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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1905)
c::leh daysxc:: TO SWELTERING CITIES t - ' - The ; weather on tha .Paelfto . -SERVED : HOBaro, ( I d i eoaat ' moderated considerably 'i I yesterday, and for the first time a In several, days - the people of --Callfomta jrol batb of com-- - paratlvcly cool air. ' only la Arlaona did the ' thermometer . - reach the century mark.. Temper. ' d-, atures weret ' - t" - - - - d Boise --th d "Carson City. ..,. J' Denver !.,... ..,i... El Paso.... M a rxesno, iaiirornis- ... s Independence, California...... M --l-ABgeleev-..'..-? 4 Phoenix. Arlaona., ...4....... 101 4 ,' i 7STl"i ifftK: -PocateUo, Jdahn ....- Red Bluff. California.,,.,,., l A v v s; eV Sacramento. California....... 14 J V 4 I .'8an Francisco, ,., 4. a, ...... 4 ' ' ' r-aaai v,; . ;- y . BpoKane T ' !Yuma, Arisona. 101 ' e L . XI X Bkbop DaVid H. Moore, Presiding at the Methodist Congreaa. :.m WITII RUBBER NECK "tContlnuad From' Tag On." ! .id lana- "Meckel's t)rvertlculuro aa ause of Abdominal, Crises"; Richard JH. J art of Philadelphia. "Perforations In Vypbold Ferer"; A. H. Cordler ( Kan ,s City, "Phlebitis Following Abdo l Inal Operations,' and J. Clark Stewart f Minneapolis. "Anaerobic Cellulitis .rlth Report of Sooceeaful Cases." - . The section of obstetrics which meets In the upper auditorium of the Armory listened to papers by J. Riddle Goffe, J., H. Cars tens of Detroit, , Franols B. -Wakefield of B Francisco and Frank T. Andrews of Chicago. J'j ; LEARNING FLOWS FREELY. Techsioel J.adr aad Dis- enseloa docapy -"OXt'waa a hive of learned, aclentlfla industry at the Atkinson school build ing this morning as the doctors attend Ing the American Medical aasociatloa . swarmed from the armory Into the ad Joining: building and proceeded with their deliberations. . ..- There was a hum of erudition In the school, a bun of knowledge of tinctures end ologles In tha air. It was the carni val of. big words, a gab-feat of technical repressions and-IoarnlaaW--r-V -r tin ovary-room there was a meeting, t erery meeting there war lectures, a fter erery lecture there was a discourse and discussion. It waa a time of au r rems delight to those wise In academic lore: a time of discomfort to others. At tha Atkinson school building tha section of tha association on the prao. , tier of saodtcrfl Is meeting. It began at It o'clock this morning and wlU con tlnue until tha end -of tha Session. Tha meetings Include all branches of the aclence pertaining to tha general prac tice. Consequently there , are many aaeetlnga. " ....,."' . , Of vastly greater ' Interest to ' tha rublic are the meetings In tha Selling Ursch building. Tenth and Washing ton streets, where members of tha sec- tton on laryngology and otology , la talking About thlnga pertaining to those t ranches. There are various meetings - ra ua building ana la point of attend' snce and the general appearance of In dustry it ranks alongside the proceed- : ings at the Atkinson school ' In-tha Atkinson school this morning the section on obstetrics and diseases of ' women held Its session. Officers of the section are: C L. Bonlfleld, Cincinnati, - cnaumant . w. aianton, Detroit, sec- . retary; J. H. Cars tens, Detroit; A. Pal- Dadlay, New Tork; L. H. Dun- Two Heavy Propositions 1 not , ioo heavy for this ; weather. . . 1st Our Thin Waistcoats ! r-big sizes, , medium sizes i and small sizes all the new t colors. r-- . 2d Our Outing Suiu i. (two-piece) fn flannels, chev i iots and serge, in the sum- mer patterns novel and re- freshing.' - . ; Outing Suits. -:- t Special at v. .'7,7. .$7.35 v auivj v o r1 V'-r; ' V ' Special at vC.;.e-f 1.25 - Manila Hats.' Cu-V'-v Special at ...... ..?1J3 I hltllClxffTHmsQ arreertsW fag- 'Btam aa ' Bora;,;. ; laa-isa tuh. araai ttorruaasf -j nlng, Indianapolis, executlre committee. Papers were reai this morning by J. Riddle Goffo, New- York; H.' Car. stens, Detroit; Charles F, Noble, --Philadelphia; Henry O. Marcy. Boston; W. Francis B. Waketleld, Ban Francleoo; Frank T. Andrews, Chicago. C At tha afternoon s session papers were read by H. U Dunning. Indianapolis; W. D. Kelly, Bt, Paul; A. Ooldspoho, Chicago; Daniel H. Craig, Boston; Qeorge B." Bomem," SaH' Francisco. Officers of tha seotlon that meets In the Selllng-Hlrsch building are Robert C MylesNew York, chairman; Otto T. Freer, Chicago, aecreUrys addresaea and papers were read this morning by tha following: ,;- ' ""' Chevalier Jackeon, PltUburg; Kaspar Piachel, Ban Francisco; James , T. Qwathmey, New York; O. T. Freer, Chi cago; Charlea M. Robertsorv. Chicago; Cullen F.Welty. 8an Francisco; Amos R. Solenberger, Colorado Springs. . ' , MANY ENJOY RECEPTIONrr Opeal&g sVxaal Affair ajC Oouventfon , - Frovea Oreat First of tha aoolal functions In con nection ' with the antartainment of tha American Medical' association,- tha re ception And f eta last night at tha Amer ican Inn brought out- l.too. visitors. . Llberati'a band waa -stationed on tba veranda of tba Inn, and in tha receiving line were President Goode of tba expo sition Snd Mrs. Goode Dr. aad Mrs. K. A. J. Mackenzie Mayor and Mra. tAna, Dr. and Mra. William Jones, Dr. and Mra. 3. Oiesy. Dr. George F. Wilson, Mlas Wilson. Dr. and.Mra. H- W. Cos and Dr. A. F. Tucker. '' , j When tba guests bad been presented they moved to tha hall, and later tha apactaeular ;arnlval of Ven ice", waa given for. them, Dancing fol lowed. Special cars were .provided to take tha gueata home, t- - This afternoon from S to a o clock a reception was given to the " visiting women In the Oregon building at tha ex position, end thta evening private re ceptions will' be given at the homes of Dr, and Mrs. H. W. Coe, Dr. and Mra. K. A. J. Mackenale. Mra.,R. B. Wilson and Dr. George F. Wilson. -This evening at f o'clock the wom en's Portland - Medical - association - will receive tha visiting women at tha Port, land hotel. ' - i. - At the Fire, Presbyterian church last night Dr. Charles G. Stockton of Buf fslo, - New "York, spoks before- a Urge audience, advocating a atata marriage bureau, which should require satisfac tory evidence of the mental and physical fitness of those who wished to enter tha married state. Dr. John Collins Warren of Boston gave an address on tha relation of sur gery to pathology. - - . i . . 1 - , Each morning at o'clock tha visitors are taken on a trolley ride over the city, cars leaving from Third and Alder streets. . . - a ,... . ';,;'.-.,; DOCTORS HARD AT WORK. AH Ssotteaa Am U Session aad Biswas TtwJ Frofiaslnasl Topioa. --. Tha American .Medical association ta In full awing, with each section and the houaa of delegates carrying out tha pro gram without variation excepting that tha armory has been found to be un- aulted for meetings, and the aurgleal section has been removed to tha First Presbyterian church and tha section on practice of medicine to the Atkinson school building, across tha street from me armory. Every train brings mora delegates. Tha registration baa reached MOO, and tba expectation la that It will not b far from S.fto before adjournment. In tha dosen sections 141 papers will be read, covering virtually every thetn that la of Interaat to ths practitioner. Tba papers, as soon as read, become the property of tha association and are printed In the Journal, , tba official weekly publication. -. Tha surgical sec tion listens to such men aa W. jr. Mayo, Henry (0. Marcy, A. D. Bevan, Harvey Cushing and others whose names are known everywhere -- Dr. W. J. Mayo of Roohestsr, Minne sota, reported HI peraXUms on the stomach in the past two years, with the elaboration of hie methods and a care ful detailing of hie experiences In hand ling ciaaea that not long-- ago - were thought to be beyond tha realm of sur gery. ,1 :.- - Her is a man of about 40. -who. In a town of 1.000 people, on a branch rail road Una, baa won" a tce In tha field of surgery so "Important Ahat eminent surgeons travel there from Europe and all parts o the United State to see him operate. - TVUh his brother, Charles Mayo, who wis hero , last year before tha state medical society, he has com pelled fame to come to him, . -, ' Reduced Rates to Shasta Z Springs. Tb Southern . Pacific company has placed on aala at Ite Portland offices round trip ticket to Shasta Springs at a rate of $10.-. Beautiful, illustrated pamphlets descriptive of this resort can be secured from any Southern Patio agant, :; , ' v SAY-BLASTS: SEND zr : x SHOWERS OF ROCK Residents" near Marquam Quarry, . at the Intersection -Of - 8Jthtreet with Marquara gulch,. 'say that 'blasts' burl hnga-tocka lntoyarda-and an heuses near- by. r city Engineer ; Wanaer last night Investigated tha proteata, : J. W. 8 waanay operates the Quarry. having leased tha ground from tha Ore gon : Railroad ; Navigation company several years ago. He baa been secur ing rock -from .tht,'.auarryf or ; street Improvements. William Martslof. Trhn rnslilss aorasa j Uia ruaoTTrom The quarry, his son Henry and daughter Emma asserted that large rocks were frequently hurled Into tha yard and on tha bouse by tha bUatlng. and that wtndowa had been ; broken. They al eo statml that It mmm ous for teame to pass along the county road wheo tha men wars setting off tha blasts. . 1 " r Other witnesses who appeared before Mr. ' Wanaar were Mrs. - Albert Rlner, Pater Olonnl, Frank Wagner and Wil liam Herman Dabrlt . J, W.- Sweeney waa Invited to be present, but failed to appear. 2 THOMAS MANN BECOMES . " .BUILDING INSPECTOR -.Thomas Mann has .been appointed city building inspector by Mayor Harry liana to succeed Howard Whiting. Mr. Mann la one -of tha moat widely known con tractors and buildera In Portland.' He erected tha atata bona at Balera 'and superintended tha building of many of Portland'a largest structures. At pres ent Mr. Mann la president of the Faolfle Pottery company. ' " -' -- - -. - Howard ' Whiting,-rho- was "relieved from hia dutlea In tha offloa today, has accepted tba position of superintendent of construction of tha Home Telephone company. which will -start Installing its plant within a few weeks' ttmeaV - : 3. A. Newell baa been appointed aa clerk In the mayor's of flea. Mr. Newell is tha first city., recorder . of . the municipality of East Portland, . . . '; FOUR BANDS, NOW ;i: GLADDEN THE FAIR Tha complaint that was heard during tha early part of tha fair that there waa an Insufficiency of -avislo will probably not be heard again. ' There are now four barida employed te hold up this feature. they being. Da Caprio s Administration band, tba Fourth United States cavalry band, Liberates and tha Sherman -Institute bands. . .-.-J:.-. - - Tha Fourth cavalry band will be at tha fair for 000 month, and Its concerts will be given from tha terraoa In front of the Government building twice each day, except Sunday. - Llberati's band will, of course, oontlnu to ba ona of tha chief attractlona of tha fair aa long aa It remains here. And the famoua Indian band la attracting much atten tion. I;, ',r,' i . FLY" ON THE FLYER Every Saturday : Only $2.50 'Two- j'-'y ' Day Tickets. ; . Portland-Seaside Flyer of the A.' A C R. R. leavea Union depot every Saturday at l:tt p. m. for Clatsop 'beach point direct. Only four hours' ride. No trans fers. No delays. No -duaL- Sea C A. Stewart, agent. 1 41 Alder atreet, about tickets, official Information, time cards, etc., and ask for Clatsop beach souvenir, containing SO beautiful half-ton illus trations. . Tickets sold at Union depot. . ' 'Observation Oar Afloat. . No stranger has begun to see Portland until ha has traversed the picturesque waterfront. The "observation car trips on the river" of tha yacht-launch Prin cess May begin tomorrow. everything of Interest pointed out and explained. With muslo and comfortable euahion seats. It I a rid of an hour and a quarter you will never forget. The morning ride Is- a revelation. From foot of Stark street, 10:2 a. m. and t and p. m. Far. 69 cants. ' Bag-ana Xs atowlag. "... - . .--(SpeeUt Dlapetch te TU Jearaat) .' Eugene, Or- July 11. There are now I.T4I inhabitants In Eugene, whereas In ltOO there war only .m. With the additions to suburbs It is safe to say that Eugene and Its environs-contain ,100, a gain of 71.1 per cent In flv raara. - ;, .. -;. P.D.'SandMDS A' fine home In ona of tha thriving towns of tha Wlllamatt Valley. The horn of m practicing physician, -with a larg and lucratlv practice, who de sides to, rotlr from practice and turn over homo , and practice to gom good, reputabla physician. .VL:'a.'..-J.. '. ?.''(' -S 'i i ' -' Attentioii! WlU buy this horn and the opportunity of entering at one upon a large coun try practice. ,i For. further particulars . or writ ' i v. ; ,-, , v Hcnlils (k Baker sir Aaiaftom Bidf. . ; ,', ' f "Resolved, . The Exhibit of Economy Jers made by the Kerr Glass Mahufacturin' Company, Portland," Oregon, Is an ex- , cellent exhibit and your committee commend and give it most honorable mention. THE ECONOMY JAR IS ESPECIALLY COMMENDED for its PERFECT SEALING and PRESERVING of all kinds of Vegetables, Fruits, Meats, Fish, Game, Jellies, , Jams, etc., and for ITS EASINESS in opening and for the FREEDOM of the cover from forTning poisonous compounds with - :U,e;f " ; Portland, Oregon, November 23, 1904,' ; ''rt - The above annual convention National Grange TEE-TH NO PAIN - " NO PAIN - NICE TEETH i '.aw. '' eVA lasaaaaaewe At t A At4 gH t or of th only nUablo uitl clBtlfl ysTXejIXI OX JrBlllaa eVaafca,B f ww tract, crown, nil and clean or treat teeth absolutely - w ""'VWT aU work for nfteen yeara. , Our work is the best, our prices the lowest con. slstent with flrst-clas work. EXAM INATION KJLill. uur piBiee r. miue tectabl from the natural teeth aad are guaranteed to fit, -t :'-., FILLINOS ...... BO TBa and l.OO GOLD CBOWnB S.oU to fO.VV BRIttQl) WORK S3.0O to f 5.00 mil am MlTiniir. TRRTH.BK.AA Open Cot bttslmsa aata ,S Voloak r r - Boston Painless Dentists glH Horrlson St, Opp. SSatat m Fraak ".. aaA Vostofflao, fc-.-'z- .c " rtOTTRS 1:1 a. ra. to t p. m. Sun day, a. a. ta 1M p. aa. Dr. B. B. VRIGHT Vna KIIIHUIO DXaTTISsT that KUevea all pais deatal - opera- . tloaa. S43Vi Waslilngtoa SL. coc Seveaio, THE of Commerce ? ' ; Capital $8,700,000 .' , J A Reserve $3,500,000 ' ' Portland Branch, 114 Washington. ; B. X' WTZiDb Manager. . . TraYcIcrs leffers of Credit Available la all parts of tha world 111 branches In Canada and tha United States, .Including: San Francisco, Seattle, Victoria,' Van . eouver,' Nanatmo Nw Westmlns. 7 : 'ter,. Dawaon (Tukon). , . ', .; Drafts" issued oo;- ii: ,7;: v"; any. Branch ,' r. ..; .: . Transfer of money to or from any part cf Canada by latter er telegram. . ; ; ,.. . ,. .'-,, v. - , ' -A General Banking ; Business Transacted ' wrrM0U fiitheE'st endof -thericultural - . .' . ' of fresh : fish; and fruits ih iBEaOF - r;- -" HEAD Practicalcmonstrationsr LnATIONAL GRANEOIfV'EN 110NV1 resolution of the National Committee waa passed unanimously ly the.delegates of theNational Grange at their held at Portland, Oregon November 23, 1904, after fully investigating the merits of the Economy Jar, .The is reported to-haye a membership 6f over. 600,000 throughout ht United States .;..- ,i , -'j'- vi-i";" mmm '- ' .';-.C,..-VVv-:'.twmir4t; Navigation Company, whose at Don't Mls This MAIN OFFICE t YOKOHAMA i ; , "V',.-"' . v JAPANESE ... i'; 267 WASET. GTOn STREET ' There has tn iand win ' n change In tha prloos tf Mineral Water, Soda Water, , Sipaona,' Syrup. , tc.f tba'? ; same prloes wlU be maintained all reports ta the contrary not. - r Irlthstaadlns. - - ' . ' rhoaa atata UOa. SS Itrst St. W orlds Fair, Pprtland, Ore. meats, coups, jellies, jams, vegetables v the ALirsa :'; ';'.t1;'fNO:RUBBER ;." ISO ZINC -.'.V-- : " NO-JPOICON TKZ EKDCIlSEh.ENT Cf TIIZ NATlCiAL GHAKGE "Committee of the National Grange , Conventioru1 TTna. fTTlHE down the CoIumljU river to the Pacifie ocean Is 7 : T never complete without av viait to North (Long) leach, f .' Washington,'- the favorite north coast pleasure1 resort, ; ' where the climate is as nearly perfect aa can be found, , S- . '- the surf, the grand roll of the Pacific and turf bathing urisurpassable. Five hours from Portland and one from Astoria, -through the famous fishing waters of the Columbia, past scores ' of salmon traps and nets andas many white-winged fishboats," ': lands the passengers at Xlwaco, on Baker's Bay, where close con- nection is made for beach points with trains of the Xlwaco Sail- waiting tne steamers. Particulars .Third and Washington Streets,' C. W. 5TINGER Trip ;; 0 City Tlcllet CIMOS ATJD DIGn muFAcnnnis of DATZOO FKlTtTTKlE TELEPHONE MAIN 3044' Removed : to ; 40 Third Otre : . 3ot Pino and Aon C AVERY Si GO. ; 83 THIRD OTRCCT OA1VITARV : i v: "GEORGE W. BAIRD, MRS. GEORGE S. LADD.' "MRS. i T, C. ATKESON. v f ;''-V-'-'. 'J K ' '.-'1 I :, 'V' '' -,5t.'- cars stand on the wharf ' and O.K. ft N. Summer Book ' Portland. :.' V't. Atft. b.' It. O H, Co. BRANCH OFFICE l NEW YORK . HOT 1; ART GOODS - i. r r,.r . . j ; v".-;-i FOUTLATiD, OHEGON At:; r . ? i ; -.- : - -' . t .r . .",v- - ' '. :; l'