The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 12, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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    -' .-
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Experts 01 COSSt DSVOtS MOrrHeur will merge into reality Portland.
ing to Telling Experiences,
In. Many Fields
- - ( rr r
. ka mi j ., ' ... as'll'. - l muairsiau uia rfumeni jr drawing l
: MethOdS . That. VVOn JVlllUOnS TQH .what baa been aoeompllahed
f Sacramento Valley and Sold
Tons of Fruit Exploited.
ty Th Paclllo Coast Advertising Men'
-tssocatlonnbald.:ih second session of
Its' vnnventlnn this morning " at r ' th
H- American Inn on the exposition grounds.
- . ka, f
3 in. urn J""'.!" -r-"-; I, tunltlea afforded him. r The result that
:1 papers and talk on Utmt hn o( taT fonow.doanbe.ri appreciated
&vMnat?rrfimM loyontrastlng - conditions-today with
President A. P. fJfTttOB that prevailed fiv yeari agar
V Mclsaao of th expoeltloo excureion
bureau. On behalf of the fair manage
raent, Mr, Mclsaao extended a welcome
.to th visiting admen. ? He reviewed
'. briefly th ' reason for the exposition
" and th venta in which -it found incep
tion. . From thl Mr. Mcl draw an
analoe, between th explorers,. iiwi,
Mutmnu of the exposition is largely due I "Jobbed- by being asked to speak, J. A.
rrf-i-r ' "iFllcher, commissioner from California,
..Mr, M"ian urn wn "y "ana
.. Varrink. aeneral . manager or - toe
-Lewie and Clark oxpoaltloo; :r Mr, Mer
rick said: . - ' "
"Taking th lwla and Clark exposl
tfnn n.axiniDla."1 he oontinued. "it
. U one of th highest ain.le pleoea f a
vertiaing work ever" obnoetvedv It is held almost solely for the purpose
of advertising the country which lwle
and Clark addidt
United States.
mnA tha Mntbnent which
may, for a time, have) been considered a
reasonable basis for th expenditure of
- lmmm -nm . fit vnmAV tl arVBn V1V tO
a realisation of th fact that the fair
"mean business -fo butna,Jmen,t-.
tier for unsettled eommunltiea and
money for a land that naeds modpy if
all is to be obtained from it that is
"tobeslbla to OBraln from It1-. ;
Following Mr. Merrick th olasa of
work ittrformed by th excursion bu
reau was detailed by Mr. Melaaao, who
expressed the belief that th publicity
4wam k tali 4m vrlnua tAVnl hv
mean of excursions had don much to
gtlmulat th atundanc. i .
' - - Aldree of SCr, Stall. ''; '"' :
: Rln.M w HalL advertlalnc manager
. th. Railroad A Naviaatlon
t' coainanr. said:
... - : -
-'Th advertising campaign carried on
' by the railroads ia ao enormous thaUbut
few realise its magnitude. During the
' month of May, 1D06. the advertising de
partment of th Oregon Railroad & Na
- igatlon company sent out 17.071 piece
of advertising matter, and during June
about 1,00. Thee went to all carta
of the -United BUtes and to foreign
countries, and many there are who do
'not appreciate what th general passen
ger agent I doing; that in advertising
2 travel he ia incidentally advertising all
- other eommodttie; that every new set
tler bvoigb-int a community mean
a new subscriber to on or more newe-
1 papers, a' new factor in th neighbor
hood and. therefore a mean of increas
ing every business .necessary to supply
bla want. ' ': .-':'.'.'';.' -
. "Ever westward ha been th march of
civilisation, and. today tha oya-of th
entire world are upon Oregon, Wash-
' "ington and .Idaho, where the' best of
everything grow to perfection and
' 'where there are mora opening in-every
Una of industry than anywhere lee in
the United Statea. No section of the
union enjoyed such a high degr ut
proaperHy aa did theae three states tn
'104, While drought and flood were
bnsy with their work of devastation ln
many part of the east and middle weet
the fertile landa of thaa thre atates,
with their clock-like regularity, barkv
-ened to th husbandman's - song and
poured Into his Up mighty yield of
' golden grain and fruit And th year
, 1104 wa no exception to th rule.
-.T Influx- of -new- aettler.- so "fir
aa th territory reached by th- Oregon
' Railroad a Navigation company (a part
of toe Union Paotno- eystam -taeon
cerned. is the result of a campaign of
advertising that is constantly carried on.
- the advertising' manager's motto being,
., .The- truth about , th section ia good
. v enough.' -. Every piece - of . advartisln
' . .matter I moat -carefully prepared and
th statistics verlfled so that the- gen
V eral paaaenger agent and every official
-,-of th road can swear aa to th authen---
'ticlty of the publication. u. '
. , Th work of epreadlng . th i truth
. about our beautiful section Is no doubt
made eaaier from th fact that our en
, . vlronmente are not aqualed in the
. world. Onlv last - weak a wall-known
. Mew Torn newspaper - man In -writing
' -, hie paper stated that a drive up Port-
' " land heights and a view of tp city be
' low and th mountains above would
; .make a poet out of a butcher. It ault
scree with him,- for nowhere In th -en-
tire world baa nature . pictured mora
, beautiful scenes, encompassing the city,
in th distance, with an Imperishable art
' gallery of verdurn-clad and lofty mount-
l tall 4
ber Tbe Jeejmai when '
, yon hav a want. Try '
- Jlttl Waat Aa."
All good
Stela Storo,
. 1M-TS
chas. a
In. Journey to Switerlnd Stand on
some mountain and oh d er a land
scapa of lake, far!. Alpine ereg and
now-ceps; then return and look one
mora f rem aom Protland height, let
tin th ay grasp at a alngl sweep the
panorama or river and valley, mountain,
field and forest, the beautlee of the
western aky as tba'feun dnopa behind
the mountain Into the boeoro of the
ocean, and the memory of Swine (rand
the beautiful, the nearl of the Pacific,
Aa Inatruotiva reauma of advertising
condition waa given byC V. Walte-ef
Seattle In bla paper on "Northwest Ad
vertising upportunltles.- . f
Stow aaramaaM Was Helped. ;
Secretary W. A. Beard of the Sacra;
mento .Valley Development -association
I apeeon'"Ad"vertlalnf "a a factor" In
the , Development of Resources." He
tn ma own section by widespread meth
ods of publicity. , Continuing, be ss Id
"From the -organisation of oar asso
ciation wa found advertising essential.
and every effort to. achieve results de
pended for Its success upon Some form
of adverttalng.- W have advertised at
horn and abroad, .tat home to arouse
our own people i to an appreciation .- of
I their needs and opportunities, abroad -to
I aedualnt th atranaer with' the oonor-
XJur first ' effort wa to lntrodue
Immigration, and advertising la - necaa
eery to Induce Immigration. Publicity
I la indispensable. Advertising of some
I kind Is absolutely essential to the.,suc-
oeag of any effort of this kind. Th
publlo must ba Informed, must be inter
ested' and must cooperate.1
told of ht . varied .experlanca In adver
tising California at expositions, through'
out th Uplted Statea and in Kurop.
After year of los study and obser
vation he said that he was more than
ever ..convinced that the only way to
exeat and build up inrkff-f at any
section's produota and -thereby develop
It, wa xe-o out into the world iwlth
sample of such ' products . and show
I "'
-My Idea,! be nald, . "would be to go
out . Just , as the eommercial 1 travelar
goe out. only Instead of a grip I would
take along a carload of stuff, and
would go all over th world." '
'In support f ; hi" idea Mr.' Tfleher
told of how at th Hamburg -exposition
b had by demonstration of th culinary tex ; W
posslblllUea of -; th California prrniea.'rSVXt "
..... 1I k.
before th California.. prune had been
unknown. , ' , ',-' i .-
. .j, Wnawia fin ! ' i- -
j--Th 'prtigrunT-for-thl fJriibx)n-itJFT
. W . V
I eluded "Railway Advertlalng.-Tly Paul
I Bhoup. agent Southern Paclflo, Ban Joaa;
l"OrlenUl Trade." by Trevor Corry, man-
I ger American-Asiatic, Ban Tranclaco
"Advertising Balmon." O. Behoof, San
' Francisco; . "Dry Oooda . Advertising,'
H. C. Whlttier. advertising manager
Olds, wortroan King; "Clothing Ad
vertising; Fast, Preeent and Future.'
Bbafer, advertising manager, Chi
cagquClothlng company. Portland! 'Ad
vertlslng-and It Relation to the Science
of Modern Business. , Building." A. F.
Sheldon, Chicago. - -"
Tonight th visitor will be - enter
tained at luncheon by th local admen.
ana- tomorrow they, win fee taken on a
trip up th Columbia. . . m
r t: is private property
V' . . riui.i m ! jr&- I iii -i .
Bols. Idaho, July 11. Judg Beattv!
oi tn united Dtates court thl morning
decided th caae involving th Joint use
I of a tunnel owned by th Morning mine
I of "Wallace against the appUoanta. bold-
ling that the tunnel 1 private property.
I The tunnel had been obtained through
condemnation proceedinga. Hedrlckand
Balllie. the plaintiffs owning th land
condemned for tn tunnel, sought Jo oon
I dentn th tunnel for the Joint use of
I both parties. - Th court' ruling hold
that, such action 1 not permitted by
i taw. . w . - . . ,
- ' (BpseUt Dlspalek to The Joerael.i '
Butte, font.. Juiy ll.-Desnondenl
over her'fallure to secure employment
Verna Weeks, a pretty lt-year-old aten
ographer of this city, entered a bouee
of questionable repute at Wallace, Idaho,
and being upbraided by her sister for
throwing her lot with th demi-monde.
wallowed a quantity of carbolic acid.
dying oon after. ,. .-,:,...' .-; ;
- ','- (Special DUpsteh to The JoaraaLi .
- Boise, - Idaho, July 12. Two special
ear loaded with editors, composing th
Idaho association, laft today - for the
Portland fair. The Itinerary include
an ocean trip to Los Angeles, returning
by -way of th Shasta rout. , There
ar 100 In th party. . , .i i
(lesraal gpedsl aVeVlei.) ..'''''. '-'' "'
" Tangier, July 12. Word has reached
here that the Imperial forcea won a vie
tory over the Moorish pretender near
UJdit, ' northeast- Morocco. The pre
tender escaped, leaving 110 dead.. Many
; prlsonsra wr taken. ... , ,;
,:l'.i ' - Xmgiaee- Stul 'J: - ,
. (Special Dlaseteb to The foarsat) -' .
Chemawa,'- Or---July - It. James R.
Smith, assistant engineer of th school
here, met with a painful accident while.
coupling up a ateamplpe yesterday. A
heavy two-inch pipe rolled off the tor
I of a boiler and th end struck him o
th back of th head. ..
will be sold at th lowest prices, and
th American Medical Association and
; other visitors to call and examine our large stock
of Oriental good. ,:,.,'.-- -
SALE on file foHoWtng arttdes;
, ,.-r;;. Regular 8pc1i
Matting , . . . lie, 10c 1 9
Japanese earidle............,.. ISc 10f
Japanese Silk Hhtrtwalat Pattern.. ..$1.10 .. $5.50
Jspanee Cotton Crepe Shirtwaist
Pattern .i ............ I 09 . S3. 2
Japanese Cotton Crepe, per yard..... tic 22 4
... Bivsoii Stem, - -
rifth treet. sat Waakiagtoa Street.
TorN - a.
J--;- Manager.
V; '
,1 rrz-y .'..:-' f-v
.wawawawawawa '-
Atorneys Close Arguments This
( Morning t andJudge ; Takes
MatterUnder Advisement r;
Charge Is M ade That .Witnesses
and Attorney Corribirrod to
. Defeat Petition. , i
The closing argument in th divorce
suit of . William 8uess against May I
Sues -was, made befor Judge Sear thl
morning and-th case wa taken under
advisemenV, In his jtppaal t the-court
John-L HItchlngs,. attorney for lira
Suess, asesrted that a conspiracy to de
feat th cas had ben entered Into by
that witnesses . examined, and lie made
some reference to B, B. Unnlway, at
torney for Sues, a a party to th con
piracy. .11 wa oalled to order by the
OOUrt. , .. .'.-. .'. -. , .. v, .m
The moat intereatlrig teatlmony yes
terday afternoon was . given by Mia
Kate Hannegan. who formerly lived
with th Sueeae. Bh said Willi Mat-
toon had' often called at - th Sueea
home. Hh believed WUlle waa caUing
to see her. but Mr. Sum declared that
Willi wa her visitor. 'Of the klaalng
df herself and Mra Buese by IWatU
th said that th doctor had broken nu
nose by attempting to kiss ber In th
dark. He had mistaken her head for
her cheek and bumped bla nose. ,
She admitted that both herself and
Mrs. Sues bad mads telephonln engage-1
menta with Cberle Barton and enable
LewraTi - - ' r -
'Did hot yon and Ml Qrace Edwards
at 1:BI. o'clock thl afternoon ' hav a
talk with Mr. Duntway outside the door
of thla couftroom and did you not hear
him esy, "Bh damaged you all Bh could.
gtv It to her-T- ,
W had a talk but he aid not max
thoae remark.1' .
Mia Uannasan aald Mattoon visited
th Bueaa residence and' remained until
x.a. n. r He called, she supposed, to see
ahe aded, "HTa. uess remained
I U" ,0-
Blmer K. Thomas, brother-in-law .of
Mrs. Suess. testified in rebuttal that
at 1:10 o'clock pn -morning in February
he had seen a man emerging from 6ueaa
woodshed. H did not know If th man
wa Mattoon. . - -
Both Siiea and hi wife also testified
in rebuttal. All the former aald was
that their first quarrel wa due to the
-visit of hi wif to Camp McKlnley
when the volunteer war . leaving for
th-Philippines. 8he went -out four
nights a week to see her brother. , Tom
Cornelius, and h thought that wu two
night too often; that he bad got drunk
one sine their marriage in 1894, -and
that he had worked 30 day a month
since their marriage. Mrs. Sueaa aald
that of tn two win bottle Introduced
In evidence on was bought for her by
Jams Peteipon. Her- husband had
drunk a part of th win. Bh knew
nothing about th other bottle. -
n r- -f;
-r--r-v-.w " ;
New York,, July 11. Th World says
that th myatery about th .ooo
year position for which John F. Wallace
resigned a chief engineer of the Pan
ama canal has been explained by th
discovery of another - giganUo achem
of high finance. The man who induced
Wallace to. leave hi post is Oeorre
Wcstlnghouse, president of th Westing
nous Air Brake company. Westing-
house is the author of. a big scheme to
build electrlo- line to parallel ataara
road wherever, in any part of th coun
try, , it seem profitable. As soon a
these line ar flnishsd they ar to bo
secretly transferred to - th competing
team railroad. , : t
While the roads are to be operated by
an apparently independent company, the
operating: corporation win be merely
dummy- concern and the receipt will
go Into the treasuries " of the steam
roada. There will b no real om peti
tion and no rat war. - Th acheme has
been carefully worked out and already
the promoter hav selected many sec
tion In which to begin operation.
' Oearaal Special Servtee.
Mayklng, Ky July 11. Calvin Center
wa killed, Henry Adama fatally Injured
and another man named Tucker wounded
in a battle yesterday between moon-
ahlnera and federal officer. On off!
car 1 reported wounded: - The1 fight oc
curred in tn Kikhorn district).
(Joeraal Special Servlee.) ' '."; '
Charleston, ' 8; C.; July It, Keith
Dargan, former president of th Inde
pendent Cotton OU Si Darlington' Trust
company, committed aulcld laat night
Darlington by drinking carbollo acid.
He left a note atatlng that, financial
trouble wa th cause. ' The nil com
pany wa capitalised at $1,00.000, and
It Is rumored that th deficiency will
reach $T00.01TO. ':.
TJoeraal Special 4fervle.l
New Tork. July 11. Paul Morton an
nounce that the service of Second
Vice-President Gage FX Tarhell, of th
Equitable, will be retained. . Th resigna
tion of Archibald Hayne a local agent
will not be accepted. The trustee yes
terday selected a sufficient number of
director to carry on the business, but
their name will . not be mad public
until after thejr ar presented to thf
board of formal election. - . ? , , ,
rriMninnM HMruAnncn
f - V.IWIinilMLU
I , - .i (learsal BpmUI SarvW.I
uoise. iaanot juiy iz. Dr. . Maxey.
attending General ' Blackmar, reports
that there 1 no chanre in the, patient'
condition and that he had a ' restless
night, due to th nols of the election
celebration.. Blackmar- Intend . sailing
from Portland to Alaska July SO and
the doctor believe her will full recover
In time to reaCh fortlnnd by th Bail
ing date. 1 -
Ormmff, OoUo. Dyntary,
. An
(Continued f rote Page One)
to testify aa the - government desired.
"I wm told to tall th truth,4 he said,
and b would not admit that he had been
influenced by Neuhausen or other In
th government employ. , -' '
v. ' She OomUa't Besaentber. J'
Maggl Olaae, the next wlfnesa, waa
unabl t6 remember any Important
facta. 8h teatllied that ah and a Mia
VanderDool talked with Bigg who aug
geated that' they Uk up timber claim.
and said that they would aoh clear
I7(, but h could hot remember who
was to advano tbo jnoney for fioa
or buy th Claim a ' - 1. ' 1
Tou ? remembered that ;yeterday
when you talked with m -in jay office,
didn't your' naked Mr. Heney.
There was no response and th dis
trict attorney continued:
; "Has any on been talking with, you
lnc thent" ! ' '
"Only Mis VanderpooV replied the
S"ou teetlfled bfor th grand Jury
last February. Didn't you remember at
that tlmej' persisted Mr. Heney.
No, elr. ' I aald then that Mr. Bigg
supposed that Williamson and Gsnr
would furnish th money." .'
- "Didn't you tell m yesterday after
noon where: th .. moneyrwaJo ' com
"No; air."
'"Did you read over, yesterday after
noon, this atatement ignd oy your-
Vor aeveral minute th witness
studied the single typewritten sheet
bearing -ber signature, -but -without re
ply. Finally Judge Ie Haven Interposed
suggestion, that ta baa tma time
trough to make on her rnmd.
"Well. Mr. Bigg aaid that If w were
to take up claim on Williamson' and
Oenner1 'summer range w would each
get a clear profit of 1T. replied tn
witness. "I think- he told us who would
pay th -money, but I can't remember
who It waa." I, ? v . . ?
n AMiutftmlnAlInn . - afiaa Glaa
stated thnt h bad talked with none
of th defendant alnce reaching Port
land except Slggs, whom b bad aeen
fa. time or two." -
J. P. Lucas. former regiater-'-ol in
land offlc at Th Dalle, ldentlfled nu
merous', letters whleh were written to
him by Marlon R. Bigg In 1001 and the
early part of l03. 4n these letter
Bigg inclosed th application for tlm
bf - claims Involved In th caae and
check or draft for th payment of the
fee, v On December t, 10, Bigg ocnt
draft for 1 1.06 in payment for four
oialma. and a second draft of 1811 was
inclosed in the nam letter lor two
additional clalma. '', In remitting on De
cember It. 1001, for th timber claim
of B. F. Jones and wife and two other
claimants, Btggs sent tha personal check
of Dr. Van (leaner for tl.Sti. Four
day later he again sent Oesner" check
for ISZ1 for, two other. claimants, un
th - following day h sent . Oesner
check for l,4i for the claims of Henry
Hudson and thre others who had hied
on timber claim. . ' -.-, - s -
Bigg requested in his letter that th
final receipt be sent to htm instead of
to theelalmanta. but Lucas testified on
cross-examination that this was the
usual procedure when ' United State
commUsloner sent in , tlmbar, applica
tions. - In remitting 11.131 on January
10, 101, Bigg wrote "Please notify me
if anything I .wrong, -a I do not want
to get into th nam kind of a scrap
that I bear this morning on of our com
miaaioners 1 in." i. - ;
, Oeaner'S Fenonal Ohok Used, .
In aeveral other lnstanoea - Oesner'
personal check Was sent tn payment for
proving up on timber claim which, ao-
aordlng to - previoua ; teatlmony, war
taken tip at the Instigation of Blrgs or
Gesner and With the Intention of con
veylng them to Williamson knd Oesner.
C E. B, wood was th but witness
thl morning. H tesUfted that the
Willamette Valley Ss Cascadee Wagon
Road company, fo-whlch ho 1 attor
ney, had leased to Williamson and Oes
ner certain -ofld-numbered. section, et
land in Crook bounty. Th lessees were
to pay the taxes In addition to th tent.
and had th privilege of renewal of th
lease. Th importance of Wood' tes
timony lie in the Met that th timber
entrle Involved in th cas are in th
even-numbered , sections' lying between
th sections leased to defendants by th
wagon, road company, ao that, accord
ing to th theory of th prosecution, the
firm of Williamson A Oesner wa ac-
equlrlnV. by it operations, a oontlnu4
Ou. Stretch pf teirltoryoa whiluto'
grass its sheep. ..-.,.,-." -;.-.
Xcndrlk smdsosrv Scion 4 atusorisfc
Henry Hudson, lineal descendant, of
th famoua navigator, Hendrlk Hudson,
was on the stand for half an hour yes
terday afternoon and -proved a 'most
diverting witness. With a humor, that
kent averv on In th courtroom ' con-
vulsed with laughter he told his fetory
in genial, conversational styl, and In
a dialect strongly suggestive of -the
Dutch comedian of th stage. - : v
Hudson had taken. up a timber claim
at th suggestion of Dr. Oesner, who
reed to furnish th money.: 'But when
asked whether h expected to sell th
claim to peaner when patent had issued.
Hudson replied,, wito "anitiycon
Well. owr I tell you, Mr: Heney, he
threw in down sometimes and I thought
was going to make out of It all i
could, you know. Of course, th inten
tlon-wa all right In th first place
that it had to go to him. but the way
that I had my mind fixed up, I thought
wa going to raise th pric on him.
and if h wouldn't give it I wa going
to sell to iomi on elae. That wa in
my mind. I don't know if It waa honest
or not. but I had it In any mind."
un 'cross-examination Judge Bennett
endeavored to ahow that there had been
no agreement between Gesner and Hud
son' for th purchase of the claim, .and
n aaxeo: 4 .. ' - - 1
"Oexner bad agreed to buy. but you
had not agreed to sell, wasn't that ItT"
"Oh, I leavo that to th judge and
th Jury," responded Hudson with a
wave of hi hand -toward Judge - D
Haven, who wa struggling unsuccess
fully to - maintain hia gravity. : 'Th
aim waa, he was going to get the land
for $500, but I dldn t care a snap. Tou
Must understand It tight, Mr. Bennett,"
and be added shaking his forefinger
Impressively, ,"11 waa e-e-everybwly for
himself. - : , , . .
Judge " Bennett wanted to ' know
whether Hudson wss ,not very much
frightened when subpoenaed to-appear
befor th grand jury, and h naked:
"Did you make your win befor , you
came to Portland?" -. 1 ; , , , 1
Tou bet your Ufa I did. I didn't
know but th railroad would wreck,"
aid Hudson, while a titter ran round
the courtroom."'- - m : . .
Didn't you tell Watkln and Bigg
while on the train that you did not think
you would ever, get backf asked Jodg
Bennett.-. j '' .-;:-,.),. ,
"Well, I guess I t01d them.' but' let
m tell you. Mr. Bennett,-! used to be
an old i)or, and I usd to Uk a dram
once In a while, and sometime 1 gf
pretty well shot. - I thought I ' might
get drunk., down. In Portlands And then,
Mr. Bennett, I didn't , know but what
Jimmy Turk might ehanghal me. Jimmy
Turk used to b her In enrly day."
Hudson vigorously denied that he had
erver saJd any-hard thing about Mr.
Heney. who "had , treated him ,J(ks a
gentleman." - e .x ,
Mr. Campbell Duncan and Mrs. Mary
I' ' . - v; -''-:v.
). ,!-.5 fW.
uVtCrdate Steamboat; . Splendid accommodations., First class Dining-Room and Lunch Coun-
' ' .... ' . t. .' as...:. '.ei'V-.lil r-.-u-.'.-.---'-.,.--..---
s r rn rwarrt -Neiti inr
Steamer leaves ALDER STREET DOCK DAILY (exceptcctr8:30 a. Jtu. Sunday, .
' , ft wi I1 a s r iFirt rTftTs i' im"7'"rT'm 1 r m ... I . - ',-.' . t :I" " ,-'.
Through steamers for The Dalles and - wsy points leavs. DAILY
J. Beaxa aavsBUDBtaniiauy - m i
testimony, each testifying idm hi w
... . ,ii.a. -. h v una-i
band's request, expecting .t bo money to
be euDDlled by Oenr. - i "V -:rtv-
Jeffereon D. Evans, Ilka tnny or bis
neighbor, t took up -a "timber -claim -at
th Suggestion of Oeaner, but though
lie expected to sell to Oeaner, he denied
that there wa any contract to mat ei
fact. The teatlmony. of th Witness was
somewhat favorable to the defense and
vera! Question ssked by Mr. Heney
indicated- suspicion of his truthful
neea. Ha w finally aaked whether
ha had not atated to Oreen Beard that
he would testify Yight" Tor money, oui
objection ba th defenae to th aueetlon
wa utaind. . --i: ' r-' :'" '
On imDortant admission gained from
Evans was that Oeaner bad written to
him advising blm ta reiinquian ni
claim, a it would not be safe to prove
un o-it.and..when-T.-,B. Neuhaun
went to PHnevlll to gather vioenc
for tho prosecution, Oesner told : tn
witness not to let Neuhausen see th
letter. - Afterward. Whn Bvan waa suo-
noenaed before the grand lury oesner
again told him not to allow, th Utter
to com into tn nanaa or me gwvsm
ment fleers. , Evans testified that th
letter had bean. loot. . Zj.-'.S
Rvana denied that h had gtven not
mnrtnta for th money advanced by
Oeaner, but on crosa-examinatlon) Judge
Bennett confronted hltri with .a pot for
I4K.10. signed witb hi nam, ana xn
witness acknowledged th aignatur as
ni wsv .,-.,. -f 'i l
Mrs. Jan . Evans,-w of th pro-
ceding witness, testified that ah - bad
filed pn a claim at her jMiaband' re
quest and had afterward relinqulahed.
W wasn't - compelled to , u to jut.
Oesner, but would . sell, where w got
the most monev." she said. -
Beniamln F. Jones, th isst witness
of tha dav. testified that h and hi wife
took -no claim at th auggeetloa of
Oeaner. who selected th land on which
they were to file. On direot examination
Jonea wad aomewhat guarded in hi
statements, but when Judg Bennett, on
croea-examlnatlon, ,-. undertook to lls
credlt his teatlmony by implicating him
in the -war on th aheepralaers, Jones
arew indignant," ' He vehemently denied
that h had .had any part la the killing
of hep, -and when 3ennett returned to
th question whether thsre had been a
contract witfi Oesner for Jhe purcha
of th timber claim taken up -by Jon
and hi wife, th witness declared em
ohatlcally: ?'v-.a .-
"Te. w had made a contract, a verbel
contract, and I Intended to sell tb land
to 0nr."
;,, .V BoyM aattto SUealtea. . .
' . (Joarssl Special erviee.)
Belfast July 11 The two hundred
and fifteenth anniversary of th bat
tle of the Boyne, In whloh William III
defeated. James II. wa celebrated . by
th Orange . aocletles today, with tb
usual, cared and, speech-making. - Thar
ware som of th usual clashes between
Orangemen and Nationalists, but th po
He were out In foro and prevented
eriou conflict.;.,,.'' a.i - ', 'ix'.t-
' ,V-'';''asawag STOtloa. h
A IT nmnna arhn (lift bOUaht Snect.
cles In ariy of the Exposition building
WU1 learn something to toeir aavantage
hv addressing P. O. Box 100. Portland,
Ore. Communication strictly confi
dential. - . - -'
.',' (Jearssl SpecUl Service. - '
Asbury Park, N. J, July 11. Follow
thg -closely on th heel of th great
gathering of teacher here last week,
another convention ha attracted to An
bury Park a host of -visitor from all
part Of the United States and Canada.
Th -present gathering ia tht Of - tb
national division of North America, Bona
of Tmperanc,' a fraternal, benevolent
and temneranc organisation wun a
membership exceeding 40.000. The eee
alona whicu ar held in Educational
hall, wilt continue until th end of th
week. .V" vv "',, ,"':: -v;
t Frof etred STtoek Oaaaed
Allen Lewis' Beat Brand.
Sn'aps oh Shoes
aiid Clothe
After looking through vera! cloth
ing or shoe store, cosvlnc yourself by
seeing the grest. difference in prices sf
We save you from 11.10 t 11.09 on a
man or jroutn huiu tig asorimm
f Shoe and Oxford at almost half
price In comparison with other Storee.
Balbriggan Underwear. 10, ISo and I0o;
the same grade you pay Tie for si so
li ere. Clearance sale on Men'axPanta
nd ' Overahlrt; nsppyj pattern - and
stiappy price. It ia to your interest to
Investlgste at either on of ,rur .store.
One -corner ' of- First -virid Vemhlll antl
on corner Of Third bd Darla.
1 -,
" rTHE scenery between PortliCnd snd Cascade Locks
-"U " grand tnd 7iMgnifitenCvA;blending'of "the"
Alps bl S wltserlsnd, fiords' of Norway, prpmontories
of old England, moyntalns of Colorado, palisades of ;
" the Hudson and trie whole crowned with diadem pi.
snow-capped mountains. 1
V-"See once CbJumbia'a i scenes, -theii. roam ncr more
No more remains on earth for mortal eyes io see.
n-vervDoav, juud ... a w vvKiTtuuu vtvu - v . .
i i
tWot w&irivsoonm ion
Ecxems, Salt Rhaora, fiajbaft Itch, Eryslpsla J1 orwptJon,' scaly disessss sol
narasttio sflsctioas of tb skin positivslyclearod sway ia a tony.' A cleaa, ptess.
sat uqaia (SM-fraaiy) ntsraauy sppuoa spongaq or soppoo ow tue para .
but stops au irritation, sooa cioais
'I. -. ' '-. l
- r (OklS f immtt JrViAM tiissw. nwnisf srwl S'SlwS
v . . Mffm Of eW,ijttliA A . Br-. ,
? Wo vouch fdr th
Tbtybavs, boea proves tow
' gem tine ago tb astcvlahing teoord of thl presariptio ptovs to as by ISo?aw
abls evldaaeo ladueed ae give It ear anewaliaed teeessmsndstl 1 1 -tae eeella. .' Ma
thea D. D. Dl kaa eared ao many wk ebtalaed
, fuUy equal to It previous history, We have not aeen a slngl Inetssoeef diaappolotSMOt.
' It seems to e the work every Urn. Is also eaae eat f tea, saaallsststioas oe tb skin are
tea Idiacaeea o bleed disease. Maay parehaeere formerly salserabl, thlakin they bed
. a bad bleed dlseeea. have touaditwasaserely a skis affeetleaaad kav larA 1 1 aU away
with this preeorlptioa. . -
Ainoaa all tb knewa reliable speclSe meeMeal Inflneneee tor dteren allaMaai we know
, of very few dlseovorlee e eertala laefleotae
,, aa saw aissasa at M Bias , , -, t v -
; ' Trlod It on Our Ouarsnto. ;
" ' " Oalre.IH.Ott.t.ta -
ia, im. aeeeie eweiiea. aae al
im vna
Mr. rv tmi
rev yean 1 tiHl rcrrikla Hinlil to
siislrm 1 Salktre (4ieHn im4 aMet-
etae. US.rt ea)ra aar .isist.
U. SMa MMMMMI WW I WJ D. h 1).
taw;, kaHw4MnnMkraMi.tiiM
ta. mimiy. iMMlt.tMMiwwtoiimw
WNl.tfMf acta t er secuea mj kaaa. were fi
;. , : ,7; -;'- . Tv.fcasAAsT
v ! Found the Remedy at Laat.
' - " rnwac. U.,fea. teas,
I nave Waa eiilM with far aw thrae
yean iM mM sat aa iaM( fraat aakn areeaalM
l . Th preparation t being used by asoet of tfe skis pertellet.. It Is ompound tor , .
dragglsu solely by th P. IX IX Compear. 10 Dearborn Street, Chicago.
It Is utilised by every general iaaiUy physician who aa take th troobH to Invest lglf '
' ta work It le Beeompllshlng . - . ... ; .1 ..
,, Itls ned ia the OooH Toounty Hospital, fAleagb. ' ' ' V . . ;-7 ,.--;
. v It will elear oS any paraaltle break la the skla la frota days' to S) day' tha. 1.
- - If you kav a skin oisoaee visit ta aeove sgeat and see preele that will makvyoa ,
- a sappier aumaabelag. ----j. u ;,--1 :.- . . . v -.- - i-. .
' '' . ' ' L ' " -'.-''' -C ' - ' '' 'i '' ' ';;i' : "i' ,:?'-V-J",f''.v'3'vi .;.',. $
'':' 1 r': )- ' ;'''' ii -y. t." ';v! -' , '' '.V ,yvi,5 ' ,rl.r'.'.'. '
''':-'' P. D. D. oosta but 9UOO battts) and Is guar w: ''."
.'.. 'v antaad to ours ar money refunded. ' " :"'.J ; '
.wsurra m . scsdioas snuTinn b. b. . ooarFisnr, omxaASO, '
.-Z, 0 F OOaTSTIrTATZOBT AJTO AJ'flO.,,'..,W..w-;;
A Feast icr the Ep!cnr:on
Iionated a few hundred t to th right of th bandstand, oa th fair
ground, Is , - .-. ' - '. ., ' ,- . '
Th sam restaurant as was conducted St
Louis true to it uu
Here on may njoy a most oencinu
Hungarlnn dlehes prepared and cooked
Special Hungarian , wines ar eerveg
.p.n.nM ..if within tha maana or
Following are a few Hungarian
-Gotilaah, Hunesrian roeraoeit witn
with Bner Kraut, Chicken Paprika. You hav ttniil vau h.vt tried aome at thaa diahea
, Faaaneie and prlvat dlnaors eaa M arraairS for by 'yhoa gt S7-
lal lew Wramaw '. f . ) -. .,','-'';- . .
; :v .
(except Sunday) at 7 si. m.
pat sbsoiatsiy an assctsa oooamoBs.
bayoad lbs possibility oi doubt..
It from us that It reeerd with a 1
talsftlXP. prseertpuoa la it quick (
. .. .f ; y.-stf
' . D. D D. Knocked It Out-T, ''.t--
r ' ateifffcla, Tmmtu, aerB s. tfk ' "
IIMattswyeaaaif tkaaksrerwhMyaa , .
erts has Sea tm mm. .. 1 ha aaat W4 sm
j MSMHafU. : ! mj M eiwa Or. ,
Qn Witer, vu to terMLaa ke -
nnasm b. n. BTlf w imnl eayebarel ,
npwr. M tkt b. t ku UhW K tl en. Saaas- ,
iayeaaasveMfaMe. r-- '
r"rrrr'T',7:-' A aitr, tU rrea Sweat.
'srtoar Itoh toon Cured.
tewe ata, U4., ftmmurf a tew. '
"I tad a very ta aa tt Mrtaii Meh tar mm '
m 1 trtM mtj OaoMr OmS 1 aua IpeeaeM ,
vtaa, hat nwyall t
OMvaiiiKtwa. atue i P. P. p. .
' ,;;i'l,"a.i6bi ,-..
in th Hungarian' government
in biiuu, MntvtCB and CUI-
rspam ox
thr world-renowned
by first-class Hungarian chef.
or in
all. -
glaea. Everything-
specialties! , Palaschlnken, Hungarian
iMoraeri. Hungarian riakiry , ooulaeh
not taken in all th