gervala, were also rani wltneaaea for the prosecution. aey teaUfled that a few daya after e break and ' while Tracy and Merrill re supposed 7to be In that neighbor-1 ood. that thla man Monte came 10 weir use and Inquired - for Tracy: and srrill, saying that he waa a friend of sirs and wished to aid them. They -Mtlvely Identified,' Monte, who stated, .sen ha went toito to wttne chair for -self, that ho waa la the , Palous W tfuntry at that time. i Another wltneaa was an ex-rsform hool atudant of thla city by the name f Johns, who stated that be waa on i -tlmate terms wit wngni ana mumvm t ad that be saw them In Salem on the : y that they .were released from the ; nttenttary and at different times oa .uccecdlng daya. -"-"".' -j :. 1". SUley snrosyr Wttaaaa. t' One of the state's strongest wltneaaea nd the one against whom the defense mtred all its efforts waa Captain W. ;r. RUey of Portland, who waa eonduct , i t gun store In that city at the time ! fc th break. Ha positively Identified Xonte as the man-to whom be- sold the wo tO-IO rifle which are alleged to ave bean used by the convicts, la mak- 1 t the break.- ttm also atataa - mat f r right was -the man that waa with ,' fonte when the purchase was mad a ' h defense attacked thla one wltneaa Vnd Introduced witnesses Jto show that Foley's general reputation for truth and veracity In the city of Portland waa not jrood. AH but two Of the witnesses, bow siver, fell down When placed on the wlt lieaa atand and said that they did not j now -ejiyttilng "about bis reputation in t hat regard. The two were J. T. Jacy lnd R. V, Brown,- Lacy got pretty badly iilxed up on cross examination and irowa admitted that ha had worked for . illey and .had been discharged. The wtrong part of Lacya testimony waa a f nysterlous eaahbook which la supposed I o have belonged to Riley and to have n used by him in the store at the lme the' purchases In Question were opposed xo nave oeen maae, no sxatea be found the book lying on the ounter In the store in which he now orks yesUrdsy morning, when he went e open up before -coming . to Salem. Slow the book got there, or where It rtmt - from, . nobody seems - to -know, Captain Riley, In whose possession It should have been, had looked for it bat Eould not find it, and ao came to the oncluslon that it had been destroyed. fThe entries made in thla book did not how that there had been any auch sales made at or near the time at which Riley pays be sold the guns to Monte, neither twaa any testimony Introduced to ahow that all the sales that - were made at hat time were entered In that book. : i; "V - oek Treaak SanTai" . r The last witness for the defense waa 'A. Harn of Georgetown, Washington, fwho testified that Harry Wright worked tor him from the moyning of June 4, tfOZ. until June la. , The purpose of thla "i uww niav tv rigm ana Monte teould not have been together In Salem on the night of June s. the sight that the guna were put over the wall and concealed . in the shops. ' While In his employ, however, Wright - went by the kuune of Henry Chllds, and suddenly took "French leave" after seeing his pic ture in the Seattle papers and the offer kt a ttOt reward for his Arrest oo the r barge of assisting Tracy and Merrill la escape. ,. , . . .' .-- ,,- , The prosecution then called In rebutal Oeorge F. Downing. 'S. Dllley and Al llerron, wh.o..tBtifled as - to the good reputation Riley had for truth - and Veracity. McNary also asked for an order from the court giving him per mission to summon a number of prom inent business men of Portland to ap pear and testify as to Riley's reputa tion. - . v Deputy District Attorney C I Mc Nary made the opening argument for the state and P. L D'Arey opened the argument on the behalf of the defense. As It vu 11. o'clock when he finished talking, court was adjourned until I p'clock thla morning. . ' i ' iVillamette Valley Chautauqua r ? i- Association, ' . For the Willamette Valley diautau oua association at Gladstone f ark, July 11 to II. the Southern Pactfie company ties provided special train service. Trains leave Kaat Washington street at f:4t. t:4t,.t:I0, 11:18 a. m.( t:30, :I0. :JJ. 8:21. I:0t. ,:10, 7:16,, : p. m. Lt car . leaves . Gladstone . for Ksst Washington street at 10:1 p. m. I'm t u rt her information . fall . telephone East 127... . , S-oat Death Sroaa Seal, - r " imraml gpeetal rnice.r Xew Tor. July TJ.--Four deatht and II pre tret ions resulted from the intense teat In Greater New TnrV 'yesterday. I he weather- Is aomewhst' cooler today ( wlVf the showers last night. fiOVEBLl .flEBBICK Official i Visit Paid Cutter ivlc- j.Culloch This . Morninglby ! " r Ohio. Executive: , ; , SAYS STEFFENS ONLY ' -ie BOOMS TOM JOHNSON WilLSpencJ jtWeelc-on Hunting Trip: In "Central Oregon -ni Then Home for Campaign.-; . - Seventeen explosions from the six- pound bow guna ot the McCulloch this forenoon announced an orriciai visit from Governor Myrea T.ilerriok K-Ohi.i The governor wat accompanied by a party of friends, under the guidance of Jamas McL Wood. . . .i. If "waa.ln a iiieaaur,-aa-yihln day,"! the " governor Pt "thatrwata etnr a guest of. honor at the . exposition arounda. at the Arlington .club, and oa board the McCuuUoch, and he wat kept busy receiving the many at tent lone be stowed. At 10:S o'clock h was met at the foot of Stark street by the McCul- loch's boats, under command, of Mid shipman Maher? and taken aboard, -the favorite ship of the United States reve nue service. The party included: Gov ernor Herrick, Cleveland; W F. Burdell, Columbus; Dri 'T. O Rankin, Columbus; George W. bin as, voiumous, jr. w. jaui key. Messrs. Stanley and WoodU Aboard the veeeel they were' entertained by Cap- tain-OMrtwell.-Dr.-CaU and the entire staff of the boat s officer. There waa a full dree muster when th governor went up th gangway, and the infantry waa drawn up under arms. n An informal receptloi followed. This tfternoon th governor waa a guest f-4h Ohio society and -th position management at the groundaJ This -visit is bis flrat trip to Oregon. Ha la eloquent In expressing approval of th atata. and of Jh city of Port land, v.:.' ' : '---.' ."Thia la a very, very beautiful city:-1 have bee delighted with what I have seen ever slnoe entering Oregon."-he said.- "My mission her is eolely to se cure rest and recreation prior to enter ing upon th work of a political cam palgn. Th green foliage, th flower, th comfortable tempera tare, all' are to m delightful beyond expression. I am coins out Into central Oregon, with some of my znanda, to see th methods of irrigation employed, and to fish and hunt." ' . - .- - - , . - Th governor says he has no pecuniary interests la Oregon at thla time. He has just been -nominated a second tiros by acclamation- for governor or Ohio. furnishing th only Instance of th;ls kind with - ue exception - ox uovenror mo Klnley. Asked to say something with reference to an article by Lincoln F. Stef fens - in th current issue -of Me- Clure's magaaina, he declined to speak for publication. Ha expressed the view that Steffens had spoiled the article by abuse of Mark Hanna. and that It was an effort to boom Tom Johnson. Governor Herrick and his friends will leave Portland tomorrow evening for Bend, Crook county, wheps they will de vote a week, to bunting, tuning ana sight-seeing. ' : . - FAIR IS'A POEM, SAYS BARD OF THE SIERRAS Thar is no on perhaps to whom the Lewis and Clark fair haa appealed more strongly than to th venerable poet of the Sierras, Joaquin Miller. Last night th old veteran - atood on the grand stairway and gated out over th lawns and trees radiant with a thousand light and aa -with- a ' poet's appreciation. ex- I claimed: . " i - . 1 ' . "This la grand, my son. grand.' Tou know,? ha continued, atroking that long beard, "this fair is Just my sis. After all ' I love best th shorter poem , that Is born of the heart rather than the mighty eplca that stir only th intel lect. , Thla fair la a small but exqulaltt poem, more interesting to m by far than the great world exposition that I have attended in the past." And Miller knew, for he has been to them all on - both continents, having begun the round with the Centennial at Philadelphia. . There will b a reception In honor of Mr. Miller at th Oregon building on Saturday afternoon - at which time he will read a number of hla favorite BOMBS, Z -- .-Hi-'-; ACCUSED OF ATTEMPT TO BLACKMAIL BROKER "'V ' ' (Joeraal Special gerrles.) f V New York. July 11. Some of th most prominent society people in the United Bute have been brought into what ap pears . to M i gigantic blackmailing scheme - Involving -,. that - wall-known weekly. Town Toplca, Charles H. A hie, a man Having the appearance of a fashionable clubman, was arrested today on a charge of at tempting to extort' f SOt from Edwin M. Post a member of; the stock ex change. -Able was arrested by a de tective In a room at th Stock Exchange building Just after Post had handed him lOt of marked money. Post alleges that Able asked him to subscribe taOt for an edition d luxe of a book called "The Smart Set." which the Society .Editors' association is get ting out, but practically demanded the money for th suppression of an article which AJil said that Town Topics wat going to print tbout Post i . r . GRAND JURY INDICTS V QUAKER CITY OFFICIALS (Joaraal Special Serrtce.) . v Philadelphia, July 1J. Th grs rid jury today returned true bills against Se lect Councilman Cavan and John Hill, ex-chief of the Alteration bureau, charg ing, frauds against th city I connec tion with th nlteratlon contracts, v INVENTOR OF GOLD PENS DIES AT ADVANCED .AGE ',' ,.r,,;' "..( :' r'V'-"' ''--'" " (Jeoraal Bpedal Serrtos.) - i , New Tork, July It. John T. Foster, the noted inventor and manufactunnr of the first gold pens. Identified with the invention of the first sewing- ma chine, Is dead at Arlington, New Jersey, tged 15. ,'t. -tr--TTt'".,-. Church and Stat 11L ... T. (Joorsal Bpeeial terrlas.1 . Paris, July ll. Th debate on the bill providing for . the separation of church and state ha begun in th sen ate. - The- senate committee will meet during ' the - parliamentary vacation, which will begin tonight, to avoid de lay, as the government -is determined to' have the messure of reform finally adopted before th dissolution Of H uhamber In HQ. IlOr.IAGE TO LEE First Session of Church Congress -Occupied With Tributes to . 1 ! : Itinerant -Pioneers. -:,y - THREE NOTED BISHOPS - - S'ATTENDINQ MEETING OpemngReceptionljut Evening aBrilliant Affair--Stories of " Old Days a Feature'' Th Methodist congress loday began Its program sessions at" Grace Meth odist church 'with a forenoon on "The Pioneer.-" Bishop David Hr-Me-prer aided and opened the meeting witn a few remarks on the purpose of the con vention to -unit the northwest forces of the church and to show -what It be ing don at variousyititt uf tU"rrt-4 tory severed. - Reference was rasas is Jason -Lee, the pioneer, missionary -of Oregon, and Dr. John H. Coleman, pres ident of Willamette university, waa in. troduced. He eooke of ."Jason Lee. the Man.- and .said 'that. Christianity had stamped his early days so that be was peculiarly' fitted to carry the gospel te the great northwest ' ; t It 1 fitting that a monument snouia ba erected to his name -here in Ore gon.' he said, -"but he does not need a shaft to perpetuate hit memory among us. - 'His work . waa too great to be quickly forgoltsa. Hit-sett 1 wtt-flrst oa the Willamette near-Salem. What could more fittingly suggest hit spirit of progress and hla with to aid Christian elvllluttan th.vt a m.morl.1 there In a Christian inatltution of learning r''wil- e malls university Is Hit Hinegfforthe Methodists In Oregon and many look with favor upon th plan or endowing It With a Jason Lee memorial fund. ' Judr W. D. Fen ton followed with a formal address on ''Jason Lee and Hit Coadjutora" His words were Of In tense . Interest to the pioneer espe cially Drr John - McLoughlin - was ulogised aa a consistent and faithful friend of all Americans and truly the father of "Old Oregon." He defended Jason Le In hla worts and -gave him all assistance possible. Other, sympathetic workers were -mentioned who, figured prominently In the early history of Ore gon, and Le himself waa characterised at . a, true.. American,,, though born a British subject.,. The reception which formally opened th congress last night, was largely-attended and good address were made by Bishop Moors (of Portland, Bishop Ham ilton of San Francisco and. Bishop Tho burn of -India. -Dr. A. B. ; Leonard of New York and Dr. Daniel Rader of Port land alto spoke briefly. - i : ' This evenlna'a session will be of great Interest to the northwest Methodist especially. Tomorrow j morning the pioneer pastor will give reminiscences of th old heroio days hd Chief White Bwan will be among the speakers.": Among the prominent Methodists arriving- yesterday .and. today .war:' 'Dr. John H. Coleman of Salem; Rev. John Flinn, Vancouver; Rev. arid 'Mrs. B. F. Brooks, Tacoma; Rev. AV H. Todd, Ta coma; Rev. W. H. Selleck, Baler: Rev. A. At wood. BeatUe; Rev, R. L. Marlatt, Tacoma: Rev. L. U. L.vourd. seatue; Rev. L. Jean, Seattle; Bishop J.' M. Thobum, India; Rev. S--W. Brown, Bsy Center, Washington:, Rev. A. J. Mc Nemea. Washington; Rev. Q. A. Lander, presiding elderkt Centrtlta; Rev. O. L. Cuddy, . Tacoma; Rev. Jams Opt, Band Coulee, Montana; Rev. M. C. Wire, Eu gene; F. A. Rlggln, Browning, Montana; William Lee, Colorado Bprlngs; Rev. Henry W. Brown,. Spokane;- Rev. W. & Holcomb, Dilley, Oregon; Rev. , J. J- Hawkins, uatakanle; Rtv. Grant Stewart, Cottage drove; Rev. O. Fees. Corvallls. AUTHORITIES PLAN TO : MASSACRE THE JEWS ' -,"'';' (Joorsal Bpeeial Bervtes.) 'Vr;. '- Berlin, July It. A report from Odes. ta aays that the authorities ther are plotting new Jew baiting massacre on a large scale, and that aoldlera return ing from the front cava been invited to plunder th house of Jews and take whatever needed. Count Jgnateff,- in receiving a-deputation of Jews - from southern Russis, charged them-with In citing aa organised revolution In -Odes sa.- Th Jews ere seeking to avert the threatened outbreak. HILL'S ARRIVAL BOOMS NORTHERN PACIFIC STOCK . i , , hi ii i i a - ' (' (Joorsal Bpedal Berrlee.) New York. July 12: Northern Pactfie advanced sharply today on the report that J. J. Hill had. arrived and that the long expected dividend, amounting) to St per cent on acrlp and 20 per cent on cash, wll be declared. ; j . -, HIGHWAYMEN CAUGHT BY POSSE AND KILLED :t .;- . - , Joaraal Bpeeial Berriea.") . ' Wlnfleld. Kan., July 12. Two high waymen who early thla morning at Ce darville shot -and killed Special Agent Calhoun of the Santa. Fe road, were sur rounded by a posse at Hewing, near the Oklahoma line, and shot and killed. ' , , 'Arrtstad 'at readtotoa. . . .. ' V V (Bpedal OUpatck U The Joorsal.) . Pendleton, Or.; July 11 . 'Acting upon Instruction from th marshal at The-Dalles, Sheriff Taylor early, yes terday afternoon' placed under arrest R. D. Bollng and placed the prisoner In the county Jail. ' Bollng Is wanted. at The Dalles td ahswer to a charge of larceny by bailee, being accused of stealing' a wtlch.--.-..-- :' ' ; ' i yjZiry,:- For a few days V to Ge vxhte o! 15c, i box 1 GRANDMA'S SPANISa PEPPER Grandma's Spanish Pepper is the real Spanish seasoning, giving flavor for which Spanish .cooking hat long been famous. Made of a combination of herbs, oils, seed, -cereals and pepper, free from all acids or foreign properties to preserve it. It ia unsurpassed for cooking all kinds 7of Spanish dishes, such as Tamales, Enchiladas, Chili Con Carne, etc- Direction on each can for ; seasoning of dishes. Exhibition in the Agricultural, Building at the Fair. ' Sold by the leading grocers,. If you've riot TRIED Journal "Want 'Ads." do so now. Matters not whether you are a new or an old customer, youll get the premium just the same. If you want to buy, i something and can't find it if you want to tell something and can't' sell it try a want adV in The Journal. Costs little, r -V-' s rrV:"- ":'y---: -if..-.v.-JJ --v -I TIE jOURNAL DAS 1C9.CC0 READEItS ITJ OHEGOrl C2ATH valley r.:;;; - HOT AH EASY tlARu Chicago People Fail to Secure " ' Any of Walter Scott's' Fab-1', ulous Wealth. t r (Joaraal Bpeeial Service.)' Chicago, July 11. Walter Scott, tht Death Valley miner and candidate for notoriety, waa up early thla morning and got out of the hotel unobserved, thereby eluding-- a -falr-elsed crowd r made up largely :of Old school ma tea and -boyhood trlendsof-the -plunger, with-a liberal sprinkling of people representing chart- table institutions. All were sore dis appointed.- The only munificence of Scott registered -up to noon was a 10-cent tip to a waiter who brought hla breakfast Scott visited - the stockyards and a number- of railroad offices, where he re newed hi request for a record train to New "Tork. None' - of the railroads seemed to favor th project. The miner Is not .verifying the report of fabuloua tips iuid e&ay financial manner and con sequently his stock Is on the decline In the Windy City. : " " ; - CHILDREN ARE GUEST: y i 0F; OAKS FOR A DAY This ' afternoon at o'cloclk Chil dren's, bsll was given In the dancing pavUlon at the Oaks. ' None but children danced and prises were given to the beet boy and girl waltsers and fancy dancers. In addition to the dance, th children were given a special treat and enjoyed all of the amusement features.. Special cars and trailers were provided by th oompany. GREEN CASE IS STILL BEFORE GRAND JURY (gpetlal Dlanstrt te The Jwuatr Albany. Or July 11. The Green ease la still before the grand Jury at Toledo and "la liable to remain under investiga tion the balance of today and possibly for-another day. - A strong effort la being made by residents of Lutgena to Indict the Greens and also Dr. Parker. Friend of th parties under Invest laa- tton are rallying to their aupport The theory or the defense le suicide. SONS OF MILUONAIRE i ; - ARRESTED JN SCOTLAND ' r j- i .r-'-.' k., ''i.. ' (Joaraal Bsedd BtMlee.) .-.;-.- Invmesa, Scotland," July - tlJohn Scheffer Phlppa and - Henry Carnegie Phlpps, tons of the American - ateel magnate, were arraigned today, charged with the reckless use of firearms, which resulted in. the wounding of three men. They war' committed for trial and re leased for $260 bail. - ' , . EXPLOSION CAUSES LOSS : OF UFEAND'FACTORY ; (Joorsal Special Bervke.) ."" v Marsetlies, July 12. As th result of an explosion this morning ,ln a secet cartridge -factory' operated by a man named Savel, the building waa wrecked and several persona,' Including Savel, killed. Two bodies were recovered and others are In th ruins. Th building took fir and hurried. REQUIRES' BIG BONDS ; 1 II " FROM THE RAILROADS U i.. ::,v-. - V.. . ,- .... - (Josrssl Bpeeial Serrlee.) - ; - Kansas City, July It. Federal' Judge Phillip today required bond of $180. 000 from; IS railroads' In Missouri In continuing a temporary injunction - re s t raining. tha atat f rom enforelng the new maximum freight' rate law. The court promised a written decision later. - Asalaad Boat Xtam Crrle. ; . -' - (BpeeUl Dispatch' te Tte Joaraal.) '' - Ashland, Or July 12. Ashland held an-lection yesterday to authorii an issu of bonds for th construction of ant electric light plant ' not exceeding 250.000. The vote was light, but the bonds carried by a t-to-1 vote. By the last two election th people have au thorised th issuance of t0,000 bond for th complete municipal ownership of th water supply and eleotrlo light ing. . : ' t : ' . 'erekt) Vay Tasea. .-. 't ( (Bpedal JHspateh te The Journal.) " ; RosebuTg.rOr., July II. Although the Greek laborer employed on th South ern Pacific In this county refused to pay poll tax and serious trouble waa looked for If an attempt was made to force collection, tha matter ha appar ntly been adjusted. ' This morning 41 laborers paid tha tax, leaving but five who have' thus far' refused. It Is thought they will pay. -, V Morderer to B Xaaged. , ; (Joaraal Bpeclsl Berviea.t ' '.' ' Kansas City Mo., July 12 Unless there la an eleventh-hour respite from Governor Folk the execution of Edgar O. Bailey will take place tomorrow. Bai ley wat convicted of killing a nonunion hackman during the teamster' strike here some time ago. Every effort has been made to save him . from the gal Iowa the ease being carried to the su preme court, which body refused ; to grant a rehearing. 'Two Killed and On Hurt. .N '.' - (Bpeeial Dtapatch te The Joorsal.) . :! Baltimore, Md.. July 12. The Olenn building, a. small offlc . structure., coir lapsed today, killing two and injuring on, i ' i , , , . ,- i. . . , ; Hotel Hamilton, San Francisco's new. at hotel. , Steam heat and telephone in each . room. Centrally located. ... Rates, 11 and upwards. 121 Ellis street., -y-- rref erred ' look Osmaed Oooas. Allen Lewis' Best Brand. Tte Journal wCI filve with eadi 5S TAOlELL LIES McClure's Magazine Article Is x Branded as Falsehood by - "y Oil Kinz'e Brother. ON LY DEATH CAN SAvK .-X ' . JOHN LX'SAYS LAWSON Frenzied Finance Author Pre diets Receiver for System : V - in Short Time. . . , (Jonrasl Bpeeial Bervire.) -i Cleveland, OhhC- July - 12. Frank Rockefeller.' brother of John D. and William Rockefeller, today branded Miss Ida Tarbell's story -of-b.-fatlurr'sr irf, as printed In McClure't Magasln. as a lie. He aay that th truth will be hunwn ami aiifrMata that the famllv mav lakaacUonlo .protect Ihe., BamtAnd honor or his rather. Miss Tajrbell pictured the elder Rook feller aa a; convivial quack doctor and wandering merchant, well known to tav erns and the associate of horsemen tnd dive frequenter. (.Rockefeller refused to divulge bis father's whereabout. TOM'S ROSY DREAM. wtom Sayt Xe W1U row stookefel. i 1st Into' B4trnpcyhortly---k4 (Josrsal Belat Berriea. V - . " Sioax City, lows, July IS. The Law ton train atopped her long enough to enable Lawson ' to aay; ' . "When. I've finished the light on the System, freight n4 ff.-ny.. r"-r -"' twart price on meat and food stuffs will be cut, and the American can again start a bank account. Thoueanda-upow thou sand have assured me that tby will seu tueir aecunties wnen i.icii mem xo do ap. , Thus -will I put Rockefeller in receiver hands . and only death cn save him." .. . ", ! i tiuMTniu onin Tnn : :,.. - - . '.ROUGH FOR AUTOS ' "Four automobiles were disabled laat Sunday by- large rocks' in the Llnnton road... between . the sixth . and . seventh mile- poets," - said Sol - Biumauer, presi dent of th Automobll club, to County Commissioners Barn . and - Llghtner this morning. .'"That part of tha road is really aangeroua,- eonunued Mr. Blumauer.' "Auto people are afraid to risk their machrhea on it, and few horsemen car to drlv over it. Ther have .beta . large Tocka in . the center of th road ever sine last December, and none of the county road men down ther has doomed it hi duty to take them out. W wish to oil th road at our own expense, and if you will fix It up a littl w will do our part of the work. W have already ordered th oil from San Francisco, and when It arrives w will have it laid." ' ' -- The commissioners replied that dur ing th last three months the trtfflo over the Llnnton road waa heavier than It had been during th preceding three years. Repairs war .-being made a rapidly . a , possible, 'and- Mr. , Barnet said an tltort would be mad to fix up the portion of Jthe road complained . Of In a short time. When oiled the Llnn ton road will be the only oiled road In Oregon," and will b on of th' finest drive out of th city.- , , DOCTORS' WIVES ARE u; IN SOCIAL WHIRL Many woman accompanying th visit ing doctors called today at th head quarter at tha conoordia club rooms to register and meet each other formally. Hosts of sweat peas and rosea filled tha rooms with sweet fragrance - and fruit punch was served to the caller: Mra E. P, Geary la chairman of th day and her assistant wer Mra O. E. Bruere, Mra W. Whit. Mra' J. F. Dixon, Mra J'F. Bell, Mra O. 8. Blnswanger, Mra G. M." Wells. Mra Curtis Holcomb, Mra Alan Welch Smith, Mra W. H. Skene and Mra Somera. This afternoon a formal- reception to " the' Visiting women was given at th-Oregon build ing at th exposition under th direc tion of Mra Geary. 1 The executive committee,"" which has the general arrangements of the social affaire, consist of Dr. Ma Card well, chairman; Mra R. C. Coffey, secretary; Dr. Gertrude French, treasurer; Mra E. DeWltt Connell, Mra Alan Welch Smith and Mra William L. Wood. The picnic luncheon on th Columbia river trip Fri day la in. the hand of Mra Connell, Mra Smith and Mra Wood. ; .'. . WYOMING DELEGATION . HAS A LOVELY TIME Commissioner Richardson treated the official Wyoming delegation to a launch ride ' last night. - From . th foot . of Morrison street the launch made tht run to Oregon City. On tha return It waa proposed to -take a spin down the river. - They got la the neighborhood of th North Pacific 'mill when the gasoline gave out and for two hour they wer unable to mova Then a tug hove In sight and through its assistance the party wat landed at the river entrance of tht fair. Through thla they crawled only to be halted by a sentinel with a gun. After much parleying th party safely reached the American Inn long after midnight The Rev. Mr. Duns more, who Is one of the Wyoming com missioner, and accompanied the party, mad hit escspe on houseboat In the midst of th trouble and has not since been seen by the other members of th party. ' - . . ' ' "wasl d,M mm EL Fourteen-Yaar-Old ' Girl Is Chot by Cultor -for-Hw; i' r,-r r.Wj,; .;.s 'i: - - z-z MURDERER MUTILATES - J i " HiMwILF WITH A JlAZOR Puts Outlet Into His Groin and Then Severs 1 His Juj- ' ular Vein. ; - - '".. v- -. '. :v: -, " . '." -., - .. ., . ",. , - (BuMlal Dlssatch s Tse JeevaaLr " ' Spokane, - Wash., July 11-C rased by Jealousy,. Qeorge Tama, aJapanese 21 years of age, about I o'clock this morn- 1ne entered hinieenlnjr room of Mamie rrakakl. a l,t-y ear-old girl, daughter of S. TakakVMsuperlntendent of the beet sugar. fsclory at Waverly, and. shot her three . times. .. Th tlrt sholpataedlyAi"ra-. E'tTtg . Pfflcerof ,tlt. through the back of her head and - 4pterCed the train, while th othr thoU took .affect In th arm and lega . Then going to hla own room the mur derer turned the revolver on himself, sending two" bullet through hia body near, tha groin. Then h took a sasor and severed the Jugular vain, dying al most instantly, - Th girl lingered un conscious for an hour, then death re sulted. T-;r,-T, V " ".'." : CABORIEADERS DISCU& . SERIOUS PROBLEMS (Joaraal Special Servie- - Waayrtnu. July 12. President Oom pers of the American Federation of La bor and Vice-President Duncan Vent to Oyster Ray- for-m oonferenc with -thej president this afternoon. It la under- atood - that they- will .discuss th open anop, vnicgo.Btnk oonditiona forto Rlcan aftatra and coming affairs In min ing regions, the Panama canal-, prob lems and . Chines .Immigration. Thsy will present a protest to th president against the present attempt to nullify the exclusion laws and will aeek his aid In the passage of lght-hour and antl Injunotlon lawa . ' : . . , MINING COMPANY IS ' : rriEXONERATED BY JURY 1 ."4 (BseeUl Dispatch to The JearsaL) i Baker city, or July II. t Coroner Snow -held aa inquest Sunday over th body of T. J. Ryan, th miner killed la th E. A X. mine at Bourne, Saturday evening. A verdict of accidental, death was returned. During th Inquest on of Ryan's companion on th cage at the time of th aocldent,' and who mad a statement a few hours before" In regard to thr matter, also died. It la now learned that Guy Harris, th third man. ia also in a dangerous condition, and his recovery Is doubtful. TAKING OF TESTIMONY ' ; RESUMED IN OIL CASES t'-V v '(Jearaal Bpsdal Bervlee.) Kansas City, July IX Th taking, of testimony In th proceedings to oust T the Standard, 'Water, ' Pierce "and Re publican oil oompanlea from-th state on th ground that they have oomblned Illegally, was resumed at noon today. - The attorney-general asked tha court to compel, the defendants to produce th alleged contracts and Other documents to show a conspiracy In restraint of trad Xitd. ' - . ,". j: ' r STATE SENATOR HACKETT u ' DIES ON A TRAIN , (SpedeT Dispatch is Tse JoaraaL) Spokane. Wash. July 11. Horatio. B. Hackett, member of th Pennsylvahla state aenate and prominent In Ph(y delphla, died this morning on the NortH ern Pacific eaat bound train Just-after leaving Pasco Junction. He- had been In apparent good health and death wat at unexpected as It was sudden.,. ... RISING SALTON SEA : v -s.THREATr-N SALT WORKS 'f: 'T- ''' . ' J.'.'i . ." - vi., j (Joarsel Bpeeial Bervke.) ' '.-'- Salton, California, July II. The Selton desert flood la rising thl morning.-, Indians ar fearing a great deluge and having felt. -' slight earthquake shock ar leaving their work and taking to the mountains. . The Liverpool Salt company' work a re surrounded by the eea and th wave are lashing th build ing and may destroy them. , . BIG CROWD AT BAKER, .. . GOOD ROADS MEETING (BpeeUl Dispatch to Tk'e Joaraal.) 'Baker City. Ore., July 11. A large attendence la present today at th Good Roads convention, which le holding three sessions hera ; Officer of th National Good Roads sssoclatlon ar visiting th city and looking over th county roads and th resources for road building, and also participated In a program. : BIGAMOUS FUGITIVE 1 y-Z IS SEEN AT VICTORIA 1 (Joeraal Special Barvtee.) '1 Victoria, B. C. July II. George Col lins, the fugitive San Francisco attor ney, accused of bigamy, and his wife are here. They ' wer seen by tht po lice, but no action waa .taken, : - - '-.- - EXPLOSION KILLS TWO ' 7- MEN ON BATTLESHIP -, . ,. (Joorsal Special Berries.) '. f 1 Gibraltar, July 12. Two men were killed and seven Injured by the explosion of a steam pipe on tht British battle shipImplacable today, j ,' ' JUtt fwtf Oaat Am. ' Thejury In th case of H. B. Utt egalnsT Mr; and Mra James B. . Wood for the recovery of $60 Intrusted to Mrs. Wood at Nome, Alaska, by Mra Litt' for delivery to LJtt at Portland, re ported to Judge Cleland this morning that they had been unsble to -agree and there wet no possibility of tn agree ment.' At their request they were dis charged. The Jury had been out sine :tt o'clock' yesterday afternoon. Towe my whole life to Bifrdock Blood Blttere. Scrofulous sore covered my body.- I seemed beyond cure.' B. B, H. has maae me a perreouy wen wom an."- Mre. Charles Hutton, servuie, Mich. , Preferred Stk Oa Allen tt, Lewis Bast Brandr IK ' ivmrr-V. UaiU i.iJ L..W4.. ; For This r.tzzzi)titp7joTizn Atka Court Grant Him : AnoCer Trial.-; . f MANY DiriY TRUTH ZiQ7 ALtZGATTCX Witnesses ana 0"iclarDid 'KT , Notice Anything Unusual In T v - Attorney's Procedure. ; W Dan R. Murphy. ex-United Statet ; district attorney, drunk when he acted a senior attorney for Henry Clay Jorr dan when Jordan was tried for embeitlei men t June it and waa convicted on the ' charge T Henry Clay Jordan says h waa drunk and It waa due to hie stat of intoxication that the verdict of gulltv court and witnesses who were inter e ted In tht casa deelar that Murohr - was not drunk-Tand-waa not. underlhalL. lnnuence of liquor at any time during the trial. '. : ' , -n -. .-, Th 11 who have affidavit to thl ef feet ar Gus C. Moeer, asslsUnt district attorney; T. 8. Wellt, clerk of Jndg t. Bear' court; Mrs. C. Badgely, official re. " porter; Robert Galloway, an interested ,:: attorney; Rufus Mallory. also an inter tsted a attorney --.Sohuylero. epenctiVT- private prosecutor In the case, and Dn s. B. 'B. Wright, Frank Motter. N. W. , Rountre .and George M. Brown. The attorneys and other court officers said , they: knew Murphy; had seen him ;try many criminal ceees. end that he Tied ,.' tried to Jordan case Just as he had'., other cases 'In the past.- Nor to . the witnesses did . Murohr-seem to be in- rtoxlcated.' :.r-; 1 - But Jordan aays Murphy was druuK,-., and so asks for a new trial. He sayt .'. that Murphy told him All hia peremp tory challengea were exhausted when " he wished to have H. P. Chrlstensen, :-fj painter and decorator, and O. H. Lane excused from the Jury.'", These men.' h says. -were ' prejudiced - against ' him. . Chrlstensen - and - Lance, ha aaya. da manded hit conviction. Ht also alleges . that Dr. H. R. Biersdorf and Clark Ta- Dor, two of hit ' Important witnesses, were not called t th stand. - ; p Th motion was taken up for hearing before Judge Sears j:thts momUig, J hut upon motion ot C K. ft:Wel, -peels i ' attorney for Jordan, the arguments wer T ' continued without data . rt . 'i. - . -, ' ,4 ' ';' BIG CONCERT HALLS TAKING OUT, BOXES --I,. ' .,- -t! Frtd Frits It tht firet concert 1iH" proprietor to obey the mandate of Mayor Lane relative to th removal of boxes from hi pise of buslnesa All the partition between the first and second . ' tier boxee(at hit concert ball were re- -moved Monday, and these floor trans-.. V, formed. Into a balcony. : ; , 3 August Erlckson followed Frits' lead ' and cut out all th partitions between -the boxes in hla concert hall yesterday. . , Blaster Broa and th prpheum will probably have their box floor trans formed int balconiea within the tlrat ' limit named in the order of Chief of '" Pollot OHtsmacher.. j " '.' r Aa .regard discharging women per formers no definite understanding seem to have been reached by-th proprietor of th different concert halls,. They de . ' f-lar that if women hav to lean- their ' place a logical Interpretation of ' th ordinance will put every hotel and res- , taurant In the city ' frequented by worn- en, where liquor ar sold, out of buslnesa- .Their action In this respect de pende in a meaaur on th understand ing which may b reached by represen- -tatlves of the Brewere' and Wbolesal v Liquor Dealera' association and th Mu nlclpal association, j.. ( S. v- PROSECUTING WITNESS "' ACCUSED o urceny; While Detective Jo .Day was watch- " ing th general delivery window at thf poatofftc for A. B. Schlltsman. alia " A. B. Bchtlts, alias W. SL Shaw, sild't' hav served a term 1n Kentucky v for. express robbery, - hit -man was In-th- 7 police court under tHe name of .C... li Brown,-prosecuting R' K. King on a r charge of assault and battery, An hour after King and Brown had ' com together and settled their differ-. encea which eroee over the conduct of '.. an employment ' of flee In th Aiisky . ' building, each contributing one-half to ward the payment of the coats, amount ing to Detective Day arrested hit man at the poatofflc, where h went to get a letter from Kuttawa, Ken-"' '., tucky. Schlltsman Is accused of grand -larceny in Kentucky, : ,; . -..,: ' JUMP FROM AUTO , " JUST BEFORE CRASH Two young women displayed unusual dexterity In alighting from a large au tomobile at Seventh and Alder street last night after the driver had lost, con trol of the machine. , The machine waa . being driven at a rapid rat down Al , der street. The street,lid recently been , sprinkled and in attempting to round' the corner by - the - Lyrlo theatre . the wheels of the tuto slid and headed, to-' ward th electric light pole. Seeing " that th machine could not b .stopped -before it collided with the pole the young women sprang to the pavement Just st th crash carat. The machine wat badly damaged. A -crowd quickly . gathered and rescued tht women from tht pave ment. .- Neither waa Injured. . . . . - BAKER PEOPLE CAUGHT IN ST. LOUIS SWINDLE' . (Special Dlapatch te The" Joaraal.) i . 1 Bsker City, Or., July 11. A number r of Baker City people were caught In the United State bank swindle which ' : ha recently been exposed In Bt. Louta . B. C. Lewla publisher of the Woman' Magatlne and head of the banking con- .. corn, succeeded In getting a good many : subscribers for Ms magaaln at thl -place thrangh th promts that every ddilaf taken would be put Into stock In bis ban. (-;. :-v .-.,. r ' HUNDRED THOUSAND . . L SAVED THE EQUITABLE (Joaraal Bpeeial Service,) -Nw Tork, July 11. Chairman Mor ton of ,th Equitable Life Assurancaf so ciety today announced a reduction--In salaries to take effect August. IS, to save $100,099 a year. ' .' v .- Milwaukie Country Club. A Eastern and Seattle racesTsk -Bell-wood tnd Oregon CJjy cart at First and Alder. fc .,.-.,. . ; .