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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1905)
to:'; 4. 7, ui&RM's 7e:cGeffti Electing: f ' ' 7, AisW; A story Is toll of a tertalri noblenilan In England who- laid wager with a- f rlend that ha might stand on London bride all day and offer t sell aevereigns for a slrpencs each and find, no taker. Tla said ha won the wager. Our Offer, aa mad shots, however, -we are aura will find a multitude of takers." -Whan-you co to. the Exposition you'll surely need an Official Guide; -they sell everywhere for ltr each. Now. with every purchase of $1 worth mVdc at this stors we will OIVB A TICKET FREE which Entitles rtLCOMH TO :r-T CITY of the MOST CPLn.'DID COUNTRY. ON EARTH WELCOME TO HER FOREMOST ;:;W Vani, visitors, to ..feat' sqrut "y stioppers In using the privileges of t-s f I'm tbe free phones, tha re t room, the vr the lunchroom and drinking fountain; tl . seeking echoor on third floor; take f res t lMona la the Art pmlons. Second. .Floor An . . lavatories check you parcels free at the Ao datlqn Bureau First Floor. Ask Information, e." v flooraen they will only be too happy", to give ; Yoa'lt meet with-no discourtesy here. houU ) chooaa to b op you'll find -the beat aervloa a t Paclflq -Blops.) and. tha coolest- stars. -a Fre . t LTORE.'" Every f s cf C-j OLD HOMESTEAD Lr? is extras ?d you. The very air you tsreatne nere la ruiea wnn wtL- COMEJ VE WGI.5.VCAtI ANY OF THE VISITING DCCTCr.3 OF PUBLICITY or of PHYSICS DIAGNOSE and PRESCRIBE ACCURATELY FOR THAT FULL FEELING" THIS STORE HAS BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 8 A. M. and 6 P. M. DAILY?. -n. Jl' i tb henrerjo a Guide. forBo when. presents .aCtha J company eofflcem the Oriental Building at the Fair Grounds,- , .- ... f ;.. ... ... - .-. promet delivery MrYlcaWBaTOMI". VATCHES CLEANED AND WARRAllTlUO,ORONE-YEAR-F0175cNEWMAlN- SPRINGS, 75c OTHER JEWELRY REPAIRING AT i PROPORTIONATE LITTLE ...v'vC-v'v.-t'.'v A .-. - i' PRICES FIRST FLOOR. " - ' .0, ' GREAT BARGAINS SURE TO BRJNQ GKEAT BUSHIT zr.:--:in - Thursday to the. , ' v 5 A'"U. iei I (C sa 1 Anybody with money can buy- some goods and hold a "Sale , -and- wonder whybiyrlmsinessallr'to toTneWitOffies lortMi thorough sfore. , Think it over that no .World's Fait even ever showed such a collection of splendid merchandise, of such varied, sort, gathered' from, the furthermost parts of the producing : world, as one may see any day at this great modern merchandise and fashion exhibit THE OLDS, WORTM AN ; & KING SUMMER SALES are vaatly more . than mere - schemes for , selling, and that if one would see merchandise produced by the -masterartisanr-of the-world -one must come to this atore. Thif week has furnished the hieh-water marks in July selling for this store, which means the greatest volume of sales ever1 enjoyed by anyJPQrtland retail house v ' There's reason tor this; Back of it , all has beert months of planning and confidence in the public a appreciation,, which : justified us in larger than usual buying. Therefore, better prices.- No need to argue for the RELIA-i; BItlTYflf-OLDSlJVORTMAN & XING merchandise that . is proven, proven by years orteats--Andiljtiwere still unproved; the aafeeniardinff- guarantee, that is oart of evenrtransaction here, would still hold one safe.: THE STORE IS CAREFUL. Poorly made merchandise doesnt' creep into the truly great stores nowa days.' Manufacturers have long since learned that RELIABIL ITY is the foundation stone of continuous success. There is joor merchandise still yes, it goes to careless stores whose chief aim Is to show something! "big for the money." The bargains. UstedLbelow-ioriThursday are even bigger than they look in print, i That's why OUR ADVERTISING PAYS7" ; ( xnra ao axoxa rom . . ' f Men's Tsa Shoes hrsJt etylea and shades; our regular ti l value. Special at, tha pair n.t. ...... . 84js aos nri sa.oo axoxa. Man's ITs Patent ,jColt Bhoas. "Florsheln maks. Hart sold all season at tf.00 the pair. Special Sals Met, the - SfcS FOS SBBirS) S&M StAUP SKOSSV. ... Men's Tan Shoes, same as above, only low out Bluehsr stylaj urtUMt-yalttklJlpoclal Bale Price, tne pal. rvrr. m sajo SMOas fo aaso. IN COURSE OF PREPARATION MMilliiiery Sensation 7& ' C( sV - it - ' SdH Handsome" Bck Trimmed : C Hats worth op to $5 Each .- 1: at Choice for C ! Friday V Only Friday Only iCTit W f npleft until it contains at. least. one black nat tor oress occa- sions and other functions in so- Vxial li ftrr-rl t- is - the one - mdi- pensable article of. dress no i . Vv " woman can seem to do.wunout. A bat thatgoes" with anything. A3 a fitting hnale to tne most successful season ever enjoyed by this millinery store, just before -the Millinery Chief leaves for the Kew1 York markets and our ; eastern workrooms, we shall offer Friday 500 richly trimmed black hats, in a variety of the very latest new and stylish turban shapes, strictly hand-mafic, of a jetted horsehair-braid with trim mine rf flowers and foliace. chiffon, ribbonsrsilks, ornaments," Lxtc. (no two alike), the best regular $3 S4 and $5 values in tne siprc, m a iun uu iuui" w - t-; . See Special Window Display ' r'-TV 4 -Wait for TU Sale . ' : v vA Really Sensadonal Selling Event , ' TIMELY SPECIAL OFFERINGS "MAkK UFAN EXCEPf :z rTIONAL THREE-DAY SALE OF U Unde nvear Women's Knrt First Floor,' ForTborsday, Friday and Saturday only we have placed three: large lots of .seasonable and popular, priced - Underwear for Women on the special sales tables,, marked at such drastic re duction as to interest nine tenths the women of Portland. 'Such values will surely insure busy days for our salesfolk in charge of this section. We know our public will appreciate the bargams and buy liberally.-,-': -t v.: '-: ":'' . 'vi ; :'-'r -vH,; - WOMEN'S 85c VESTS 19c. .White lace striped low neck Vests, sleeveless, regular .V.vv; lvalue 25c. Special, each i .... ' .. 4iestjwf? p i ; " WOMEN'S 75c IMPORTEBf.VESTS 50c v, ; , ' i Imported Swiss Vests, sleeveless, fancy crochet yoke, whitev ' Swiss ribbed ; regular value 75c ' Special, each i . . ; , . . , . . . oOf ' v 1 ;, WOMEN'S $125 VESTS AND TIGHTS 89c White silk and lisle "Merode", Vests, hand crochetM silk trim-. : ming, long sleeves and sleeveless, ankle or knee length tights, to match; regular value $1.25. .Special, each.;.89 A r Jforelttas t th Jewelry nd Leather U Goods Counters L AMOVCr In theee j mraiDAT anra. ; ."'v.;' Wssi. "Xm-TtHi Floe -v,, litlls acoessorles to dress ons n nnauia . too many ot . Ons likes tk frequent. Changs pretty adornments. i :'' ' v Bnt 18s f o Utsw SWek Fiaa Tomorrow'ws havo on, sals a lsrrs Una" of pmty Stsrltnr SUvsr-Sttefc , Pins In a treat variety of artlstio 'heed designs, stcj vslues , In ,the showing P to lo.4 Spsolal at. " each . ISf - it TartrnS ef SS fo awooches. ,. A big assortment of pretty Brooches . Jn many different designs; values ' up to ltd. Special at, sach...lTa FINE LEATHER GOODS . Z '- West Annex First Foor., S1.M fot Ssathst SMtta Worth v :. sajss. ' . . 1 We hare a small Una of pretty '. Suede Leather Belts i in tan. blue, -, brown and green, and tomorrow ws ' . will put a special price oA them to 'close them out; our regular 11. tl "" value.- Special at, each. ...91.99 " saataay SUai Bags Worth SS30 , , (. forSLS-. A Una of Ladles' Fine Leather Band : Bags, all new shapes, with new ., stria iliandles, well made frames " nicely lined, with oomptata Inalds : fittings. They are a. regulsr velue. On sals Thursday at each . v C2.89 0S9AT rnrsrr aAvaaus. , Notions9Stationery, ;1 Toilet Articles &i -''.,..'. Flast Flsot. ) ;.V:.;:.. Virs Ooat Xaagara. ; : Special at, " each 4) , BaU - and Boeket ' Oamsni anapa,. black or white, two alsea, 1 dosea . on card; our regular lOo valua ' r Special at, the card ...........64 Brash . Sktrt Blaaiag, bast quality, - in black and colors; our -fa value. , Special at, tha yard ......... -Set Safety Fins, - best - quality." guard spring, nickel-plated, any also, t ; dosen on card. .-. Special at, the ,: , ' card -. ............. ....44 Satin Finish Writing Fapa In boxes," . ruled' or plain. In whits, anvslopea to match, either long or square . sbaps; our special at ISo. if Special Bale Price, the box ........ ..,.84 014 Bagllah SCUla Wrttlag Vapor, In l-pousd packagsa 10 sheets to pseksgs, plain, linen finish; our Ho '' value. Special. at. tha pack- - ' ags . t.. 174 BUiaao. Z4aaa Writing Vabtota, largo. also or not siso, ruled ; our 11a .-value. Special at, each.,.,....Ta Bnvelopes, white woven. . smooth r finish. S or Inoh slie, 16 in pack . sge; our BO value.-. Special at. 1. packsgea for ...... I ......... .B Toilet gpongea, medium also, round 4 - ehapea; our Xto value. . Special at. ach ....n..... ....10s Baths sweet BathC Fowasr, delicate . and refreshing: "sur ISO, value. Special at, the box ...........16e Soap . Bsaes,i extra heavy, nlrkel-. pleted. large slsei our llo, value. Special at, each 12e THE VALUES WERE NEVER EQUALEDTHE.SUMMER-CLEAN-UP OF.OUR-OWN AND MANUFACTURERS' STOCKS PROVE POWERFUL MAGNETS FOR PRUDENT . PEOPLE IN SEARCH LimiTS SHOES i OF FASHIONABLE FOOTWEAR. ; . tl ''sajo, stoo An low sxoas fo tiaw. - Colonial Ties and Buckle Shoes for Women; all I , and t.M valuea- Spiral Salo Pries,- the pair,.. .f X.OO mu ercrwramsL ri.aa. - rfS.Sf Uen'a Shoes. In tan, kid. Russian calf, both Bala and Half " Shoes; 6ur regular 11.18 value. Special at, tha ' i r, ., .'.xjll.i.i--. . . ..... ....; -;.f 3.50 v saAo fob Braari so Men's Shoes In rvelour calf and'bUck vlcrkldT. Oobdybaf sewed; thoroughly built and bast material throughout. . our fl.tO value. Special Sale Prhse. the palr......f 2.S0 v .'acssrs) sajxi aits e&oo astoas fob 9m- A big lot ot Plngree mads Shoea in aeveral good stylos and all kinds of leathers: our $. and SMS values. Special Sals Price, the pair ....... DXOBB FOB Men's natent colt HalC Shoes: aood style: Our II. value. Special Bala Price, tha pair ........... ..........f 3.60 Women's Oxford Ties in common eens stylo, with wiaa tea . ..and low heel or medium round toe, with patent tlpi Out fLM value.- Special Bala Price, the pair ....... ...894 woBrarars Sxm to sam sokOm fob aaaa. Women's Outing. Beach or Mountain Shoes, In ten or black . calf, substantial and wall made; our . $S.l and le.d , values. - Bpecisl aC tha pair ....fa.59 wovBsra sxoo aaorou sbobb, svso. Tl Pairs ot Women's Bicycle Shoos, in tan or black kid i our regular 11.00 value. Special at, the pair f lO - ' woBranrs) sam ataur aTKoasvssa. Women's "Empress" Half Shoes, of vici kid. with turned - - aolaa; our tl-0 value. Speclar-Bala Prloe,. tha pair.. 95s) r- woam tMo, hoo an $Mf nois, tui About 0 pairs f Women's HaU Shoes, of different mskes; soma Gloria Plngree make.1 some Duttsnhofar's and other leading makes; In viol -kid. patent kid and box calf. Nona, ot these shoes wars abld tor less than ft.M ". and soma ara $4.00 and $ values. During this sale, your choice of anyf tbemst. the pair $1,85 7 . VOBBTI SSM ABB 9M SQSOBS) FOBflS. 171 pairs of Women's Lace Boots, of viol kid, with patent tips and either light or heavy soles; our Ut and values. Specie Bala Price, tha pair ,.....f 1.85 - i WOBTBSTB SAM TAB BtBOBaV JaAAl - Woman's Tan Russian Calf Half Shoes, in three beet - styles and best grades; with welt soiesj have sold an , season at 14.00. Special; Bala Price, tha pair ...f a.85 wo: I0 pairs of Women-a patent kid anoVvicl U4 Tla eilTTLJ our lato value. . Special Sals Prioa, tha patr .... 8 1.85 AA xaaaf te w. s Taa Boots' win bo wreatly Baaaoea Fries fes tola Bala. ' . -.. - "- tlM FOB WOBBBB SaA SBOBS. ' Woman's fine kid lca Boots, with fins, dull matt kid tops , and patent tips, turned soles and military heeli; our 9M value.. Special Sals-Price, ths pair ,.,..........$1.95 BOYSSHOBS "-'"- mei lit ttos calf and vlcl kid. Wtth stout or medium . - ... . . Wull. Wmbmm - " - For "Wtais Men," a 1ms to 11; our tUi value. Special Bale Price, the pair .............. , aises 1 -ta-j-aiir-a Taiu. 'Pflca. ths pair :";" far Bora, alsea I to ; ouf . vahia. Bpaclai Sals Price, 3ths pair ............I..... ......$1.85 otv ssao saoaa fob Bt-fa,.-----"- Boya Shoes, mads In valour calf, laoo; tha famous "Hall crest'' tins; In all slsas from SH. to ; our .60 value. Special Sals price, the pair .............,..$ 1-T5 Boya Oaavas Bases, leather trimmed, wall made. Special at, tha pair. 85s v v - CHILDREN'S SHOES ' H $140 nrSTBAB OF SSAS FOB StXSBBB 8B0B8. aflssss Plngree mads Laos Shoes, of vlcl kid, with patant tip and spring heel; our . valua. Special Bala iji tha" pair r. ...... ... ,...... .......$1.80 -( r tBTAarra' tsa ixoas fob aao.-- a. Infants' Lace Shoos, of kid., with patant tips, turned Msg and aa heel a aar Ho value. Special mi. tha pair ....45t Bams aa above, with a wedge heel. In both button and laoo atyloK slses to l;..oar valua..Bpaols4 sVtba pair . .....v TB) " 1 ': BUBSB ABB OBXUBBVw 'TAB BAXF SXOBS. : , Tha new "XJlbaon' Ties, very stylish and asnrloesbls. Bpectsl at. the pair .............$15 BTIssir aaA Ohlldsasi'a Whits Oaavas Oxford Tlea, cool and . eomforUble,. Priced at,-.tha pair ..$1.25 atawai (SJBa XjttSB BXOBB, nja,ri' f--A lot of Men's Lace Shoes In box calf, viol kid and valour r eslf, regular .value tt.tot spoclaL pair .',.. $1.98 . ararara svts oajtvab babf bkobb. sia. 4 Men's Brown Canvas Half Shoes. regular valua ILTI; . special, pair .' ..........$1.29 ' - WOBUMT9 BATZB SXXFFBB8 ABB TXBS. - -A lot at Woman's Batla Slippers and Ties, custom made, but one pair ot each kind, reslsjvalaealMl-and .; :; speolal, your oholoa at, pair, ; . - -j from I..... TBat to $1,50 -V: WOBTBBB at.T " OXBBOB.TtBB," SS00. .. A lino at Woman's Taa Kid "Qlbaoa Ties.", regular valua 1 1.71; special, pair $2.00 i Tha largest stook at Champagaa Oxfords la ths oity at "vary law prlosa during thla gaJa.j-'-rr-; -;y. . . , J THE REMARKABLE VALUES EXPLAIN THE CROWD ATTENpiNO THE ' 'yji$i IN THE LINEN STORES-IIRST FLOOR, MAIN BUILDING. Zj?- ABB MBJaBTilCBBB FZB ' BXOBABBSOarS SOVB1B VABASB TABUB .OOTBBS. 'Slss xl; regular value 1I.0. Special ,t. aa.$10.00 Slso 10xl; regular valua Sill. 8paclal. as.. .$9.75 Bins 10x1ft rsgular value Special at. aa.flS.SO Blse 10x14; regular valua tlT.iO. Special at, ea.$130 - XBAVT BATXB FTBtBB BOVSU OAMABX. Regular $ 1 OS value. BpeoUl. yard .............. $1.85 Regular tt-H value. Special, yard....... .$2.25 Extra large Dinner Nspktns - . Regular $4.00 valua,- Special, dosen r,? Regular, IT. 00 valua. "Special, dosen n.miai- tf.ltt value. ; Soeclal. dosen Regular 111.00 valua. Special, dosen. 8 .. Regular 17.0 value. 4. T5V S.OO 5. B5 a.oo Special, dosen. ...... .813.00 m B4BTFUB. , A Una of slightly soiled (from handling only) Napklna, In odd lota; about 10 doaea; great apsolsi values at, : from, doasa . . .T5a) to $4.00 ' . . BVBBAV BOABFB, BTO. . A lot of real hand-embroidered and hemstitched Bureau Scarfs, 8qusrssand Tea Clothe r , Blsa 11x11; regular valua 11.00. SpeelaL each T5 Biss 10x17; regular valaa Special, oaoh.,...90s ," Bias 18x41; regular valua tl.00.' Special, aaoh.. .81.50 Slsa 11x84; regular value 11.11. Special, each. . .81.95 V Slss 10x10; regular valua 11.00. Special, each... $1.50 J.OW Blsa llxl: regular value tlior spaelsi; pair Slsa llxlt: resular valua 14.00. BpsolsL pair Blsa 11x10; regular valua 11.10. Special, pair. LBB BBBBTZTOBBB OABBB. Blsa 11x71: regular valus 14.00. Special, pair Blsa 11x71; regular valua t 00. Special, pair. Bias 11x14; regular valua IS.00. Special, pair. 1.85 OO 90 BOM-. 77.81. ...$3. '...$8.' 19 801 ...84.! . .$3i . $3. BBBTI ...$4.i ..-84. .$15. 59 SO SO Blsa - txl yds.; reg. valua 10.00. Special, pair... .00 Blsa IHxS yds.; rag. valua 111.00. Special, pair. . 84.50 Slsa t& yda.; rag. valua 110.00. Special, palr.$l5.00 ; BOOK TOWBXB. ; A Una at Richardson's washed Busk Towels, la plain - and Jaoquard affects Regular 1 too valua, Speolal at, each. .......... .504 Regular 11.10 valuef Special at, aach....M.....904 Regular ILTI value. Special at, each f 1.28 Regular 1100 valua Special at. aaoh .....$1.35 40a 90XX2B8, BSa BOBBB. - , . About 1(0 dosen linen fringed DoUlea, with red border! alas 7x7 Inches: Just tha thing for trait plates; regular valua 4 Oo.. ..Special at, doasa .,. ..25a Special I Sale of Summed Home Supplies .The great depot of housofittlnsi and home needs on our spacious third floor, is fairly alive with opportunities to save In summer buying. Many of the. special values on sale today are not enumerated hero for lack; of space. We've arranged tht week's list with special reference to summer needs. -: i' : , x - :. ; ' ,;'.-x"-:v,- -.v v;' ' :A'--:yf,:! " ".'l'.-.'v "f.y. Aatoaaaala Befrlgeratoea. ' ' t ' Htgh-Orads Automatic Refrigerators, a I no, enamel and opal linings, sight walls, perfect circulation. - dry . eold sir, , 1 economical. Special from, each... w....$T,50 ta $185 V1 - Ooat OH Blovea. """"' . With coal oU rsssrvolr, does not leak, brass wrick tubes, will aot rust t '-v- -U.: ' " . 1-Buraer Oil Stove special at, each .........454 t-Burner OU Stove special at. each........ 904 -Burnar Blua Flame OU Store special at, aaoh.. .$4.50 fQalek Beal" Oaa Btova Baa ao 8qaal Boomosaloal Ootaaga B - semi-porcelaJn, For seaside ar-summer ootuges, Bngltsh . border pattern . ',.,: 'A . tO-Pleca set; regular valua 14.10 special, set .83.80 40-Piece set; regular valua 14.40 special, get. ..... 84.80 100-Piece bet: regular valua . 10 special, set. $7.80 No. f. for tumblers specisl at, each, .......... .44 No. S, with saucer special at, each. M.M......89a , .:- . .... Oraasa FMaaess. - . Doubta motion, oedar pails, electric welded hoops, drawn ' steal ean "."'' '. ' ' - f-Quart also special at, each. ....... ............ I -Quart slsa speolal at, sach. ............. 4-Quart slss special at, each...,.....,.....,.,..: -Quart slse special at, each.....................; BXTBA BFBOXA&t ' BAIJB - OPENS THIS MORNING, CO NTINtTlNO ONLT 'c-- UKT1L. . QUANTITY. IB SOLD. 100 dosen only of Thin-Blown, Handsomely Engraved Tum blers, wtth ' oholoe of five beautiful engrarlnge. . Tha - best regular value at II. 0 a dossn ever offered Id port .lend. Speelsl whlls they last at, tha doasa 58 eV S1.88 1.95 $2.48 $2.98 Big Special Sale of Laces and 1 r Emb. Dress Patterns :.,f.-':'-x - :: -''v" J loot. , v7. :',".',''!; ; 'f'. '. '5 Ws havs planned.' a at apselii sals ef alLonr-: ' hkndaoma embroidered Dress Pattsrna. v TKeae ara of ' linen and BaU it A embroidered In tha popular English eyelet work sr blind hand embroidery and ara vary - hsauttful. " u t ... . .... . They rangs In prlca from 111.00 to 081.00. All ara Included la tbla sale at spacial prices, aa follows: -Oar lll.OO value.- Special at.......... ...... .f 11.25 Our lll.OO valus, Special at. .1 118.75 Our 111.00 value. Speolal at. .......1)26.25 Our I40.0O valua. - Special at.......... I I30.OO Our 110.00 value. Special at. $87.80 TAUB0XBVVB8 LAOXS WT TBB BOIT. - . . Pretty - Vslsnoiennes Lsoes. In a variety of patterns; is ths right kind for trimming children's drosses; our ,! . 40e ana 6VO values. Bpeciat.Bais mw vnm aommn yards . 854 In the' Women's Furnishing . : '.. ..... ! . rtras Floaa. - .:, t I 1 " ' " ' ' " " ' T V ; W0BBBT8 BOs ' HASBXXBOBXSFB . ; THREE FOR ONE LX)LLAR : . A Has of Women's Pretty Haadkerehlsfs. . la Swiss.' tinea eoalloped ar hemstitched edges; rsgulsr valus j loci Special .,......,,,.,,.,....3 for $1.00 '.; I'"": asa' BOBBOsra, sa.' -' . '.-"':. A lot of narrow fancy Ribbons, from H to t inches - wlda, la Dresden. Persian and stripes; regular valua from lis to Mo yard. Special, yard.. ......... .$4 ' 91M OBXFFbB BVFFSXVO, Soo. Dainty Chiffon Ruffling. In black and whits. I inches wide: sur regular 11.00 value. Special Bala Price, tha yard C04 -Second Jloorl.; LARGEST AND k. LEADING SUIT AND - WARDROZr. . ;.t r SALESROOMS WEST-OFCHIfGOCX : Here as nowhere else do dressy women "come for the correct in dress at-won- y derf ally : modest price-" Here, where . eke in all theoithwest: majr, -they-beconie suited with least expend : ture of time and effort.. "Here as no. - v where else may "they be sure; of; posi 1 tively authoritative styles .only to se-: . lect from,, the creations of the fashion - leaders' of the world, " Our buyers, now- - in New ,Yor Jc are sendine us almost V daily ' some Teally wonderfur bargains T; ; In . cfar ments tot . present wear : ear- "Tnents -boughr f rom rnakers who" nave closed .their summer season .and.are . ; ready to accept almost any cash price ?-V : lot' . the ' stop-overs in' their stocks. v v heseraxeztherservFridsh 4 the best barrains for our. natrons, who ' have. All the season In front Xf tKem, for their wear. Manv of these "ear- i ments are splendidly; adaptable ' for fall .wear. 'Two jvery. for tunate under-price purchases came to hand , a day or two ago which we shall place on the bargain racks tomorrow.'. I ; SOO ETAMINE AND SILK! SKIRTS AT HALP PRICE .Very stylish skirts, in soft gray etamines, also tans and plain whites, in dress or pedestrian length, with dip train.-Plaited and flounced - styles -with effective trimmings of taffeta, " silks and "braids to match Materials. T Other colors In the lots are black, blues, greens, browns and creams! Materials are examines and taffetas. ;A11 reduced' ta HALF viz: - , i v . $10.00 jyalues for. C5.00 $20.00 values for. .. . .! $12.50 values for C3.25 ; $220 values for.....,! $15.00 values for. ...... 57.50 $25.00 values for.... .i $18.50 values for. ... , . . S9.Z5 $28.50 values for. . . . HANDSOME $2 HOUSE KIMONOS 94c - - Long" House kKimonos,"in -pretty: stripes and 'figures; blde aiid white, black and white and -pink and white combinations, trimmed in all the, fanciful and dainty effects so dear to the heart of the woman of good taste; best $2 values in the city. Special tomorrow only at, each... .............. .04 BIOXO B13X0 r VERYTEXCEPTIONAL VALUES DRAW FORCEFUL ATTENTION X9 i 2 First Floor. Special Inducements for Buying fcr Next Three Days Thursday, Friday 1 and Saturday::. 7 WOMEN'S S5c" HOSE 19c Black Lace Hose, finished foot, dou : i ble sole ; regular, value 35c , -Special .pair m n -....lC-V WOMEN'S 76c HOSE 3c High grade' black brilliant lisle fult v finished Hose, dropstitch boots, our ' direct importations : rcEruIar val- :; ue 75c Special, pair. 42$ TfA0HI S)4f ' t - ! Black gauze fisle Hose, sph'ced heel, Fjenchtoe, double sole refiruTaf value 85c."" Special, pairrr. . . . .. .. i .""" W. y V. . . INFANTS 25c HOSE 16c - . Infants' mercerized lace lisle Hose, black and colors; regu-' , lar, value 25c. Special, pair....... ...............1C 7 Art Shop News . SECOND FLOOR ANNEX. AFFUOVB FZBOBS AT ' Ws have secured a sample Una of German Applique centerpieces, anajps Tv.iiiM in eiaea from it to II Inches square, in aa endleas variety of atyles; with hsmstltcbed ar scalloped ..border and open work. netting centers. plain ar part Theas sooda were bought by us at our own prioa and you get ths benefit whea you buy them of us at fast half their asvaal vatea. j-rs embroidery lessons glvsn every day from J:I0 to p. aa. . A TBXO OF BTZBBXBO BFBOXAi SAXBfl XM TBB FOUBTB IXOOB KZTX Mammock Holders, Go-Ccrto "end Lbcc :)'??r, Curtains : 'S Sa.00 AAJaataala Bamasaok Btaad. SAOO. " Adlustabla Hammock Stand, to fit any also Hammock, light and easy ta . handle and mora about ths lawn; regular valua 14.00. Special, each. $4.00 -r Adlustabla Reclining OeCarts, automobile gear, patant antl-frlctlow wbeel ' fasteners, cushion rubber tires, reed body, complete with cushion and parasol Our regular I1A00 valua. Special Our regular 114.00 valua , Special " at, each 810.T8 i at, sach .'. ....81T.SO Our regular 114.10 .value. Special Our regular 118.00 valua. Speelsl at. elch .818.75 at. aaoh ...818.00 -Our regular $11.10 valua - Special -Our regular 124.00 valua. - Special z at. each , $14.00 at. each ..$18.00 Our rsgulsr 120.00 valus. ' Special Our regulsr 11100 vslus. Special - at each ..$15.00 at, each ,.....$84.80 Lace Curtains Single Pairs s A Una of Sample Curtains, slightly muiiMl from handling., m Brussels ff ect, "Boutasch, Cluny,"Rennalssancs, Arabian. Real Bruassls, Irleh Point, uoiqrsa sn noveny Kiiecis . ... ' Our regular IL00 valua. Special -AO. ' - pair . ,........$8e , Our regular $100 value, Special at, . pair ; j fI.Z" Our, rsgulsr 11.00 value. Special at, . pair -.....$1.8 Our regular $1.10 valus. . BpeoUl at, pair ....... ...$8.13 Our rsgulsr 14.00 valua Special at, pair . $3X3 Our rsgular $4.10 valua, Special at. m pair . i.............. ...;.$8.C3 Our regular 11.00 valas. .Special at pair . $3.13 Our regular $100 valua.- Speelsl at, pair . tf-3.1.' Our regular IT.OO valua Bpsolal at, pair ...C3.r ir regular 41 00 value Special at. pair . ......r Our regulsr 11.10 valusv Our regular $10.00 valua. Our ' regular value. Our regular $11.10 value,! Our revular $14.00 value. C r -'"r I1T.I0 value. 'i t r i) v'.i, C t v Special at, pair Special at. pair ftaclal aCpalr f peclal at pair t eUl at p'r . f wlal at. t'r I -eo'al t, Vlr . ( I L r-H" ........ ..............