The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 12, 1905, Image 3

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    i '
Cptrictr, Potter, Gatrt and
I.:; l'nns A.".:i Cwry DiUfxtts
,tnd All Try to Arriv First. ;
Ea;h Captain' ConHdsnt H Will
' Win and Waterfront Experts
1 i Foretell Fart Voyage.
Four of Portland's crack river steam
' T. J. Potter, Charles R. Bpencer,
Bailey Oataert and Undine, bava been
. '; chartered to carry tha membera of the
American Medical association to Bonne-
': Villa and return on Friday. It Ja eatl
mated that more than i.odO people will
'take passage on them. V
- Tha steamers will leave tha Aeh street
. . dock at (o'clock iq the morning and
; t her -Will probably reach Portland on the
; return trip ax o'clock In tha afternoon.
Tha pssngeraccora.moJatlonL oueach-
- ; ei me vesesia are: T. i. rotter, euu;
" Char lea R. Spenoer, itt; Bailey Oataert,
, tto. and Undine, tit. ' Aa there basal
"waye been a dispute among the respeo
y tlve owners as to whlchlBtha fastest
""Tcraff It la said that when they leave
the dock -for tneTun Uown tha wniam-
ette and up : the Columbia tha aaveral
, ; captalna will be Instructed to do their
(' best to aettla tha much mooted question.
' In the vernacular of tha ring each
" boat -la In the pink of condition. Dur-
tnr the past week the Potter has been
carrying big crowds to the - various
i beach points and tha Oataert baa bean
making round tripe . between Portland
and Cascade Locks, usually with mora
' than 600 passengers on board. The
Bpencer piles-between - bar-and -The
... . Pallas, making tha round trip every day,
' and consequently, covers a greater-dla-v
tance In 14 hours than any of her com
petitors. Not long ago tha Undine ot
; tha Karam Una was given . thorough
overhauling and was placed on tha Van
T couver. route. Those who have watched
her pass ip and down:' tha harbor ot
late aay that aha will prove no mean ad
versary if aha Js . ever started for a
"-"race. 1 -: '". ' . '." - V' v.
All tha river man have their favorites
I and began thla morning tha .work of
picking out tha winner l Frlday'a con
test. Tha Soencer and Oataert will be
' at home tn the Columbia river and for.
thla reason It Is claimed that they will
jxeseea a decided advantage aver - the
. other erafWButthe big aldewheeler,
the Potter, has a reputation for speed
'-', and aha. will bava many backers. Be--fore
they get "well started it Is said that
the 'doctors"" will Imagine that they
- have been summoned to make a hasty
' call to a sick bed. . ' .." , ..
afloat." conducted In t,.a same n.
as -a)' street, railway car run for t t
purpose. Lvarythlng seen on tha fr-'Vs
of tha river from tha launch wi.l be
pointed out and explained to tha pas
sengers. . Tha Prlnoeas May was built
to be run aa an Observation launch, and
is elegantly furnished. Each trip wlH
occupy ait hour and a quarter. The
boat baa a seating capacity for (0 peo
ple. Three, and possibly four, trlpa
will be. made every day -...-. .-
Captain P, Boeworth of, Portland,
Maine, Oeorgo' Taylor and a number of
other Portland people went down to 8C
Johns this morning to Inspect tha dry-
dock. Robert Mcintosh, superintendent
of tha drydock, accompanied them and
will show tha visitors how the structure
la manipulated. "
In tow of tbe.Ooklanaoiar. tha British
bark Thistle and schooner AI vend left
Up thla morning1 from Astoria and will
arrive late tonight, Tha Thistle la
bringing about 1,200 tona of general
cargo from England. . , . ; "-
Laden with lumber, the achooner En
deavor will leave down tomorrow morn
ing bound or San Pedro, ,
- Thia afternoon the German ship Nlobe
will complete her lumber cargo for tha
United Kingdom and will move out Into
tha stream. . She will leave tor the" sea
about Saturday. ' -" '
Carrying csuppllasfor-tha -depot -at
tha mouth, of the Columbia, river,' the
lighthouse tender Mansanlta left down
j-the-rtver this momtngr '
Btseue Ia Beta Bakull aad Bepalated
WWlll Called tho Ottawa. ,.i
. --"The steamer . Kehtnl.. "owned by the
Oregon 'Round Lumber company, will
" soou be rechrlstened tha Ottawa. Be
fore tha new -name can be applied to
' hen however,"'1 It la ' necesaary for tha
craft to be practically rebuilt in order
. to . comply, with, tha provlalona jof a
navigation law.' MacJhaaksa. are now busy
, ' converting ber Into, a .new boat." Her
- hull- la alao being painted ft dark green,
color, t it la. salt that tt Is being given
' thla color wlth- tha espectitlon -that ft
. will not show tho dirt -so soon.-" Ttie
river la full of oil since the boats be
gan burning liquid fuel, and It haa been
t tha meana of a thick scum' forming on
"tha surfaoa of tha waters The hulls Of
i tha boats' are soon darkened by coming
': la contactwlth it. -- ' ;,'
1 Thei steamer-George' R. Voaburg,, un
der charter to tha Oregon Round Xum-
ber company, got afoul of a number of
- flahnets the other day and had to be
. taken out on tho waya at Astoria to
V have her wheel straightened up. She
. waa employed tn ,to wing rock bargea
from Bunker Hill to tha government
. Jetty at tha-mouth of tho river. A da
' vlcai has alnca been placed on tha boat
..for tha protection of tha wheel. It la
aid that tha channel In tha lower river
.lls.i'.so covered- with J. net's -that- they
'.are causing the steamboat men. much
--troubla. ---vf r-"
' -I : Oonter . etaaaer Xaa ' Vew . Tbnbat
, Croarda Plaoad at Sappl. Tarda. ' .
' To strengthen her guards by placing
new tlmbera under them the steamer
Leone, operated by La Center Trans-
; portatlon company, apent the greater
part of yesterday afternoon at tha Bup-
pie shipyards. The work waa completed
,. so that she waa able to leave down in
: tha avenlng. for points on. tho Lewis
', . river. ,-'.-"'' ---. "' , : ". .
Three hoist scows belonging to Brown
' ev MoCabe, the stevedores, are alao at
' the yarda receiving an overhauling.
LWlth the exception of amall work of
.. this nature ' there la not . much doing
In tha shipbuilding or repair Una. Nearly
every day, however, there is something
. getting wrong with tha numerous gaso
line launchea plying -in tha harbor, and
. , It la neceaaary to haul them out on the
"' ways to have work dona, to them. Five
or.elx of thera are usually undergoing
: repairs every day. It appears that the
f- propellers of the craft cause tha most
?5 trouble. Tha bladea are constantly com
.; Ing in contact with boards and drift,
' either .bending or breaking them. v--'
' :-r -.;'
. Obsorratloa Boat tUrtad, ;i
t Beginning tomorrow mernlng . the
' yacht-launch Prlnceaa May -will make
' ree daily trlpa of 10 mlleejench, run
f t"l i T up the Willamette nearly to - Roaa
Vk, an1 wn tha river to a point
AjL vw' th Portland flouring mllla. Bhe
KtM be known as an "obeervatlon car
Makes the skla soft ts
VlTt. . -
ImpreMS say MBptoo
Ine. i .
ltMt Sbtapee aisde. -Ceres
Best skla eraa-
Mvsyea's WHrk Basel Taleeia Pewder Is ami
dainty ssd exmlalte. It kaa the ine f aew.
BHwa hay aa keipe'.ladr aed haby sweet ee
Masyea's Wltre Raw! Paee Ctmbi la mh a
braalr-BMker. It dHves away- wrtakbw aad
arrow's feet asd etak-e the sowplealoa glew
with reelbrnt freahneM.
Monjne's Wlteh Has! rare Crvaa Is traly a
ant ake kilr grew aa bald haada wbere tbe
mots are eatlralr Seae, bet H will aake kair
grow wbts there Is e parrlele ef Hfa left
la the rant. ' It yrevents kalr from falllne.
raree eairetf.aad la.tbe beat kalr draaatag
. ever Btade.
PersMw wbe mttf wltb etaintea, skis eraa.
tinea, aaltnw er null rniepleileM abmila ae
Mnnjrne's PW Pw Mlla, aa thej ant anly
' drire ent all hnnaeltle frnoi tlx' kmid but
' pMlroIr eure cnnetlpatlon, bliionn-ss sail
l pnmacb end kr t-! " 'e. i every.
Thia afternoon or tomorrow morning
the oriental liner Aragonla Is expected
to- reach the mouth of tha river from
Hongkong and way porta; Bhe aalled
from--Yokohama, for Portland toiI June
To complete her - lumber cargo " tha
Brltlah steamship Sandhurst will move
from the Inman-Poulsen mill this after
noon to the ..Victoria dolphins, whara
thera la a greater depth of watSr. It la
thought eherllH ablsto-flnlsh' Hat
urday; aha will have on board nearly
1.600.000 feet of Oregon fir, which will
be carried to Taku Bar. , ' 1
neither In thla-letter to Judge McBrlde
nor at any other time, baa he aver ex
pressed the slightest - regret for his
crime. -J -
His plea to Judge McBrlde was that a
recommendation from . the trial-Judge
f dr commutation of aentenoa might bava
aoma weight with the governor. - -:
Lauth.was convicted of tho murder
of hla companion, Mrs. Lenora B. Wil
liams, hero during September, 1004. H
I took in appeal to tha-eupreme eourt but
a . new trial waa denied. . Governor
Chamberlain refused to .interfere with
tha course Of Justice, ,.r,.i,"i. .
Talis of Baa Damaged So That Xxten-
77 .7. BaptttM An Baadad. Vrjp
. Advleee from tha . merchants' ex
change thla morning state that tha Brit
ish ahlp Falls of Dee, which was forced
to put into Montevideo recently, badly
damaged. -will have to remain there 27
daya undergoing repairs.. It la eetl
mated that the coat of thla work will
bo 8,00.. - ' ',,i-'
While bound from Hamburg for Port
land tha vessel encountered- terrlflo
gala off Cape H6rn and waa forced to
put back up the1 coast, Cablegrams re
ceived by Meyer.-Wllson--- Co, eon-
signeee r tha cargo, at tha time stated
that ft part of tha rigging was carried
away and tha freight badly damaged.
She will not reach here until lata In tha
fall. - Her- cargo was made, up of ce
ment' (': -; . "r; --.-rw:
Astoria. July 1 J. Left up at a- nu,
Brltlah bark Thistle. Arrived down -at
(itaft. m. and aalled at 11:10 a. tn.,
steamer F A. Kllburn, for 8an Fran
cisco and coast ports. Left up at 0
a. achooner Olvena. - . . .
San Franclaco, July 11. Repalrsl to
BrttUh Ship Falls of Doe. from Ham
burg for Portland lat Montevideo), will
cost 11,T6, and will Uka 2T daya.
- an Francisco, July 11. Arrived at
1:1" p. m., ateamer Eureka, from Port
land. - Balled during tha night, steamer
Cascade, J or Portland. f s
. Aatruv July 11. Condition, of -the
bar at I a. arqootb: wind, northwest;
weather; cloudy.. - '
,,-,-r,.. W? ''rjrrr
: . Many Skips &oad Bmntsaxw
toeaIkhlpperB' received word . this
morning that for tha week ending June
14 the following ahlps war chartered
to toad lumber on Puget sound for for
elgn porta: Ballachullsh, for tha west
coaat; Melanope, for , Sydney;. Land
akona, for Pelagoft Bay Rosamond, for
Sydney Don, for tha United Kingdom;
Neasla, for tho weat coast, and Sand
hana. for. Melbourne.-'
It la pointed out that this Is sura evi
dence that tha shipowners are doubtful
about being able to get tha union rata
or 17 d for transporting grain to Eu
ropean markets; bo they -are placing
their Teasels In tha lumber trade. -
Tr-.-iWftTaei OJaniaonnk on Beach." :". '
:. .Without having the O am acock In taw,
as It was expected she would have, the
steamer Maria returned Taet night, from
tha Cowllta. But - the - Oameeockr'ls
beached and It la said that temporary
repairs have been made to her. The
vessel was sunk a couple ef weeks sgo
while she waa - going up tha Cowl Its
river after night by striking ft snag.
Had aha not had other work tha Maria
would have . remained another day or
two, making' an effort to get tha dam
aged steamer out into deep water. :
, v. Taoht Taistte tarn' , ;:
At o'clock this morning tha steam
yacht Thistle left down tha river, bound
for Victoria. Lord Dunemulr and party
that came hero on the boat more than a
week . ago . went , home overland last
nlght.V- H. , . . : -r? -
Excursion Rates to Newport.
The ' Southern Paclflccompany lias
placed on sale at aU Portland offices
round trip . tickets to Newport st rate
of . limited to October 10. HOC, and
for - $3 Saturday to Monday tickets.
Ample hotel Accommodations at reason
able' rates are provided at this popular
reaort."' : ... ' . ;.'.:,.. ..-.
t :-; ' :- .--''.
", 'f." (Joarsel Bpeelsl Bervlcat)'- ' y
' London, .July 1 Tha Government
proposal for a redletiibutlon, of seats In
tha house . of oommona provldee one
member -for. every I,000 of do natation.
thereby abolishing tha . constituency
having populatlona under '- that flgure.
Tho effect will, be gain of 17 Beau ta
England, four Beats to Scotland, one
seat to -Wales and ft loas ot tt seats to
Ireland. On a strict, basis of. popula
tion Ireland has now ta members more
than aha la entitled to, and the red la
trlbutlon schema- la regarded -aa being
In tha nature at ft compromise. - It will
be fiercely opposed . by Home . Rulers
and Liberals, i .....v, ., .-. . .
...-"'.' (Jearsal tpeetal lervlee.) .
Mllwsukee, Wis, July II. A move
ment to hsve tha railway mall service
placed with! tha general poatoffico sys
tem tinder civil service rules wss In
dorsed today by division No. 10, National
Association of Railroad Foetal Clsrks,
tn annual session here. Tha aseocla
tton alao adopted a resolution favoring
tha making of steel mall cars a part of
the government , requlrementa of the
service, . aa numerous wrecks . have
ehow the dangers to which the railway
postal employes are subjected Id wooden
Cnt-nced to Be Hangred
TomorroiV RisJIiet Hia Fate -1
for "the Firtt - Time.
Asks' Trial Judje McBride "That
- . , He Indorse Commutation :;
tr-of i Sentence. .": ' !
'"' '; r "
, ' (spMlai Inspatca ts The' JeorsaL) '
Ortgon-City, July It. Judge Thomas
McBrlde of tho circuit court haa re
ceived a long and' pitiful letter from
Qeorge Lautb, -who "will be hanged at
Salem tomorrow; for the murder of Mrs.
Lenora. B. Williams In Oregon City.-.-
Fof! tha first, time sines tha- crime
was ' committed Leuth ' seems to have
awakened to "the situation. Heretofore
he has always aeemed Indifferent to his
fte , However, it la notlcaprthkt
y - V "(Jearaal gaeclsl kerrlce.)
. Oklahoma-City, Okie., July 11. There
was ' ft gratifying attendanoa today at
the opening of the elngle statehood con
vention, representative . man being pres
ent from ail parts f Indian Territory
and Oklahoma. The convention will
memorialise congress to relieve Oklaho
ma and Indian Territory from any al
liance with New Mexico and Arlsona as
proposed In the Hampton Mil, and which
It la believed will prevail In the new
bin which will be Introduced when con
gress convenes this fall. - - " '
Tha convention, waa called to order by
C O. ' Jonee.l chairman - of tha - single
statehood executive committee, and tha
address of welcome waa delivered by .X
N- Holsombe. John W. Noble, ex-secretary
of the Interior; Senators Bailey of
Texas and-Warner of Missouri and Rep
resentatives Curtis snd Calderhead "of
Kansas, Stephens of Texas snd Hamil
ton of Michigan are acheduied to ad
dress, the convention. : ; .. ;
;;"rfttsti Sirstio oirolft. . lrj -'
(Joarssl Bpaetal Barvlea.1 ,- '
- AUantle City. N. J.. July It. Tha an
nual meeting of tha supreme rulers of
tha Fraternal Myatlo Circle began here
today with headquarters - at 1 the Grand
Atlantic hotel. The re porta of Supreme
Myatlo Ruler P. H. Duckwits of Phila
delphia and of tha other officers show
that tho order .now haa a membership
This mornlrnf we received SS dozen Panama trL!
thefourth shipment ,'jthia" seasoru The values tz
been obtained by this great clothing house are sever.:?
five pr cent hctter than those offered a year ajo t".;
the same prices
$5, $6.50, $7.50 WW $9, P tD $D
menthol Split Straws
Forever- aweekr this1' particuTarrwrstocklhat beencah :
exhausted. The general favor of Split Straw Hats .
pronounced that it was up to us" to duplicate ouf
appointed may now . make. your, selections with a wider1
choice and of more recent blocks. Prices- ; a r
Greatest Clothing House in the Northwest.
$1, $1.50, ?L75. $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50 to $5
- - -. -
aggregating 11.000, and -that the bene
fits (disbursed slnoe 1U organisation ap
proach tt,000,000. ..: j ; j- , .- . - ,
'r'' "(Joarssl Special Service. ' ---)" .
'. London. July ll.--The, announcement
that tha Shskespeara quarto of "Rich
ard III," recently- discovered in ft little
village In Buckinghamshire, waa to be
put up for sale attracted a great crowd
of book collectors and dealers to Sothe
by's today It ia 'expected that tha work
will bo knocked down for not less than
15,000 or 10.000, and the prediction la
made that It will ultimately find Its
way to America. The book la of particu
lar Interest to Americana, for tha rea
son contains In five places tha
autograph" Of William' Perm, the admiral!
and father of tha founder or Pennsyl
vania. - ;',-':-.. ' '
. The copy to be sold Is survival of
the 1006 imprint, and It Is believed that
only tw others of this edition are ex
tant. . 'r -.-y : " "
w -'- -- v in V-f;- rr-r-'
v - 7oersal BpecUl arvlea.l
London. -July U. Covent Garden waa
well filled this afternoon on tha occa
sion of tha benefit performance for Mile.
Bauermelstsr, the . well-known singer,
who, . after- professional career of 40
years, bss retired from tha opera." The
.benefit was arranged by Mme. Melbs,
who had the cordial assistance of the
Duoheas of Portland, tha. Duchese of
Sutherland, Sir Ernest Cassel. Mr. Al
fred. RothachlldV Mrs. Adair and other
prominent society folk.
i (Joersal Special Servlee.) '
Groton, Mass.,?uly It. Oro ton's qnar-ter-mlllennlal
oelebratlon, - for which
preparations bava'. been In -progress for
nearly a. year, took, place today snd It
proved a red-letter day In the history
ef -the old town. The literary axefclaea
took place thla morning In the First
Parish - church, tha historical - address
being delivered by the Hon." Samuel A.
Oreen of Boston. Aftsrwards dinner
waa served In ft large tent and there
Were speeches by several prominent
cltlsens and son of Oroton. - u ,:
For forty years Dr. Towler's Extraot
Strawberry . Itaa ' teen curing
of Wild
summer complaint, dysentery.'dlarr-T
hoe a. bloody flux, pain in the stomach.
and tt haa never yet failed to do every
thlng-clalnled for It. :
- ' . .- .-
From every poawlbla point of view a: '
tha reeult will; be the same always
any paint we offer you Is tha beat pale.
pt Its kind we can bur, and that p;::v
to varnishes, oll putty. " "turps,"; ate.,
etc- aold here; The color card weT
gladly give you tells only part of thi
torf the jalntawUL tU thft rest
fisher, Thorsen Cc
'C.' rroat ftnd itorrlson' ata.
os, a. .T win.
. ; r--'-' A ' BIT' :r:::'
la what rhey.say ef ear BMtheds ef doing
aeatal work. We do work for people frea
eat ef the etty galckly te eeetd say delay.
Beerrthlag. np to Sate. - Opta evaalaga aad
Bandars. Mala S020. -L -
WISE BROS., Dentists
The raulag. ear. Third ssd WeaUagtsaT"
W. A. W- "
A. eLi"e-i:eAa
k v v v vv v v v v v w m vyv
,A. " A.'A." A -
irsii : Water leafier ' J
I r i
iii -7!rV''''Vi
Will go a long ways toward secur
ing a comfortable house. ;
'-..',-- - - -S., i W -f . . . .
; No unnecessary heat in the house r a saving in labor;
a clean kitchen; hot water at short notice, and many
other comforts. r r - '.l.
Helps to keep the cook satisfied with her place, -as it
lightens her work. . This is a point worthy of thought
in solving the servant problem.- -V 'V; l-Y-;' y-i-
,That fa; for, the. purchase price w;;8et;rasdy;fcr.-. user which includes arun of forty feet of pipe.r On, cash saleor
if you pay for it within thirty days We : make you a discount of ten , per cent. Where a 'fuel stub, is already in the kitchen
and no 'pipe falnecessary a discount of twenty, per cent is made .;",.;;;; ; ' .'.'-J?.:rf V: f: J,-
' t -r
r i
cars. . -J.