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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1905)
J w .a A V - . - .r1 ;tox:;rri AanrtrxTra. Tf yi an... 1'r.t MA Fool aad His moMy" ,....."The Braaty fenuo" Ibe tiumi r' ...... uir uori.i ,. ......... ....,,..,.., -"a ar lke r AS2T YOU fcOIttO ?A7AY?f . Subscribers of Th- Jourpal - who.go awsy lor wok or '.) ' longer msy have "the . pener ' ""topped"" at "thelr"' residence"d 4 sent to any address by mall at ,' :the regular rate, and collection e will be made-By regular carrier e attar ratujrn to the city, exceol A at lxng Beach -and Beastae.. ':' whert The Journal baa reinilarv e A, carrier delivery. Albert Olse,.,) e Pt Ilwaco. Waehingtoa,' .1 --A-"' charge of Tha Journal jon J .S". A Beach and lwl A Co. of bea- e A side hava charge of Tba Journal ' -, - on Bee aide or .Clatsop beech. ' Pal Wary .wlU be mad at' thaaa ; . two polnta at regular aubaorlp-- A -'tloa rata. Oiv -your chang ' ' A'' of address Uo your carrier, or . eIhane Meln-eM and prompt et-j tlon will ba gtvon all order, .. A A A A A A A A A A A A A A? General Joseph" Strong.7 ona . of tha . pioneers of thta aUtah baa returned to .." Portland after an abaanea Jt . t years ',' to vlalt hi nephew, Thoroaa N. Strong. Hia home U In koa Oatos, California. ;'. where ba owns a fine ore hard. General Strong came to Portland In Hi with Tnt father around Cape Horn" In m'tov eminent supply ship. Ha Barred ' aa clerk in. tha-United State court and afterward waa appointed United BUtea . 'district attorney for tba territory of Washington, and later wm -elected a member pf the first legislature of Ween lngton. In l$5f, In company with Indian "-Atant-Tappan, ba wont to New York, Wtwher he enlisted aa a eoldier in. the Union army. At tba batUe of Wllliams- burn- ba waa wounded.-Ha became a colonel and later waa breveted brigadier ' general. After tba war ha want to Call iorala, where He baa ainoa remaineo. X collision between Willamette Heights - and Twenty-third atreet cars near tne . Good Samaritan hospital last night w ' - suited in tha Injury of lira. Charles Hilton. H Irving 'tret. . Mr. Hilton -r.'- waa sitUng on a, rear neat of tha ' Helghta ear whan tba abock cam, which threw her on the aeat In front Of hat'. - Sha waa removed to bar homo wnere - v. her eonditlon ''waa r parted to ba not . . serious.- Motormaa Harlow receired a - ad shaking up. Tba collision waa tha " reault of misunderstanding on - the 'part of tho jflPOonnaa of tha Willamette ? The management of the Administration- restaurant, fair grounds, desiring to add to .tha comfort of thoaa who pro ' ft to bring- their lunoh. hara provided tablea" on tha second floor , of their building free to tha public Also free - use of toilet and washrooms, and free publie telephone. It. Voney, proprietor, i. M.Walkr, manager.' ', ' -'Suit for dlroroa haa been begun In tha atata circuit ' court by Charles Crlmmlna against AKnle Crlmmlns-on tha ground of desertion, beginning ia : llOt. Tha' parties war married ' la . lL Carlton, Oregont to Its John A. Whan ' . haa sued Georgia Whan for a divorce They war married In Seattle on June ;-.l.t ItBO.- Trr:l'tT: .Our firth annual git gala will con tlnua tontll further notice. Every pur chaser to tha amount of tl.t and up "' ward of our - well-known branda of wlnea, llquora and cordials will receive a valuable souvenir, constating of hand- ; painted china and other fancy goods of - - our. own importation. : u. . uermanua. family liquor dealer. tt( Morrison atreet. ,, .." A- few - advance copies of the com- - ' tmeneement number of the, "High School Cardinal" are attracting much attention In special show window display-by tha J. K. OIU Co. Thla. beautiful pro ' ductlon of modern bookwork la from the - press of the Alvln S.- Hawk Co.' and la - sv credit o the High school of Portland. - Arrangements hava been completed by he Central Epworth union .of Portland , to welcome delegates returning from thej penver Epworth league convention. Miss Mabel Downs la chairman of . the . general reception committee. It' ia ex pected that the arrival of tha delegates t - rlU begin today. :t' '...'i... -- ' ; The funeral of Mrs. Rose JubW who - . ' died Monday afternoon, waa held ' thla afternoon' from tha family -residence, it North Eighth atreet. She was the wife ' of Albtn Jublts, a pioneer of list, and fwaa widely known in this city. Death resulted from oompllcationa following a recent operation. .. . , r : . C.' P.-Miller, master of Lenta' grange. : No. 1(1. at a meeting July t reported "'..the session Of Pomona grange at Rock wood. - Farm toplca ware disoussedand musical and literary program waa artvea. At noon dinner waa served by the women of the grange. . . i . , . , . " See the Sea. at Seaside A delichtful trip to old ooean. only four hours' ride from Portland. Take a dip In the briny deep. Trains leave the union depot dally at I a. m. For Information apply to Mr. G A Stewart, agent, lit Alder atreet.' Phono Main tot, . ;. . -f Carloads' of dellcloua Mermaid brand rantaloupe and papsr rind red meat Ceaohalla watermelon conatantly on , track. Sea . that . yon get Mermaids. Nothing else half so sweet. Pearson Page Co-, Main 471. Sola agents. -' Groceries at 1 Portland price and meats cheaper at tha haw camping " ground .of the Mineral Springe Hotel company, laaseea. Amos D. St. Martin Hot Spring, Carson, Washington. , .. . - - Wu On( a Chinese merchant, hss be gun a suit against C W. fluey, who 1 The Jemmal' paid ' ' droulatloa " la . Port- ' laad a4 to . Oregon ' ' o.aalav tt M doe not ; ezeeed, that ef any . ' daily paper pnUlshed ; to the state. ' The Joamal'a.reeoru are wld ope te 'advef ' s. V The Jonmal dee not deny Infer- ' matt on of elrtmlation : te adverUsera. ' LI. , ' ' St t" f 'osltic-i. 1 1 k..o. a..eit4 to te kue oa proni. of notes. .., . ... f - r- ' k "Ours are the only launches landing at the Oaka. . Launches for. charter. Favor ita Boating company, upper aide llorrl son atreet brtaae.' . Tel, Main M01. , ', Roof paintingColumbia Paint com pany, Main 1411, 70 First street. - moss and fir-woof paint for wood, tin and iron. . fiool painting a fpaciaity. ' ,:.f ii-r South Bay sails for'Ptn Fran cisco Thursday evening. - First .class, tit; steersse, tt. CE Thompson, agent. Its Third ssreec ,-. . r " Wear a smile, It pays. And tt'a easy to .do when you get -your printing xrom us. Try it Alvln 8., Hawk Co., lit Third t street.-,f i' Any . watchea cleaned. " tl.O:. main spring," IL00;- all work guaranteed one year. MeUger a. Co.. Ill Blzth street. . Wanted Shirt . finisher .and tUdlas.' clothes lronera. - union Laundry Co. -"Teiectria signs any-design. 7- Foster A Klelscrt' fifth" and Everett.- ---r Try a meal without meat at the Vege tarian oafe, 101 SUtb atreet.: . s .Dr. E. C. Brown. Eye-Ear. ; Marquam. : ir.;; Mtu IT Shepard. . S Mlsa Iva Shejpard's engagementter mlnatea Lyrio theatre stock company with the ending of "The Kus slan .Spy" next .Sunday. Mlsa Shepard la a Portland girl yet In her teens. She has appeared continuously before -Port land audiences for the past six months, first aa a member of tha Columbia stock and for some months paat with the Lyric company. Mia Shepard is a stu dent of natural acting and her work has gained her many admirer on account of tha prominent antr trying charactera aha haa aasumed, Her pleasing stage per sonality nas neen tne causa oi mucn favorable comment. Mias Shepard will take a much needed rest during the hot season and will be aeea early this fall la prominent Juvenile character work. 1100 MILES FOR $1.4 0. . W. P. FilnuTirat .Special - Daily Trolley Trips Orer Itt Lines v Commending Julyl3.:ft';',!:.;;,'.'..-;; The O. W.' P. di Ry. Co. will, commend ing . Thursday, July It, Inaugurate, a series of special dally trlpa (except Sun day) over' Its lines,, without stops, ex cept at points of Interest. .'. Tb train., leaves. First, and Alder treats dally, except Sunday, -tit. m., follow the banks of the Willamette river. pasaing the uses, ron unxs,.Muwaukie and Oak, Grove to Oregon City, the falls of the Willamette and Caneraab Park, returning via Golf Junction,' thanes through Oresham and the Eagl Creek valley to the gorge of the Clackamas river, si miiea east or rortiana. . Lave casaaero, .' returning to Ksta- cada, where a stop of two hours will be made -for lunch at; tha Hotel Estacada, a resort house owned and operated by the company.- At tnis point tnere ia a natural wooded park of nearly 100 acres, bordering on the picturesque Clackamas liver, through which pathways have beenMnade, with atalrwaya and moun tain trails down tha precipitous bluffs to the river edge, and In thla park persona can enjoy their own lunches Drone. red tor tn -- On. the return trip, the car diverge from the regular line' at Lenta Junction and -pass over the Mount Bcott division ana into the city via. Mount Tabor and Hawthorne avenue. ' . .i-a--' .. . .-.j - -. No trolley trio on the Pacino coast equal the one presented by . the Ol. W. P.. A Ry. Co.., either for scenic attrac tions or low ratea forthe distance trav eled.; '.-' '-':' --:. COLUMBIA RIVER 1 r : EXCURSIONS. Very Low Kates Via the O. R. k N. r - to, Upper River Points, r. . r. No Visitor to Portland should miss viewing he matchless Columbia river scenery . between ' Portland ; and The Dalle, as seen from O. R. A N. train. Tha Chicago-Portland special leave the union 'station every morning at t:lt, giving m daylight rid along the Colum bia, stopping four minute at tha very foot of Multnomah' f alia. ' Every mile of tha trip there la something new and fascinating. If desired, the return trip may be made by boat - from Cascade lock or The Dalles, : Very low rates thla summer.. Particulars and aummer book by asking C. W. Stinger, city ticket agent. O. R. A N. Co Third and Wash ington atreet. ' . , . ,,. ' . . . ; . - ' ,; , Willamstt Vallsy Chautauqua - v. : ' v Attociation. ; ---T ' For . the Willamette Valley Chautau qua association at Oladstone Park, July 11 to St. tha Southern Paciflo company haa provided special train service. Trains leave Eaat Washington dtraet at T:4S, t:40, :t0, 11:18 a. m.; 1:16, t:tv, I:t0, 4:2t, :!-. :0t. t:IO, t :ll,f t:60 p. m. - Last ear' leave Gladstone for East Washlngtonratreet at 10.2S p. m. For further Information call telephone East 17. - - v' Wateh the Crowe Oe te Seaside and Oearhart Tit A. O. B. M. ' The great rush la ton for two day tickets sold ' every Saturday and S4.00 season tickets sold every day. Train leave anion depot I a. m. daily and 1:30, p. m. avery Saturday."- 1 Apply at 141 'Alder atreet or phone Main tot for official Information. Clat aop Beach souvenir book containing to beautiful half-tone Illustrations free to everybody upon application at above, ad dress. Tickets sold at union depot. . ... " " i. - :: s ' . . - :' h 1.1 innii n.rtY ''f-'i ;' : z cvrs, If yz.i Lie us and ttlieve ia ua. - Ve are rjrowin' bij fj;r evry diy. , Ve (were; ixzzz we started. Ve -are s t r o n & e rnow Our i strength asd reliabiUty---thaf -,1$ ter you to iavestijate. A t tror-2 tank shares its profits -..with you.' Ttttia our. prop--- vpsiUon.- . i. " A EJPAX 7 PER . -5 CENT .rrSNERAE - t BANKING BUSINESS ? 4 .TRANSACTED. 'v f-'- : : r' Sixth , and Morriion Sts. v .; -:; i '--.r-r-- -. U O. SALtTOKr' preelorat. . - r "7" w. coons mobhis. Ouat-e. t.j - , ,rl. u Hill, iat. Oaaalar. : : OLEPaoiis mau i.: - StAVlrTODRUGS . RETURNS TO DIE Stephen Pollock Sees Only Un ' goring Death Ahead and Re T turna Home to Await End. Stephen Pollock of Portland, said to be an-Incurable slave of the" cocaine habit waa sent away from the county hospital at Los Angelas. California, re cently because tha doctor had no room for him and tha "dope habit", waa hi only ailment. ' ' ' t i'' Thla man belongs in the Archie Ray class of .fiends,' said Chief Grlts macher. "He ha been addicted to the use ef the drug for about 2S or SO years and I but 41 years old. He la said to hava visited an opium den her with- a number of schoolmate "Just for .tha fun of the thing.' and -tra using this -drug became a Have to it and finally changed from on to another untu .he began to use cocaine, ,-' Pollock' relative ' are ' said to be wealthy. His father at hi death cut Stephen of f without a cent on account of hla druf habit. Once he was" sent on a four veers' crvfls and returned strengthened In body and mind, but' soon returned to the use or tha drug, law yers hava tried to get him to let them make an effort to break hla father's will but he haa steadily refused. "There 1 no ns of my trying to re form," h said. "I thought I had a will, but I find I mad an - error.. r For tt yeara I have been In the grip of thla monster and can't tear loose. I am afraid to die, for Z don't know what I shall face In tha hereafter; but ! know death Is fast approaching.", 4 ;, f :C:.;C worth Bakfta Xay JTuly IA - : North Dakota day will be celebrated at the Lewi and Clark exposition on July-It and the North Dakota commis sion extends a cordial Invitation to all former North Dakota people' who are now living on the coast to ba present on that occasion' and meet Governor Sarlea at a reception at tha state head quarters in tha Agricultural building In th afternoon. . :-o .j- ' " 'Oondaotor avobbad of Salary. " " -. WhUe passing through Ws car yes terday afternoon, collecting -fares, J. C Klser, a conductor on a Portland Helghta ear, -was robbed f t72, hla monthly salary, which ha carried In his hip pocket. : ; . : V ';; ' - Raspberrie of surprising fin flavor are raised on tha Everglade fruit farm by W. W. Howltt, . Thta farm I located near Russellvllle, " Oregon, and Mr. Howltt haa made a study of raspberry culture for years.,. j r . r ; - SEE PACIFIC OCEAN. Tak the - Totter Queen of River y Boats---Down th Columbia. Th "T. . Potter" queen of rhrer boats sails from Ash. atreet dock for Astoria - and North Beach- a ' follows: Tuesday,' July 11. 10:1 a. m.: Wednea- lay, July 11. 11:11 a. m.: Thursday. July 11. 11:10 (noon)i Saturday. July li, 1:10 n. m. The Potter-will not make a trio down tne river on Jiy it. - particulars and O, R. A N, Summer Book by asking a W. Stinger, city ticket agent. Third and Washington streets, Portland. SINGLE TAX 'f'r'-x " VS.-"" JOHN. Z. WHITE . Of Chicago, Single Tax A. MORROW LiEWIS Socialist. .:.'V; YJ.L(Auatcrima :.8P.lVlThis(Wed.) r Evcriing-; ' Jsiie Ceo, It'viniams rrc$!te . . . Admission Free. Every body Welcome. 13 r-j ILL. Polica" Arrest Coy Who Claims Title cf Champion Vagrant ; and. Is Proud of IV NOSODY CARIO FOR HIM 4 . - AND HZ 13 CLAD OF IT Juvenile-Court VX Endeavor to Cat Hia Father to Cwa a Little. . : :' K SIteen-year-old William ' Emery of Lee - Angelas, . detained at the Upshur street polio station, la th champion boy tramp of America, He glories tn tha title. - - Emery haa traveled over America and Canada and boaat that during tha thou sand of mile he baa Journeyed hia ex penses hv been nothing. He declares that he-waa forced to leave home be cause his :fatherwlio-.arn--T--a-da'y as a Boilermaker, refused to aaalst him In any way. .-. . - - .The boy hair is long, his clothing and . his 'face are dirty and he .wants them o. : . -j He arrived In Portland three' days ago and waa taken Into custody yesterday. He proceeded to the expoeltfon aa soon as he arrived and found employment In ajreataurantHaeewprklnxiherji when arrested. He will appear before the Juvenile court and officer will com municate with . hi father In the hope that he will assist the lad. . - "I 'am a tramp, and never want to be anything else." h ..m '-t i.rt t.m. i, Loa Angeles two month ago and In that time X have traveled over 1,009 miles. I wsnt to Kansas City with a bonch of race horse men. and got atranded there. Then I beat my way out to thla city and her I am. . "If there's anybody who cares for ins or who care what I am. It'a more than I have heard of yet I'm1 not looking for Sympathy and don't want any." TOMORROW, IS BIG i . - DAY AT THE FAIR - ,---------"-i .irti...'." - Tomorrow at the Lewi and Clark ex position will be a special day In honor of Pur Food, Sheridan, Casper, Newcastle, Masamaa. the Idaho 8tat Preaa asso ciation and th American Medical as sociation. Th order of even te will be aa follows: - a. jn. National food and dairy de partment convention. Auditorium. - ----- :10 a. m. Concert by D Caprlo'a Administration band, bandstand. 10 -to 11 . n.-Concert by Fourth United States cavalry band. Government terrace.." .:. - - 10 to ll:t0 a. m-Concert by Sher man Institute . (Indian X band,. Centen nial park, - - ;?. .. 1 p. m. KilpfttrlcktSvhlcycIe ride dawn flight of stairs, on Trail; freW I p. m. Idaho SUte Press ssiocla tlon. Idaho building; Administration band. v'-e , '-T ..... ,. . 1:10 p. m. Grand concert.' Liberatl's band, bandstand. - t:l p. mv United SUte life-saving service exhibition on TakcT ' ' S p. m. -Masama day exercise, Audi torium: Administration band. . . : . .. . - S p. m. Y. M. C. A athletics, field and track meet. Stadium. 7 ' t to 4 p. m. -Concert by Fourth TX. 8. cavalry band. Government terrace, t 4:S0 to t p. m. Concert by Sherman Institute (Indian) T band, California building. ... . . ' , ; ip m. Kilpatrlck's automobile dash down 140-foot tnollno, on Trail. t p. m. Kilpatrlck's bicycle rids down flight of stair, on Trail. t p. m. Grand concert, Liberatl's band, bandstand. Gray bdulevard. ' . 10 p. m. Kilpatrlck's automobile daah down 140-foot Incline, on Trail. 1:10 to 10 p. m. Moving picture ex hibition, exposition scenes, official pho tographer building. : u . u .. WOULD TREAT TRUSTS rr LIKE FRUIT-VENDORS John Z. White, a lecturer of the Henry George association, spoks at Palntera' hall last night under the auspice of th Young Men's Democratic club. nHe contended that llcenae should ' be granted to corporations instead of spe cial privilege and grants. - He also talked on the subject of municipal ownership, and read a num ber of statistics showing th advantagea that had been.' derived by Jnuhiclpal ownership of street transportation, gas. water and telephones. - "You should plaoe your streetcar com pany and your gaa company on the same basis aa your nackman, he saidj - He declared ' that President Roose velt would be greatly disappointed with the result of hi fight against cor porations. The greedy monopolist, h aald. had corrupted public officials in all parts Of the country and effort to check the greed of the corporations was accordingly useless until there . should be a new and better class of men, - In the auditorium of the T. M. C. A. tonight Mr. White will debate with Arthur Morrow Lewis, a Socialist. . B LACKEYED SUSAN VICTIM" . . TO JABBING CURIOSITY lackeyed Susan' 1 no more. Susan was one of th burro that are kept at th Oak t amuse th young and In struct tha old. Several daya ago an elderly woman visited the Oak Pre viously she had paid a visit to th Gov ernment building at the exposition, and apent ten mlnutea talking to a charm ing young American soldier, who turned out to be a wax ngur. And she vowed never to be fooled again. . Strolling about .the Oaks several days later aha apled the burro. HaatUy re moving a hat pla from her bonnet ' the visitor rushed upto 'Susan to see if "th beast waa real. It waa. . The wound made by the hat pin caused a fatal case of blood poisoning. r '. . ' Tears of suffering relieved In a night Itching plies yield at once to the cura tive - properties of Doah . Ointment, Never falls. . At -any drug store, to cents. - . r- , Will Cause a Revolution In the u, ...Piano rraae. New, well-built end guaranteed piano for 1110, IMS. tl: elegant, ar tistic piano, which will please the most critical, for $125. $250. These are price which most dealers have to pay; they are Just half-of what the public Is used to pay for them. Terms aa low as $10 down and $1 per month. Irf 'or der to Inaugurate a new business" pol icy, th entire stork ef Meyer Plena House must be sold In the shortest pos sible time, i Above prices and terms are th result A W. Meyer, 74 Sixth atreet near Oak. t Children's Department 7 Sizeil S'yi to 11 w.$3.50 ! Sizes ;ll: to 2...$3.00 RnlRhfi "Sorosis" and 'tr-y k "Walk-Over" Store": ? ;-rV-sltors to the esposjtion are cordially invitedto examine .our ; maificent "oriental curios," consisting of fine'Silvejt Cloisonne Bronze atsuma, lvdtyCarvirig," Beautiful Decorated Porce lain Tea Sets, Silk and Satin Embroideries, Ebony Carved Furniture. -.i-' ,- Andrew Ian&Co. : 287 Morrison SC V What On of our customers was told that th STKINWAT was' not carried here any more. - Another , one aaya he waa tried to - make believe , that a ' cheap piano waa Just aa good as our E8TKT. Still another, after having: been told that our. prices- were too high, soon mad hla purchase here.'-Toil will bear almoat anything to keep you away, be cause -.v...:.,:.,.-.., .'.,..... . RIGHT PIANOS AT : v RIGHT PR.IC2S assure us a sale to every customer that la no misled, before reaching aa Dundore Piano Company S3S Waahlagtoa Street. . ROBERT C.V0SE -' - S20 Boy 1st on Street B08TON, MASS. ' BIGH-CUSS ; PAINTINGS Portland Academy . ' am sseusx am ciassical school. eelVts-e. Ofsee hears ef the srlaclpels SarlBg Ttrmtlom. trow "'- " ,h -i- ,- ss a Till Ias ! aiaai -- ' - - street-.. ta,...ror caiangae, aore Portland Academy Parttaad. Ofcfea. Special For Thursday $1.20 Flour fori . . . . ... . . S1.05 $1.35 Flour for. . .... . . . . ,f -U20 New York Grocery IL1TMIM ASTO KOBBXSOW STS. ' PORTLAND POLICE . ' j CAPTURE BAD MAN : That by tha capture of John Scott alias "Jack" Uones, arrested for robbing J. Gordon, a building contractor, De tecMves Snow and Kerrigan have landed a -desperate man la shown by his record. which ' wss received yeeterday . from Chief of. Police Dlna ef San Francisco. t'nder the name or John Wilson1 th prisoner Is said to .have been sentenced to serve two year In tha house of cor rection on September 12. lilt, for as sault with Intent to rob; under the same name to daya in the aame Institution January I. 1IS7, for petty larceny; also aa John Wilson to. arx moatha In the house of correction on January tt, 111$, for petty larceny. He waa sent to Ban Quentln peni tentiary to serve two yeara under the name ef John, alias George Wilson, for assault with a deadly weapon en March 1$. 1181: hla last term-was for 14 years. dating from March !t, 1111, for assault with Intent to rob. He served about 11 yeara and cam to Portland on being released. v ' . .'. .. : Kaaaa-r KeCredi Betans. " Manager Walter McCredle returned thla morning from Taeoma, suffering from a sprained ankle. Yesterday Sec retary F3y left for Taeoma, to remain with tha team until lis return horn. McCredie wtll be' unable to play for at least 1 daya ' -Ghiriese Free Lectures oa Cooking: Practical ZDcmonstrations; .Ot-tka-ierlsss asee -s-sillsMf aamessi . , . et the .... . K ; Chocolated Gocoa Masemetared Walter Baker & Ca ;' DoacHisTxn, mass. ': ' (EsUbllabe ITbO-I - - WlU be glvea ky Miss Elizabeth K Burn (DosMsrlt Sdeaee Dep.. Bottea X. W. -V a-) fUprc : im AMT WdBS'sTtT.T. STS. it, Thursday, Friday and Saturday At tsnw e'Oloek la th aSosalas; and - saw Clock la ta Afternooa, EampWe f iciee Ban's preearatless. eseh aa Oalrae. Paddlasa. MertafiMe, radce. SaafflM. Ice Creaav. Barariaa CraeSM. etc.. at wa- wjiwei" aaa-see will be vteaaed te answer all laaalalea re- Crelng tbe eeme. A different bmss will ncepared and served et each leotnre. sasiple cakes ef the Walter Sake Pre ntam Ne 1 CbocoUu. tbe Vanlle Uwt Cbemlate and tittle sample eana of tbe Jlraakfaa : Oeena, - asw bank Vho7 Cbaeelat Beclnea" will be praeeates? te all iross ' stteadln " taeee wcraree. sad all wbe are latereeted ia scientific nil Ins saesM set fell te attend, as taay.ata- - r nn TO AIX, . - . .. : .. rThictre nirectlea W. W. T. inn. C HIU. Pre. Morrisaa Street between tb sad Tts. . Pheae Mala 8M, Tonight at 8:30 The raawas Oenaa CeSMdlaas, - KOLB AND DILL ;; la the Merry Maslesl Comedy Bsrleenae. the; beauty .shop" 0 People : hi the ' Compear 80. Fun. sad liaeie. 40Beaatlfal Cbom Glrkv-40. sK.TO "t 0. V.M jrDl be tbe WIl all seat week. Belnscd Theatre iSSTmi. (remwrly ' Colombia ' Theatre) reorteeatk " . '' asd Waaalsgua. Tenlfbt .and all the week. Matinees Serer say and Saaday,- teveBth week Belasee Stock eempaay. ... . ... ,t, , : , ,.. A I flMT Tiy. LY PC2TUX3 FOOL AHD iik FinFJPY ; ; - See. H. Broadhant Uhwt Pare,:....:, aa playrd by Wllnam Collier. rrle-4ilht.-l to T; mettaeee, 15 t Ms. tint week "Tse Prkeaer ef reads." Marquam Grand Theatre nrdav. Friday, Saturday niht. iely ia 14. M, lenn. Bpeelal nrlc matinee ttatarday. Blimii PBAWXdBT. . '. "Is tbe eoowdr-drama, ' , V" MKAaTSOaTS rOUT." "' -A beantlfol slay aad eseelleat eaet. ' . rajCK J&c, sic, aoe, Tc l. seats are sew eelllng. . - ; . t . . . , v KIIMLrTS f CARNIVAL of VENICE 0ir vg TMASL": f ' THS BIOOB8T HIT Or TH LEWIS ' ASD CLASK CZ POSITION, - .-. auo pgurt,e goo . ' 10.0OO investsd siee.ow 1 EMPIRE Uth u Mjnii.aVi KXTRAr this week SXTRA. ' A sfteet esew tor lO r-irta. Malm BicOllley's great ro BMatle play, - THE -HEIR APPARENT Matteee every day. t:lB; eveslsg, t:ls. i ABMXSaOOsT IOC AXWATS Only sens asd legfe teeerved. tte. Best tkeatrleal bergala et the eeeaas. DAIUtll. TH2ATZUL Keating A Flood, Km, (reatsre sets ealy.) Xsnay aad laae, Aaatsa aad Oarl, Alta tklyee, Sey MoBraia, tmm aad Heaalags, Tern -Mask aad Maria rietaiee. Prrformances daily at I SO. T:st sad a. m. Admleama 10 eeate ta any seat ' ft'' THE STAR.ift IK1IISI PATL, . CABl lABDniOS a CO., - - ABBOTT ABO BBTAVT, ,"' . lOtXSTt M. SOLDI. - loiua Boaan. - - J - 0aeral adml-kn.. 10 erata. ' STentnga, Itaneaya, and hoUdaya, hmchJ eeats ea lower oar, 30 rant.- Bea seats. BS casta. SsSJ-VTHE GRAND 2 , . BOBBT llTltl, . -, ROLhTXS ABU ROUfXa. . riaKEB AMD JOHkaOV, 1 THS EIALTa - .. KB. BIOKABO CIMlIt, ) , THX BABDIaCOrK. ' ' Ocneral admlaatoe. lo cents. Imliiit. nndaya end belidare reeerv.d aeeta ea lower door. 30 eenta. Bex seata. 3S eeata. , LYRIC THIAT1XE Seating a Flees. Mar. lu. Weak Startia Heasay, inly M. A RUSSIAN SPY" A SISSATIOITAI, WAS DAKA IM yous ACTS. ' AdmbMloa te aay seat.. 10 eeata' ' - LEWIS AND CLARK OUSEtWA. TOKr JtfiU CAFE. " - rOBTlABD XXjaXTS. - 1 " rw.i-in. ' -'. " V or mmm Bvl erf SI Bawtherne Tetrece, one block (rem car Una. Be eUmbln. Elcrtrlc elevetor. see nMaiinti eiien v newerrai eeerehllslit rem toe ef tower. Tea ena eat s sataty iaacb bile vtewla tbe not SMcalfkeal r,. la America. Ones a. m. te a. m. Admw awa IS eeais. - , . . . Tho Land of tho Midnight Gun Mnet bestlfnl e elrtre-mranlral ' nreele nreilurtloM r att.moted.--!. T. Hmli Tax raxjDxa Avios os ths l T BLatUB BBO. COJfCElT kttAt RIGHT. mi In cr.:l C :i for Special On the First cars : leave Hicts day , Morning and dr-7 thereafter (except Css day), from First and Al der Streets at 9.-00 a. rx and return at 3:30p. ex. , Stop 15 Minutes ,:.-r':. ,' '- ' , , ' .'. . . 2ltl V" Oregon Ciy c And Two Iktis tt on th: lasted; ' W't t ' ' ' '.. i . v . " Vtcre Lcr.'!. r hi tx C 3 c n-r:t I!:: - ill Trolley Trip Oregon Water Pove.' Railvvay Falls Mi